HENDERSON r». M Heniterson Hatltt Hfsjratrij U ilK'HETH YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 20, 1W3 f1VE CENTS COPY Martial Law Rules Italy Air Warfare On Naziland Continues RAF Big Bombers Raid Essen for 57th . Time; Mosquitoes Blast Wide Ar ea London, July 26 — (AP) — RAF heavy bombers made a concentrated attack on Essen last ni^ht while Mosquito air craft struck at Hamburg and Cologne and swept over north west Germany, the I.o\v Coun tries and France, the British announced vi/.lay. Twenty-I'ivu* planes were list ed a; missii'K in the far filing overnight operations and five rnt my aircraft were reported V.hct down. T!:e air iniristry aminunce mcnt said I hat the raiders en countered Rood weather over the target area at Essen anil that nr«Tm:nary reports indicated the iirmb nu was concentrated and effective. The Rie.it formations of night nid ers scnrtvly h:d returned to their l»a=c-i when fresh squadrons of allied raiders swept out across the English channel this m iit nig to continue the .-mashing aerial offensive—the great est in history—by daylight. Last night's raids followed a f erirs of round-the-clock blows de livered by both the HAF and the United States eighth air force. Bri tish bombers striking at battered Hamburg Saturday night and Amer ican airmen heaving destruction on the smoking ruin- yesterday in this deepest penetration of Germany. Last night's raid was the 57th m Es^en—one of the most heavily bembed cities in the world. In addition to the 25 bombers listed as rris-ing in I'ne overnight foray, one RAF fiehter also failed to re turn home, the air miristry said. W arehcuses Are Jammed Florida-Georgia Tobacco Growers Generally Pleased With Price Ceiling * Atlanta, July 26—(AIM—To bacco warehouses in northern Florida and south Georgia were rrpiirted jammed today as grow ers generally expressed approval of newly annotuteed ceiling prices and hauled their crop in for the opening of the 1913 mar ket tomorrow. The producers were also lined up behind the government crop control program. Incomplete returns from Saturday's referendum in six south ern slates showed an overwhelming preference for continuation of the (piot,is wlucii have been in erfcct since 1910. Nearly !»l per cent or the growers iavoivd control, with a majority voting for a three-year ex tension. The price ceiling wasn't what the growers had asked—but based on a "weighted average" of $41 per hun dred pounds it allowed some leeway. It was described by officials as "in line" with last year's priccs. The actual market average last year was $38.75 per hundred pounds. The 1943 ctiling is determined by averaging all purchases made bv a single buyer during the season, with out regard to grades or localities. Thus a tobacco company could pay more than the $41 ceiling for any Particular basket, but by the end of Ihe year would have to buy enough cheaper tobacco to bring its average price down t > the ceiling. Of votes tabulated through yester day, 110302 favored three-year ntio las. 4.505 were for a ore-year plan, and 12.000 wvre against federal con trol. STAR IS MOTHER Hollywood, .fuly 20.—(AT')—L/tna Turner, honov-haired film actress, pave b'Mh I > a se<-««-oootid II ounce daughter in Hollywood hos pi'nl :it ,Vt!> . rv Sundnv. "Both are Tine," reported Dr. Ben ''ow T^omtv". A name has not been selected for the child. At the hospital wore Mis* Tur ner's hesfoiind. Stepren Crane. for mer broker and now an Ar.ny pri vate at nearhv Fnyt MacArthur, and her mother, Mrs. Mildred Tu ner. Out. . . Premier Kr::i'o Mus-ol'i.i. clic'.;.t:»r of Italy for llic past 21 years, tc.igui'd yc'ci;lay, and today was unofficially reported to have been arrested as he attempted escape to Germany. Kins Vittolio I'.manuele named Marshal Fietro Badoglio. former chief of staff and lung an opponent of fascism, as successor to .Mussolini. 