Society News f OK I.OVINKSS AMI I.ArCIITKK • Little there is Jovolmiss unci . taurf'tUT/' , 1 «. i Vt*i still complain who hove iuit learned search rcr-.uii iiici moon upon a sky-biue ratter. •.till.- that gather in the ihcam * UiK biivh. Look' Ale.alows wear the damask ot till' II.' '<>11. c,Ivii .i'"1 .-hadow in its bright bro cade; Anil lia\t .v"u "ever watched the ng.'d""" Qt wii.ii :>■! sunlight in the ilm tsci .-hade jj„t. u ii"! lelt the June rain's ' >ilLi 11 touch, I): sccii tl 1 fax blooms roll m |nM, ji,,n can >on ^t»ll insi>l there is n >i much Of l,.\. .• and laughter leu .,n v;,:V" , , Wildi ..ouut you hl;e a llowci it.*. ! jhe tub beauty sweep eternity'' I'l 'Sfl'TK MIDDLL'l'i •>»'. ' I Krturti> I rum Utran View I .y l >\\ t'11 h.i> I c'liriirii i, Vli'iv, \ a.. atli i j.» is.l IKk ",l' lM:' Wll'k-l'llll llll'll'. (iiit's to Texas Jl: K.|1|'I| lliflllt |>i.i'iiicd 1 • ■ leave , ,ti .v • >i -i visit "I .<' ft'wks I . '|i •> "t. I>.111(1. l'tf. lC.iljiti lli;*.iil. » 'i ti . Av. Alii.. M.nut. «A'.. j l^wic. Texas. \ hitnr<> I in in Washington M: Marvin Tavcnner ami s.>ii. I ij, \ t U a. Iiiiiyliiti. I >. I".. | i nt ' . iiitl ht'iv with Mrs. Tax vii- | . p .: rut.-. Mr. and Mrs. II A. i . 11 tin- Ox lord road. Ili'tiirn to Norfolk *i!' !• IS Ncliweitz and <ui ISii i. . 'n: m il hi then hi.ini' in >. \ .i . alter In inn tin- ^iii ..I \|: Iscliw«•! t«:'> .limlticr. Mir . Jnji'l Smolensky on Willisim St. lii'imiis from ('oluinltia M I'lii'• Mnl'li v ha.- ri'tii:lieu • . i iltiinbiu, s. f. wlit'iv slio vis» •t i . Iniillu'; in-law and : ti .. 1>: 1 Ml l.clalld I Si itiiinli. I.t i- ,\i lil.Hi.i I Sr.. r 11 ii >i i ,ii ritii;|i..ii :iti hire and will s|n'iiil i«m •,.i. . with Miss Moblt'y anil Mrs. «>. Wnrtham-Pace Vows T;ikcn ;jf Scr\ i c c On Smula\ \i<'ht •i I* li.! t .nil it!: ! I >nr!i;i i i ci ii* in> JH.'i: ii'n id by ■ Ifcv. I- Nurfli'i t {;.ii line.. ' «r"in w.t|> Uu- invasion w n l ir the c\ I'linii*. dciu( M (innlncr. winch wa» 7;.alitu* ..I U.Mv- Innik, :tcrwaril Mr-. A ,1. l»a\i>, , I'la veil "( ' I': iiniM- Mi-." Ii/ubeth Jenkins sanit "I Li : lllv.' i • hi|iii i nti'i i d tl;i i hu: ci: 1 tinatti tided. ». -in ...?•• r'j 111 i/lisl Choi us The in Mii Worth; U.In I i- , I' M I 'a •ii .1 M I llendc Marian Martin j Pattern — — 9424 in - -• -i -piviv ! rocks •nil .1.1-1 ,:i in » Miii|iic. lie Mariiiti Martm ..t «■: i. '.'1- i i.- ait.,|.Ial>le 1.. m >> i ' '• > ' .' • ■ |>. lill'lkcii :: ..n't I > I<\l ll.<it >iill11 |>"II fti.m:iiltH- .M.ii'.u tw.1 Milt. ul '• i: : Pattern IMII4 tuny in ordered .>tu> ,1- e- .nut W..I1 I'll .- M/.CS i i. Ul, • :ii. . !•( ami I'J. Si/.e > hi,n.. t • i >> Xi-iut u. £>l.Vlhh.\ l f..\ I b in Itus Marian .\la.tiii pattern, r.'.e jil.i.n.y blZK, NAMt, AL> Kl.tiS .imt S'l'YLt NL .MULIt. Niitl >i/a: auter to U.uly Dispatch, ill*. *:. Uepai 'mwil, UlS- W. 1 am bt., l-.v Yuri;. N. 1 Secausc at uie sluwnc.-s of the ui.a, delivery ot our patterns may Ku a icw auy* longer itian usuai Wknow Icil^cmcnt ()t \Y'(Mil Shipment Ml 1 ..turi :u"f l> Wall. Iicail c.l i in. ' Vatic. i ■ mil v !.-i|-ti i ..l ■ Ainei a .hi iii'd I'liisi. Ha lllii vii t il.v ll;a» j.l»c llil re . fil .11: a. Uu .wii lii'.i lilt-Ill • a ■I '. I milt >11 IIsij'kIiI S. .1..