Hgnitergfltt ©atltt Stauatcfe '"- iim i fcfciKr ' THIUTIimi YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 11, 1 \m EXCK1V AUNDAyl liHN<JUN FIVE CENTS COPY Army Unfits Deplored By Broughtcn Cannot Progress With Population Only Two Thirds Fit, Governor Tells Doctors lialcigli. May 11.—(AP)—Gover nor IJrouglilon, in ;i welcoming ad der- t«><l:iy in the 450 members of tin- North Carolina Medical Society ,,i it convention here, deplored the fart lli.il • i «liii'cl of North Carolinians in Mod lor military service have been rejected. ■ l-'ri>m the standpoint of the na lii nV ulctv. we cannot progress with a population only two-thirds fit," he .■aid. lie aKo termed "deplorable" the prevalence ol venereal disease, "es pi ; .1111<>!»(• the Negro popula tion " •\\'r can't have a healthy North Cat. in i l>v having simply a healthy white population," lie said. The medical profession, public lie ilth. the -chools and the home all must cooperate to remedy this sit a.iTion. the governor added. Kaiiier I Jr. Donald S. Cobb, of (!• dsl»ii'o. president ol ihe medical society. .-aid ill his annual president's add us s that "the practice of medi "ir.e as we have known it is uti lic V'iiiK profound changes." "There i- talk of the establishment of .i postwar lederali/.ed program »h.;i would lend to destroy tin- prac tin- •>! socialized medicine in t!n~ and other states." lie added. Axis Planes To Dispute Sea Lanes V.'. .Kington. Msiy 11.— (AI*)—Set"— uii. 1.1 the Navy Knox, romment ii.:. i ii the Allied victory in Tunisia, tod;.v that the German air toree iimi abtcdly would try to keep Ai li< il lumping from using the .Vledi tfi i .mean route eastward, but "they won't be able to prevent us." Kn ix. talking at a press confes nire. declined to estimate how long .1 \ • iiJ l.-f after the filial clean-up !: I'm;, i hciore tlit* Medilei I anea.i n'ini- iMiiiii In- iliiown open with >u| |ii> -!.i;• operating under an Al i.ii'.lnell.i Ironi the noi llici n rn.i '•! A! km. lie said, however, that the i jii-tuug oln iously would he ol "ire i • iiloii adv,uitagc" because ot tin }': rtciung ol the mute to tin- Mid di which lie estimated would uvi r.ige about a.OOtl miles. A.-Ucd whether German planes Ii"!:: the eontinent and from such .i-. Sardinia and Sicily would t> l ti v to keep the great inland sea cl" mI in Allied shipping, Ktrnx .-.nil tls it thev "will alti'inpt to. undoubt etliv. hut they won't be able to." S.. 1'iig a the Axis hold.- Sicily, tin I-.:; ii l.aittl at the toe ol Italy, tin fiiin \ .hi tiireat to convoys will re i' .nil lairly high. Knox indicated, ami lie said that ••possession oi f-!' lv by the Allies obviously woulu be ,i tremendous asset." Rulings By Atty-Gen'l On Statutes KiilciCh. May 11. (AP)— A'>»• n?y (ii'iii'iiil llarrv McMullan ruled t ■ (1.1 v (luit "notwithstanding the fact Hi.it thi- 111111v; time for iti ;i municipal election litis expired, the voters may write in the name "I tiny peivon for whom I hey dc.»n»* 1" vole unless such practice is pro hibited by ;i lueii I net." In another opinion, also intended answer questions tliiit arose in iwent primaries tind elections. Mc Mulliin held thut a "person must he •i registered voter in ;i town to hold the oftiee of mayor of the town. " JHhcr rulings: The powers tind duties of con stables arc co-extensive with the li init. of the county in which tire are appointed. A soldier who is sent to si military ruiup in North Carolina for traii« 1,1 H would not he a resident of North Carolina within the meaning of the (hvoree laws of North Carolina. <" cotir.e. it the soldier lived oil tin re.