H Hrnlterson Bath} Btspatrtj tTuitFct' year I^'-V,\?^ss?;^:\^^;u,v,'t^.soy hendekson, n. c., Wednesday afternoon, may 12, i\m l'uuusl^c^iuNIm:ERMOON five cents copy T" ^ ^ T * * — U.S. NOW Has Tools And the Plants To Achieve Victory New Construction Sweeping Cutback in Ordered by WPB Which May Reach $4 Billions Washington, .May i2—(AIJ) _l5tcati-c the nation now hit.; the plants ant! tools needed to' build production to heat the Axis, .lie \Var I'rodiRliun Hoard today ordered a sweeping cut-] back in new war plant construc tion and machine tool output. An ct ill:I Sl.dUO.IHMMMin worth iippi'iivni K"vernmcnt - financed i)Jait* p:i jeil< and machine tool eoii will be reviewed liy the Wt'lJ. mil ■ "• every ease white existjtu «'f 1:1 eln • es eali tin the job. j no contracts are to be cancelled and i )l,mt c •nstntctii n stopped. SisnaliRS the final breakim; of he n.ncieno to.d bottleneck. \\*I'll -ltd a .ber <>f tool-makers won! ! ■o i* I th t business ; :td into £.• | itI ni'uhict <>:t ot munitions. Wlii'e Miyi a that the conversion, cb w ithin the war program is on j i scale tt unlike the conversion hat r.c.-c t p.inied industry's original] hanRc- ver from civilian to military ir. ti id. n. nd that there would i>e einpi'i.ii v uMi!' w its—and result ,-it : mcmpl •• —WPB officials in istci that ";:ny slack will be ab i :>rf| -pi d y" 1 y the ttpswitifMi • :co i f et .1 ai'tn.iatet. prodnctK.il. "W.th tbc exception of cert.i n -pc pre . •!• . -• me special inac'i ;i rv. i it.'l further oxpnnsi tt o! liitiTial pri dtictinn. the I'nitc I tali.' : I. has lite m.ichinc t nd 'he c.ipit il equipment i! net d i I'ltild production In deleat the m ' t: c \Vi l5 declared. "eed Outlook Is Alarming Kaletyh, May i'S.— (Al'i -— The • :th Carolina feed cnn.>cr\ atton mi )u "ttuctton committee pointed (liy to an alarming feed .-initiation :. l 1 ■ . :i ended that pom; \ pi c - lur.!- .all ii.i t.- laving llocks ;it ■in ! < i. inflate titipnitit.iblc p >ui fy. Thi mmtltee .-aid no purciii i - it 'll.. \ clink- tin eHH pi'i.dnciUK l.'fju-i -lionli! be made between •l..i.' ,.nd Septeitiber 1. .nldint* l!i;it r ..: liticl. do not ili*\ clop ... ut ij .1 . i. e it lout lis. and t he 111. i - U'ltv ...te is lunll. ~*J111 it- has never been a greater 1 '.lie "t protein ci 'iii eiiti ale- tti.ni ■ ' ':• . i-cut time and uiipioi liable Hits tiotild not be l.cpi in the Rails Lead In Stocks N' ' V >i!;. May 12. (AIM Quiet freiiRth 1.1 leading rails kUhkI out . ..ii othiTWi.-c lauded stink •el Alii ail iniiclt ot the tune 1 ■ \ew York (.'cnlral. Southern l> ■ 1 '•. ("hrv^ler. I'nited Aiicratt '"•I 11 ...i C'ompi.nv I'rimiinetii f 1 • •'' v nu b lipped included 1". K. < ;....di tch, American Tt leplionc ti'l International Harvester. Dozen More Dutch Patriots Kxecuted l.oiulou. Ala.." li.—(AIM—| lictta, \r(hcrlands news audit >, said (inlay German authorities had put death twelve more Dutch patriots. Iirincinc tu :(K the total number of executions in the first two days of martial law im posed by the occupation autlioi i'.ies. Aimetta also announced thai two agricultural workers xve.e sentuccd to death May I by a special polite tribunal and exe cuted the same day on charges nl lomi'iitiiii; a strike. State 1942 At New Low Only 8.1 Per Thousand, Reynolds Tells Health Board and Medical Society liaici:',i'i. M ... 