SOCIETY NE WS Jt ST ».\K\At l.i:s. It must have been quite fjity years I ago I first lay by a tidal pot.', in Maine And heard 'lie gull's .-harp cry, the old retrain Of waves on rocks. There was a friendly glow Of Milliliter sun, a smell of things that grow In oeean water. Many times again 1 have untie back in wundci and have Jain Beside that pool, t > see if it is so. The barnacles still lill their plates of shell And, i" a world of strange truns lticency, Their ikts <>l tinted j;-« samer arise And are withdrawn again, as I»y seme .- pel 1 Of sudden,' Lilliputian wizardry, Jusl as I saw tin in lir. l—with boyish eyes Geoffroy Atkinson From llicliinoml. Miss Mary Allen an ived yester day lioni Hichnioiid, Va. to spend about"* two wee!; - lure w ith het par en U'. l-'r. a:ul Mi - li. CI. Alien. Miss Ifir.hi II**re. Mrs Maigaret Might, ol C'cntenary Junior college, Ilaekett town. New Jersey, i-> ; pending her vacation here w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. flight. Here for V.cek-laid. Mis- Ro ilio Wiil.iiM, a student at Y'ako l-Vre I vanm-cr .•chool. will spin:) tiie week-< ihi lure with her piircni . Dr. and Wis. S. It. Wa.'si.n, . lid v.-'ll have as her guest Alis.» Ki-bt i t.i I .11!j;.ol l..iu; inbur;' I Wasi<!l!"lnn. Mrs. Kl'inley Evans and little •'mi-hler . and Shirley, ol ' War hingloti. I). iv \■ i>it ii>Mr. | KvallV ; l.-ler. Mr.-. S. ( l. Kpriitll. Mr. I Kvan> is a former resident ol' lien- | del-on, and has many friends here. I feel NERVOUS RESTLESS HIGH-STRUNG On "CERTAIN DAYS "Of The Month? Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, irri table. iaii;ct y. tiled and "dragged out" —at such tunes? Then start at or:rr—try Lydln K. rinkham's Vegetable Compound tci relieve such symptoms, rinkham's Compound Is /amnus not only to help relieve monthly pain Inn also accom panying weal:, tired, nervous feelings of tils iiaturc Taken regularly — rinkham's Com pound helps build up ri slstanee against such svtupionui. l''"r j/eur.t thousands upon thousands ot women and Klrls have reported benefits. Follow label directions. Well north trying! LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S KS Dean Alice Baldwin Is Speaker At B. P. W.Meet I)cai, Alice M. MaUhvin, ot the i university. It,, r,"° ",c" niembers i.l the i> and Profession;.! Women's <lulj and a number of visitors at a yaa1'11"1''"*"' Bfiie in Eet'in PRETTY Marguerite Chapman, ninj plover, has been rlioscn by the men of !'.i • trom Army Air FU Id \u tin, 1\ as "The Girl With Wh, Wt'cl bike To Keep An Aj j .•int ment In Hcrlin." Of c r.irso that's aflsr !':">• dispose of a certain ninn llvrc. (International) ABOUT OUR LAUNDRY SERVICE THh WAR has brought about conditions iii the* laundry business- over which \\v have no control, making il impossible for us to maintain the standard of service to wine!) our patrons have been accustom cd. We believe that this is undei stood by our many customers, and we want to thank tliem for their patience and indul gence during this emergency. We are (loin# everything we can to remedy con dition}. and handle our work and deliv eries wiij