THIRTIETH YEAR *-»t; .u. 4 », lijmjterson HatUj Htspafrlj LEASED W1KK HKHVIIW «»»» L^-;A«EU WlltB 8BHVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED I'HKSS HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 2», 1948 PUBLISHED EVERY A KTEKNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY Croals And Slovenes In Revolt INVADERS TAKE FOUR SICILIAN TOWNS BjSCUITS WIN OVER SICILY KIDS A COUPLE OF BRITISH TOMMIES use a little Allied diplomacy in Pala/./olo, Sicily. Soon after they helped rapture the town, they shanvl their biscuit rations with many ol the youngsters The smiling faces attest to the winning ways of the quick-thinUing soldiers (International) Soviet Column Advances From South Toward Oral Outer Defensee Battered Down; Thirty Villages Regained in Drive Moscow, July 29.—(AI*)—The Russian column advancing upon Orel from the south drove over the bodies of 1.500 Germans yes- j tcrday to force that claw of the giant pincers tighter about the vital city and keep pace with the northern and eastern onslaughts, the Russians said today. Front-lino dispatches indicated that the masses of Hod nrniy troops nnd tanks, in gor.oral . dvance.s of fron> two and n half to four miles, now had battered down the Germans' outer hedgehog defense system.-; and were storming the enemy bastion's strongest defenses. Stanovoy Kolodcts. railway station 11 miles southeast of Ore!, fell ti> the Hussions yesterday, a communi(|iie said. Altogether, the Russians said they overran 30 occupied places, left more than 2.500 dead upon the field ;i'id knocked put .29 German tanks yesterday in the Orel sector alone. The Russr. n communique said that Soviet forces had maintained their steady pressure against the Germans in the Belgorod region of the upper Donets river, in the Donets basin and on the northern Ueningrad front where it reported a heavy artillery barrage h d demolished blockhouses and ilenced t : emy gunners. (Hitler's high c mnua (I declared all enemy attempts of a breakthrough in the Orel sector were repulsed yesterday, and 'hat Hill lied army tanks were knocked out along the whole front.) Leaf Prices Drop Below Opening Mark (By The Associated Press) 1'riccs tor most grades of flue cured tobacco on Georgia and l-'lordia markets yesterday dropped to an average of one cent a pound under Tuesday's opening, the war tood administration reported. Offerings were of slightly lowered f the leal brought between 33 and 45 cents a pound Wednesday. On most markets the volume was light. Several markets sold out before noon. Sales averaged slighHy above the OPA ceiling of 41 cents a pound. Three warehouses in Waycross cleared their floors of a total of 250,000 pournls Wednesday. The high was 50 cents nnd the low 20. (Continued on Page Four) Benito Marks 60th Birthday Born. July 29.— (Al't—Ticnito Mussolini, tlic mail who always wanted to live dangerously, marked his liOth hirtlida> today, apparently a prisoner oi the sov• cicn lie dominated for "Ml years. There was no rrleliralion of the event in Italy. Mussolini s wnercanouis are still a mystery, lie had variously been reported a tuxitive in Spain, a prisoner sonvwliere in northern Italy, in a villa near Rome or in Koine Itself. (Madrid heard yesterday that lie had been transferred for his own safety from a village near Koine to the royal villa on the Gulf of Genoa.) Sicilian City Is Captured London. July J!i—(AIM—'Ilii Oc in«in radio reported tot!;.;.- it avis fores had abandoned N1 Sicily, about seven and onc-ha nulls in>i . propaganda agency used for Tilii reports to which the official r.e\ docs not lend its name immediate! Axis Forces Stubbornly I Canadians Smash Into Road Junction ! of Leonforce, Eight IViiles Fmrn Enna i Allivd Headquarters in North Africa. July 29— (Al'l- ,\»ied J forte, in S'rily ir»*v have taken | 75,000 pri\(ii:cvs. a;»;>roximat.-l.v ] (liree-fonrths .if Ciein raptured by the Americans. Allied Headquarters in North Africa, luiv •*!»