12—( A!!U' \v:»l" ■ < i:t(l ' kick .is n ' n.rth i . >lacc;i ,i heax • ■ l.iail on the ;liv i- ! -inn .<1 vital statistic-. I I'. . I \.|i Icy . !.-1. Stall I', all:-, illteer. '.old i I i lit -es.-i- 'i : the state II" ni '1 Hialth and tin' Xorth l°arol:ua; Vledical Society i nlay :u l.i- ant'ii.ii f eport. "Tile death rate front all causes !i l'M2 was the lowest «>n record." j ie -aid. • there li.vmn been only il.l lea t lis per I.HHP population. •"There »w MU6 births record-1 I'd. 7o.li:'. more than the 29.HI 3 ieat'.- In add I: >!i t > the n I if li.rt'i !■ i' t.c It- theiv we.e nvi;i , !Ka:. .a.iioii delayed oirth eerti:ic.iU.■ j issued dm n'u tiii year. The nedical society. which ended I it- airiual convention today. | heard I» Hc.vnoldV re|M>rt that •liel S:..ic now is -pending Iiv«- times a ( ; an oi> public health as it did i.; ! I'Ct! Fxaet l.uilfis were S:t.Ui:.l-i f-I in I:il2 a> i' • pared with SlMin.o-«*i | nine years ap>. Speak;lift ol the t.uhl "ii venereal diseases, he said there arc now a !i la! i>: :i»•!» \i ereal disca e e!;ii: "tti- received r-port- it I.Vlal lie", mil i ated ease- ot syphilis du nu t ; • ; year Private physicians, hospital, ar.d other institutions reported 2.5SC new untreated syphilis eases. Har- ; mi; this period •"! averafje of 24.fr it! I patient;; | or month attended p.ia health clip for syph li-. and Till treatments were tdininisle.cil." AFRICAN DiViSION REACHES NEAR EAST Cairo. Iviy-pt. May 12—< .\ 1 *>—11 , I Was o'fieially 111 :■ • 111 it- • I t 'day that the sixth N nth All can armored (I vision had arrived ill the M ddle Kast. A.xis Feigns Cairn Over New Perils Impending "Battle for| Germany" Findr Ber lin Professing Com placency and Quiet London. May 12—(AT)—The impending "battle for Gvr j nany." sharply I'oeused by | 'rime Minister Churchill's eon-! eronces in Washiiitnn with! I'rcsitli'nt Roosevelt. found Axis propaganda agencies attempt-1 njf to present an outward "front »r calm \odav. Alter fi • : v< \ tor news >1 tht. when . :• ade isltt iss -rt iiU lie was it: . ;!•.• IW rliti ra tio said today that (" iu hill's arrival ■ i Washinn'.' n ■ . uprise in Scrim. It told it - 1. V •: .t Waslli: j: •Ml talks Would • v center less >11 military p.-,.... on the tolilieal situation \ i M.arked >v Stalin . t;;t n 11 on:. Iatliicr lite derma ■! people were told (hat Adolplt Hitler, whose headquarters had long been described as on tlir eastern front, now is at an unspcciticd point in the west: that Professor Albert Speer. Nazi minUtcr of munitions, reported t« Hitler yesterday on the construction of the "Atlantic .•»».'" ..r.d that "vielury willi«:iit camort.aiise" \\ o.ild rcinai'i the %:«:•! fur uliirli (•crinanx and her partners are s< ii in;." TT.i Axis itself :>•. nod the next >ha>u in the "li.'ial war "•.iu- ba'tle or Germany." Hut even sis .V p: .. nul • built p this picture '■! • «• : li'i c;>n "le'Mv. ISerlin dt p tcin n-.M'rii >witzerland tolil lo\vcn*d fffliljr illoWiiitees of lo- ii in (1 : <.f •isinj! u:.ie-l the iiiyht-: n-'.cl. of lope in occupied countr.- ■ uc • the .var began. Cairo dispatchc.