fti ©mlg Btspatclj JS _____ — - ——|'UUL.1SI1KI> KVKIIY A KT Kit NOON 1'IVE CKN 1 S C QPY UUT1ETH YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AITKRNOUN, JUNE 8 11M3 EXCK,"r MUNUA * Churchill Hints Invasion Soon State High\va\ Patrolmen Collect Quinine - -Ui ■———ii i — • r :.:rlinr>'t highway patrolmen collected more t an 1.5rO.I)flO grains of --urplus t|i!'ni:s" in n throe-day ill . o iit Ihc >tatc's 100 counties. It has born turne i over to t'-e rnvornmcnt lor i!1-'1 of lit" arm.-d furees ii iMii.uia i-1c Ird arras. Shown here is T. Bodili Ward ilrl't, mot ir vehicles commissioner. turnim; < r- Ihc collection to Paul M. BissctU' of Wilson. |irr dent of the North Carolina I'h irm.ici anlic.il asso i i ilirn i" lion! of alio association's headquarters in <' i <-l lli'1. ilcliiml B'ss-tto and Ward arc Maj. .Inlin I. \iaislronij. oomniaiuk'r of lllc patrol: Dean Bear il i.l' the t'liiversily of North Caiolina School of I'har .and W. .1. Smith, evocative secretary of lit-.- Avocation. laird of; jeers >ho\wi are l.ieuls. I.anihert til (.rrruslioro, A. T. Moore of Fa.vettevHIe. and I.est er .lones of fiifcnvill" (at left!, and Ser«c-.tnls Stone of i.ii'cnslioiii, Williams of Washington. Iloters of A hoville and I'opc of Charlotte. Jap Zero Planes Ars Destroyed By U. S. 7" Admirals On West Coast Lav War Plans V. June »—(AIM—Acl I ri.e t .l. 'Kmu has ri'iifi'":'*d i * west 1*1 t;i st with Admiral t \V. Nimit/., commander oi • I'.irilir fleet, on war plan-. >t ■ ifiiillv <11 rinsed today. ■ t:iIk wdas linked informally I •it conl« fences recently held • Atneji l»y (>cnital iiciirne i' .I ■ i -11-• 111. army chief of st'itl. '■ in ral Dwnht I>. Kiseisliiiwer. •V i theatre commander. MiUHV-tinii was made w it'i lulu re! official iiKrcriiinil that M»r »;• t Kins, .idmiral ««t t!ie I' it ' » • i • tier:. i..,ii e.irnrd i.i" ■' l i t •■•'•! in.itiflriiiitiii'inati"ii "-i rerent'y wirkttl "'it by Hill: •>'.» ■ ' ' i iea»i 'i:li<Vi and I• v I'i • ta • I: i veil and l*i me Mm !<•• :!' hi then joint conl' k'ii ■ ' ry of the Xavy Kii >\ r. - < 1 ;i |e ■ eolileie' re i! •I lirrn i'!i the \\ i ! i-ut t •if "i m i' v.ilh Km:;. Kum ' v.'a ■ ii«> p.ii In".I ir i mi! • ' > Hie meeting since tl't y '!•" (•• in feiviici'.- aijoiit e.'iy TAR HEEL YOUTH IS PRISONER IN JAPAN V." i n-.ton. .fiine ft— (AI')—The W | ii'p irtinrnt iin-oiinred today • ii ■ • ii| !>f>2 I'nited Stales 'I flu ure held us piisoncrs of • Itv .1 .p.m. Thr list mrlii'!'"i ' ' ' m ' I. Siivace. Ahholt Snv;it;<". '■''• r . roate 2, Hose Mill. NEW COMMANDANT IS AT CAMP DAVIS ' "" JVivU, .luno ft—(AP)—Rrit! • 'i C'licral Mryan I.ee Miloinn ' * ' • named commandant ef !h • ' nti airrt iifi artillery school ' "< dim; ISrifiadier General Kdjai ' itdrrwiMid, transferred to Fori lllis^. If.ilS. Seven American Planes Lost but Three Pilots Saved; Eight Japs Killed on Attu Washington. .lime S—(AIM —1 nited States fighter planes shot down l<t Japanese Zero fijrhters and damaged si\ >tli ers in an air battle near the American held Kiissel! i.