Hxmder0<m Bally Hispatrlf Established August 13, 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by UENBFFSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. at 109 Young Street HENHY A. DENNIS. Pres. and Editor Arl. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. Tlic Henderson Daily Dispatch is a member of The Associated Press and; AP Features. Southern Newspaper J Publishers Association and the North j Carolina Press Association. ••■'•o Associated Press is exclu sively entitled to use f->r republica tion all news d'spatches credited to' or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of publica tion of special dispatches herein are reserved. srnscKii'TioN rates (Payable Strictly ir. Advance) By Mail By farrier 1 Year ..$5.00 $6.00 ft Months .... 2 51) 3.00 .1 Months . . 1 50 1.50 Weekly (by carrier only) 15c I'er Copy . 5c Entered at the post office sn Hendei •on "V C . as second Ciass mail m iff: TELEPHONE Editori.il Office Social Editor . Business Office 500 610 610 LatV&Esigfit Con^re»» »h&U tnikc mo Uw respecting an estab lishment of religion, o* prohibiting the frtt exer cise thereof; ox ibrvJginj the freedom oi speech ot oi the pres*. -u«.r hi ii Four Dayc vs. 365 Day* 1 . ,«... I..\ ' :i it'.lli... A' : i. : i ; im s tli:.- : <>t .<•> • iu :>.11| 'ii ti«»11;.r.- a year. I . • 'T:V\ I.- ! > ;T ll.i.vs i: a n ... >t wo ha > SI ■••a:: II >\s wv nave stopped .. • •in spendi a • p.*iiia|u> was.ing \\ »uUl if j ...-'. a- nd .i v. • •: d. Win- Sr. ;u .July 1. 1010, • July 1. ; • .. i.. i >104 . i Du ing the tiscai year 1911 ikI ii,; was a bit tluin x ;<u i ,i quui'tbi billion dillar-. the next year it was SJ'i h:l!.«'iis ar.d lit.- ye;,i ;• .. ,s $72 billion.-. T.ie «. ii4 .vein it will he j'.i.-l sh' .t il'IM l.illH.II,. Ii.it IK. I. |»!ir::«-ul.ii . « |.. el. T . • JVo.-iden: i ••ild .1.-.. : ai d ;;rt * ■•■ . •! thuv hundred a,I , him a 1 . i p. . ' til' ,' • '. hall fed \ir ! j.ule!y -id Were v • ..d hi- .-!• •. e \ ii |m . li'.im ny > uirce. excop' .iti'l '.ml"-- a chirp : ippusiti a uc. ,• heard here antl there in the p. e-.-. i And i:' V. -|...|iiM t r:..t protested would I he I. ■ , •• I : ci;1 >yiil;y. •! >;';ng tin- •' "! the tiluloeni'.ii and p.. »ee* |>I ] ,li ■ and t'll'lf.-. s .. w hat ' The mple trulii i tl,.i' v\c •"'<•' I'.'l.iig for -i I 'll allies. ttc iia\«• < i.imh . tiiiiiin i i'i . iow , d- . Tin v. -r.-t aid ii -t depi'M--] able • :>«•« ; >1 the procedure is thatl im "lie com.- to cure ii i j' In that I «\ • u1. the only iiltcrnativ e i.- to ;ic-1 »i i'1 M»t. .ii-cii icnc- -whieli we )i.• 11 iiid inns'. Soldier Vote >;.•< ix-'ary of St.it" 'Hunt Kure is h;i\ i :: a ;i"\\ expc icntf ihesv j as to the number of applications h'j i is icceivinj; Iro'n a<>ldiei> for !ii> senlee bi'll'it. i Hit 1!»M general: rlf. inn. Hi- cannot understand why i thVre should be -o m irh interest in : n rolorendum lh.il ix newly .1 yo;u and a half <iff. Nor can we, nor any one Hs? we have heard tall;. *l"l*o secretary cannot, ot cours-o. furnish the ballots lor almost a year j yet. lor the tickt-ls ot the respective p irlie ■ will not he determined short of the May. 