iiuml rlan s Backers To S:.ruggie Taken to Senate Despite Two Hciise Defeats; Dem ocrats Barely Win Out W i'i May 5— (AIM- Un f •. ,l . > > def ';it- in tl»3 I Kill n^atislied by the Hou-c ;i casure to wipe out T.i ;, c • : ■•! ISM 2 individual iiu-.inm ■ x . • >. H.mil plan advocatrs • »: v rv.vi I'd their battle to the v . i. •rh they predicted would • - lull 'a\ year abatement bill. ( ;• . George. ■>! Georgia, s mi • •• Smato Finance Comniit . mil Thursday for speedy ■ 'p:iy-as-yi).i-go Icgi latum. T H . : e late yesterday climaxe 1 party scrap bv pns-.ing : :> eiimproini «• p..y-as-yn ' U'r tv.-n by Representative It i' 'i Vi L'illia Democrat, it i»■ o I the 10III income tax • . npletclv tor about ro tier t'l" taxpayers, numberi i# • i our. ;h>im iij. ;::>rl iiv.>i-«> r v thl-'ilding 1 vy ua ti-t. • il .!:i:-ies. effective July ! 1 r- " taio maj .rity bad tin ; ! ils worst drubbi'ifj in ' manned to beat d uv i ! " •• • barked 111 idlfl »j ' "i '*' •» I > 20:*. A ntuntb • ' • ■ Ii in icrat had beat •. • i.. |!ii; FOC'vY MOUNT MAN TO HEAD DENTISTS M'" (AIM I)-. < Ivde Rockv Mount. \vj»s u-. >!.••!« the Xmth - ■I Si eiet v at tho cli'Miti! ■ society's eoiiv entfii Germans Are Heavy Losers in Caucasus Mimiuv. May .*».— (AIM — fighting northeast of | Nnv« rus.isk mounted today. I in:; pace with the terrific air li.'iiies 'n (lie Kuhan valley. In whi'-h the German air forees are , rffortnl to have lost inore than ] 11* |>I ines in the last two daw j The heavy wcifiht of Soviet ar- | tiller> is poimdinc the Nazis ni>rtii"as( of the RlaeU Sea |iori. ai-. 11 still is German held, ai ('much the Kussians have been j '■••nth and east of Novorossisk : t Mime time. i :• !a*t published Soviet wai • -howcd 'lie Hi-d'.irmy Inn* ' • i ; northward from tin" >'••1 she Sea «»f A/."v. aer<\ s ' K n <1 U.i. with a ennsideriiiilc n tin- middle <>t the line. I' - ti..t i nhkelv th.it the me-t m • • • <• rrent fiKhtinK "•> K-'inu "i this inline. The territory bi« hichwiiv and railway lead ' . .\'.-.sisk trum «illu * » nilieet i>ms. (The (ic-i man . aeknnwledijed a ; • v. illidrawal twenty miles '• e t;,e |>• lit nf Ni»vur«i.-'isk ami of the t"V n !. > i. i niv II miles nortit ' 1 ' naval hase.i liilssiiili troups in the Kalian • .ne 11iiu a ureal deal of Unit - ' i s* ii. , military supplies because 't "Hi eiiimeetinns and tlieir rela i lies-, tn Iran. IhmuK'i whieli • ie..e upplios are Mowing. I • i! — i.m Army newspaper lied •"■'•si ■ • I that l>m air battles now, are '"n •: • i«ed over tin- enemy's |><•-1 ' ii . MUiutyini; that the iniliali'.' Ills M nli the lluiwioil*. who ha\ e r.inierl the battle into the enemy eiimp. FOR ARMED FORCES; 12,000 A DAY WHO GOES EN THE ARMED FORCES MANPOWER ARITHMETIC r* - •* "wkki 3,000,000 or* unfit 4 military S.rvitt .. WB,'^00^0 On Jon. In. 7.000,000 were al,«ody in tha Arm.d F*r<«, ... Ieovin0 7.000.000 500.000 able-bodied farm worl en must befj deferred during this year ...leaving 5,500,000 Only 1,700.000 can ba deforr#d-k«r indusjf £ Inol workert. fom.ly hardihip CO ,i , • v.ry.hing ...leaving 3,80 ),COO to be inducted 2,..,3 «M«! 