Urnitcrann Baily Biepatcl? Established Aujiust 13. 1911 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by UKNOEHSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. at 108 Youiik Strret HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres. and K»litor W. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas.. lius. Mgr. TELEPHONE Editorial Office 500 Social Editor 610 Business Office tilt) The Hendersor Daily Dispatch ta a member of l''ie Associated I're.sS and A!' Features Southern Newspaper Publishers As'icia: • •»» and the North Carolina I'te-s Associa n t>i0 Associated !'•«. - « exclu sively out.tied use ' r re;>uolic#> lion all news dispatcher cie>:ted to or nut iithei VMM' ci edited .n tins paper, a* J .ii.»u ti< . new- , il> IMieil lieieiu A .V. . : I.) ilea tlol! of Special ii - J i ; T -s I -.-til ate reseryed St list KIIM'ION Kill s (Pay nl m S'i (it) n Mouths ? ;ttm 3 Months 1 f>n 1 Weekly i'iy cat: «i <»«ly> lf>c Per Copy V Entered at the ;>" t i 't ■ i: ! i ton. N C . as sec nd cia - n ail ii't Cong, cm ah ill make bo law respecting, *n eata'tv liihmcnt of religion, or prohibiting the free rao> cite thereof; or abridging the freedom 01 speech of of the prett. ~UL~ 1 He that would swa c;..d shall -end Labor Leaders Obey As>ii:ira-. tplW : k< will i the lnajoi «y. ..in! 5 uehiHivvs ' labo: .1 un.--.-s .! wi.-hes ! to . i .. >it I i i • .. 141 ■ p. ' Labi .-. u at'..: 11 i * . .-.Inch nisi;:/, with |.. i.. ■: . i'il ..; arrogant. ■: .t • !- tais ■ riU- :* upon its "V. n Lead I :.e now law ought to coir, .iih" ,iM.li-r .iiid mem ber.: alike in the AKl. and ('!<> that tl.ey ait- endauge. .n;l 'ho vt-ry tri umphs they have n-nn-ved ar.d tij.it others the same a< they d . n.r. e some light- 111 till-. tMlllUl.V -llOllltl Of renpected all .miuut It is ix>t ititfleu!: to . enprehend the hostile toel.nn .>f labor over enaetn.vnt of . n that 'n- .• ly di.-pleasmi-. 1' "' ■ i <■ iia '■«-«-n occasion.- t>etn. < n '.• t..t been written win . | f.i i'il in-' i biased alld iM.i.i •!h«'! ■ as tin one diA's Ijbui I'.ii- in-■ and in dustry III the la: t lit I'll' ha.e been handed :tr i !. n-;. '• ly a . < Ii have nettled these -.i»;n cuts el the coillitry to Hilly a .'.ii.it '•\tfii! a the anti--lrik>- law :: • \\ il!• • la bur lt-.it business and uid'i-.tiy have Hot Kulie ii- -t :K< Ilu-y iia e ii "! thrown up thi n hand n >: quit, nor have tlie.v made threat.- of mass de fiance toward constituted authority They have only grumbled unci talked of the next clcc'.ioti. That is labor's ptivilege now, and labor should not be upbraided unduly if it resolves upon such a course. Government has no right to show favor.- to any element of the peoplv, whether labor, ndustry. Individual: or others. Its function, in the final analysis, is only to serve the bos' Interestu of all the poplo in sue! nicusuiie and to .-uch vstcnt a« inaj be possible. <»!-•• - ini ;j»*.«••• Ii;^ mat keel the eon-,«• i.j n veimi mi i» this county n certa n (it n> recent years h it the t • mi,, e ii and will iiov' r be i ij'.ht (I by addin to them in belt ilf ol ;«nv part of tlv people. What American.-; need i? to lear the hsron of tolerance, and ot ban I^hing from their individual coin pl«xe* juch vices aj gived and sel i: .rial ues.'