Ucitfttraan Sally iHepatrly Eslaklislidl August 12, 1914 Published Kvrr.v Afternoon Except Sunday liy iii:.m)kkson msiwirii co.. inc. ul 10!) Young Street HKMtY A. DKNNIS, Pros, and Editor M. L. FIN'Cll. See. l're.i-., llus. Mgr. The Hi'iuit'i o' lijiiy Dispatch :s a mniiU'r ol Thv \s iatcd Press and AP Feat.ires. s lit! ern Newspaper Publisher* A.- via: ,.>n .m l t!ie North Carolina Pie-.- Association. •in,, A j W'ii Press i* exelu alvely tntitlici t.i i;-e r republica tion nil news .! -p. ichos C!r,':!e<i to or ii't . i* **!cliteel ;ti this paper. :>v.i ;<! > 'In- v; 1 news pub lished herein. A'.' : uhls of public:!- j tli-n of special iii-p:il.'hes In roil! are) reserved. TlXKl'IKINi: Editorial Office Si rial Editor Bu.-incss Office .. 500 .. 610 610 Sl'ltSI *l(ll'TIO\ K.VIT.S (Payable Sit rlly •< Advance) Itv .Mail ISy Carrier 1 \ ear . $f» nil . $l> ill) 8 Months J "ill 3.(Ill 3 Months I 50 !.5i» Weekly (hy <*nrri«'t cmty) l!ic l*er Copy 5i» Butt it the in I of! . o in | •on. N (" , sec ii i <-ia in .| matter E^gsl Congress shaH make bo law respecting *n esuiv [ishment of religios, ot prohibiting the frte «te?^ rise thereof; or abridging the freedom of tperxh o» of the pre**. -U.t-C It li G..d : ..i-i • ..11 j»ra<o .tljl.lt 111 1 .. .! V . I t ..i" V . ;,|\\ • haviiiK •• Ul!tu". i.i nil Unii^s. 11 v' . .• Unemployment funds A ;\".v . bene!.'. PTii lion v. <■.•■ - . i . ■. t.h I "lie--: p. v:. «. ;• niis.«i<>n. according i" l>irtct»r Fuitv:' Martin. S m.. _..Vh. ..n. .. ;>lt>ve-l Workers in St.ile Mtauii ;1 :» bene: iccnco. Tlio flitU ;i .-it !v.. i'.tii a!*.» ih;<? the > r.i M\tv < • •• t:.. nntti. The drdm .1 t ... tne;. •AMI • . .1 lir.iw .l» Whei, :: . t '.'.•irk avail able : t..i : i the t.ilemeiit. Mm ii depend '.ii v.i : inter preted ay " . w ... When w.rkors quit ... a!tei certain acrnials to t .. .r <■ e.i d ! • if im t;l trey h.v. e ; - • ■' and- due them bcfi'i'.1 ' rl;. oMli . . ... i llUiklli,', >U. Very j>: . ,• , :y , ing ali -it • r ■ ■ ' r. •. most t\ \ ■ i. ■ ,*i.-. iii <il \\ I; ii-li i ( re ' ..it c-.'t.ld ' i. ,i i . i potential oils Ii nest with I i ! . ei nment. illjit ' ■ • 1 • ' i. Il>4 ' for • I-,T:. 1114. OVeil t,. live IMiint <•: son pe't.v . • ,<■. ('.MM* 1 ■■■ < I I III $5!i million ■ >••«.». i accumulated Si • it cuti-I mate that ■ • n the surplus wil. • ' < • «I »;7 Millions | n yc.ii. 'I ■ u . :< in lii | of what i' ■ i • .it • ; • entire I Stole u a •• m ?it i i iiiii is o tremendous mum I' :s so large I os to gi\many' people ' iii! ' I lliry have •ctoally ! 1 rt - i ' Cl.i'i or even reached the p I <>l i: Id .it the end the rail ni.w On th< i face, at ony rate, it ofter ;i te ■> ptat >ri to those who might be ind ued t-> desire a shore of the easy ni -ney. And there nrp those who do ?a>t possess suffi cient stamina t' yield not to tempta tion. No longer enn it bo soict thot the "hove not-" m American society are lacking in friend I'ncle Sam is nil that ar.d nv>re than that. The wry it begins to look to us. life after the war will consist of m' tiun l>c$1de one's television set in n window-less. door less, self-hcnte/i, home watching commercial plugs for plastic products. I hi;; icsii ;cuou» i.il all vital crops I 111 «liu ii sc;:rcities have developed j .1.1! iii.it means must crops. I: I »1.1s iia\e ever been luted trom i ti.