Most City Employees Receive Pay Increases In New Budget Expenditures Other Than Debt Obligations Shoot Sharply Upward in Figures Nearly every employe of ihe' City of Henderson was given u pay increase in the tentative budget fur I'.Mli-l l, presented io the City Council Monday eve-> ning at its June meeting. Only the mayor, who was taken care of a year ago. and the acting li'y clerk anntig the full-time thinloyees did not share ihe in creases. overall estimated expendi tures l'or the coming year, be : i! t' ?»!j-* -I uly 1. were £ l'.iS.5"Jl2. • en.pared with $211.1S>7.87 for t1i• l'.il^-l'i fi.-cal year, and Council tin mbers. off the rec- \ ord. are f (recasting a tax rate ; redtieti« ii of icn cents, which ! w:»i;ld bring tlie levy down from the present $ I .."in to $1.1". l i.t- it m estimate .1 expev- I • . ill e nil - .i i" it by reason >i ' s:i ,i ••••net ir t e> an i intercut c ■ • :• 'i: • e mm.; year. Ik : service iri'in I'.eneral ci'.v ' purposes w II cost di.rtnjj the eomitg < ytyr S4l.UK7.(}0. rcm|Kired with 1»T-1.7«» in the year 11.>\\ el" r.4. ami waterworks debt v.'rvicc cstj \v!l tf s-j:!.is;ii.:s3. e-mpared wi li >~t. 11:: !»» 'I he .nxreiMU t'v. ' : ' i> . ; >|if ixmi itely SL'il.llOn ,e>.. Man ■ lot the Ciinent lUeal yea:. end: ; Juno ."<> T • .! e. Innate;! e\|>e e : ■: • le ^ new jcar i- iipproxincitcljr Stlt.iH)'.' ' !( au.i 'in -. w .(••! suhtrare i ' !']■• re I i ci dele. «-rviee n!i!u.i: I \ e . ••.•til 1 ; ' ST.OOli me: ■ , ii t "• i : ipcriitnii; the city . Ill • :i '\t year ill re than the year p. v e" ■ ^ i xeiusive : 'he de\>t i !); 14 ■. t ; . • s ' !' .! e\pe"i.«es o; the general tun I ! pre est i ited it $94.(130 Bo. r »nipai-ti with sa;:otn.Hii the past year. "t- an ere i.-O .!' . nietii iiil >t\ er S."t.iinii. * Water department general expenses •' • '"'4 year are imciitvted '• .-.I >. r." a.!' i ~i4 t i . the PO WERFUL yet Pleasant DISINFECTANT Don't put up ivi*h evil - nrrclltng d:sin* f*»iMants that Irri'at* th* *ktti . . nasty hea<1ai PAR - O • SAN ojor. li <11 rectcil it u-nn't burn or irritate the worker • VV O N'T >( A l< M 1 H l r K H. You can hr»ui««? chick* a .i rn •» •lay vou diHit.f.-ct with I'.ir-O-S.wi Yft F«r-OSai» kills c*in inon tlNeaM** germ*, lire, ml'es on contact. • KfoxnmrAU l'» I i ' f - li«tnfecttng. one quart ir.ikt-M : K-iMona *erm killing solution !'!• il f-.r |lrAfnlt»r 1,.tying H i * !».ury Harn, Hon Housm. Sheep 8heJ»—even general household use. HAIL INSURANCE PKOTI ( I VOl K I/.AROK AN1) INVESTMENT IN GROWING CROPS Insure Now—Ask i s About Ii Tost Same Now us Later CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY Joel T. Chratham. President I'lionc G'iR $3,000. iiudget l inures fur the various de partments. with the first figure being the new year and the second figurt the old year, are: Executive department, ST,320 a:ic $8,220. Adn mistral ve. $3,333 and $3,390 Streets. $2y.U70 and $29,310. IVIice. $20.4342.80 and SlT.7a5.00. Fire $14,313 and $14,110. Public property. $2,034 and $2,230. n. na'.i •!>., and appropriations, S3. JHO ; nd $3,630. l'nder;ia-s account. $100. same. Ehnweud cenivtery. $3,023 and •2.373. Daughter's Park, $1,530 and 11.000. Sevvc. d'. partmvitt. $1,923 and $3. 510. Health. $ 120. same. As in -ry. $100 a- d $300. Civltan defense. $100 and $200. The mayor's .-.liarv as in ivor re i ..ins 'lie >,>: • c. $1.}HI0. and In- sal iry .i- manager if tlic water depart ne: t ivniains at $1,200. a total of 13.01111. pi i- $ 130 a-. traveling ex ictisi s. The mayor protein, M. VV. Ve-ler a* $240 the -anie as e all s pervisor.-lnps held by Coun ■ embers. including: Supervisor of malice. M. V Cooper. $300: sajn'r isor of public w irks, T. W. Ellis. i|i!": supervisor of parks. A. 11. ind supervisor • •! health, T. I Ciahtree. and f:re commissioner. M llii'it. ii' d euninus-loner tu afetv.R G Harrison, and supervisor : p.'opertv. \V. H. Trogdon. all $120 v.