.aoie v-.;. • be attained. out troubles would uis appear forthwith The same can !>e said w.th et|ual force and emuha-.. about 'he world at large. Out it . - toe : ..eh to suppose that the.-v itic-iilr \vi!I be achieved short of Utopia • e milletmim. Meantime. we its >ti'i\e ile.-pite short-comings and h' pel uvt.o:i.s to yet along the beat v\. can .itid '.o .itteti.pt the best thm., always ;*•! tin* most ol us. with jus 'u\. r.ehlx integrated in all umter tunings. Nothing to Gloat Over As - p: opa^atula age icies wluc i lit- -Halting : >r •.hemoolvi.- and the.. ti>li>iv. er.« £01 d now- >•: America s bad •; disagreements aiivl d;t "H";. is the home: rout liei'e ■ ...it be .-mart : they .1 sccoiiti . eh .t!id »opt s;le t rhwe is littIf in our family quar rels tii..* eau kiv« permanent . :i ■ 11.tie 1 • • tin e .elli> : . ij.ii U;:i;:s ai'e c uutu.n t > i .... . \\ .iV .it ltle. aiui i\-hen . •;«»• settled are [oinutliii ami 11. !ii»i«m v K.iik- Ail! el.se .ml \ •: t • i i v. ■ tiall match .• toward a li nt t!.. An - in p •pixisite direction t»>w;i •. iy :• , t:.e Hitler-, the ' ..I,.! the I >'J« :tie> ti ll. ! an.lei t.n.t ..III :: t» th t ti.it ■■ 11--- \\::.it ■ iiUP :*.«• 1 .. en: tun**. 1. • 1 '.ii •.in 1 l..,.e : .! ..•■ It 1 auh : v..;. .y : ; v.- « i •.. i • . • . :.: ' • * • tMt .i* • " * til tf.• • - •: «\ r* i 1141 v .i ".vhilc • -r»?if2' An n .m-: :rs ;i> :! w... .A ii w: 11 Jht'ir ull; it: M' nv** '•••• M ul.. mm! . tiy i* w. <<• J-'j v French Quarrels A.t:»« U4l: iV fii.ilirf.' / i■ • . M ii-'n n.-. i' .• ii| j <«-m . I > . u ..II .111(1 1'.- . in tit"! .it ' i vt' I «. - % L'n.i'..ng * ; (in- .at t tin i-n.«o», ii^: Kh'mi.ti .' tin - mi .'i in A: <.■ M hiij been .-.id and »pi!cu« j« .■ "fit i':» .1 these ' pi I £:.l :.tell !i'««||; I 'iut |»i .vl French icptibl c .nut "" i! »\pi.r .iti'.n >.t the di:I.iiiltie-, ih.it iiivi' .iriseti between thv-m At thi> | J llStallCO. llulVl'Vcr, it >eelt:» .-.lit* t '|t issume th.it .it tiit. bottom of !lu' | jii.ii : oid aiul bickering.- is the tan~.il a:' Rrc*n-eyed moti.-ler Known as I jealousy. I 1 One guess might be close to Lie.]' which sees undercover :i burning do ] F.rc .in the part of most <•( th,> men ■ in ..n the recurring coi.trovei sivs >• iiile the h'i'oruh nation once 11»«• w.it i. ended and the country i< res! te<: it.< former independence .mil gloiy Throughout the long -ci ies oi arg i i:. fiits there have boot. tuimetou .inmates i ;he Vichy government, t "ti n wl "i! the Allies h:ivr place I f;!'e;lt c- nI .iletuV .i.ld wh > have beet : cnt: asted with weighty respi.nsibiii « »:ir iwii ledaership ought to -law • niplete. I ir-ih. hi. I information .i t" the I .yulty and sincerity ol ii. lorn i-i ilfu i.il- .iiul genvr its. in.l };hi»!i.*l 'iiiow just how lar it is ..it • to go with litem At best. tti. there is always the possibility that a mar. who betrayed one connec'.io, to flop to another tor the sake oi expediency might flop back aa.ii'i and to tlvo damage of our own cause Chief benefit of such betrayal to tin enemy would be only a matter ol information; the Axis could do little about it. But even there the great est possible precaution might be '.he ultimate in wisdom. Clarification of certain phases o' Die situation in North Africa woiii'l set at test numerous fears and spe. - ulatiors on this side of the Atlantic It may not be feasible, but if A1l»el intervention could -ettle the issue of who ■ to lie Kiench getter.ilissim > , a lot of problems o ,ght to melt av;i> i to nothingness and disappear. , H'.? tho.