Courage As Virtue j Of Life Is Held Up To 1943 Graduates Dr. R. A. Lapsiey, of Roanoke, Preaches Baccalaureate Sunday Night; Music is Feature ( C'our.ii:.' as .1 virtue ut lilt- v\.is 1 ivlii up iti liit:: madnatfs if lion- ! iltv 'ii .•. I Sunday unjht ... MtCiil Hit' I'. I.I • I.I !>»• MiUKlll. by Ul. K. A I ..l|' :« V. .1: . (i;i>t..- ... tl„. Kll M ■ Piv>|.> : ii>. ..vli 'i 1! . rt "l;i. W. , in tlic annual baccalaureate itvra1i.11. Tin prop am wiis thf .-tart of the liM"> i onivmont. wlui'li end. with lii'aduat •!! exi'iriH'." ami pi' - sentatioti > f diplomas next Tliui'v o\ eiini;. I sinu ■ lory . »t Daniel and his c* !'' • ' .\cd mi thf Old Testament D Lapsiey admonixhed ' thf -in: i v ;,lv..i\ • ha\o tlif Cull .ii',* ■ u . t • >i.ind alutu* and to \cntui ..!' l»>i a worthy cau-e. Hi- -ii o ' wa. "Christian Courage ous " , ; Hi. '• . ditoruitii \va> well 111!, i i". ' pi">i;rnin. which b< ::an v. "i; Ihf |j|\nvssi.)lliil plav.-d , • by I ho pit band, during which tlic : lie .-fin. rs. cla» mascots. member* I of thf faculty and ..I thf -ei: •••! board marched t.> if served *euU in front i of ihe r.'.-lrnni. Supi rintendent K M I> "llm.- pu-- . fided. riie audience i-lit «.i in 1114 in.. "Come. TIiihi Almighty King," after which Kev. .1. Frank Apple, i j.'. •' r >>i the l*i>ii{!re^tati.inal Chri;» C.XKI) OF TII.WKS. , Wo wish t« express nur grateful v a; 'I'M ,1 • .n !. 1 thf hindncs.: d| the .-t it M.i Parham liu-pital and ;< nd> ml if lain es clli ni - .aid death of W". CI. ,:i- iiMiri't i v Til!:; I'.ur MM ITT FAMILY. 1 1 . I! ( \t!l> <)l THANKS. !.Vi \vi •. t Hum . in 1 •iei.ds. b«»th la white .n>l . ! iitt *..!• Ihf fl->Wf:. 'ti and other expression* >.i sympathy I o «'n 1 .is 1 n the death ot Ilobevt Wi'. T!iF. FAMILY It urn clitirch c im' the i i i\< i< >i i. Tin Sr:i|tun i .nil .. i 'll.iui d I'\ l;-*\ IIV. II. Mvtiiui . |m lor i>i the l-1 i ! I !'iv>l>yl' : Kin ituuvl:. and t!luuu ! I school mixed el mw siitij^ two nun.- I bers, "Sundown" and "My Taxli. ac- | i compamc.i at the piano l>\ Mi.-..-. ; I Ki amiv- IIibIi'. ' Iiev. i: X"iilivt tiardner. pa.-tpra .1 .. i di-li!inui-!.t >i rit i uy : tlii- l'i Iv i i.m t'llUM'l' •' ' ! - V. n ill-lillit|. il i Im iiwii State ami il:-mlu-ri. l>r. Lap-ley ml iie v...- a nalivc <'t Si' ' ! I I'.. -I I! I. ■! I led II. X»'ltll Carolina and had iiivji'IimI iu Vir ginia i«>:• neurit ..' and .. hali. , Hcv. .1 \V Uorihnifjtoii. |kuIik' .i City l«".iii . nd While M in >■ '■ Miihout.-i i'!ill.!'!'r,-. ami lather i't one *'i t:-e 'U • i't • »a\e tJiv* oetii dietion. ami the band plajrvd the .i ccwiuiiiil .... Uu class and the otlivi* marchcd fr in tl e auditorium. \V. T. Meat lie. tl ivtei ''i tt'.e band, led t.;i 'iroitp. Courage i.- a t:\ut i- great ty neidi d in tin- d..> I' Lap.-lty l Id the audlcnce and the *eniur«. llo lauded i:n■ i .. age men ;:i (no armed m-i ■. .i i - and -aid mirage i - ueidcd . !.-•• i i :e home "1*1 io nam let ,-anl Hie ability t.i ' -ay ".No' bl'."... i <• .. i tear, stioii.,. deet ive linal t ■ In i;.»i:;i; thai lie have cam a ■ ' -land ..i lie. lie der'ai rd it i . v > •■-> ' • ill";!t With the crowd. Uaniel and i.i- com j ,11•.