-. lands in the Solomons, tile Navy re Iii>r! i'd today. The eiiKajreinent occurred Monday. Solomons inland . ime. Seven I nited States planes were lost, hnt three of the American piliits wen* saved. ■ < in .tune 7." lite i i ■ ■ I "rliirinu '.i e iimiiiiii;;. .i|»;>: • >s. im I -l.v ■In I I* ."lit .liip.l- C I- /.»*!".. "•!!*• pedo planes W: e . ".m 'I liv 'S. ligtihT plane* in ' > \ eiiirty •! • Pn .-.-II .-:ti,ni!X ne-. e.i /■ shot fl«>wn .Mid m\ d.iiiia::« I I S !'i.-se. W. re mi m pi; ne?, : • I th" points \\ei<• ,-a\ e'i. "< i t .lit- e 7. •! d .l.in.n • •• w i:i I ill A"' 1 ■ Til.- .1.111'11!" >• aerial till- ...I • \ i. r 11v hi it"• t." • M i..I.inil . lie northwest <»l llio mala An • ■' ti.a-o oil •n.'l. I • learatii-e • a r winter lil-nv pi 'irp T t iv ;i In.ivy A; raid ■ I itvimy-HHil It •nuniiiv it If isliii i in i the northwestern end • I !!•<• i ■••*»*! chain l.i. I Satin day The A I p|,inc then Mink a (lesti ye iit*1 set jal'la/e a civrtle and ;i car:;o <h !>. Stocks Show New Weakness Xew V'»rk. .tune I!—(At') — Sior!;; mftererl anntiivr stninlde to(t.,y. |; ifi't - nil i mniodit i'- i Hi e.iterf. I,o;:ci < inrliiileit P. S St'cl. I»"'h trliem. fJenc;fil Mul'i*. C'hry*ler, (ioiilinh. ISoeini! A'leiall. Pnit" I Aircraft. \Vv>tern l-ition. Dul'orit. \Vi'slinuliou>c. Mlieil ( lien n i'. Phil lip Morti- and Kastnuin Koilak. UFA To Roll Back Price Of Vegetables Shortly Washington. June 8.—(AIM — : s,"iialf committer inquiring in" tii(. administration's author ' •* to pay snhsidirs to rompm , for a roll-hark In thr rrtail i„, s of neat and huttrr was J1r,,r»J«'rt today that thr Officr i I rlrr Administration nrxt ' ends to drprrss frrsh vrirr "Mp prlrrs. Qursiioned on how far OI'A inloml* 1<> c» i»i llir roll-burk siilisidv iirnsram. Klehard fili lirrt. eroiiomir advisor lo Ad ministrator I'renllss M. Brown, disclosed lhal regulations for the vesreCable price decrease already are brine drafted. "W'r pvprrl." he said, "further to reduce the cost of living ahniil half of one permit in the roll •back on fresh vegetable#." Axis Claims Allies Fail In First Try London. .lunr K—(AIM—Com mu"i«iues broadcast from Home ami Itcrlin reported today lliut the first Allied landing attempt on one of Italy's outlying islands, the desolate prison island of I.amprdusa. was repulsed last night. Official military and naval <1 darters in l.ondon did not eon firm the Asis announcements im mediately. and the A \ is itself appeared to rerogui/c that l.ain pedusa would not In- an objective in a full-blown invasion attempt when a German controlled broad east from Vichy said "a llritish and American offensive against Italy may lie expected at any moment." D.NIS. otfici.il German ney\s agency, said in a l»r; 'least. however, that tin- attempt on l.ampcdusa was a "serious ef fort" to lake the island by five companies of Itiitish commandos superbly trained and oinipped. I.ani|i>'dii-,a. *0 miles west ol So'ts- '• on the east Tunisian eoasl aril I'ltl miles south of Sicily, nor ina'lv has a liopiilatiou of about 3.500. of whom a filth are con victs. It is a "-pot of desert jutting up from the Mediterran ean and the most southerly of M.;!>'•• i :illvi"c defense positions. Coal Dispute Unsettled After Parley W •shin;;l< -it. .line • \"*> - S .il ("< nl o|K'r:ilor» tid •' I. I<pwht •nine worker:. 