186 Tons Of Bombs Dropped OnMunda Ten Raids Made On Kiska Washington. July 2(5—(AIM— Ten battering aerial assaults on Ki.-ka. carrying on the campaign to soften that Japanese basL> for occupation by grounds troops, were reported today by the Navy. Army Warhawk fighter planes made the assaults i:i a .-peedy series ot raids Saiurdav. hiur.b ing and strafing the Japani- e 0:1 the rocky Aleutians island. Numerous hits, the Navy re ported, were scored on the run way at the Japanese airi:eld there. In adition, other bombs struck among gun emplacements of the enemy. One United States plane tailed to ictiirn from the attar); which brought to 3D the r.umber of times that Kiska has been bomb ed this month. Surfacc> units also have turned their big guns on the island seven times since the fir t it the month. Badoglio Foe Of Fascisn B.v the Associated Press Tall and lough Field Marsha Pietro Hadoglio, Italy's new I'rin Minister, has long been noted fc his anti-Fascist and ai t.-(icrmun a titure which made him suspect I , Mussolfc-. i's henchmen. Long a dose personal friend King Victor Emm. nuei, t:ie 72-yea old marshal has for the most" pa held aloof from politics and on De fi. 104(1. resigned as chief of staff • the Italian army. Kiev en da>s aft' •his resignatic-, which was quick accepted by Mussolini, Germ; troops poured .cr>.-< the border in Italy proper. Since that tii'.e he ha- been man <>f mystery. Ueports drifting the outside world, however, had hi under arrest by tin* Mussolini g:r yrnmc- t and one 't the leaders of movement to obtain a separate pea Jor Italy. Mis frind'hip with the king da. 1" ek to the tune of Mat- 's partieip 'lion in the first World \V ir in wha .his outstandnig ai-l a" ■ M«v»t was I taking of Sabot mo Mountian. F this the king made h i the Manp of Sabot ino. WI4TIIIR FOR NOItTII CAROMNA. Little rlianur In temperature tonight and trmnrrnw with widely scattered thunrierstinw er.s wrst purtInn this aflornnon i an:l early fvfnlns. Over 200 Bombers Blast Jap Positions; Australians Bomb Gasmata Airdrome Allied Headquarters in the Southwest Pacific, July 26.— | (AP)—American numbers, in tiie riifjlitiest aerial assault in tlie southwest I'aeitie war, dropped 1K(> toiJ< of bombs on Japanese positions at Alunda. New Geor gia, yesterday. .dure than '00 planes parti cipated in the attack. One fail ed to return. The cunimuiiiiiuc from Goner. I Douglas Mae A i tour's hcadiiuurtei made no comment <>ii the results < the raid beyond saying tlt.it "ti area was thoroughly bombed.' Six hundred miles to the wes tin royal Australian air force cxecu ed the heaviest attach yet made o .he Gasmata airdrome on the sout eoa.-t of New Brit.mi. ltoaring in i dawn, Deauforts, Bcaufighters sm Batons with Kittyhawks as cuve destroyed the radi > station an ground aire rait. "The run way and dump areas an eniaiy personnel were thorough I strafed." the communique .sun "Aiiti-aircriilt position* were .silent v'd." Attacks against Jap.ine.-e shippin continued. A Liberator bomber u reconnaissance over IJukii island i the northern Solonion sighted eigl L|Japanese inerchantnien moving i I the direction of the hard prcsst i enemy bases to the southeast. Tl ! bomber attacked the largest of tl II vessels which wire without the pi ' 'lection of warships. Crewmen sa 1 they saw six o! thtir SOH-jkhii: ' | bombs explode within Id feet of tl ' I 8,000-ton transport. The ship raist f!a heavy anti-aircraft barrage ai the Liberator did not remain to ol j ser\ e results. r 4-H ENROLLMENT GROWS IN STAT ( ! College Station, lialciKh. July 2ii. Noitn Carolina's -ill Club enrol .