'r» >« >irvs>naN3)BaUy Bfajiafrh THIRTIETH YEAR L-rnSBP. .wikb HKHVICK OK Tllb. ASSOCIATED 1'HKSS. HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON', JULY 31, 1913 PUUUSHBD KVBMY AKTEKNUON l'HT piHtmn r,Anv EXCEPT SUNDAY. I'lXL CLNTS COPY VIOLENCE RiPS BESIEGED ITALY °™sr° GERMANY Zv~t7" HUNGARY! -.V-a TYRRHENIAN SEA MEDITERRANEAN SEA IKmalta pa INTERNAL CLASHES continue to rock Italy since the ouster of Mussolini. A high Nazi oflicial lias been reported assassinated at Turin (1). where Italian troops also are said to be blocking German Torres coming from the north. Other Germans are reported being fought by Italians at Milan (2) as thry try to reach a Kiver I'o defense line (3) through Brenner Pass (4). Crowds rioted in Milan, demanding peace. Arv istice talks were rumored in Vatican City at Rome (5). The Axis held in Sicily (white territory) with reinforcements. (.International) Allies Warn Italy Of New Air Raids 'Breathing Spell' Ended, Powerful New United Nations Radio Yells Italians Allied Headquarters in North Africa. .Inly 31.— (AD—The allied Irish command radioed a .stem warning l:» the ir.itian peo|:le today thai the terrible aerial clfinsive against Italy would he '"'UMicd immediately. "The In i ailiiiiK space" is ended, th«- ;: 11 >«'< I ciiiiun. Hid s;.id. lic.-ponsi 1 >i 111v tor tin resumption >>l tho .n on. liiuulil wa.- 1.11:1 al Die dim:- of ,iie i»i-\v HiiduKli" II' ivoriiinent I< • r tenporiziiiS mil) Rivinji the Gerinaiit* time !•> :-trcnnlhcn llu'ii pii; . iii llalv. I'll" liist bi". !c; i from tin po\\ erfid l.Tnilc-1 N;.ti>nis i adi > .-latioii lure v.. i-iiiiluled t<i lie followed by t'liici: from London and Washington. The mosace warned the Itali'lit.s to remain clear of railways, factories, depots, (•erm.iii military barracks and all otliei military objectives. "The !doo<l of every Italian .trucl; will lie on Hit- heads ol the men in Rome who, in Italy's hour ol decision, t» mpoi i/.cd instead ol actum lor honor, peace and freedom," n w.ii ;air!. CHINA BREAKS TIES WITH VICHY FRANCE ChuiiKkinq. .Inly 31.— (AI*> — China severed relations with the Vichy Rovrrnnipiii of France today ami took over the administration of that section of the Yuiinan-Frciicli Indo-China railway which ties in Chinese territory. Pop Finds Grandson In Sicily Allied llvjicUiatirlers in Norlh Africa. .Inly .'{(I (i)cliyed) (AIM The old man's eyes were dark and plcadinj!. lie had ink (Ml off his sil'jiW hal mid was si.nding on the white-' "• street in Palermo in front of .. build iliR unaided liv a tall Ainer can -«•' dlcr. lie spoke raprilv in llalan Then he shipped and his eyes .aixiouvly search the soldier's lace. The so'dicr -lieok his head. "No compree. Pop." he said. From the inside of the building i VOlcV bellowed: "What's going on otd there?" "There's an old cuy tr.vit i; to l.