«• ii. i t-tic sugar cane and sug.u vi.itti'i's, we have never heard <■!' .iiui ye: there is and for a year :v"ie ti.is lieell—or so the coilll tiy t..is been told—such a shortage j .11 s::s:.i: tii.it the Commodity has to lie :»ed. .iiul was indeed one ol : the I"::-: items qo under the heavy ha:.d of l-Vderal control. t 'lit* he.ii talk 't present or post ... i •: re.!- ! amino. in many parts «.•! the world. yet quotas are .«t wheat and penalties im (.. •fil fm vinl.itions. The same i.-. tme «>f cotton and also of tobacco, wh.le tali; is common that there is Hi • i:iniijih hi certain types of cot t n. and widespread and general i. de:landing that tobacco is short and bee >mmy more and more so. t > tile iMc: i that rationing is being hinted even ;n this commodity. Tlif National Council of Farmer l">'operatives spoke of "historically discredited price control methods" lor what it called "our present de i:. n.li/.ed food situation." All at which :s not surprising in light o: :• "iplKities and duplications o! ret latioiis and regulating agencies. I\aeh time the crackpot bureau i: .it» have .1 new brainstorm they - 'ine out with proposal tor ft I! '.I.er bii.euU or co'imusjion to provide a top flight administrator at ' a ?aucy salary and an army of pay let-flies to embellish his tpiai-l it*: - to main- i11111 look import.or. anil! to add to his prestige, if any. A lew times we have sworn oil ■■ xliir. sort of criticism a id ti >in ; c.iil.ng attention to such monstiosi j tit.- ::i go\ ti nmen:, yt-| thai is ;•* t .si-'v what '.lit- Federal bilreauciivy ah .Id prefer !" anything else, nam.' .y. •:.,it they bo given l.ee rein and e let alone to do as they please and 'live in clover the lest of their days I UN-payers* expense. | Two of the best remedies we can .think of : r prt-sei.t headaches is !• ' fite/e aii prices .is suggested by 1. , i . 1 and '.•> lilt restraints from ci.o> ] the lami group proposed. A*. lea.-t Tint sound as sensible as s.m. I : the things that are being attfiiii t I ed. Not Surprising I .".ere is nothing surprising about 1 .. idillo Franco's peace leeler. piob | i- iy inspired. ii in it insisted upon. I > pateni.il gmltather.- in Berlin •iii 1 1 <■ 1 lit*, it .-how.s he is still 011 tne most iiitunate and sympathetic jtein.s with tl.e.-f brutal dictators. Mi- toils his people ar.d the liston •! ill that the war has reached • it-.i-.ll.•< .11 which neither side has 'lie pi ■ ci to destroy the other. Uu* ' ■I Untain and the Unit >>i States hud been making prett • .iii's,- .11 North Africa, and that Ski I headway in the destruction bus Ii..'Soviet armies were matching t ;ie performance against Hitler's le gions on the eastern front. Franco's utterance was so patently a peace feeler, backed by earnest and urgent desire on the part of his fellow dictators, that that very far' deprived it of most of its effectiv ness. Miller would not be hinting 'at peace if he were not losing the war; he simply isn't the type. Ifl | successes were resulting from h -s , campaigns, he would be bragging | and strutting. | United Nations would I7e as big i suckers as the dictators are the per { Bonification of arrogance if they stop ped in their tracks and agreed to negotiate at this stage, when they are just getting into position to deal the knockout to the enemy. Franco thinks he in doing his tvr I iinnicul colleague** a great service | by putting out peace feelers. It-it ' nil of (hem alike tnuy as well go! it through their heads now as to learn j it the hard way Inter that they can : have peace only by unconditional surrender, as proclaimed at the Cn.