1044. primaries. Sire"; absentee voting U not permitted in. th<" primaries, the voting in the jvi ' tral elCCt'on is the only plaec I he soldiers can make their inlluenee felt during their absrnce. And so tar a the State election is r«rcerned, it1 Won't make much difference any how. since issuts arc settled in the' primary. But it would make considerable difference nationally. M-ivbe that ;. >1 the ..oMinf. have <n rriH'l. Maybe I hoy art* very anxious to l»:« I- 1 lot lor or against the l'lvsidvn!, in 1 view of a probable eotilide ce on their pai l that lie \v:ll n mucstianably be a eatidiilate. It may be they are anxiou.. to help or hinder hi-: fortune^ as to a fourth term. It :s hardly proable that great ! numbers of men will be back home by that t ine, even if the war were 1 to end betare then Th'.'.v may have J to vote from ab. > id it tiiev vote at 1 all. and most likely w .11. l'oiigre.-s j :s agitating some > 'i t >>! arrangement ] whereby foreign service men may; have the privilege .>! the ballot. This ! could be something out oi the or- | denary. Capital Headaches ^ A Ik icUinc says W -hittcl n'f j head.. . i V : I .1 li I .ll. II>1 j the tot' .;. .it . • ■ Us ij li. bid win II i! i . it i:.v .Mi-tin a J I'hurrh. .. v. ^ thai . nip' | ■ •! !:<( .. ...tlu. . . :.It.. I .. ! twuv . . :a .\i .... j stale wiii .is the -.id i' 1 Ihc I:.-; ».:i i capita ha...- 1'iic j Icugi t:...t .. : in \Va*h x J >. ' 'ii, it i. ! lj .. :uicr i •"!• ind.istiv | ■ ' Jtll* - IC lUU-Rltlli- | : g . if:'men:, iit i\i:: liihcr bn.i It was tlie 1 . i . .. • t :i m . . :i .i call i the : sit » . J led liu iv..... <- .^.'.'.cciltl; c.'.iiiliVlit. 1 , ••• ^ :tii :.i • u .1-. a .t the pascal t ne, . ; . .• would an; %• iu:.t. . are Mi' s • ..i'...- :r..in> i»llinitl{i«»!,s. hut ihero »•. uld"*i have l/.'l Ii .!... V «»l t!u . . 4 |H'uili .'..Hi "... c ; a . ol . ivfi..1 : • i .■ •.i:t thvi:. i-c:i!!ed .■ •• i" !:.( .i the othG: iii i .:.:i > t -t -. :i;ne:i • - : I t|U.» A ■ • ! . .i •. 11 •.. 11 . >; i .ii • :i.• t• ;: . : •• i..-:. ; ! itv .Us it -. liiul the Ji'KHi .1 ti •: i. iill.i •r. itt . ii'tti'i •• liquor, | :li: : • ,i th ./ . all ■ i v ' e ti 11 \ ... M. M..i I- . i ^ ; . .. ' it paUiu . .> m :■ . it -iill' Wt:. 1 ill: ... ktvcv all th st. iv.td >vc 'in i.in h t"i ii i I:'.- t . ... .-t t!.i iiltji :;t that ii i».iv !i. ;«• oj ..- i. : i -' : ' t .. place v. hcic , ■ar ;i i .. dn p. Wi.at .i ....-i . : j *.i" . . \\ 11 1 • .< t:i.. . .ii . .•*. . he . Mi ad the li.it:;. ii ii lie wins- ui iiitu'.a i Oaivti ui Aau can buiiiliet'o Cieniii*. . -.iy» .i N: -ti , ■ i \\i i. •iititiue to !.;. ' ie. "j'lill'e • till. Sill:." iJ. . ■ . . t iU-t hiit^.ii;; 1 i i.U; t.niii t ... > I 5ct* . , , . I.t» Flii"1ofji'ap!is .-ii.va Wane an «,•;» :>le tic . c\ciy in.. •. .. . :i . • . child iii,. Uiiitvd II-. iJ'iC — ;.;L Jnil i.sllTlilt ' Ai u y l>atit» I. i."' (i 4.H1. Ihi* N.i/,i regime tiiere. (' ii i>l..in( em lor trying to Brt ritl •! vvhat'k rotten m Denmark. The hut par; about ii •! „ !i.-hi:u. is that lh"imh you >■>;•> t oi eatc even a ninn'.w you e,.n .s ill ha\t li whale *»l a lime. T: . meat hurt :• .n (Jet many . haul to under.M«i;d what with all "n I. .1" !i> y llerr (i •< bbel^ Ii.ia bee. dishing out. An Arkansas town ha.s but fou irhab tart.