SIX-DAY WEEK ORDERED FOR COAL INDUSTRY Wage Dispute Still Uit .jttled, as Lewis Renews Original Demand for Miners Washington, May -1—(AI *) — Kin-Is Administrator I e kes today a>]-<iv n il a .six-day week througli (Hit the coal mining industry as urn a generally was resumed af ter i week-end strike crisis. T ie order was telegraphed to mine operators now running their properties as agents for ; iivernmont. irki's said mines failing to op *ix days weekly would suf i •nerlliitioti of tile priee eeil iii ; increases granted them by the Oitiiv ol' 1'riee Administra ti a '■> e;ivcr the added eost of ■ v i » « ni:> I).: V. !'.«• liisi cl.iv of a two weeks >t:tr> truce found the min ii> i!ir.f,in« lln» war-vital li! I». w (tli Inclc Sam as their in v. I us. .. I.. ' t:ie i s;:c of who will handle 11 itllement of the wajje i. ii'li tiiought the week-end I..on.! In.Ih .-ides . till stand in;! {Kit. I'!:<• W.-r l..ilx>r Hoard was eon li ; lit ih..i Pn-sident Roosevelt fully . t .1 lis jurisdiction. and that t i i v. .11 In' handled without any ili'. i n irom the normal wartime |ii<iiv:lu.e. Ami John L. Lewis asserted the I'tuU i Mine Workers, whom he or (iiif.; back to work today pending u: ' • i '-tiations. did not retreat '.. I ... v agreed to the fifteen-day that thev still refused ;rr case to the WLIJ. In .. t lenient issued after a meet i 11it- union's policy committee. ! l.i \ i • : aifd reeent assertions that \ ' e i ..■it:.-- are "no lunger bound by i tne i.'i-stiilic pledge," and that, by' ; in; the " little steel" wage lor- I tWLli had "breached the .i..lauding" between labor, cm ; l ye: . the- public and the adminis- | ;. i r. egarding wartime strikes. l.iv. i.- al.-o said "the War Labor I li i n.Uat accept the full rc.-pon .. lot the situation, which he ; i to "distress in the ranks of I apparently replying to Pie.— idi.ii Uoosevelt's Sunday night | •-I r.': :n which he blamed the walk i'Ut i nearly half a million miners . »n !i >nal union officials. 11c ad i;.ii . iners would stand pat on •- -i ..i initial demands lor s»2 a day i:n . ease.-, portal to portal pay • :.(i an .ni/ation of minor bosses. S n; c there \.as no statement from i i' . concerning his Sunday con-, • • nee v. itu Lewis, the Capital sp< - u '• v !u ther the tatter had ub ' hi' me concession- Iroin the - i. uuiciit ..nil by-passed 'he WLH. Profit Taking Halts Stocks N< .v Yuri:. May 4—(AP)—Prof is u retarded till' stoi-U nt.irlii*'. ' > ISoikI.s were higher and e.mi ll ii ic .-•t-.idy, ahead moM <>f the time < i-iui Anieriean Telephone. 11it -r ' 'I Telephone. U. S. Steel. livth* leiiem. Chrysler. Standard < >. I til New Jer vy, Douglas Aircraft. Unit < i (-| 11;. i alimi. Kadiu Corporati 'ii iinrl Wc -tern Union. CxGcuJive Officer CAPT. H21EN G. O'NEILL, of Wash ington. i). c\, has been a|<|>nin(c4 executive ollieer of the U. S. Marina Corps Women's Reserve. Official Marine Corps photo.