<» blanca conference, «nd the longer i .It'i.iv tl.c harder it will be .i.i.i , • .< . iir- .11 -t.able ij.l'i. ultimate I'liKiil. Fur mil health's sake. we're t»U, tuie should v\a>ii Ins. feet daily. And by keeping one's sticks nil durint; tre bath, one can also cut down vii-.'s laundry bills. too. The British Koyal Air Fur-.v his been bombaig and blowing i• |> Mi many German locomotives that it's the lucky N'a/i whu misses the train. W hat Do You Know About North Carolina? By FRK1> II. MAY I. !tnu sii.iiiy patient* tin North t,'arohna> general hospitals take Hi' ul annually' J W!in v.'hi- lamotis sotiMiem leatlei \\iii> lli< li> pnhluaii?- claiiu oil i:i !!!"."> ilii' Deiimerats planum In make president ul tin" L'iiiv fi'Mty" :i. \V)h> wciv tilt' North I'siFuliiia I'l'iiKi'i'^sniaii in ul tii'i- \v;tli I niij; re-Miian 1 •oasjlitoii during hi* in t term m ISM 1-11113' 4 Who \\a> the Kit-at North I'ai uliiia J mint' who 1'lalint'il lawyers studied oilly i noiiith to ub>tiii>t Hi. courts? a I low n.any western Noith t'.ir ullli.i i*i till it It- .in- liametl I'm K.i te:n I'aroliua leaders'.' li W'l.s lint I'ollgre.- small .le:se Atlielloii lSynuiu. >•! Ilalitax. leave the State .ti lbll' ANSWERS. 1. North I'aralnia's 1G(5 general hospitals t.ike more than 2H.0iiii pa tient- antniallv I'lie average numtier ot patien' in hospitals at all lime I- lO|.i|led .1- Muse ho.-.pit.,;.-, report .1 iot.il capacity <>i 2n.;:r>:i i.eds ami l.uiti ba-.-inet.-. 2. Jefferson Davis, fori nor presi dent ut tin' Coiiloderate State- ot American .itui :ni!m'r coiif.re .-man ami I'nited State.- senator liom A1J - - When tin- 1 >cmoc: at;- in Kf7:*» sought tii make Mime i hangc > in the reconstruction constitution the iCo— publican.- nuulf a strong tight. elam - mg. among ether tiling.-, that the Democrats planned t.i make Mr. Davis president ot the University at a salary ol slU.OOO per year. ,°1. In 15)11 North Carolina's cong ressmen were John II. Small, ut Washington. X C : Claude Kitchen. Scotland Neck: John M. Kaisoti: Ed ward W. i'oii. Smithlieid: Chaiie. M. Stcdman. Greensboro Hannibal I.. Godwin. Dunn: Kobert N. 1'age. Aberdeen: K. Vates Woiib. Shelby: | James M. Gudgor. Asliovillo and j Hubert I.. Dotighton. l.aurcl Springs, i 4. Judge Thomas liutt'in. ■ • t Hill-- . bom, judge ut the superior court from 1816 to li(18 and trom 11125 to 1828; associate justice of the North j Carolina Supreme Court from 1 K"2l» ! to 1833 and (rum 1858 to I860; and i Chief Justice from 1833 to 1852. He , was credited with being one of the greatest jurists ol the whole United States. In 1825 lie seveiely criticiz ed the lawyer.- of that day. -aying ' that thev wcie lax in prepai tng die : tacts and law pertaining to their' cases They pepaied only enough, to obsti net and delay the courts, and not to aid the ju-tice ol the conns, lie .-aid. 5. Burke countv. named lor Thomas Burke, ot Orange county.' Caswell, named lor Governor Uicli ard Ca.