Cotton Futures Still Lower New York. July 10.—11 )a8K Mflell ls».7f» 19 7J M;,-v 19.82 lU.lill RAF Raids Wide Area (Continued I nun Pmtp Onp.) missin;;. Oik- niimy plane WaM s|u), down. The eomiuunique said weather over Monlbeliaid was clear and pre liminary reports indicated tin- at tack uas "foment rated ;im| ♦ ivt*." K«o|»iiii' up the air ofk-nxivt-, two wave, til allied planes u uiij: aims:: IJi.ver '.trait 111 i.. 11 in iti> in t lie* di H ( lit.II 11I 1 #oll|iij'iic ;itu| l.asl d.r.iy by tl.e lighter hoiubei • was li e.r . eeon.i a.-saull in .1 iikii. v 1 i;jJiI a;; nt, 1 latuliu-' I if Id: ..nd . ..11 iai'i.el . I0r?> 11 el i)s—hiry 10% Mine! AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE By LYNN N1SBET . ™I)a,ly "Ispatch Bureau In The Sir Walter Hotel—Raleigh Warr^H i1,'"', hears that Warun il. Booker, long tunc s;lm. Uiy engineer for the State board ..t luulth, is >111 the way mil. Booker ingmecring mind doesn't fully har iiioiu/o with H,v professional mul ' a,uJ Political atmosphere where T'lw .:hi '""' V *>'" <>unds the board "I health. besides. there are pv, vately-owia-d Industrie.; willing ,r, pay more !<»r mcii skill and reputa tion as lie has deve! U"'in the State will pay. He ' will pro! ablv leave about August l. DISSATISFACTION - There has probably been more general di .sai is tion voiced by the state pi'cs: at oie :'/jven»or's appointments to the tni: lied board of control lor State hos pitals than about any other appoint ments he has made within tlx- pa-t two and a hall years. Must >1 set-tip had separate board ■ ol :.(! members. The new central hoard ha: lti members, filteen appointive and tin- secretary ot the Stan- board ot health ex-officio. MA.It)Hl'l\ Since tin ee-foin lit • of the new hoard are liold—er-. II: CO' PON' NO. 21 — A & r COFFEE Bokar 2 . 51 C CIRCLE 2 !5; 47 c 8 O'CLOCK - - 21: 41c Fruit Jars PINTS doz. 59c QUARTS 'c'oz. 75c V2-GALLON doz. 95c JAR CAPS doz. 23c Jar RINGS 6 pkgs. 25c IONA 24-OZ. CAN 3 BI.IIF. POINTS Tomato Juice - llc ItI I) HEART DOG FOOD - -2 KS; 25c \NN I'.Uli: SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI - - S 5c SCNNYFIEM) CORN FLAKES - - - 5c I Nia< lli:i> DATED Marvel Bread - " lie WHITE HOI si: 1 red point per tai.i. can EVAP. MILK - 3 KL 27c WATERMELONS v c 75c Fancy PLUMS - v'""c 19c FIRM RIFE TOMATOES - - v"° 15c * LIMES - - - v"- 23c NICE .HTCV LEMONS - - - v" 31c NEW WHITE POTATOES - - 10 34c (il>EEN TOP CARROTS - - - 2 ST" 15c DM.ICIOI'S | CANTALOUPES 2 'A 25c PORK SAUSAGE - - - 35c ASSORTED COLD CUTS - v 35c FRESH PORK LIVER - - - v"n""n"-"H'-r' 22c Vitamins. 1JI-G SPARE RIBS - ' ™ ( 23c DRESSED AND DRAWN FRYERS - ■ - Y,"1C 59c BOLOGNA - - "1 23c CROAKERS or BUTTERFISH lb. 12'/2c LARGE TROUT lb. 19c Heads P. O. S. A. The K< v. F. K. Howard of inittun is the new |iri".ideiit of III. North Carolina «roit|i of >>a lr::iiM-fi; .r.unu' that little ins |>: i>VCIII"-lll INill l«- C'X|ui'ttil. 1)11 till" • ■tlivr huau, it sliniilil lu t !«• l«11111 llot lu.vf .t::.litlit<• . << «i\ <*i'|i<»\»<•< i.n1, inajm it" n-i\v .itlit <•.•11 l.s* !<«•!<« i<'.'!><»iI ilil>' . <*|» iv liiti i.i !':•<' tin |>:t.|»• ii!mi itl II <>|V i. <<• i ll<> tn• |»<• 1 < liav<- i. i<• u<-:.i I;<•!< jit:|iiialmi. In cai.v ii: •..<>• I:. !".-. a I.i" II- Iji. I'UOITl i 111- !<• , |„ . • ; „(1 • !i|. I .',»'< iiliii iiii ill 11 ii ii | i^iiin'il I lift |ill 1|it I.I in..1,1 ii,.,;, f,,i,,Uvi, tiiousnnd nollrr-, r.nri ".-as placed In position to earn an extra tnrce Thou sand dollars every year by a little j discreet "juggling" <.•! securities work I etl bv State Treasurer Charles M. | Johnson. TIk- luud owned North Carolina municipal, county ana tcliool d.: '.!icl In>iids of par value S73C,t)UO. but iti which was investeci i MIU1.I75.UII. Thev were sold for : $l»lfi,U.(7.UU— a clear profit of $H, •Kll.SM. Meantime, the bonds hau yielded in accrued interest more than $27,001) Miice tliey were bought. j Cut the cliief nain came in convert ing the proceeds into investnien't in I!. S. gov eminent bomls with a iit tle higher interest yield, so that 1 every year so lung as they are helu, the leurciiienl luud will jjet $3,1-«B.- ' t»7 more lliau it would have gotten had the money been left in tiie ori gin::! investment. LOCAL—A lew additional re- . quests have been received from c u::tie-> .Mid municipalities for es- 1 labli.'iinieiil i.l retii emeiit systems lor e.npl i.vees i.l these units. The boaul ot trustees of the fund, charg ed by lav.