'' M E M D R | ★★★★***** ******* r v *- w — A Y * ★ l HiK I II-; I'M YEAR Mrnftersnu Bat It; Uispatrlj \ I.KASKh vviifir '•Efti15*1*. WI,IK uk 1MK ASSi u *| ATh I > I' IC KSS . :^JI luri .. . ™ _ HENDERSON. N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 2!>, li)i:j I'UUL.1SH K! > BVEKV AKTEKNOON EXCEl'T SUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY • «»ci.\.vr/!K: iu tuOZC^1' J f :• RIVING AT THE KREMIIN, Joseph E. n.ivios (loft) is nrwtiH with :> I : h.iko -i:mI a big sinile by Josef Stnlin. Mi. n.ivirs. former nv ! :is* . t K> Moscow, brnwht s personal n»\ 15c from Pre . J.-nt f«• if v to '.lie head of the Sovi«t SUtta. (tnt-»rnati<>*-st Naming Of Byrnes \ I Spurs Congress To Home Front Effort »'• .i-lniiclon. .May '10—(Al'i — jic|I|mm1 up hy President l; It's order placing .1 .lines I Cm lies in command of the I • in.- limit, members of t'on ; ha* I on Oil today to propose ii.Hi"iial moves to cut tlirouRli !)•" •lenfiision" many of tliein !\>ve marked the domestic effort. v : uiilHv in v;iriclv :m ; • inuiu'diiitc.' eiintiovc!:.v M«r s included. of comjiuls'i y m.m • ': *»I IVKi.sl.ition tn "\ ll.lll/e' aspccl i| tin- f;ir rccirhittR piM U1.IIII oitlmrfl 1 • >i llif iu-\v in'llt'c «»| v\ ■: iih>I)i!i/ lic.idi'd l»y L5y 11 us. L'. C'rontioii by C'«>ni{rc.-s <>1 ji sc|> .1 iir cr. iliiiti supply .iRcncy h;iv i 'K tn .! cl.ii::i with tin- ;irn>y iind n.ivy '1 ••Ill«*-s , :ifi mate: i.ils. and It ?(•!>• iM tit.il. ii IJyinr m •mil litre. :: !«'< >: ",.iiti/.ili"n and c''>n.s«»lnl;i i limi "I < i\ .all war a;:rlici<\-. with ,i 25 ;>• tics! mllM'lio!) hi "Ulllioffs . :v " per i.nol ;uul tin- ••inii;ii.ili"ii ((' iTi'mni-d ">ii I!• >ii! ) f Drep 19 Tens Of Bombs On Japs In New Guinea tl llratli|tiarli-r*< in Auslra 'I i', "I— (Al'i —Nilirterii ' "t liiiinlis, a routiner.ilili' 1 ' ! lur tl:e Siiiilliwcsl I'.Kilic. I " Hie lar«rt> involved air >' mailer than tPn>sr lieiim 1 iili'i) in Xa/i I'liiilrolli'il I" "!'• cascaded dim n iiimiii '■ lap.iursf airdromes in Hit* • il>. \'ch (•itini'a. M't'lttr yes I'lll t v. • 'I Wt'alllCI. ' n PiiiIi «• r os awl I.ilii'i ' : ■ v.- «•;>! null'.- 111 > tin- New (Inni-a i m ill i»i»«•'i Thurs diiy, tn lash iii tin' .hi in-Ill ni Ihtrain !».i^, ii :i il WVw.ili. Many "I 5 ho ! ii - vi.it 11•«! ..11|m iu-iI in In- Imniinu ( I in . lull,iv* )-)>IP.ii IIII!<|-K- rc|»• 'l l-'il. ! ' .ilium t:»• - : \v■ :iv thiiiiiuh Iiimvv ^ . I' ;'■) tile alt.irk >i«• (I..V. ii. Tlicv w ere lollmvcvl !•> ;i mixed lli;:lil <-l l.iiioiiiturs .inrl I'iii'Iic'sc.- !••• |i Ii' Ihi* inti'iisily "f tin1 .inli-ai'iT.ilI 'iri1. Hi»t a sin^li' Ail i'il rauh'i «af !«• t. SA L Freights Collide; ()ne Dead, Two Injured ><>ilnlk. Va.. May •»!