-cr\ .ition and intended to make North Carolina his home, he would be a resident. A justice of the peace doe- not nave jurisdiction of a case of speed upon the highways, STORM WARNINGS UP ON ATLANTIC COAST \o .".m"'0. F,;l" M.iv II. ,1 1—flic Jacksonville wc.itner "•ircau issued the Inllnwim: warning today: sm.ill craft warnings are <lis "onth of llaltrras to lei \tfrom St. •'larks to Tampa Bay." LED BIZERTE PUSH Ill the final drive on Bizertc, American troops were under the command of Maj. Gen. Omar Bradley, infantry and artillery specialist. llere he is shortly after his soldiers entered ti»' city. This U. S. Army Signas Corps rndio-tclcphoto has just been received from Alnca. (In terna tional Suundplioto.) GOP Fights* Clipping Of WPB Powers Claim Plan Opposed Would Merely Set Up Another Agency To Increase Confusion Washington. Al;iy II (AIM I.cg i-latino In iiip the War I'mdiiction Board ol its aulhority over civilian mip|ilie- landed in a bramble pilcii <>1 Republican opposition today when il was Idled over to the House t>.» the Senate. Representative Wollcott, Repub lican. Michigan. ranking minority member of the House Banking Com mittee. which Rives first considera tion to the measure, expressed Inc opinion that it ".-ets up another agency which is bound to contuse the whole sel-ltp." and declared: "I'lili'-.- a In! ol rt-ti ictinn- are written into it. ii will encounlei .-till p|.'ii.-ition :u the Untie." W.illcnlt s.ud he construed the leg islati'in a.- an iittempt to settle !>y congressional action friction between the War Production Hoard and tiic M ined ittrci - over priorities sought by In it b the armed forces and civ il iaii agencies. The bill would empower an ad- I miinstrotor appointed bv the Piesl dent tn determine the need- for ra tioning and tn a ce.tain tlit* types and t|i<anlities ol niateiial. inan pnw. i and titlier services necessary tn keep the civilian populations "healthy and lunctioiiilig ellcilive I.V." The new agency would replace the office ol civilian reiiiiiren.enls re cently organized bv WI'IS Chairman Donald M. Nelson. Mr. Churchill Adds Own Felicitations jl o Cicn. Kiscnhowcr M.iv II. (AIM Prime Mini-tri Churchill, in .1 eotiuialula tor\ 111 s.im- l>i Cciki.iI llvviuht I). Kisi'iilmwi'i. -aid today that the "Silllllltillll'<l|l> il«l\ illllf III tin I Srit — ish ;imiI American armic- side hy m«Ii- into Tunisia iinil I5i/erte give* •in iiimurv full i>| h<>|H' for tlio Inline • it the world." "I.el inr aflil my li.vrtlrlt conjjr.'i- 1 111 l.it>n~ I" thusi- which have been sent vim by III- Majesty and the w.ti* I cabinet mi the hrilliaiit le.-ult of the North African campaign hy the minion under your supreme direc-1 lion." Churchill also sent conm'.it illations t'i General Alexander, Tunisian J ground t hicf. .iikI Air Marshal Sir Ailhur Tebc.'cr. air inimi .mdei. Ilei a.>l;cd Sir \ 1 tlm■ to relay hi-- iiica -agi tn Mlljol Oct tend .(limes II. pool it tie. Lieutenant Carl Spat/.. Air Marshal Sir Arthur Cnunnifiham and An Vice Miii hid II. 111 v Ilinadhurst. They o-tnntatidcd various air torce - 111 the Tunisian campaign. (Scneral Ki.-eiilmwcr replied In King (ieorgcs me.