■ I ii.i>i t: . • • tii:.!%;«- ! . mmIUH' : . , . I \ belie . Ill:; I ; : i.d • avc t!u : t. Xvt. .i l)in niitt; tiery lurii.iec. and :..l vir iiit i.- a tenei that accomp..!. • • in wilhngnt - ' • .'i.l l«r \ t:i lie IliAl.s t'l III' till' light. Till' R"illj} i •ugh ill tia: \v '.Id ■ : today. "Y ; aiv Koine it int • « world tnat i> pi'rplc.M d. v. iii luce di.-app' Illti ill! an 1 •:.• '. :-i II mi'tit." <1.1- >P« aki:- I..Id till' n. "Itiit o> out \\it;i >• i. .» 4 ; ,.nd tin nun:. I' : !! n;.l w.i- tu :>c "Chri-ti; .... ..v iu.-.' Some examinations eontinued t > i ' ri. m1. • 'it tiio tii.. • v. il! i U. Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. 1 i: .M 11:^1 !> KOTTLKK: l'1-.l'M-t 1)1..A liOTTI.I.\\j s ^ONEY tg are so many calls for money these days that you can't afford any -second calls" topav bills you paid once. Piying by check saves finiu, '•res, and gas; it provides a tiandy record of expenditures gives you better control of your financial affairs. You are invited to open a checking account with this tank YOU CAN BANK BY MAIL Citizens Bank & Trust Company Henderson, N, C. MEMBER EEOERAI DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION' I 'Monty of Alamein' AiiOVc ISYHE LATEST photo of Gen i Mont cry whose Eighth .v: v I - i' cu the Afrika Korps jut. ti .- K.-yi, Libyan and Tut. ,:;i iii- i rts. They arc now dm en Tunis. (International) ■ .;!•.! to ring down i huol year with MS to graa miipIht approxi v ..'14 J Otiplc. AyccckSermon By H. K. King K p.istor of the .:I :*!I. 1 Icildersiill. I'llll1 fCI'IM >11 high sell .1 . M .n the .'dm >1 nil. "The Great i taker, trim ii.i I le went tint. .\.i;::iei' he went." day was the first . .it!!: exercise- for I i".. da w II be «l» ■ y J .i'elock, with i\vivlses .it 8 o'clock May 13. - :::r > i icerl by the '. \V. R. Whi tcnton. ' i -<■ Lord" and l.i ' by I. ij-enz. were i > and the i :v -it :<• i 4iiit in his scr i i y e <• instantly ii<> « hiiii* new. In or • • -i- new experience*, i "h !i CI«>d. in him - fellowmcn. If jnu (:. Mr Kina c-mtinucd. • < . y ■ : r-elt and !)e able •- ■: I fe ■•••inetimes i l l- i v • ir lellnw'nen ■ y. l. .: ...» w:ll find the I "i :■>>• . ■yinu. "As you ;ir i • 'V knowing ■ . . ive f i:h in O' d, • ir fellowmen. < i it. ld;ng whose ' V. Ood." • M-niir class fit •i !• .vt'ires-s, presi -liy Aysriie. Roce !•' 1.-ar-ls. Preston Kd i r.hv Ka ee te. A. I. .If. (!:••>; I'' iilkner. II T It.ibv K.itilkner. Arthur i I.- Km •!!. Krinn Overbv. ; . Ili-len Walk.lis. Mal . 'i>. \\". C. Watki's. fiti'l iiii.t. ■i i c its . !•<■ It Hie .!<• m ltd R'innid '• ull ner. Mar ls |i. ir i Mnri.' i v. chief in I ?.l ldre-1 II >vle. .lank* !■ i|>|es. and •'ulian Kit„ Warning To Speeders By The Recorder Aj>;>e . .Hi- "f five speeders in his i.l > i I l!c« >i del' I! K. Clem i c i., i. . mil ;i warning not only' ■ . tjr .t t<> tin- public generally nitig next Monday. lie u 'i i (tow n «»:. these violators I i ■ fine's proclamation followed t!i :•(. 