— J UBASBl) W1KB 8KUVICR <>«• THIRTIETH YEAR *fASBU wmc NCKVICB or 1.HESH. HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 8, 1943 S E3^,mVi8UNIXir^ERNOON FIVE CENTS COPY — ■ fc Axis Armies Flee Toward Sea ★★★★ * + ,1, _i_ A- _A_ -A Cost of Living Subsidy Being Talked In Washington New Commander v . # NAi'ACD to succced tho late C.cn. I rank M. Andrews, Lieut. Gen. ' Jr.cob L. Do vers (above) becomes c >T.!r.andcr of American forccs in t-ie European t'icntrc of war. Gen. Uowi-s recently completed n tour '•( that war area and is well pre pared for his task. (International) Senate Body Approves RumI System Would Abate 1942 or 1943 Levies, Under I" inance Committee Propoal Voted 12 to 7 w.,.n-;tm. Mi,v —The S« it,'( r'lii.iiicc Committee voted 1- j ti> V .i|>|)in\,il today fur .1 modi lied | Vf Moii the liiiiul-Ciirlson pay-as- | yon-:;.- I.i . collection tnca.-iiie. whim : W'-ui I ahalc either tin- till- or Mil!! liabilities <•! I,is payer*. whieiievt r io lower. In p. n i ;|-l>rc»kinf? time. Hie mm nvi'l>at< hi fur nil individuals mi the Ib.i- m| (itlier their 1!H2 or 1!HH in— I1"1 1 . v.I.ichcvrr is lower. I Sin itiir I .a Folic tie, Wisconsin Pro Isie iv.\ ...iid the group voted to IttriUv out df the bill a provision urs locr which the 1942 levies of all per $2 Billion To Be Used (To Cut Cost I Would Support Price Ceilings and Still Re lieve i'ublic; Applies Only to Food I \\ ar was ru ! ported authoritatively today to • under consideration in iiijrli I administrative quarters. The report followed yester ! day 's official announcement that meat, coffee and butter subsi dies will be swunjr in to support price ceilings in the nation's sta bili/.aton fijrlit on June 1. '1110.-0 subsidies will cost approxi mately S4ttu.tlOO.itmi a year, according jt> unolticial estimates. The two bil lion dollar program reported under study was said to include plan* for subsidizing canned fruits and vege table. and a long list of other foods — but nothing except funds. '1 nc first program, announced hy Price Administrator Prentiss M. Brown, is aimed to force ii ten per tent cut June 1 in the retail cost of beef, veal, pork. lamb, mutton, cut fee and butter. It will be fi nanced by the Reconstruction Fi nance Corporation through one of it.-, subsidiaries, under what officials ;aid was a specific authorization contain ed in last October's price control act. Flat payment of a cent or more a pound will be made to meat pnekers, butte: manufacturers and cof'.ce companies for their products, on con dition that they cut their prices ac cording to the program. In adopt ing this plan, the government re jected n proposal to buy direct from producers and re-sell at a loss to processors. Despite the "conditional" imn'Va tions that the program might oper ate on an optional basis, the unof ficial consensus was that it would be compulsory throughout, with the penalties provided under the price control act. Officials, howeve:'. de clined to discuss this j»hasc of Ihe plan immediately. Wilson Airmail Is Given Decoration For Persian Duty Cairo. Ilcviii, .May 8.—(AIM — Five American officers who ser ved for nine months as lest pilots on (lie Persian tilllf supply route, flying more than .>00 I hours in hazardous weather to lest planes urgently needed by the Kussians. h ive been awarded the distinguished fl.vitnr cross. Tlie.v inclnde Captains .lolut IV. Coffer, of Louisville. Ky.. and Kiluin (». Dean, of Wilson. N. C. Tlie.v have now returned to the 1 nited Stale*. .-•in Willi net jni-iiMic- up I" $.