- , y««. v• j i/miJ 1 i/AOt A COMMISSION GREAT LAKES TRAINING CARRIER ~7 SECO'.O INLAND TRAINING AIRCRAFT CARRIER built In the Great Lakes. the V.S * r r<\ i rhov.n alier f!ie was commissioned at the Lake Erie yards of the American Shipbuilding (Vvnprny,• ' r. il". N. Y. The now carrier, which was converted from the former Lake steamer Grrm.-r Hiruiln. v I ■> tr 1 for training •lUiposes only and will remain in lti« ni -i— "" v.v\. r». I •. (;i:lcrimtfonal> NAZIS CLAIM YANK CAPTSVlS 1:3 TL'::3A DERIVES ":.0M A GTRMAN PROPAGANDA MAGAZINE, the above pi< jviTTtf Ty r^prc out" Aincrl < ;.!i tr c.uitlirr'l l>y Axis forces in Tunisin. C'milritcl in nvrlr: ! r ■ i. i:\ !'h CIS the (III® alviv. fill :'nn(I to Imiltl the myth of (<ei°m;in mvinfil *!l. :» ! w .ni I. ,r. c, n. I.ly <.'■ |>;i< <1 umlur tin.' i.iii;;lit ol Allied in Libya, Tripolitunia, 'J'li: ... J.' .!.•/ .imiu.ml) I — «• T \ T T: !t KOUTY-55KVKN "III : i:< \V did vuii t tlit* radio till. V' < '!• iiianline a.d;od. "iviliaps wi 'il I.t ill r not talk li'-n " Will..i ! luriii'il 11i:> head m-r v .'i ly. tl.i'iij;!! ftaiful soin«-oiic Wiii i:11.--1•. A*: 'ti l wiif of tin* opinion tli ot|.;l;t to N" aloii" :f he wan ji«»i*i!r tn : t.iit talking her! "Wi* II i.il.-* vi ii I .!• 1; to your room." flu- !iivI. !! ri<"i.li-.|. .■ 11 li< >tt<* li It was si!ly to j.;il; of "taking" liim any wlii-i.' II'' started »i|;lit off. and tli. y f - • il until ClPinantine ciiur'ht up '/..tli him anil tool: him i>y ..ti niin Agatha's effort to g.-t tn him in::t Now there was iio i h iir-.> 11• '■('! ,ik tr I.im without t In u ' 'Vi i' H aiing. «'!•■• i . r i: • - . : "Why illtl you try to malic u/. Ii.hu- lh:it the i t hi. tni v." h i.l w the one thr polii-.' vv. i. I.M.!:iii|: f ir?" "i >i.l l v" A}.;i .. iirid hill, "laslily. "Of rinii,--.. y ii didn't! 1-et'n f.rg.t ah .ii! tli.,! €.1.| tiiUV' "It w; rail ■■! iaipoi !;uit, however," ho j 'a-i ai i'iifst.I of |< aviu<: It • I your h< t; ... | ,ii.!n t hut that an II : t j. In.' lo who r<- illy I .1 Hi il !nl>". which I knew had I ii i'i i'lofi.isor llalder'.'i room tIio evening hp was mur dered." "Kvi'nin<: ii.1 Clemnntinp. "lit' was h it. ,! nt midnight." "!'• tIt i| Iwan stnhbed at mid n!;:lit." < : lalned 'Villa d. "but tli.' mm ill-i l l work was dune hours III full'." A' ttha thnnr.ht, "Mi' iloo.'i I;now! II knows I had time .< pet hoi* from lir.islini liy automohili'. and hill it. v. ( Y I wan Sllppc rd to hi* wait i • tluii for tin- train connee* tion!" I ('Ii maitl iru v.vnt on, "Yi a ill pan. I tli: r. (•; ii.• wnnn't any murikrcr tin" i at midnight ?" "Xo. The miirdrrpr was far •way, on n public veiliclo, cstab linking an ailW." "IIiii.' wc air," announced Apn thn. :'' |.|iiiij; forwaril quickly t" open lit. .:••• i- that l« il up thP stair way In Wi lard's room ovor the MiiikIi eating house. Slip was won dering .ii .|i("a|i|y how slio rotlld "lop him from revealing all. If she coitM only till hlm how ntuch it nn .int to'h'r to kpop at Iciist part "• 11 \ • lat ii>ii from ClPinan till''« i nr.i! Tht lillud h'.y ushered tliPtn up* flail tu II Itlft Hi lt Agltthn had simppi.i on thp light, lie pulled clown tlip window shade. "PleMe And iphU for yourselves," tnvtt |oil. Ho tmnoil n-. I • ...! ' i • •• | them. Ilia li:ii !s ' • j Agatha f:in"; >• I • i rocking chair (" "M | tin* disc Of I Ik In .