as much promptness as pos sible. When your laundry is late .uettin# back, just remember that we are doing our best and that youi -delivery will be made just as quickly as we are able to reach you. Henderson Steam Laundry PIIONE 508 Mrs. Dawn Shearin, president, presided over a short business ses sion. during which reports were made by committee chairmen, and presented Mrs. S. C". Wiight, pro gram chairman. About fifty club members and their guests were seated at the table, decorated with uiTuiiKemenls ut ■rcpe myrtle and marigold.-, ;uid wai -tamp corsage-, which :.»-*• math- and • <1(1 by the clul). A three • .■ur.-i' <1:11 ner was served. Mr-. M. S. CJerber, international relations chairman, read "A inn imr Wish" by Mr-. Mat'ic (.'. !'nil lip . "'Ihe Sunshine in Your Smile'" wa- uiik bv \:i,.s Kh/.aheth S'i.iu, with .Mis. W. W. I'arker a bet ;ic coi:ipai:i. i. and in coiielwUii;; Hie m<c:ing "America" wai sung i v me ".ri up. With "Women's Work in W.alieie" sllbj:cl. Mis> l!nl,I\\i lo.itle a 11 hi?, re tin;.'. lalU. ile cribing tli v. ide field ot op|ioiUmil:> opi-n tc w*ill.i ii tod.y. As a membei o| tl nial advi-ory cnnuiiittei ot the W.-su; ii Kescive ol the N ivy, file i \vc!! (|iiailiied to know fie great in . il lor wolnen worker*, which Ir ani to be din- in all plta. c- of war wiiii., Kor women who rimain at our . i! wa < mphasi/.ed that they n.iiiiiiue their study el II. liberal ,iri.'. and she Iivs.-e;l tile need for >ouiii guidane • hi the local 1111111ily. She v.; introduced oy M:s I' Ciooch. all ahamia ol university. i'.psom i coplc C.;in \ c{*"ct;:hlcs (irmvn In School Garden The lin;v \ n-1'.ry r'len :.pon •i./ed by tin K|»-mil I'.-'l . A. i.- now Ikisij; (Mini lor !>y volunteer help ol li.c M'lmtil ili lurl, larf-o <|llail ■ ii .> i ! vcy.eiablc.s are lii-inj* '■ ■I n. • ii! t.u- . cuool calotci la ht'Nl yes ir. « mi Tito-x'ay nf last un-l; a few iK'.'iiby members met and processed !Mi < nt strinu litaii:. and iusi Tut'.'il.i.v .1 .cat laiilini;-; party was held With ll.i quarts ill -■tniij; l>ca*is .111(1 II quarts III bllttcrhcau. being •iisi*I* a. \t 'llunsJav tin- people •! I'.ji-.:ii :.:,am plan In pence-.-. \ c •;ciali|. !:11 have ripened ii;. that '.iiiH'. Tuesday a picnic luiicSienn was '.lit an I served I'm- tlio?e v. Im .i.-l-d im canning, aili.l it ci»!i.-1 led •1 ;. hoiiiitiiul .supply "I tried chick Mi, bailed liam. sausage. chicken . pii.'.'.i.l i clucse, (Team cheese, and t iinai i andwiches, honey cakes, cookie.-,, pickie. sliced tomaiocv . cu ctanljer., apples. iced tea and l'epsi I'i.I.'.v, f.ii'l to (tip it all a dctii'ii.ii.s iu-ia.-ii:"i'.ed molasses pudding, l'heao were served with lresn \ eg» lables and corn cakes cooked in tiie lunchroom • il l served In t. Some time in the early .-pti::,; tne I'.-T. A. voted t• i sponsor a cannery . ml victoiy '.a.dcn fur the heneiii nt '.In- cli..i.f, 1 i lielp lurni.-h vege tables im il.i- school cilleteria which :cd tin a\e i.;i ni :;5I! pei day last ... ar. .1. I tii 111 in. agriculture teai !i ••i. v.a-. as1.