-ll me something. but I can't saw* what he wants." the guard said (Continued on Page Three) Warships Shell Kiska Washington. July 31—(AC)— Anici jr..i! liyht w ar-hip-, bombarded Japanese dctcji c - on Kiska island Friday, i v iVuvy reported today. l<»ii<.\vt!it> a boiiil>iui> mission b.\ a s ir.-lo American plane Thur.-d.i.v. The .-uriaco vessels. which ina.v hive been either u*-t: >ycr* or li^ht crui-ers, ,>oiir« ri mu-IIs into Hi,, enemy's m.i r.unp area. . - well as the (li-.i.ude Cow .si'ction. were July's (it • at lark and the month's « i- ■ s'!i 111faco bombardment d . r e r t ed against Kiska. Flames Rout Munda Japs Flame Throwers Usee Wtb Tartkr in Drive for Jap Air base; Bc.nbers Raid Harboi Allied !lrad(|iiarlrts in the Southwest I'acilic. July .'!l — (AIM—Tanks and flame throwers were hurled into the battle for IM tuida yesterday to burn the Japanese out of their rock eaves and foxholes and hatter down their pillboxes. TSehind these dread weapons. American troops crushed forward a few yards more. The extent of their Rains was not announced. 1: was the ! ' «'<•)» it ed u.-e . ;i ime lhr« wers si the month-o! fiuhi for the en: v's iir.|» irtiint ret • ral SoIoni< i s airba e. t"-e of la- l< had been attempted before but tli t'ttcficr) terrain had stopped then While the jirmoicd units wet bbzinij ."head s u'ho i t of M:nid: Arncrlein f'nce- t-o-lh of the ai drome battered bar'. i Japanvs connIer attack. t*. P Vavy torperl and dive bomber*, e >■ i -ed bv Wih cat fighters. struck heavily ;•( e ta tal positions we t o: the airdr ir "•here Uie Jnpanc c still chins ' 1Vaehheads. Strom f'lfi'atinns "f the Navy Dauntless • nd Avctjcr bombei pounded ercny cm p ' it "ti* ar >uti Biimko harbor ten n les north < Mlinda. American.': h"M Ih^ con north of Bairoko and the md lear in;; .t'Mith ti Mundi. (Jerman Consuls Advise Civilians To Leave Italy; Riots Continue; Invaders Make Progress On Sicily British and U. S. Armies Gain Ground on Sicily; Navy Units Bombard Mainland Allied Headquarters in North Africa, July :'.l — (Al') -liothi the ISrnish (ijrlith army and | the American sevuith •irmy I Siavc made jfw.d progress mi the : north an I east sretnrs of Hi *ic:li;.n i milt, allied head<|iiar-i i t< animunv-d today a allied i :'\al forces -we-it Italian na« tal waters ; ml allied aircraft I laid down a leavy o! tensive i against lta'v'.; tnaiulaiid air! dr< ii.l'S. Y.ry heavy casualties were! linSlic.fi! tv >!