(Hi ll. . 1. ■•..N. V II.- . \I'll I ; : i i . II I t a |tul . : . i .ii i.n " *'.»••• uar Stllp'UIIK m! i allot iivr i|ll .!., i•! v.• • ■! n IT ,, ul There I l . I.H ::>• «jliail • • • n| Ii. In I III.> Kill'. . : .111' nit: !!h :.•• . i III i-nlrr . . .ul.' tln-ii: I . j.fiviir men. * | \ • 1 • I 111 llil ' It V • i tit> . >| ."la The an. ' i C.l ri li' anil till Ill p\ I (Tilt 10-year aver* OUR NEW Store flours EFFECTIVE MARCH 1st, 1943 OPEN - - 9:00 A. M. Everyday CLOSE - - 5:30 P. M. Monday tliiouyli I riilay CLOSE - - 3:00 P. M. "Henderson'i) Shopping Center Cake-Cutting Follows 1 1 )un 11-Pi nnellR ehea rsa I immediately pillowing the rehear- • al ol the Dunn-l'iuncU wod lutg Monday niglit Mr. ami Mrs. Krank K. l'nmcll, parents ol the »ridcgn>oin, eiiteitallied the bridal >;,:tv, immediate li lends, and uiit-ot "vii guests at the traditional cake utting at their home on Young ave- ' lue. The hiuse was attractively devi ated Uiii.ii^lumt with slimmer lluw i-. 'l'lie inning room table, enver •d with all embroidered lace-trim •d unpolled clntli, a nil'. «'f tne i. idcgriioin to liis mother, was cen ' WITH OUR BOYS • IN SERVICE * Arrivrs SalVI. M' and ah,. !•:. |.. ||i;iv,.. wind II,.,1 II,.-,, I- I Jan ler, li..s arrive,| . ,.i, a' >>i . de. i;nati.*n. Spends |>a> llere l.ti;;« ne i;. I-n. j •> back In I inkers l-ield, OKI. I" ll'Min,e his dntn ,,i ||,t. ation,l. pen. ye;.|,id„v here nil 11lend, .,n,i v. itn lu parents ' • "I'd Mrs. K II I'atteixm. I'i.i i imlcd t pi. I'.dwin li. \\ <m, Jr.. has 'ill plitllOHfi In till* 1.1111, t| ,tt cant. suanm. d ;.t Camp Ailer ury. iluliatt.!, I„ i, ,„.v. iillll Ills .itInn• ... , .i i I...,.,.. , ii'ad •glial I ,1.. A. I', i I. t a.. 'l ui.-ier. i\.islr. lile. ielui. •i Camp Visit I'ari'iils Cpl. John Ci. 11 till N .ii,. . .. 'landing, I-la., and Ami i.- !.••< i.hi. ,uin-l.e, j,, ! Hiiiii ri.isj. i s. Ii . . t.,1 mil. 11 at Ciev. ian i, ' >h. • I *. nl .-eviMal navs la.-i w.ei; will, icir parent.-, .vir. and Mr,. .Mm , liillin.m. nl Walt, i - street. .\»rth 1 icudcrsoit. I t inn .Maneuvers l':i\all- .!•«• S. linbc. nil i.- al • •lue i n a ion-nay turlnn^li iroin le Tennessee Army maneuver.-. II, a, ,latiniied al Camp Klatditig. la., pi 1'ir In going into Ine i1iimcli\- 1 s. tie is m the 7UIh ui\ i.-mn. Hicksboro News 15. AlltS. .1. I». RNIU I Mr. and Mr,. .1. C. II ..:i 1 I:, and Air,, liill llnvlv ami 1 .a were di: nor guest, nt Mr. :.:i t ' !r... T. \V. Hick* Sunday. 1 eu and na -4'• i*.■ A'.a le. .-pent Simdav w li: All. a'u! M:.. :. K. l)u'koi>,iii. Kinndf will b, Ulad to io.i, Ir. I 1'. Clink, who ha, been M an I ;ii staying with Ins da .g- . Al iC.ger Clark, in Hinders >t 1 ku j .r.v, has retlirnori h.iine. AIks Kcbocca l)icucr.vm .-pell'. !:;• e. k-end with her pare:.Is. Mr. .md lr,. !{. K. Uickorsnn. li I). Knott ol Chester. Pa., ;>vn' couple ol days with his uncle. J. 1. Knelt, l.l,t week. Mr. and Al .-. Fletcher Xnrv ; inl family SpV'lit Sunday alliviiini illi relati\ o around lln-l.-b- . Ah. and Mrs. Kd I'■ i\<I ;i»■', l\\ • hil iren. Aim and Jackie. 11>■. \Ii> nl. Illakt* \\e:e vis.I'M, til Al' and lin .1 11 Knott Sunday event'v?. Cm!, r.ioiiglitnii Clark o! I' nl .; V Y.. hi.