-, repratcd pre vious reports ll< u Kiel.! Alarsli;>l Kommel. wlm left Africa in time to avoid the stiunra ot the Tu nisian dchaclc. has assumed enm niand of the Avis defense ol the (Continued on I'agf Four) LEWIS' STATEMENT HAS KF.F.N DELAYED j N.nv York. May 1j (.U i The •ffiee ol John I.. Lewis, president ot lie Unit |i Mine Wmkci .ikI to l..y that iie v... "• i;l o| i ,*•. i, ;oi tie lay", and thai t-suauce ol a m ill bv Ii im mi the coal wage cli> ilite. promised i«»r I p. in., hail been «>.«t potted. N'o further cNplati.ilitm w.is given, mil there wa io• indication ol .ew is' whereabouts Cotton Oft 25c A Bale New York.* May IL' (AIM C'o! • ii luture- iipeued ti\e ten's a b,.le uglier In ten e< ills lower. Xoo,i allies were to SO cents a bale ower. May 20.lt>. October l!l.72. Previous close and open: M.iv l!n. !2. I.'n.JL': .lulv lil.iw. 1<» <41: ncP-bcr lit.78, lit.7ii: December 111,65. l!M».~>; .1 .icli 1 !M!2. HMllt. FIVE SHIPS LAUNCHED BY FIVE DIONNES — -v.*. «NB MRS. DIONNE, ancl ",n"J"J^nuYicd Vt the Walter Butler Shipyards, in Superior, \v T ;,;0')r0"or V.'0,1?"1 'up i/n-tctl'States. I ho Quints, now nine years old. arrived at the yards by *Iaking their first trip to the L'*|, copyright, tit$, K\cre reported anions \l lied unit* allegedly massing tin-re. (There was no Allied eont'ir mation id lliese reports. It saiil Cyprus might lie the jumping till' point lor a ItalUan invasion. The dispatch said that the Stars and Stripes I'lew In-side the I'ritish flag on the island. Cold Killed Or Delayed State Crops May 12 I >.;.... to it'll t • i A today that the >vor N< rtli Cm killed ili'liiyr< i.i.rld |Hach | l.i.vi' l general I ciiliiviition by . Hc-pite I:iI« dietitian* for nu•>: !i> .1 > ield lar;;c; u In-..I crop is i \| Cent If." Illiill I. ' Production < : berries is l». M;.i t li !• (lit-; !" (■> we: i III! . • pi'l'tS WO IV :> .1. .1, M.II. - "for Hie |m>! : of ih,. Stale iia. V alltane ot i: r v haw overcome retarded I.i-•>i . . Mr added tii.it aged crop- . i. truck crops <•< tlipll'tcd. ..nil Sonera I crop i A;')—The St. r .Ituic report"" : ■ /es tliat swept .-i.i late in April i!l truck cron... eel to one-t!i <1 id inn. and »le i pri'paration and . t two weeks. however, in mail Kiam- point m average. The . led to be I I pel ; yi'iir. i mmcrcial str.iw tlie lorecast for I'ommercial p >t.. \. and yield pros ly reduced. ' stician. said that • weeks larmci • • lieen taking ad icr weather a'.d eat deal >>1 their ,\ ities." ■'planting <>l dam coin, cotton and i practically l»e« n ' planting ol other apidly advancing I wo At Nmithficld Arc Accused With Robberies .-t'Mtiiin in \' > i'J i.Mm Two men liooki'd < »■«•-- Mcl.amb. I'.j. ■I Krwin I i' "I Stephenson. 25. "! Dunn. won ■ laced in the John 'on eopu*\ i l l t'ere last niulit on hiiri'e. ot i! hw. \ robbery and ati '■inolnli' theft State 11 vnw.r Corporal Parks Alesandi i. I <; 'UNIioro. and Pa '"oluiali l I \V Whilaker. o| Mount •I .e. ;i| !■ i l e'-ili'd the men near Kiwtn. Tin v ere chained spoci leallv with i, III"'.: tip I. G Dicker •>ti ;>i a I ! ' ..'alion near Sclma. mil with tc.ilinu the automobile in ItiileiKh. A lesandii -aid nickcrson was rohhed -.1 v:;.o i"iit that $ 153.11(1 had been icentered. WtAiHfR mi: volt'I'll <'.\IM)l,l\A. Sli'.'