-ar each. The »a'a:y MNs Ernestine Cot I. art:m: ei'v ilvrk. was set at !.:: o; 'I - Hole I. ler. depti'v the ei'v clerk's cc, $1,260; City i-r n nov A. A P.urin. M.2»n. Street ■ I .• iteiulev.t .1 K Ha:: 'o-t. $2 8;Vi; .f P.ltee .1 E Parks. $2,100: ... ...... K'.l.s. $2. M: n '.«•••> tin City ('• ■■inc.I will IVI :\ o $5 ]>-•• :i • e*:n 4 .itlnul- d. vx .•M '. • • t :e r i t :n i: e ation as In • e water departmi nt. in addi ori to tile mavor as manager, sal lies we:v t:\ed a- Mllow-: bnok i oii-v. >: iMo; i.- : b -.i;Keeper. ' :!iin; I st! •: ■ ipe: i'l'i'ildi tl'. LSI'.'": a.-.- st e; itisiri'•• t • «t> .- .pel ai •nd*".' *l..»:lii: : • ' - iper Mtonde I. 1.300: plant ooerator. S1.30<i: nis it >e at"!--. Sl.osio. i>-ir :;• n n <• u .!er department ::dgct was $3.1X10. 1 irid purchase. I nut c -ts. ntt"r: e.vs' tees and re ■rve A' ' *!"■ w.i< >2.3(>il • if 310 Carries Henderson Villi Vote i' . ' I • I.'I. v. rile' • oil. lid. I - II l"*lt II Mills, ill an ' M <1 > i< uuateil the Te\ '■V ei - I !i America, I'll). tin :i I).;rii.i111audit with the • paiiy v* I'll respect to wages. ■ . ai l working i onditi.ins. T !■' Mooiv. CIO organizer. sair) d: y then- w ore 304 eligible voW i\s id Mi..t 471* blali>t« wore ra>t. three which were voided Total valid ■ti - t uiiti (i were 470 >1 i- e. -nt |y . ■ u. n./e I tin 11 i: - el mills at S iiitli Ilenderson. an I •ior that the Carolina Nagging ompan.v and the Corbitt Compatiy .-rsonnel. [RESPASS CHARGE BEFORE THE MAYOR n Sneed. e iI-h mI. Iri'-d i>e ore Mav ir ll.'inv Powell m police i: ft tod iv m charges of I res pa -- ng on tiie propiTiv of S M. • ir- al'lei being told t*• stay away, ili was uim ii six months on tin* d . uspend- d ill payn out ol the ••-is and >n condition of good i>c lavior and staying away from the iome if s M Watl.m. Avoid The Rush DO YOUR BANKING • Early in the day • Early in the week • Or by mail if you can i>ru> pi ice you DON'T hnvc I" stand in line- i: ;it your bank. Y"'i ciin avoid \s:1111•• u l>y doing your banking early in the (l:iy . . iihI curly in the week. Avoid tin* n«»»*i« hours aid the hour inst before closing. It gives r.~ <i rhancp to serve yo'.i better. S»me of our former employes arc now in the ijtrvlcp and Hit lire i'i I stuff is carrying on in admiraiili fashion, Your cooper atioti will help them immensely. A* <1. when you can, bank t>y mail. That enable.-: us to spread our work, saves you incon venience and time, 'l'ry these ways of avoiding the rush at your bank. First National Bank Henderson, North Carolina AM. DEPOSITS ( P TO S5.000 INSIRED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INStRAME CORPORATION Member: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • City Pays $34,511 On Debt Item l>rl>( sorvirc payments in the total of $31,511.15 arc to lir made li> tin- ( ity of Henderson »•• New York hanks to cover ob ligations due July 1. under au thority of the City Council at its June meeting Monday tu-'«. I he mono i- available and has been sent to New York tor ti.s burscnieitt oil the due date. , Included in the item S2K.000 of J bonds beiiii; ri tired, the lar<:osltj ' single item in which is <12.000 ol refunding bonds dated July I 1. I!)3I. and bearing 5 1-2 per cent interest. Another item is $8,000 of street and sidewalk bonds dated July 1. 1923. bear ing 5 1-2 l»er cent interest. The other retirements cover various ou^tandinc is»ues over a period ol five years. The interest item is $(>.181.25. and the bank's commission lor handling is s;!(l^!ll, making up the total of .3.11,511.45. It is one of the biggest single IM.vmeuts made by the city in many months. Manx Professions Arc Reported for I>a p t i s t Re\ i\ al Ab-ni! forty conversions wove ic ; I f ii tin- revival meeting a'. !!t • North Henderson Baptist chtirch situv the meeting started M«»nd iv i isjht ••! hi-', week. lvo\ A W. (card. • •t \V;.ke !