'I (idvcrii'ir Ilroughton : . ii\:nj{ the wartime speed i i Vi 'it I'.uoiinu highways at a m.i\ i i "1 miles per hour. He made ' he was sounding his i. ii advance. i ve: I ir judgment was contin ued ' ii |i..yment • >1 the costs tor th >se In; • -,e recorder today, hut on i '< r cxt Monday convictions \ • in h«'d by line- as well as . M - Hi nor asserted. • iii». alias Je.-se hid ward .ill white, ar.d Tennic Price, ( loied. | On • charge of operating a motor < : :< ie \v;!h< nl proper license. Frank II' di son. colored, was adjudged f ! guilty. Ii irry T 'iner. colored, accused of -a e violation, w .i> assessed with i 'sts and prayer for judgment was ci ntimicd. Henderson Floyd, colored, was i largcd with careless and reckless i \.ii:!, and was fined $5 ar.d costs, 1> ve Pough. colored, was charged t'i an a-sault and prayer for judg : "r.t was continued on payment of t.»e cosU. War Question Box Daily Dispatch Bureau, tn the *lr Oalu-r Hotel, By LI NN NIS1U I Every week lhc Dail. I' • Raleigh bureau will answer >i < concernihk the war's el l >i Ik ns. All answers will ">• "it.. verified. Serd y.ur que>: • ' ' Daily Dispatch bureau. 1" *1 i'• >. 1309. Raleigh. N. C. Q—"I net an allotment e:uv.» my nephew every month. !• ■ • have my name spelled \vi,»n.: can I do with hosecim . A—Tur:i the check o\ei . i your name on the back just a- ■' •is spelled on the face ol the - And underneath that, v.: v name as it should be ,-pcil. ! !' take care of the cheek- > re cly received. And < ' 'l letter to the Office ol l> Benefits cNplainitut the i nskiiiK them to correct ' < HereV t'ne addre.-s ot t • you to write—Office i>: '' v Benefits. 213 Wash, ■ •"> • >'i '■ Newark. .1. O—"Our missionary adopted a needy in >!!•• ...Is children as our s ici.i! cr\ e i> ■ Speeders And Drunks Court Speeders ml ('mink run in police court t.■ i.•>. A lien ■total of all even dozen i . e.- »\e. tried. Hugh K<»berscm II >\ :<•. whiti was chaiged with spie.i. I>u: d< dared not guiltv Kdwin I,. Smithw.c'. >. t .• charged with -petd ■ i I r judgment was ■■■ ur e i nienl of a fee ot $."» an i Clifton Richardson. eh rged w;»'i drii" .1 was given thirty day- ••: r . 1! Mispended payment —."ill and costs and ins d. . ci 1 > voked for one year. Pain Godwin. wh.te charged with beir.g d.. ..n>; i. separate warrants. In one he fined $5 and c.>- » :ul : .1 '.;i : nolle prosed. John U\ Huff, wh te. \v.i- charge with being di ..nk a d v. and using loud and > • >;e: a uagc. but adjudged n"iiilty. Ralph Hender-on. colon d. ;\.i i $5 fine :ind c fo •• •!.. \V. A. llicks. white 1 ed with the c •»?» ■ :• Moody Mitchell. i. ch. rged with dis do v v • : un using loud and o ■. • 1 i.i and prayer for .1 d::m tinned on naymea: oi v-.e 1 n fine of Sa. Ruddie Als* i" '1 ■ e ed with d;r- >.dcrlv . :ui .1" and b sterou.- c • its. .n I with p'lyment >!' the c • ' Annie Relic Perry w.i- iviv.v ren ins <|U,ir:ers for poses ;>• '1 was given 11 nety i jail, and slie 11 -ted an uppe.ii. Eliza Mitchell, c .1 .red. ed with imm rnl relation'' ..." 1 I ••• Howe, and w s 1<: off w • 1 •. e on condition *!»• take the \e:icte. disease treatme: Mrs. McCracken's Mother Passes at South Mill Home Mrs. !