--age expressing •pinfoiitid apprecialHii." Ilr siid the king'- congratulations 1 wen conveyed to all ranks. WESTERN CAROLINA FORESTS REOPENED Atlanta. Ma.v II. (AIM National foie t lands 111 Western North Caro lina were reopened to public use to il. I'v onle "t Higmnal Koie.slfr «t 1 •><*!ii 1 C Kucher. C. S. Korcst Sr» VICC. Ilftel llvi' dav- clo-uie due • » I,,, hazard?-. Weather conditions ,| ,iiim lli p.i.tt two day:, have re din < d tin hazards t" ;i point where 11 iiii.tl ";f ol the Ndiitahaia anct Pi-gah National Foreit can bo re aiimed, he ;,aid. CAP BON CLOSED TO GERMANS ********* ******* **** Waveil Is Pushed Back Near Border U. S. Air Forces Blow Up Seven Jap Loco motives and Four River Boats in lndo China Washington. .May 11 — (AI *) —A Tokyo broadcast asserted today that Japam se troops roll i injf back Field Marshal Archi bald C. Wavell's ISritish forces, had advanced within twelve miles of the Indisi-iSurma fron | tier in the jrravest threat of in vasion yet to confront India - Mi.nno. The locale of tin- thrust was not disclosed, ami confirmation was lacking front any Allied ! .source. British headquarters acfciHiwIvtlvctl I I luce ilav- ar.o. however. !• t Ma: I nll.il Wiiveil's lesions hail hcoit \v th I drawn from ISiithdauujj. ::\ty mile I north of the !>i:i .lapaue.e ba\' at I Akyah. unilor pies-lire i>y enemy infiltration forces. Other Pacific wai development saw 14 L'. S. air torcc plane- blow I up seven locomotive - and blast toil: ' river boat-1 in two clays of s'.rat nu sweeps over Japanese occupied Indo China, which adjoins Uurnia in t.ie north. In the southwest Pacific. General Dnuftlas MaeArthar's headqiiarle: announced that Allied bo,:,hers left l!i) fires rauinu in an assault mi the .Japanese base .it l».>bo. Dutci. New Guinea. CIO Textile Assails Ban On Strikes New York. May ||. (AM) X.no hundred dHcuaH In the liiird in niai convention ol il,«- T« \tiie U' its Union n| Aiiici u.i (t * I < > > have adopted iinaiummi-ly a >*■-• >1 ■ iti-■(» dcnoiuictim tin* S< naii - pp >\ i ii Connallv lull In make it a cm e .'■> toincnt strike* in wartime in in dustries taken o\i. by thi \nii ment. Geninc Uiilzani. union «• vt i-iii :\« vice president. introduced tin.* :t. iilulioii appiovcd l>> Hit- delegate yesterday. The ie>n|ution charged Dial the bill introduced by Senator Tom C nally, Texas, was "a ni<>\e toward mil law 11ik tin- riftlii ol Hie union~." The measure. Hie n-.-<>lti*i 'ti nm tiniied, would "ciimt.-li lirci.ion <>l the National War l.abor IJo.ircl 111 enurt reviews at the option or h ealcitrant employer The Connaliy lull now is belore the military affairs committee of the House. He;ivy I);i\ K.iitls On Continent Miule By Allied Bonders London. Ma.v II.—(AIM—The sky over the ICnglisli rlianitrl was filled today with two-way traf lie limine .1 day of slurp ac tivity in which Alliril bombers fielders haltered the continent anew and the Germans raided an Kast Antli.in town where girls were killed when an inn was hit. Hie Allied formations swung across the ehamiel soon after noon, and for some lime nianv more squadrons headed toward France. The raiders began streaming hark across the channel front the direction of Boulogne short ly after noon. Accompanying the air activity was a short burst of shelling bv German hie cutis on the channel between Itoiilogne and Calais. WEATHER I'Ot: NORTH < AISOI.INA. Slightly cooler tonight: scat tered showers and thunder storms over cast and ccntral por | tlons tonight. AXIS PRISONERS TAKEN IN TUNIS in Tunis jli.i after i' lell to Allied fttrees. t hi-. ph»u> shows si.me Iho many Axis prisoners that v.eir t.ikcn ni'livc. An American-made tank pas%es the jisuneis .is it r<<!l> into the Tunisian capital. This i- .in iillici.:! «;>iii.