ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS ] Htfrritersmt BaUxj Bfapafrlj { MONDAY, JULY 2(5, 11)43 County Tax Rate Reduced Ten Cents Down To 70c $10,000 Of Surplus Put Into Negro School Fund Reserve for Building Program After the War; Budget of $235,035 Is Adopted by the Commissioners A tax levy of .-.eventy c nt on tilt* $1011 property valuation was adopted l>y the Vance Hoard of County <'ornmis-ioiii'i'< loila.. At the same time Ule new ntid Ktt for lit 1:;-1 1 \va - adopted calling for an expenditure of S2.».j,0:>~> for all purposes. T!i • new rate i- a cut of on '.'lit* fri.m the eighty cents Uvy im posed for the last several years. The tent;i ive budget w. - pre •cried to the e mimigal >ner» at the r moe! 'is 'he -!"st Monday • J . y and wti* tentatively adopted ut that tiir.e, with approval given a trice'. ■' >y w;:ch lasted e elHorablv less *:.I1 ;):■ !i The coniiuioncrs d'd not allot :■!I t f i he unci ' .• Xearn s • bllilli !l".S t i. I! ■«.' . -kf.1 b-' KNOW / by H£\ ONE .■V.EDIUM TANK could be paid for if everq person in Clarion Pa , (.Pop. 3.798) bouqht it 5 i3 75 War Bond (Buy Bonc/s Now.') Voyal Crown Cola Best by TasTe-lesT f NEIII BOTTLING CO. ifD'YOU IMionc *241 Henderson, X. C. the Y :i e (.'> :.'v Ueawi "I Ed.ioa tl II. • ; ! 41 II t ivqill'-It'll >i ..(UH'i ' S7ll.''iii smpiu*. .ti l t: ... <• tils i>I .1 1 :t ee:it t <• i • : t iio »l It \y l>c re au-d . ii' .>,>i"i*.\i '•-■ iv i - . Sli'.'11' !':>:wd t't ia'.t.'l'. tlif ccn -lis applied t -• on tirr tin i-...'.- M-h'-fl rate to a ''fit :i'ln>n •- t 'a! can :y ate. it'll :1: u.-.i .i 1 from .:iy .»ur s \v:i« all i t t.10 rosen«• .jo m ; ..(vanniated : ' Nijt/o -choui after t;:i iv.: This makes a t.t.l o: ■ v.- :■] that fund, s • e • .SI0,00(1 \v. - ' .is:dc las', yea. : ' ■ the purpose. T C'entr; 1 . id -trade school in Henderson, ir-story brick .- rucUstc ...» ut 73 years old, houses th. n 1.000 •' ;o"t>. and two >i.. » u was cotide nod t.••• school ..i tax r. te -ft ' ' >' was based pi ptvty \ al ' ill S18.300, ni'1 .'h tie i \ dilation is e\| • *.■"i• : ' i l;e m-. * >l!l.'iil0.000. Tlu I vy ..- ex|*ecuri t • produce not • :i s 1 ".i. i mi. • hor reve " , r p. «r !• :i'|- s •iirees. I • i-vi i i that • pts !: 'til In : laves \\ ill .. sit to $9,000; tivni pri\ 1 jf.% licet •• $2,300: tax j .• . It: $2 J.»'.7»: bar . > 1 lc lit'::. >7: :> tr"m -her . -I. ite> !!• register i vi . jti.7.1 : !ei., . i* 1 *■".*J\ <>: (it r. t t S7.5(H». taxes c ! i- > -ij.jsr.s2. iit n of n11 ute anticipated. ■ . '.it ■•. u .« si-.arj - riuced and ■. - estimated at : . -i i . .res i eluded v :;ty : md< bud 4.*. adriiti n .! 817,070 iv -i ' i . .• e . taxes. Als i ■ ! ■ v.-a 741 tor the total inw biai.'.et. ::ci a:i ad.ii U2S.48 as .. iv-erve for ■: I ,i t.ixts :i(ior ' .at head. I'he '. \*o ite • t talc i 3136.165, .. a the ttc r tv. adcied ;> to $98, : . -.and • * : SJ.i.j.nS."). as e ' tat iitnty budget t. r all pur • .* i < 11 - t' ■ o: . i d. ~ t7. " : | . find. : 8(!3: - !ary : md. ■*- '.8 . health ' ;i S'J ! ■: d. ' s . » F T (' en oxpens? t ' :. <U.!> vi; cip utlay. 