> II \ .r ington. i. >1in Mrs. T. \V. Mel' .en. • tli, c tv. died nl bet III>in« • 1 Simtli i i at 4:30 a. I' Knud.iv after .111 illne of several 1 ••nth Funeral v. a conducted tin atte. 110011 at one o'eloei. at the b< South Mil!, .ii'ii ivhieli tin' bm!y waj taken to Petei 1 • lor buriol Resides Mr . Met 1 adieu other children survive, tojjethei v..:. the 'liisband. Services in South 11:11 tin- a!:, noon were attended l>v Mi;. .! C Mann. Mrs. Henrv Miingliin. Ah !■ S. Rryan and M \V. Kn-tt addition to Mt • •! Mr.-. MeC'i No other; a ere leal net! 'iflcriioon. I KI.AK KGCi John Flee. iin •: Kamn • ■111 employee o| the City of lb-id son. displayed a I real; egg .1 'lie Dispatch ofl • ..j ,v whieli v senibled a lizard mingle.1 , the yolk and wlnte ot the egg. OtTi:it HANKS No other . late has the am" • i of formation iis North linn's—outer hanks that eticin ■ deep and inagnilaent bodies oi w: ter where the whole nation e 11 Id surf bathing at once. ji for the yea!'. Kit my part I'dl r • Rive home-canned vrgri bid 1 C . 1 .' tin-n v. '!:■•»! callcct-1 ,:iu i..;:.-: p.'in s"*' \ Yes. you ean il na'.e as much I • .VI (|i,:u-;s ol v ■ home-canned | . v\ tli<>. '. e.»lle.*iiiig ra-1 stamps. That's probabl* naeii v.. ,\l >\ !i: to away, ,.-i for he rivmd—after you've , ted \\ th .">ti ij.i.i >. you'll have to ' ; i >;ii ;•!.?!,■ point- .1 ; ! as if you \. i :he t: y h i- ;ies>. And i • •. :he :ir.i .1. ■ •. tin- f>U-ipiart : canned tru.:.- and vegetables :ae only .illinv.cuv of rationed wii.en i i e.;a:'.i:e hands with ..: ..n e\.!...ngi •: points. Mea s • r. I !\l even : * i give them .v. > . ve • c >llect points i to '.In- ration board. v,> "My miii .:i 11k- Army makes i *t . wance. Now. all of a sud dct here he a child, lie did • ut I I • ;t right for them | .*•!. • y !Un\aiU'o evcrv 'ii.ii : .. Li cnld?" A We n -it and am such • i ■ v. • . i>e a matter of civil !:ie War Question we d i know ' i in.iv ail iwunec plan .< n ■■ t enl.-k d men a ' i in cides that ;i man te t i the suppoit ol an . < te eh tnc that chil 11 A Dependent. and | uake an all iwatu\ > ; " t IKIRtlt who wiu aUtl ; • ••••• i tile .soldier—.»o it i".e? him suppurt litej t i. .• tne child's in 'ther. ijc • ng for them, coulul the allowance lid it i a •: :>e necessary o take any tin* s a I lu wane in ney to] t the ell;Ui. 1 became Hi! in March. This! i ter the o itmmcemcnl about I y >1. .-barging men who were ■ • -Id s • the. e >uld return o .Iture or vv r product ion. v : I ; >»■ i , jihle ! • .i d:> ha rue iro l»a;k t. e.-.-trntial industry?" \ Ye... solute:', you w mid be . 'in the t ndpoint 't age, •.v. A . ' ui •! my iiic wli > be_ :t;t arte:- t'ie t-i- atmo.inee-1 till tit Maw already been releii-e.i. 'i—'V :i a tiirm ho ,-ew te ell' .i.:i! 1 an; ant .•! butter in a ■ I • V. ' I".it o::.e i..!a; t per And t.n :e an. !i:ni t ■ now !!i;ie.' siu- I an -i 117 Thi :• ..'e> theniscive- are com-1 '• i igl. 1) :i't try to make t: . . any v. irstf. The uiily thi g youj ::..\e to worry about i« t • y •••: te.. an;i making it ilj report .