|itl> cooler in cast mil central purlieu* • little i-hancf in tcinpri.itin ni extreme west portion tonight. Pacific Area Is Showing More Activity Washington. May 12 — i Al". —A new !hn\.i 1" China's "rice bowl." hi iHliti-nini; cliislu:- ••• ' .• \ w c;iii !if i front, and |>:it: • >1 III"! Kiiniii marked !:h- . I' v.ur today. Clmnukiir.: dispatchc- i ' i- p" ti-: 11 i:11 danger t<• Chan.' .ij! •: : lee vieldiiiK lliiii.ni Ii. (I hceomp (jriivcr as .1 nvasion vohminit Kained ,ii' 1 the* southern shore ■•! I . Ttinjckiiifi. lily fifteen tnllc-s an y Previous .1 ;• i>.11it -. .'I'lmu at tempts had been > • the I'h n CM* -aid. but the I i.illv sic eared a beaehlir.M III tin- soiitim . il.-patfln flo:i Genet.11 I >■ a . Arth .ii' head<| mi Icm ! ■ the Papuan pit. "InteiiMlied < occur itr; '»etwwii 'in. ' mmiI r!i' ment.v in t <• t Sicilv * ";li• «». 1 'S* |lt. M.l* I'i—( \l'»— AnnTlr.ni lic.n * bombers. escort ed I" I! M finhlcrs. Hindi- ;i Itiuli 1y miccc slid .ilt.tek testcrdn.v mi the liarlmt ol < .oil.nii.i Sicily. IiIom inn iii> .ill .ininiiitiilinii ship, scttiiic .i 1.inker .ifire and senr illc hits on oilier sliippiliq. ,i Mid dle l;as| lie coiiwninhilir ;tn llllltvccd lod.IV. D.iinacc alone ycis done III docks and lurltor installations. Ilir Inillelin s.iiil. One mole, where three ships Mere lied lip, was reported demolished. "The whole dock .trca was left in flames.' Die i omnilltihiuc add ed. The raiders were reported In have shot down .1 Junkers XX ;ind .1 M.irchi 1(10 while returning In their base. Section Encircled by British; U. S. Prisoners Now 38,000; Italian Holds Out 1 Allied Headquarters ill Nortli Africa. .May 12.— (AIM—British armor has made a enniplete cir cular of Camp Bon. lias needled inward to round up the isolat ' cd enemy forces u ho are sur rendering freely, and is fiercely ! hammering from all sides at tiie last remaining pocket of Tunis Ii.in resistance southwest of the pciiiusiila. (ieiieral IHvight 1>. I iscnliouit's headquarters an nounced today. So thoroughly* had the patrols of l.ieutenaut (it ni ral K. A. X. Anderson in I ill rated into Cap lion peninsula | that Allied air bombing of I5ie homh-riddled area was called off late yesterday because of the dangers of hitting friendly troops. The Cn i m..11- ;;niiiintinii|Uc s-aid: ; "The I..el. <•!' .-tillable targets indi cated '! • .i)»j>j-<■:n-liijiti i-id of the ait battle i \ei Tunisia." Ileiin eil m auaitist the Hull <>l llamm.i i v lie 1 iriti>li :il«>\o and below He the cnclrclcd Axis army :.,ced i " : 11 spearhead aimed by i' r Krcn li'tli I'mp.s which dashed : ward the coast alter crushing a German at • v into complete and un (I'.ialilied in l ender on the slopes i i i i t V. in yesterday. I'he i Mi«|Ue aid thai tile |>. i .■!ii■: laia ;i bv the .-ci'imd l". S Am > t'i>i'|ii and their French allies n i, i I ansia mm total i An I olian cnmmtmi<|ue broad jca-t iv the Home radio said thai i ;• i t (; >\eni Mi >-e. eoinmander »• , in • Italian avriy. had reject tii .. i.ii |isal b>r the Ams troop.