{Intcrrxationai) War Output At New Top,. Nelson Says i But Must Be Greatly Increased if Needs of Armed Forces Are To Be Supplied War Output At New lop, I Neiscn Says i But Must Be Greatly Increased if Needs of' Armed Forces Are To Be Supplied Washington. May 1—(AT) | —Ri'cnnl-broakiiitf production 1 totals in aircraft. warships audi merchant vessels were rolled up in March, ihmald M. Nelson re ported today. But t'iist quarter anus output .-till foil far short nt the rate needed to meet military plan.- fur l!U:>. Aircraft output soared to (>. "20(1 planes and four-ensiiied homhers topped tin- alMI-a-monili rate for the first time, the War Production Hoard chairman dis closed in his monthly report to day. Naval and carso ship construe- | lion was "the cnatist on rcc- j ord." Nelson said, notim; the j completion of the •!."». IMMMon battleship Iowa in March, and l.iiitin;: that more are coiniiiK. Overall munition.- • -u'l'Ut in Marcn | w;.s eli \cil |>icont .«!•• <\ •• I'Vhruaiy, j ultlmuKli the daily r.i«c (halite was ! :■ 111;111 because l-'elirua. > - three i days .-horter. Taking thi' lirsi three months to gether. l»n\ve>or. No! on ua al>le !<• "In the first <|iiartor "I 11'S-i. wo produced almost arlijlor.v pieces. includinii iihmv than T.Otiti anli-.i ic. alt uim and more Hum rifk» and sul>-inachinc linns." Ne\ el thole.-.*. Nelson waimd that (Continued oil Page Five) jt.uiMi anti-t in!; sim al-o turned • -1 ■ chine i;un- no ' ir tactories l&i.iiOO nn-. ii i ipiiii.dtiii Raleigh Fears President May Weaken Toward Lewis In the Sir •Waiter Hotel. Daily Dispatch Bureau, lty LYNN N1SBF.T l!al<i:;h. \lav -I—Capitol Square 3 «11 .jj tn Sutuliiy night develop* ir.f'il.- • ti tlic coiil strike sitmit:• «.i illdU .i' (| general satisfaction 'ind picu-tire. Concensus is Mint John W' n decision on the lir-t 'lid. t>nt tluit he will not win the ■' I'liiversal c«mnicndati"n o; ''!<• I'ri ident's peceli was damp ned ;'.v ' ' i little doubt as to wlie'her "i1 \\ II tollow through with the li '■»< lie • |»ri mi-cd. l.ewis' coup in c>n I With I ekes and ann<'iirei:ui [\ day truce just ahead ol i'resident was regarded as very small. Lewis Won hi.s first HMtJUi '' ' in* will not deal with the Labor Hoard. . , "L"'s of folk~. ineludi' ! J State officials, wcr." , j". -'"hn Lewis: many of thcnt v!Vc welcomed a showdown ■lore voher-minded officii! .in ;/( ",0 consequence-. <•' n utc lino, and were deii)'V.!efi Thev believe p <pul jfi|i " v ' ' bark the Prc-iHen' ;nvl nun! r'7,'s ,1ls crowd to yield n,0»l of their demands. , INMCTMKNT -Alti ■ ncy General! Harry Mi Mill in had i lel«v:rain trmn the attorney miicral of Klor-j it i. presumably like others t<• .-mth ern ull<'i n< > • general, sinking i: Korth [ Carolina u • (I i"in in .1 formal pcti-; ti'in !•> Ph.- dent H'Mi i",i it to pro- ! reed ugninst U'wit In IVderal wnrtr. Mild in nneml McMullan wouldn't j have liked Hi I and lie was glad the Saturday nifihl agreement :r.;:('e it iinnei cs-ary. MOVING The tc.ivhcr.