-.!i photo just received in the t'. S. f.ow tin- Aim: Sirnai Corp-. via radio photo. (Interna tional Soimdi»':iito.; Ncn/crcssisk Defenses Fighting Bloodiest Since Stalingrad; Soviets Charge German Lines .May II — « A1') — !vt tl .\nny tr-ops. crawling I'or j wan I. yard >•> yard in sonic «»f I !;c lt!<ici!ic.-: I'i^lilintf of ilici ii - .111-t •• t •" i: 111 war si life the • lay-- ni' * . liivrrai!. battled I'tir ioii-iy t lav itliin t!i<• (ii rmaii I dc!i i;.-c • - at X«»v«»ros>i<k. j !mi ii w.,- reported tlicy were rm«1 ii • • .-I < ninjr Axis resist ance. !;e|i| ■ ij» . le .1 tack till* (icrtnaii . ipuly liius ull ■ . Hie front l>ut a|>|>ai i !111 >• \\ . iiivi -11:1 in h;il! i u tile !!• ■•. .I•»>i.• .mil | e Hi i re in ill- r• - • ,.i.> |>avlu'<l into .«■ I tors ol tin in tn fvctl mi- < •. i : ■ • at':ifks. Tank; ,-<l carj;. motorized ar- j :-:!Iimv vy I it-Id pici-i: v.« • II 11- i Ii (• e Ijccii lirmim.l r l>v the Ci> 'I'll- • miiliiqiie t->ld !• -v. . !{f<| ' . f. ill iff 11 .-triliueil lit . lilt* (!• cm-hf* In I !;i- N \ ■ ro '.i; • . killing in iiiv • i the i in n ) I iImiik an Am i-<- ii-i 1«• attack > r .■■•■clion the 1» ' ll«- /.imi < i«Tinans were I.illi-.l. TT .. ' (I I on I'aae I-ivc) Ten Killed In !iiast in Alabama Mine Civil. ■ .Alii.. M.iv II. ( AIM ] —Ti'ii <■. «.rr Killed mill 11\« j i.IIh'" • ■> 'mi lifil l<Kl;i< in ;ni t'xpl.>- ■ ' I"...«•• • «*<.:»! mini In. ■ •I I'll \ i I5\ I 'i ikIucI - (' i - ; |.nv;ili. only niilrs \v«-~l <>l Ih i i K. II V. : Mi.iii.mcr n| llic rniii' ! illl'l i v: -I ' «l<'| ill I IIU'll' ill till ciiiii|i,ii . • il lli( It'll Imtlir wen IkiiikI l.» ■ ''Hi' news slmiily .iin-i III :i. I'ic\i ■> Kv« Ivc nl llic '■> jinn II.kIi I • ill II Hie I'NIlliiM' II III I'linvrt I (I ...I'M bmuuhl mil. live m ilicin i > •> Ijliiinxl. I;.\l'I.OS ION IAKKS l>l„\( i: IN Wls'f VIIUilNIA SIIM I' I'I.,it*lr Inn. W. Vii.. hiiiy II. (AC) An i \|'li»inn l"llnv.ril liv ll.ii- «• I miikt* iu*cii vveil in flu. Illume I l.i.ill imil nf tin- C'iirliidO ..11rI i'.i nil ('ln'iiii('iil» ('in |>11r.111 ui j > I"-, ii> Ik'Ihi ■ i p. in. t<Klny. Till' «'\lrlll nf llm lilii.-t w,i: iml <i closed by c>nip;iny and there was no inlorniu*1 , tion to injuries. Japs Planning For Attacks b\ Air ()n American Mainland i!!> The A»»iui;i|i'i| I'rcs.i l.ienteiiaiil <<rnir;il \s!iinaii I'riiira. in a Tokyo lirn.itlrast ir |mi ;<•'! Ii> the ith lilii'i! to <l.n tli.it (lie .l.ituiic-c air tiMic iv interior in Inimical Uniiul ' lUi . Itul claimed .lapanrsr "spiritual slrcnitlh" is Miiurinr hi that ill tit«* Yutcrir.ui*. I'lic OWl iiicn.il it'll <.riicr.il 1 rliira director ol' 'In- arroiiau lii.it ill.ins linn ni military a\ ill ion. (■literal t'cliiea. appealing lor RIIMllT I'lflll'K. still .l.lt'.lll must attack till- Vincii .ill mainlaiul li> air. lii- -s.itel tin !'.iiitn \«.u. whirli lit Icrnii-tl : in- "ili:|i.i: allrl r«l war ni years " v.otilil sunn cn trr tlir iritii.il pliase anil tlc Ii rniiue whether Japan would cat iir lir cairn." Axis Forces Surrendering By Thousands I iimIiiii. M.i* II — (Al'i — \ . I ii U' li i'xiiiiiiiiii:iiin- iini.iiiv.is'. Iriiui \lmris I'Mii hl n.ii«l (icr 111.'