-well. of Lclioii . Iredell, nam ed tor James Iredell, ol Chowan; Ashe, named for Governor Samuel . Ashe, ol New Hanover: Macon, nar - i d lor Nathaniel Macon, ot War-: ren; Henderson, for Judge Leonard Henderson, ot Granville: Hayw.'ott. lor John Havwood. of Wake Gia hain. lor William A. (Irahain, or Orange: l'olk. lor William l'olk. Wake; Mitchell, for Dr Kiisha Mit chell, Orange: Gaston, i.» Willian Gaston, Craven; Caldwell, to. Ds. Joseph Caldwell. Orange. Buncon.bc. lor Edward Buncoir.be, Tyr ell: Stanly, for John Stanly. Ciaveu. Davie, for W. H. Davie. llahlax. ..i.u Moore, for_Alfred Moore. Btuiisv.inc. For years it was claimed a western county could not be cstao Iished unless it was named lot an eastern man. 6. Congressman Jos.-o Athe.ton Bynum. born in Hah!a\ mtv in 179", and oducutcd at I'rmcet ft North Carolina about •!.< i • ! >.| his fourth congressional 'e .■ in 1 illt to engage in farming i. una. So mum <>f North • k.iders lett the State about tiii.t time that it was called fhe "(in.it l'.\odu>." SALLY'S SALLIES l 5f patent OAt# I M 8uf] 1 You TEEL A 1 <KOU4ttf HAMt> <OlU4 iK-foy \ )f YiA£ your Pocket My OWK '"0> //\ "THE GROANING BOARD" ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. 1 leury M. SU.nVy. 2. Senator llarrv I- I'.ynl t.t \' Sinia. :i. Washington . only niic. ■S. Egg-shaped. .V M.ix Su-phan ti. Saiutua:. 7. tirCl'lllalui. «. Outfli. !• "Against i;. in. Black I:.. I.. AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE It.v I.VNX MSK'. T Daily l)is|iat"li Iturcau In The Sir Waiter Iiotrl—Kali-igli MEMORIAL—Some camnur itiesl in Tilt* State .-Raised local ibservance hi Ciflfwlw.ilf Mem i: ;il day M rt da.v. Imi there w:»s in- statewide rve ogmtl.m ! 'ii- . ;. i . i' ill.- were • clo-e:l and A lit" store- failed (• ope . fur the thirsty cunt uners. State depar■tir.c nt.il n::;re.> were doing i>n>_ •jness as u-ual. lutein t in the dill ra|>.dlv becoming !: -: >i v r:. he/, tli.i:i per-.uial t'heckup .it tin- State auditor's office diseases *i!y 25 veterans ti.i State pens .hi i >11.- - nt the ppio\ atelv U.'i.dini Xo-th , Carol.man \ went .. tlie Con federate ar.: y ! am i! these .ire .ii abled and draw s:ta a :n >rith • -H are .n Class A ..1 a d liar a .lay. Also ott the* State i»e sion rolls arc two Men »".!> serv nt- of Confer crate > ildicrs, .. :icS 717 widows. ENCEl'Th »N—Ciave: nor IJroi.yli tun t :d the pol.tieal union a' ("hup el H .! Saturday night he would at te:ii!_: t > an.-wer a:".y question ii-i;e.| except 11 ..est .i ins about the HI I Sr.ate pr.tnary So one of the laV. shut at hint was what the though; bout the fourth term for f! u.-cce! He winced. but rlidn't duck: .-.i.ii -entiment he I•:id found .11 Heated Roosevelt could :;»*t Ihe noiiii at >n if he wanted it. and his e!c ■ . i would depend pon the course i>: the war. I.EFT—R: Iph McDonald. one ..f the avowed cand.dates for govern r.ext year, was present. When called upon he said nee the left \\ .ng ii j the race wa- b-ent" lie '.v r id v. nothing f a political nature. Th: | gave the g.'.et'. ;• ,i chance ' • • le 1 back with •; ( b.-er\'nftoii that he '• i..<i u:ul« r to ><i \ldV.n.i'ii v. : re ;; . il< li .i tile i! . Th .• ■ 11 liv iii;«•. pivtt-il however tho licaivr u tlir roiti'i' >ei- :.!. LATK—Oho t' t'.ie tin.! a.ts <>! the High I'oisn > t \ • .:n-.! .vas t.