0. MAttWD. Mk (Mtal M+m j who aii mrvtuiT m-Not rumiwi *HD HOT IN TNI UMID 1IIVK1S UN. ,ht MUJ1 II IN UNIKXM IT TNI 1KB 01 1*4» WITH THIS CHART the OWI show.. \v»-y 12.000 men a day an i inducted to bring the U. S. armed force* to 10,1100,000 !>>• the end <>i !:!. : Manpower Commissioner McNutt icleaned the figures (Interim?! «■;ivies, m«T l". S. simhassador to tin* Soviet l iiion. is li> lesive on a second ''mission Jltisi-inv" I" invite Stalin to meet I'resiiicnt Rdnsi'Vi'lt for a !ioii. .itlii'.iisilt no offi." : !innm;'ci-i eir > . <■ • ■ ent v" •' n • i • :it tin* White llnisc. U.ivic-' s>.l:iti. vvill he thsit "i 1 >prri;il r«*|>i• i : * .";\ "l i' > ■ d^nt. unit i»rc«iiiii«ibly tlu* Hisiti -• 11 In-ill <"n\er t!»''• whole range 1 It ins Hi;'" >' •''.' <•!'i conduct of th«- v.su'. Ism well si• M-ivc that involve <»' [jriwm n >rld, llin article fsiid. No del.ills Si I isj i*li- 1 : ' | vlicn* the i I'lmwrt (iiiiforence t-vceil Sl.ll li ■: I r ••-•Idi-Ht ll';ti >; t:'nc place, smil 't u-sis not 'Ic.ii ( w licthcr it hi t in »i\e si trip 1 '»* Mr H.iosevelt Jo Mo,.-.w. McDonald First To Deny lie-Up For 1944 Contest ! In (lie sir Dispatch Bureau. t lly I.VNN N1SBKT. Kiili'ittli, Miiy S.—Eviilniit' '•"nmli.tcs thiit North ('nrollna i» "< a 1'>itu pie-primary eiimpsiiu11 H«>w livt iv m how dull it will •' iH'ntl- upon the rniKlicliitf- I In ' '"I reportod Ihl! >y ih.it seasoned iiIjjwtn rr.- eould lilt|< hope (,,i Hie candidate- ill rcatly .ninouiieed to nltutn 'W" ''ir First. si short oino* l"'Kn. -icroiid. no iilmnnicnt i" pop "••ir ninid between supporter- "t (or the Semite .it»d for Koveniot It is dittieult to see liow Hie fa' •l.rtfttc* could hope for a ••>»!•••'' • Jni'iaign im,| iniiinlniii any inter*' '• n">Viiijj (Iciinitely Jilinoutieed in" '' ''•in a year abend of the pi niu»r>' r'flier thnti c\ *r bclorc :incc tl"r pTiintiry system was eitoblishcd Mi i lltix Slnf« l' • •'« y '<• undeMiind I vhy !• 'in1 i Hum' wtiiiis tn Im* lied Lit> \\ If I> I ll> ttlfHT. llrni.ll In MiDdii.iIII Riilph Mi'lliititild. fit 1 of (lie (WHip ! to n'.iki rlt'ii' <• mmiliiiclit "I hiv C.imlui "-y i" U"s cumr. u i ttc> Unit tlioimh he ittiemletl !•> rrfrtun front (II.HCtiM i"ti 'l: < ctly nilnftfl In flu .mi}• i• •>«' is ii""' nislriiiliiig rc|H>rl ■■ hi ii'iini m homv-ly er red i 'I . in •• in ni'ffjiT Mini my • ii< i .iv I "' •< im timed In emi | firm ;i lii .-e twin"!". Tin* ri'ixirf ii( i 11 y ii>i<-ii|- Ix'iwccti iiny fMirfIctilnr . fri.iit ti il fiiM(li«liile iinil me is en tii-cly iiiifr-reel " l«rt mtlil.s l.tnif Wolf. ■11.1* turner hfl.s iw»f he,ml f i«• . i Jm-ii..' '!' I!' yni'liN limine jilw.tvt |lr( ii ,i 11 "f It'iie u .'lf in |i'tlilir.v, i i pi I--uinfl 11 i.i I lie will iittf ie 11. Il riiml'iiie> ii'.nv. Ilttili Cl.vtlt (C"il'tH.'Sd Fa*® Two) Bij; Allied Convoy London. May ——Tin* • Paris radii. hr.-iadcast a r<*|iurl to- ' il.i> from l.alina. Spain. u hieh a* ,*oi"led (lial a liij allied ennvov had sailed from Gibraltar. riun prising. annum other ships, iwen lv transports loaded with lancJ inj: hai acs and armored \ rhielcs. l.alina is on (hr Spanish pen iiiMlla opposite Gibraltar. Thr hroatleast was reeorded i»; The Assoeialed I'ress. High Ration Card Group 1 Is Objective East Coast Gasoline Supplies Lowest Since War Began, OPA Head Declares \Va.."liinjrtiiii. .May .1— (A I*) — IVdarinjr that east coast jraso iiiH' supplies aiv s'uorter now f an at any iiiu<* since the warl 1 r^ai:. 