-c rotind-the clock bomb , ing- that 'n.i. \ B Aiidi'ou *, Rillvigli itlorney. vi \i1 tf I h..d Kurt-. MH-ii-i.iiy "1 t.i'f. MM I it.-t. V tU*\fl>ip> .it <>i : i l.i i" dai The .tli*.i ■. i . ' ..ted ui'.l: tin- i.it, K~i.mIi.- II !!u>« .t .ivty y,.u. ;g.-. Uii-wi-f gvl it i.p a> a I'fi oii.it Miituii .it-.d >viti :t t.. I.iw t-.j : p..\ U>: c-.-t punting tn W3 turned -*:t proposition over Ai illt'ws ..mi \V I' Smith. who tutuiitU i' U!.:.: !8»21 o when it U: '....tu L\ Lviidi'ti a> i «... .. -»>tui o » ; i - vvi e a\ \ *' i I.i« .. fu: tli*dot c ! • • t'l. .( .itit ' i i |•« • i. tin K tM I. . i. ij.iv in i . ba.k I lld.it ..!t< • . V. .J. : i ... lui I..4* .4 4 i I I I.I'M 4.: i I'd t.. .t i:....in) li t 1 • 1 • I'll t !l - ' .. I ' II'I.II .1-1.1 I I.lit . :: It li I ' . * I I. I l it;'. :: 1 liA! .I.id»:t- Si!,: ii..::.founty mi.- u:.d. ! i'..; it... Square tti.' i t!,r. il.iy t-ai.iig .. into fl.itit li.it it ill. ii ; : t* te.ittii i 1 ...it t u.. ■lt'i tt'i! iit'iallM- it was <• ea-y ui'tt :!-.f titin when l.i- ii. .!« ~ .!! I'..: St.it,. tin. ..!•(< .iiid «•.,•:,! a V ,>f trort'.til.'ii! • .' • >ir 4 d.iii .};,• "-Ml. ,i,i he 'a - id iiin I... -efii-ta v ••*«• • ' ! latfut pr.itt'stimj ;i(!a iwt 1 x : -At 1. • al.-.-.ti !• .... . • • ■ . r •• > : .ill ".V ' ..-It . art ltil i i »...hii' NATIONAL. Kii.t:;,-! :.; t;. u\t ido ; .olii-.t;. : i ('. B ought r. .i~ afforded bji tta current i.-i.,- ,>t 1*1 g.iMi; : lln- >1 i.,.1. . ?-.<• K.i,: ii.ui .i; ...it .>!jtaiu/.i*..4ii. r.v.iditi}! ji in Ni-.v Viil;. I'm niatia/nu* e..tu:,-> :i pu-t.::«- an tl-.i itinvhiitg of tut- first guiuwr tram* iK plant- ti.aile at !i..i hii.^tfii. .md tr.p:i.iM/e> tin- i...u'1'tii i.tftii .jii tiat ..ft.i.-.in .i i w iti. pi' tuie. CC)( iPKItAi'loN 'Ah, Attorney !>eiieiul Ha.iy i.irr. a week'i Kojourn u vn h< le ji'otind W.isiiingt n (, . .it.na. .t J. C.) he found "it ins di-U .i n-t t'i '.ii n. (»uy K W.lliam.* .it :uty (eneral • ; Arkansas, askaig htm in •>in in a retiuest to tin- I . s Say ttu State .ii*!>t*i*t t. let i: ti'td- ni-.i •Iid te.tili/.ei miIiI l.y tln-M' l,' .i.u ent «uli! i r.e ■ ill i- ii. v. in tl.i Si' .iti- igtu iltun i-oitiiiiitii'i-. i i\ irnt lit t-i i>;. ■ i ,1 i.\ L>i«* II mi .it.,1 appi'i'vod !•>' a ut - H'li.tiilt !f« it H. l IN I IUI S I Mi M.ill.m iii.li. t SALLYS SALLIES i rPit... C*p« <»<> (-ttjurn SlJ .ii;, Iik W „IJ nth). b 28 Republic Steel Interested In Tar Heel Sponge Iron In the •'tr «Valtor Hotel. Ilaily Dispatch liureau. By I-YNX NISUI.T HaVijth. J'.i.e 29—High • i Steel Co:npir>v last utvk .-•. '•••i i; : though ton :ha: ' intvu.-tcd ! I' ■ p. :>£L :r :i develop ir.et'.*. -t.ite and «.•! lered ft !! . >-» j i ■ ! then Uiui : .it.n ies ii-'i-i '.i '.I-.- !•: el.ir . !»;i Jv test • '1'..( n • ■,.sitfd home iifnio. f th« . ny a: V> ungslown, Ohio. « : ' . :: the governors' • r ; : ■ iui.-. .iild spent ■ 1 till 1 \ tl big \vig> "! Rr|iii • II \ 1as-ort. ::t-:itl Ve t njs nei i .i; ^ <.iti\ now > invy;. ^ Noi tl i "an lina :v. ner.o.s. sal 1:1 en trie . • 1'.: i.