. II lull's III I in- /.ll'll'lll.HI timiiiil.iiti• w rsl nl <"a|i Jtiiil, li.i* !• .i-l.i (I I in .11 irisliri* I i*niis. I In- riiiiiliilili:i|ili- s.i ill I In I l-rli'. ll ri'lliM.llllll-l li.nl ili lli.iml i-(l iitii iiiMlitiiiii.il sitrri'mliT mid III.11 .ill w.ir in.iliii.il In* luinili-il ever—in iriiinl ••m-r w till Clie ( .isiilil.ilii .1 l»i mill.i. ( Ii I I in . t - .mull, ./ /')•<| Am 11 " .is. iv'iH in -t ic.it!i V'M !'« -'fli'd siiriTlK'rr in:' Ih !li>- liiuiis,iiiii- ;i.» [in |'.i i ti-'i |- M'st Ai i:i,\ sIjuiiimciI : • , i|i ur i I " I'ilill' SlI.H'HI t ' -VI ami Italian solilh r* niuidl' .! mi i ;i|' Ii' ii |x 1111>-11:;i iii Tiiii i,i tn<!jiv. i 1'int li in* iii'c* iimt s (Icrlar.il: A I'iitr wnrsr than Dunkirk has iim i u In-iiiicii Hitler's Af rikii K"rps. I).iti:rl IVItiee. A "i- ili'd I'. "s i-ni it j.-Milr ■ . , i Hitler's limed S' if A ll'MlpS llilll IM M'llll- ,1 I ll -> | II-I ,1 i«' !. ni'li- ii ii i'i- their 11vi s nil-, till- -i-ky I: lis "I (lie I'i ii lie ln'i;; |ie-.in-iil i. w hile "II Ihmt the I'.ri 11.»11 llee' s:iif-.lie(l Am.. illi|'.s |^ te ■ i-l n ■ !■ ■ e iM|ie. "T e •*" !.li'.-e tin* rtnee |»l'"i!(i German cl.v. ; -ns i. .ile. th.it of the;/ (Continued on Page Thicc) Casualties Of British Are Heavy Commons Given Fig ures on North African | Losses; Contrasted With Prisoners May It. (AIM—Clement I; Mi •. i >n'v (p.iiiu- ii.ini-ler. tnlfl the Iihim i>t Ciiniiiiuiis today that i ' in n v Intel su tiered 1. H • i- n. l:.t- ill the 1111.11 of ■ I'. ii Tunis and Bi/.eite. ..in! .i tt.ijii ni' ii.liHi . nice April I';. I l.r »•!l-.Ii! army's casualties from Ac '■'> ti> May .'! wore just ovei itieliidinii woundvd .nul miss inti. he .• ,iid. i • i • I '-m- . he /.lid, compared alMMHl Axis |>nso»er«— (1 t . .» t . ■ • May a. ami tin- ri.i iiImt i : Ams prisoners is •' .>;i.111 > inniiif!." 'i cle|)inv prinu minister guvcl tin- :••>.. i:-ciil appraisal ul I lit? J •_ iltli.il'' a. lu ted mi the I Am.- hi ihe lirs! ueiiei'.d war state- I . a . thi ■ II nine ini e the re !• ii.nv II the Casablanca j • i \il.iiia e inferences. ,\< ., i>,ii-ih'<I the -tatemenl with j i the "veiy practical exam- | : .i . A..ail e.-•i-ration" between I (Coir.tmed on I'age Five) U S. FIGHTF.RS BOMB JAPANESL AT MUNDA W.i hint','on. May ' i AI*)- Th< \ i ep • led tor' ■■ t .1 A men ea 11 • .:iti 1 l I.' 1 rul attacked . p • . • ,i< Mia-'i.t and Van •tua. m ili* central Solomons, ; ikI.iv. .nul -taiti I ,-eveial fires. GOP Resists Trade Pact \V.' ,\l II. (AI')--Hc-; • n M < »t i -»• i (•: • wcic 11 - • il «*•«:!f« roiii i Iiy llirii li'iiflrrs j i \ iiii'icl iiitlit.>• i ill's Hull .in al-; it pi " "iild lii- i .ulr In line lip thf | p t> uliflly In-hind a nvi\p lo lip pl> r 'ii;;n siniijil vH" eliccks <>n ' I'm fli 'ii l!iM««cvclf* reciprocal liiirti*; iijjn « mi ill-. I'lii' i • * v '.irclmu. with tlopub- | rr, hi l.r.nli i .tin' Mint in. of JVIfissa- i etui en pi i ■ idinc. M't for tlio llnii <■ Chiiml»rf prior in opening »( i i| i- i-cii'hI fl.iv nl drliiilc i»n n mums- . i i sli'iirliiii; the J'iisiilrnt's trad-I 111• 1111• • 111 >* for iiiinlher three .VfJIIV. \!c inu liili". I'cinnoratir leaden-1 i i •»i •• • I Hii ir Inn hi .in effort in i i ii n n\ n tin- "vl'i" amendment.] which they argued would deal I in n oi to the whole reciprocity i p: The \otc is due tomorrow. | British In Flank Move Trap Nazis Enemy Loses Nerve and Thousands Sur rendering; Escape Ap pears Impossible Allied Headquarters in North Africa. May 11 — < AI*)—Gen eral iJwijfht I). Eisenhower'.