thirtieth year Himlterson Batlij P L.KA8RV) WIRK liKA8Rl) WlKR HKRVirv . Tll« ASSOCIAtSdV&V* HENDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 14, 1943 i'Ul* Lisbon EVICft^AFTKHNOUN fc-XVJWHUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY Senate Kills Pay-as-Go Amendment Lcuisianan's Proposal Would Have Credited Current Payments Against 1943 \\';i liinjrion. May I I—(AP) _ i li-' Senate rejected, 57 to 21. t. 11;i ;iii amendment. to the pay- 1 ;1 revenue l>iU Id credit (•in itt payments ajraiust this war income ;iii<l collect the (•.il f r» li! tax in ten semi annual n, ia! iiM-nts IwjrinniiiK next :I I"». ; i Wit ■ tin- Senate's first test of ft t ■.:iifii 1 h i eaiieclliiiB income tax .it IIS ■| incudincnt was offered by Shi ' i Kllenrlcr. Louisiana Deino o' ■ tnlrl tin- Senate he tlvumhl i; v welted to abate anybody's i .ii wartime. C hurchill Tells Chiang Relief Sure ::lon, May |»_(AP) — 1' . M iii.-lit Winston Churchill mod (ictierali---inio Chiiinu K ■ liel. tliat "tin; day will niini' | .• <• -hall . . . al reals • lli(. Urited Nations which v i !.v drive the Japanese from : •• i! ( hina." ': loader was replying :>• of coiiKratulalions from : t! i {•rncralissimo on the A I-1 : t .i x .it .iv iii Alrica. 11 is word-;! • i t .ndersenrc indicators that 1 I fi. idont Itoosevelt, in their! v ' tr.iiruy conferences hero. minht • ! !!'i!K new massive blows at; .1.1- n. i tin- si mo time. Churchill rc-j I»m: . d :i mo-sago from General I>.. lit I) Kisonhower. Allied com i< . ih'i- in-chief in North Africa, fiiv tn;: "my a snraiice that this army I v : ('iiitiniic to pound until Hitler-, ■ i :.itii exterminated from the tartV | ! .tiiior pointing up the possibility) t!c prime minister and prosi- i ' .'I" charting action in th«» west i I'.irilie area was tin- disclo-uri'j ■ While House that Churchill ( i i.l i- .nlercnccs ol thirty mill ' :•> an hour with T. V. Soong. 1 ■ c ton-inn minister, who i>- now! . :li- I'uilod States, and Herbert i V K m. Australian minister of ex- [ t*i:i; ! al lairs. I i ilciiti .ii lo parleys with British ' Aiiii i ican military and naval] • K iobcrs. Hie prime minister i i consulted with Secretary of •<k' II ill and President Kdouard I!. <>! fzeclinslovakia, dm 111;: Ins ' • • ' \ isit lo Washington 1' ! message lo Chiang Kai-shek, i(lull said: I i no ,votl warm thanks for' y -age of congratulation. on Allied victory which has crushed 'In- ' i : resistance of German and it ■! hi i..ices m Africa. The day !<• when wo shall rejoice at ' i t', ol arms of the United .'..iii ii. winch will surely drive Hie •' n.adcr from the s.>ii ol China.*' JOHN L. LEWIS BACK AT NEW YORK AGAIN New York, May II—(Al')—John '• I•* v. i . •M<s..irl£*t| of the United M r- Worl-.ers. returned lo New York ' v .'Hi i spending two day.s iii V..i limgtoii, hut mi explanation np I • ucd to be forthcoming <>n the l"i his trip to the national capital. l-DR SAYS CAPTIVES MAY BE SENT HERE U'-isliingtoii, May II—(AP) — Jipsidrnt Itoospvplt said toduv i'*>sumpil thai quite a law Windier of (he hordes (if Axis prisoners raptured in Tunisia l,r«>URht to the United Mates. I low ever, hr told a press pon "T« i"p, plans ar0 not vpt rum J'lete i„r sending thrm to this or . *"-V "Ihpp country. U S. TROOPS UNO ON ATTO ISLANDS ★ »V ★ ★ ★ + U. ^ 1 „ „ _ « ~ K ft *****★★★★★★★ Axis Being Bombed by Air From All Sides Troops Move In. s~. A TROOP DETACHMENT from Bar bml'is. according to a British radio announcement, bus embarked for Dominica Island'(arrow), a Brit ish p'ssession that lies between Guadeloupe and Martinique in the West Indies. The German