Krnitersim Daily Biapatrlf Established August 12. 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. ut 109 Young Street HENUY A. DENNIS. Pres. and Editor M. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONE Editorial Office 500 Social Editor 010 Business Office 610 'Pie Henderson Daily Dispatch is a ;nrti.b(>r of The Associated Press and A!' Features. Southern Newspaper P ul>lishers Association and the North Carol nn Pre••» Associated Press is exclu sively entitled to use for republica tion all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited ;n this paper, and aUo the local news pub Hshed herein. Al» rights of publica t:i n of special dispatches herein are reserved. Sl'ltSCKIPTlON KATES (Payable Strictly in Advance) By Mail By Carrier 1 Year $5 t>0 $6-00 (i Months 2.50 3.00 •« M «rths 1 50 1.50 Weekly (by carrier only) 15c I it Copy 5c "" ed at t e post Office in Hender son N" C". as see tid class mail matter Lsi V&Eaigsl Congreas ahall make M law respecting an catab rishmeni of religios, or prohibiting the (rt€ «c cue thereof; or abridging the freedom of tpctdi o* of the preat. Ll -UK ! A«»ultl I <|.» tit»i: • I would Hi it d«< •i'.» 7:15. St niggle for Power • |»" « ith !>..• c;«u> ithia the a >w., „• i'.'t Us own Amcrvju j« . :i .i.iuig immediately <1- .iliti I'nau.-i.on I «n t!iciu.-ii'l\ »•.■> i ig undies. once they Cuiiyre.-.- t<« thai •:ic.e> by v. ay (>l as-i " " ,l;" plV i >Umg tinin back into] n has :i t hitherto ci-jure ;.ic clciui- ;.if I'.ii-v ii.,. ■ 'II •'! the 1 Lvlmg uii the •\.i.: p hug .ii these j. yrsad roups winch arc luin « •:) \V.,»hini{ Ihe here iloan when the •• "(I the entirety <• There a re i been en I • y ■ !n • > these group*. 'I~iy ir " great thiil s-mic one i ' * A n< ic.i : *; goxern l"i *.--•! (I i.y i:>e Ohi.sIiUiUou, 1 ' 'ii . the 1 ..-i "-ii" being the I bun f i .ic • Ti i 1-il!er - i iveli.ieo iii'd danger | t'p private liberties. It is one that] incds to be and must be curbed, e! e Itimiitely it will devour all the i tiiers and Anu-rica will become a i nit . y ruled Kv decree and fiut. I When we jirrive at that point—if. -hall, win i (f<>d forbid—we ..hall . ha\r l"-t here at homo the priceless ' |iilvilegcs we profess to be fighting for toi all the world, namely, the freedom <>t the individual. N'nw i< tiic time to cull a halt H 1hif arrogance. to stop it in its tracks and extcminntc it entirely. A de in i tacy ig not the place for either (I *t itorsblp or bureaucracy. We alvn.idy ivi\f plenty and too mueh • I Seeing the Light At long last a government agency, the War Labor Hoard, lias gotten around officially to regarding John L. Lew.s in about the same light in which he has these many months been held my many, if not most, of the people of the country. In a state incut the hoard said the coal strike now "is, whether Mr. Lewis is above and beyond the laws which apply to all other citizens of the United State.-." Lew i- is ami has been, as the board stated, "defying the lawfully estab lished procedures of the government t the United State*." Utlical pus y looting is the explan aiu i! ot tiie Lewis altitude. All a!.<:ig he lias been dealt with in what ha.- ...d the earmarks of an at .Hide ot tear and hesitancy. As tar b . . .. • time ol the sitdowu f' .M's ... 1 i>.>7. a time immediately follow ii li.r.ioti by the miners' uni r. >" iial: .. million dollars t > Pro-ii< ' K • »e\ ''- lirst campaign .••> v. .i the then Vice President John Garner was widely quoted a.- i;.i\ .tig told the President that ••••■ d dn't yet the strikers ou'. > f the .i t. ■ o.'.t! plant- it would mcai ■' L« • a as a bigg-r man t:...r. Mr it o.i It' our memory tail.- " ' ' ' - not Mr. Koosevelt who got the st kers out of The plants w iei > • :ey d.d leave. Lev. ... t. ■ long been allowed hi.- <.'Wv. .i.v. s lon,j in fact that he s »\ : v • ti;;nk he can do a? lie p'v..-e-i . dvv the laws of th. v u.tiu ^-'.i .. ..nd ,-iet away with t. That ' e game he play n v. vl : e lal authority - . !i trial .- beir.;: tested. Un less i.e ::: de t > toe the mark a t '.lu req ired to do. , . I :..-t. atid ii S right I In Star Chamber \v. - i itcsignea d r tin- world's \vt> ijil! n .