31.130: debt service. $49— 770. < >: the . ire than $70,000 su plu« • ■ le ii of tin- : -t : seal year, ' • ■ S40.000 v. b dsef.'d: $! was allocated 1 >r school ; ds tarinu ,l-.dy '. and $'J.oi»0 pitch w< nt tn the poor fund, health : .;iid. ,s;.l:■ ry t'ur.d ». .d debt service. • r $8,000. "1 iie now 7'> cents tax levy the lowest the county has hs»d in many vc. rs. and i- one of the • -.vest YOUR CHECKS ARE DOING A REAL Paying by chcck will licio you, and ii will help to win the war. Wo invite you to opon a chocking account with this bank. » • • ® • • * Citizens Bank & Trust Company Phone 199 Henderson, N. C. —* WfWBER FfOERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION In I. S. Navy Gcr. e K. Brow : > >:i o£ Gi ; : e .md Minn o Brawn, orei. 1 Honder.->:i - a seward m United St 'Vavy. At the present time hi .» stutiu ed «t Treasure Islami Calif. He was i>iic ol tiic fii -1 i -h- sec tion to enter the . r.i service.« in t!v S'.i'e. Other r unties with h.w Tlhaw towns t:ixcs b'.> -ides tin county levy, wh Vat'co ! . - :u- of tiitvo for any • wn.-hi«». except T >W: sville lor raii i "ad i>iii:<i-. tiii- item btui^ compar atively . mat!. Council May Cut Taxes At Meeting Budget Also to Be Adopted at Session Tonight; Is Regular Monthly Meeting I he l!i4::--i i t ix r. ii for the Ci'v Hondo, s. n v. ill be set and t i. budget for the new liscnl year .. U be adopt. <■ by ihr Mender.- n C it;. O unci! i! M'Kt'lar t ■nlhlj n■«■> '• II' n t til.lit A ' .X t (til; i II . Oil.I. i; e ';i! cents ■ :i the SIM »ak - !. 11 I.- in j>.- :,>10'. i.:i CUI'le .t levy b' :ig SI.So. duy ir Henry Powell (&id today !l ullC'W <>1 II • out-liiluiuis i>U:|IU >s t come Lei; re t night's incut in;, other than budgetary ad iptions. i ity aiittinri: ie> appeared to i cc; '..:n of son e amount of tax r - du >n, at least five ecnts and p-'.~ sibly ,cu. '1 :io '.cntat.o l .iduot was before tla Council t- June meeting .. ill- .. i) at}". ..lid v. as tentatively ad pted at ... • t including fri ary increase - t< j ne »rly every city en : >yo. Heavy dec ines in debt ser v|( bligi'^vi ido possible tin tax reduc '.it- pile .-alaty i: ■.•jea- . FOUR GET LICENSE FOR MARRIAGE HERE Folir O'lll i . I.Ill- V. ;iiid tlllC I colored, obi;, -.i d l.ivn i-s Saturday | from llie* nn.-'.il duds to marry in this eouniy. li.iv were: George 15. . New York Cry nnri Helen Kii/..heth Knight. i»i Riverside Drive, Xew Yorlc City. .lite. Nathaniel I: iv. {lender- II. Il'iutc 12, ond Lou Branch, 1 lenders >n, (toute -J. «-i i ed. Johnnie I Uiyi .iiid I5i;:cU ! wt li, colored, iiotl ! I leiidcrson. John Huur • m| I:til 11 Ihiwkins. colon(.1. imtii ! I !• -ndi>n. Can you answer these «iui* ques tions? Turn to I'ace 4 foi tin answers. 1 1. Whirii two ini|Mirtnnt tinti , I ought "The I' iikIm-iI Year's Win 2. Corrcc' tne following "I enjoy v..:idiiitiK among the ho rary. ' 3. What the VVKA? ■I. Naii" tin- co-l'resident ol 'iir ; Fieneh Cummi.tee of National l.ih I .•ration. 5. Where is I lo;z> 'ijovian'.' 0. Name the mythological god with two races. 7. With what industry w is Klinrt II. Gary as--*d'.' II. Which tin meat octans is . jaltiest? !