I IS Hwriteramt Hathj UUKTIKTH YEAR lfHrALs\V^rEu nV^aor HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY :51 lJl I Coal Deadlock Yet Unbroken As Truce Nears Expiration i'o. lul-lo-Portal Pay ft'iuanc! Issue in Zero nuur negotiations Ai capital \> million. May III—(Al'J — JiKanisi a nmiiiiKin. (ll>l ii- aim iiu certainty uiai u v.in ..(• t.Menilcti again, sou ii ;h . pcratois ami inc LiiiU'd .»iiin" n iirKt'i'.s returned lo l lie !.;i!, .minor table today lo suck a • ..iiit ii <>i iiic portal-io-por i.u cay issue. ii. coiiierees, after avu lit "I loiri conferences litis iimi ii ii}.r. announced a recess tini.i •. i'. m.. "lit would make no • i* m i .lali'ineiil. . .,11 iiiii'i'ici by the W.ti; i..,iiii lo inaiiiUiin prod tic c epit.atinn ii I in In it pin i : ,i . . •> . r uc.uie June ii, tin- UivlW ,i. i- ii.i> snows no more im-lina <i iin* biiiird now tiian it . i . tin- decision v\-|i:i*)i scut ..., i..!•:•> I'm till ...o'olcin bail; 11 \ r I>ar;',aillir.g. !. . m industry, bituminous aiut has been working under .. agreed lo by the u: ion lead i. r. ...i- c.Mcnuerl once betore, i :• I i lit I muln.ght tonigllt. (, ,i nnu-iit officials, ii is known. vv.iUiihiK mi' negotiations ii. -i .. .nd .n»' prepared to step in i: ,i . ivi'iable "break" does not dc m ;> ' ■ .day. Mi. .. ureal: may come in the ! i.. Him.' -ubslantiul offer by tilt 11-: .itoi.%. This might lead a t | !11*y I'ominittee to decide l> < x% 'I I::e truce while baiKauiing r.:.T :i • t. C Hhcrwise, Secretary I !.".•• tu'.'l administrator and V • cut o|<crator of tile mines. ;. «• to step in again with a :i ! . uninterrupted productio:i. Motor Club Charges investigated Ili.ricli. May 31—(AIM— II. M. (•Inter, inspector of the State I iitii.es i ominission. returned liiu.;t from Greensboro ami (l>.ir!ntte ttliere he investigated mi i ination of the Carolina Mo tor ( lul> that alleged irregularis lii's had oeeurred in the ship iiKiil ill gasoline within North i .•• ••lin.i and border states. S 'illovcr iinfl 1" rod I'. Hunter, commissioner. said they • i : i have .i I it*.ill ivport vv■ 111— • a days and it would l>o made ' . ii" 11nit11']- whether the .tlle r-i in' substantiated in lulind illiniit Inundation. I •greed that it the mold clul> 'i -n ill the last largo I'lieiu.v • ild i»e t.tkci. ;i^iiin.-l 'he li.tillers, even to removim; • ri-r plates and thus lotciim ' tlii* roads. Motor carriers ■ i■ ■ do nut operate tinder the • l.tus and thus their risht peel could not l>c revoked .ime lime. Glover and llun '' I : the allegations were wtlh tlteii the public should 1 »i* id; . ed. ''• Carolina Motor ("lul>, under ■ mature of Coleman Koberts. ' 11 ■ t > 1. puhlished loll page I 11 i advertisements reeeiitlv *' ' ' I .\i (. We lieilig Sabotaged?" ' -anl :| had learned that ga-> 'I gone from Charl.'tle to •■:' 'ii. lor instanee. had Iheir ' idiitRs changed in the seaport 'ml then returned • • • Charl'dtv. ■*• •• ndei'stand, the advertisement I* "us stupid manipulation ol ".ili'4 gasoline around the ' >' is done by some «»il com for the purpose of adding ' ' ' their product and restricting ' " I" tition." I NAMED TO NEW POST Named ti> surtrcd James F. ! H'-mivs as Economic Stabilization Dirrctor is .ludge Fred M. Vin son (above), of Kentucky. Bvrncs lias lieon made director ol thi- new office of War Mo bilization. (International > New Order By Degrees, Welles' Idea I Undersecretary of State Outline* Procedure in Negro j College Address at Durahm Durham. May .'