• the rationi"g| . i;..t we don't i-i :i:e ;.on for .■ - ire ai.ead f| t n i pi -:>ic re tr I <; I know that .-" writing! e h vf Hi i lege •: u»3in frcj | > .! ' v. r.ting "tree mail" mi ■ ' ". i-i j>e. I > . thev ] :i. e.. 111 . •• p re lege v.:. • t!" y": i on till! .i^r .vrt.iinlv ,i . They're j iv '* Home i few day ■. The | ee j . \ iege ii ut .' can never i>t. ni -re tiian SIJ .i month. An:! :f the wife is not awarded limony. she will be g;vi ;:er al'.;;*.\ anee .'illy through the • 'titi. e :::tal (!• e was granted I i | HOW'S YOUR I.Q.? < an you answer tln-s|. quiz i|ut-s liniis'.' Turn tn I'.irc 4 for th* answers. I. Wti; iv i> tin Valley <•! '1'cii ! ii"ii aii'i Smokes? J Wh'ii ilirini fur i rii.'.n nwib p> im !■. It. iT.' Wliin i tin- <|uh ,t i .mil "I ii'iiti". niwy i»v Mini! ii Sun Fninri.M'u in New* York i 'riu1 l.'ti.i" i i>t ni'M ttiiinitfd ' • Lout XIV* "i Krcinec; !..l! I I'.- IIK'illlillK'.' I- 1 ,• >»n<• -ii • fiilimU' "Mm IlOll" • I hi 'In1 T'lttr. «'l l."i 'l<>ll. 1 ■••ii i" I'.illi.iliu-lll hi v? i; Si natm Mi C' (i >< m<.ci at > • i cuts wliiHi St tilt* hi 11m; U. t*. . V.'h • cihii|ii•.-«■«! "St;ir Dust"? ■ ('•• pli-ii ihr |iri'\irl>: 'II pays !>. In in i mwhat. what is a •(I'-f. u Jit"' lo. What was t|io iiiiUnanic of T>: u- I!, vim..mi l'..l)l>. Iaiin>ll> baso • ..II .ilayi-r'* i BE SURE WITH * * tflTISI CUB STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY URY DISTILLING COMPANY • PEORIA, ILLINOJ® N. C. Minerals On Their Way To The Front In the Sir Waiter Hotel. Daily Dispatch lturcau, By LYNN N1SBET Ilaleigh. May 10.—Cumulative evi dence leads to the conclusion that North Carolina will play a larger roll? in the nation's war and post war industry with respect to min erals than had been contemplated some months ago. Major credit for this position in the sunlight must go to the Creator who gave to the State such a wide variety of mineral ores. Secondary credit belongs to the Department of Conservation and Development for its pioneering ingenuity in finding and publicizing the natural resour ces in mineral deposits. Some credit, however unpleasant to recognize, must go to the Axis powers whose activities centered attention upon possibilities in Carolina hills for vital materials formerly imported. Before the war a good deal of mica was imported Irotn India: now the Cnited States looks to Western North Carolina for its supply. Certain tvpis of sand quartz and silica im portant for fine glass making came troin central Europe! Now this coun try looks tn gravel beds around l.iles \ ille. Large quantities of sponge iron used to be imported from Norway.1 Shipping scarcity lias directed atten tion to Carolina ore beds. Little, if any. coal has been im ported into the Tinted States, llut tumsportation dillieulties have brought into greater prominence the untapped coal sources m the Cape Fear holds of North Carolina. War time requirements lm* the light me tals have focused interest on Tai lleel State sources of magnesium | ti<>111 untold quantities of olivine. Governor Iiroughton and the Stale Department ot Conservation and De ve, •piiiont. alert