•. When is Lne" 10. Ho fresh Iruits contain any pi •'en at I fats? rKOTKCT VOI R IwMiOlt AM) INVESTMENT IN Insnre Now—Ask I's About It Cost Same Now as Later CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY HOW'S YOUR HAIL INSURANCE GROWING CROPS Joel T. Cheatham. President Phone 628 Vance Gives Large Vote Fci Quotas 1,710 Ballotr Favor ihree-Year Quolas; 28 Vole for 1944 Quotas; 46 Oppose \ ■ c milly farmer . \ ■ >" Itli* 01 (i y i:i t!io t'.»i.acco nia;'l.. tinj; qu< '.i ri-i« iMiI a t"t..l ol 1.1 Hit volt .M lavor of quotas- and -ili ua. '■> . auain. t restrictions! on '<»o l!i»i '■w.u' crop, it was ivp>>ru;t too. > i>y J \\°. Sanders, county :: iti agent, lwo challenger votes wiiv Ihroui. • t iy ll.e judges be;.. -.i' of In il: \ tj determine whether the •. were qualified. ■•I' i- 1 ,T:?H votes l;.\ ■ iti5 ouoin-. I,.'. ' wire for impo.-i i >n of quotas i.. l'live-year period and J!', were fi>. 'as for a onc-veai jen id only. '[ vote by comin links (ng mv. iii order for three-year ciuotas, tos -year quotas, a::d against I " *. i lollnw: i > ii. v, 7;>, 1, 14; lit lei.- Hi. 2«:s. i K.uii!I No. 1, 1 «••• •"»: Kii • : v.. 2 and No. 3. 2. 1: Mid . lV»i, 5, 1: Ntni Ii. !»i:. <i. 2: Cue!; N >. I. 11... S.uin.v \ •. 2. l-ill. I. 1 1 >>u n.-\ 11i*-. ' (one vole ilial «i l: Wa. . ! i1!. Wil iai. iioio No. 1. l.:«. 1 1 (one vo'.e elialii tu.edj: Wil li ti in \o. 2, 88, 0, 6. list ;ire\ ion- fcr,,!"'"iv. . mo marketing <|ii >t:is. on July .•i1'. product i I 1 ,'ia.i I : or ol tilln )I ... quota:. l.iMiiiiK one;.i if quotas, i ; votes; op;»o in/ .nv quotas, i- i . lrom Inioui .lit i!i" to . . t- ; indicate thai >■ proposal it • ii>.ii Uet ■: ;* o t.: • ior . t.., |)e; earl i. > a large . f. i i ,i K.i.imi y leleren ii. A iv. .-third. in.ij1 y was re >: :.c.l t'i c.iriy iht ike . n. McGhee Held For Court On Theft Charge in: a:i Mr;. v.viite man and 1 is in .i 1 in default <>1 .snoii mi loilowmg trial in rcc inler's .! Saturday « .1 charge oi steal it..; .in ;.ilomobi!i valued ;.t .S501] • 1:1 .). I-'ii.ukliu Mills, Jr., togelhcl vim S75 in cash. The alleged then (tturred la^t week. The defendant «<!>.• accu.-o.i 1.1 vusses.sing the ">h knowing 1 to he stolen. Pro -j.tolt* t ausa was . in McGhee's case and he \va.- bound over to the October term u; Vancc Superio; -*• illi'S. 1) 11 v Barhai:.. white, was trice nioie Judge If. K. Clements 111 re . clc r'.- court today on pcrjurj r.-auge.- growing • :.t of the Mctilict i'. Probable cai.-e was found ant • wa- bound •.*. «-r to superior court inder S.'JIIU bond. Also on Saturday a hearing wa: it. en Klijah Williams, colored, i: .-•micclim w:th ?:;«• serious .-nootinj • i his wife a wcrk ago near Middk burg, lie was charged with an as >ault with a deadly weapon. Pro uable cause was found and he wa: ' vcr t 1 .superior court with 1 p: i\ ilege ol b md. He is to appeal ti coui again on August 7 for fix ing til bond, pending outcome of in ;urie.- to his wife. Kli.iii.'i I'eopit white, was chargec with ..-sault a: Saturday's scs.