• - v. .'it'll tiif war is ■tided t 1 fashioned m star cham :cr sr,->;..n . : t o t-o'-.U relict* in Hot '!'• '• V.. . . ..tii began iod.iv. Wf . ::;.,i \V >.»drtiw Wilson fou!t{ ' . i;, t ;- m Ins grave if ho • i.t a i>r»4.-5|jlo of "opo:i .Mian:.- •«»*•:::> anwed ..1' had ' :• '• the v. .i.tL- right here .!noi;t ihej whv would! from news 1 >c.- . .i ih.'l mil liial n I i ' thev havt i >n m »eo|> t ui are •a ;lh |'A..\ ti L*pre8?n 1 i; .- i.-. ;!> :ioi i >.> nra. ii i ; knuwlt'dut : p: shit tiing a.-. ■. goes on. ■ cv. d -patt a i. a. H ; Sp. i A that iicwimen not only tt'uuld aad at-ft - .- t • an; . at tae open il.i! i .o»;i.g as. out tha t .civ ;:,nu' ...» -W tat- ground , :!<•; w.r. i t \». • >1 ai mea ] Much in the mar.ncr, it you s i:\eiliancc • a gang ol i .-aijoteurs. All this. too. sines.- .n hand is <>l ' \ ;'aily and intimately • , i v live- »»t the earth's »i! . whose servants. .1- if. 1 ie e i ..nferces arc. g.:e .. trend that appear. i t. unmi.-tauable in thf >: ii'! the freedom and u- »l tiie people. according to an his tor mn. shaved themselves with Hint L-iiip.-. 'rough going—bin then th: noble did not have to li-ten i<» .i bin be: s lecture on the weather, It s Junior's guess that the new • ubstai'ce with which the Navy chases away sharks from swimming | -canii'ii must be s 'me ingredient ex tracted from spinach. Folks with large skulls. acc>rding| |o Kartngraphs. live longer, however. ;i pi ivboy awakening w ith a big head r>n the morning after i-n't so sure or that. A prominent wrestler spends his spare time fishing. .Just can't get from that c8tch*8s*catch*can business. An artificially frosted glass tor mint juleps i. now available. Some body's trying to i»j|t the lily again. Japs are building a new base on] '"•inga vui^a Their idea, no douM >f detthii,,^ „ tvar effou. Thcic are now 500,001) astrologers I in the United States. But the stars I they study will manage to outnum I ber 'em by several billion. A famed radio comedian is said to have memorized 30,000 jokes. Bet he never begins a sentence without a preliminary. "That remnids me—." The Germans promised to defend their 'I unisian position "to the last cartridge." Maybe the cartridges, like that statement, were just duds. The man who .-aid talk is cheap never tried to hire the services of a first class radio announcer. The early bird may catch the worm but it's the early fisherman who catches the cold. What Do You Know About North Carolina? By Fit LI) II. MAY 1. What did the expenditures ana receipts ot the State Fair amount to last year".' 2 What famous war was the Gat lmg machine gun first used in? 3 When did North Carolina es tablish a lund :«»:■ dependents of ot 1 icers killed while performing their duties'." •1 How many years did Governor Gabriel Johnston tail to collect his salary? 5 Why was Governor Jonathan Worth .'listed from oftice? G. How many North Carolinians saw sen ice m tne War Between tin States and n the World War? ANSWERS. 1. The total receipts of tin? las: State Fan ..mounted to $71 ..'>3f>. The largest item oi receipts being in nr. the general admissions w h i c ii amounted to $25,717. Grandstand and bleacher admissions amounted $11,546, and carnival privileges. $Io. 143. The total cost of operation amounted to $08,471. 2. The Gatling machine gun. in vented by Hiehard Jordan Galling, born in Hertford county in 11118. was used during the Franco-Prussian W.u m 1.S7H Fight years earlier the United States Army had rejected this gun. Halting invented other Willis, and at one time congiess voi id him an appropriation ot $40,000 l»i carrying on experiments in ;>e. - .cctmg .< cannon. 3 The legislature of 1037 estab lished the of I icers bcnolit tuiul. .< Inch lias been in operation in North Carolina since the lid of that ses- ' sioii. Income for the fund is trout I tin additional small fee added to the I rosts of all criminal cases tried in I I'ourts above the megistrates courts. Last year this umd paid out j>11. loo in benefit amounts to depend- ; t-iit- of arresting officers who were 1 killed in the performance of their | .mi les. | 4. It is claimed that Governor I Gabriel lohn.