••• Americans and Hritish. <• titr.iiiii«|iie said. Tlic Americans captured mure tliun .iliO (i.'imans anions nearly l.tivi: ni'v xp.u'is in Hit- northern siflor. The iineiniditiunul surrender iif t!ie islands <>I I'avicnaita. I.c\anzo ami Mai!etl>i;i:i was reliiii ii<l. The t!i: i . i.-1 I-inn ;i tiiungle of! the v «.-t count ol Sicil> till' inns; ' . Iv i>(.'.n^ Maric'.timo. which is 25 i iron allied-ovi:pied 'I: Li *».. 11 . Amcr ran It m'.icr.- ret i d |.» tin* suburbs ot ti» pulverize *.h' Practica rt. Mare airp : e!e\ <n miles smith "f the capital. and Flying Fortrc-scs retur: iim to tho mainland ' : another «>1 tin ir sledge hammer • ' vs. attacked C!r ti.-nlie airport nc.w Taranto <>.: Italian heel. allied .:eadc|iiarteis announced. TiVj i al anmiuncciiic t disclosed gn ! .ctivity by alii d li^jiit coa-tal t'.isc oil the norti c i.i-t .if Sicily • ' i' ali cd bliic';..dc ci>>-ed ill <11 !.:• (IlTin;.lls .i d It:*! nV still f.sh-.i-.^ at the eastern S' :ii:oi | Two Bandits Hold Banker To Rcb Bank Ftrvkcn w, Oklii., July •'! — I (AIM Two I ill It bandit* who In Id the |m-;. i.i n tin- Ai kill) as V .le v Stale ' . ;i!id hi> w ii five lor c . t liui is 'uday. v. .• wait :i-4 t .. i* I .nit? I >fk i>l \ .ml: t" opt •• ■;.>•!! ii,> :■ 11 i ii;;.It'll SI2.""o i «•;..•(! I'i't>ii: tlif ! 1«flit (I .•,!>. )n . ; • i . tilt- \ .illIt i 1 I f. filjiwl. K. M, Riiwc. president "i tin It.isik. .said till* 'V. • klHxUltl nil I:i • door n!' his h i- about midnigh-. | Win :. In- opeiv.d tin1 door out' ill tlir : i:r r. lu-tul i,. 1. >MVt'd llis \v;iy I ml i Ihf house. '111 ere was .i si- .t'.l' in whieh Hi»;vt' j \v;. .-truck on tl. hi ail with a kuu j liiit w;i< ii't mm ■ • ly hurt. Allt r I > .1x1 li:i\ till' !>. :«!;«• • I" l\V • l»i.n, dits lire'.', rt'il liiin :•» > in 11 it* bunk j ..I'd open tlu- salt'. tnld them that : would 1>(. lit)p. .v-iiil.' .- iiii- tlir i.ni'.v w.i- m a llnif l'n- .. rl vault and M couldn't Inopened U'til <'• a. u They seemed s.itislivd Willi tin- explanation." . Kowe said. ltow«> id tlif tin 'i 'it'll Mr-. ' IJowc t" I " I»ffI an I t'ovi-rt'd her 111 o 1111 wi'h :idht'si\>' tape which tlicy had i'i "lit with tlirm. "T!i" in'ti I'lfi'd i i- t'i tin with them ir. niv c . one o! them drivui". Oil 111 I'I'T tl ' lloWll toW'. tt'llt'lT they cruised rmnit th" street... look t!i.11u . i - 11 ■ Ii.mki r said i lie War I otflaw li.v J. M. nonKKTS. .1': ' (1 *v The A»- ri.iN-'l l'rr-s> A I pliiiH's "<• 11:»1 i:n ll<«i In i I Vvc v i:iiV. Thi is in I rcM'liiti'n i I ;i niit iy ?(■(' el. it'' ill ' >liH'lllilV4 tli.it i- lin.i: (I t> In - ti <• ISnt ii ■ tibs ;n'«' dmppwl -•, WiiyV Olltnlllc of ;i flu iv .■ t l..i Sprxlii • II .Iv ■ i *1*1 till 1 1 t I11.. . | nvirkuM.v s 1 free tvi'ciilly • I f*ir.it.nc v.t. hmnb.i 'I <i ;'"<I !»