( nienl lias increased .».> per cent tii ye.ii under the : tre«s of wartn ( coiiditi us iintl it ii w lands at i>.i li!f, boy * and girl... L. Ii. Ilarnll. sla , club L.iilei <■! the 1 M-n ion Servi c at S ,te College, announced iie '.OlI.lV. s The record,, show that J iltn-ln 1 *iSs and Mecklenburg eiuntic- h. j the largi.-t elll'ollmci' - .iinon;; I (1 while clubs and (hi t Northainpt.i , pit . Wan en. and I'.l.nlen eonnli ! Ii, (I in Ncgru eiirolhiictii. St < OMI FRONT III MANIIi l) ! 1, don. July 2(1.— (AIM Urgii i for a second front in western i rope were re owed with fresh vi« ■ ovci the Moscow radio vesterday ! M Viktnrov. nuthoritai'.ve politi, [ ci n tvnlator. Ho declared that sti ] «n attack now would (urn the pri I rnt n-izl Cfltif if to "a veritable M t're 1 Termini Captured Trccps Squeeze Last Sta:id Defense in IVortheaftern Corner of the Island Allied Headquarters in North Africa. Inly :J6—(AI»>—Allied Iroojis are squeeziiifr lighter up on axis last-stand defenses in nort lieastern Sicily against bit ter resistance. it \va-; -innoiineed today, and American troops mopping no w.-st'-ni Sicily have capti'reil Termini. :{0 miies east of l'alcrm >. and taken 7,000 more prisorers, includinjr six Italian generals and an admiral. (Tlie Algiers radio today re pr.rted th:* unonfrimed Amer ican ca| it lire of Cefaln, 50 miles east of Palermo.) "I'llrthcr pressure on the en emy was maintain! il in all sec tors." Iiy .•< merrcan. Canadian :>ml ItrilUh fsina area, the rommu'-iiiuc declared. Ydians striking east from central Sicily "continued to ad vance but their progress was slowed in the face of hitter re sistance." it added. Sonu- i nits of 'hi- U. S. seventh army driving tow ird Messina are far to the c;.-t i>f Termini and its can ture >11- .lid; les !' <• srasp upon the norlht !'* coastal aiea of live island. Mi than 70 (Mm ;vi;oner- now are .in allied hards. <>V whom 57.00(1 were taken t-v American-, the six Itali. n sene '• and the adtniral not beins itnme.'i vlv identified It wrs of'u-ially estimated tliat thn o and > 1 ill' German divisions and three It n divisi-vs were but tled up i*> 'lie northeastern corner of *5icilv. On< 'if the razis nii'ts in the Me-sina br dcehcad was identif ed as the 29th d vi«ion. named for the German ir.it destroyed by the Rus : sit'"- at Sl iltncrad. Allied planes kept up their i ices ! sant hammer ns and the avis supplv nr-rt of M ia// ■ west of Mvssina wa bl:>.-tcd S:'t';rd v niaht with many , f;;<< starti d. Ho ld objectives near Orlando al» ■» were hit. C otton F utures 50-55 Lower Nf.v York. Inly 2G.—(AIM ('•>! 'on ii^'ires i'1'i'iiccl 1") to .in cents a bale liivvor. Noon price- were 50 In con!: ;i bale lower. Oi-tiibt-r 1!).}!!), Dmniiu i '•!).70, .March 10.54. Prcviou- Tufi.n CIc.M Oll'.ll , October 20.IM i 1IMU !)<•( V1!'!' Itl.Hl 1 i Mr.rrh .. ID.fiii lil.iin .May . ... l'l.f.J llMJi ' .«* 11 v )!).:«• !».:{;] 30 Indicted For Strikes Federal Grand Jury Charges Conspiracy to Prevent Coal Production rillsliiir':li July 'Mi—(AIM—\ ledcial er.'inl jury iiivcstiealiiii: recent uimiiIIiimI/'mI strikes in the sod coal drills »( south u cslcr'i I'ciiiutyh.ini.i today indictcd ;!u pelviiiis. charging conspiracy to prevent production or coal in violation »i "'«* law. The prosecution* ncrc Hie first since pii.ii inii'iit of (lie (°onnall> Sinilli anli slrikp law on .lime !."