-'.on, governor <<1 the' British colony of North Carolina ; iron November 2. 1734. until his ; death July 17. 1752. received his sal ary lor only five years of the eigr.t i en years lie was governor. During I many years ot his governorship he wa- involved in controversies with the assemblies. 5. Governor Jonathan Worth, fleeted in 1885. served until July 1. 1808. when he was ousted by the rc i.■ 'listruction government which plac ed W. W. Iloldcn. Raleigh news- I paperman. in the office of gover nor by presidential appointment. | H. During the War Between the1 States North Carolina placed ap proximately 127.000 men and boys in active service. Official reports for liie World War place the number of North Carolinians in service at 80. >50. ANSWERS TCrDAILY ! QUIZ I. German radio commentator. 2. Peninsula. 3. "The dessert was made with whipped cream." 4. Edwin Abbey. 5. "War." 6. Charles Kvans Hughes. 7. "Poppy." 8. In 188!). 9. AnrV'i Eleanor (Boettigerj, James. Elliott, Franklin and John. 10. Nurse. Citizens Ad\ iscd To Be on Lookout For All Saboteurs Kaleigh. May 18—Increasingly in 19-13. every America. cit./.en—whe ther on the farm, in a Muall town, or in a metropolis—must considct himself .in individual "listening po t" for the Feder I Bureau of Investiga tion. because a new crop of rig rous ly trained Nazi saboteurs will soon be graduated from Berlin's crack school tor sabotage and loosed up >n the world. Unless Americans give this help, the Office of War Inl rma ion warn ed today :: a review ot citizen? w oteration witli the feder. ! b.ire.i.. since 1!>39. the FBI cannot guaran tee to maintain it* present rem r'.t abl record: a recent repo.-t of he b ireau stated there had be.-n .1 single successful foreign-directed act of sabotage in this war. Never was this need for citizen f j-opera".ion ere ter than "at his very time"—OWI quoted .1, F.dgnri Hoover, director of the FIJI—"when more than a score of saboteurs niv bei. g trained bv the German hign • command at its highly organized: sabotage school, o he -ent to all 1 parts f the world t > obstruct the war el tort ot the l.'ruted Nr.i< n- " "Some of these N zi agents will ' try 'o enter the I'nitei State-." Mr. Hoover s:t d. "We must, there ."ore, 1 be on guard." Enemy espi • i:i this c-nmtry. OWI pointed out. has been. and, now i.«. under . ontr I. But. the re port pointt I out equally strongly the need tor precnu'io" is today more urgent {han ever L0c.1t ng thes super-expert -;i"t> tour-', and passtbh others as well, v.ight be like finding '"a needle n a havst ck" among the i) 11111<■- -s 1 Americans, once they j have made entry into the coun'ry. 1 The FBI does not u:.der-cstimate the determination of the German high command to stiffen up ir. its train ing ot agent-. •>> profit by its recent -ad experienciparticularly in the Unite.-I State L st year al"!ic more than 218. nnn reports c » "erning persons or situations t!~ ■;i:«h: to be dangerous the national seruritv reached the FBI. OWI di-eloscrl." MAXV MINHIIAI.S More dil!erent kinds of minerals hnve been dis< ivered in North Caro lina than m any other state in the nation. SALLY'S SALLIES ■ 4 U < P.t.M Oft.. r YOU UMPERS-fAMD , PEAR > i^TKAcf foR BUSINESS , . _ IVER/B6D/I STATE HAS COURSE IN FABRIC TESTING Kaleigh, May IB—A now short | course in fabric testing nnd in.-pec-1 linn will be started by the Textile School at State College June 7. Dean Thomas Nelson announced to day. It will last 12 weeks. The Federal government will pay ; all expenses of the course except j subsistence and books as part of > it.