«•: 1 ■ i> • ! « ,| lirl nearby Tiir;iliti». IV'tin> (■. !r'*n !!>(• Ali'Irl . I! st wrnt li TV .11• 1 v 17 I'tit 1 in ' ntni-i'd '» -•I'm iii On the \vlwl" tli" ill ]p.• .pprvi t'i hiiv in I'll iilirvst ;i! • ' ' < 11- fm- the l«•*\ "f tlir 11;■ 1 ; litlt li;i\y ilN W'i-s MlWW itilli. It 11 .;iv !>«• on |y Hint 'in' bomber h;n f. ti;ifl inure urgent work to di I el.-exvlirre t | It'it there ninv ho ;in"lhet- nnswer 1 There has b*>on the 'iccefV'0! - ' I!-.; • Mir pr-ttri 1 ill 11—• 'ti I' 'Iv mir»h |fvfn rwlng ■ 1 far .1- t-> bf!*j h? into the • 11 ";'f id" I'll liiujjli. !■ ' :<•!' thiiiu l>;i« • !■ impelled !<• "'i the .• r . Ill it 1! ■ (not t! . n \\ i rid in i' i:■. !li mlid Siiini:.-. si ' ■ 'A' -nmc1!i tie. v.-dd have '•» • n tn the It <1 ii ' -' (for war ■ • were to i»:».• «inyIibit' bll'lv. II • s « I ll IVe l't ; -1 I! t.'i'H'd i ill run. rul tIn y iic\ i ;• lisibil t v 1 • t! . d l!> 1 !i;i- Mussolini |i ".rd '•fit- I ii ■ i«»r iH.-t Mi' ."I iif iny 'li.it now !i settled ('"W >i\' 1'iily. lie w.m'ed it hjirrjiiu v I Report ' ' lt»e .n ' pre? itv: ".Ttiic- t <>• " I ili-itt < h p- tii I '"ll nnd M n -" I" y lie (rue I " Ocrmrm < • >.>■■■ ( Ate si I ■ ""'dittle md St. >■>'/. Will see ' Hint tliVv flon't in In thv ••••' ' W. why dc.-i v lie fhjnn ' ' "'I hnth'v f|B . • I v.?" f • ' ivn*'y ].-'p •» Wreckage and Survivor of Fatal Airliner Crash Slill : mcUJnir. the ti-in and melted wreekace m t Itt* A tr.e! i«'.i "rimes phmr that carrii'd twenty persn tfceii <•<*;■ tlis i- n.-ar Trammel. Ky. or the 'J J r.ermr.s aboard ihr airliner, the only survivors injured, were S. K. Kaufman. 41. of Williamspot. I'a.. (inset, above left) and Lieutenant Glenn \V. Fe. of l.ove Fiel.1. Dalla-.. Tex. The bis transport ran into untavoi.ilii • weather in tti«> nislit. and crashed and hurr.rd. Kaul.n.m siMaincd burns and a broken l_-g; he is iiirturrd above in the Bowling Green. Ky.. Ii :s])ital. Lieutenant Fellows su lered burrs and «>tlier injuries. rsons lu both How s RAF Raids Remscheid Rolling Oifensive Hits, IS! e»v Target; Daylight Attacks Maintain Assault London. July 31—f.'n*)—The allies' r<>!linu air offensive shitted l» a new target last night when KA! Iioinkcrs blasted at Kcmseheid. (•crmin st tI eenter os the !•<!««• nf the Kulir. It was tlii- iirsl raid of liv war on Uenischcid. which was -ii: filed net for last nielli's heavy assault alter Hamburg liad heen siihjeetcil li> its seventh • I tack i a w iI he ii tl • I'\ tin I. i>r OX|< nil Thursd.n niuht. i'. le ,-i\ \ luilt ■I: i. il Oil mil" -I"*! i: it Hill:i ti: tin- !■-Ike nor; '.ii 1 be it: » st; time ' e ticnlai'iy ii At I!