radio reported that U. S. naval units were moving on Martinique. U. S. and British oflicials would not comment. (International) Rationing Of Clothes Is Feared Nclron Holds Up Prospect Unless Prob lems Solved; Would Be Terrible Thing Washington. .May II—(AIM — CmiBrrss rcri'ii'i'il from Donald Al. Nelson, war production chief, a warning today ralinniiu: ol clothing and trxlilrs in the I'liitril Stairs is imminent un less wr ran nso llir best lirailis of tin- industry and so utili/i< all the facilities as to get the most out ol lliein." Testifying before llu* 11 • »t isf Ai> propri.iti. s i ..minilire .in .1 del 1 ciency lull re|iorlci! today. Nel.'ii said lie believed clolhini: r.'li .111111: eoiild lie avoided, lint added: "There iiic many who tlird; thai I am wrong." The Wl'15 lexlil,. divi-ion. \'r!. hi lold the committor. "1 • d<>in« every thing in ils power l<> avert ralion int!." which he said would In- "one ' o.-Tiic vvrost jobs we ha\f ever had ■ to tackle." While r.ilioliiiu ol clothmi! h.i< I boon resorted to in .ill Kuiopcan J coll 1111 ies, N'elioii said. ' we arc living lo avoid it. I think it would he j a terrible thi:>n." BROUGHTON FREES EIGHT PRISONERS Ualciijli. May 1 I — (AIM Governor llroiiuhlon today p;iro|efi eiuht pns , oners. among whom were Krtdic I'ope. sentenced m lloheson rounty in Seplcinher. I».'(». I" ten I if Icon | years tor assault with a deadly wea pon and robbery, and I'ookcr 1. | Jackson. sentenced in Wayne eonn 1 ty in January. 1042. lo two years 1 for liirreny and receiving. Planes Fly Over Europe Day, Night Bombers Hit from Africa and mitain, Blasting Daylights Out of Lnemy t argets Allied Headquarters in North Africa, May 11 — tI•)—Allied air squadrons rained powerful blows upon Sardinia. Sicily and Italy herseli ye.lenlav in an offensive no longer divided by the necessity n.r support of ground troops in Tunisia. U. S. flying fortresses and medium bombers delivered ji ! smashing assault upon Tag laria, port and air ha .-•• whicii long helped support A.\i force m North Africa. Tile raid was tin- hii-jv'-t >"•' un deitaken against S'-rdi i.m target tiif surpassing that <>n Maddaluna I two weeks ago. About twenty enemy vessels were sunk or damaged ami law | nil fires were spotted at the Si e lian harbor of Augusta t»y . aliiiut fitly I'. S. I.ilierators. At- ] tacking from .Middle Kasf liases. ' they dumped almost pounds of explosives there un der RAF f iulitcr escort from Malta. Naples, in Italy, and Messina, in Sicily, were other cities winch tell t'ne fury of airpower unleashed hy the unconditional surrender ot the la~t of Colonel General Vim Arnim's fiRhtint; men, a surrend'.M- that yield ed enormous ounntities >>! war sup plies and nearly l7f».(MUi tierman and (Continued on T'a^e Two) DAVIES IN CAIRO EN ROUTE MOSCOW Cairo. Ilgypl. .May II.— (Al'l— | Joseph i:. I).nies. euronle to .Moscow on a special mission lor rresident Itoosevelt. arrived l:is( , night in ( aim. lie stayed with the American minister. Alexan der C. Kirk. STRIKE INITIATED IN ALABAMA SHAFT Itiiiiiiii|ili;iin. May II (AIM Tii • rl.iv sllif| Ml .'ippi'oxmwil Iv l.ill n n employer! in the Sayre i n m the KepnMic Steel C">»«•)»• »imtj• > i i I In report fur \v«»il-. Ijnl.iy hi v.iiii* .1 United Mine Worker. ■■!:■«•:;! I .id Wit-i "iiri entirely local dispute " Bulgarians Appeal To Hitler 10 Send Aid 1 here Quickly London. Sla.v II.