(—(.MM — I" inTr I.ciiii l.ioncl Sims was ttillcd ,in(| Fireman llaseom llrett "ii lit ikeinau Thomas \Vncnlrn« It hch- injured ru(K today .in accident iuvolviTiC Iwo •n-icliiv *i( Hemingway. S. ae ""ilin:; in reports rrci'ivnl at I" 'I'lii.iilors ol' tin* Seaboard ft.iilw.iv here. All llirrr men v. ere resident* of llamlct. N. ' Wrolt'ii. uonei.il msiniiW1' •' '■mi. nave out Hit* lollowiirj •! '• fill: il'v iiler 7 o'clock litis niorn n 'vthbound trciuht train ra 1 • - eleJir tlie main truck i" thbound train nt llemiuKway. , ' ■ •' ' 'til Kn utiles north of ("bat - "verturninK thv locomotive 'i":thl>ound train und several ' ] ' 'he southbound train. iccr Leon Lionet 81m*. ol '•'jh-t. \ ('. jn chnrtfe ol Ihe ■"'•tid tTiiin. was killed T*.•— T. Uroit and Thomas Woudmw h. oc.iii ,,| Hamlet, the Circuit »i i ' .oman of the northbound were injured and taken t" ' no r est hospital. , ^ ''t»R the damaged cars on tiic , v> :"d train wn.< one in which "'•s an explosion alter the ,• • • nn« i hi v "i I hp explosion iiiiricci • irt'wtuit in Ilit* rimnngc of !; j i 1 r. 1 ( lull c;i'ised no loss mi ;:r• • "I injuries. "Trail'i- will lie restored durinu tii- iillei ii'i-'ii The eau.-e of the ne c. t under investicsdion." Stand ley. Dissatisfied, To Quit Moscow Post New York. Mav •!»—(,\1') — Tlir Ni-u York 'i'imes. in a W a<-luimloii dispatches <|ilotillK •w ell in r<>ri>if«l iiriifs," said thai Admiral William Stand le.v lias notified President Itonsevell of his desire l» resisti immediately as ainl'assailor In Moscow. w . | of fir in I rmnntPtit wnn liiek» I jnii. lite n".nv>p;ii>rr rc|K»rlod I lull s:7,„ll, v ivlio "lliitl been contcmpliil , iim i<- laii.ni! mi September. Iiiis now ,(|k .im-rfl the linn- " ,\<<". (lie* report. " Wi,s added thp admiiii! expressed his d?sire on or about the day Joseph K. D.ivics ,in i veil .11 Mu pmv .\),n 111 with tin' I'ic idcniloiter t-i I'ri mirr Stalin. *1*1 n* Time. ;.tniiir<. \'a.. May J'.i (AT)—A nu.vr l<» 11iiK ilu> i'ar mors of tlit- world l>y mi'ans »•: an inli'rnaliotial <>rjraiii/a!ion »l in imiiri'i' inarKotliijr cooporat ivi'S was advaiK-'-.! iod«i\ t>> d'! CtfaU'S ol nioi-f 111:t11 tries alttndinir the I nit« .1 Na lions food ei iil'ertnee. Advocates nl tin* «-iiop«'t'at:ve mcvrmcnt—a system ol business ciiteip isis iiw iiril .old opi-iate.l by tin* people they set ve—aureeil at a speei.il iiti-rl.tis tit ask Hie pai Icy lornrilly i<> re« oniine-m, in its final resolutions. thai an international agency In- set tip to help I a rmris organize. Such an tiscr.t'y would be connect c;l with the I: 1 i'I'ii li-Mial \ . IumI Authority ivhich .• pro positi a! the •••■men :i'c • < «• iinism fur ir.creasinji world pr*hu> lion, (listril iip.ii ami eonsunipti >n • . ani ii Itural pi "«iiu : I hi' mel ting .i.;t .*«•»! .1 . 1 n- 1 coiitcieiice to ici'oiiuiiciul al.o tin establishment i 1 all m int 11 <•! system <>i nir.il S-oopci'ative haul, lor lai nu'i:. i-.i-dit. PERCY BLOXAM DIES AT HOME IN ROXbURC ]{(ixbt>n>, May -!»- (.\l*i |Vrc\ Klovmi. .►!.'. cil.v man.i.'