11 if I in I'nl'iy In < "Mini p Ihpii (liiiv cn< mvi' |K»r * 'i I -11. oorl.il j> iv. In.' ' ' il C'ltc -;t ■ 11 ;iptif, iofl t-i i>c> :,iv it : ' t';c >V:■ I l.iilxir Jlnnrd. nrre-sinc ;i I tor i !\v» h »i»i- meet im>. tl-.v en 1 ft« :u:;illy wn.ttri tniil.c m> iimi . nci-rii'!)! I*riv!it>*ly Iv lh side- cvji!pessimism over the prosper' nl i \ 'Hiitiir.v ;mrce nienl over the i.-> 'I fifteen cliiys which the VVI.1S tyive llii- purlii's ; 11; mil :i -»*t!Ic-— inrnl cvpiiv ' "now. anil the <>;> CfiitiTS iirr tmd< ' • •<! t» lie rcirlv I" rennrt iiii-iht.- ! il attempts in ;ichicw ;id .'Srci ini-lit. WhiM t';c Ixiiirrl would 'lo w 'li the dispute oj;"U tin its <l' •' -!cp i> s:»cciilii'<*d. 11 nutv fir l ie to ;il|o\v <i temp m'i'.'v ptiymenl I -imtI on the 18 tn!,iulc< nndercrotrd travel time Ivuvn by .i federal s'irvfy m.idc live or s \ vn'ir i n«!'i Mc;iinvliil'\ .i new study of travel time could J>e tinderl'ikcM. nnd Ihc fi" M ;iw:>rd bused on th" result.* of th.it study. WfATIIFR FOR NOUTII CAROLINA. Moderate temperature* this afternoon and lonleht: slichflv fallinc (endeney in east and north cenlr.il portions. Scatter ed thunder «hower« this after neon or early tonight. New Government In Argentina Will Continue To Be Neutral ' Loyal Cooperation" Wilh American Republics Promised. However, by Ramirez Utienos Aires. .June S—(AIM —Argentina's day «•)<! mili!nr\ iroverninent headed Wy i'resitleiil i «Urn Kami re/, was |iledtre»l •<> day to an intvrnatii.nal policy of neutrality "for the present" and "loyal c*ooj>erali<.n >vitli 1:1 tiiiiis oi the American in en formiuiee with existing psicls." I :ie It;.mire/ jfnv» ri.nn iil was swi I'll ill tasl llljr.'it. siu-reeiliiiK i!:«- .-hurt-lived s»rovi-:i<.ita! jr iv enni.nS <.l" tieiieral Kawson, wil l resiirned suddenly yester day ::ft• r wresting control from iso!:tli' nist I'i -i<i' :i! iiainon (*«•.-*ill-• in a liifhtiiin;^ nvoki v i«.a Friday. In it < ittiii>w(tic ■ • ttiininu iinnr-* ciiuU* li'iv.s H.nniii/ ,.ii«l: "I'lit- KojmiIjIk "I Ai'Keo 1,1 i "• l.tms its lr .il.ln.ii.il policy .•! ;ii< .'i .-h |> ;111< 1 !<>>*;• i w.l.'i 11 it iii.l.<-ns •.! the Americas with <■ >:i Intmaticc i! e.\;.:tinj{ |>act-. ''With ri spri I li> llir ri'sl »f tlx* win id il-« policy is for Hie |irrs p"l our of nriitmlily. Tin- pr" visii mil liovrrninriil lirlirvr*. mi i .'iivcr. tlml il is in'ci'ssitrv to < Milt's I lint il sustains tin- prin ciple <il absolute autonomy »l' sliilrs lo sot u|i iIn-ii- own stan I itanls of government. "In I hut c*i nct'i'l It will nut t'il 'i 1 .i 1 <• any tKtcijiii ml liicniv. Iieciiu-.' J the Argentine ;■■ >|ilt- inue'.t.'iiii. .mil will in . ii'. i n hi tin." lure nt any viei is. itiide.s tM.it i ;:ht in'ciii'. the ■•epre scntal:vc turn ot »}• 'vcrninttnt ill conformance w.th the con ti'.u'.i >a." Leslie Weil, 67, I>i^ Merchant of (jnklshon >, I)ead (;• -WI i.M! .. .l ine !! - (AIM—!.<■. ! • W' :l. liV. senior jmemher • >t '.lie lr|(in lint'ii: .•■•if Inn o| II. Weil I trot her*. <i]«-<i ••! .1 heart attack at •hi- h< n • In m- !il mijhl. Ti-il w.i,. v. rieiy known in >• s - II- ■ circa . i^liont tilt* St.it" ami !