- wile and !i* r 1.. ' i< lis. .lack Abbolt. visited .1. 11 K:i nil lamily reeelilly. Ali- Flora ('lurk >!« 1 ■. .1 eel; with her .-mi at Api>. . nil iivnil, in 1,'aleigh. All and Mi.-. C.ilvin («i ■' '.itliell. spoilt S. • irdii.V i • . u i II day v. .Hi Al: . <i <K-,I Will, tl.IV.-ri,: V., jll(, c;|,;c '7'' m.,'"' ' t.l Kk- i.lld W «'in. I he u-u;il v.<lll(1 KllK.M ' WHS «II I ln thc riming (tccornti I" -xlilllhin to til, mI<||„j. c!lkl. lHtiK-.i .ither <1.!.. m As-i. ting tin' h<„u->s i„ sorv_ li1". VlT- -r1' ^ A1" ''lUMfll, Mrs. iwiipn r. 1 Miunjjson, vl m,x i >.r Si»nd(»r<. ' i»>-; the , , ,| ' v.-ci.l I" ' , Wln'c llotiKc Ui „t i„r lur ■ entcitain •'« li. «■< t:,|.liiiientitiB x .r t'l idc and Taifcosd Lcidy f IT WAS EOIIND lo happen. The Hals ha\ o invaded the myotic haunts of the tattoo artist to repay the loyalty of lighting boy friends who hear su.-h tender sentiments as "Love. Mabel." This Chicago n.iss wears the iiiLigira of the Army Air Corps. (fuieriintionel) Mr. . ml Mr., V'vn.y C<!ey. Ai: •*. Ki >tt sjhm '.i'< week-end I » th hi j.iitxnb. Mr. .. (i Mr#. J. U. A. C tiiH-nl Saturday n:sht| .•td S ,i;«l v, Leonard anil AI'ji K::ott. Picnic Supper Is Had b\ l>hilatheas Tin :.! .!! i;ly i:.o iw ..f Hie Clair.- ! .1 I ■ i i 11 . of the KiW ' I ;. ■ ! v; held Monday < \ i •. it;. ... i . Kmt;'., I laughters j I'ark M Cai line Mil's. i;m >' I■. t! • i < nit'. '. read the »li \ "ti'inal i lino'. |.>lli>\M'd lv prayer. Mrs. j . 1 ! i ... p • i h.n nan. pre . i .i Mi .1 lYanklin Mill,, the j l ' I• »tilei . V. • < .1 \ «•!•> Ill- 1 t . . in i.! '.i tin* Snile Ha il.t ; i mi en'i.-ii lielil in Kali try reei nlly, which she at- [ " 'V1'li A a mi.- ne 1 --i"!i pre BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay -TT.O Authority on Authorities" '•HI NT ON l»I I i:\SB COUNTING t(. tiii ■<:; which the <!. l«nve in .sight car your defensive pi sltmt If you sr. Certain c;ir>l ermg it. is liketv • one doubtful 111 make Ins con*! means cover it. I other card or > .n promoted Iv . next in rank t • anything al • ■ as if your |>.i:' •:> or cards. y->.ir thwart tJie .kdarer's entire plan. 4 A 10 8 7 ¥ • 4 Q J 10 C 1 ASH number of see!i s to • tl.c key to •. m..ny occa it letting a without cov Kivc him the U\ lie lie< <!« to then by all : lie also ha:: the which will be means into the i von couldn't do anyway, where rr has that card covering may ♦ Q V A .T 'i r, * A K t»: + a p :j ftv.iler: Wist rultu rablo 1 West North r.ia J'asr 1 * Wr sI s openin Neither side Ivist Pass Pass l'a>. South 1 ♦ 2 V n t lead hero was ohvioii. Certainly In- wouldn't Se.'i'l iway from either of his m i }or kincs intsuit bid by !)•,.• I ei ■•my nor In'o tlv supported dia t I- - bif rlub % was soundl; ! . ><•!'. .->"11(11 let l ast *akr tvv'f i ti. r hi lie suit Hid used his \ ! c*\ iru tliir> With one trick .: o jviilabl. dia.tif., l i ». . t ■ : ti.jt • it . 'he vujo.- i in H pi:k up or.? rr.ore *or: . • ' Sii-'.s . '*4 fey SC.