*>,00(1 would in* \\ 11m• i• i• 11» t<> oiifrc this country", ml '"liific KitiU'riiilly, Jifimti.r.s said Kliiy. Kyi" before 1h{1 fj|)| of T(|!)ts was announced. Imvmakers ..' ' vj'de the cloM.st study of '■ M>|)lv and demand fur pctroi •' l>:'id.,iets foresaw the possibility "ii en if| Kasoline and fuel oil 7'1' in the United States once ; '•xi is cleaned out of the Medi ™nenn iircH, ,yt the Allied fighting forces by way of the Mediterranean sea. YANKS MAKE IT ROUMDUP TIME IN TUNISIA Allotments L p in Some Areas Raleigh. May K.— et|U pment to the French army, lie read a message from President l;ra.>mg el fort of Ameri can W'Ulir: - lirni.-hing supplies to the Any. and added his personal praise 1 r tiiose "whose labor is de voted t" lurning nut military equip ment. STATE SUMMER TERM TO BEGIN ON JUNE 16 Ualeijiii. May B—State College's summe i ti will begin with reg .1' 1 Juno i(>. KegKtriir W. L. May» r announced today. ("out inning its accelerated train u i 'U . inaugui ;.to i last year. • ie college will give a full term of \\ 1. d>r. iu .1 11! wee!.- period. In acld.ii *i tin- div i.-ion ■! teacher edu cation • <1 :!-,e Textile School will I'lfcr !«c.ali/cd work in their re spective fields fur a six-week* period. Kre.-lti! an work w ill be available • if .■-lu.lent.'- desiring to begin their college work in the rummer instead of waiting tor the lall term. AMERICAN SOLDIERS are making themselves at home oti the Tunisian range, rounding up batches o£ Italian prisoners who arc r.ot loo terribly downhearted over Tailing into American hands. Yanks, above, armed with sub-inachine tuns, ride livid ou a group of Mussolini's empire builders. (International) Germans Fight Desperately To Stem March of Russians Near Novorosrisk; Mere Coal Miners Strike Germans Slaughter Own Hesitant Troops Qq f J Red Army Driving Near Novorosr isk; Germans Slaughter Own Hesitant Troops Moscow, May S—(A!*)—An extremely violent kittle was re ported in projrn'ss today in m area only nine miles fr> 1:1 Nov orossisk, as the (ierman- pushed lip reserves, tanks ami motor ized artillery in an attempt l<> halt the Soviet advanc toward the JSIack Sea port. In the face of irrowin..' resist ance, Red Army units v hii'i turned southw;rd after . t injr the Germans and the !i;t manians north of the Kul>aii ri ver from those in the south were driving hard to follow up the force of their first thrift in the direction of Xovoros — k. There wii • im indieal; n '• wns surrounded. t>at e wore tm tliI've .sidt-- ..::i' hard on the are. The German- re-u1 •• .sagging I 'l'Ci" Ve.-ti i d ' < several heavy tnnk le: e tacks against the l!ed ,\i \ At this P'iit. Id!.--!.Hi ;i.\•• • CI'S -wfrnped in ti> damn i ' plosives ill the Axis inl;.i.t:v. in\ - ilia them into flight. A rrcmt di patch >1 : • !•' er.s captured in the I; a" < . e told that it \\ !i ili pint ■ li t > l "d German inrantrv dh i- • •• ■ h. il h'.-ii shot for aband n.' u ;■ »•! ns against orders. Pravda, the inniiniiiv-i l >'t v newspaper. reported )!i : I r Gc m right wing i- res!in : :i t i.'y defended range "I him:i • nt . n and that it will be diflic.il' dis lodge them. Cotton Mixed At the Close Now York. May ;; (AC) ('<>» ton futures "pencil • i% • ■ cent- • b;i!" higher to ten con' l<-v < t. 1'nliii c closed 20 cents a l«al<* i'nvei In It n cents higher. Miiv .filly October Oeromlicr March .. i L'n ;m.oi l!» 1:1 i:».73 lit.72 (. Ill «• 211??. i!»f»r» 111 IM Iff : ifi.va weather FOR NOnTII cai;oi,i\ V J.itdr rhangr in temperature (onighl. Workers Idle in Three States Despite Roose velt View They Cannot Strike I-itlsltumh. I'.i.. ,M;iv 8.— (AIM — i'niirieeil hi.niliril striking eoal miners urtil li.uk In work > near ( .ilili;rnia. I'a.. hut another ' mother mine iiiiil. Ii a\in . moi< i!i.i 11 'J.tiOO workers in three ••tali'- .