• The in . < 'iiiciiin charm (I deli ml .Hits S1 If II.V Willi 'V lit li Mlli'll cull j'.ri 'iilcdera' it;; 1 ttet-ic in ifit« rft ■■ 1 -Irikc iir| m* • a 11 ■ s" " iniii< . iipt ' I I»v the u v i ! t>• i i hi ; , The inrf iwil Mid ffio.«c iwiimi i- "well knew it the mines were t Iho United St.iti - n v thai c.'ii'; » operation \\ .. • Men: I Mty "i HirMHful prosecution > li (he wnr." Conv i • r indor thr nnti- '• i- laiv rv ' l-> .Ci.ono pi r-r ' -n* y?.n In... Marshal Pictio Bad.ji*]ii>. former chief of >t ft of the Italian army whom Mils soli-i dci>.>.->cd, yes terday was named prem er the \va« -torn and lnva*i >n Ihro'iti'iifd country lollowinij he resignat;. . oi the former d..t 1 tor. Today, Bad.>glio placed the nation under martial 1 w. Reds Drive Nearer Orel: Stalin Directs Army in Offensive; 30 More Towns Taken; Nazi Lorses Mount Moscow, July 2I>.— (AIM — Russian troops inspired by per sonal visits «r I'remier .losel Stalin to ttic front slashed thro ugh stubborn resistance to ad vance two and one-half to five and one-half miles on the Orel front yesterday and now stand within sis miles of the Ilryansk railua> supplying the powerful nasi bast*. Thirty more populated place. \vi iv u| Liiict«iv. ;iiui i. •nnan position? I'it.iiiii' won mim pr» CitS'lf U; III -full- < • t ■-1 lf»"i 111 • COIIlUT .11 '•aek>. 1 ;• .J n../.i Ihsts iii rn ii iiiii! iiuii'. i i mii mued. Stall ih I'll ,ii 1 ill* lion' ..Illri i»l tin .1-. per-onally supi . . rinn ia i.'eleineiil nl Orel. (The Ciennan communique declar ed 1li.il .iii liii.-M.m attacks vesier da.v hiid been frustrated, wish the Red .< y stiffeiing heavy lo-ses »i, men mI tanks. Soviet assault.- m tin (.'. .. mi- and Lake Ladoga are: • likewi- ..l ie repulsed. it itided.) 'i'he in Ivances upon Orel weir .UIII< < iet advance, the bulletin said. •• being well supported by the lied . u force. TWELVE FLIERS DIE . IN CRASH OF PLANES II,...in.. Jul? 28. CAP) rwe Ana. i.a Ibombers Mtariniu llided in i .ai-ati 2,(10.1 teet i ic Cuban Army he,.d tpiarleis ..illing 12 Atnciican ,ui men. The plain - w ere loaded with bomb- and ne t'l the erewme.i might hi.\e s.acd their lives «»y u tills, .niiu. tlx hir.h explosive- oi the crowded beaches or Army head* i|iNirtet~. i •' tiny tried lo i ila i i ash Itttidi . •<' st a and the pla Ijlew up. Only < i ''ii i2 boilie- had Inn reeoM-ieil • ' hours alter In ii eidt nl. FIRE DAMAGES LUMBEF PLANT AT WARRENT0> Warrenl < ■■ . ie ' had i < on Krida v n, n il , i ;• o'< Hi and the o| I p: n.u U III I. . '<■ I .Mill \\ Ol'e de-tl ivr The buildings were eovered by i; tur.nu e and losses have i.ot yet bi t e • ated. I he new pinning mill which h. i;i ) eeeiith been built WAS not dan lifted and v. as near the other t\\ i oust; uetiorn. Hoi' lie W. rronton .;id Monde on lite trucks responded p.mtpt r : -'id «plen.1id V.'ir' <■> v. i t•' m c*«; • tp. Badoglio T akes Over As Premier; I! Duce Reported In Custody New Italian Premier Orders Army lo Preserve Public Order, Forbids Gatherings; Mussolini Said to Have Attempted to Escape to Germany London, July li(>—(AP)—Mart'al law was proclaimed throughout harassed Italy today in swift succession to a govern ment shaUeup which eliminated Benito Mussolini and his fascist cabinet and installed the conservative Marshal l'ietro lladoglio as premier. Kinjf Vittorio Hmanuele made the change in the war leader ship. the first major break on the axis front and a possible pre lude to ail Italian bid for peace. km<^ Kint! YittiU'io Enian .oie ol Italy j assumed enmman.l (it Itali 11 I I »rcw for "a stand ngain-it tho#e i who have wounded I ho sacred s.til of Italy" as Benit • Mussolini iosipied the premiei-hip ;il or 21 years of dictatorship. Hull's Faith In Military Secretary of State Indicates Increased Pressure to Follow Downfall of Duce Washington, ,lnl\ Hi.