- program to train men arid women for vital work in the war effort, i Bunks will cost about S3. Dean Nelson said the course would , give splendid training to persons; employed in textile plants nnd to college women majoring in home ec onomics. A number of collcgr worn- ' en have indicated they would take the course in preference to a sum mer vacation, the textile dean re- i ported. I NOTICE. ScrvitT of Summon* By Publication In the Superior Court. Nnrtli Carolina: Vance County: Helen Allen Williams. Plaintiff. v*. Grady Williams, Defendant. The defendant. Grady Williams, j will take netice: That an action entitled as above j has been commenced in the Superior ( Court of Vance County. North Caro- | lina. against him, (o fecure an ab solute divorce on the grounds,of two years separation. And f the Register of Deeds of Vance County, N. C. in Book 172 page 281; default having been made in the payments of the Notes therein se emed. and at the request of the hold er of the same: I shall sell lor cash, to the highest bidder, by public auction at the Court House Door of Vance County, V. C. .it 12 O'clock (Noon) War time Saturday. June 19th. 1943, the fol lowing House and Lot: Begin at a stake Lassiter corner, , and run thence S 32 W 184 teet to 1 a Stone on Sherman (Winder) Stieet Lassiter corner, thence along said Street N 56 1-2 W 130 feet to an Iron Pin Jno and Ellen Harris coi ner thence N .34 E 176 feet to Harris, (now Davis) corner in Lassiter lint Ihence along Lassiter line S 60 E to the place of beginning, same being Ihc land bought bv Vaughn from A. 1. Harris and wife Nov. 1922 and of record in Registry of Vance County in Book 114 page 138. This 17th. day May. 1943. T. S. KITTHELL, Trustee, bv J. c. Klttrell with Power i of Attorney. 18-25-1-8 B. H. MIXON I Contractor and Builder "Build* Better Bnildinfjt" Alio Wall Paperlnt, Painting Roofing and General Repairing. PHONE J WANT ADS Get Results FEED IS SCARCE AND YOU NEED lo raise all you can. so come t.> see us for German millet seed ;it .-no rial prices. Kittrcll & Iliari I TIKE UEADCjUAKTEKS—WE HAVE the latest official information re garding tire inspection ami appli cation for new tires ami lubes. Lei U.< help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tl USE VITA VAR FOR YOUR NEX1 paint jon. I hiic is no painl uciici Yet it is the lowest priceil <|iiai:t\ paint in town. Tanner Hu iliny Co J--II LAWN HOSK—50 FEET LENGTH S4.95. Buy your supply now whiL thev last. Wat kills Hartlv. an* ('«>. I8-»u OFF.C.AL TIRE INSPECTION STA lion. Cars washed. lubricated polijhed, batteries rochargcd, Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Guil Service Station. Gainett and Hor ner Sts., phone 1198-W. 2C-tf TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE Marylobe and Stones sixty ccni. hundred. Ten cents d<>;:cn. Ntei strong plants. Expect shipmenl baby chickcns tomorrow. See mi around Pagc-Hocutt's Drug Stor; if interested. A. J. Cheek. 17-'Jt SPECIAL P R IC K O .V I'Ld W points for ten day-. (Jet yours while tlie. "..i •. .iitt.i*., Harris. WANTED—A POSITION AS GEN cral of I ice worker or cashier. Have had experience in auditor's ofticc. purchasing department and filing. Call 3411—county resident. ll-at ivi"WANT TO buy"YOURCorn. Can handle any quantity, large <>r small. Let us do your custom grinding of meal and feed. Hen derson Milling Co., formerly J. S Evans Milling Co. T-T-S-tf FRUIT ,! AR FILLER FUNNELS, fruit jar tops, rings, lard cans Get your supply now. Wat kins Hardware Co. 18-f!ti SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINSE —baseballs, softballs, tennis rack ets and balls, golf balls, croquet sets and many others at Western Auto Associate Store, opposite Post Office. (2) HEDGE SHE A R S. PRUNING shears, weed cutters. Get your sup ply now. Watkins Hardware to. NOTICE TO PATRONS—PLEASE call for your garments as soon as they are finished, or within six days after they are received tjj, us. Storage space will not permit us to keep them longer. We can not store your out of season gai ments and will not be responsible for them after six days. Valet Cleaning Co.. phone 464. 11-fill NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Executrix ui. ler the Will of Joseph Ftilcher late >f the County of Vance. North ina, this is to notify nil persons hav ng claims against the estate of the aid deceased to exhibit thein to the indersignod on or before May ifMh. 944 or this notice will be pleaded n bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate vill please make immediate settlc nent. This the 18th. dav May. 1943 ROSA LEE FULCHER, Exccutrix of Joseph Fulchor. 