-, d t• i serve as cliai.. .n n| alt coiniiiittei . with the pn\ile^e ■ t nuiuiuv: l.r • '■vn committees. The e >miiiittee> we e composed ol me billowing: pi. ntms. I-'. M. Ay.-cue ■ ind W. I; men: cullivatui;;. (i \V. flaxes and Tollie Smith: cqiiipintut, dr.-. K. II. lulii i and Airs. \\ A Itowkind; canum", Airs. o. W. itciiti and Mis. K. A .lnyncr. Til!-sic ciiminirc.". Willi tilt" C 'i' ■ Tiit it in ill tin* I'lmiiiiniiity, li.i'.o pi uteri iinil iTil''-ti !■ kit-go K.'ir ili i v. Iiieh i iihV. ; iiKlm iiiK ii In. ;e ■ii'i'ly ni \ i-!i*-t.ilili . Next Titi'.-d.i.v |h'h|i!i' Hi ilit- IJiil»liiit riiiiiimiiii'v will (.hi iiml mm Tliursriiiy Kp:.i>m people will Ciin vi urt.ibk's. The m Kiini/.i>li«ni "I tin' Iwii primps liK ii^lit mi hoi'iin i' 'it t!ii' ncces-ity I I'iiiiinii^ iis mtirh ;i- two d.iys ii ..'ci'k. Iii Hi" Ui.idin iur i'im'ii. in h pn t.itmv. butter bi'iiii . toiiiiitiK'.. mid 1 l'illj;lir:ili.'-. T!i..m .■ • linn I I Tlie-diiy wi'U \|i Miiitri' I I.. I' '..!!• . I'erey IfiiLi . II. IS. New num. W Imtvrn, I), "|\ Mirl.ii-, \;111• I Nfwri '.n. I>. I«., (>. \V. lit mi. (' A lli'lili. IJi : iii 'I ,\v nil', .lull.hi M - . IJny Mn- . M. W. A> rut'. .1. I. .Mi'v'iiiilty. \V. \. linuliihi. .1. S. Ii'iiwliind. .1. I). linWlilltd. I! I.. IJnU I..lid. Tnllk* I'' if. Wiilliiri Duke. Hi'til.ill Newt ■■.. I It'll Allen Xewlnn. < Uliii lliiyi . I' ll teller Ktllli'i. !»l t ;■ Carrie Al ton, Hi uiiii iiiid Si..Iii' Winn. \ ISiiwen, Ciirilyn .le up. I'iitiU ''■•■wi n, 1»ii S.iM' kite. Apites Iiukit'. I/(iriiiine A; ■• ■•. .md IJi>n:iitl Ay eiie. W II int. lrfllTX Mo Ciiiili-v. T (irillni iintl Hev. .1. K MeCi.uley. * WITH OUR BOYS * IN SERVICE * Visiting •'< Hume. '' •ip' iiil W. II. I'eidiie. who wiiH 1'illid home by the d-ath ul ||j.. in -'in , ,Mi> |, (• I'i t'Uie, will re liiiii'i fit Inline until nexl Krirlny. He -i i -lied at die Arn.: .nr iit i'.ilMtl II: i. Ill.lllll. (iws tn l.drji'uiiiiiI. I'"! I ''i;il -I. Is. Audi . - n. who liii.s I'l-i ii ..'Muni'd in Ciunp I»ti(hit* 11ii (In- I.•1 eight inntilh-. hits hren t Hislened tn tile Army ehemica v.;iii;'re M'lionl ;■) Erigewoori. Md II i. Iri m Suit I like Citv, I't.ih. iinr has \ i ilivl in I lender.-on a ntnnbci • tisr.e» itme b*ing , t But net- ant p rente well known t.i many local inends. Marian Martin — Pattern — Tl ' el i:- tnil -,i i i' . t ! 1 hi ■ but Iil-lrul»t rliiiiw i ' I| '■ :•••!» ' sialic;! tn coiicc.-.l t!i;.t e:;tr.i pnltlld :im ' Marian Mar-in ■ 11 MI42, J malic in :i cli p i 1'• ir» :i .irili , rayin. will lake hi'p|.inn «»i j keep viiii trim thr<iii!',li liusy day: at | i!i il Cruris nr cant ■< it wori;. I';iiKm 11 ill 12 iii.iy I c ordered rnly in \\i in: n"s size.- :•!. -Iti. -12, i •II. Hi. -ISt. Size :.«■> i ci|tiircs It :>-4 j yaul- lain ii. Send SIXTEEN CENTS tn coins tor this Marian Mai tin pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, AD 1>HESS and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department. 232 W. littto St.,' • New York, N. Y. of the slowness of the I mails, delivery of our patterns may ] take a few davs longer than usual r amily Meets for Birthday Supper Tin.- clniilicn and ( iiihlron of I Mrs. 10. I.. Fuller met her home I Sunday c • .Irlv Ilia picnic | .