P Hgttftgrsoit Uathi iBisnafrh HI iihtieth year rr V ifH* Henderson, n. c„ Monday afternoon, may ,7 ^ — FIVE CENTS COPY Congress To Battle For Own Powers Two Government Agencies Dispute Its Authority; Pay-Go Tax Measure Is Included \\a-liinjrlon, May i7—(AP) _\Vli.-it may shape ii|> as the bii-i' week 1 lie* House lias had yiiuv IVarl Harbor, gets under way today with a fight between and two government .•ijrtia-ies. Hoti.-e leaders, building their pro/rjsin around Wednesday's scheduled address by Prime Jlini.ti r Churchill, hoped to ob tain ad ion on a $.'10 billion ap propriation for the Navy, a $72 tnilli' n supply bill for the Inter ior Department, a pay-as-you-go tax measure and a final contro- \ vi r-i:d labor measure. Tlir appropriations committee luil pending before the House .in amendment to prevent use of miv funds in tlic bill, or in any I othrr appropriations measure, for payment of the salaries or e\|iei;srs of William E. Dudd. .Ir.. and I>r. Goodwin It. Wat son. ICC employees, and Robert M<-ses l.ovett. Interior Depart ment official serving as govern ni< ul secretary of the Virgin Is l:i r.ils. Ah impropriations sub-committee! hid rcoinmenried on April 21 that | W.it.-1 n and Dodd be dismissed :is l "nni:i for llic present to cc»ntmtiir in government employment." Ar.d the - iine committee last Friday made a similar recommendation in Lov cl!'s ea-e. !>» i us 1 ul the FCC to dismiss Wat son . nd Dodd. and nnnouncement by Inlen ir Secretary Ickes today that 1 he viiild retain Lovett "so long as i I h ive legal power to do so." brought the issue to a head today. Appropriations committee ini'iiihers said they would de mand a roll call vote on the mine to cut off the trio's pay anil termed the controversy a field to determine whether Con Cress or Federal agencies were j running the government. Disposition of the matter today wruld give right of way for action I 1".mnrr.>iv on the Navy appropriu- I tions bill. Somewhere in the program will I Vc sandwiched the pay-as-you-go tax ' I bill by the Senate Friday. House Democrats Plan New Fight on Skip-a-Year Plan Washington, .May 17—(API— ! Speaker llayliuru. Texas Memo rial. said today Democratic lead ers will make a third and final lialllc against llir modified Kuml plan when the House voles to morrow on whether tn aeeept a Sevate year embracing the skip a-ycar proposal. I'arly leaders held a meeting «ilh Kavhurn. while House Re IMihlieans e I a i m e (I sufficient strength to send the Senate ver sion to the President's desk. Republican Leader Martin of Massachusetts said lie under stood "at least six" House mem lirrs previously opposed to the "skip-a-.vear" measure are now ready to support the modified I!mill hill. This would he more tli in eunuch to overcome the 20fi ?(!."> defeat suffered by the hill in Hie House two weeks ago. Uayhiirn said he did not know "hat kind of compromise might Ik- worked out if the Democrats succeed !n their efforts. WEATHER fOR NORTH CAROLINA, nr. ,""""1lct, warm this after '" on and tonight. - -^DELEGATION to food conference ■——k / > , 1 , PICTURED IN WASHINGTON are the U. S. delegates to the International Food Conference which is sched uled to open shortly at Hot Springs, Va. They are (I. to r., seated): Murray I). Lincoln, executive secre tary Ohio Farm lJurcau Federation; Josephine Schuin; Judge Marvin Jones, chairman. Standing (1. to r.): Paul II. Appleby; W. L. Clayton; and Thomas Parran, Surgeon General. (/ntcrnntional Soundiiholo) WLB Says Lewis'' Stand Is Defying U. S, Sovereignty Kenansville Has 'Breezy Argument On Its Election Kenansvillc. May l«—(AIM— The citizens of this enmity scat town held their liirimial niiriici pal election on May 11. but they haven't fettled the nfficc-hold inc business by a long shot. They siller have tliseovcreil that: J. R. Grady, who was eleeteil mayor l»y a six-vote marjorit\. is not rccislereil as a qualified voter of the tow 11. One member of tlic board of aldermen. E. Tyndall. also is not a locally qualified voter. Not only that, hut they held tlioir election a week late, ae eordiiiK to regulations prescribed by the Slate legislature for mu nicipal lecctions. Now they don't know who .should bold office, the incuiii brnls or tlie newly eiceted of ficers. 