*, ii'iti . fields iind over Vi initii -;iv i Kilt: in arc if is - : lU'in- i 1o;11) 11 r:r' si* ill t'-'lti'iiis on ' • ! lighters, imornkeii . hctivy K' • illlOllt tllf iireii. ;>'h <• n.-l ' eruption l11iiiiic ;ire; nn.lr •\ er* :ig i:i • il i. w. t'mo Mosqiiil 'V. .itl.icke'l i-iu mv v.iy tiirui-' ii ,-\\i mi 111>1 i;i u the 1- if ..mi ii it{.u- (I •r> iiml I in the in:; ■ lie cell! m. elii .• .1 1.. C.i r closed, •i I :uht. t's attar1 r !«•!■ 11 :i I pit . l mil; 1(4 .t.\ f 11 TS 1*1.AM' Ailied 'i luin t' i > in N ■ l A rica. .1111> (AIM ( . !'• • Ilia ill n! V>" . X -. ii I '< ti 'day w>; >!itiu down .ii i iue I>1 a lie dm iiTiid i.pciinns • i Sic ly vi'.-: •••. ■>*. Nazis Disarm Italians I.oiul'-n .Inly :»1 — (AIM — A Keillors ji:< n 1 • >ri y »::t Id h..- ju»l Itoun barnwl thul (1 man tri' Iia\i- l.t-ju (i. . arm Il:il.. n Itni.ps hi the n: i-' ■ i" ■ K<»i cl 'I l«iriss:i in firiw," Tin- liVntiTs dispatch <| ;. trd a bp at) cast by tin- ('air.i rod •. I n- .is in Tiir.-s.ily p:nil-.•I" 1 To it-.ilt-> siilltliwi'st •! Silomka. Leaf Prices Near Ceiling Giowerr Are Paid About $1,602,000 More During Week Than in 1942 Opening <11* T'le Awnriiili |1 I'ri -s.i I'ricis fin- lull.urn th" fin 141.i .iiid i'loridu ntiirUcl !'••!■ (In* i:|" iiiim ••<;«•!< s..ivi-(| H.-m(tic •niiion''s —;i|»rri:\i::i.il"i • ii:.li! < n:l • .linivr M .ir—l:ri:s • iw: iis" • M.lilU'.iil,'.' ji'.'i'• ir t* r vi<\ til I'll* Hi..' -.ill ll:;tn in tin* <i|>i*uin:; wit! i-i ! -t >imi'n \ . . :•« c ilicllietod ( ;• I ! •• I" 1' 1 III.I t . 1 i .i s.itiis'd'iv. Tlw i " d .'idmini • . i m n t .i .1-. II. u I ...i III! j:» <; -I • • I i- : •!!.••• I I c,:i|r, ; • imds Ti.ui «l:i\ ' uvi ■«« ■ 841.44 piv 1 iiflml Iiiill i ■ v •» I- im i.l.i Mild i .,...;i. ]• .iir.fi-. ;.>• II < i i • <• im :ii*i'iil .i\ f . [ the lii'lt s " ",'1. Ti.t ! 'I" !' Tl»t:i <!..> HJ.7H...0 * Md.<. ..nd wi'ii .] .-,il'\- ii, ' <i F:'id:i". isiti' were 'l..: tin* grower* would o«jut»i or c\i i i yc.ir's I ii.- t \\ i !■ • • Jl.lM '.'UK • 'd'-. Ill M»> < * *»I* I.1 11.I M \\ .. Jul* 3' -(AP) l i X vjf I ml .i ii •tint) 'd l ; III " M , i l iO!l. ("la. t II i'. \' _ . I". S A! (* I' :i*<i(U'l|>!ii i iiiis • ii.|>|x>in1fd ■ .i i. i: i>f; r. ; . in- > i- I"' Sr i; •. I'.n IIiiiihI Denied Wiishini;' •>. .1 il\ :U. -(AIM I'm War Lalxu IS,»iii"d hay drcttii'd .1 go • p'. w.tgi rr -o 1o 111 ■ 1' tliii 1 " 11.(1(1(1 . |il ■ ot I ii g] iv|| <1 ?i : k»i 1 • fie c •1111'ry. in il\ tit 1 tnili'4 :ili i" >:!' vc|i"it m'Vit.i day.* ligii (h it q s' for p V 1;. . "d ■ 1' ' •• I tin- • ii .1 do I re ; t' -i general in msf* Cntild t>( ifr.t 1.' c ;- .C" slabil /.ition p ' 1 •' HtAIHFR roil NOltTII caiioi t\ \ Moderate lrtnnri;iltiiT« ;»|(n| ••• »n t d-ht .ti I S"»1'lr <• '( •' n. Reds Drive Nearer Orel i Nazi Reinforcements Flown Into Sector Break Before Reds; 4,003 Nazis Killed AIomow. July 1 — (AIM—(icrina n rriiil'oiTi'tiirnw ihmii !