-till idle in the t'aee til l'r. I mine .it ('..iiioi: est i>l four .1. & I. jut • ' their job,-. early i i. v ..i «• 1last muht Willi N <>l ilio United ?>i .lie \\ >' 'lit* >ii ii if I in e .1 ! i!.t • • I . ' ' tills of other mill- 1 II - v. II ' I'M work stoppage unless operate>rs ' :'ii i ri v illi the United I Mine \\ • the end ol the lit- ' l -tii-d.iv tMiei. ( .Hue from UMW (i I -t ■ • > 'ei n IVmisylvania. Tw<> i i:»outs iii 1'eiitisvI- . ■ :.11ki iitul ( ' *ie protests ii^ailisi ; it 111>i- ni operators to line cmployi t t.il.inc pai'l in iinau tlioi i/eil - |'. ior to the fteitei. ■ I lint clov ii . I Friday midniKii', v.htn t! ^ i . i'd eontraets expir ed. Rallies Occur in Stock Mart Now York. M (if iH'itrl l >d % .mil. wi'li niiiiiv of Krirluy» j ; !.!■• lii-t.ii.in i' -tenu is returning ■<> i *li< imiv ii nek mnrkci fnvn:- j ill ii • i i i 11iictliiri>> In more limit <1 ixiilll. IJjnl . wc ik.' ! hi yestcrdny's sell- I Vd .• i'* rl ick nllrr .1 slightly , i 11;'i't. Tlioy were followed I by r;. ! motor# find upct'ltllltoi. I I • ( l i:<»(TTl;r> M.i '• y )• (AP) .(ohnnv .1.: p!>»•1' . i rlcrfinetted todiy | I U >:!•• -in:III! .1 |i:<'cr of ClcdVTll 1 1 ccjtiipiiuiil .il .1 lui'iil industrial plant. I Kxplosions Aboard Gibraltar \ csscls , Ma\ Be from Subs I..I l.ilir.t. Spain, .1 \ X—( \l'l —Three \ iiilcnl explosions shat tered the e.iini ot <.iln ilt.ir ha\ at (> a. 111. toila> alter wliieli British na\.il tuus beaehed three mereliaiit ships in the liarhor. A reported att.iek In \\is subma rines was not eoiiliriiied imme diately. ATTACKS 111 \( K .MAKKKT l.\ m > i-li;liiii.i 1i. gil ■•'line, il l- ( 1: |»' Ilatiun 11:1. l> ee.s-4 T fi»ii|> "t cm tors v. • North C.'trolii t lit' fill !!• (1 rapid|\ a- 1 T C<<11P<<11 M • l« aid i . lack market • . Pel. ii.-i' Tl'J»Hi> ■I r din;: tip c\ 111 ' ■ \ chielt? <>p l»c( 11 eul 1 <1 >T i.|iicinK 1 i'l ni* -urvc.ved nil all es(•(■-» (I ami de- trnvi-d. U.S. Ilanes Speed Blows Or Jap-Held Attn Island Wii.-hiiiKti'ii. M.iy 11. (AP) —Am erican |>1.1r!• • ;i(imc from new r.chiiiici i• ii in tii< A lent inn i l.ind li.i , < i i i« l up lh< ir ;iltiick~ ■ •ii .l.ip, in fil(i Attn i.-lnnd. I In* Nuvy (li '■■ iiincl. winch 1 liii h;i.- been tIn* most In*;i\ ih l>iimbed ol tlit* two biiM's, live time . A|i|>.m Hi I> tin- Ai'cricsin force n|— (•liilccl i*i*iti 11 m • I*.i i' mi Mcliilka i* l:iinl. \\ Ii it'll i- • hi I \ ii! ii. lit M-; 11 unit's In>ni Ki U.i ntwl from \)tu. Ill tin- Sollth P.icillc. Mliy i- l.isl lircoiniiiu tin* iii'iiitli ii( bombs f*»i tin* ,1,111. ii if ***1 * ;i1 thrir Ii;im*s in I lie .iiinuN* .uhI ii'onntiiin country «»r Dutch \c« (iiii'ie.i. Itiiiiumtf liv (liivlmhl over rli.« l.incrs to. u -' t-- lire *hr plater tion el Ofrmtiric Itchier;. I.irutfn ant General George C. Kctiney', !' -n■ I>»•••>- h;r> r lainrd death and de vastation nn tho onomv in thnt nrcn ii!t-. 1 (l iilv nee May I. !'!h latoM hl>>\\ w;i.i stniek yo.s ti rl.iv In \«ivli .ilian-pilotod bnmli ;■ i; nst wliieli is inmc Hum "mi ivIIf- ti Hi <>f Darwin. Fires wh'rli i'" ill l>c -roil "i> null's away rated -illri the raiders blnslrri at Ihr ,ii-di "Mir. on \x liicli wore Japanese bomber.- .Hid lij{)itri>. In I'.iiiiim. Ihr Japanese have made .> new ad\ anrr cast of tlir Mayu ruler m llnrma ni.H have developed a •■(Inrrt thrral In our position* ill tlir llnibedaiinK arra." fitly miles north "I Akvali. tlir Hritih announc ed in a romniunlqiir InHny, 'The runny hove obtained a po sifion a-trido Ihr Miitindaw-Halho dainm n-ad about four miles above I ho latior r.lv I ho eonitntinicpie said. "IVspilo substantial actual eiisunl tiei intlid'd hv "tn troop.