-. I.e!'. re .i nvyor. • police ehiel. i lire ehiel and • >li. ye a taxpayer! A new g,.nv eall' il water b iv has hern invented. Its !)»• \v... mi pile who hang* on!o lili. Iilo prv !.ervei. Po.-t-war Aineriea will have many airport \sL. uii'l< i-'and. 'ha a plane hop will be nothing nior. than a bounce. What worn" ,s Mussolini i- no* thj' he lacked the wrorg horse but tha' the right ones will run over him. McClamrock Wants Lobby Daily Dispatch Bureau. In tlit* Sir Walter llulcl. Ilj H N.s MSIIt T. Kaliiyll, July lli. hi !;t> i >11 >>'. i/oiitllluillf: ottoit > 1 in . ■ iiilloi to obtain .-'ii r ju.-tiiv i'l i i uv lo U'. Me un.uo-.ti ii A >ci.i v lh.it : I t• »i in lonii-i tii 'ii, .I..r.io> I. t'lamrocU ; • I iu oiti-boi .. tn the Xorth t,':.!..lma It.n tion at Willit m-Salem t.>ii might bo a t ciati. 11 t tu;c. ^ani. . 'i.iii.s lobby i>t to aoeoi : ;0le b: Mi l"! i! M'lll ii itloa for :• wit It I.: u. ao Ml1 I Colli O.-.-i: U link - ore I L'purt '■I t : t!:i Tin :lit I. . liUit ' hoi It I i-Uiiibt. i lit ion the u.i hold I .loeliii name.: l iOIIO \ >oureo ivrs tit the .1 year. MoC 'ciat ■ \i.,.-. II t.ih.T in tilO l.i.-l • .v;>* not Ott a! <1111011(1 i j.t'-r IV Ti or compos : Son:, to II. b 'T!i tho-i :'lw : t. . |). elii'.-: l SM. •I'o:. po... tl.i no; app iiall .■•w ni l .a!, ptori .-•'.II ci 1 »tiC li[ .a ,iL. the . |)S'i i»|-t l! i ■it ;. i .1 ... - : ..li 11;i :»* f Ot .ill •> tin •pou<; iitm I : . ot. | mdrw : 1 : 1. .\i : n l>. i tiuai • ! by Si i - •nproiri.-: fft*lY.fi lj\ ! !• i\vo\ i in M-n:.t . v.ichul . nil \! . n.I li :i \ o !■ . ill y t i hr. .ui;'. mil mill PLAYS KEY ROLE IK CPA T-?.AC-\S LOOKING PRETTY SNOOTY u'-uut the \vh th n;'. V- ' r l'i» disdain fully pote., r i. .. i i trait. It's all L;t:«v 1. r.■ - headline* whem the < 1A ruled that y< i <:•> cat y » vn i : t! hmit ration tiikcls if v. vc on a fnrii;. 1."' r. : if j C-11 i.i c 'y and hire someone in tl.e country to r;.:.*c it. (international) SALLY'S SALLIES HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED! ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ i . \ |>i<l'.T. iiiii'M'i', in. i. Tin- I'loiim > .'.n uv-iinvr. \' i Ii. X11ii:■ 11 II.ill 7. Tho v'olurad Kiilf. I'mwrsal i..i.•... lo. 'i'niv1. SCHOOL PRINCIPALS CHOSEN AT OXFORD 'Isford, .Inly i'i Now pi I'll ' l< i l>i>l:i li>r;il hitjh school- . .1 (i l Nicilils (Oxf«Vil < 'I I'iianac.c) ,i i ti\!ord Ilijil). \vi'rt. .niionnct-d !iv 1 t< < \ford School Hoard of Tni.-'ir t (iav. John I'. Hall, chairman • ' the l .s!(o>. reportcrl thai I). S. 4n> m ii, principal o| .l"lin Nichols II i the )>as! 15 yea:- ha- rcsitjiie.l in.it po-ition and h..s nocvptoil an ■ : t'ei lo head Oxford llifjli. while I' T Ih'tjan. veteran teacher and alhu-t.r d.eetor at th,. orphanage, ha- !>■ cii • anted to head tin- ovphatiaf'o i ll •••! Johnson's acceptance of the hil*d lliah |»•-iIi ii nils i \ • .'ii y ciitMHl last iv«*ek when I'n. i-1 il N \V. Weldon It'iiririrri his resijin ii and give> tin- .soIhh i ,i leader. 10% IIclps- -li.ry l(i% More! WANT ADS Get Results I! KM >EHS« >.