SURRENDER OF GEN. VON ARNIM ' l«* ■- apBs r* • « »v Mt.-I "• M :nt :. n •: • .i r \ ii-.uiv <-.( }»t n r- .i In lln* \lli;*s ilm .iltf Mr" \fri <-"i < ■' •••- .1 > ii. .Iiii-M'ii V«»:i \ini:u. tiniiiii.imliT-iii-rhicf of Axis 1 ' m - i:. it liM.isig iln- rur in which lie iliiiic 100 " i'iIM ii i iisl Vim*. |i»a l.•!; i • 'ill' ,r:! \\is tjciicruls. I . S. \iui Sicnal ( Or|is rjtliupliolii. i lilt I in.i! S:iiii|(I;i)iii!<0 HEADS SIXTH NAVAL DISTRICT lin! "n'r- I S\, rev. roitiurtndart of the si\th naval i the ( harleston Navy Yard. reads Ihc order* Riving him <; n; ~rr»ip!i- eeremonirs on Hit* Murine Parade Ground at ■*ti if ( S. ( \<1 inira 1 James, former eommand i il>r Naval Operalin*: li.ise al Bermuda, replaces Kear it ..M i: (il.i- !urd. \i riyht is Captain Guy E. Raker. I SX. tin ar» :l is commandant after (•lasKford's departure ■ i. • .-<1 !!.i( k of him is I.ieutenant (jgi Franklin M. ii'.iiristo. Ha^ lieutenant, i Associated I'ress photo from I', S. Navy.) IT WASN'T A CHOST V"" y • it . w »v rr.c. >ir?" said Sergeant lltiTh McKee (right) of Valdosta. much of a quaver as a Marine sergeant ran Wave in 'i»s v.i'cr. He had just recognized Lieutenant Arthnr Weiss (left). !>• iior olliccr on Guadalcanal until a Jap sniper's bullet pierced liis . :iin? ai d sen! liim to Ihc rear. "Tliey told us you were dead.'' s.iId McKer. who almost thought lie was seeing a ghost when they met by eliain e at the .Marine Post F.xehangc at Ihc Charleston, S. G\. Navy Yard where both were sent to recuperate from wounds received in action. (Associated Press photo from I*. S. Navy.) WHERE U. S. STRIKES NEW BLOW AT JAPS u*.- u ima! bsmiiih i ■ i1 in sr^^f^KSSt^ssssi^s • . THIS AIR VIEW OF ATiL' VILLAGE and lofty mountains in Attn Island in the Aleutians allows some of tho , ; iiiLsi l ••iitmtry where 1 ..t'Ie.: ;.re said to l>e raijinj!.; to a Toltyo I Eti'oiu! Anicik.m • fi.n-e- landed on Attn a fe>\ d: >s ago and were :n battle with the Jap*. Attn. 20 l>y 33 inilvs in '• t..-t miles 1'ivin the Ala:ka mainland, is the wrstenunost ol the Aleutian chain. (InK > nuiU--...l) NAZIS GUARD ATLANTIC COAST AGAINST SNVASSON ■zn-.rlkr'-; wmttcnm.-r.. ■ ■irvaKw*-** smmrmr- mmmem ■JHB^up^nnwMV* ir«HHGStt»--^*ak*a FEARING AN Allino INVASION, t'\o Nazis are hurriedly preparing to stave ofT the Allies as shown by these ih.i.-mvc r.itr.. which l.r.o tl: • I--.ii. pcan Atlantic "wall." This picture, which was copied l'ruin a Gorman najj. ..-h! rca- l;cU u., tli:\-ujili a neutral source, shows huge cement-set guns in action. (International) - RITES FOR GEN. ANDREWS AND CRASH VICTIMS - MILITARY PALieSAS'r.5 .-vmil Ijiv- c!o l!c < .its o( l.icut. Con. Frank M. Andrews and thirteen men killed with him i« - r-.tly in a ; ic ■ i.- ii n 1. ■! i:d. Military rit:s prccedcd the burial in the U. S. seetinn of a cemetery in iI:. ....... A.ui. v. c.: ..under ot the European theatre. (International Huuiulplivto) DCCORATE FLIERS FOR JAP DESTRUCTION SOMEWHERE* iK THE AlEUTIANS, First I,t. n. W. Tarvln, of Orange, Calif, after receiving^ f>lstln gubiieri Klyinfj Cross, is congratulated by I,t. Cot. E. B. Cone, of Champaign, 111. L. to f.: Captain Fred Turner,Flagstaff, Ariz ; 'l'arvin, First Lt. Waltcac Cartjr, Trenton, N. J., Lt. CoL Conet (International)^ TO ADOLF, WITH LOVE—JEANETTE > BESTOWING A KISS on a 2,000-pound bcmb is Jeanette Owen, of P.ran enemy heaHirs. L.v .! mir.-v :■ vs set nfl to accustom the men lo the roar v! cpU-din;; (-• ABOARD MEW U.S. DESTROYER ABOARD NEW U.S. DESTROYER A SEAMAN ABOARD a new U. S.y destroyer races along the ocean* sprayed deck as the trim vessel heads its nose into some heavy weather# The ship is one of many additions to our growing fleet. (International) A FIVE-MAN CREW practices fi«• inf» its 20 mm. Oerlikon ;'n''':,'rfj4/! gun aboard n new U. S. destroyer. There /{tins have boon found be particularly rffcclivc for flailing <>«r any enemy plane , ttut in>0 attack units of the U. S. Heel or convoya. ,k *vr^„ ■ Unt*rnaUJ**^