- ' where. S|Mtle ( iKr.l w.i J-'.illt!! : •lor to I I" w.iit So ho • won. K then u.i Why f|iiiz< .1 was l> trick makiiiL l av, -i I hoj if J-' sp i : lie In nin »v< r . t pa«t ■ If '.v.. tr.. . • Itivi'ty T:\uu; for it. Iin led the >. :m«i the crisis of the at liand. • .i a j'licssed that • 1 'I have th; .1 ki or ■ • I l1'*. Q. and decided : t t:.. .1 r« fori- covering. : v- i the an>i the Q iand two nc s ■ Spilth hi* tame. : in i West have soldo when the spade Q . nth already has on* ;:.imond . look certain, and he surely must !:. art A s>> that it nnd A • ill m ik<- eight tricks; . eel- a trick with the I t i limine; of course. If J. he is home iv.v only chance, how • Si:: i t!ie spade J in my :..ind. I will cover." 1 i ' d< ve that, the con .:. h i vi been teftten poa I oinot r.m's Problem * Q J 0 v J 2 «S02 A K Q 0 3 2 A fi 4 V s r. 5 .1 ♦ A K 7 4 X A 10 s A A K 10 8 VAKQM *- n '< *0 1 W' N. ithcr side vul • ii" l lf.Mrf, Norths i ar. South'* 2 Spa-lea • ii are North's ■* .all* ariong 3 i..-j v.bD, tad More Peanuts Are Milled Italcigh, Juno 211.—Tin: recent . leanul stocks report showed lhat i lunng tito 1!H2—ij season threiugii ! •lay ^1 liuil about 01 per cent more ' icanuis were milled Hum to a com larabie (late a year ajju, according o tiie war loou administration and lie Noith Carolina Department ot Agriculture in the WeeKly Market >vws Service. Meanwhile, the indicated liisap icarance tnrougii May ol edible lu lled peanuts was about l.> |*t ' eiit uioie Mian during the same pel - , i'd last season, Farmers' stock puces > k'ete unavailable. A scarcity oi current supplies ol ! ecus remained the outstanding lea- | lire ol tlie market during the week i 'tided June 22. 'Hie demand lot uost ieeti> continued urgent ailuough ; niproved pastures in many areas] veie supplying increased tiuanutic-: J • i leed. 1 rices held at maximum level on ecus up ii which ccilnigs n.r. e on n slabhsmd. l tie index number oi >iioiesali iccdsiull puces wa- about llicu.mgcd at l'tU.3 compared with l'iti.2 lur tne previou. week yiiid llii.2 l'>r ilie eonespoiidunj week a.-l year. •>l>uu Saiiniieiits llcavy; l'riees Oil i I'otalo led rtu> and prices toppled ' Ins week wi.en approximately iiiiiii ■ ai lot equivalents moved market- j vard in iiie day and values .auk roin lie.* eciling to tlit- Hour and I La'.e in the period prices] ahged lioin SI.'J'i to jO.ol .. Iiundnl j join id sack at shipping punit and ! rom .SI to $3, depending upon ;',rad> . | it wholesale in .New York. "1 In- cell- ' ag I i proilueeis lor I". S. No. 1 i plul- is S2.i'U and tin- lloor s2.2.>. i l.ive-toek pliers were little chang •d liom a week ago on the price set i ing Chicago inaikel. In eompari- i oil. swine value.- advanced Irom 1" | 0 15, mostly around 1" ecu > per itindred on thr Carolina aim Vu .iliia markets. I losing tops lm i«iod and choice oliermgs were t - aljii.-nio at !»I3.3:) on the I Cocky i .tounl, SmiUtlielil and Whilovilit uarkeis aiul al jl3..>u in Chnioii. I •ayelteville. Florence. l.uuibi r.nii j .no iCiclun >nd. ol liens increased slight- I v ma lo Hie hot weal In r. (iecluimg I gg prouuction and the ceiling ol 1 locks. This customary sea •oiial condition, known as ilie ".lime lush" is not. a> heavy as in pre vious years. Meantime, prices lo aimers throughout tne ranged 1 t in 20 to 2.i cents per pound. Cotton rim luates Cotton pnee *luetualioiis were ■arrow dining the week and closed >ii Friday -111 cellts a hale higher han a week earlier. Suet eol on narkets were le.