.i 1 hen-. <1: IHi.i hi'>i .114 illtit sill ;i . ;il; li. i iittiick. .\ native i ! Knul.iiit! .iiid ,u \ ienil cit /"Mi I":' ill re l.i..u vim lie* was iu*t w i* in M.i >ii.,• 1 eiifjilK'iTii inch- in ,\• ■ • (' Sur\ ivijik niin in;- li %\ tic .1: i suns and 11: i' (I;ili;;IiH t. Bus Sen ice Will Stop lomorrow In New ork (lit\ Xni \»rk. Ala* yi--i \l'i — Kvcn north-south .inil 1 loss! ow 11 bus line in Al;i 11I1.11l.i 11 will lie sliul down tmiiiiirow i'i a ::.imi line conservation move. .I0I111 I. Mc(allli\. president of tin- I'iflli Avenue ( o.ieli I'oni pan.v. New York < iI> Oinniliiis Corporation. I'-islilli Avenue Couch Corporation. ;••!»! Madison Avenue Coaeli Corporation. an nounced the eiirtailfii. in of Sun day service yeslerdav and saitl redlieliuu also would lie made ill daily operation. The com pa 11 > operates hi» per rent ol all Inises iu Manhattan. inrliidiiiR the lainoiis double deckers which cruise Fifth Ave nue and ItivcMde Drive. Final Splitting Up Of Japs On Attn Island is Under Way Biggest Week of Bombing so Far Luring War; Heavy Damage Is Inflicted ■ I .iiili.n. .\i:;y L':»—(AI'J — .\ ri'i-Mt .'urn* <>f l-'lyiiij* Korlivssi-s i ;• icoiil iiicnt today, n •hi i ••• in iiiii|-;> i Iitihioii. I'lyiii;! I;' *1 .-it'll lllii- ( ol'tci! o\IT I III I i»IK<■ -1« in- aiva. 1l.c 11.rif ranic liack ill sev eral <•!>> • 11 \-injjr formations nul wi'i'i- l»ar< !>
  • lia-t- at tin.'KMI i <•<••. ! ii -. iii•.-rv■.<•<• said •• »t i »!i : mri.villi* AlbtKinvi • I I I<*1 • 1 ii'.' I 111 S ll |»l i.-<-i mime■:»t ■ ofi ci '' tcninsulii during the I :;inl . six : • lici I»v city <1 •• n' -;.••• | •' ill < iiTlllilliy'- II f• 11 - Tr' ! I.'lll : ;illrv. a !"«•«-• >i .i block Ii i ii-i' • tl'l I \ . 1 • iiiilllli, MITO .-ll . \ ' i ISA!•" i-.i\ v 'I In- ui'ii In*til*) last SiiiiiI.i\ ii'ulil Milh III" '.OlMllini honihiii--. :<--.i!!ll —In vasion I.ill* tliiminalrd headlines lixl.n in most of iaindon's ni*w>|i.i|ii-rs wliii-h li-atiii <-i\rll < hiircllill talk in Was imilon. ,\\i-> ir|nirls siiKcrsliiiK lliat maim ai turn Mas a matin- or dais iu'it • arrli'il priimiiiruiii. Om nl llirsr ri'iiiirts that landinc <-ialt **<• ii- rnncrnlrated in Tun isian. \l.riioi, ami .Mnroccoan polls m.i- i favorite topic. The IS mill- radio repeated tin- st intends to invade 11 .il v Mitli I lions.llids of harcc< it,II ni Marine* midi'r an eiuir imnis air umbrella." a mili.'.ov ccmmc ntalni on the Komi' radio said lotlai in a lirnadrast heard In Tin- \»siM-iatrd Press. The coiiinii iitainr said that if Ihr Allies "attempt In laml on ■mi- islands ni' on Ihr mainland. lhi-% mat Ik- able In gain an itu li,il fiHillmld. Iml I hoy Mould soon <-c IIii'omii hack unci' liinrr." WtA I HER ion north caisoi.in \ ( nntinued mild Mith little rlimsre in temperature today and tonight. . Some Clashes Are High in Mountains Above Clouds; Further I Advances Are Made V.'a hihjrlon. May (Al'i ■ —i'iiil«•>! »riK.