—(AIM—Kiin: IJoris or Ituluaria lias sent an ureciit appeal lo Adolf llillrr for additional secret polire units as protection against intrrnal dis- 1 t urbanccs. reports rcachinc Al lied governments said today. These adviees said it was un derstood lliat Die cest.ipo eliief himself, lleiurieh lliinmler. was hurrying to Sofia. There was no information, however, on whether concerted outbreaks had occurred. Meanwhile. indications trouble might tic hrrwiug in France was seen in reports recent gestapo roundup ol some , 200 members of the Vichy gov- ' crnment said to have been sus- 1 peeled of communicating with France resistance croups or Al lied agents. $24 Billion Sum Asked for Navy May 14 — (AP) — A r,',, naval appropriations » ; - b. Kest in hiStory - was " '"<■ Hmisc floor today with '«'• that "the ciiiniiy may ., v7'-v "'"fidcncc in the achieve I.*, ' !*' unconditional victory ">oth oceans jf ,, , f , < !. "<««rs |Jllrt II, " »sMirnn«. eame from Un it , i '''""Piiotfons Committee as t,. , " " I't'l'He it bulky transcript of , •"»>' ttikc-n from the chiefs "I in,i i's. *Ci,"'iRhtinK forces, a re J! "n^in« with brond details of ,ations.n8 y ,nvn!!|0" P'«P' ] There was mini acknowledgement | in t fr»m the Navy itself of the precedent-shattering size of the allo i cation.-- for sea war for the fiscal vear heginti'iig .Inly I. From Ad i Krnesi .1. King, commalider iii I'liief of the United States tleet. i ''lu* tlii-- lion: "War inevitably results in waste. wa»te of men and of materials and • ii.itiev; lhat i.s one reason for our hatred of war. But . . . we cannot nffi-rd to pussyfoot when il come.s ;.i .ipproprialing money to carry on." ••To w'n the war in F.tirope." de elated Admiral F. J. llornc, vice chief of naval operations. "we Itiivc t«> get to the Asis nil the continent, jind whether i! be vi;i Norway. the channel or (he v irious approjelies in the Mediterranean t lie men and eqiliiniielil f<»i obtaining .1 In id|*e head must he lerried for the a:- ; 1 ti11 by hiudjni! craft. "To regain the numerous i-land of Melanesia ;uid Micronesia iind for (lie fin;d ;• -sjmll 011 extivi sive preparations for amphibious op erations must be made and success fully executed. The re taking of Guadalcanal nnd other operations were fere-runners of many such op erationg to comc." THS52 BOMBERS SO'TENED UP AXIS IN TUNISIA — » I BLAZING A PATH through Axis fortification.-: and softening up halllc'incs for Allied troops, t'.csc B-2S Mile hell bombers were responsible in ureal part tor the Allied vietories in North Africa. This photo, taken during a flight over enemy positions, is from News of the Day Newsrcel. (International) No Armistice at End of War; Will Occupy Germany, Italy Allies Determined To Crush Militarism This Time Once and for All, London Says i. union. M.i* II—(AIM — I lie Allies .ii" i!i l.'iiiiini'il In avoid •■iti* m tiir tn.i i*ir mistakes nt tin* I!iIK .11 tin .In i .mil inli'inl In iir < »il>» (ii'i iii;iii\ ami llal* w IIIt I lit-11' lurrrs. lurk. slink a ml I i.i rt i'l. \\ Iti'li (In- liual cnl l:i|.- e tcn'.fs. n w as asserted tn <l.i\ in itilot inril iiu.trlrrs. l'°!ii'iiiM :)!■•!r. il was under >lnml llial iltni!iu lltf period nl military in ■ mi.iiiiin tlie Allii'il li-.tiiti-.lii,i ti.i-, decided In (|t-al only \*il!i military anllioritii" anil mil* surrender There wii | >T 11 >l •*-I vi. \« Ha- 11f111>■ i t ;•:< (llli-tl i. "And. ill till? --t «• ft lalllt-.ll Ili<- jitl» : i pcrind in portiinily KiiviM iinn t jirmi I it-f.' ant .i>.:t -1 going In As |hi«' inii-t In This flnin Hillcr i" • homo fritut the arntv "'I III- I: tin; last v. im*:isurc I will in-1 tit an ! :m trailifl'.in J- bronchi e the til il< military aiilltni tic ninlt ii-s (-annul t • 1 tlii.» Allies will d> it) ll<e I t an it i 'it | •en|»lo have the up c their tuvn lice' ivas said. e woti'l lie any dl placed in! it " lernuin tnilit«iri*ni i - I oniy and I'M ii i. Ca-.ililanf.i. there iitiniial s'.nrentl"i nn't lie any I nl • i i-i and say il was the •illapsed. instead nl iccilpy (it-1 litany ill t f: ponsiiilc m liirfte war. 