!(— (AIM ,\ >cl ol "cardinal principles" on which In hnilil a win Id nrsani ■/alien in keep pcacc after llie war was lain down today by I nderscerelary of Stair Sumner Welles. Welles, declaring it would be premature In blueprint post-war plans now. proposed instead a gradual evolution nl an interna tional organization during the "chaolic" transtiion period that will follow the end of hostilities. Any Mich organization. lie said in J .1 c onciincnt address prepared I ! i the .\"i 111 Carolina t'olleRe fori NVijroe-. must be iiased on these | I'i tn pie-. "A <-• >inI>iii;i11<>11 i>l armed l'i i(> > m.iilc available by llie powers which a:e prepared to do s<>, which may be used regionally or on a l.iii..iier scale." In prevent aggression and «-nl«•»(■".• peace. "An international tribunal to wli <'li .nt■-■i"ii itii'ii.il controversies can i>e rctiitid and iti which inter-' national con I ider.ee can be safely! 1 lace. "An cfiirient international mvlhad lor llie outlawing <>t certain kinds ol armament and tor the inspection 1.1 all national armaments. "The recognition—nut merely in w>r<l . b it iii practice. as in llie westi . n lit rt. .' phfre -of the principle nl tht >' r I sovereignty ol all -tales, whether ureal or -mall. And. to- j jgetlui wilii tins, the establishment I n| tin- prineip!'.' that the path must I be p..'pared for the freedom and sell-Ko\ ernnvnt ol all peoples who il.. theii lilierty. «w miwi as they ' alV able to --nine thai right " Finally. Welle- said, "there must cease to e\i ' any need for ifte use • | ol tli.it accursed term "racial or re- , Minimis minority'." House Reports Year Of Great Progress At UNC ( Kill. May 31—The »«"»•; wm • ye. 11 HM2-43 Ims been <>"<' •') i "ill (-durational progress -it thr *1,1 •' :v iii North Carolina at I'ha I Hill. Dean of Administration i: "ii i; House told Alumni, par '.md graduates today in an ad '•' •' .1 Clan* Day luncheon. an , leatmt of tlic Umvcr f"y ('"inmcncc program. lt< \ M u nm iho developments of th'* 1 Dean House said that the coin •' i "I I hi- Navy I're-Klight School ('■iinpiis has not cramped tlx1 „'' ' ''' sity's program hut has heen ■' ■ int'ly and pro^i ossively ah s '"'i ir.to the life of the common My. I c Pro-Flight School." the Dean ^ntinv.ed. "has de\ eloped hete one j i • i • itlcr.< «»l iwvjiI iivin* I lion ti.iiiiim: in llti.- n.it'"" »"<• ""w , h;i< ,il>oMt J.oon c;idels. In spile of Ik a f|'i;nl"'i . now |>iolilciii.* mid try , ,, (i i ii.. it Ittw dime its work. WV 'I" ii"' hiivr hero • ■ I*i«• Kli^M ] S<h'»'I ."lid .1 I'iiivcis.lv One is wpiiillv p;n I --I the oilier." Do.iii ll-.ii-e civd 1»ii* progress of j Ihr NnvtiI (Hllrcn* Training Corp#, nuv roniidiiiM "'ii i'." Ihiifl .vein . llic pi i<>t training program ii the I lor nee \\" 1111. i n is An i>ori: Hie C(iro|m;i Vol iinleci Train na Corps, which has tni.iicfl hundreds 1.1 sludcnls i*i nuli tji ry science .mil I.iclics. and Ihr I'rc Mci*-"ii>!i'i;y School, in which .'