-sn I tie. Kile.'. nd ! : Rep.ihI.c .i p'.ili! ' ' V.:: • '• . !.'i ;he p: o d.ictio:. nor: < »:;• i e\ .dei.ie if Hvpublit' j- in t : • ,rl!«•: «• -r ill ' • .e J <>.- inception Incaii.-e 'he malti: i> more vit.il concern to North Carolina ti;.ui t. .ii!> othei >tatf Under lite pecti liar i : '.i- '!i? the North t'.iiolma iaw, till- ahno»t .vile .support of the State Depai tiiiciit . i Agririilt.irc 4.ai.es livin such inspection lees With inci easing cnei oaehinent on pil\ate i>usinc-> b> *■.'■ eminent sale vf teed . Mfils and lei tili/er. and re lusal oi I'l'l" t.# pay '.lie inspection lees. the whole ptoi^rair. was jeo pardized. PHOTKl'TlOX.—It . n't cntiiTly a matter of revenue tor the State: there i- .ii-.> th" ,t< : . o! protvc'iioii tor l.iii: ei: Without iris|« tion pro\ uleil bv State l:r.\. larmors can not l>e .sure that .-red will germiti.ite i th.it fertilize. .iiid iei'd- have the ingredients ilaiir.cd Foi both oiis. North Cai'lma i vil.illy in teiested in tin pi'ti.l.ni; ;.ill .md the .itt iniey iteiicral iva happy to find Arkan-a- ..I • lllei< T« . 1 >i Xeliiin: l ..dopted. sponge ii"< n ;u- n *t .live i. r high S-ialle Steel .- 1 Ml- fit t row andu .■ in.-tmeti a ..i < nea.iy .. fl dollar.-. jjud. Reperts wotv lur.i'ii* this state i :c« .' t-t ri- ..£•> 1: ,i". |{i>p.ii)lic had ui;ug!T. *.:.f Cranoerry iron mines i. Avery :i:y. T:.« ti was :n- 1 n iM'il, but | iiM'»:veiy .noun : !..<• ■ j.. tiy ... isi..iU- a . -;'i" rung : .nvt siu:a'.: >:i In- m.:ie .4: fi .-u: rounding a:ea. siint'y ~';.i .•:■ * ready '. i release, I".;: ; . • . .1. v : • . i oil i..ir.n t. tin » -. .is .i . i•: t t :• \.e s'.i«-i iiu'd tor tejii drilling, i i c diita m-1 i niu-u ,:i - , i . ...i; rep r is brueved ii.t.i- i- •!!.•• ■•i\.:i.lc iiiilu- ; cm •. ny t'nii i,.u i : appropriation ; sfViT.il In u r.ai s. !H . .d IS .<1 4W.IHMI earmr.i keci t>•: Nurta i.uil.na. !•>. 1.-1 c«:.:ii a Si r ir. ii. c; tern . Bt mghlon was delighted with resiil:< «•: Ins n veiing with tin1 Kcpublic • ii c .lis ll»wn'iT, he and >:.itr • aitere It u m ('I • 111; II.". ri l • ■: 'S : ■: fl.e 1 • >11 1' tr: '..lis HI •: . I.ile st.Il let .»gtll/e ih.il the lilg 1- !•< gel II..- pi - ; di !U tai- .:itin* Si»:i.«• i ll would " an i mp! sllt'd ny re covering Kit i and snipping it t<> tl:.-'...nt plant iir ii'iiv ti simi and . dining. iiut i.it ..- n '. taeir iiuel am:. I liey Want "In.- stale tu get .>d...i.tage nut lay oi the common ail.oi job id getting the ore out til the n Hind, but al.su uf the skilled la- .::\i lved .a pi •dactio:, u! n.i . and s feel. The Urassert process involved in llie Warren. Ohio. plant is believed to provide tlie answer. Old t ine blast furnace operations are ruled mil because nt excessive eo-t. A blast itimat'e with accessory equip mi nt runs up In fifty or sixty mil inn dull.irs. The I'.ra.-sfit sponge 11■:i pt'ueess requiiv-. investment ot app. nximately one liullio:.. Pm-peel !i»i location id one or Imm uf tiie>e plants in North Carolina is nut so leinate as .1 seemed a few months, at*. . ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1 Nine years. t! Sold Inv estor. :t. Philip Murray. •1. Olive. ft. 3.Hlfl. G. Hannibal. i 7. The German Air Force, j Wynkeh and lilynkcn are "twii little eves;" Nod is a •'lilllt; head." !». Nebraska. 