<>r ■_ ini ". 'l< iitilicd |ii'»ini it'.itSy : 111 !i <• I'ir . : 11v Ml North C. i ' na. II'1 v. i- . n <-mhe:' of the iciarrl >1 Iriistws .a ttif Uuivcrnily fm 2<t years .aid t'lc pa t lil years ha! I.Ve: a nr»i : "I till1 finance «•••.. iniMee. Ki III ' I :■ W il ill- holfl I. • (he <!•••■ Wednesday aftcrn • >:i I', sides ; ofiatioM wi'.'.i *hc l*ni\er.sitv • I lira depart men' Mr. Weil .< ■ i i direetor r'Ta mini her local i 'iporalion-. Ill- was tin- son ■'! ' • late llenry Weil. «h » helpcl • ' Ihe Weil hrnti'l itior. at the Uni ty oi North Carotin . Siirvivi • ikIi In.- 11three lanjl.lc: ' • ions, aid a hroil. -r Herman U 'I tioldshnro. Fear Twenty Dead From Plane Crash I! . :»«• !'—(AI * >—A l>ig <irmy i. i- :■■ »i"> plane crashed be tween Ium- .mil Laurinburg enrly yeste < 1..> . .! ng Irmti 12 to 20 sol diers <»!l! ' l'>|ie Kiiltl. Knit Itragc's ;i\ :.11 or. -l. v.ere still checking on rit" t the accidcnt today, and :»!« > rei ise«l to give "tit addi tion.il det.r - pending completion of In i in • ligation. Co! S 1'iice. cxeculivc otfice;' at the I i - dd at least twelvr ot tin* 'in : . died i-i the crash which v. i believed caused l>y ,in favi. abV watiicr. An unofficial re pi.'t t "i i' •ilmr miiiicc placed the tell at l!l The plane. .i f 17 transport, and nrnther of (lie same type left Pop •• field .it ■< a ■' yesterday. Shortly a Dei !ea\ itm 'ii,-y van into had wea ther and >'iv of them turned hack. Ian(: ni: .< m. When the second nlane f.iii'-d ' • return or 1o report from another field, a searching purtt was sent nut. and the wreckage was found several hours later. C"l Pi t'.1 s*'id twelvp bodies were found at the -retie. Hope was held out ih.-t some of the men abnru-.i h-id bc®f) Able t<> their pa;a chu'e* and land. C: "'~CHILL !N AFRICA AMD LONDON AT A STOPOVER IN ALGIERS otter his rcccnt conference with Pro iclont I!.>. sevelt in Washington, Prime Minister Winston Churchill is shown v. .;h Gen. George C. Marshall (left), Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army; mi l Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery (right), commander of the British Kill Army (top). In the bottom photo. Churchill is sr.V.rd by Lon doners on arrival at 10 Downing Street, (Iiitisniaronal iixdiopiioloj) Deluge Of Bombs Poured Upon Pantelleria Island Formations of All Types of Planes Rain Fire on Italy's Sentinel Outpost Allied ll(M(li|i>.iii"is in Niirlh Africa. .lime X.— < \ I*i—Tlir con centrated streii::(h of the Allied northwest \frie;m :i tr forces poured a debtee of iiomlis and Pro until II >I\ "s M-iitincl island of I'ant."lleri.i .»esterday. It. million^ ol ev«r\ kind of |>l'ilies. I l\in'4 fortresses ti> small War llaukv I la w to the attack. Allied licailitti.trters said, givim: rise to smoke clouds which soared I.OIMI feel above (lie bat tered island and drifted w left over the sea. Klevcn eiien.* i>!.nns were *!n>t rtuwn in II •• :in-latmbt when <xit minil ><• < <1 i •■■■!■ : ;: ii il tn w .lid -til the v. :i\.- f Twi • Aliiei" planes v.