1' r i c e Administrator' i'citi.-.i M. Ilroun today an-j nounced a nationwide campaign utrainst pleasure driving on sup phnn iital rations. 'l'nis time cars will n.it It. -topped on I lie highway. I'.i own -::id in declaring that il will hot he a "snooping"' campaign, hut — l>ii". its will lorviewei! ; n»! .lui iM'.\ iiivtwti&iiiifs >>•» • W.i-i'M. ;md isi .-Ii'ne iMM'S "licet ...e iuis''h \v:ll i i- tinted ; in! !'>>.• dt^' I will • -• :,• I.,| ]> «•>«• -.1 u; ol.-ili: I • -i to (IMi-i I • ii\-\ . * .1"! •" Tin1 drive is aimci' nnlv :it nun i'-m nti.il use ill It anil (! ua-i'liiu rations. Holder- ul' A ImiiiUs only need nut worry. ainl Ihosr who have extra rations ar«? okay if tltey can prove their pleasure driving: is burning up only tile irasolinr ac:n> i . lrfSM'd that "wth i ! ii. tii ii.n' d.-ivitii tiiiit ,*!|i A .*»'« !< :m-i ;nit . i' is iir* . l) i-.-ili!t.> ;eiv .>tu' 1 ■ "ravel vttry ' l..r or \i-iy elten in rait- trucks nr In eistant resort*. '»r fur :."y Other r.i.n-es-cntial pui'pnsc*. Mi : !"iu d (!•> njj i and holding '» C.' v iti--ii p; i>!>iitilv are misus'ng thei'1 "•:'tli>n»." ho added. II - >:iid llip police will coojitM-.M.? 1 •• ■ I:i the OPA c-fiuators sti 'wr i u in driver- at race tracks ar.d other amusements sp.its. DIG CAMP LEJEUNE HOSPITAL OPENED \'< w JfI' M.i.v AIM. I. jiMn' n«.I" 'On ii;iv;i1 lms|;it;il ■ l- 'i <• 511• 11«• i i|lh i.illy. !|n« |1|iu ■ ■I'lntini • .iini'" aiiiiiciiu'ftj. |i is • If ■ " t' I I.' s»M". !<•<• h(M|>lli|1 li III.- Ill 1 hi' I .." >11. IIK'ltl(llll|> liMU * ill i'l.l.lnu: > . •'••iiiK >ilt> <>i ill Cotton Rises 30c Per Bale Xi-V Y<>. V y -(AIM ton : 115 u!•«•.< >»; i !:»■ i i-hiilllied to 20 wilts ' ;i Its ic hijjho N'ikhi vului'8 were fif i" i i i :;<■ • • i l>;ile liinlii-r. M.ty .1 i!y i • ..iitl Octoln-r IH9i t c'.iiIhv I I'd: ' Ik M.m.Ii M.i.v .1 ilv Previous t'ln «• Open ...20.11) ::«».«»| . .1 !>.»!» 2«».P3 .. litr.i: lilt;:) . . . Ul.8'2 t!UI3 10.79 1 'I.7JI He;i\iest l>ombintr Ot Jap Island Made I>\ Ainrican Planes Willi I In- I >• Army Air Force in I liiua. *i.iv 5—(AIM-—Tlie Ihmvic-i \ineriean Immiiiiic as sault from I lie I'. S. Army air force viiiirlt I inlay against .lap.i nrsoiicciiiiinl Hainan island in llic Soiiili I liin.i Sea. anil the dm U area of llaihiini;. French Indo ( lii.i.i Tin- surprise raid nti Hainan. Hi,, firsi ilircel Mow at I lie is land. pniiilini! evenliialv at Tok vii. h.is ni.iilc li.v l.ilirrator bomb ers receiillv sent front tlie t'nlt.-d si.ilcs in nictni'iit .Major : |>w. :t-. .Su|)iil( .: fiilin;j advume further nortjn, A:' ev.-an* ! t « i tl*la!oJ iho r lines at Ii• 11 tiO'J. Near I'ont du Kalis 1-ii.m1i riii.'.cil coin.•.c:-attacks. The British Eighth Army i3) tuh.iiii.cd loui mile* up the cus^tal : 3.