-' and State ein|'l• yer ' retirement (cm i: moving again. Till* time it's 11 short mine: llic offices 11 re )n*| spreading nut nve itn•>f i»f tin* fourth floor i»r , the Caswell ?»|tiare building. Si nee | bcitm Mill •l ll I Die leveling i>njlt-l inn hv lei«i.-l..:ive emu ttee"> Mai »r | Durham's onfl 1 ha* bee 1 cnwipnl hi two or llirre office#. The new • spitco will iwrinlt much more effi cient and orderly handling of ive .•id-. ITNNY The pre.-.- gang walked int.. the governor'- office Mo-ictny in 11 ed telv aflcr Chnrlc- II. win-ii ; Iwi' well known Hertford liwyer walked it. Several ef the :e|>orir_. 1 (Con'.inued « 11 i'age Five) ' Labor Board Final Voice On Strike Ickes Says No Nego tiations of Any Kind Resumed, so Far as He Has Learned Washington. \l:,y J—(AIM—Fuel A('m nistrator Ickes said today the deadlock between coal mine owner. and operators remains the -ante a. it has been. except that tin- minor-, have gone hack to work now. for another til teen days. Ickes. who a little earlier in the day had ordered a six-day work week throughout the coal mining in dustry. said that negotiations lor a settlement of the mi;»er-operat'». wage dispute would have t<> l»e eon din-ted directly by representatives o! the owners and un <>us. "subject to ap proval by the War l.abor Board." llr said that lie has no authority by law or by executive order to set tle the dispute, and he told reporters • latly: '•There is no way out if i! mean's by-passing the War Labor Hoard. Negotiations mu>t i»e earri d "lit oy representatives of tin- operators and mine- . subject to approval by 111'.' War Labor Bi ard." Ickes at a special press conference 'aid he knew of no arrant; mont for resumption of negotiations, and that be hi'd had no communication wilii either s'de since his conference with United Mine Worker- President .lonss I.. Lewis Sunday. Asked whether the l.Vdav tru'v called by Lewis Su.-dav night. : start today, was in return for an\ thing Ickes would do. or try I > .1 > thu fuels admini.-trator said: '•Mo conditions were a-ked an;! nore was given." In New York C'ity. John I. Lewi-, president of the I* M. W. said "in comment" when asked his reacti >t to the six-day week order. Ceilings On Foods To Be Set in South Atlanta. C»a.. May 4—<AP> — !?•> gional OI'A Price Kxec.ii:\e .lo-epli Spanglcr today announced that flat dollar.* and com* ceilirg i>i ••• • - nn 2i categories ot foods \> ill !>■• for the southeastern rtg!on "prub ably by the first ot tse.t wee':." Work already has tic a in Span-ler -aid. cm surveys of prevailing pii-v in fifteen southern eities with a v:i*»v to implementing the new price i.r ders. Included in the list i>l foods to be coves od are package dried fru 1-. lard, coffee, proces-ed fish, frox.-n f:sh. cooking and salad oils. slsurl enings, canned citrus fruits and juices. evaporated srul co;h1"m-<-c' u lk. syrups, honey. ilo,»r and il ur mixes, macaroni and noodle pro ducts, peanut butter, sugar. e. : poultry packaged ebee. e and I>ut:■ •:*. Price.