8-25-1-8-15-22 lH-Gti I.Ot'GHUN city TAXI Hour Srrvlm CALL 3 6 6 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS WANT ADS Get Results ATTENTION FARMEttS! Nowls the time to think about HAIL IN SURANCE PROTECTION for your' growing crops. Call—write Insur ance Department. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. LET BOB FALKNER PUtTn YOUIt coal now. Phone 2Gl). II. o. Falk ner & Son. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR rent. Call 794-W J8-&-20 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for hides, scrap metal, steel, iron, and rubber. Let's give the axis the knjekout blow. Henderson Junk Company, phone 300. 16.U FOR SALE-GOOD WELL BROKE horse. Can be seen at Mrs. \V. M. Journigan's at Epsom or troll S. p. Cooper, Jr. at Little Hotel, phone 9in>. 15-ati FIFTY THOUSAND F E ET OF shcetrock in quarter and three eights thickness at "The Placc ot Values." Alex b. Watkins. 18-lti HIUDES SEE US FOR YOUIt WF.D ding Announcements or Invita tions. Finest quality at moderate prices. Also Visiting Cards for the Graduate. Henderson Hook Co, phone 1 It). 17-tf lilG STOCK OF GuOL) LATE model usctl curs :it Moist Sales Co., Henderson, N. C. For sale 1937 Plymouth coupe, clean and in good condi tion. Has good set of tires. I. H. Vickcry, Western Auto Associate Store. 1B-.U vVANTED A PORTER AT HOTEL Warren. Warrcnton. N. C. 15-4t i CALL ALFORD'S FOR PRINTING of all descriptions, also anything you might need in of lice supplies and equipnu nt. We appreciate your business. Alford's I'rintine & Office Supply Co. j.jj WANTED — TWO MEN~0R women to handle circulation of a morning anil an after noon newspaper. Pay salary commission. Write stating qualifications to "Ncwspa I _ per" care Dispatch. 18-Gti. FOR SALE—2 NIC K FRESH MII.K cows. See G. W. Knott or Kin 1 light. I7-2Ii WANTED FOUR OR FIVK ROOM unfurnished Iihiinc. in pre ferred. Rent must be reasonable. Address House, rare Di: patch. 17-2ti ROTENONE- •'ROTENONE", Hit very best. Dust yojr garden - atid flowers, kill ;.ll insects. Buy »n> quantity needed. Watkins Hurt ware Co. 18-JIi WANTED — CLEAN. SOFT HAGS 2 12 cento pound at I)is|>;it>-n Ot liee. WANTED l!V COUPLE TWO OR three lurni.-hcd rooms. I'ltoii; 15-3H INSURANCE Think it over! The same aiuount of Insurance tor iess money or mort insurance fur the same money. Dl \ idend is the answer. Save money by placing your risks with 114 in Dividend-Paying, Non-asessable Mutual Companies. Phone BOO, Cales Insurance Agency. 30-lf j-VIOERO" FOR GARDENS IN ANY quantity, also Paris green, ar senate lead. Watkins Hardware Co. lR-iiti GOOD USED CARS AT RKASON able prices. A look here wili con vince you that these cars ate priced to move. Fords— Plynioutns —Chevrolet, 1934's to Hill's. Candler-Pahner Motor Co. lo-tf EXPERIENCED GIRL KOI! GEN eral housework wanted. Inof have to stay nights. GiK>d salary Phone 793. 15-3ti FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSl just off Oxford road, modem conjjf veniences and garden space. 571 or 103. 13-cod con* Can jd-ti HOTEL HELP WANTED) NIGHT clerk. Niglil watchman. Iiand>« man. 2 waitress, 2 diswashcrs. Can work man and wife. Fair salary, room and board. Write C. T. Whitehead. 15th. street, Virginia Bench, Va. or phone Virginia Reach 3!) I-J from 0 p. m. lo " P' 111. 13-BU FOR SALE FRKSH MILK COW. Apply to H. A. Pcgrani, near Greystone. 17-2U DEVOB QUALITY PAINT WILtt beautify your home and save il from decay. You can save by us* nig Devoe's two coat system. Alex S. Watkins. 18-ltt YOU WILL ALWAYS LOOK Y(>UK best if you patronize our shop, Modern service, experienced op* erators. Phone 200 for appoint merit. Brldgers Beauty Shop, ovej Parker's Drug Store. 2Z't» SPECIAL WhTlK THKY LAST/ New upholstered Boudoir Chans $5.9!i and Sfi.95. Only a lew R K. Snttorwhitc & Sons. near Fire Station. 17-U JUST receFved LARGE SIIII' inent of No. 3 tin cans. Watkins Hardware Co. I8-6H KILL SPRING FEVEIi WITH cleaning supplies. Buy cju.ility K">" ceries, fresh meats and fresh vegt* tables at Herbert's Yellow Front-" Free delivery, phone 439. INSURANCE — RENTALS ■ Real Estate—Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. At,. B. WESTER Phone 139 Mcf'oln n'"