•' 're.-:. ;s do.tif; t!jo preach i»K A'frui.>!!(■•• ha.- ooen largo at the :»tu<. a1 d many were reported! :ji r? i ,iv. Sunday night. Tli*' revival •- to run through 'n. .:'sd:.v n.ght >l !hi> week, accord .ni! : > aitni uncement. r UINLKAL. KI IES HELD FOR WILLIAM MUSTIAN Funeral wa< held ye.-ter- : •; y Sulphur Springs Ilapti-1 •:i('. in Warren county, for Wil-J .1 • . • : M - ten-vea•* old s"hi •! M . nd Mrs. \V. A ««| j N'lflm.i. :<ute 2. who drowned 111 i !'» '!• i'>n<i near iiidgeway Sundayj afternoon about 9:30 o'clock. The rites were conductcd by •he Hev. .1 M Roach • Norlinn. a.-- j i.-'ed bv the He\ H E BricUhouse. pastor 1 'he Ki: t Baptist church of W.urent n. Interment was made in the church cemeteiy. The child i- survived by his pa-I rem.-. : u. i>i ihers and sisters. Sin: - ■ ey Ann. Clui-tine Faye. l>or.»thy \ l.o»u.-e and Alphetis: hi- paternal ^i andp.irent.-. Mr. .Hid Mis W. A \Iu-':an; iis grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Chopim. .ill of Warren county. The hov was a mcmlter of the Itrewrv 4-11 i_i^.t« and had expected I to leave today with the group o| | 1-11> members who w«nl Irom I I lendei -on t.i White I.ahe for a li\e- , day camp. I l.cavcs After Visit Mr.v M S. McKaddcn. who ha*; been visiting her mother. Mrs 1' II Sinnh. tor several days, lei t this i ■■ ning tor Kiligstlee. S C where sh. wili jom Major MrFadd« n. Thev pi,111 to Spend a tew days there be fore returniiii: to their home at Hainbridgc. (Sa. ; HOW'S T AO your 1. ( ( an you answer these (juii ijues lions? Turn to Pace 4 for tin answers. 1. How old were the Diontic <|Uin ' tllplct- on May !•» I.T7 2. A windstorm from a certain quarter •! the compass has the .sain* name a- a tarpaulin headcovei ing worn by sailors: what is it'.' It. Name the President of the ('lO'/ 4. A branch of what tree is a sym bol _>f peace'.' a. In mathematics, what is the a< - j ccpted value of Pi? ' fi Name the great Carthaginian leader whose army crossed the Alps to invade Italy. 7. What i, the Luftwaffe? ft. Eugene Field wrote a poem tn which the names Wynken. Blynkcn Nod were used: what do the words -ignlf.v? 0. Which Slate is styled the "Tret ' Planters' State"? in. A dessert of thinly (diced oranges V'inkled with powderen sugar and grated cocoa nut is knoivn j as A in a"? COME IN ANI» TRV OI'R GOOD Southern Plate Lunch 50c an(l 75c Also Orders a |,a ("arte at the H9TEL SANDRA MRS. JAMES McCORMICK City Asks Surfacing William St. Report Made on Police Patrol; $50 Monthly Asked for Service Center l%esurf:icing of William street ' in m the Citv of Henderson** .share , .•t the $1,000,000 .te fund from highway revenues was asked of the ! Sta <• Highway Commission in a . I'fM hiti"ti of the Henderson C'ity' ■uncil Monday evi -nig at the regu lar monthly meeting for June. A letter was rea l t > the Couneil i trom the highway department show- ' nig thai the eity K. I a balance of | in it-; sha.c >t the alloca- j tion a> of June I, and that the new i dlocj-.lion lor the new year .starting July 1 is $3,116. niaking a total of $9,1191 (it. Request of the council was that rc-surfae: iu of the street he trom the south' n city limits to | the underpays at (Tailes Mrcet. A report was to tin1 Couneil i<v a >|>eei il comiv. ;tee consisting of 1 Aldermen T. W. 1- ! s. C. M. llight I and \V. It. Trogd n with recom- | mendations relative? to the police | radio service propi --d some weeks U' . and on which " e city reserv ed ■ action The reeoni" endation of the j i 'inmit ce was vie city pav one- i filtho t the purcha e price of the c:|mpmcnt and th;r the county pay ■in-filth of the i linlcnnnce cost, j I he d"s|; sergeant would operate the ffviee. Tlie repoit was adopted itid filed. The propo:al that had heen made to the Council was that the county would htiv the equipment to begin wi'li and that the city maintain it IKM inancntly 'hercalter. 