< opiai an U»-y«.i _ ..it .ivi' : x .!!« m...n ti..m .iiivl.- thl 'UJJil tin* c.ty tuit cii uuUi'. 1 .»iy can hoc. yo -l" iu:I« • The >Ui .liiin allCC had iieell i. • IV.i .-11 ICC i 111' in.nl) !.no raci;> li I In- ;i n• .vcred. thill, n.it :it; i'.'mv I'AUTISAX I t l ct.rinjj «• cil v. a> i ist fit., i iii i» i ' ttle. a:i i |ierh;i|)* was .1 :iu .i m uv th ironjsh job re aase the ima.'d let- a majority .•! >! i :n- ll.ur IV.nt IS till- only rnajjii.* ■ ' ;v tnij St to With .i - .i ililt t , i ' an Vy-teii of municipal i i • (i. t luu to laiil.mal f::11:*».ii . Ilcrno fiats- tho Ki-p ■ . :i " ■: i in las'. week'.- elect.on. WORDS—There *.- philoso phy :n 'om, but tin' word> them. M'hi'> ::i a c.i>llal sli.'emcnt i>v C. li Matthew- it- ::iT rijji lin^t Mat ti.OV.S . "Ml' '.ill' State'? (KMfil ami potato growers an.i !.i- w.j.- a-k fd about <• >ndit his i >r i> >th cr ps. ili> a *\vor: N sat w ith tho extramdinary nut ira! handicaps i inff our indu.-t •■. certain aiteiU'ics beyond control and without tin1 U'o\\ Icriito or im:m ::t : the trail jtr .'.vii'- have - I'.aipo.-cd a 5n>.l» iiplicitv oi ar:.:.c..o ha/.i.ti- - >n« •111 n- >. :• i.i i; ;• -cd'.y nc.'i'S sai v. and :n njr whollv ;inmi ary, but all :\e. When the a.mv.it ha been run ' < v ...a-' ;i -i. . in di\ :di •'!> and « '.voSy. v. i turn | to ftindamena vs. Therein | licit ■ h i-e .-alvation." Clear, SlIIiMP—!i. S ( irti.-. i.ofp man State I>!••).irtmen. Agri i-w.ng I culture, just i> through picd'n.int and :n •.1111u;i> ! i-nuniii-. lejH.ri. j oly intere>t in 1 -l'.eep laiM Hi :: .pes to >«e: six ■ >r eiijl; r. rlo.id.> iiei n on \oitii Carolina fan:; v. . the next ie.v weeks. Niimc of Rohhins Sticks to \\ lint Is Now Called Hemp Dally Dispatch Rurrau. In the sir <Valter Hotel. lialeigh, May 11 Only reversal by the Supreme (' •! : den ion Iiy .? John .1. Ilin hi v iiuw tanus n the u.i v (if fi fi (Uiatim; change in the 11:11110 hi Hemp In |{ 1 ibbins. At torney- for prote-tants • >1 Hie change have little hope ilia' ilu highei court will it-verso the lower. but they are following through t«» exhaust every legal effort to prevent the name changing. .1 ml He Hurnev -later! his docl-ion immediately niter a hearing 111 Wake county coin t house Moiulav <>n a re straining order to preveiit the state board of municipal control from changing the name. The hearing was Matured by a humorous presenta tion ol the tar reaching n•nsctiuent es of name changing delivered by Judge Walter Silcr. attorney for the oppo sition. The judge's ridicule might have had wt iglit with a jury. Level headed. tobacco-chew ing Judge Bur ney w.i- mipcivious to it. although he enjoved the witty sallies a much as anyone in the court room. Opponents of change had senti ment and humor tin their side; the other side had the law. "Names of towns, like names of persons, acquire significance." said Judge Silcr. "High Point means fur niture. Detroit automobiles; Holly wood 1;. synonymous with moving picture-, and Milwaukee with beer. Iju.t like Shelby is with candidate*. Why. it tin- uncontrolled name changing is not curbed the secretary of state mav wake up some morn ing to lintl hi- name changed to Thadelphu* Kuripidcs." Having no bearing on the pending case, but