— t AIM— A pourrful 1'iircr >it' lirt'aiii's liie ! lour-illolori'd liomliiM's di'livi'l'Ori a sat lira lion alljrk last niislit on j tile (irrinan industrial i'tl\ of j Dortmund. from \\ lii.li liiirly plain's la ilctl to return. I In- air m• itiolr> annolin rd today. Visibility ovi i tin- laisi't was Kiiucl. r.MTpl for a >liu*il ground lia/e. said a «uninumi'im'- and first ri'porls imlit-ali-il thr liomli ini; uas "«< II ronrrniratril." Tin* (irrmaii hi«li command said major ilanusi' was caused lo Dortmund's liuiliiiiuts and that 'Mi raidinc plains had Ihtii «!«• slrovi-d in >i I'.iTlin broadcast heard In Tin* Associated I'ri'ss. Il uas lIn- lirst major attack of llir war on Dortmund. Jap invasion Forces Hit Heavy Siows III* Tin' r I s. >n!>mariiii-s in Dm- I'.oilir. (Ji'iu-'.il M ii A I lull'V ln ;i lirro.1,1 tin Arj.fiirji Sim front Au« tiiiliii. iit >v iii oiiali ii.kI wcidliei in iilliii i. ilii'ti c .ii H.'ibbn ;iiin I frhill ll'lUll t\Vll .if j»;x itilplltlOSC i J>I:In<• s wl' • h "M 1" in'crri |it 1 /M! tin* I ! • .'i' i i'i'turned ..ilelv I Tin \ii% * - (• *11• 11 i:i addition in -in .1 ; .mi < i i -un:; liy Ame • ' I'Mli In • .. ' I■ \ I t> 1 ll \'l»wM.| (Ji , scrlljl'll ii i I n ' lr.il!>}!. i| t tv.'l I ,i'id |'11'1','iltlv siink" (in lli't I'll 1 ' if iii. Miilish lu'iid 1 «|iiurlci » 'I Kli'ld 3Vfnr»h(tl Hit | ArcHili.-ild T. tt'mcll'* lorcc* ePK • - i' i • >'it I mlii -Ii;u» / • rn, •; w i l>.o I'ia-irs Df Hci;cc i tiver .'Mmers and rail targets. Few Expect Another Walkout at End of 15-Day Armistice; Sixth Day Big Help Wii-inn^on. May ;>—(AIM—The lenated i- .a! w.v« struggle .-tjr < ;l Uiliuli !inr today thai llif < 1.' day tini'c mitlri which the mdlis 1:v new .s i-perataig nay he extrnd ni indefinitely. with ll:ir")d L leko. ; bi«li.icS'• *ti . at lull bla.it wit i 11 mi ! mines .•« a . s duy wwk. nt neither the itl:.i.:.i>trnti'ni nor «■ t mlcd \lin« v. ivkci s gave the . '.l;!i*«*~t i; t • i yielding in fhoii vmi". ' c v. aue mil .'a. ir.dictiimal tag At lit,- >.u:e t :t.e. le'.v informed !elt an itfiei u il!a«lll. -m il i. 11; i* nf la-t weke-enci. >v..uld t'r.l- . ' ,v i ration plainly i;i jjivert no :ndi- ' •I t' al he \\ ild di-ciHiruCe an ■ ilter ti ppijac. Thesi? snuifci strew i . !• i*. despite tin • differences i ••if • ! tl e pritir p..I.- in t te d:.-|)iiti 'a..ill t.i damage tie- war effort l\v oil the I' -al supply. I l:i'.. yesterday •/ dered on a s.\ day week all mimv which have re til e 3.— (Al'i—The Uritish first Arniv announced today that 3.(100 V»k prisoners, including i.O'Jll <;vrr.i.!iis, h;td b«cn ca|>'.ill'<-ii in its sector of the Tunisian trunt *-iii«c April J|, wiiuii tin- cncin\ in.iilr an abor tive attack near i! >»l,ie/-el-ISab on the eve of the currciit Allied offensive. | AJiit*il lli*u(U|Muru.'!a> in North i Africa. May -V -( A1*) — Anu-ri I cans jmkI 1'ivncii. .-mashing I alunjf llu- Mediterranean t«» J5i | zerte, have reached a point only ten miles l'mm thai naval base and other forces closing in from ' Mati'iir ha\driven to within I five miles of Kerry v. le, Allied | Headquarters advici s said to I day. ! Kt'iivvi!'.