\ lUTSINiSS ('< H.iJ'XiK New term. Si pteinher (!. Enroll i'. tin* I>«• l investment lor y«mr Illi'.Uf .1 IllorotlUll I>11; ines.-i Il'.lill i:iu. An aem-diled .school. (I!) Ul'I iC-AL TIKE INSPECTION .VI A lii >11. Cars washed, luuriculcd polished, batteries teeharged, Gull gas aiul oils. 1.. T. Ilai l is Gull Si'ii'ice Station, Garnet I and Hor net Sts., phone I I OK-W. 'JO-tl NOTICE. 1 have tin.-. o.i> <|iialnie«l liftori the I I rk of the Sii| erior C oin I •■>! V.iinv Comity, North Carolina, a. I-.m i-:i!ri\ of 11le Estate ot mv In I ,,i!■ i llie late II. S. Iv. . nil tin ' :■ • not it.v nil per m> holding rlam1 a>:ai'i-t ; ,i:| e.-Iale to proenl tin -.i i to the undersigned on or he li i • one year Irnm thi- date or tin no lev will he pleaded in liar or an.v e< n cry. I'er. vn:. indebted tu saif i . t. 'i ;.ie rei|iie. !ed 1 > inal.e prompl t: t li vienl. Tiii the !Mh dav of .tulv. I!lt3. MAISEl". G. \\ i ii il lY, !: a eutn.v. E late ol II. S. Woody. Auction Sale Wednesday, July 211 At 2:30 P. M. I will sell to llio highest bidder at 132 Caro lina Avenue. ;it thai home formerly the property of •). YV. Brown, and lately the home of I. J. (Jakliy, all of the* furniture and fixtures and fittings in this six-room house and kitehen. There is included PHILCO RADIO, HGTPOINT ELECTRIC REFRIGER ATOR, TABLE TOP OIL STOVE, BEDROOM'SUITES, CARPETS AND RUGS, ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEAN ER, ELECTRIC CLOCK, SETTEE AND CHAIRS, AND A BEAUTIFUL HIGH-GRADE MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SUITE WITH HAND-CARVED CHAIRS, ALSO STEEL PORCH GLID ER and all it takes to completely outfit and furnish a home. Most of this properly has been acquired Nl'iVV within the last sixty to ninety days. 'J'his will be sold out complete, piece by piece, to the highest bidder for cash. If inter ested in inspection, call me at 289. FRED B. HIGHT, AUCTIONEER WANT ADS Get Results ATTENTION FARMERS! NOW IS Hie time to think about V1A1L IN SURANCE PROTECTION for your growing crops. Call—write Insur ance Department. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 8-tf SEE US NOW FOR YOUR COAL needs. l''ull stock high quality smokeless and splint coals. Bob Falkner at 11. O. Falkncr Sc Son. Phone 200. 7-ti FOR SALE — l«j:i7 PLYMOUTH coacli in good condition. Excellent tires. See D. K. Carter at 120 Car olina Ave. after ti:30 i>. in. 15-2U DRY PINE WOOL) SAWED STOVE length and delivered anywhere in Henderson. 1). M. Glover, phone -l(>21. lG-T&F-Hti BRIDES SEE US FOR YOUR WED ding Annouuceincii's or Invita j tious Finest quality at moderate | prices. Also Visiting Cards for the Graduate. Henderson Book Co., phone 110. 17-tf SELL US YOUR SCRAP IRON, metals and rubbc.' and help win the war Hightcst prices paid lor hides. Henderson Junk Co., phone 3«U. 25-tf WANT lu BUY 2...II0 USED To! bucco sticks at once. Willie Can nadv, Henderson route 1. 15-2ti Hlti STOCK OK (.JUOlJ LATE model used cars at Motor Sales Co., Henderson, N. C. EARLY ARRIVALS — NEW FALL coats, plain and fur trim, dress and sport styles, children's, juniors, iadies. All sizes up t<> 52. Use our lay-away-plan. Teiscr's D e p t. Store. la-its WANTED MAID I'Oli WOIIK AT Mihurhan home to st;iy on lot. 