- • !. < • Jw-jj-iit |t fSiwnli \\ n unique mihl. The smoke 11.1II spreading from the hoinhardment reached almest to siciii. t;r> miles away, in the late afternoon. In one of the shortest com miltiioues in recent months. <,e.-. eral Eisenhower's headquarter* said: "Mam missions were car ried out lit heavy, medium, and fishier bombers" acainst Pautcl leria. Vo ether larcets were (Continued i>n Page Two) Crisis \\fathered In Chile, W itli New (lahinet S e I e e t e d Santieco. Chile. .Itme 8—(Ai'i —Vice \dmiral Julio AHard I'luto. commander of the Chilean nav>. assumed the important post ol minister of interior todnv in • few cabinet named by President Juan Antonio Itios after ,t governmental ctisfs wtil'-h forced him to noslnone a sched dided Irip to Washington. The portfolio of minister of defense was assigned to General Oscar Ksrudrrn, chief of staff of the army. Four other newcom er- look subordinate posts in 'he rhaiiifl and five of the rest'tniiiT roinMeii Htre reappointed to olltrf. Coal Negotiations Arc Back in I ,ap of W ar Labor Board Washington. June S—(AD — 'I'lii' -«»l'l coal operator union wasr neuotiatioiis veered hack Inward llir War l.altor Hoard to day wilh the producers ri'pre sented as convinccd both siilcs ate Ion tar apart for further roiifcrcnec tahlc talk to do any (mid. Kiluard IS. Ilurke. spokesman tm »In- Southern Appalachian operators. said last niulit 'In* iiavli". > over ontlcri: round travel liii'i1 pa> liad iu->t almut broken down. lie said the producers would report to the Wl.lt tomor row that there i- "no chance" of an agreement. liurfce added thai lie was ex pressing Ihv view also of Charles "\c II. representing the Northern \'ipal ii 'iiiau operators. O'Neill himself did ncl comment. Kil l.I t) IN ONSLOW •i ill<*. .1 nc :: (AP)—Univ • I i.el;i v. 1". v.as .-IM and killH a: Me.'ii-I.y !.n'. C'liipi 1. \V t.*r Ji :n -. ;7. wii* held hi i.i I v• •• ■ .■ privilege c! bond pending >m lmn> ic:it' • <ii German Raids On Reds Opens War Of Attrition Moscow. .1 !»■ 11-lAI')—Official riiM'losi'vthai tin* (ierman air 'orrr vailed tho r 1«I• i *: ..I (<•: lei ol (!o:i;i. 250 mi' • «•; i - J MokciW nil the Volg , i \ • . fur t\v<> if,:!-.)> running • mph:i■ i/i'- the toelipl "i observer* here th;it the (•••nllicl now ijk'n:: i n morn ol the ehanu'ei of n war of itttil nr. w th the /• • ■ hour ni a v. It M'ns ;it CoM ki iVr<' Kord en Eineers helped the H11-. 'tis l>- 'd their J3rr.it automobile r!or.v. whirl* fincf 'he w'1 r has been ennverted into n gi.mt armnn ei.t renter. Thv magnitude ol the aerial c nn bs' during the last five weeks in'.o which tiie German* and Hussiita Says U-Boat New Being Overcome Air War Will Be Intensified; Warns Against Over Confidence of Victory Loudon. J inn- S — (Al') — Prime .Minister ( hnrchfll. >riv injr the II..ii<,• of ( ominous a I'CV'icW o| iii< Will' ColllVrellC'.'S in Washington and North Af rica. hinted today at the Allied offensive moves it1. t!ie making, promised an inlonsificaton of the air war against (i< ! many, and \oic *d eon: iii< n-.e thai Hi • L'-b«»at menace was lieinr rap idly overcome. Optimistic lint restrained, his stati mert served to confirm the i>riltsh I'tihlic'- summer ItApe that a larjje sea e Allied invasion ol" Ki:ropo is not t'ar off. W. ruins .in.