indicating that a majority of the Hemp voters (to be Itobbina voters after September 1) are in fa vi-r nf the change. J- Saunders, leader ill the light J.if ;i new civic iKiim. was week elected mayor nt I he town. Unemployment Is • Kxpected 10 Grow When Peaee Comes In the Sir Walter Hotel. Daily Dispatch Bureau. Italeigh. May 11. -The S!l million dollar reserve in the State's unein pluymcnt ciunpens;)!ion lund will be vei.v rapidly dissipated alter the war. il estimates made by S. K. Campbell. UC'C statistician, prove anywhere near accurate. Campbell expects the drain oil the lund in exceed 27 million dollars a year (or tiie last two years altei pcace. He starts with the assump tion the wa:' will be over in 19-44. and >tates that should it continue longer the effect of unemployment dislocations might be less drastic. Campbell points to two factors which have caused some concern to State promoters during rccein mi'iiths. as perhaps advantages in the postwai reconstruction period: The tint that dollar value of primary war contracts ;n this State is tar less ti in in others. and lew plants have been built .specially for war work. Readjiistmi nt will be easier under these conditions than il the regular order had been more risruplod. This state is largely a producer of eon Kilmer goods iiml such war business as has come has meant mainly in creasing production along regular lines. It has been estimated that at leas: lOa.niM) persons would find them seb es out of work due to cessation of war industry. Because of high wages now being earned, their weekly checks would av erage over S8 each. By way of contrast it is noted that during April of this year only 11,.147 benefit checks were issued, totaling $78.7!)!).53—less than $7 each. This ts the lowest claim load of any month since the system was inaugurated six years ago. and less than one per cent the number of checks written in Au gust. l'.M'.t. peak of unemployment. B. H. MIXON Contractor and Builder "Builds Better Riritdivfis" Also Wall Papering. Painting Roofing and Ornrrnl Repairing. PHONE 7 For Sale I Still Have 5 REGISTERED DUROC JERSEY PIGS left Can be seen at Farmers Warehouse R. E. CLEMENTS WANT ADS Get Results ATTENTION FARMERS! Nu\v~K the time to think about HAH iv SURANCE PROTECTION lor Zt Crowing crops. Cull—write hisur anee Department. Citizens & Trust Co. tu WANTED TOBACCO PLANTS Quote price and quantity. * Call ll-Iiti CALI. HOll FALKNEH AT Falkner & Son, phone 20u, for your coal and wood. 3.^ WANTED—2 WAITRESSES- MUSI be over 18 years of age. Prefer nne with some experience in Umik Uceping. Apply in person. Candy Kitchen. l'»-2ti HIGHEST PRICES PAID For hides, scrap metal, steel, iron, and rubber. Let's give the axis the knockout blow. Henderson Junk Company, phone 30U. 16-tf Ft >1t SALE: Tim HUICK TTtTiTm sedan. Excellent condition. Must be sold iinnit-diately. Can ho *iyii at Kirk-Rose Oil Co. 11-12-14 UK1DES SEE US FOH YOUR WF.D dmu Announcements or Invita tions. Finest quality at moderate prices. Also Visitiiij} Curds for tht Graduate. Henderson Hook Co, phone lit). 