- not only with operating Hie State system but with super visa n of all I he local systems, ex pects that by it next meeting there may lie sufficient interest and eut/iigh applications to justify set- 1 liiii', up machinery to handle tliem. ; Some stall.- Iiavi extended the state ; .-y.sttiu to include municipal em ployees, but Hie more generally adoptest plan i.- t > have separate sys lt m but all under supervision of the Male board. In Hiis state, paiticipa ti .n i.l 111 • 11 ■ it-1 11 it i. . is optional, bill :;i.:le cm| lovee automatically Con,i' into tin' I'i'tiri ineiit r.ystem when the,.* a-'- iln.e i mployiuellt with !h. .SI.ili». IHSi'i.AVS <>m» i:. ] I ! I ! I M:'l>l('nl, illiifo.H'm hl'.S been j.iv.u-iiitiM I-...- nearly fifty years l!ii:t |||i* great majority <>1* can • ruin growth • ciiiabie if steps :ui* taken e.iily. One vouUi I' r. f.lcndoning v; i!I answer •piestiollS C>f general illici'OSt only. :tn per cent of eases; the aver age period of delay was over 12 months. In breast cancer the patient was responsible in IS per cent of eases, I lie physician alone was responsible ill per cent, and the physician and patient were responsible in - per cent; the av erage del.iv 1- months. Ueasons Tor delay were: The A patient did not consider the symp t-..ns serious enough. This oc . i.rred in than one-half of cases. I'u re nvKliwc accounted I'-r 11 per cent of delays, expense fur JO per cent, fear of cancer, 1 jser cent, fear of doctors, lis per cent, treatment by cultists or who promised non-operative tu-atment, lis per cent. I a-a not surprised that delay occurred in a large number of cases of cancer of the stomach and of the large bowel. These be Kin so insidiously that 1 have known a number of doctors who succumbed to them simply bccause there wore no early symptoms, (■cncrulizcd Cases In another group of cases the condition is apparently more or less generalized from the begin ning. 1 judge that this happens in about 5 per cent of all cases belonging to such groups as those we call sarcoma in children. In another group of true cancers there is apparently some change in the body chemistry which ab solutely dooms the patient to re currence of spread by the blood and lymph stream, and these are more or less hopeless. But in DO per cent of cases the condition is local from the beginning and could be cured by early treatment. In this group belong most cases of cancer of the skin and of the breast; as shown in the statistics given above. Doctors are seldom responsible in this class of case. Most of these growths on the skin can be removed by the X-ray or by radium, entirely painlessly, and with no hospitalization. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS M. 15.: I'lease discuss diverticu losis in your column. What causes it and is there a cure for it? Dues it often be,-,,nie malignant? Answer; A diverticulum is a pinching out of mucous mem Inane. When several of these oc cur. it is known as diverticulosis. The place where they are found most frei|ticnlly is the lower bow el. They can b:1 treated success fully. Occasionally tliey become malignant. OUR NEW Store Hours OPEN - - 9:00 A. M. Everyday CLOSE - - 5:30 P. M. Monday through Friday CLOSE - - 8:00 P. M. Saturdays "Henderson's Shopping Center" Commandant it*■X-f--.. t J - BRIG.-GEN. BRYAN I, MILBbRN Brigadier General Bryan L. Mi! bum ol Fayetteville. Ark., is the new commaniiaiit il bushel:; annually. Replaces Robert A MEMBER OF the French Military Commission in Washington. Honri Ktienne Hoppenot (above) has been named High Commissioner of the Krench Antilles, Martinique and Guadeloupe, by the Committee of National Liberation, lie replaces Adin. Robert. (/iticrxatiunal) LIBERTY CHURCH REVIVAL BEGINS A v .'i\ ;il '. ill .«•!•.!, Slit id..> mil nil! at !' »VI«« : I iln'i't) Christian « Iuim i : . t'.i :.v. r. i-'u-ti \Vri';!il. •! \V .1 , \ .1 , i oikI.ii'Ini|> tin.- i . :t • "• n • . ill In- Iiflil at 3:311 rl '( U i : i li al tiM'timm .nut !l (MCI1 1.1: t;l I* mil; !l l!u- v. «•«■!.. 'flu | >111 ,i. , . :. II iUHv.l 1.1 ..I I.'lilt ali> ..II I Illo-e • \ iri". Perkins Out In Shuffle <("«>lltin;ll'i> )* v. iriai'f v :»1 l.< • 'I ('. >\vlcy. •lii vi;u .i!n. you e <1 n.v a letter 11" AX ti i i <• l ■.liters Who \ i »!ati this to ■,.• di ttii:sm) by tiii'ir i»} : 11 •: . |ii-oiii|ttiy. the Pre .(I. n! .'iihteit. < ,»i »i it. iiiam;-' \V. !i l . . .1, , lr 1 i I .,:u' i —'!I . . ,1 I Ml. • ■< it i ■ ti.. i ...: ..I i ,i'i I...', i: . it. .till ..I v., . I.I .tft !/>/. ... ' ' "u"; THE BYLINE OF DEPENDABILITY