21 Violent Deaths List Plane Crash Chin I..tic. May 17. i AIM A iii - vi'V lod;.v indicated lli.il ,il !<• i l ;'i pci.nns flicil tiv \ iulciii'i' in North C";iv<1111i t iIiii iiil; tin- v, eel.-end KlUhlccii Hi llic '■ wi n- :i.|iI:imn who died in (In- era li id ll - ir .i my (roup cai rii r jil.ni'■ .imiii I . i ide <•1 Gliigcrciikt* iimiiulaiii, near Mor (l.'intnii. Saturday. Aiillinrilii "I l-int lliiinini;. (la., till* pliine". home lia-e. wiilihclil names llii \idiii'- |n iultii|; noti licat lull hi Ihc next ul I.in Mrs. 1. 1111; 1111 Kmalie Welch. 12. vviin struct Iiv .hi automobile and I tally injured a lie ei" cd .i down town Mreel m (i-i Ionia. The cight-ycar-old daughter of (Continued on Page Two) All Rubber Plants Will Completed This Year Washington, May 17—(AP)—1-v «ry jiliint jn the synthetic rnhlw't'l program wilt be completed by the 1"e provided to keep Hie < •iintiy going. Declarer Issue Now Is Whether Mine Head Is Above and Beyond Law of The Land Washington, .May 17 —(AD —The War Labor Jioanl .-aid today that I"nit<•« 1 .Wine Work ers President John !.. Lewis has challenged the sovereignty ol' the United States and Lhe is sue now "is whether -Mr. Lewi. I is above and beyond vlie laws j which apply to all other citizens of the United States." The hoard issued the u::anim"lis j statement alter a mcetm;; with sat: coal operators. which Lewis an.I j other officers of the LT. :\I. \V. had j been asked t<> attend lo make nr i raiiRemenls I• -i- resumption ol cuii ■ tract negotiations. 'I lie hoard statement, however. | • if 1 n.>1111:.about lhe next step to Ik* taken id the soit coal wa^;; disp.ile t" head oil a Uneaten'd lie I lii ui> at the eMii: ,i order !>•»!7. ol .lanuary 11!. 1!U2. fu ller the national policy "i ei mic stabilization established by t!i< nei of ColiKlf'SS oi ()rtobe> L'. I!1*!! i*.d the President's exccu.ive mil' : <>: October '.i and its s:'| pli men! . i. sued in accord.nice with the act ol I ("otinrc.v-. ii any wane adju-lu« t i justifiable op the merit-, it n.u ' l< • approved hy the National W.e I.. ■•■•r Hoard, and it il is such .- *•> n i|n <• ail increase in t!ic price o| |.. iduel produced, then it could not lie p at into effect until it i. al • ajipnue I l.y the director ol economic t.ibili zation." "This law applies lo lln* coal miners ami coal operators as well as to every otiier citi/cn of the fnited States. "In demanding a w.^e increase and nt the same t.n . • * i in:: to eel; the approval of the National War j delations Hoard. Mr. l-ewis i de fying the lawfully established pro-1 ceduro.s of .the government of the United States." BRAZIL AIR FORCE BLASTS SUBMARINE Tlio de Janeiro. I'. ■/I. May 17 -- CAP)- The llraxiliiin . ir lorcc has siiok a U-ho.it off Macio. it was an nounced today. Transmission oi i :e information was authorized hv the iira/.iiian cen sorship. STREET WORKERS IN CHARLOTTE STRIKE Charlotte. May IV (AIM Work ers in the cilv .-tree' division today mined emplove- of lhe .notary de partment in the live-day-old work stoppage in what spokesman have termed a protest against retention of John Marhee as head of I Mo depart ment. The- o nro around HO em ployees in tiic street division. | Su^ar Ration Not ■ io Be Varied Now Washington. Ma.v 17.—(AIM— The vKriTiit susar ration will rr f.iain m.chanced in the next ra li-Miiint p: riod heRinnincr June l, llif Otl'ice r.f I'ricc Administration today. Sii»nr stamp No. 13 in Kation l»r.:»k No. 1 will lieeomc valid .lunt i. and \» ill lie uood for five pr.umls of surrar through A^'cust 15. This maintains the current ra tion ul live imiuiuIs of Miliar I'or a period of two and one half imintiis. Stamp No. 13 expires .May 31. I Food Parley Will Start Or* Tomorrow I'. ! Spriiv;. V.I. May 17.