15 Iv Clement chairman of the V; nee County Civilian Defense Council, wrote the Council asking •hat it appropriate $50 monthly for , maintenance of the Service Men's Center. The c umty now gives $100 , monthly. He invited a committee iKitn the C 'iitii'il to visit tiie renter, and a committee tor tiial purpose was appointed cnnsis'inc of Alder men M V. Cooper apd T. W. Ellis ' tnd C'ity Attorney A. A. Hunn. The Council accepted proposals | of th" National Youth Administra tion for renewal lor one day ot the lease on the N'YA w irk«hnp a mile | from town on the Raleigh road. A committee consisting of Alder men !>. (i llariison. M. \V. Wester! and W. I*. Troudon recommended. > al ter investigation. that request . f taxicah companies for a reduction m Iheir license fee.- he denied, and the L'ouneil upheld the proposal. The license has heen cut $."> down to $10 per lavicah alreadv. an'l the cjm mittce held this was sufficient A time limit of two hours was ; placed on parking of trucks in re i dential sections. The restriction pre vails where no special permission has been obtained from city authori ties. The restriction does not ap ply where vehicles are broken down. Penalty for violation was fixed at a fine of not more than $30 and im prisonment of not more than thirty day?. A new ordinance was adopted fix ing a speed limit of twenty miles tor motor vehicles in the business dis trict and twenty-five miles in resi dential sections. Violation was made a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than S50 and itn pri-onniento f not more than thirty days. , M. N. Nor&in tendered a check for $50 (nr lease ot fishing rights in the city's waterworks lakes for the coming year, but the matter was held open for thirty days to permit of other bids being made. S. S Stevenson asked cancellation of a $78.81 water bill at his iarm <>n the Oxford road, down to the mini mum of $2.2"i charged for services, lie said the item came about by a broken main, that the property was not occupied and not in use, and the break was not discovered until the heavy wastage had occurred. A committee consisting of the mayor and Alderman ?.I. \\\ Wester was named .with power to act on the matter. Fire Chief C. G. Cllis requeued the Council to furnish him a to be used in discharge of his du ties, and a commit tee coiis-i; tin-: >'1 Aldennan A. II. Moore and M. V Cooper was named to investigate and report. Settlement of the suit of I! H Pernell against the city w;i. im ported to the Council and wa.- ap proved. Settlement was made m court last week, providing lor the city to pay Mr. Pernell SI.""1" and grant certain other concession.- in return for purchase of the Holland's pond property and right of use of water on condition thai $iw» he paid in any calendar year when water is liken from the streams. Mr. Pet lu ll had claimed the ci'y • tak ing of the waier was depiivie.; luni of water for operation oi in., corn mill. 1J. 15 Carter appeared before the Council and complained ol several fewer pipe drains being out of order. ■ >i dust at hi- liume on North Wil liam street, of speeding Ity I ivii'.ilis and of exces ive shitting by ti nn iii the vicinity of In- home. He a-k ed the Council to provide relief from complaints made. A committee was named consisting of Aldermen A. H. Moore. T. II Crabtree and W. It. Trogdon to investigate and re port. A taxicab liah.iity policy eovi i ing one car of the Poole Taxicab ('•m panv was pr«v-ent,id to the Council and was ordereo received and filed. UNION SERVICE TO OPEN REVIVAL Itevival services will lieuin next Sunday at the Congregati m .! Chris f •• II enureh. to epen with flic first service ol the siimmc. which ill he held at that church with Dr. Frank II. Lewis, of Portsmouth, Vii.. as >|<eaker. lie will conduct :!»