'I'clt'phitiU' -HHi-W. Iti-tf USE VITA VAIi I*OK YOUK NEXT paint job. Th«»re is no psiint better Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner Uaofing Co. _ 2,'Z-ll COLUllMI) WOMAN WANTED as cook «ni farm. liootl sal ary, t an stay oil lot. l'hone :'»(•»< >-.j. 14-tf KOII RENT TWO UNFURNISHED MM III-. 21 I I'llivlillll SI. Ili-lli I'tii: NICK ('I.KAN COMFORT al.lf mums Mill !. • ill ll llllf rooked .1,1 .il Chiiic 1 i I ii •!<'I 2tniir.li j ;md • to nil*. I !l in; K." I lit.' price lij;ht. weekly i>r mi ntlily. Mi., .hum's ?.lcl'oi mick. K.-5U CNi lERWOOD TYPEWRITER NO. •i lor .salt-. Address "Ty|jc\vi iter" iiiic Dispatch. I ti—m i FOUND ON JULY lilli Will'! K FACE lieilci rail. Owiii'r i-.r I'. J. Smith, route 1. Ilendoisoii. l.»-3li WANTED CJAS STOVES, RANGES and refrigerators, niediuui si id preferred. Write or see W. C. Holder, ii 1 2 U\cl llargetl St., i;.ii> .„ii, n. c. io-ati NOW'S THE TIME I'O VAC cinate for l-'owl 1'i'X and the tiling to n-e is l)r. Sal: btiry's Fowl i*ox Vaccine. Every layer is vital to \ n-t<>!\- lake every preeiiution to I.teel Hit in. vaccinate now! I'.nl.ei' I5exi.ll Drug Store. lt.-lti SAY I. :'ii TO 25«l ON YOUR 1N suiance by insuring with Cates In.tnaiife Agency. U2-tf (TroCKKIKS~ FRKS11 MEATS ANL) vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver iintl save you gas and lime. I'lioiie -E50. Always reiitly 1" serve you. Herbert's Yel low Kiont. 25-tf WANTED COLORED WOMAN FOR fxilvin.'. and elt ailing worl;. Apply I.. C'ity Siijitiwi.'ii Shop, near Fire S'aliui. lU-lti is Y.«i'H5 LIVESTOCK IN TOf e>>i'd11ioli.' We iire heiuUiUlirtcrs l"i Dr. l.cC.car\- tonic prescription lor Mock iintl poultry. KlacUmaiis stock ant I cattle remedies, i'arlc ir's Iicxall Drug Store. IS-2t VOU WILL ALWAYS LOOK YOUR best il you patronize our shop. Modern service, experienced op erators. Phone 200 foi appoint ment. Liridgers Ifeauty Shop, over I'inker's Drug Store. 22-tf WANTED • TRICYCLE FOI5 I. 5, or li vcar tiltl bov. Phone 1120-J. lfi-2ti vV ANTED — STANDING TIMBER. Call or write Perry's Milling Co., lkinlfiM.ii. Phone K26. 17-26U CALL ALKORDS FOR PRINTING of iill descriptions, also anything you might need in officc supplies and equipment. YVe appreciate your business. AI ford's Printing & Officc Supply Co. 3-tt tin I'APMliS LOST I'll IS MdUM. inj'. Kinder please eall 2(!!)-\V. 10-4tl OOOI) USED CARS AT REASON able prices. A look here will con vince you that these cars ate priced to move. Fords—I'lymouths — Chevrolets, lO.'M's to lIMOo. Catidler-I'almcr Motor Co. 10—tf STOVES! HEAT INC. STOVES AND circulators. We have a good ;is sortmetit at reasonable prices. K. E. Satterwhite & Sons, near fire station. D-tf I'llt M 11 MAI A UTMKS--VV E HAVE the latest official information re garding tire inspection and appli cation for new tires and tubes. Lei us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tf INSURANCE — RENTALS j Real Estate—Home Financing j I'crsona and courteous attention to all details. AL. B. WESTER Phono 139 McColn Bid*.

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