- will be regulated by r hi nuuiities Spangler stated. an:l \\:ll be set by district pricing order - signed by directors of OI'A di trVt of fires. The orders will apply oniy in the market areas specified in li.e several orders. Prices Upon Cotton Mixed New York. M,.y J—(AIM—Coll.»i futures opened liv e eeiil a bale er 1o five cents lower. Noon \alu were unchanged lo leu rents a bale higher. May : .Inlv iMi.on: t>r tober 1U.98. May July Oelobcr ... December March Previous J odav" Clo-e t >]>en .. .20.11! L'ti.lSl ...20.00 I !>.:!!» . I1I.K7 l!t.l!7 ... 1 <>.82 lit.,.! 1)1.7}! IU.77 :T\v<> Children Die In Clayton Blaze When Home Burns Clayton. Ma\ I—(AIM—Fire swept tlir tiomr of .Mr". Jim Ootid lair last ni«ht and took Iho lives of Jackie and Jerry (lower, small chll.lrrn of Mr. and Mrs. WorIII (iowcr. of Clay Ion and Kilisloit. Soldiers from Seymour John son Field, who were visitine in llie home, and volmileer firemen. Iried In vain (o rescue (he chil dren. Mr*, (iowcr. who lived in the upstair apartment. jumped from her hed when she heard screams, and leaped Irom a window. She was jllthlli injured * The fire apparenllv started in (he downstairs apartment. Americans Chasing Nazi Army; Troops Moving Nearer Bizerte CAPTURED NAZI SUB CREW LANDED ON U. S. SOIL masarf » « * — - * CAP7U2ED CREW MEMBERS of a U-bont sunk by the Coast Guard rutin- Icaru* off the Carolina coast, dis embark from the Coast Guard craft at the Charleston, S. C., Navy Yard. Leathernecks stand with guns ivaify us thv landin;', Nazis arc lined up. The I!3 Germans were fished out t the sea after enemy sub sank. Liej'.. (now Lieut. Commdr.) M. D. Jester was skipper oX the cutter. Ofiu-u.t Navy photo, (international) Sicily Landing Feared by Axis Japs Admit U. S. Output; Own Reserves Dwindling \\\. :i • . let 11 'f. lands. I<» ii. t. i > i • < ;■, I od;.y I•> Tin* olVil ill K«-ij 111. ■ (in,id,ii. tion Hick t fl is. < >11 I' lilt* l.i-1 I• -i: Niivy : i i li;id dmi\ !■ i tllO SOtltll-CI sell Ki'.up \ j- i.-I ;i tic. ■ Tlu1 N i- > on Japi lie in I In* « " ■ bay. dm > eifjltl r (i Aleut laii i The kind set it|» c t; Ii elased. App; l"ll(| then I struct iiti. lllllil r ::i:' I hoy In- I,. |i> IlillC fi there. 4—<AI>)~ •Aister I till' ituscH I. the norlhwe.;crn . were nitnovr.ced which ton!; ;.».-f tin.- i'i>iK(tic>' i•;• .:t honed tin- jH.-i Us llio sccoiiii ox last's aiiiKUiiH'i ,; i i <>n April thi ,il Marine forces • Kllioc islai.ils. in 'aeifio. Tlu1 Ui!» Mpii-cl withii:'. ,o announced a',',I. \illatioii.s al .Isinl "in.'ii •; •■{ lid l-abel island: anrl \ "ii Kiska. i'i the chain. ! 'ilificalioii^ bo'nsi land was nut dis the islands would to light strip oon such an ostalili-h ir •ocossary. -•j.ic • :uh I" Giiadali inal nt protection front U. s. MF.DIUM-S1ZED SHIP SUNK BY SUB W.i-n.ii..M y 4—(Al') — A inc ditim-si/cd t'. S. morohant vossol was t' iprdoi rl .ii'd slink by an cncntv Mibn trim' n tin* North Atlantic in ■r I M..' i 1 • \° i\y reported i.>d. • Stir.H" • r \c been landed a! New i York. I Australia—General il iusla; M.i | Arthur'* hraiii|H.i U'r-i <li; I admittedly heavy allied I.. .