* headquarters announced today that British armor had forced a c<>m|>le(e breakthrough on the neck of Cap Hon peninsula, clos ing that blind alley at its mouth | and pocketing enemy forces which still wore 1'iKhtinj.r fierce ly to the south and west. Advancing from the Hamman Lif area on the north side of the neck, the British First Army crossed the base of the penin sula to the outskirts of 11am mamet on the south side and took Soliman Grombalia and Me 117.el lion Zell'a in the center, the communique announced. (A Reuters dispatch from Allied headquarters said the British entered Hanimamet early this morning.) Scorched by Allied lire from Imd, sea and air. the remnants til ihe German and Italian armies, whieli were crowded on; ; Cap Hon ap peared to have lost their verve a Her lii . bolii. swift stroke l.y U. :'.ish armor and the prospects of a last .-iaiid on the mountain-ribbed penin «;!a were diminishing. The opjMsi ;.oii from these tro >ps w.u slight. and the trapped soldier* we.v n-\ined to surrender at the lir-t opp an.ty as Hritish naval lnm • scoured ne.i' t y waters in what was described as a "mopping up" ot small pa ties at tempting a disorganized c-.*i|>\ Pilots who eontinued to ,-v cep me beaches reported little .cliviiv and .-aid the cornered enemy apparently had recognized the futility o: at tempting to get away, while huge tires bla/.iiig along the road- of the bomb-riddled cape indicated the Ger mans already were burning their supplies. More than 5.(100 prisoner; were 1akon by the British in t '.eir light ning •hiM.-t :.cr.• Ihe pcn'.r ula. in cluding (>(>o members of the crack lit -man G.-c tig regiment vli'ch had ( 'light slivngly around llam man 1 ii from ei.tvet.elied oni buried tanks. This unit appear d to have lost its nerve along with other units wh"> were surrendering in coi> panics, even though their ammunition and supplies wi i'e not yet exhausted. Captured along with the flood of pri.-oucr.- were messages ef encour agement se:'t t i the front lines by !><>th Adolf H'!er a-.d Benito M is sulini. It was not known when tne messages were sent, but there was no e\ idelici that they had had any effect on the enemy's resistance. The Xa/is attempted to .-top th;» British drive I v using their tan';s. drained of fuel, as fortresses, but wlien th" Hi tis'. renewed their dead ly assault s.stcclay morning nppo s lion cracked :d 'ho armor of Lie'.t tcnar.; Genera! K. A. N". Andess'in >wrpt tin >tigh ; .-"nth coast are* Willi but little difficulty. Loan Drive Goes Above 18 Billions Washlnclnii. >la.v II.—(AD — The Treasury luis postponed un til September tlx- third war loan drive because of tin* success of the second—which it described as the greatest covcrnmenl fi nancing campaign in history. Daniel Bell, under secretary of the treasury, said yesterday thai $.Vr»3:i.ono.nno. more tlien was oriclnally soueht was subscribed in (lie drive which sold a cranu total of SI8.533.(100.000 in se curities. As a result. Bell said, another «atnp;>in:i. scheduled to open in I AueiisI, has been postponed » | month. ,. J|

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