<00 Armv An c;idels arc bring trnincd. (Continued on Page Two) Attu Again In Hands Of U. S. Forces Ail-Out Final Atlack Annihilate!"- Jap Occupants, Lvcn I oltyo Admits Loss Washington, May :.l — < A1 *) —Tin* of Attu is out and the Star and Stripes once tuain fly over ili<- Iianvn but .strate gically important little island at the western <-i»d of I he Aleu tians. Scat ten-'I . mjiei and p« >sible a few isolat* d . ritine Hie; ti* all llial i <-iii.■:11 t'i npji'>. i- United States troop v. il" In ert ll'iim in vaders the ! r: t American • iI I" be recapture I i tl.i war ami .-tarte-l the northern route inarch toward Tokyo. The lo-s ol \ltu. which lias been conceded by the .l.i|i;uifM'. garrison nu Ki->ka virtiiall.v «'iit off. A battle in which American troops struck with kiiiis. bayo nets, rifle liutts, lists anil knives marked the end of the :!0-day campaign. "II was the h'.KBi'St li ttle >n Alia.'" •aid a navy sP"U ' !c.;;i: :11 cp ■rl n innihilation ot '! I . cciny orce mi 11 1- island. Japan appeared to ae. Ii«r lh" enemy broacieist .1 1 inmri: ea te I ing of a "linal blow" a*.'.;' n-t lit" enemy's main toiee. In si: it ImUV 'lie enemy br*>.«i ■ ■ t 1 ei:* (i ; i thought that the cntiie iiuiober "! our forces has completely ;> -i.. 11 • i Ten Persons Die Violently In Carclinas (fly The Associated I Ye.,.- > At loa-t tell |ICr.so||.. <i.r(| hy vi.i Icncc dtiliim the week ••mi in lii ■ Carolina*. .1 survvy howed 1 • •• I.i\ Helen C'lrii Uiwr. LM. -I (';noleeii (li'iiwnorl ill . \ 11; 11111 - • I5e u h v. '.nil* swiminina with triends. William K. Sarrar. i'.L'. • >t itu . county, succumbed t<■ iniinu rtciv c' tn a Kill |1 Ins i..'nnc. Willi.im Franklin Strnnd. Ill Great Kails. S. w ,i> >li ■ .v. in il w in! swimming in the Catawii.i river. Playinu on tin- whar: it \'i \v l'< James llerhert Tur!>er\ lie. ! ve. li into the .N'eu-c r vrr anil v. a drow . fd. John C'li'velaiul It iridic):. 51'. ..i Fountain, and John (". Ilayes. «>i C'liocowinity. were kill il n a |i".id on collision • u the Kn.i'.i in luv.liv. i near Farmville. Mallie Ke^iii.ild Dea's. lit. mi! fered a heart attack and drownei while swimmintj in I.ittle I! \ Johnston county. Rtiheii l.e,. .r.rnia I."». : ci • and Mrs. L T. Jarmaii nt Cum Hranch near Jack- m\ iM ■. w . ' . cr drowning victim, lie I., t h tr when he stepped into a deep hole while vv.'ithnu in '.he New !!.\e ■I. It Kdw;irtls. :!7. . ' M ic . Meld, was killed near Tarlviro when thrown from his motorcycle. Ashley Griffin. 7:.. N ish county farmer, fatally shot hun-elf Cor oner M. C. fJnlley sairl. <l«i.-1:* tuit no inquest was likely. PRESBYTERIAN HEAD Dr, \V. Donald Rirhiirilsim (above), of 1'iiion 'Tbeolocieal Seminary al Richmond. Va.. was elected moderator of the General Assembly of tin- f'reshytcri.in Church in the I . S.. southern division, at the opening session of the assembly al Montreal. The assembly closes June 3. after a lull week ol activity. l.\DAY AFTERNOON, MAY '51 1!M:J khnooh FIVE CENTS COPY 150 U. S. 4-MOTGR PLANES BOMB NAPLES AND FOGGIA ON SUNDAY AFTER YANKS ESTABLISHED BEACHHEAD ON ATTU ia:3c:::s ears:s, ciai . i on Atl'.i i:i the Aleut ons shortly ndci t 5 ;. n'J : tc>; c:!?c while i" t';e b:u! t r/. i tiie : ui v.;. hill a.ias. This. (•; ■ *i f.