•> Ku>>ia Iroin <ictni;ii» l.-s> than -i day l>t-lor<> tliry vert* throw it ir.tii liattlc !»rokc ixl'oic i!:. initials onslaught thai lin.iulii lie.I i- rns> I»»!•«•*— i'Icmt to Ori l \ csIonlay, tin- trout ,:ih- uistiatchi-> said. .V U'...-; -ijiuti (.1 sr. ; ■ ir. rit.i'c the ... !i.v whlri MJU-lvd i.y W y . : :•... . tip SI! !»>••»• : m : i drivii si ft')/ i. :i tig 1 i : nuiii i S • t « i (in.' •lite Ulisailllts fl ■: lit < 111 ..•nrrs Inten i! tin illt «• dwIiiiTi :.i v hud lifi'n I S1t ttill li..\ . }l .Vl-il.... Thr !liiNsii!ii» llirir .ui\. lire ciinti u'.ul in the Imt of sliiM.i'rii (Irrin.tii iosi*t.iii;r uliicli in >«»•»!■.■ i ,i» ■» ."ili'ili'il I.aid Id »i:i.id iislilin. \ rtli o! (>:i ! the li .--.,.li- i' >'1 limitd to li*t> . villi y unit v. ii • «il '.l in (i .u (it .ii «•• ' •! SI Vt-I:.! \ .!i. V > : llllll « 11 1 nrlrd III .-fl ■ Hi <•: i n « i • '. v " Her . . i • killed, !•••,. i v.ii* ii !« i :i;i li ;.. >.i! S tUlh «if < »i■ ' It sui t |i- wet I: !.•.» t.i !• I- ( Hilled 2 Ortft (ic ii-. dcntmjrrd It! 1 inks and rai :ui< .1 >.i\ «.1!h ; ...iit •:! <li i ':ill' •'! (;ip; • •.. .. . • _ ■ iKiiiV.t. . . til't"y pii-i. - No. 3 Books All Mailed C ••• .11. y . I AIM—Til ■ ... \ : ' (aw III! K »li| I (.1 in Msi.v. v.i;i IV pll« i a In tin- mail* ubin •> , m t. !iv tin- ui:lee of price •iditiiiiisttt ' i I. I I.SU flV Mi ( ■ i I V . r till' !!•(•■•' Xn . • i v1 .1 • • i t ci'lv Micm sh in' • ' * ii..1-: i • -id tin ii • s.i', ••.<! > ' 1i• • v. l' i1 ..lid '.i*i«.• :u i li tis v. 'i i ' »•• i- tilt* 1" rr-,i« ( • \ , i til hi tirs 'I \ul>' i v I! I t jiri \ r. i'li s who falHl 1 • flic ;i" Hi ■I i ti v. ' !'»• u 1 i"i .ill »|i|i >i • • v ' tei t'i •hliiin .'it nppl c; • !•!.' 'ik. I'"l .id .in .in »•. .11' nt eivitlti ■I •!;■■!- ..r Hi i' i-'d'ii. v '1 l<(. n dr ■ th|< n"; ! It I ,lk< •.« i. r. :ili nppirtllllll Mil' l-O PTSC fl I' l'S t'' !l] • 1 • v 3 •• f .. i:i!,itt'« hot Diplomatic Parleys Suddenly Intensified at Vatican; Italian Police Chief Killed Kern. July .".1—-(Al*)—German ci\iliuiis living 111 Itaiy were ad\ isnl l»y their consuls t«.»!;•%■ to return home immediately and diplomatic neprotiati-iii at the Vatican suddenly \vei\ intensified, advices from Iisilv said <>day. A di.span li from l.a Suisse of Cieneva r« ported that the Italian police chief, itenzo Chiericic. and his assistant had lieen assassinated. From the border at Chiasso came word that the military commander at Triest had ori!er« d all Croat - to turn iu their vuii-. ammunition and exploi -i\ e - within IS hours. Tin ii' \\;ts mi ami i:li'ii-.iliiiM nf II.i- Innilii r reports i.l <icrnian i-lvitisiis It.'iiiK urged In <itiit Italy, lull lie.' (irrmun travel bureau. at Milan, was rrpurli'il ( Ih-i iI I'iiiiiiia and many dciiioiiMialiiMis fur prare liavo cci'tirrcd in that nmtJirm ir.diis| trial city. 1 he x :.'