—(AP)—American and Canadian troops, pushiiiK steadily into northeastern ; Su lly one! r rajrinjr aerial supj port, have e:r»tur«d i'o'sr more towns, including the vital central road junction of I .eon forte, j and have inflicted heavy casualties on stubbornly retreating axis forces, the allies announced jtoday. Canadian columns smashed 1 tlicir way into Lconforte. cijihl irrlrs northeast of Enna. in fierce fichline while the American seventh army, poiim'tnir e:>stj ward down the coast from I'ai I le*mo. raptured the towns of L ' I'ollina. C'astelbuono and Ganci. With the occupation of I'- l'in-i " representing :i nn*.'-day advane" <>l j :>hout eight miles from the p'>r! oi Cefalu, which was taken the i>«'evioi.s day. the American armorer! .-warhead had reached a point >i.I\ T."> miles from Mnwina, jumpi u >fi I ni. cr> for axis forces defending lilt | island. | Cnstelbiionn and Gangi arc inli ne j towns, on an approximate line oe I Iwoen Pollinn and Lennforte. 'tnc ! announcement of their fall disclosec ; '.hut the American-Canadian eastward push was a cordinated. ('■ vo i tailing advance that the enemy wa j powerless to .. ! Today's brief allied communi<|Uc lulling of the ".steady progress" ol til's drive m;idv» no mention n>' 'in i fighting around Catania, souIIkti archor of the axis Ml. Etna def* • • j lino, where the British eighth a i has been stalled against the enen ;' j stubborn defenses f »r nearly a un ., RESCUERS REACH TRAPPED MINER' Bridgeville, Pa..—(AP)—Resceor attemptnig to re.icli six millers 'rap ped in the Ollel Coal Co. mine !>.' a flash flood reported today the; had made contact with the men a the mouth of the mine. The trapped miners were shouting for help, rescuers said. While el forts to each them continued, t':x | Hcd Cross set up an cmvrgencv lies pital ard ambulances and physician " I wore wiiting. Earlier, an attempt to reach tin '• i men failed been use not enough wa i tor had l>ccn pumped out to pvrnii ^ I entrance of a raft. ! |» Dir. IN STOK.M Houston. Texas, .luly 21).—(AP) f'; Thirteen persons were reported de i s"; today, scores were injured and prop |C' crty <1 mage -oared 1" around $10. a (100.000 after the Texas Gulf Coa.i" from Houston to Port Arthur wa ,\i battered by a raging tropical hurr'i y. car.e. Eisenhower Broadcasts Terms j For Honorable Italian Peac€ Allied Headquarters in North Africa. July 'J!*.— (Al't—General Dv.isrht I). I'.iscnhowcr (old the Italian people in a broadcast mc Misc today tliat the prcMiicc of German troops in Italy is the only obstacle to an honorable peace. The American commander of t lie:! force- promised that the hi dreds of thous.v ds of Italian pinners now held by the Allies win be relumed '<> their homes provid all Allied prisoners now in Mali hands were restored safely and i taken away i to CJerm ny. Ite said (hat tile Italians wouli have immediate peace uiidei "the honorable conditions wlilcl our Governments have alreadj offered yon." and pledged tha (he occupation would be "mlh and bcneficient as In Sicily." , "Your men will return to th normal life, productive avocation he said . "The ancient liberties j | traditions of your country will be n I t-'ored." General Riser hower brought ot 1 these five points: I I. Only the Germans in l(;ily ai !, blocking i>e ce. ; "J. Cessation of hostilities is poss i,l>le immediately under honorab kl- terms. n- 3. Disconiinua.-ce of assistance h s- the Miliums t<« German iinned foici let -is a prerequisite to peace i'd' 4. A pledge 1 hiit 11 .itiiifi \v r pri> in oners w II be relumed if Allied prii ot <||e:l on enemy entrenel' ments and n positions. The com 7 mnnifn'«• fi'• Ger.eral Douglas Mat '! Arthur's liei.dquartcrs said nothin of the R!"'.;'id activity at Mtmd; " bill a s|> kisinan. when <|uestiopei replied thi n were no new report * American i fighters Tuc.-da. were within -.100 yards of the ail drome. Fascist Body Is Dissolved London 'nly 2if—("AI')—Tt liv ''j chamber ' fa-ei and corpora'i >' I hrg hvcii dissolved by order of Pit c | miere M ■ >hal Pietro llarioi-. Kovcrnn < 'bp Itoiiie radio : i ' | lictltu'i d today. 0 I The "'i- of fasei and coij»>r. t tiony In . tlu- place of !lti 1 li ;v ehamb'i drntilics after 'bat !•' " | vcar-' M I' "i-'atiw agenev was 1 s,.) ...| n , ■ ber 14. 