«• revival and will speak each cvenitu through the week. The public i$ [•••rdi.illy invited '.o attend these -oiv :ces. Market Opening Dates Approved , lialcigh. June 29.—<AP)—'Tcnta- ! tivc opening dates for the fluo- | cured tobacco season were agreed ^ upon here yesterday bv the recently | , named comnuttee representing grow- , ers, warehousemen, manufactuteis ; , and dealers. Governor Broughton j The governor wired A. B. Car- j J rington Jr., of Danville, Va., presi- ; dent of tho U. S. ToGacco Associa- 1 tion which meets today and Wed- |l ne.-dav m Richmond, asking that he I EMBASSY Phono 492 30c - lOr - and 11c elp in getting the ci-,i„. , dopted. ' ^ uNicial|y The dates, first sot , marketing meeting „fL ?bacc<> rom this .state, Souil, irginia here May 18 ln(l 19 and ipon again yesterday 'J,/' Georgia-Florida Delt £1 louth Carolina Border Belt a 27; ; Eastern Carolina Belt a,',„ !SU5t .liddle Belt, August 3i- ofriStnl9: September 7. It Was agreed ? ?olt eastern Beit shoula o^n,hat1t»* han August 19 it conditions The STEVENSON Mat. 30c - night 35c . Children It, I Today Only -Tomorrow A NEW KIND OF THRILL* SB sterhu* DOCTOBc Attention Farmers! We a it now ready to receive your new wlu-at crop. Wc Will Buy, Exchange or Store Your Wheat for You (h>r Time Lttnliii'i Urn nils nf I'hmr ZEB VANCE - VANCO - VANITY FAIR Every bag guaranteed to give satisfaction GIVE IT A TRIAL Vance Milling Co., Inc, Henderson, N. C. Statement of Citizens Bank, Henderson, N. C., 52 Years Ago • I OHM MIR MA1l.Mt.NT 11V SfATI HANKS .S A//'/;/»•;// /»/ fhr #»'//'///;.•// •/ / //. • < f *//•«. 't? *-/ ft Sr a: th*' ( 'W/j//y '•/ £ . r / u />• # .// //f'- i/.'w i f /> I >l<. S 4 <" *u\ntt v . // '//. i V..'in .%». it. t.,»••. . \:; .tii* t i«mii- m i .ii— ; uw|.|,,i'.. I I 'llitt »| St »tf l«<n*U • Il.m I « v Si «t« ij-it \ iIm* ». * •'!»« f t - ks. Mi l ; |»nr fr.«m Hmk, |hi« ft ••in j»*i\ I?iiiU'v lV»llkl»»4 ll-Hivr. • • flirt frd . • .».• t l-'ut* iml fivt'iir-, .• Cmnnt « ; l'f« iii.tmt • mi "V/'y /j/A *// 7 'V '// i hi. </, § jnfr fp- . / ,-/(</' < ' <tc6 I...M ...... s N iit»«n •> It inl. * *.»it#• i Sl.i*. • j ,*/ *• (\y,/. //(■(• 1/'/ '/ '< !> i'/ '/ I V//7 <5- J-3 7 / ? ft it fj 'ft fj V'/v ?(•:', ,1 //i •/ t I «t II I I * i / sy / i IV < .'..I S *i j*!t|. |,„i.|. I ll ll«|.|..| |»|Ml|t». !». i.l. ii-l «*••)• •»•!. I |- • it «iil*)*'« t • V '» l».|. !••». T . J.II. .t. Itiill.* . . \*..?« . ni l W,U I. .If-...Hit l*i 1T • j . il.!.. Ci.tiiM'. 'Im-I 'ii.lti ( . Il.tlf I « ||r* I I •' III l.»«1 « • |».f|« •! !• j Thi.' • iI»li..»»« . ..i 'I. j-.-! ' Oft o //, .' o o / • / o '/ v 'y./6 6 K / '/ *</y '/ / b '/'/.<■> //a 7/ £ / '/ v 'J<' <:> V c. Stutc of North Cnroluui. i i t ^' (.&L. t couHtr or >*.%<»|t| t<i j*,*! ,t|l..» nlr'l Uf.#t» t.i« fli.% . •!.. u«t« tniil> 'I t •».» f lt.« I yCr, , ,f |»# |||f III f'||i *«. ill, In%| of «||\ v. I.. * \\ ». 'I.;. .111*1 >* |t« f sr><sZ,/u„ \ //r*7r I < l if l Mil/<1 ' / ' ' / '/—"* l 4'/J-'Mi7 {%/^ - N'»TC Tl».% t^p^tf t» to 1*^ rn.i'l' it «iiffl lull' * •fficfi h<' mg »ti f^Rciil ^il , Mifr Ttf. Mfft. tvilhlb^rn day jdo for it. Ii t In In, IV iM ■« Ci l'i- i VI-■■ Thi.s i« a copy of the called statement made to the State Treanu rer of North Carolina, February '26, 1891, after this bank had been In bu.«ine?s since January 22. 1889. This statement is signed by the officers and directors who had served sincc the bank's orK««"i* ization. The above directors servved from the organization of the banks until their deaths.

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