-ioi id c' url. and prayer for judgmi 11 was t nlintH(i tut payment ol tir • co>t>. ..11a on 1 -million that he hast glass. it-paired for Beatrice Carlo* • lid the costs were remitted. Trenton Bennett, colored, for 11011 support and ;. -ault, was found no guilty. Nathaniel Will-.ins, colored, wa tried for assault, and prayer fti r dgmeiit was continued on paymen ■ •I tlu- costs and lo Dr. C. II Whitt. l»oberi MeMon. white, was charge: with opt 1; ling a motor vehicle with out i.roptr license, and prayer to judgment w; - c >ntiiiued on p.i.vmcn ol ;In- cists antl 011 condition tha lie obtain the license. I11 addition to the Durham cliaigo ! other cases tir d at today's sessi > of court were as follows: William Ileniy Miller, white, wa charged with speeding and prayt for judgment w,.-. continued on pay | iik nt ol the costs. William llcnry Hawkins, colorcc was charged will drunken drivin an.* carrying a concealed wcapoi ; and was given six months on th I roads. : uspended on payment of $.">(! line and costs and his liccm was rcv-iked for twelve months, an il was required that he net viola! ' an.v law in North Carolina lor tw ['years. The fin'- was made payab! I October 1">. 1913. ONK TRAFFIC FEF. A traffic fee <if one dollar wj ' jciid ('• the city <lcrk by .1. .1. Kd | wards lor jnfiiictioi) of a tniffic <>• ; Jinance. GRAMS GROWS THROl Gil 1 OTATOKS. Several Irish pr>'atoes with wir grn.-s growing through them wci i displayed in thr Hrnderron Dispatc j offi jc Saturday by S. V. Floyd, < i Henderson route 4. Brothers in Senile Forsylhe. Q: M. 3 c <left) and Iliiey \V. Forty the. S 1/c, of tlic l". S. Navy, saw caeh ether for the lirst time in fourteen months recently when they were on furlauqrh vitllin? their mother, Mrs. Olive G. Forsyythe. of r,2~ Chavasse avenue. They have both returned to their bases in C;:liforiii.i. after vi-illn? nlatives and friends here. Farmers Are Needing Rain Farmers in Vance county sjy li-.ev <tiU need rain to complete maturity | oi their crops, and contend that tut j prolonged dry season i causing j harp damage to tobacco hi parti • iiir. Prospect c\i'!' the weeh-n.l wcie a>r .-1»«.vvers, l<tit i-m ■ . j M-alleied s • " ■ til id t -i t» very 'i 'ill. '• •• p'-ai t ; are s'ud to he ■'"•ni"" frceo Mid ri:nni'<-j op to ee(l. Mlleh of the crop has heesi hal ve ted. I-lit nion than 11:.1 • o! she! year's yield is still in tin- fields ni i' i- this for which fear. ..i e\- : ;ni. sed by urou cr.-. Drunken Driving Case One of Four For Police Court Charges ot d!"inkr»n driving and h :\ inR v.'i hoiit ptoper license v.c.i ("inti.ined in < si** of four warrants n whieh trial- were conducted hi ilic-> court t iciav Ijv Mavor lien.;. • .veil. I) I . Mo' ere ,.n \ li'.e ir. se. v. s t.u victim, and he was giv. >i -ixi." i ys on the road-. and 1 incd $5 and i-1end hiii liccnsc was revoked f«.r n year. Edwin Penn. colored, vva- eh:.' t.,.,n with st<aliii.u .. c u t oil of cigarettes troin B. M. Newman on last Satur day. He was s. nt to the roads ur • ixty days. Lawn nee Baskervillc, alias Lnvv icnce Hargrove. colored, was charg ed with assaulting James Burton and was taxed y.ith the costs. Hcnrv Balthrop, colored, paid tr.e costs for being drunk. RECRUITING TRAILER HERE NEXT TUESDAY A recruitina trailer of the U. S. Army recruiting service will be in Henderson on Tuesday, August 3, lot ■ ho purpose of procuring aviation cadets, it was announced today b the recruit station ;>t Durham. I The trailer is ( > be parked near tiioi po-ito!fice buildir;; during ii:> s y in, the city. .viart.1 mill—Created I'asei m' ■orp.