10. Ambrosia. Mussolini is said to be sufferint frnni a stomach ailment. Maybe em ' of his speeches got stuck in his thr.»:i and he swallowed' it. B. H. M1X0N Contractor and Builder "Hwltla Better nuildfnfjtf" AI»o Wall Paftcrlnc. Painting Rooflnt and General Repairing. PHONE 7 WANT ADS Get Results HKXDKKSi >X nCSIXF.SK < Ol.I.F.GF. i ft cdl'.cd f.ill t f: I: ■ Septets.Iter (>. C• i%t| > aijjsi'cl'.t Mil- Veil 'li.tt • uh iui 11:1 • l- tiiui inveMaien! ;:t little i-i1 and .-lire return*. „ U'i whites: — \VF. HAVK A fair ment uf all white ~!!i.cs left in alnixst all sizes— 'my a pair "ii your IS Sialll]'. W'rlill's I ll'llllel'Soll Si'..." S'.-.ie. I'S-dti GU.| v. t.ible. • dei.iei .mil :;ave you i:.:- and >ii <• I'll .ii- 130 Always rcaily t.< wrvr y >.i. HeibeiTs ">'•!• 1"W Front. XOTH I OF SI KVH i: I'.V I'l I. i.ication •«rr.< i.\i. i11:<>< i:■:i> INCi NO. IX!!>. In Tile Superior ( ourl Ilcfiirr The ( lerk. Slate ..I X>>rtli Carolina: Vance I'.xmtv. Cili/cns i:.iit:. A Trust ( <>ni|>:uiv. Ailm. of Tlip ilstate of I i.ink l!.tycs, Ilri'i'u^rii. Petitioner. VH. rinssir Hayes. willow of .lolin Hayes. Jr. sill tic. Kohrrt Hayes single, .lor lla yes anil wife Lucille Ilayes. .losir I.ep Hayes anil wile Ithoilie Ilayes, Will Thomas llayrs anil Ilayes his wife if mar ried. I.urillr Hayes Darlin anil .limmie Darlin. Damon llayrs, ,lr, single. Ilenrirtla Crews, single, Charlie B. Stalnn anil yvife St.iton if married. John Henry Slalou. silicic. Sarah J.inr Slatoi anil husband if married. .Mary Henderson and husband if mar ried. Klla Hester and hushant Claude llrstrr. Cora llayrs. widow of Frank Ilayes. ilerraseil. Kunlei Ilayes. Trnie Hayes, Sjlveslei Hayes, and Knot Ilayes. tjie las n.imril hrlnit minors representee h.v their duly appointed Ruardiat i ad l.item. Jasper II. Ilirks. heir { at law of Frank Ilayes. deceased defendants. , \'i »TICF' Tlio defendant* Jnhr , llayrs, .It .. J. sic I.«llaytand | wife 11Ii..(lit* Ilayes. Will Tlionia.' 11Iwyes and wile Hayes, Lueillc II;.yr I».irliri and • 111111■ 11l* Darlin | Dam.'ii Ilayes, Jr.. Sarah .l.iiie Sta I tun, Mary J. 1 lenders.•!. and hus I I.:.lid —- I lender-.>n. Flla llayc | Hester anil hu-baud Claude Hester and IJi'ol Ilayes will take notice that an action entitled a.-, above has , been commenced in the Superio ! Court ef Vance County, North Cart)' linn, against them f..r the purposi >>[ selling the real estate of Fianl Hayes, deceased, to make assets t< | pay his debts, and the said defend ants named above will take notici Ithat they are required to appear a the office of Clerk of the Superio Court of said County at the court I house in Henderson. X. C. on tn flth day :.f July. IID.'I. and answer o , demur »<. the petition in said actioi oi the plaintiff will apply to th I court for the relief demanded i , ihe petition Tlii" ."'th dav of June. 1P43. I ' K. (». FALKNKIt. !C. S. C. Vance County. A. A. Bunn, Attorney. n-15-22-20 CALL 3 6 6 I.Ot'GIIMN CITY TAXI 21 Hour Srrvlrf WANT ADS Get Results ATTENTION FAItMtllS! Now is lilt' time t»> thinl; about * I All in SUltANCE HUITECTU»N tor your Hi-owing crops. Call—wnt« Insur ante Department. Citi/uns li;,^ & Trust Co. '8.lt TAltl.l". Oil. CI.