— (AIM — Secretary of S'.ate Hull indicated today that incrcas-d military IMftisurc to insure Italian capit lilalion to the allied demand lor niH'oniiiiinnnt surrender would iir ll;is country's rc-iionsr lo the downfall ol (V.-nito .Mussolini, lie termed \ t •>• timely and ap propriate liie elHimtl of the It.dial Premier's U'Kimc and said was tin tn-t major step in the early am e. mplete eradication ol fascism. lJ.ii Mull emphasised repeatedly tha : ehiot reliance is on militaiy devei I opments. ' The Slate department head, mak j inu the first oflicial American conr :: nt 'i the displaci i out of the Itai i.ill do Mlor. told a on •> c nifcrein that the allies were tiuMm^ ilU<* th I de\ il, v. hen asked what the Unitei ! S'aies was doinj; in the tare of tn 11, hail internal developments Hull indicated no chauue in In (iik i i.dit i -iial surrender policy In d «wn by President H > for*-lis dii ■ III IV II .n nil .1\I> UIUIIIUIICC mcnt ol what had krrumc of Mussnlini hiii unconfirmed re ports from Stockholm said lie had item arrested while trying to flee to Germany. Koimdabout Stock holm reports also told of demon strations in northern Italy with thousands of Italians shouting "Dswu wi''i Hitler." "Out with •he Germans" ;:nd "We want Ll.ici;i.til•1» 1 .»ien-.| ti.o .limy to takt? over the pii.-' inn • i prbl.e or der tiir-.i:"!! I1. • n:i\i..n. lorbade gatht rim- ' . Hi. ii tin it- per ROIW, directed Me j:i-. I.' remain "I fie.r ' i . ::n e.i ... \.»red tlic troops l« •« • . i- who vio lated l'ii' in-': net' :i-. Hour by hour, deed i;i, •.t sits ill the • itu.'it (in .• i. > ii v i ;i-:i.ii the and ■i) the struggle .nto whir'.! ".I issoli.i 'jlunj»>• bombi si which threaten ever In •reasinj; force. Bsduglin said "the var coin in o ." In addition ' > tii- I!i '.ructions to he peopli*. the new premier i.--ued i special •. the dofon.-v of the atherland." The UAO.UOO niaei; Shirt once dnssolini's p'.\.it'.- army—are the ccuiippt' i ; at) i >ng Italy's nili'arv t >rcc: t ' 2.H00.000 ncn. The Berlin radio said Budoelio had appointed Baron Kafl'aele Buariglia. »l. Italian Ambassador to Turkey for III:' last sis months, as foreign minister in Italy's new government. The foreign minis try was among the portfolios for merly held by Mussolini. With :«t years experience in diplo macy. Baron Biiariglia could have Ijcen a go-bctw< i n in any nogo'ia Iion-, tin a scpar ite peace during hi.- residence in neural Ankara. Selling Hurts Stock Prices Now York, .lulv 20.—(AD— j Hriiihtrninn "I the peace outlook through tin- o'lUip.-r <•! Mussolini ;iih! other Italian developments touchcd nil v.idtM-alo sfilitiK in to aa.v's financial iniirkvl. Cominoditic- dipped with stocks und - gcnei-nlly weakened. Sharkn Mil* included f. S. St col. Hethlehcin, \< < >icrn Untoii, Douglas Aircraft, I'tuted Aucrait. j Spcrry, .1 I Case. Scars llocburk. North Amcican and Allied Chenti <• 11 Internalional Tolophone advam • d. Holding reel's."ions in minnt amounts were (icncral Motors. Chry , slcr. Text s Co.. Anaconda, Ooodrtcil . and American Telephone. ■ ! unnamed united nations merchant • I vessel in the Caribbean early in I July. > Stockholm authorities said the 1, • ; B41 ton Swedish freighter. Scan dinavia. had been torperl">ed in »he srnMh AHrntir rn*l t^ot survivor* i hf.d tfgn ! 'Culr.ta."