to this changing sit uation. met it by employing tiie Her man llras-crt organization to survey X 'i th Carolina mineral deposits and -uvgest proper methods of tlevelop .ner.t. Final report on this survey litis not been made and may not be available for another !I0 davs. Partial prelim inary reports would seem to fully ju tify the project. These early re ports prove beyond doubt that North Carolina has iron and coal and mae. ncsium in quantities sufficient to ael nuind consideration by government and private promoters. North Carolina has long stood neat the top among all the states in agri cultural production. It has ranked high in textiles and first in manufac tured tobacco products. There is now little doubt that it must be reckon ed with in contributions to the na tion's mineral wealth. Agricultuial and manufacturing pre-eminence can be classed as old stut 1 • The mineral item is relatively new. The minerals have been here longer but have not been exploited. Right now they are 011 the way up. There's a reason: Broughton. Broughton doesn't want to be a "war governor." Bickett has that honor. Morrison was the roads gov ernor; McLean the business gover nor: Gardner was the consolidation governor: Ehriughaus maintained tiie State's credit, and Hoey \vas the goodwill governor. Broughton. most versatile of them all, would like to be known as the "development" gov ernor. That includes schools, health, roads, manufacturing, minerals, and of all these items, minerals have been less cxpolited. If Governor Broughton. in the 1!" months remain ing of his term can complete pend ing plans for development of the State's mineral deposits he will have instil led a claim to recognition as the State's "development" governor. FIRST "REVOLUTION" Kfity years before tje American | Involution, a successful "usurpation" | of Uing-hip was maintained against 1 the English crown: "King" Roger Moore, was virtual ruler of his vast tracts i:i Brunswick county, where he had his seat «f power at Orton llousc. and near where the vanishotl city of Brunswick once stood. One bale of cotton linters pro vides smokeless powder for about l(io.(i(i(i rounds of rifle ammunition. The STEVENSON Today-Tomorrow GEO. BRENT PR1SC1LLA LANE BRUCE CABOT ill "SILVER QUEEN" Also _ "VOI'Nfi AM) BKAI'TI H 1." Ml'SICAL AMI MAYS EMBASSY Now Showing BoB DoRoT«y '**7km tfat - *}fle @aven&cfc Phone 492 y any vchiiic. Principal Mim $nioiMXi. 'iicrca-«'s 10',; per year up to $15(10.00. CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY Phones G28-629 Joel T. Cheatham, Hgr. Want A Chick Raising Tip? >1' poultry raisers who arc past masters in raisinjr profit-making baby chicks always Thousands t lie art of {.'iw their ciiicks the hem-fit of Dr. Salslniry's Avi-Tal» in tin- mash l i^ht fr< m tin- very hcjrinniiijr- Why don't von try it'.' PARKERS ,^1889 State, wn SAVE WITH SAFETV WANTED 10,000 Cords (UNITS 5 ' X 4 X 8 ft.) Pine Pulpwood Present Price $8.75 Per Unit FOB Cars—SAL Raiiway Henderson Pulpwood Co. Phone 78 or 97 HENDERSON, N. C. SK/-J E. L. Raynor or Hughey Tindal If ii lie r Mamurr