«• ton n\v in>rlli('it>t I oi Malour anil only ciRht ile- act' >s. Lake Bizcrlc l rum the na\ al ba.a . rushing out ol' MaU-ur to the cast and southeast. the Aincri ' cans also made a live-mile sain, and repulsed another light en i'.my countcr attacked launched » 1'rum a rldjr on the east side of ; the river Tine. i In this thrust, the Americans j M-cre aiming at Tehourba, 18 < miles west of Tunis and about ! «lie same distance southeast of Mateur. Th« pi-nf ' ■ v. 'I.In artil lery ratijj'" "• 15./• u- v nn<;.- .1 :ri boating h.'iii: a (Sofin ■:. . m; Icr at lack north of Lake .V iikel. »•: 10 ll»«• Water dl'lelV-t\* |.i .'IfftiilH !!!•• southern .ijipro.icinr.- I" 11 if naval basw. Vurlher nil. l';e C.i i mjiii.* a!> • lathed out in :i c .lev-attar:. C isl «.| .Mccl.il / . .. •! IT tile tanks walked into a Briti-h trap and ("t neral l)wi;5ht I' Fi.-criaiwcr'r ri.mHMjnii|uo <;od twelve them wee destroyed 'I"!1,- e<> intcratt.M.A v.v.s )iu' K:I 0,10k. At the t'ontdii r.ilis "liinKi1." lietueen the (o-rman wp tern and southern fronts, (lie nine t eolith I reiieh was report ed stnasliin: ah-id in :: ue»v id lensivr l.-.tnieheri > esterday at dawn Inward /.iqhmuii. strategic inmiminifalintis renter. Vho fun nun •• - tid It e1 hind t i Or • inn :: »utt liin from ivh it'll • w (ictiora J> 1 V.. I. .M • : !■ I-. / rmy. »re tn> ••• '. n>V. arif luit :i • v 11 • .•» :.v •Vi lli a!! V, : 1 . .. veiti, ■•isht -i « - T! e ti. led ir 1; ''ail . I . V a result id tin* Atnrricaii I'rent It adv.line alone i'ir Medi terra lie 111. Hie northern allure- of l ake Xelikel v. ere now almost riilirrl> oei-upii! In lli,. \llies. who liad rem lied I In* western slopes of ll.ifliel ( tieliitl after «."•»!»: Ill led Gen, Andrews and Bishop Leonard Killed in Flans ! lii'ii M, \ • ' Al'V- Liuutcn .lift: Kr.inU M. Andrews.. com-| . id*1! .if ...I Aiikthmii .'it my troops , Mm Kurnpean theatre of war. and j V 'I-. .1:1 Hi t .i|i Adna Wright .••I .I. of Wunhingldti. i* ::i American Protectant donopi ai.itan in .in tils-perti'>ii (our of Ij. S '• >p .ii oiid. ttcrc killed Moti v mi 1,1-1,111(1 i tin- cra.-h of an Al , i.'M ptuiH whirl wh* reported w \r Iwid .^lici tuuh i linking S. \■ >•• \ ■ >iin• i.11- .ii'oiivd Avdrrv. )icMdi|U:irtvi> lit'ie sitd in ■>f(trial annotincrnient e.jfty l.«ila> that "(nil informatiut) eon r. unit the .irridriit is mil yet •\..i\iMi l»ui diftuMii that tflf .i■ i• had i illen m ,.ii inulatori l.f I'ulKy nt In M " 'II. pi(.'.fin-. .>i Ivi-.i>«>ii l^">nur' ) ;• "iif t >tit lilni lli.il mie i uli-ti rl miitr had miivu i ll 'ho ••r;i>li. Andrew wiw Ihr < inhlh mid ii >•!' C.st ninkil u t S V" \ i:rm r.il (■> IoM - iic \\i>- w.i lict.iti I Filly-nim- vi'ar- <<5»I. lie h:'d "Sum ii Inn :»l\ il" l"t yivii i i i.i); Army I iiir liM i-c ;mhI i < i :iinpii fmu rnnltivd IkiihIk'H1 Hi- \.;i- nut* of Hv few •■ffivt1!'. «>f Ins ;!)!•• im«i 1 ink hold .hi .ii'Km lyiii); lnnr.1 lyi'ii.i;*!'- -"ii ^.ud the ••il-ytMr oi|>' i«• lit ilu' Million's i ;i|iitnl. hint ui'devtakcn hi.- \ r i» •" AnivriiMii ll^htmn Mirn .ii I In- rr«|iirsl uf I'rcs td«.iii llinis«!\ i-M. wit". decliiri'd mtm-iiiH tin • t'iI'll A i'Pi'Kmii -"Id ri-i','. ' txiitv nirj '.'Ui thf: t'iith"llr Cliurcli h'ifl ! mut Ar'hlbif'vp Francis J. S|im.I« I man, of New York.