17-tt TIIE STOCK OF HUGHES FUR mllire Co. puts us 111 lieMer poMtiou than ever to Mipply >'"iu lurniture needs, t'oine to see us. H. E. Sat teiwhite Sous, near Fire Sta tion. 3-tt Bl(5 STOCK OF C.uol) LATE model used cars nt Motor Sales Co., Henderson, N. C. LUNC'll KITS. THKKMos JUGS pint and (|tiai I si/es, tlu i iiiu jugs' plain or spigot type. one ami two Billion sizes. Also ii ,• t i.u l;-. \V*.S1 ern A111o Associate Store, opuoMte Post (II I ict'. 14, CALL ALFORD'S FOR PRINTING of :ill descriptions, also anything you might need in office supplies and oquipimnt. We appreciate your business. Alford's Printing & Ofliee Supply Co. 3-tf GOOD USED CAHS AT KK.VsOM able prices. A look nere will con vince you that these cars ate priced to move. Ford.—Plymoutns —Chevrolets, 19;$4's to 1*140 s. Candler-Palmer Motor Co. 15-tf NOTK'K TO PATRONS PLEASE call I"««i" your garments a> soon as they are fini-hed. or w ithm six days after they arc received oy lis. Storage space will not pcnml lis to keep them longer. We can not store your out of season gji mcnts and will not lie responsible for ihem after »ix days. Vaiet Cleaning Co.. phone 404. 11-6U TIHF. HEADQCAKTEHS--WE HAVE the latest official information re garding tire inspection and appli cation I >r new tires and tui.es. Let us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Ct>. 22-tf LKT SACCHARIN SAVE YOU It sugar for cannmi*. < >ne thousand one I:.ill giain Saccharin tablets Kile. One thousand one grain tablets SI.Oil. Parker'.- Itcxall Drug Sto.c. 11-12-13 USE VITA VAR FOR YOUR NEXT paint job. There is no paint bettei Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner Hoofing Co. _ _!2" OFF.C.AL TIKE INSPECTION STA tion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged. Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Gulf Service Station, Oarnett and Hor ner Sts., phone 1198-W. 20-tf WANTED — CLEAN, SOFT HAGS 2 1-2 cents pound at Dispatch Of fice. INSURANCE Think it over! The same amount of Insurance for less money or mure insurance for the* same money. Di vidend is the answer. Save money by placing your risks with lis in Dividend-Paying. Non-as«cs? able Mutual Companies. I'Stone HOi), Cates Insurance Agency. 30-tf DON'T NECLKCT YOUIt VICTORY garden. We have a complete line of all garden seed. All arc labora tory levied for germination. lie! your seed from us today. Parker's llexall Drug Store. 11-12-13 KOII RENT TWO I'NH'HNISHKD rooms vvtih adjoining bath, on Inst floor. 522 Andirwv- a.i.tuc. Phone 807-J. in-j;i YOU WILL ALWAYS i.OOK YOUR best if you patronize our shop. Modern service, experienced op erators. Phone 200 for appoint ment. Bridget's Ueauty Shop, over Parker's Drug Store. 22-tI WE WANT TO HUY YOUR ( OHM. Can handle any quantity, large or small. Let us do your custom grinding of meal and feed. Hen derson Milling Co., formerly J. S. Evans Milling Co. 'J'-T-Stf MEnTu^MEN' WANT VIM? STIM ulants in Ostrex Tonic Tablets p(1P up bodies lacking Iron. Vitamin HI. Calcium. Trial size costs littlr. Save REAL MONEY, gel $1. »>&• Ask about big money-saving "Economy" size. At all drug stores —in Henderson, at Woolard's. _ KILL SPHINO FEVER WITH cleaning supplies. Iltt.v quality K'1'* ccries, fresh meats and fresh vege tables at Herbert's Yellow Front - Free delivery, phone 430. ' " INHI'llANCF, — RENT A1-8 Ileal Estate—Home Finan,c,lnf„nl, Personal and courteous attention to all details. AI.I. B. WESTER Phone I.IP McColn »'«•

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