Terrell Made President Of Lions Club For Year Stcvnron Makes Farewell Before Entering Army; Hoover in Charge of Program !' !' 1 »•: :«'1I v. Htv'cl pic i.li'iit ' f ' f III"!, I .11 I |l|l Hull (..) 1|, ' ' • ii • ' Hit* iittiu i. Hcfli «;i V.'t tin* •) i\ • • . ihv^ < )!)'• ••Iliri' ^ Oil l( tin- til. ,imu !• \ vii .||. \\ |• , ti t'\j' ilitis, attended liis i i-i ' : • ■.: 111• • A . ;m i . . in! 11 Hi i! ; i:i .1 u I \ . I hi t St.". .ii. HIM!' I . .IT the iMvil ,.iu( lilt' !' •- ««• m* - l.u t--ii tn Tt-rrHI. uli i I • ■ ■ I • |V v i• Kilt tin* i ' ' . i|lt|l .. * WnMham. Hum! Iitxl |<. !,v. I.,,,, el' . • t-1- ... Wi lli', r ,■ i • ■ , v.- s .;!• .\!i,i; i!, ■I;. T .1 II in inut'Hi. I illyli. >i \\VMi •• i \\ iniii't >1 tlu> '<• "I."i • i .<• \ l' \v;is in clui. .'i' : it.r 111 • i .mi i««r tlu* lAcii . iix !!<• |I|V t lllill MimK'S Ami if liy ' • r':iii .mil l\it|H-: mo Mutiti in st'voi.ll I nut icnl ii imbt'i's, the former siwoni | j I i t ■ Hsu- . toi lilt; | I 1 • t > \\fio rutin; : . tir.illv iivoivcil | nv till' lili'lllbl'l litn-»l • .It ' <■ I nrr i 'IK wt'lf Mi M- ill IK' I..il l ami !>'. Tli 'in.ij M llunK-r v.'itii M ll'n»vor. ASSAULT CHARGE IS HEARD BY RECORDER • irtl. WIS I'U'ini'iit • •tl rh.il. i> :u i ll .1 I-. I '!•! I- II. ! •; nil II ' ,I.I I: - 111 ••! R...«l ..11.1 riilt : the 1.. .. BUTCHERS TO DECIDE ABATTOIR QUESTION • lli'iicl.-., .Ti ;ntM ' 'I lie A l.'lit .1. U i ' n ii ifi' : >!i • ii I "U 1 Artli . II v ! 'lii' ! I' in:«•: - .iitrl •••■• Villl'll ti.i OUR NEW i.I'l ECriVi; MARCH 1st. 1943 OPEN - - 9:00 A. M. Every ilny CLOSE - - 5:30 P. M. Monti iy through Friday CLOSE - - 8:00 P. M. 5at;irdi\ys "Henderson's Shopping Center" In New Command IT WAS ANNOUNCED In London t; Vxe Marshal John Henry p \ -a •• ■ es command of a I! \r F o tactical n:r for re. I - ' v. • « ,t'> armies strik ing P: (International) QUARTET IN PROGRAM A I ST. JAMES CHURCH will Rive nisht .it 8 :5(1 - chiiifd, t'li.iv. Several ;»1 - • \pcctod t'> :• mam. and the " '<• l i" attono. . ; i! 'irpam/.i ■ • ~ ■ y. I5"i»-i t i<: •un. CJc'c»ice 1<V U'UVCll. WIH> ■soph l).n I the v.h • is ill. i*:■ l «"•»! < l;i-s IW-^ins I onijjht • 7 .to ;it iho ' '.V IIrf .day o\ «•!! i' .i .t tiu> now -- 'I : • • 1-: i-s is to :n • tundamen to > drills and *:.< v , ,■ mdiictod \ • • :i •• A mimticr ■ iilv cm- llod ■ ■ •:» I«ir a I'oa -• Vii t'ni.iv l>v offi i\\i* Thns'o wlii " it.:nc tlit' 1 raining • • 1 • i.. the iiirpo, i 7 :n tunc t • • n t trainee*. HOW'S YOUR I.Q.? ( tn vim armvrr thr*r quit qurs lions? I urn to I'jrc 4 lur in< answers. • : t;v watts aie in a U , 1 -ri. Ativah mi I :111i;I:ti I) H i c\ ( it v. .is I' S |'r«*.nlciil up iti-in ..i i.hi v || i •a • ••• M, Mum r: ' : The Balanced Blend Th e "balance" of Carstairs White Seal is made possible by careful selection and skillful blending from one of the world's largest re serves of choice blending stocks. $2.90 0 Q\J ^ CARSTAIRS White Seal lU.r.NIH.n U1IISKF.Y. Kli.H Proof. <11)', drain Nrulrul Spirit*. Carstairs Bros. Distilling Company, !nr , Rallimorr, M'J. Can&it. A CARSTAIRS lite Seafl •lexdkd WHISKIiV 1C, t tliMMtWMWlT VfclZMnl 9WllfW>t UmIm >--»« lll<l**fr. U4 77 Negroes Go To Bragg Contingent Includes Light 1 ransterred to Vance board tor induction Tin* Vance selective ur board today st'in ii rtogio M-i. !irj to r'orl bract; tor vxaiiiiiiutt.it .'"it induc tion nit" tlic aimed berime.