< • . i ward. waiting fur th- .■ ; i.l Wol'dS. "I'll I" rin at the ' " V. ! said. "Because i'\'. mN I ! I • .-. I placed around Pi. !• i i ■ r it v.as evident that llw : ■■■ union! fi'flicil an ;11<111 -■" i ; I to sieal biff iltv< tit Ion. Tlx • ■ • minder <lltl not < ntor lnt» t. Th Iwcro tinl waN lull': t.<r 'iiit. •*IVihap« I «;n ftiul: It. li lt I wanted In pioiv Hint I • it;v ione's equal uln-ri it »:«ii> i uth inir. I lillcu 11><II11 tin't > :{• : rito the laboratory fi »tn th i • nt I illiln't 11 it i I "i -t« i I' .' r. I v.as iifr till lie miftht hav. .! ! 'til to Mil' fit the Mih . . III ! • to deliver thr Itilie . i M\ .i h the trap door In .*.i«i:i •! • v.lm would lake it away l) • ■ • h I lie urtivr hit!'. The j»iv, «-• ■•ill I claim ii waa stolen. Iik< ;t Ilmi wa in W'orM U>/ i. T1. 'to W.l.'i a • 11 •: J • I«- i • • 11 ^ Ii ll.lllil." •■(•h h!' I •readied a -it! i. rn:i f • hi- aili'i il Imriii illy. "I i.: \ i ar-' wroii;.:'» M In would tii'Vin i.i llii.'i,: hl(r thai!" "'I In lliforv at I' "f : "ve in • n:i cXfllsc I If wint I liiil. I it.' !;nl litlii thf cellar wlnn r was unoc cupied. i ropt II. ii ur.li I In- trap door into lite I.il.nl.ill :>'. "•! Ill- alio [iilie. carried it hack. fii !••-.I it lliinif.h tin' ventilator and luircd il itt the .• ift i .irlh of f;:nrdin tillable. I.ater. when the e\( it« ment died oo.wi, I dim it llfi and ;avc it In lilt- I II Witi* !ln y : • n . 'i irlsril!" I< "I r;in imagine!" e- ch'imeil! i "Ictnantino. "That"# why lito I«"Jil ': nan was so Mire atitith and I I' veletl'l mixed Up wi'll it." "Yea. It al. ii exj'l it. v. hy I w." . elciised qtllcldy from that h i-|: :lary ''har>:o. Hut Hit:- thought !it •oil had the tuhe. 'ir knrw where It .as." Willard colt!sniied. "lie p:i li hly searched your room and Ind uce • . "Our lupnane!" gasped the pirl. That was wiiy lie lil ived leliltvl ■hen wo hough! our In I • •(.•: ,.t j|;<. lilroad station, lie was going trough our bass!" "I'rohnlil.v so." agreed Wlllaid If ho did. thai nuts! Iru. < :i ' d in suspicion against you." "And a short lime later." e >r lined Clcinantliie, "I teh i.l . in and t'il'1 him Mattel I lai t:n•• f• m '■ as the spy. I ashed him lo i ■ id save us. Instead, h • cant" lo|ln ■t her—and the r«dio lulic he Iki ought ah* had!'' j •Jelly Vom were very put v:> mu ll I rust in < n\i si> unbelievable 1 »|>y! I si ill can't billed I 'inf. ;iir Haider, i !!:■•>* I;\. i in adjoining' • ' I' i<• a •< rii t iloor be •.V. was no secret door, i'lie |.nl;«t> probably wciv right li- n II;. y . i<I every ilimr anil win : til" I tail mil was holt I •■!