-, will :>o in charge < l the unit i •t: ( will I' • iinpa it-.I by Set--' •e'lit c K. Wi iney. All >•' uii'' me* i lot.\cn t'.je a*es j of IT and eliginle I t.- enl:>t-| nM-nt for ;i\ at Ion cadet ;i:'itiing a- d j in \ sortne o >mii'ete inf >rmatijn i from the recruiting officers. ' IW*I CASH* •V!. Sidivv Willi .m . c l«-red. • • | C*:• • » IMaiuim:;. I'll.. i« visitill'. 'ii- I i*.. Hht, Mi .-. Alice Williams, al :i j U '. i.or . treel. GNE CLEAN WORTH SIX WORMY UYnvty thicken*. are good-f>r n< ihirf*—they oat your food and take your time and Ihon f:;; 1 to pa> for Uk ir keep! Or. Salisbury's Avi-Ton ij> jus! >o 11 \ 'i i.i livlp brinu th.-c "i«.ardor" birds back in iho profit eolumn—I>in't was:.' ti!in> . • m ci in ncy on w rmy birds—iisj AYI TOX. removes both round w>nn and <•(•(•;< worms. PARKERS •"i^exoM. TTtux State, J''j A Member Dr. Salshury's Nation Wide Poultry Health Service MASONS TO BE HOSTS AT FISH FRY AT PARK Henderson Lodge No. 229, A. F. & M., will entertain members and their wives or guests Wednesday light with a fish-fry at King's Daugh ters' Park, it was announced today. All n embers of the lodge, visiting Masons, and their guests are invited. About one-third of all the forest 'and <l,e llivted Ktato5 H on farms, according to the U. S. Department i)f Agriculture. Next time you need calomel tako Cnlotabs. the Improved calomel compound tablets that make culo mel-taking pleasant. Sugar-coated, agreeable. prompt, and cHectlvc. Not necessary to follow with salts or castor oil. * Use only as directed on label. The STEVENSON llf - 30<" - 35f —Today-Tomorrow m:;vs AX1) XOVELTV EMBASSY 1'honc 192 «;; -»<">.• I'hiclren lie T v-T:'i:i i"w— 1943's HEW KIND, ^ OF ' MOVlEi A ;■ Joe! • . Charlps -ARTHUR. McCREA-COBURN . ' Uy Q*o>Uf* SUtlvu' m MORE w MERRIER ^ DON'T LET YOUR TIRES WEAR TOO THIN FOR RECAPPING FABRIC SHOWING; (IRE WEAKENED It is generally too lato lor recapping when the tire has worn down through the fabric. Such a weakened tire bruises easily and may become damaged beyond repair. DANGER POINT '/is" TREAD LEFT A tire with 1-16 inch of tread left can slill be recapped, but it is better to recap long before this danger point is reached. Let us check your tires before it's too late. NEW TREAD 4 MIGHT NOT HOLD WA^STFTi To recap a weak tiro is to wail* « t\u 1 EiU rubber became a now tread might not hold. We'll tell you when to recap in time and give you a quality Job. NEW TREAD Will HOLD CflVPn A new tread, or "cap/ is bonded to » hU the top of the old tread — good for thousands of safe miles, when inflated to 32 lbs. and driven under 33 miles per hour. BRING All YOUR TIRE WORRIES TO US Master Tire Co. Distributors Henderson, N. C; SFRVE-ALL SERVICE STATION 120 ? William St. Phone GG:i CITY SERVICE STATION 201 William St. Phone 7".B C. P. SELLARS GULF SERVICE STA. 219 N. Garnett St. Phone 813 L. T. HARRIS GUl.F SERVICE STA. S. Garnett St. Phone 1198-W TOD MAY BE ELIGIBLE I . lo buy <1 "Gr<d« | Lk 1" lire. If »o, buy J (he boat— Mi U.S. ROYAL H MASTER^IP®

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