* ol those who meet requirements included ttt the ivntinuciii were imk loRiMiant ti.tii .i« t ie« to the \ boaitl iiv other lacal t>-• At the same tune, tin board look eiedit tor ri'Bi>U'i fit here who v rc.i ' • otin r boards l"i Inil.nU <1 in the k> 1 ui rally iimh* .ire .l.uiu - i Nonolk, \J.tines hir ma.-, to." U mtteii mm t-.lli - l-Kin ton, lolite \\ a.-liinctoii Moore, *ti< i t. i. H.ei t Ai v coo. John Li miliar ruglt. • .ticei: tainnanucl V\ i>" villi*. Mil.; Hubert 11 moiiii, v'a.; J.line., i erry, 019 l'l • ' Kthv.o <t Brown. r-jute t :iiiin* •!. Alexander lit.: .mum. Ciovernor Walk ic> sin el; Hubert Mti lletmet son. lienins M N"il"lk. Va.; henjan MnsOity, tome a; Jai .1; , anil lIoiiter street; i i .ii.tv J; .welvm J ne.*. Lewis ttenry Hatch. — -Tiiet. Freddie James W ito, Mobile, eouuly tls. atiee draIt it ftegi e> tiaitMei Killt'llOll. at my here '• ii v .'thfii, •til l llll.Nl ■«•; K'jbeit i» oUer T. Vaughan vil li > rei Mini ii,;, . llertnai; • way. Kich llill street; I tlilie Hiii ell ck, liillfids (>33 Chai f><>|i>niiin, ia;d Taylu., Franklin * Johnson, vi us Uca\ la, r-wte 4; o Hansom Archie .lames Amos, William . 313 Clark .*t Washington llargr<>\ ,■ ■trivl; Herbert Albert dclphia; Amos Harm t'olumbu.* Henderson. street; Fred Crews. (>71 l haiios II. Green. Henderson; Kirliai'il Kiliv.nrf Itiihuison. P m * mouth. \'a.; Hobrrt Leo Hrot>k . P,.,i llinmi . Mi,.. tii ii. \' 1• 11. it n:m 4. Elijan 1*111 WO'i(l '."lit Orange Mills, l'hil.i .route 5; 319 Clark \dam .-' not, rouu- «i; Wallace Watson Voice.*, mute ■«. Waller Wilson, al t iliiiK. ivc .-.licet; Willie II. Williams. hast avenue; Itodnuy Ba-Ke: - \ille. mute Lot- Roy Chiton, till! Nil.i .n.ill siiot i Hem y Xovvlon il t — lii't. :»2(i Whittcn a.onuc. Horacc Hunter Toriv. HIT Kurd street; iJoorfic 'A asli:^;li»n .liitcucli. 31!) R -i U-piinn .-tree . Robert Lee Gi|j m II.-. i- uio 2. Chiton .Iimius !,•. inr. 704 Anil •:nil. William KcUvanl loi.i-ii. li.jfi s.root. Uu-h urd Iteimaii CluiK. I'ortsmouth. Va.; Wilii.iii Hciiia Ti-irill, Kit'ioll. (Jon Aloxaiutoi. N«\v|>"il Now.-. Va.; Gaicini: i!< mli rson, l'ortsiimiitn. j Va.. .jaii.c Kelly. iii!4 OralUJi' street; C'lnrcc-c llrr.derson. 671 Adam trcet. !':(:! :i M .-.v. mute 3; C'lu t >:•. I i'.vih. li.irt Hic.'i.onrid{tv street; .l.imo ilomy Hayes, route 1; Char It- Mavn;, 1 |{-.rii>, K..troll. Robert Spetioei J-'iio . loiite 5. .lulian Carl lta\t ■■ .1 .1 liteli.-prmg -troet; R >b fi 1 l.i i- .1 - n. N'ortolk. Va.; .lac!; Will.- i'.'-vlan. al!2 H'irner street; t 1! Jultns n, Kittrcll; AiivAlston. ami hist avenue; .l.llllt IvlA.IMI Willi: ll-ll, Kh/aliclli ( iiy. ,\i l-ir All hi Mi-ii-r. mi'e .laino l-.dwatd ll.11 lis. II! A roll • in ot. Alo\ .iifioi- lVaoe. mute 4. .l"lnt llonrv 11 rvillo. route 3; l.ivil \ 'uu hi \ • i^lian root. Al iMit I. iv. 10110c I.O-.VK. 2»t7 U t^I'.iii .■•I 11 1 'I. .1 . -;i .\|o:n, Kcll.V. :i:'.3 IVail •tiM-i. I.••111.- .Itiiii"; Howard. •"-! i 1 I, Im> . 15a.-.-.mi \|itrln ll. ('liar It- strut. and Alt 11 d Walliior I»avi«. I tit' I. and tin- eight trati.-fonod II ..111 • -11 :o: i> ..-ii'd ( li.. !,. I * i\ 1... 11 - 111 port moii'li. V ■ 11* ! X ' 11 : i« • Mi l 1 111. ! 1 "in < I. • • ■ .11; II- -l v I lander. Il- III III - ••top ■ ill' . S t . CJarlalid llimiiiici. 11 ... I-..11. 1 'inI■ Y.i Coin i t I-• I'-rail -lia .• . fi"i« I . *114 I.