• f ii . :•!. That made no dlf I• i• • 1 '■• Ihi- killer. beeause of the pi eiilinr iiKilanl of murder that wa s ivvl " "|!t:l the prnfersor was slabbed Willi a knife!" I'lemantinu pro le.:|nl. "11 couldn't lia » been tin-. t!ii' ii;;Ii a crack. Oil—per ' M it ' ■ •ll'nppi'il I lit t>n;;ll a liola in ■ lie o'Mili.;!" Willa'.l sl»H'k Ills head "There an hill- in llie roiling. The po l:i -* . "Id have found anything 03 ii.; as lii it. Iii tact. I was told lIn i•• wasn't a mark <•*' the cell n - Wliii I learili'il lint lltn knife •lie Ind been poi: oneil I asked i! hi! that |. ittieiit.ill.v. I suipected '.\ill. wail n mimilc. I'll 'letnon ;l ralf!" In lira*led fur the stairway, and Ii , tv!e.|. Aval In luaiil liiin enter lie 11■> l.llir.'lMt I' low. "Kit fsoiiiltu. : .ike!" exclaimed 'lei nt ne. "What il.i you suppose "lie has solved the murder," Vrvitlia t' I I h< r. "There In no doubt ilmilt it!" Will i!i! returned. On a piece of 'Iiin r i.i hia liattd he carried n Ir.iuk <•( v.li'le material. It gavo ff a f iint wlc. A;:atha recog iz- I it a piece dry Ice, prob lily I: :n * food storage cabinet In k i iinirnnt ItllelN n. "T' i.'= i ti .-ii ..as frozen •' In explained, "It very i ■'! !. much colder than ordl iry if'- When it mcllii and evapo it ■ it I \ 1'cliir.il il r.o trace nt II. Yi.tl m y n"t be familiar with s pr >| rlii("lemanllnp, but I am lit il i.: not at all a mystery to ritir til ■" A rliarp knocking Interrupted. Clriiianl ille sped to the door, in-rii' I it flint. "Wlllnrd, lie's iv. t;. I-lira!" Iter fnee was white, I . it< r ii j again. Oh, haven't •ii ■ it i ? Quick!" \. • " '!< d. "There Is nothing fiar," It '"I I her nu'etly. "That i, • tv von:1 aunt tapping on r ii • t > top me. ^he stopped . V.' II yell v.efe here last time, it yini . In-tild know. There ta ru> use In keeping silent longer!" 'Ji . fit . .-II Iff 11 ions'. (To lie Continued) } Effects of Tobacco On the Human System ay v I.K.MIKMNG, M. D. . PEOPLE who argue about the narmfulness or lack of harm in tobacco should remember it was first used as a medicine—healing rather than harming. W hen the Spaniards were intro duced to tobacco by the Indians, Dr.Clendening will answer questions of general interest only, and then only through his column. they found it was used for the treatment of wounds. The Indians also used it for pains, especially joint pains, and they used it just as we do—by in haling the smoke. But all of this is «f antiquarian interest. The modern man or wo man wants the modern physician to declare whether the use of to bacco is good or bad for them. Causes Functional Diseases Unlike alcohol, tobacco does not cause any permanent organic di seases, only functional ones. In other words, tobacco causes no gross changes iu any organ of the body, such as alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. The functional changes which it produces are very definite. It increases the heart beat, often causing palpita tion. It raises blood pressure slightly and creates a spasm of the arteries. For the last reason it is distinctly to be forbidden in cases of pain nround the heart— angina pectoris. As everyone knows from his own first experiences with it, it certainly can cause nausea, vomit ing. digestive upsets and a state of shock. On the good side eT the ledgor, it tends to relieve consti pation. Chewing Tobacco narmfnl I believe that a number of peo