• - .-ui 1 lered m liie I. 11U- Siui.l.i.v ... • i I Arafuru St-a ull Darwin, A I il . ( were caused Ijv \inleut wind.-- n.i ! I>y Japanr-i- IIU11111 111 .-klii. Burma—British hcailqusrl . I;.\K bombers raided Hit* h • c*e at Akyab by day ar.'i n rih I setting fires, while otherHAK . lane . strafed enemy troops ;.! im tin* B.i< i >1 IJ« anal eoa.-i i...'; s ' . .V ehai.ue v. noted in !. : t._: I'liina—1". S. Ai: ■ > '!> ei i di'ed v. Japan- e plane.- • »t ; • t |>t III, <le-t I - VI cl i -. , -i ! ,-. ! .1 rill II:IIU hall li Mi ! i 1 !'• \ III i (>nlv one Amiriean ;1 > \.i - Marines l ake Russell is., in Solomons Wu sh ■ .XI iy 4—(AP)— Aim r jci ii ir. ill <•! the itu sell i lands. •>: U- tl»c northvvo-'.eni tip i • (ii. id l< i. were ann r need today b> li t- N.I-. y. Till- on- i'.i1 which ton!; p.i.v ill I'i-Ii u.. .. • the conqui ;< (Siiiidiili : I ' 1 li^thcncd the ("• i tion tlx n- i I'- 'Us the second on tension «»f i ■ im's announce/. ri tile I.i t !• -ri11 : < >n April the Navy u > • ' uit Marine forces had iini\'" i . ' .f Klliec islands, in the south-r< I'nelfie. The H • ■ soil group w ncupicd without re sistance The N > announced atti" li on Jap. it ■ -.illations at .lunt in I he > "limn-: -it Itei.a' hav. mi >■ Isabel island: and eiKlil r ii s ' v "ii Kiskii. i'i the Aleutian I e lain. ■ The lei ! irtifietilions be nt; set up !•'; U land wa.s r^ot dis cla.-ed A • ■ • the islands would lend tin' 1 ' liuht strip con id ruction. I uijh swell tin establish inenl r :;ii' s'o :-ceessary. -i.v • they he in -Ji to Giiadalc mal t" hale ;u protection from there. U. S. MFPIUM-SIZED SHIP SUNK BY SUB ■ n. May >1—(AP)—A me* diiim-si/< d I'. S. inerehant vessel \v;i> t' rnrdoed at-d sunk by an enemy s ibniarlne n I'M" North Atlantic In mid Mareh. ihe N ivy reported '.»H.• *'• Siii-.h-- • been landed at New York. Kuban Deita Bat.tie In Full Swing M>\v. .Mi. t!< Ii r Hit- K ie;tehit>K i .>1! Illf I'.I.ICl. Se.i -I A. >\ I. IKit IIIJ! I: • III til- «!< :t • li. .Ill .• ide hind ,-li'iniu !• ajsed in In lii • \\ ithnlll < h;ii.:.i bill :i Tas.- it: l>;ill t"lil . I . llr v. est 1.1 Ki x iet airmen #h< German plane lllOl own ill 1 This was- Hie in Hi.- Ki . ■ i .-umpt. ;i • : KuUiii iind 11 vie! wiiilioii Cllilllt III. •• : . X.. voi. v. ii.. ihu arri ' > ».-.«• ill -w ins. :.i: i it Hie iM'Kinnii.u the .Milium i. , 11 * 'lii l\ t'HIKllI l't • : k .ii: .1: ;iml man llili ;. '1111(1 po-ituii in till" 1,1-1 lew <1.1 \ . i !■•» limn '.lie K - •lie. uiiy, itj<- jiir I) .t . 'I II11- J- I il ii liily-lii.ii . w In It- li •-•UK -I <•! ci :i(l ' 'lie tlli.l 1i i Germain have alien pled to j-lrikf tin* Kra iiinliir teuton siiife tin rd \\* in llit» !11~ rampa mi litui So . Me In nice' e\ e. \ Hie German ;ii• I<uve. j with Ann*) .< <n nHide plane* rarr.vitig j tliei" I* in Mie Mill i!ideci>i\e , fiitiitinj!. | There v. w Inereascd , . : ity in j oilier .