-' i ii—(AP)—Rus sians interviewed after the an nouncement of British Prime Minister Churchill's visit to Washington saitl today they in terpreted it in only one way a* presaging a second front. Washington. May 12—(AP) —A White Hi.use disclosure '10 day that 1' r i 111 e Minister Churchill had brought with him throe Indian exports indicated the prime minister and Presi dent Roosevelt mijrht place much emphasis in their confer ences 011 stratejry against Japan. In the Church ill party were: Field Al.v-iial Sir A. P. Wnvell. c> inmandcv-in-cliiof <>t British mili lary forces in India; Admiral Sir James Somervillc. commander-in chief ot the eastern fleet based at (Vvli.n: and Air Ma:\-li:il Sir Uichard Peiivi, air officer commanding in chief in India. Their presence here for important wnr talks lent weight t« the i>ossi bility that Britain and the United Stall s minht be cliarting new moves , In assi.-t China, pcrhap- by attempt ing to piv open the Burma road attain for a \ ilal supply artery. President Roosevelt has prom ised thai China will he used as j a base for attacks on Japan it I self. White llouse officials said that 110 American officers from the Indian area, so far as they know. I have been brought to Wasliing ' ton for the parleys. However, tai-ulena".! General Jo seph W. Slillwell, > ttimaitditiK Am erican forces in India, came to the capital some time ago for confer ences. as did Major General Claire Chennault. t-i>ni>niinding American air forces in China. The possibility could not be (Continued on Page Four) German Resistance Has Now Vanished In Cape Bon Area Allied Headquarters in North Africa. .May rj.— (AP)—German resistance has melted away 011 Cap Bon and British armor, after making a complete circuit of the peninsula to its tip. is slabbing inland and rounding up tens of thousands of freely surrendering enemy troops, trout line dis patches said today. Onl> one center of Axis fight ing spirit existed in alt north Africa today, and that was a I.Vmilc - wide circular area southwest of the peninsula, where Allied armor, troops and planes were attacking from alt sides. Thousand German Troops Killed Near Leningrad Moscow. May I "J.— (AIM — More lliau 1.000 German troops li.nc been killed on tlir Lenin grad I'ronl in the last 'JI hours. Hiissian dispatches said today, .ts (lie « ntirr liatllr line surged \\ it'i new activity from llial northern sector lo (lie continu ing struggle around Novorossisk. on the Itlaek Sea. The net nut before l.enitiRrad W li' <• I.»-ri. • v siege \\.t> broken vli iiiirl-.l.inti.iiy. appeared I" l»e only ;i y(ontinu <>pci'i)li'>n force., intendec t• • «•-1.11• I»sly n new (rcrnmit sprtoi line .11.>t iv>t the hegmnitif! of nn mn' iind- ' iiflenyiye. The (termini al tempt- I.tiled .tiler two .itlaeks. Ibis .viitn mm opened up after tlie jt« siitlll nitl have pounded ;ind damag ed 711« (If man pithitioltf mice, it wjis i tilid. 1h< Ked Ai. v generally held th< initiative everywhere along the line and tin- Kovrrni' out newspaper \z ve-tia .-.id editorially "tin' war with IMlenU Germany has entered ils ' deci sivr vUiilv." T!h» battle fm Xnvnrnssisk appar | «-iil 1 v had ves"l\C i clc\ en So\ iet planes. In the lower Kulian valley, appar enily ni'iihwest i-l Novnrossisk. an important (Jerinan fortified position i was reported captured ;ind a com pany ol German troops killed in yes terday' lij'.'itmc. lied artillery kept up its lighting during the niglit. the noon communique said. licsumptmn ol German attacks on tin- |ttls*ian l)"iiet- I ivet positions near Lisahausk. ualc to Voro»M1nv« , j grid \\ as reported.