-, ihr Jap anese have succeeded in reinforcing i their forward units. Allies Plan To Destroy Enemy Army French Populace of Tunis Shower?. Allied Tanks With Flowers; Thousands of Prison ers Taken Allied Headquarters »n North Africa, May 8—(A1*)—United States and British troops press ed hard today upon Axis rem nants driven from their strong holds at ISizerte and Tunis in a spectacular .'iG-liour offensive, and French forces took over Pont-du-Fahs and hijrh jrround to the east to roll up the rijrht winj? of the enemy's southern front. "Many prisoners and much equipment has already been cap tured. but exact figures are not yet known," it was announced in a communique from General Dwijrht D. Eisenhower's head quarters. "The advance con tinues." The surprisingly abrupt conquest of Tunis and Bizerte. achieved by :t messing ol overwhelming superior forces of men, tanks. gun> and planes I came one day short of six months after the Allied landings in North Africa. Allied land, air and naval I forces are bent upon one tiling— ! destruction of the last vestige of the Axis forces in Africa as a prelude to carrying the war across Ihe Mcditei^anean and | into Europe. With liaison severed between the survivors of Bizcrte and | Tunis garrisons, and the south 1 ern front yielding before attacks of the British First Army and the 10th French groups, the cam paign was in its final bloody stage. Allied airmen, who provided un precedented aerial support for the ground offensive, sank fourteen small cralt. set a destroyer aflame and damaged several other vessels iin the gul! ;;itd harbor of Tunis, and sanl; three more vessels at the en trance of Tunis harbor, the com munique said. This followed up widespread at t. cks Thursday in which further re ports diseased three Axis destroyers were .-'in!; and three others damag ed and 2."> vessels were sunk i:: at tack- on Sicilian ports. ''Light and medium bombers, fight ers and fiuhter bombers of Ihe tac tical air force kept up intense at tacks on road.- congested v. !*!i enemy starting numcrutu fire*." the com troops. desti \'v.g n any vehicles and imini(iuc said. "Enemy air lields near Tuni- were attacked." The conimuiiiiiue said that ar mored elements of the Itritish First Arm* entered Tunis at 2:50 p. m. yesterday after having ad vanced some miles ill SB hours against stiff resistance, including many mine fields. "In the north, troops of the second I . S. Army Corps had cleared the important town of Ferrvville by 4 p. in., and at 1:15 p. m.. their forward elements entered Hi/.erte." the bulletin said. ' Isolated croups of A sis soldiers fought overnight in the narrow streets and thick walled houses of Tunis and IVizerte in an effort to win a few hours reprieve for col mi's fleeing eastward in a clouded "imble along (lie few northern roads .-till in enemy hands. Airmen who struck at ship ping in the Straits of Sicily said tliey saw a number of boats carrying troops heading for Si cily. indicating a partial evac uation was being attempted, but it «as on a small «eaie and a large percentage of the ships are urine siinK. ll appcarert most probable (bat the Axis could not attempt a laree scale evacuation. A delayed disnatch from Hi/ertc by Harold V. Boyle. Assnciiilcd Press correspondent, said happy French residents of that naval base show ered flowers up'in American tankf which led tlip thrust into the city, wept with iov and waved their fin fiers high in the V ,-icn for victory. A company "f I'. S tankmen and two companies of tank destroyers made the initial entry, sweeping in i from the Southern area under ar tillery fire. The flower* of the : French were removed about ton min (Contiiiucd on Page Six)