-land. N Y ; llioii ud liamol I iller. fion Rich iii nd. Va.; Willi.mi Henry Day. Ii 11 Kiohniond. iti-l (ieorjio C u - nrliti 11 ick -. Iioiii Norfolk. Va. TIiim'B trail ilci i i-'I Iroin V.moe (•• other boaicl are .lames Wal • v ci« - in-hi . in Wa It mi*'on. D I>:ivid l.ee Mart "'.v. !•• N«-\v York oily; K.h 111 Tit nia William . i t M' Vol - noil. N V . .'"in lv hi-, t't Mi i'i'i 11011, N V . Silas Lyons, Jr., to Nov Yolk 01I1 . I.oui c '!• nonce |-'ti-ld!•> N01I0II:. Va. and Sylvester lit ante, to Railway. N .1 Beer Curfew Law Violation Costs License IHiimlrii Hurras. In llir Mr IVallor llotcl. Ity I.VN.S' NISKliT I! tloich. .Jnno 17 The UM.'t >t;i I'l'o iiii|M»i s mandatory i evocation t lu i ii-f I i ,my dealer C"H\ icli-ii • I cl'ttm boor v\ iiic botwoon I ho li'Mii.- •■! 11 :t!i p m .ittd 7 a. in., ana m iilior the colli ) not any other por .-••ii '>i auonoy ha.- any discretion in the matter. ,!(■<••.idinn to opinion m Alt i ii"v donor.il fiiii i v Slc.Mtillau lolo.i.-od fni |iiil)lit*«itir>n today. Municipal r<n piir.it ion* have Ihc i mill to agree to lurtiish fire prolee lion within .in firrii of not more thtin twHvo nulo-i 11mil thf oily limits up on .<ui h tonus ii- the governing b fly in.i v floln mine, il whs hold in an oihor ruling. Several opinions on taxation t|ue. lions inoludo Iho following: Whoio ii fraternal lodge purchases for id mid has it prepared by ils own rook n its own equipment for sor\ ■ too to own members without pro lit. then* i.- no liability for Ihc sale. ax. Purchases of supplies and equip meni by units of the State Guard for official use ar« not sUbUct to SKY'S THE LIMIT FOR HIM EAGER TO REACH for the ceiling is this Italian prisoner who i" boin* searched for weapons.by r British s >Id:er on tlie cx-f<'ttre..s island of rnntello-ia II Duces own version .-if (Iibralta- bccainc a heap of ruins. Official U. S. Signal Corps Rad o;'t'o (/nfcnational Soumlplioto) Ease Neuralgia With Quick-Acting "BC" use quick-act ing "BC" Head ache Powders when you want prompt rcllel from neuralgic pain. "BC" also relieves head aches, muscular aches and func tional periodic pains. 10c A sixes. Use only ns directec^rrJ?. r! n physician when pains persist HAIL INSURANCE PROTECT VOI R I,AHOR Avn INVESTMENT in nd growing CROPS Insure Now—Ash , s Abont „ t «»st Same Now as Later CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY Joel T. Cheatham. President Phone G2H • lie North Carolina sales tax. The State Guard. h-vvevcr, must pay the lax <>n gasoline purchased. Merchants designated liy the Navy 1 to sell certain quantities and kind* . of uniforms, stocked on the Navy' order, and purchased and s >ld at Navy price?-, are not exempt iron State sale* and use taxes with :c sped to sales of such equipment Municipal corporations are hihited by statute from levying .1 privilege ta\* 011 phv leians v : «• c.e - ry stocks ot modicinc and -oil the sai.ie diiect to their p. t.cir II M. :ir, ,,f the 1!U:» Ceiu .il V seiuhly relieves person- in the .i.-.i'i tor.-e.: trom liability for p >!! *.i\cs due at time of their indticit r. A county may rc-.