ple, especially those who chew to bacco, have ruined their health for life by creating an inflamma tion of the stomach and bowel and :onsequently, malnutrition and underweight. The key to the whole subject of .he use of tobacco is the word 'moderation," but that is a very | ulficult word to define. Tin; trou I Iilc with moderation is that peo ple start in and say they are only going to have one cigar or one cigarette and then they go on to five or six. The chain smoker is certainly not acting moderately. For nervous, high-strung peo ple and those with a tendency to indigestion or heart pain, I believe tobacco is distinctly bad. For us moderate smokers it is harmless and a joy added to life. <il ESTIONS AND ANSWERS A. M.:—Please explain the word astigmatism. What is the cause of it? Is there anything a mother rould do when she is pregnant? Will a child with astigmatism have to wear glasses all its life? Answer: Astigmatism is change in the contour of the cornea of the eye. It has nothing to do with heredity and there is nothing a mother could do during preg nancy to prevent it. It is not serious; in fact, there are very few normal eyes in the world and probably about 80 per cent of the human race have some degree of astigmatism. Whether glasses should be worn or not depends on how serious it is—whether it causes any symptoms, such &s headache. F. T. J.: Is it a serious opera tion to have bunions removed from the feet and about how long would it be before a person could return to work after such an operation? Answer: Bunion repair is not considered to be a serious opera tion. but for good healing to occur it takes some time — at least a week or more before activity can be resumed. F. W. R.:—I understand that the continued use of yeast has been known to create a permanent cure for diabetes. Is this true? Answer: No. O. M. H.:--Can a lady past 80 years, having had her change 42 years ago, now in good health, have a return of her menses? Answer: I would say that kind of discharge was most likvly to be a diseased condition and requires immediate examination. SCOTT'S SCkAH BOOK r%C£5W-, J By R. J. SCOT! v.'iUi ro >v>-.i Mian whs m yon -jAy •blimp as, \ r.A-fV Ml Bt.fi tUv*. Mooo ii'iCistl-f CtK-r :oi -fiti vi op; r. a.vl IfiOvS -flML fo .'is'.E,C.R £Vl:l A L <ilt f;Mf. SLMiUf:-;' o,. ;urui'iiy '"J Ottf" of -jUt/tilr.; x. ^raAhkam i/1'7 £RAWLt» ■f7/ , IUrou^K A KfEyHOLt* // MEASURING v AK in. wide amp KF." >M. H15H i mt £>«<, THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring Popeye "Not A Girl To Sniff At" I AlM'T IM A 1 MOOD— A"T'<=, <-.LL, Ui-tS' AlKj'T* INVA MARRVINi' MOOD / CWl_, I HAVE TKc VERy Y' TH.klG FOR VOU — IT'S CALLED A; SAILOR .BEUJARE^//r"~~r ' (.all sailors like it ? ) 'T VSE IT. AK1D i'VE COT auc ) 110 EVER<-/ PORT.' ^-T .<£} - • '*"* ^GAl GALLON BLONDIE D. S. r.„„, 0|d D<)g8 w;th 1 JUST Dv'ED ITVI5SE SMOES SLACK-ILL SET TUEM 'OUT USRE TO AIR ETTA KETT SO SHE'S FLYING ] '' I DONT" TEl L TO THE RANCH \ | ! ME YOU r IM A BOMBER ."J J APPROVE ' '•y fVUJI. ROBINSON THE GUMPS—WHATS IN A NAME?

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