-upper hoiiiu inn the birthday of Mrs. Fuller anil her (laughter, Mrs. I Edward Thurmond. <>t Atlanta, Cia. Mr.). T. C. iiiil \.as a'.- • a bi.lhday J •nest. had a i nihil v on I Thur-day. I IC'IIII' '1 .-kit; were hi 'UKht .111(1 a large * >:>le ::nn»i lill.ii \vil!i de'iu.- 1'irtnl .in.l iff ic i Snapshots v. ere niaiU flu.'iisjt the | me. oitcli i: r.; the • :p uir.wpceicitl.v ,i 11 if y enjoyed t Mi. tile «!f!.• m-. : u;i i 'Ih.i.c ; .'fiuli ij; were Mr. and ! Mrs. 'i'. I, Fuller mid n. I.el.nid Fuller. Mr. and Mi>. I'Siltmi Fuller •i:d (iauuM . Jeamietl Fuller. Mr. I and Mr- Fl> ti lit r Fiilli • anil ehi* 11 • i . I 'a i° ■. I .cm !l> . lid I I ic . At d Mi-. I- ■> I'.ikiii s .. a,id c! rl.lri ii. lift 1 nd V ii ri:i I IV Uii'.snii Mi.-.. (."Iia. ii K. Feller laud • i\ il) y Klvi;« Full: r, .lack Fui I ler. Mr. and Mrs. T. ('. (i II mid nn, | C*li»:< Ciill. .nl the II u i uue.-ia. I Mrs. Fulh mid Mrs. 'I'liui iimhhI. Tlif elil'dn i \vln> were uiialil (•> I attend wi n Mr. and Mr-. Sam Fill— , ler and sun. "f Troy; Mr. and Mrs. j K. M. Fuller and daughter, oi 'Gainesville. <la.: Edward 'riuirnt >tui, •.f Atl.'iil . and ("ha I-.. K. Fui l( i who I IliiW station' .1 at lloli - iulll. The ",Ui ' 'I' parted .r bedtime. | .ieel iri;';! '' • ; liail had in t njo.vatilc ,i t-!"V,( il • aid wishiie'. the h hum i wests ii re Itappv lirlliuav. Mrs. I i..:. Mr. Cut. and Mrs. niuruuiul cfiVfil .vim n:re and i useful .*,ii West Liu! Club to Ha\ c Club Night Mei;il>« i : the Wis' Country '"i iii v. -• inble t inmlit it !i t'fluck I • i ninthly Club P- iulit iifliiir it i ' iuh, and |)l iu» promise it Will as sueces-lul as the two |»re\ * ntertiiiuaionts held thi- stmv Curds, d .nemu. iind a i lit.- i:Mtnent ■ It.i Uif i '• in.u lit ■ •! limse who itt. nd. In' I?mii 11" - are erved. It i:; 1 lhi.t a In jf iH'ifeiiliiKf : 1 the "i hi J v. ill lie i !i i:aii " '.( r Intiijil • ' M nl. YOUR PRESCRIPTION COMPOUNDED f>SY0UR DOCTOR ORDERS IT WhMw* compound your pr»icip. * you m»y be turo *• fo'low dtcfof't order i. Off capable, ph«rm«citf> do com nt Jtna C« fcund'"9- Only full FLOWERS FOR I VKRY OCCASION I'hunc 380 Day or Nlcllt BKIDGERS T,,c Flor,st BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay Th* Authority mi AuthorlUM" DESTROY HIS TIMIXti IF YOU can make a No Trump declarer use up u needed entry to (lummy before lie lias its long suit established, you liave destroyed his timing "f the play and ren dered that suit worthless t-i him. Counting the number of probable stoppers of the suit held by your side, and the number of entries or re-entries to get at the suit, will usually give you the Key t»> the situation. ♦ A 8 VQJ*>7432 ♦ AD *!'7 ♦ 4 2 V a in r, o <> 10 4 2 A IC J C 5 4 K 10 3 «K ♦ Qjr. + A Q 10 4 3 2 (Dealer: North Neither vulneiahle.l North East S«utli 1 V 1 ^ 2 NT :i V Pass 3 NT West naturally led the 4 of his partner's spades. South, deciding to work on the dummy's heaits, rather than li s own clubs, and theiefore wishing to retain the spade A there as a re-entry, took the J with Ins k ami then laid down the heart K West put on