-< " p: jvv purcha-ed at .1 i.i\ 1 •leci ■ -11 •« :.t a private sale. and in aiv-ence • eolitision such .1 sale conveys wii.tt ever title the county owns. A county has no authority to rent an ofiice and all w rhc agent or de puty of the department ot levenue to use it. Such expenditure would not he tor a county purpose (Note: Presumably there 1- nothing wrong with the countv fiu 111-naie micIi de puty an office 111 a countv-owncd building r courthouse, although the opinion does not cover that point.) Ministers and etlu r competent of Iicial> are not .ail! n ,/e<l 1 > peri irn marriages 111 one 1 • .!•.!> Upon cum issued 111 an ther countv. but .»uch a marriage would not be held void. The General A.-semblv has passed no statutes exempting bus drivers from jury service. Neither is there any law requiring a fireman on tiaina operated hy diesei engines. TRAFFIC FEE. W. II. Fletcher. Jr., paid a d«llai traffic fee to the city clerk's office, records there indicated today. 10% Helps—B^y 10% More! COTTON FUNERAL AT CHURCH ON FRIDAY Funeral -etvires for thn late Or. John A. Cotton. juittniiitiu N'ccn. lt'alllT •>! ■ 111:• <l'\ Mill MCI l i|l, who died Tuesday ;ii'> :n .••!> .it Jubilee hixjiilitl heic. will he held Friday ai 3 Ju p. hi. at the 1'iuted I'lxvhytorwui ehuieh i>n North I'lie-inut street He was p.i.-t r of the ehureh fur .'I'J vears. The Ivvlv will lie :n tale 111 liir tliueh l .nl.iv <t'<il'.'>"ll !•>: .11 h«m. ..mi a ti.ilI belme 1 h«" I init i al. "• n: :! 1 • ." 3'» P Men 1» I • ol I'.oy S >u? Tr<> >p !"1 v. 1 stand a« 11• *t»<»: i;-.:ard ti n mu the time. "Hie i ViAiii r Vi'.v Serrae.iiK has terrain! !».H1 aeie.s • !.■ 'i at ,ui average eo.st <•! S-'-.l pei The STEVENSON 30r - 35r - 11.* Tuday Only RITA HAY WORTH VICTOR MATURE in "MY GAL SAL" CAUTOON av.tl NOVELTY rii.-S.it. 3 MESQU1TEERS in "BLOCKED TRAIL" Alsu—rirsl < liaplrr — "SW Itl.TS IN HAKKK.ST AKKH V EMBASSY Phone 492 Adults .".Or - lOr — Children 11? NOW SHOWINd Ti Tarzan Lured By A Pagan Princess! ^ Ws v Johnny WEISSMULLER I y > FRANCIS OIFFORD JOHNNY (Boy) SHIFFIILD Bk SATI UDAY ONLY "SHE HAS WHAT IT TAKES" Put Your Money on Me ... 1am Mrs. Sow. Among all'tbe four, fooled farm animals, I lia v«-the high est birthrate, and my children c om* quickest to maturity. We make meal well balanced between fat and protein to siii k to the ribs of fighting men. Yet I address vou. Mr. Hanker, not for myself alone but for those other mothers of the food frout, Mrs. Cow and Mrs. Hen. I low much of eggs, meat and milk products we can bring forth is measured by the feed and the care Mr. Farmer can j?ivc us. He is short-handed. Good help is hard to hire at any price. If he can buy better, faster machines he can crow more feed for us. Willi extra speed to do#his field work in a half-hour less, morning and afternoon, he can milk and carc for several extra cows. That same hour gained will take carc of two dozen hogs or a hundred chickens. There is not nearly so much new machinery as farmers need. That's why it should go to those who need it most and will use it best, not to those who mav happen to have the purchase price in hand. Vou can help by timely offers of loans lo dependable producers. Oilier ways to help Mrs. Cow, Mrs. Hen and me arc by loans on concentrates to bal ance our rations, on fertilizers and inoc ulums for the fields that grow our feed, on purchases of our hungry offspring by farmers who have surplus feed. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Henderson. N. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SERVING AGRICULTURE SINCE 188^-IN PEACE AND WAR

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