-s active. Mill oe conlinucd slow . Weathel t ■ •:t •Ititms were mostly lavorablc to tin lion crop. The in average' nice ol 21.13 cents lor middling i.'>-10 on Kinlay cjinparcd with 21.u.i ■ week :and lK.'Jj cetus a year j igu. 'l l.i. Highest daily average price j or 11 ' week was 21.13 cents and iie .owe*l 21.06 cents. l' tol liny 1 unites contract.-* advanced 2j o jii eeu is and prieis lor new crop uturcs were up 4 iu II point.-. North Carolina produced 0 percent nore tobacco on 2fi percent less tereage. when the period ol 1!I2<! i!K12 was compared with Uif year. iCM-1912. >AYNE TO ATTEND GREENSBORO MEET W. I). I'!>yin . p. inupa! "t lli'iul i'siui liil>li i !i«i •!. I. n • In July 1.. alti-ml a mill I VIM t> III rhi • .1 • i .ii.l I'UCllCI < lm •! 1,11.1.11 -II l.i Vlll-'l < ill lit I .\>-'HI. '.'ii li nil t .iini iilcic.-U-tl liiyn>«.ii. ill.i . inn .1 vnr cn.ciTjoiu.-y «■ un-..* ii pi' iblcn -. I'lie iin'i'tmn i- -p.iii-nMil by lav Vwrth Can.Una Education A«ucia> lull. The Crcciiftburo > intemux* is mii«» if ii xcin- <ii tluci micIi uiccliiigk >c lie ill July ii iii (jici'iivillc. J'liy i it Ul'ccli: I.. : -• aaii July U at II'i..lie. Opt ii toruni i'.|iii'.-> t-i be ( llfluui . .ii- i'. .in ii..:nm ; during In ciiic.'ui iiiy. in.-... .int i • «il- - iltloli. war I'V .in mull 1'iur >uii;u. S.ill jji'ijji"'' planum^. anu [utun steps isi .N iti'. Cumliiut cuu •i»t»on SPECIAL OVA STAMP FOR SHOES REFUND IS;:'., lull. June Xui .1 Cm ilitid shoe ill .il<: now an required \i U.I ■ - ...1 II. II! i'l.. .1 llillll 1'ti: 1 ■' i ■ I . ' ' I ll ' .IK i li I'ltlay by 'In- oilifc til t'rici* admin i»ll'Ulil 11. iJCiili'la I■ .|\ ubtalll 'l.i- 1 Mump Irom local \...r pricc auU u lldl.lii^ I iii: I •-Iciilil miii III, t i|*.\ .ml |(| i» • i..1 Mm. ol'A K.M i.i ""1A • <i -1;• i• 11> IK t vi n wlu*it by .. c«i h ii» IS Uu Ii.iihii (.1 itny \;i|uv ,|, .sh«>ts. to CHECK vK^ W Liquid (m take 666 Liquid loi MuUnul Symptom*. prescription filling is a SERIOUS BUSINESS WITH US P'evc»:ption* «re the molt Im. \'vvWv\i PO'Unf of our »*ot%. * ^ . •*'1 v01*' b*** p»ot«c ™ *'°n 11 • P«'* of our gu«r«rw tt«d p'WVtfipfion Itrviu, PARKERS jku "XexottTHug jtctc,' •>" FLOWERS I OK I \ I II > in i \>|(»\ riit.m- :;«:t ii.n m mhii KRIDGF.KS ",,rM 3 fashion Right Shades Enc^rt:— -Light Sable, IVledium Cri-un Dark —50— -> Applications RUE-PROOF WATER-PROOF Irene Blake—Cuttles of stockings E. 0. Davis & Sons Co. I^cnfillont Bff v s. r.i oir. DRAPERIES c A PAIR READY TO HANG The Drapery Sensation at a Pr :e Everyone Can Enjoy Now you can enjoy colorful overdrapes at all your win clows twice a year for les» than dry cleaning cost. Handsome multi-color flora) patterns that give your rooms the decorative charm of costly fabric draperies. Made from a new, pressed, wood cellulose material that drapes beautifully. They're non-fading and wrinkle-proof, wonderful to look at, and instantly cleaned with a damp cloth. Two and one-half yards long. Shaped tie-bneki. Ready to hang. Woocfford design. Six pop ular backgrouid colors. Look for "Genuine Ben Mont" in selvago. From Aduol |

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