-: mci t-ml (ii'!nc, Cuivliill told Coin:i <iti- |h;r. much luird-liKlitiim lay ..:i«iti before lin.it victory could lie achieved. lie iii*i(le it plain lli.it plans laid in Washington callril for the "most intense anil violent" at tack upon the Axis and referred to "operations now impending in the European theatre" as if tlie.v vi le a foregone conclusion. The plans, he indicated, embrace all aspects of the global war. hut he reported particularly that Al'icd commanders in North Africa were "Tesolule in the plans tlie.v have made" and thai their troops are eager for the attack at the earliest moment. Churchill relVrred to tin- Tt;n;sian •. ict:<$ one ..| the srcalest nuli :aiy disasters that had over eolati on Germany—comparable to the Nazi rent ;it Si. lir.;.nd »• d there wti .M dmiM llit!ca* hr.d k:« H-ctert i;..- at:i i - i . North A'rica h< !d out lint i August. i ittiA'i bkin<; ovi kcomi: I > •( lai inu :hit tie ■ (tennaiis seem to bo stahins their hopes oi. the I"—II ■ I war." tie . s».»ci ten tii.it Ml successes in o\ en min;; tlii- inr:' ace mav veil prove the "taleiul mile-tone" in the battle to .-IiVish llitle.powvr. > And be nave assurance (liut nothing can turn I'ritain. Ilir fulled Stales anil Soviet IStissia "f.iiih mir endeavor to acrom Iilisli tin' complete destrm'ion of our tors l>v bombing from the Iair in addition to all oilier nil ails." T;ii- pri?!-ir jilliiflcfl I 1hr> ,F:,r Xastern pluses -! the t-m-le I by (kvlwinK thnt "the sto idy wear 1.111" (low?) il Cil'i I..Ill alld .1 1,1 ItlC.sO air forccs is pr icccdinii rcii oris©* I "The enemy who Ihiuiuhl that i'i | Ilii- ..ir would 1 io their wciiiv»i nf I victory are now finding i? Ilw ransa | i •'-<• r ruin." he >.• i<i \\"n;i<* ;!i> ii4 th.it i vjilele I ncr. i incut cm *' t • >!\v:.rri '■ n 1 the j>r<»< - liti • «•! ttie AMii I \\ 'f lefli ri 1. (1 iximi i.'uheri Hi: i; Ins ' •■■iileretire- m \niei i»-a. C'.ii ehi'l ! t (i he «• lilt] ni >l;e ti • pr •»! , tio-i.< > '• \\ I ;.! • > appi *i in tin near I. nt lire. MWTs STAI.1N IN "I am very sorry Ili.it »\ • have not yet been able (o lirins into counsel Marshal Stalin or other representative- of our ureal allv I; ifi.i which i-> hrarina II c heaviest burden a*id pa vine liv far Ihe bii;bes< price in blood and life." lie said. •It - •!-. II ■ t'nt t .• . i». t . • d t- (' .i • i _ I : .i : "".i'l'l" 'Continued on I'.iae mi > hiivt1 throw n ihn i.ntids .1 pi.ii <• w.n ■ ttpsfrd In- Ih<< ol 1 K-i.i. W'-ii-cnd S \ »ntuiiinc<*mcnt >h«il 752 Must pliinvs b.id hrfii <l< ' vcii in Hi.? \vok ("Hfl ng Stiiiifduy« ,«t li )<ih£ L'IKns- mi ;Ii 1.1 ,|M 'I In- ii"(If) v !; i-.-iiiri c" '111111 ir|«t0 drst ■ * •• ; (I.-ft.. ,y| |celcr , IC* ti'»n and .i new lm .j, nvcuit.ilt >u in I ho *outh ccnlrnl "hinge'' <irca< ( |C I'll , III ,|||,||..s ■■ UlltpiMtS llt'jlf IlrlnmoH won iiciitcn 'iff n he ro hnrd-tf-hiind fighting, jwiid the com* munif|iir. Tl-.,. c>in,ti'. .mir|iic - .id th;it about two cmi. pan iff- of (Jftinnns vers killed when big gunk shelled an infantry column near »k.

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