|i< 11:i\ • i*;i {>1 urcii !• isliinHik 11 i«i jf»•. im . |.in t;ti!t -la|>uiti i- aiva I iif i illy .">l» ! i-.li iiii'iK ri>i :r w in- i-iitrniihril aliuvr tlx- i* in ml li tic ami \inrr icar Milliters hail lit st air lit) clr ri-i-i- riilm's in tin* tare nl stroiiK i-iii'iii.v lire to rrarli thrill. Disc-In urc that the jircsctit main .I.i|i.-m- i- |> -i:i ii north nl Cliini "I valley, wl.ifil i-xti-nd.- M.iithwcst Ill-Ill I'illf. ■ I...: :. 'I'. V* 11. '• '• 1 I >1 intiii .it • n tlii- .l. p.ii'f ,■ Ii nl iflat.vc l.\ small l.irt-t- In ih.it .n-: ,i-. l-iU-'itm;: 11.:wi-t-l; lia. in-en in Hi*- ChitiiKnl Vitllty ami and south waiil tn tin- vicin 'y • i.a .L-t' :; t-. i- t Ir » 4 I I I • II i- I ' » I I . .11,1 \ ».\l ) — Tl •• I'iiial splitting up "i iap ;iinI'niTcs mi Altu i.-lafnl into litt!•• groups who t'i*.r111 with the (lr-|iri ;ii ion <>r d<-rt.- . 'i i'i'« c. "I ;rn- iainj>ai}:ii. : :!.■ tilth day. (Continued < 'i I'ue !*• Uritish l)«»!nhcrs Make II ea\ \ Raid ()n ()lil Maiulala\ NYu- Delhi. : ::•> ' \IM - tin 1 i, I "nil I iters I- • I- .1 ! I I', v lUlfi III) I Mantfaluy tat night. leaving lunv fires burning tin* yard of thai • I I (Cllll . C-Ilt i ! tei" I • I.IIX' - 1.1.lulled ami i> in* minified Ml I It-Id-. ii\ ' i lion. . > r >< 1 tl'<>o]t po; it. t v.e-t tii illd i-en ti nt limit : ye lerili y. ., Itrifish com III HIKjlle ! "I ;• Flglitci ■ ed it lli'lio nirlicld in rrntriit I- ami tor veliirli1* .ed live! i ' in . I'.iitlierl.ninu m we tern I lie while Curtis Mo li:i\vl%> mat .if -oner troop posi tions in the Kairmyo : ! e |dai:'- t.rled to rellli n from the raid, the i'niiiiniini(|tit> said. For 'Doug' and 'Ike' ^ „ r~~ i HERE ARE tho gold badge and collar (top) and star (bottom) of gold on silver which may be worn by U. S. | Generals Douglas MacArthur and IJ w i g li t D. Kisenhowcr. King I Ceorsc has just named them Knights o( the Grand Cross. OrdfT of Uia Bath. {International) Flood Picture Is Brighter In Midwest (IThi* Associated Press) Although fUxxl water.- continuo t >\v;i I record highs. there wer in i :• ! patches today in .1 water-lug I god piclorc. The levees are expected l<> hoi the X.i. I datigci >pi>t. I tea rd; n. III. 'I he lllino.s river hit 2!). 1 !eet and thvn started 1 <• recede. Frank Wool. \vl;.. heads the ei vilians aiding in Die flood work a . r.- aid-tow n. toured the flood arc , v *ii a levee exiwrt and ,-ighod wit tvliof as he said: •\Ve li.i\e oneo.intcrod a tew leak .mil bulls but they .■!<■ now routim 1 I think we arc just about in th • 1 lear." Tho Mississippi swept out la fori a -•■olid junction with the Ohii ! se' vn miles tioiii the spot wher the two normally meet. Cairo wa enr if\i i Si*11 .»l IH7 (•rrniiin pliino li nt Iirrii ^i..