'liiat mistaite ted." MUSSOLINI EXPELS SIX MORE LEADERS May II—(AIM — 1'rrinSei >ln»«liiii lias expelled six inmr l.i-( isl officials frmii the party (lie linmc ratlin rc porleil today. in a continuation of a shako «|> ill Italy. The Ino.nle.isl. Ileard l>y Keil lors. 'lid li«t immediate!.* name those i'N ticllcil. U. S. A IK SECRETARY ARRIVES IN LONDON l,'. M v II (AP) Hubert A. l,o\Ht. 1'iulod Slates assist,-ml secretin v 'it war for dir. lias arrived in 1,'iid'M "ii a mission con nod Of I with supplyits aircraft to Hritnin and i' c I' S A my air force, it was announced today# j 2,()(!() Axis Pianos . W.tsliiiii;ton, Alav It—i M'i — Tile Allied I'nrrrs til Nnrtli \l lira (lesti oycil approximately 'i.OIIO 1.1.iiics \\ liil<- lit-in:; .1 limit "Hi in llif six mutiilii ami Hirer <la\s hrturrn t'u- landint:* in Irrnrli North \lrira an! !!"■ < id lap>r lit Axis M'sUtam r Ua\ II. I lir War l>i ji.ntnu <ii irpiirl.-d llli> ti»la> i'i a n \ «i« of I hi* siirrtarlllar |iarl ni l i i! In liir Allied tram umlei \i»- < iiirl Marshal Sir Arthur W. 1 ddrr. it said that in liir lir-t rlrv rn days ill Ma> almir Ihr srnrr wars r:o<) Axis i«i.11:- ~ i'i'iIrnvrd, attains! l!l Allied'1 lost. a ratio nl' six in me. anil added th:i| I mill W.n " t!ir •!.»> Titni anil Iti/rrtr l.l1 llie eiienv* air arm litrrallx il im ed t<i Ilir Al liril liinr. Iomm appmxitnaleh rlrvrn planes Mr exerv A llin! I la"r hrnimltl im i JAPS LOSE .SIXTEEN CRAFT IN SOLOMONS Wii Inn!.; ■(!. Aini'i i .11 -ivlf :i n! .t Ii;i«id III ;i i;11--.--«•!! . Ilt«* r \ • I'nilcd St;.!- i t\\ i> Hi 1 r.i• |il! :« ISLAND OFFICAL HELD TO BE UNFIT VV'ji-i I lolisi lii'V .1, , • IliMI • II ri.- I. I I Kid oflitv. BII L WOULD EXTEND SOFT COAL MEASURE W I'.liiir'.lim. M:i) I I.— ( \|'i— I.' I 11'i> r\1riidnu: «In- liililtn ilioiiv ;•"( Iliixiiiitlis !>«• vimil t! tv !" In ,i I If »\\ liluc for .vimlt til .i Mn >-<>iii••mill:* Hit* art hv<i >r.ip- imsm'iI l*> Hit* lluiisi' liv mi.minimis Miitsi-ni to il.i\ iiml .hciiI lii lIn- .senate. WEATHER I OU NOKTII ( AHOI.INA. I,Mile rli.nisr in lcm|irrainif. jvxsililr •■liiiwcts .111(1 tlitttttict - show or*. \!' > l d.. I lilt' S.i.Mi, i •• ■! i •<!.. v. K Reds Blast Germans At Ncvcrossisk Soviets Attacking Inner Defenses Under Tremendous Barrage from Big Guns M .. . .May I I - - (AT) .1 ;ii 11st ,-tili stillborn f id i• •;i11 resistance in the Ku • n. : !11•<I army has advanced in . uii' seclurs and captured :i! iiin-s. nortiicast id' the Ilia*.1 Sea |'or! (il Novum,ssisk, di-1'alcln - from the front said t'ulay. i I . Iclic- did n i' indicate the <•■ !■ ::: i'l lite Kctl Army's must re l ;; .in-. I>i:t said that definite I liHi tifi'n n ilc in the facc • : (ierni >ti »•«. icr aM.ieks. Yc-ienhy lr«>nl I lie di-patches i t <■ lliil anny had smashed int<i i i . tiii v (icrman d-tenses ivi'th i !! I' f 11> and w :i~ attacking •iiit under :i tremen d-.n- baiiam* i'l hundreds t>! big films. 'li i n ddav eoinn imiqiie said the i' was emit.: tied during N :!il. artillery barrojic wax so heavy. .! 11 >w ::>fi. ■ s. tl. :hat it pres i i imI bi.: |iii :i ti> shove Slu1 (.