his A and then led the snade 2 to the A The heart and .1 were si-ir«'d. and the 8 M t<> West's Hi With no more spades, that defender re tutni'd the diamond 2. whereupon the diamond A. three moie hearts L>i:;ti ll»1it»-«l i>> K1 lit: 1' side Wist I "ass an<! (lie ilnt) A completed nine 11 irks fur llio declarer. giving linn his contruct. Foresight by West should have tcrld In tit to duck the lirart K on the second trick. South then, if the K wns a simpleton. as hoped, would have had to use the dia mond A to roach dummy, so he could lead more hearts. Weal c::uhl have taken the returned heart Q with his A. then knocked cut the spade A. The hearts would be dead then, because West could win the fourth round with his 10. That would have limited South to two tiiiks in hearts instead of live, and would have compelled him to let West m with clubs, whereupon a diamond lead to the K would have enabled Eaat to fin ish the hand with the letting spade tricks. * • • • Tomorrow's I'roVeat 4 J 7 •> 3 V A 9 S 0 o .i :i A A 8 4 * Q r. 4 7. if K 10 T 3 « A K JJ.Q J 10 4 10 8 »Q54 2 » Q 7 S 2 4.KT3 ■ rvnlcr South IJolli n!«los vut n* rable 1 How sheuld East play this hand f"r :;-No Trumps after the heart A takes the tlrst trick, the 0. 10 and constitute the se<->nd, and thi- 4. 8 and K the third? it Ji> mill ate. Inc. 71 -Ceill Egjr Price Need Not Be I'iiid By Consumers Here !!<'•>•■.•! hi 71-cent :i (l'1/.i'ii in N'iivi mher need not m\ii*«* I!• ■ - dcr:mi hiiiisrwiviv, ;i(T"](iiii:; to ,\. iInn II. Surprise, M'civtiny <>l the llcndei % ii <iT Con! !i(Ti i' "I'llill- will be 71 -t-fiit I'd!!'5. : inc.* practically all sold in II neioi snn arc :inm adc.l, the price IVr niade AA Cggs i: ivl little i:ittv t. Tlic I, mi list i (Mail |.rio- for i:r. Hraded f"'° 'lie nioritli ot No vember, will lie 52 (tuis in malic stores i.nd direct from fari:i.*:s. :>! cents in larger independent . I res. Pin- maximum price \vlii*-i: t'u ,ai 1111*1* \\i!l I i* pe: miited In a. 1; iv ;*ci*.*e. if In* s«;lls \.*|i l*jsak* to steic. V. ill In* -t.i <*i;:it>. I, iii;rad:l i—.;*-' t'ii< v.(*<*';-c**id !>: * a wholesale i*i iliir.*. ol :>'J cent .>ni* a retail ceiling of -Hi rents in siinilV* .doie;-, i*in's i*i larger indet) cut .-.'.'Hi and -It rents in chain st nes. Kllertivc Monday and In two w. cl;< the price will inriea. one t.nt fur eaell group. Ti.e price i we if- slow and normal tor the fall >ea on. These prices tna** bo ini cic;i.-id two cent.. a dozen. * irpris says, it the e^ns ;:re pae!:ecl in enr .<*ns. PRICE ORDER STUDY TO C. OF C. MEMBERS A vi*i v Ihnvnilfiil ijlit (li ;inI ic;illv < |'!;«I. I!. • <| : lucly «»f Iv.m new m;i.\i' iiiuiii | ■ i ico nrflt-r-- whi.'li uill n Irul i . :ictir;illy all retail I . <1 : l«ne tiilfs uIIim AiiRUi.1 5 is bciiu: ilclivi r <<l ti> Mi-ihUts r.l the llriH- i ■ .i Cliniiil ci hi Comnicree, art liti;* i • A11Inii- II S'lrprisc. rii<- new MI'li .. rliiiin st. :*« . iiini Ml I, •1—■{ I '! i!l(lc|M.,ll'll'||| stuiv . V ill |! i»l:uv <m lint; ni'dcrs Mi'i; ..mi 2ISK. . ml v isl inclwdc more l!iati .. 'I'./i ri ii( l j;;imp:-, whir!) in fie I'-1 I ! In ell fiillllnlU I 1 :y i . , plii-.iltd .ikI iiinviii I;;il>l n.i-Ui.m TIi«- licv.