| >|n\vn in I It ret* d«iy II 1h(- lu-;n y .111 luilllcs lliere. ■ The Siil iiiitiiv (tiTiiiiin mfriniun «11»• i Inuli ,i>t Iiv ttif ni'ivs ;ii > I • nd reenrded | iv I lie A.ssin-iiitc IVess. I'p'ii led slioim new sittHck Hi* Hiis-i.nis in ilii- scctfir df Hi K li.iii l>i ulcrhr.id I lie jitliick fiii ni anil Hie CnsMinv- suffered ho;iv In vo, . it .idded i The IJiiks 'ii dis|i.ilehes siiid tin Ihr (termini* h.id .Millered ronsidc &ble losses ,ind that the booty an prisoners were numerous. Planes Hv w On Longest Hop So Far Leghorn and Foggia Devastated; Both Vital Centers in Italy's War Effort Allied Headquarter?. in North Africa. May 2'.t — (AC) — Al most 100 Klyinji Fortresses, striking tin; most distant ol».iac tive yet assigned oil tin- attack Ion Italy from North Africa, bombed Leghorn yesterday and left a smutty trail of d»-\a :a tion in the oil refineries. dock.-, and shipyard.- of that larpv port 160 miles north of U< me. At the same time. Cairo di.-. : patches said, some two score American Liberator- -aia-hed at Fojrjf'ii droppi d .so ion., of bumhs on that atrbase 8" j miles east of Naples. (Dispatches I:-iur. I. ■: ■ i ■ • i .-aid I large units <>1 Italy's fleet, .- hich lias j seldom ventured :■> mm mih-c the start of the war. may iiavi- •o n .it I Leghorn—known I\ • >i i: • '<< the I Italians—when the ! y ! .• • •• • | es visited the harbor. Tn •• ■ l;:e I first time that Leuhoni jr.il been bombed.) Two wavrs of I.iheralnrs at tacked Foguia. near the \ilri.iln side ol the Italian peninsula. and a lulled Stall's lonniiiiiii'itir from Cairo said dim I hits ueic made on several lianii.o- nu merous fires started, and at least 1." enemy homhers were destroy ed or damaged. I ISritish and American medium homhers and liinuli - tarrying fighters also carried ihe air «.ir across the Mediterranean with uuahated tury to objectives in Sicily. Sardinia, and llie stron:-. hold of 1'anleIh ria. the nearest \\is-licld territoiy. Aim": i; these " telv ctrann .in; , : Si \\ i was attacked bv ,M i ■ • vrs. 1 .iahtnuiL .i V. .ii • 1 ! the railway stati »n and < I Ila > I 1n.li- at Any 11st a. S . ■ v. ' attacked Thin lay -n: • tt.M? - bomber Ii cm "!n »l«--i Leghorn is the seat ! ., :,rea; {Continued o:i IV.::, Four) ; Aliieci March On Berlin Is Speculated n Washington. \l.iv !!l—I \l*»—• Tlie Allied in.oih lo ll. rlin may lollow one or more—and nu lei ably mart—ol ten roads, noii<- ot them easy. Some of the enormous dilli cullies to h(. e\|i< -clcd hi'It mil lined lo < ol. ( onrad II. f.an/.t. retired army offirei and one of the country's most noted military students. TltV mutes In disc f. • ' !<• 1 Norway, j Denmark ind north j Germany H northwest (!,-ii .■ ny >o.| i the lltllch coast cast ol Tc\c I the | low countries south oi Tcxel. -ortli ■ France and llntt.my. (> we: : (• • n> »• 'j South of the l,one. V • • 1111 Ii mei . It west side ol Italy w ill Sn . Sa' - dinia and Corsic.i. !• 11w Adi it mil 'Jsmnth Italy, and Aca .m n s| llis r NlV>."U