-' n r»vc up '>:i : I C a I: ndijifs l!\v c piles ! : e II : ;. CUt l>' tr»Ci t -j N:.vy [ '.!• ' a beach at Massacre Bay ' I cquipircnt arc seen just : - £ur Irut'l..; can vine sup (iutcmatiomiO French Alexandria Squadron Gees To Allies Voluntarily Chinese Advance Aster Killing" Many Japanese 2,000 Casualties Inflicted ori lincmy; Greatest Recent Success by Chinese < luiiui.."^ m.i> ::i — (.mm— < bini'sr 'roup-.. Mi|ipi>rtr.l l»y III"' I • itiii M.itr llili Air I uriT, which damaged .lap.i iicm' installation* near IcImiii; and :tl iiirlmu. oriupii'il a mini brr ut points ill (br llnprlr 1111 ii.iii bortl'-r region in an "all trout" rinnilrr ollrnsivc in «cn tral China .i'il nit I'liminniiica t.nlis at in iii% MiiiiK cast nl I..iI.I' Ttitir,kini:. .1 '■ hiiic>c <-<•■•) 1111111 i Clin- said Imt.n. (>l|ty y . >1 • . trie (iiilic-i' a! - IKHIIICC'I Hi .iptluv nl Yn.vatii; huiui. 11 ! .-miiii "f li'lianu. win-!" '/i'il ii'sr iM.iialitis \m inl I icli' 1 i!i'i'ali->1 (*: 1111 >.Il'i c .1 . in\ adr •• !ai ; i i thr Im: i- Yiinut/.c v illi'* lnw.nd ( 1 1 Y'•rtii... Y.in:;l/«' v. a - '1 1 IxhiiIhhI : \ Warbtnvks attack. I' . 1 I ■ inl a:;am 'in s i» l v Warcliou < v.ii'il:;. rolling ..i.., ducks ; 11111 'i"K I irilltii'.s v. r ' bit. "Pivll 11 11 cjKirts indicate <-s trniiivc ii ni !•» Yuchmv - 11 \«• ~. a I " 1 i Stairs ('iiinmiui 'l Mtid. Tin. 1 t'irs ■ lu'.i- iiv hi>tn >cl ls|«':d jirt -i'il xllpply (iini'^ii (rations I rim* mi llu Yaiv'/i Ni> A" «'i • plant' was ln.-t 111 any !•! ;!.' IIS. Re<i Front Seer, Fierce Air Battles Mnscim. W .1 > :i1 — (AIM — l'"irri'c .uTi.i! 'tallies iitnliiitietl In pirdmiiin.e in fiuhtine in llie KiiImii seeliir of tin- Russian fill lit laxl.i *. follow illK .1 week of liitler *lriii;slr in w llieli l.'ii! (fitni.iii pl.rns were (limned at ,i loss lit il* l«t I lie* Russians, front line di*|»alrlies naill. A (;>■ ;' c upaitanda tmevey wiir nirir.-i" \<leh'. ;m aecntinl l>i*<>;iri i-.ist l>v IIv l> •111 rad ■» Hid record I'd Iiy I ' V r'.itefl l*rr-s. asserted Ihjil i?m» German nir fttrcc yc#lpt*dfl(v "I i n-11 iitrd tepi ited S<>\ i"| attempts to uv hi tin1 icar <it the (term.hi dc i : 'I I Mr* Kuban tnVa win Ini;il> I S«.» of A/'iV. Il<> claim'.I tin'- I"' ftil!y-inattp.cd l.tnci (Cont.nued on Paxe Two) (,'hinese President Is i<t }>< >i ted ! )e:ul At the Aj^e < >1 Si \i'« \«>rk. >! .1 v ?—(AIM — Tlir Offirr ni' War Vi*.tlimi t<»<la.\ Ifial t li< Mrl Imatiir i'.iiIki li.is <|itol«*if .1 ( lii ih*s<* t mtm1111!< 1 i<11!i* a- .iiiiniinH iiii; I )l« <!<• itll .11 1 VI ii II.: U ! ilMl 1.111 Sfii. Kl yrar-iil«l ;ii of < hiti.i. 'I hr r<*i»nrt \\a> n«»t iinnndiat:* ly < nut ii iticd. 11 • v\ • * • i . I»> .ill vicrs (iirrct Imui < htrmUin;:. Ail Anmm i at«<I Pi» - (lis|»atf!i t 1< 1 .it :;:.*»<} p hi t IniHcSii'ii; timr. anil rrrt i\« . m \i w Vurk at (i: !S a. in. i-.i u i ii »ur linn*. I«*day. saiil tl«;iI •!•»»-. reported that l.ii* w;i» < "»H 1 i.nmi: l«» niain l.iivi t!;«• iMi|*i «*\• m> nt uliirli had hiTil noted in In* condition > cs trrday. 