- iikI r.s jire; delitutelv .'i perioi i . any previous food euntn 1 uriiri:. Surprise COFFEE RATIONING MAY ENi, AUGUiT i W.i. tit July II (.V) i Iiec i I 'riff AUii.i i >■ •( i i' i I »l .1*1 I |IIC..I(|-«I I .(|.l\ lll.'ll !*;:!• •! i.iy will etui > :i < i ln-i.n' V II. . Ii'l : ll|>|.lus <•! r : .1 • I III •• • i:i•!>.* to piovidf ..II <ii . : Inr.v Aincrieai • «■• • • i til in l 'i||«c Ml|i|>lie.< ;i|i,»'n l in i:. <•.Il;:li<in ui ;ill it- iiu li' ii . H i s.'.ic. (inly t ■:;i!i\ c'.ii-tul. ic event—»urii a ;i nnv « ; '• Iji «>1 M.l'inai ine war!; ir j.i t'. I°. i nil can c ill LI I.I: >t*U iir ii>i:i: i at inning. 'I nc vcrdi't, it \v:is ii«.. \v;i- achcl .it .i 1u■ i.11 inii'iciv, Ii'll rc|>i< -filial»\«'. "I Use < »IV hi i .\ki i •ulturc IJi;» n !.••• ui I li'M'il'lll l*'i ■ i. I « ;■!! ill I'ldlt! : . inipiuv t lllflll III 1 If Ii.i1 11 .•••. ii . I UI - r. ivf i i>l ii i ' ii* . okisiiIiii' 11■ :. u l ii'.u. < (•olio • ;ilid Minar. Il<»\. t'Vi r. 1)1 lllf I • <|| >!•;•.(: <'I A IciIm flic I'txv kluit way ■> liH • i mature. LAST CALL IS ISSUED FOR FUEL OIL FORMS The Vance war pr:r<- an I . iti-m my bnaid I iflav i .-.ii 1 .i "I . t i !:' I' i a|>j)ln .ilii n.'. lor In ! ii i,i i ■ . • III* flli I i lit : i i li I 'Imi In-..I1 ■ I l'< MSIM-li I n ||| |||f! .1 ls.l\ • I I tin ir ap|>liciiiinn . it w.i t I'ftl. there ore a lew : i iu;.l"f wlin . • i• • tilf their fnrm- at niiir. She's Island Queen COAST GUARDSMEN on Anelot Key, oiF Tarpon Springs, Florida, have named their fuvi rite singer and entertainer. Martin, ut "Queen <■( the Uami." N'icc choice, w'u nyree. (International) IIus ()i:i-r.iti'iu. (;nl l!. t i who under* \\< nt .mi «i|H'niti<iii .t Mtiria Piii'liiim Alt'lidiiy .:j't, , L>]J I'll t•. Ijc t!i inji i.t -t . , FLIT has a wartime j«»l> helping our Htiilicrii it; Sit inject-enemies <•11 many icitllt front*. \t)U have a wartimi- j?»l# helping to r«|iii|» «>«ir f«»r vietnry itml (!.« id home <{tiieker! \«»ur j« I* is to (nil every cent yon < an Ly \oiir iiamlit on,into— MORE AND .TORE WAR BO&DS SiGN UP FOR MORE THAN 18% TOBAV! ri'LlisI by Sir.n'O Inccrport-tid ts? t:.: Urr nrr In tc: .'v.'i.n v.'.'i !ho Cszr.iz:.: cni AM.tcf t ;• 1 ::i- r;>n HBKTVaSUCBrBnKHC ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE Bianchette Beauty Shop MONDAY, JULY 19 Your Patronaye Will lie Appreciated MRS. GRAY BRUMMiTT, Proprietor MRS. GAY PACE, Operator Phone 145 ►(>• &.TB>( )4CSC!2K ?>w-TS33>( )^1 GAY COLORED TABLE CLOTHS Famous for Quality Si/A* 5 1x5 I MATCHING NAPKINS 15*15 6 for $1.19 P M A I'rinjr joyous color t'> your t;»• »li*. These sluniiin;: Uil«K* Hoth> nx' • 11 make every meal a Irslive occasion. 1 »<• lijrhlllll pastel patterns on while grounds you'll \\.»:;? ( lie <>r morn of (hese. an*l can have thctn, too. at litis low price in a wide variety of colors. SPECIAL! Ol'A Odd |,o| lieleased .•<«■!11\ shoe ut lieleased I,adie> ( noil rat icnieil) *:? qc Sale Monday. July |'.» v-.vJi) BUY ONLY WHAT YOU NEED I E. G. Davis & Sons Company III

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