«>T11~uNiTs!^ only—54"x54". Several ik-signs t, choose Horn. Wall ins Hardware 20-311 anothek shipment of flint. U-.t,. asphalt stir «'<• and iA.Vl.j strips an;, oil at Tin l'laee t,: Ya'. u Ali'N S Watkais. US-lti WANTED I'SED I'.AP.V C\-\linUGE m ;;>• il » adit. • I'ii. • i SM7-W* -8th.->ti liltlDE^ SEE US KOK YOUK WED iliiij; Announcci ieirs Hi- invita tions Finest quality at modi-rate pril l's. Also ViMtinu Cards lor tlie '.Irailuatc. Henderson Hook Co., pliont' 110. 17-it WAM 1 11 standim; I I.mITku. I'.ol or v.iiii- IViv Milling Co., lu-mli'i'oH. I'lsoi.i- 17-uiiii si:i.i. t s v«'Ci: m i; w iia»N, ni'ial- anil rulibc. and lio'.p v.m tin- v. ai lliK»it«-.'t pine. ti.ilit t.ir hide 1 li'inli'isoii .Hinl. C .. phone 3mi. -all ,7..; ,Tf.~...-|- HI \'!l\f: AT I ii'I.iik lit . .1 III.!. f S'« H ■' l it - ,.::t i.nid.'l. Wati.ni llardwai,. C-». i'ii :i-i n7\~i will'. I'll i V iii.'Isanii !, .1 ol i. .In
  • l hero is no paint bet let yd i: i< the lowest priced qu.dity Diiint in town. Tanner U.ulini; »'o. ;'.2tl it --.r ^i:i i vi i> Aa« itiikh i ai: hi- h <1 : -111 * y St •• '•'! us y, in- , id* . now. I'."l> raikner at | ii i i F.ili.n. i .*•' S ii. I'll >11, » w\n»TEI> 2 OK :t MEN TO HI I'AM in..tor •..nil.. D not apply unites mien pluywl and have Social Si— curilv Caul. Tin- Corl itt to.npa^ nir. STOCK OK liuul) LATE niixlil used cars at Motor Sales Co., Henderson, N. C. .VIV.\ >M I N '.VAN"!' VIM S I INN ulants In Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep u 1 •' I>• >ii!«• - l.uking inn, Vit.i'i.ln 111. Calcium. Trial size cost* little. Save REAL MONEY. get SI. AsU about big money - -;tv::ig "Ee< !i •!!!>•" >:/<• A! ;ill drug .-tores -:ii Henderson, at Wool.ird's. ELECTRIC STOVES A Nil HEFRkT > i atur - and refrigeralDis with tin* m-w hi..' !:•- Mil'. A.itfi -p. 1 I.:.Ill' : .1 - '.Vatl. I! u'dw. re i«i-:i>i!»!'!::» in tin imsiipans - .>• proof. i »*iIv .. !<••.>. :n it.ick, V.'itkin Hardware l'•». 2f. :it: 1 !AP. Y I'lIU "KEN'S Fc »R SAI.K I la vi* shipment N'i'.v llamp hire If d: . her«. ' day Will have li.is if.i I'lvm u»tt| IJIiihIi' I - I.omI .•:.(! N«-w ! I.a in | >~ iii 11 Rids Th -d; v. See me a! ninr j! i iti'ii's'.'d. A .1 Cheek. 2!t It. OFFiC'.AL TIKE INSPECTION STA tion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged, Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Cult Service Station, Garnet i and Hor ner Sis., phone 110K-W. 20-tf Ul. IJi:v CiU.'N IN ANY ijL'AN tity and do custom grinding i>t meal and feed. I.et us >erve you. Henderson .M.ltmf; Co.. ph lie T- l'-s WOOD SHINGLES, BRICK. LIME icmcnt, biixment, roll roofintf .itul nails lor barns and pnckhoiw; .it • The Place of Values." Ale\ S. Watkins. 2B 3ti SAVK 20 TO 25r, ON YOUR IN suiaiice by insuring with Cates Insurance Agency. L'.'-U I1REAH HOARDS—'WOODEN SAL ad Howls—- slaw craters — butter molds—butter paddle . Watkios Hardware Co. lui: i; i:\"i nut i • - t: GOOD USED CARS AT REASON* able prices. A look here will con vince you thiit these cars ate priced to move. Fords—Plymouth* —Chevrolet*, 1034's to 1940s. Candlcr-Polmer Motor Co. 15-tf INSURANCE — RENTALS Heal Estate—Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. At,. B. WESTER Phonr 139 Mrrnln Hld«