.i ■ . . • i diplomatic I c i!>\ ; I -i : .1 illdiI i: M; r-slial • I'ie; I'.. I. ' t>n:iR ; II.:!.. :1 .• in" • order i in . .v i' . p and Hie ; Hiiii e I i.i : i n- Master j Niithrk'hu dceiaicd Ihi.t "Italy toj day i.- :. truiudt.on period.** '!: . i■ \j . -it.-.; that the . -cussmn. 1 I'.seiit war em< i. y .• tatus w ii: be lif.ed. The 'i 1 ' ' • Badiiglio government onlj ;. ,'. to accomplish it (peace) li'.ilv painful and with little I".-.- ;is po^iulc tor the It:;!;- 1'IMpll'." 1'K Ki'.tisii and Americans had Indeed tin same goal for dcocc." he added. (joldsboro Youth Killed 1!:.!. .. . .1 t\ .1 .in . ! : si. • ' ly . . r<i Ir.i-i ;> !feme nu!o i* ,\ \f-tia i, ii the for • i; .v Connio V e K lliol.lo. v... tho v struck i>\ the : K.Td and h V : ti i.l A injuries II the toi ..J <; .idwa not hurt. TJu. •.lot in \V c; gallons (>1 ,.i . l-Ii.-' U i!';- said C dor sumo .. . ■"! AIM—Calvin t • !ti •' ■ 'i wa.» d;.> wlion an oil :.t- w.i- .i |> >.1 mi >bilc u e .. >»•..' iiore. . I..' >.i;cl that '.I. Hanks, who iiidi the nuto. I'.: tarn «»f/ v. ii. vohi.lo was L.iiitr. A: id row J. urn. r»ti-ivcrt minor tlitot. i; W. Car11 IT 1 tin- tlllCK, c.i and opcr:u t >ii C >n pally of w 3. Ilttl c • t was on route MH hold llll;>»••: t 4 '• irthcr in Free French Arms United All Armed Forces Under Giraud; te Gaulle Heads New Committee .■MrUtv .ttii\ ni—< \i*»—i"nilic.itin'.i nl I Ik* I rclicli armed Inters iimlrr <«ener;tl liriiri C»l! rami .is < omnia mler ill rhief uas anm nneed olliciall> today. In Ccllii'i' willi tlic a|i|Miimmrni of '.ipii.il ( h.ulcx ilr <;anil,, as IMMiiiaiii'iit president nl tin- nrwh formed ' ommittee of National lleleiise. S;>ii! ni : i mint t r >llapse • I It. ';.. I'ii 1 ri National Com* I j millet I iH-nitii»n unit icd #11 I he i hi; i-i ' shv empire under (iclii • . ii i .. it ippii'ileri t»I'll • i 'tit; i •. • in d 1'h' ti''.\ C uni 11! N • mi.i! I .<•. I P :il ti t•■'tililhnmmr. u' 'i <i (; !'•-■' ' Utarv leader, u !• i-r 'I ' ll to "tf now office <>' war tninisUv I'y c'\ tlv i iuiil month old listiiilr i Hwr. n CSiraud and do I!i- over tin- . ind of Krcnch in -t •titrili ;md harnmni/.ing • ; )1 eleirents «f the empire. the • French r <n*n '"-r presented a united tn the t'nited St ites and Bri• in -1 -n" i-i-i...j) pmenj

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