• mans into the The nil' war. v.iiicii is tiercer than anything .'li la I >ii<• nitmu to day following widespread action i ii :i!iu froiii the central front t' U'lir-'iw, capital i'l Prilaiui. which the Russians hum bed Wednesday | night. RODESON SOLDIER ITALIAN PRISONER ,V h r-:l«.»i. May II (AIM—Th< \V I>i ii'liiictil .itii'."imeed ti'daj Hit ei'cs "I li.'i United Slates sol diet. vim are held as prisoners o war by .lapati. and 171 wlin are Itch i hy llalv. The lis) included: Inlerned by Italy: Private Shellii n. Wondall. whiwe f.iilinr James V • \V >dull. lives in Pembroke N- C. Fighting Is Heavy With Jap Forces Washington Offers Comment on 1 okyo Claim; May Be Part of Drive on Japan Washington, May 11 — (AP) —The United Slates lia.s launch ed the lontf-expected attack to drive Japan out of the Aleutian islands. American troops lauded mi the island of Attn <>n Tues day, the Navy announced today, and were met by Japanese of unknown .strength. They are locked in battle now. The situation is still not clear, but United 'States air and sea forces presumably are partici pating in an all-out hid for an early decision. 1 (/»'</ Tin Aasnciiitiii I'rcss) Japanese imperial headquar ters reported today tT7at Ameri can troops had landed on Attn I island at the western tip of lite Aleutians, less than 2,(100 miles frqm Tokyo and said bitter fitfhtinjj was in progress. Attn lies 0(H) miles west of the bijf United States base at •Dutch Harbor. Alaska. It was occupied by the Japanese last June 8. The Japanese communique. as re corded by the U. S. Federal Com munications Commission, declared: ^Imperial headquarters. May 14. -I | p. m. (.'5 a. m. EWT): j "Crack American lorccs began I landing at Attn island :ti the Aleu tians on May 12. Our forces oil I the .same island have intercepted I them and are now en&iKhiK them I ii fierce battle." In Washington, official confir mation was lacking. The Navy and War Departments maintain ed their traditional policy of not rommentiiiK on Tokyo broad casts. Tokyo's report of a surprise .American sea-horne attack on At tu island was the sccond hwlira tioti within a week that a deter i mined campaign was under way to drive the enemy out of the Aleutians and clear the way for a possible thrust across the step ping stone islands to Japan itself. The Na\v ammu' ivd last Friday j that Ann : rail Imn nail occupied ; Ainchitka island, > miles east • >f Attn, on January 12. .tapaiiV only other outpost in the Aleutians, tl much-boil In (I K ska. i- I'J'i mileJ least o! Attn. . BRITISH IN BURMA WITHDRAW FURTHER Xrw Delhi. India, May 11- <AP) Ilntish foi er lavi in..ill? another withdrawal ii" it ii IIm> Ma.vtl I >cn insula <>l Ultima. mid Inive tiikcn up "now |x>siliotis in<<rc Mutable for dotense i i' .ii.(|iic aid today. Tin withdrawal \\;. from M;iiiii{! daw I'll ttu- we.-t ii! the pOtllll lllla. Arm\ Joins I i^hr Against Arkansas Ri\ cr 11 i^h I* lood Little linck. Ail; . Mas II — ■( Al')— The Army joined tin lowi r Arkan sas river valley'- Iloodwtso inhabi taut.- today in comliattim* the wirly stream that poured tin; u'eatcsl flood in its history across hundreds of thousands ol aeres and haltered against .straiuititt levees. General engineer troop.*, basic trainees from Camp Hobinsnn, I and pontoon engineers took up the ' light at a half do/cn danger poufts below here, and at other spots along , the White l iver m eastern Arkansas ITheii mission was to reinforee the earthen bulwark.* protecting river rominunitie- and thousands of acres 1 planted to cotton, food and feed crops. Lowland dwellers, veterans of al most annual overflows since the dis astrous |f>27 flood. already had com pleted their exodus. They took farm •(machinery and much livestock with , i them, hul Ihe l"«s to crops and prop leity was heavy.

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