-ei'l-i. - Hie I»-■ i.» v. :.'i llie i Itusxliin in ' iw iiiukinK it-eli lei: (by mid* on German eomiminicatmnw I illld ill I' ' The (ievi' .m t unli r-attaeks heini; j matched hv 'I1'' lied iiii-.y in ,h. i<n han ninrked Hie ihirtl iartfe *mle «1 I(enipl "I Hie Genitalis lo Hi' n<»hig on Hie i{u • ii ill .ilti i their di - I .isln of '.'si w mie WE AT 18 CI? Mill NORTH CAItOI ISA. (nolrl i.i t .lii'l <rlltr.ll |m.| ■ linns loins III: rtslns Irmpcra I turcs in forenoon WrdncMlay. Gibraltar Concentra tions Seen as Beginn ing of Invasion Before Africa Falls 1. union. May I—(AIM—The Yk hy radio -aid today Allied m<«Y<mf»ts reported simultan eously ;.t (iiliiailar ami ill Al ;.rei i iii waters may point to a '.artv .-rale invasion attempt ajrain. t Sicily and Sardinia, is land li pping stones from North Africa to tin- Kttropean main lard. The broadcast was re onii d !»»• Keiiters. (■t'rr.i;ui>'» rl>iel' military com iii'-iililur sii!cc\(cil in a broad <■;: >t ma jor Allied forces niii'ht iNMiiii'i' immediately on !'••• islands without waiting to: tl.f end nf tin- campaign I" diHet'i; \\i- hki »l Tunisia. TVr (icriuaii fear of landings mi (hex* i>l ilids lias licen hr traved I»> numerous broadcasts rrrrutly. "1 (ii *i inn (hi iinentiilor's fore boding • illrnvvtl reports by a Nazi ton trolled ;;.ii :i.. S a huge con i !iti. 1 V • r .i•;«iiiu was be I at Ciil.valtar, inclua • • .i m. . landing barges. 1 . n J-'utb Army, . <■ in Algoriu ana M . Lieutenant tiencttit I i .ijj trained a=. A'lied armies. I • ■ ( 5• < ; i • Miu ided \\ iili ■ i i \ M.i M" "i i'H radio thai p . lire < • M.i "liiii had sent • , . p|H .11 • ll;i ; . aid in rc ... i •• ... i< •!» ul Italy Stale Revenue Commutes To Climb Dun®*? April w" A Iii tin* Sir W.'.Itrr Hotel. Dail.v 1>is|>.it< li I'urcau. I5> I 1 N\ NM'.i;T !.' .li. M > I The pessimists i. 11 liiid (ifinic f"unfurl i:i trends ln« ■ by i' . i in n i • i i 'iiihly ro v'. it c> • mi collectioiu>. !i iiiul whsile <>r .'i . .11 \ ; I i • >■ illnHlt ■ I ■ ains thiit \| tin vim were I- • !\ .1 11 Ik >11 ilnlhirs inure , ' \ il. :iihI tin' iiKKir \> 'i • •!»- hi tl'i- fiscul yciir •• thiiii 1:! inilli""i> {ihnve tin' • 'il fin Km Hit.: vinr •,.m ■■ ntimicd to lc;id tin' • (iiikI schedules t»■ »th in per il i" i .»e utiil in iid(lit|i>tl>ll l( •• lii'l NtlllH l.'M'S illT'ltlllt i .l r . c' n 'iicy. Kv i'iy I • in tin* d'liri'iil fitful cln.« iii inrrciiiird rrvcniie, cx ccp! I'l i .;«• l«t\i'.-. wliit'll Wl'lf nil ..1 - lit $'11 'i'n I.i I April. Gift l iv il • It'll bill In .'"'in is in H< '•• .ihlf ..lid "I little cunic (Iiioni <- n t•11 revenue. U.nsolinc and motor vehicle re Launches On New Attac ri'Uvaliiijr i-Vmville. the (I- ck 1m>:. j : norih • »f the Two American Drives Net Marty Prisoners; Many Miles Covered in Advance Allied lie; «l • arU rs in North Africa, May J—(A!')—'Swil't «Iri\ i 1 sv" An.« rican troops, quick tn capilalixt <>;. tin. I. middle po sition alt*-!