1S•• \\ us si* • i. n ilil \l.i v I ! >\ I?f*n In* siitf i<*d a stnikr. and had Imtii hi i t'tim siner >.it tirdav. StilSweli in London For Conferences I.ntiilim. M.i\ ::l — i \IM — I .if ii t. <«tii. Iiisrjtli H. Mill«rll. I ml Ml siali -. < tosim.iiioiim i!i'iirr:il ill < Inn.i I mil l ami Km III.i. h is aniwil in l.miiliiii .iml iininr iliali-).'. • iIini tt-%—•*<! tmIi im.iIiiiii nf ii.ilii.it \ plan-. hi liii- t.lull.11 w.n " Milh I.i«*nI. .I.iruli I.. I)r\ its. rrimr.aiiiloi in llic Litiiipcan lliralrc hi iiiN'raliniis An ii t (vi <'ir li'il,,y i ni In1.iti «111.it |oi> t.'. ' ilitrcl Klillwoir." vlxit >ih ,1 stop II\ (I • <:! ill |> III I In- ( )ri('lll. ' I'ih if .I 'f" >;11'i hin 'rip In China. \\ hoi I " < ;• III . i. tin C'hiilllU Kill ~!|I''. '! ill woll. K'nlltd l' \ i ViirHNIH illOiltlTH ni il|l or.itii n nc wt'ilrt Ifl-'a-ilo In on orditiiito hi* |»Iop* \v in Ihow nl olhoi CI'ITIIt . lltloi '"I'm in i oiiitiiiu mi tho I'ommiin rtor • I ohi-ckinu t'li their Inoiios," ho n'A. ■' i ml 'Hi- i.u: military cmil' rtioo .11 i the way homo" lie If' 'It 'I tl Washington ron ton !ici I 'i osiciont Uoii;.ovolt anri Pr;- -o Minister Chir.di 11 boforo e>ining iie;e. , Not Starved Into Submission, as Vichy Charged; Might Come to United States London. May :'»1 — (AP) — Tin- Kitm*11 naval squadron at •\ii xaiulria catne over to tin; Al ii' voluntarily following nego tiations with (ieneral Henri Gi rattd. it was ot'l'ieally confirmed here today. These sources said the Vichy cliarife that the si|iiadron had Imii starved into .submission was "unite untrue." The re oort of tin' fleet joining the Al lies was first broadcast yester day I>y the ISerlin radio. 'If.'- i i.kIioii l..is Iiih'h tied up <it Kuyptliiti iiiiM- since live !'•. ikv hi .1 une. lJMO, under ivnii nt lii'tw < en the British . \ v Ail al Hcnc Emit t;..itri«..v. ..i i • Jii.uiin-ton battle the heavy cruisers IV!(| I' • ; i Sullffreil. cruiser i )ii4iiiiy-Trouin, •• it il< vers :in<l a .submarine. '! Ixtc was mi rommrnt on Ger fn.iit reports licit (lie squadron Willi III mill tile :>.*>.llOII-ton battle ship Kuhelieii. wliirh arrived in Ilic I nited Stairs fur repairs lust I eliruar.t. ! Oil NOIM II I MCOI.INA little i-hange in temperature. sniH|. likelihood ill a I'rn licht scattered showers in the motin Iail s anil rvlmiir north portion I'■ «s at lernooii and tonight.. 7-Man French Committee To iicvern African Area AljritTs, May :;i (AT)— A m \• ii-in.iii i N.riilivc committee \\it • l ii|' 1 <"lay mult r llif joint on -itit iifv ol (icm-ral Chariest !>i•<• a11111- ami General Ilenri C»i r.uitl. to jr t» v e r n liberated Frenchmen ami French tcrri It»ry iiml to direct tin* French \v;ir effort until their homeland is t'l't'pd. I ■ ii ••inlit i mi addition to IV i til fJn.mil. .Ho RotiC Miis tvl \i»lir I'hilipr, who wvro d' iu !