—(API : —AinUI surroundings steeped in • *• i •! ii "Mir In ilii' United N'.i timis fund conference will strive be unini:;'.; |..ninirow. to determine Imw I<» -<|iiec/.e .. decent living lor two I >■ 11 i> >zi people out of four billion Siew* of productive Isuid. l^i iletv.i i!i Hie lavishly nppnint itl lioit-i Him I tomes tend hotel rep • ■ niiit i of !; countries who will IH'iid Ilii- next two weeks drsiftini^ I he lirsf loiifili outlines of si more! i mi for table |m iwar world will have ' t':i i ■■ •: i ■ • i ill i very Isieility fori tneir own comfort. Nuv i'.-i'i i re|»irleri« a.-signcd to it in * in i . i •uiereni-e on post ! :•!: will i-<- denied iieeess to. ssiiy tlx oj ■ ■ ■ .im(I cloning ses- 1 inn.. and tl.i . every move sibout j ■lie i.«ii11'I \ I i•! under wsiteliful , rvr . of jirnil d H'oops. 1'lie mipie.-sinii was thut every el ect v ill lie mm i ■ to shield the dele- | U.i'i lion .! quit loners they do not want • • • :ee. Insi.-inueh .• the eonferenee will I ili . ole it ell ivelv to postvvsir line lion- it \ : consider the food I nut eloihio:* i' il of the world sis ^ ,i win If il' ' • • ielv the countries j now (digued I the Axis. \ :• i ii-i i H in. I i • \ pi ■ i't s estimate that' iiIv about (I • percent of Ihe Iot.11 laud .ii« the esitilt consists i ( ulti\,it. 11 • Ii ■•il: in other word*,! ,.limit lour hilhon acres must l>e mode lo -upplv the food sind eloth- I mg needs ol sum' two billion human | beings. Hull Makes Pica lor I rade Pacts In Postw ar World: \V.*«slim:t..ii. May 17—(AP)—See-j relsiry II 1 icd rcncwnl <>f the ad niirvili limn' ;»>ivpr to negotiate I'ffi)>?- e in liclialt of Hoiwe ic.;!s! 't >< i : .i two-yenr extension the ecmontg net. Mull , I t i "cleareiit extension" r• | Hi authority wmld ho of "even : brcal; 1 lit - 1 Alliorl blockade of the continent have j'j been sfi tiled after interc pii ' liritish warship.-, ;m Admiralty cum- 1 I ■ .unique .said tonight. j | I. S. Submarines Sink Six Vessels •Of the Japanese Washington. May 17. (AIM - An - | erican submarines raiding through Pacific waters have uni; ix enemj ships. including one de troyer, and ' damaged anothel Japanese vessel, tin- Navy reported today. A communique reporting the <:> sti'iielion told al-<> oi a torpedo bom ber attack on lour Japanese ciirRn ^hips oil IJuin. in the norlhern Solo- j mons. One ol the cargo ships was ; set afire. This damage inflicted by Amcr- ! ic.'in submarines brought to tin- ! number of .lapamvc ships sunk, ami i probably suni. or damaged by un- ' I dersea action in the I'acilie since the « war began. The ' • ta 1 announced by the Niivv include- ll>2 enemy ships' sent to the botlom. Ut> pt • 1 > a I > 1 y sum; and -tG damaged. Sure cf Victory PRIME MINISTER Winston Church* ia pictured in Washington as ha broadcast to Great Britain on tkm third anniversary of the Englisk Home Guard. He described the present time as "great days" and said that he and President Itooss velt were discussing and mapping invasion plans. (Internatiotial) Allied Planes Bomb Base on Tiber River Allied Headquarters in North M'rica. .May 17—(AI*)—Allied Himbers roared over Home in >rijrl»t moonlight last nijrht and •lasted the Lido di ltorna sea Mane base at the niou'.h of the I iln-r river, 1"» miles southwest >r the Italian capital, it was an lotmced 'ioday. Heavy IIAK bomber.*, which car ied olii liie itl.ie.i. Oomiicd and ma hine-gunited llip seaplane ba.se's bail ors, mooring:- and plane.- at will i ith ro 'ei lerence Hum enemy if.lHers ami aliiv>-t n > anti-aircral't pp<>siti<<:'.. "Hursts were Men among parked ireraft." the communique said. Tivi' halt:;.lis were set afire." Nn limnlis were <1 ri>|ipe'»/ The Axsucise- bctoic the North Caro lina Hanker- A»ociati