* tlv M-izurc of Ma tcur. pound-d l'< i-\vard hard today <'ii the In - !. Germans t<»war< which is ten n:ii« - east, and tin naval hase «•!' At t lie >ai: tanned out i smashed ' ■ i .1 Man i. ; Vino l i'. • i .1 Ti'tli Alter advanv • 111- Al! I • ■ • from Tebeiuba. (Tin- ! li'cnrdi'ti ' * v AUii-d ai- i. ' der • i•■«*. at :t in (iio area tollable by the soiitliw i- about base, whi east sh- • e. Amei ii. au new line < vatH-i' on i na A I .. ii r. : ' Uili Ik.-:' lorc-cs t and • Miuih me "f tiie northwest »'i "I'unis. • cn miles, tell miles u; '.idca-t Ioiik range ry\ ilie uti .lirlii'lds > ade ll 11— lie. isii 0;t I li/.erte, lie naval r 11* "I t 11 — .1 the ■Min>t a tiie ad Ill the* i)<ir(iir;\v:ir«l push, !'.V" ' rossed Use river line, (li'spjlc (ii'striu lion of a l>ri<lu<- 11 > liie w ittnii uvv iiig It trees of C olonel ( Von Arnini, and slioved on inward I-err.v ville. (The Tine, southwest of Alaleur. Ileviv iii>r!iicu,tvvard a shorl distuilee east ol .Maleur, and empties in .1 tlie marshy land burderinq iAehke!. one nl tlie cluiin ol luK> s I (inning Ui/erte- sonlhern licit uses.1 T.. tin ii..j-tii ..j 1.; ;,t- Aciikol the !■ 1 eiich Al. ... );■. \. .-ii it., in.rec Mnii'Ci. 11 1.:. . .4 ..•«! American lenient* | v I Me n Ii. 1 >:/<■: H- s tciiing to tile i I.e. Tin, 1 • .«« ■: : |'.:ii <• v.iih the ii ^ at .Hilii lioti »'•« 1 r ■ 111.v ; f tih r ,.t Lake At : •< ! . :i I i ! • probe the 'hi< .et- ' • - which 1 '\i . : ; . i,i,'<my I.II. • 1 . .v ihrie italic a I ion as ycf how lar the .ulvantcd clemenls ol tilt \i!«e: ie.111 f'tret s mirtiil hp aide hi jiriutcil Inward I err> - v illi r. ill'.:.:! iiiM-tin*; strong re si-l.iiii i. iJui Ii' !i iroiind on (lie ea.-l side ol ihe rn.i.l a ft w miles In 111 in.11 nt.1 -:i-. :• aliorded the Av.> an tM»|ttir'»init> to make a stand In protect tlie approaches to ISizerle. \ • fl 5 'i.t n t tii tne IJ >-• . ii :■< atcli the rim 11 «itie •! ;':e Amcileans, but tin ! si Ai ny mndc a . » . ' u 11 11.lies 1... 1 i:i-Uub tin d.i valley thru I. T:-, 1 1 nt. 11 lied I y : . 1. , ii, v. ii., ali\ e eript t.iii Ihoii riowmvnrd nmiw In . ' n|)])roxi« mutely hull liilion dollurs. The ten months dcficlcncy in ihcuc schc» dulcH <>t highway revenue amounts t" nearly eight and a lid 11 million , ■ - < m.mijn: i .>1 (I ■• • !n«:hv.-«> <U part H'vii:. .mil I' • »1 • i;: IvveraHe taxes mn> indicate turthci ckclinen whlti i .ifiotiiiic p,i i. in heeonu more wulc I'll il • n.<I>1tr item". \"ii' • 11... .il -is the iiulispu" iil'h f u l Its ,i ! !•' .1c imriilic. after figuring inr • • • « and d< cidimx there. v >i, r ■■ GO more in April i i Itm I htm "i \pr l it iii-i year; and 1 l!ir l( i' i• • •:l'• <»l tile fi.M'ill year col led Ion wen- S.':.l>9~.tMft.(lU ni" < * I ■; i*i I., fit . (n'd'ii;: eompiit • i.ole >>«-i i"d. K i-lKr H ► "I c \pi il re (Hirt punt I with that cover mi: M i eh e '• »n < phiinixca the i iii. i iilncc "it une toxt»Hon has ! m piild 1 :< it ,\I i i- the t)iu : ;nc : ,c ' • % < ictwnis una i rc*.n.' -•'•1 i< i*iv t*' #•>

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