103B. "I 1) \-•:i- made up of th. 150 m«w l>er< of ' ■<• tionaj fasrK' »■ u"'< i beaded I'enilo Mussolin a- eh', ,. of g' vei'tv ' ot. arrd aOO menibe"s < £ Ihv nil' council of corpi'io,i WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA, o I Conti"""'' warm today and lo* >-1 niclit. S^'Ker^d f hi'mlprshowei :• v.?:t rn*H Jills ?f(ern:;n:i. American Airlines Plane Fails and Burns Near Trammel, Ky.; Two Persons Survive IJowlinjr Green, Ky., Jttiy 21) J —(A1 *)—An American AirI l:n< s |iliiiu' t it route I'rcni Louis| vili«* l i Nashville cr«i. m. |('\VT) in a remote i section of Allen county near I 'lie Kentucky Tennessee border. Firsl word of the crash ramc when First Liculncanl Glen *V. I Felluws. attached to Love Firld, I Tex., who was a passenger on the plane, stumbled to the door of a farmhouse three-quarters of a mile from the scene &nd summoned help. Farmers in the neighborhood took Fellows ind another passenger. S. K. Hoffman. II. of Williamsport. I'a.. to a I5o\\ lion Clreen hospital. Hoffman told hospital attend that the p'.nne was flying throng!) unfavorable weather and there vas no indication of any trouble rmii the huge ship .-truck the ground. Hoffman and Lieutenant F'-.'.owwere thrown clear of the plane and apparently were the only s;w City Patrolman William A I.ylc. who was on duty near the h voitnl where the two injured men were brought, talked with J. M. Claypoo!. of Trammel, one of the farmev- who helped bring the two men to Bowling Green, and quoted Claypo. 1 frying that when he fir-t heard tl; plane i- appeared to be flying ?|um? high ;:iid then "it sudticny starte: | coming down with a mighty roar." Allen County Sheriff L. V Wil i liam- - lid ih'> plane bit a field intS i plowed along on the ground f.v i quarte) of a mile. The she. ::! s i ten budi's were visible in the wrer age 1 >:11 no effort would be ren ■ 'V.' them until after ..n : quest this morning by the o r • i; Coffee Freed , Of Rationing . i Wahington. July 29.— (AP> I'm I il coffee rationing ct \ ilians I a probable '•!>< re c .11 . si.gar allotments. He attribute.! tin; move- ' > a vast ineTcasc n a».iil! able shipping space and greater mic ft'.-- i:i I n- war ga:n>t U h>. 1-. s: "( >ih t'ligifolc result «( ar grea _ | increase 1. merchant s!ippnig— which will be gnod news ! ■ .ilian . I at home > that tonight we- a.e abie , to terminate the rationing • >: c : "" , fee." lie -aid in his broach-..-' nv>:i ' to the nation. "We also e\pet". tli 1 'I within . short time we sha'i -a". ' greatly creased allowance's <>! ' ; sugai." He warned that while v.v ' ive been lo.-mg fewer ships and tkvtrovers to L'-boats for sevoi-il 11 onins. 1 "we must not lower our gu. rd for i one single instant." Babson Discus: : As Investment By Itor.KIt \V. BAUSON GloUccslcr, Mdm.i July 2!).—I ant spending fe»v days here tn tin {treat fishing ecler. In l.u-'. I hi: .writ ng this I'olutnu in the Imiim where I ua- born at 5H Middle Street. "I annual visit- : much to mt'. H ey »"t oniy enable ine to rerrw old acquaintances. but 1 learn much from noting tin change- (.1 lite' past filly \< .1- I#• 1 tit:' sunny and the d rk suie\- >1 tin '' business and social cycles are so c v: *• \lt Hi if -in- del city. Avoid Doing as Others On It was only a few years ago t'vr :lte Gloucester city father.- iclt tnai the fishing business was "gone I"; good": and that their future prosperity would depend upon the tour :c developing as a result of Krnitii .Mussolini's downfall and there are indications that 1 »ti I garia may he the iirst Haitian satellite to break awa\ from the axis if Italy surrenders, fitllgaria's posit >> . . n.l ".:;»t '.inotaer Balkan |ihai r- t > i les-ct* cx•ent. is reputed : ■ !}..• <• rapidly since the I'.' m uphc.u.!. A:i iminediale e.ilinp i fiermanv's i inior partners hud ;•••«-:i considered 1 ly a remote p s- I'll tv :>e!'.>rc this v. i ck. News from the In;liratc thai the people 'he e :.e!ie\e Italy i> finished. l!.i!gai ia. one Cie: .imii\ :n ■ ... ored lesser I!.i s. now hoid:- ..!i Yugoslavia and pa.'! 't ciiv... . Macedonia. a.vl ail Italia calla|MC would affect hoi re (puekly and i:. >re ftirectly than any «••' or oi t!.e e .' tern European na. ons i the (ie:ni.n camp. ri:»> form i I> il'4..ri.ri collapse . gilt take nccrt II. fur it i?. passible that King Boris, faced with iiva >:i and defeat. :ght ittenipl to .■ c.'t a pop uplu vul. wiiich I hably would i >st him his throne, by discarding the Philov govern nenl .