■> 1 )c(tiiullr. Cirnrriil A1 .c Gcm u<\» anil .town Monnct. wiii. «rri' it,imcd by Girjitid; find (iillli.il fit'orglv ("illmux, who WUb ai cpptrd by bolh. Two places were left vacant and Damage in Daylight Raids Heavy Explosions and Fires Set at Both Points in Fortress Raids Over Week End Allied 1 leadtpiurters in North Africa. May :il— (AP)—More than ir.n I'nited Slates four en jjined lumbers, cooperatinn: in twin attacks <>n Axis bases in southern Italy. Masted Naples and Fojrjjia l».v davlij{li: Sunday and left smoke-shrouded ruin in their wake, il ua announce;! today. Explosions and lire rayed it Naples, hit by a force of more than 10(1 11-17 Flyinjr Fortress es of the North African com mand. More than •"><» P.-'Jl Lib erator Bombers of the Ninth I'. S. Air Force struck Iroin middle east bases at the airdrome of FojrK'a. SO miles northeast of Naples. These were the forays of a day which included renewed attarks upon Sardinia, potential stepping stone of invasion, and l'antellei n. the battered Italian bastion in thu Sicilian straits. | C.ommuiu<iiies lolii the stiiry ol the powerful American thrust in an air offensive maintained tor more than a Imtniylit against Mussolini's homeland ami island outposts. It was the seeoml raid on I'oKRia in three days and, the 70th against Naple*. which by Italian hroaileast accounts, was said to have suffered casual lies and "great damage." "A large torce ol H-17 FI.v.iik For tresse.- yesterday ittacki-d X.tpii'.-.." ~;tirl the war bulletin i -miviI .it Allied North African In adq i.ii'li I', .mii wtic dropped on an .i:rc:.ilt la> lory and a neifihborins Airfield. I..iru> explosions were caused m an oil storage depot and many fires were reported." A Cairo communique said the Liberators thoriiuuhlx covered the Fogeia airdrome and scored direct hits on hangers ami liar racks. "Nil Microti* aircraft in c n -1 >■ i • .i areas were destroyed, uiclidii :e six-ctljfiiif'd era..,' i". sa:d. '111.in. smoke way obs< rved ru-nig innn ml (ires and buildings were lvfl burning throughout the target area." For all operations of the nay .m thoritie.-, allHUilPrr I 1!..it 1-1 t inv planes were destroyed in comb.it and one plane Iron, tliv North Al.ii.iu air force failed t,> return. SCIENCE TEACHERS TO HAVE INSTITUTE Cln.jVl Hill. M y -An fur scioncr t«-. tlu- I'lin rr.-ity <•! \ > '; t' first term ••! s in •« m iinnotint rd 1 ii..\ \ .\iliiM Uran U. I!. H Tilt* institute I- !!:,!(lr I Ml, ■in iitTiingpmcnl w in On? N« Ih I' i olinii State I '• ;■ ""i I Instruction ,hhI di'Mijncd In in. st rer ut hen v«> s n .si i • < tnirhini; .it > ir-| i «•«•*•.t<; • firm.mil 111 i . I le.m II ■ suit. The In>ti'liti- will i*. iiit j iiiic f. tell (!.i\ ( I lie 1 »-f • tul v. H I diverted i > I'l 'Ii -•» I" i It Sciii profcssot botany in Oljci'liti Co ICKf. perhaps tin v w.i. i>•• lillril by 1r.nl crs who may arrive i;i tin- tnt'ire. All those mi the inniniltli'p assembled in a sccrrl place III Alcim. In effect, tin* commit tee crfiilrd itself ami. while the mccllni; started only as a ses sion of a croup of men. it einlcd as the assembly of France's new covrrnlnc lioil>. ("admix. Iiiuh cmnm. -:■ >»<t fv Syria. is .1 fivc-Miii j^-norai who served as Ii.ii.~imi ollircr i> wcimi l>r Oanllc and (in.i id hi preliminary neRotiiition- for unity. Ooortrcs. tin* we Htm hunt com mander "t French armies IH'forc the I fall of France. arrived in Algiers only recently from Franco. I Massigli was fiehtinjj French for eign c.'iiiiVHWioner

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