— I'll tt .1 St te- sllip.Vill'dl hsivc r i-i 1.11H! :ntnvi:int vi- s»v> sinei Pear J llurbor. or mora Ihuu existed M the en ,\ ■ < : ic,m i|;:n iliot ;ii ! Ihe outbruik (it -.v; :• iii Kuropc ir 1 !•»!». J. Lew;.- Lueke ouch. picsident <>t the- A:nene;ui Bureau ol 1 Sli ,ij>:tig disclo. cd tod.iy. ses Mortgages Securities t:tJJ tit .i iill-t itii' high wi'n gre.i profits i'» ill! engnged therein: wlilli nuitiy of lite «immer hotel uii ivi-cl iiiid e >ttiige- cm be rentei for si .-"iic. Yet tin brctsu* ore u fun, he liithing >s .i fine <. tin- lie ;. •' -t "i in i- remind;- nie "f one :>T th ni:in% wise thi « whieh my fiithe t;-ert 'ii -iiy: "The wheels of bu.-i ne.-- find inve.-lmcnt- ;ne ">ntimi:ill i irnin?!. A few poison? havt tti c'lii* ro ti set or the wheel whe prire- arc nt the hrt'oni and to g< o'f when nt the top. Most peop! (v'lin imicv' on Pi£p Five) Axis Troops Are Rushed To Istria Demonstrators Demaiyi Separation of Istrian Sector From Italian Rule ISern, July 29—(Ai*)—Italian a:id German troops were rushed to Fiume and Trieste, where Croats and Slovenes were d( mon-Uratinjr for separation of the Istrian peninsula from Italy, and the situation in other eastern sections of the kinjrdi;m was de-cribed as tense. Swiss newspaper dispatches told of the crisis in Istria, soil which Italy annexed rem Austro-llumrary after World War I. It juts into the Adriatic sea between !t:ily and the Croatian coast. Th|. Rtii:t TavAacht said ('mats :■•'«! .. who numl»ci on Hi • acjir.sula. were ir.- iu-io:i of Isliia ii: a Miul'i Slav ••tit*.. t I.mi -s Ik I .vki. Ijw'sts and ua.i-.... isi» v.c.'c reported ts Prr:r.ier I!2ctrn slrassl d tc rratn'.ala order ar.d save the cc-antiy from chaos. v.'iw ih.- .Swiss border said that hundreds o: persons hart been killed ir. widespread riots and thi-t ten-ion was growing hourly. Thv :: :li-fascis" outbreaks, paralleled by loaded peace demonstrations. occurred in wi'leiy -vparated citie- despite Premier Badoglio's -tern orders to t!n» atmv to lire into groups <•! molt* th in th;ee persors. Badoglio :ve days ago in fha hop,, of org. living and stabilizing a new authoritarian re?: me. advices irom Rome indicated, bat the na| tlor wide ciem- nut ration; for peace, the rioting and lighting. slrikvs in Italy"* most important war and industrial factories c >mbincd with increased political agitatior. apparently I have brought the country to tho verge n incipient civ ! war. Tiie i-i i- - in Italy's internal affairs have reached the stage where even a -p »«e m;.n tcr the Rerlin foreign : i-t. r p rted'y admitted ! the p •. I. •• :jty . : a new government ! in IJ..1. V be' re th" i ad of th, week. ' Berlin politic ,! circles went so far as t' iv." limit C" ■ >\\ !' nee Umber tn a^ a rallying point around . which a ne1 regime \v< uld be «st up. Stock Market Again Rallies Xmv York. .Inly :!»—(AP)—Slocks I rallied ttit iill'l" today. i Bond- ri'i a"d .grams were I .-ilri'Mf! :ii the ccininndity division. Among issues advancing were jCSoodycar. <; •odrirh. Chryslvr, MontBon i ry Ward. Senr< lloebuck, American 'IVIr|i!io".e. Western Union, DouaUi.- Aircralt and Standard Oil I of X. .1. Fortresses Shower Bombs Near Berlin London. July —(AD — Boldly defy inn Hitler's failing air strength, swarms of American Flying Fortresses flew unescorted and in broad daylight yesterday lo within SO miles of Berlin to smash the na/.i aircraft at Oschersleben. Kiisscl. sit<- ot >i l»ig Fockv-Wulf . assembly |>l:mt about "Jon miles . I southwest oi Hi'il n. also was bat|, lived by t':i(. biu American bombers. ; I which were reported to have shot • I down upwards of (in na/.i Jo'.hters .i attempting to beat thV'in off, the •; Americans losing U3 K'mbcis during the round 'rip of more than 1.00(1 miles, the communi<|ue said. One ! illi--I fi'.'htei' plane also was lost. The Oscherslobcn raid was the ; j dit-pcst American d. v light thrust of r the war into Grcinany. Indicating that the round-thei clock bombings had extended into e last right, the Berlin radio reported ii earlv todav that British planes had t made scattered "nuisance raids" on c n^rthwes'^rn Germany during the Th*re was r.o imrr.ediatc i renflT.;4..; i.