Mrii&twmi Saiht Stapafrlf Established August 1!. IHIt Published Kver.v Afternoon livcrp Sunday by IllADI ItSON DISI'ATCIl CO.. IXC, at 10!» Young Street i I I N' K V A DKXX1S. Pres. and Editor M I. EINCII Sii'-Tums., litis. Me.". TlXKrilONK Editorial Office •• 500 Social Editor l>10 Business Office . • 010 Tli" IIcndoisiMi O.cly |):-p:iteh i- .■ mombci "I The .W >cuited Press uul AI* Features Southern Newspaper IVi>! shers Association a: d the Nut':; C:i: n!.n;i P: ess Association. T!ie A<s >c ated Pres." i.i e\cli: y \ oiy entitled to sv t >r ropubl.c i !. ti all now. dispatches credited t> or t itheiuise credited ti thi paper. and iUo the I »ca! news p I..~hed therein. Ail rights of public i t • .-;ivc..u ti >patc!.cs liceis: .ire : > .i i ved. St KSCRIl'TION K VIT'.S (Payable S'r ctly in Adv;.neo) By Mail By Carrier 1 Veil . ... 55 oo SO.00 r. Month? ... 2 50 3.00 3 M >n:hs 1 1.50 Wceklv (by enrrier >nljr) ISe Per v" py .V Entered • ■ .<• p -• ce :i 11.' ii f ■ N. C . - .-ocottd cl.i-s a"e • Con^rc»» ihill make M law rtipecting an «atab< Uihtnent of religion, •* prohibiting the In* exer cise thereof; Of abridging the freedom of *pe*ch ot of the pre**. Running For Cover ■ i • i i ii. .tu lle, .,rid t.i.niv . • ■ t IV. U< U N."t < — . di l'i.-t complex ill It - ... a- ;• bcleivcd ;• tie j ci'ii'piiis v (I i Mi- \\ ' i II 1» .it ! c ■ ' t. ii y ••• I ;c:i- •:!. T • t. •!.*:• it .•■•• rid seem m' p s.- ■•.!• then.' l1 'Il«i .-'.II !>f .1 v jt; • ibk* * i>''i! 'ii insidf Un* Xiiac , .n<l • !."• ti-ilds .. n J- ..I I ..I victory, and, '■ »r that matter, even :i . ; • ■: »• • • :i iii- . In1 true, there till*mid In1 the corollary (. ii\ :i ' ii ' >ln 1 Na/i l'-gi <• • ivt'i tin l)'.\ II iml let ins • ■! UK'>;idi'"1 ■ irrendci .a-ccplcd. the it">: t* tu\ u ible in the l"ti:j run vvoul'l lie lilU ItltUlO fctiltllS uf (i'.T :n:my. tlc'c it t" liit' Xa/.'s is iti'jir i'pp<:n - evident 1" 'Hi'.- iders ll""\v much the German tmipte know i o'>t.t .n citiditiiiti is iniirv hi* Ic..t gue - '. -I.. oeyoiid 'lie leiidcis of I' ltiif.s Kiii 'pc. I'll' It be !lt;it tlicy " <• in ""' "I ikiioi'.liter ot i ever."';; their at tines ha\c >t111• i»•<I fort .*tly ovule".(•«• i- helore their tyes "M all sd< • "I d«:v;istiit'"H .il I enfly and 'i!l hetnu rained If m the i kies. Surely, 'lien, then- in i>t !>«• enough logic left in 'he minds <il the people l<» con prehend that .i defeated f»''*:-many with its cities in tact i.. i-.tinitc'y more desirable than a defeated frcvmany la d waste frvn rnd t'i end. n- will follow if peace is long enough dHaved for 'his to V-C accomplished 'Ml of this. >>f cnurs". i.= entirely r»idc !vm th" thousands of ■vouths vho will be t»atrllited t • th( kod: ol war :! the struggle run* ot .1* I"' ••»"!« • .Ik'h" i A What hope, thvii. can pvoplc .>t ilu> licidi have .« .1 K.t :;«• <■ .l>•11• destruction .i:td v.tli '• n; ■ ■ i'-: ui.iupow or amn : iated' 'I'll .- s tin- ii -ma! I ituiv '1 ' pen.Is i: tin> X.i/ » j>v: ■UK tt'v «.:i the cuu S«.t*Iy liif tic: : i- •• o mils! <v.i c '• :i.« if - s :i> '. I Solemn Warning SelKll.-l (icortie • -;..i MiVd ,i ..oleii::: UgS that I IftitU drastic ■ crease.. :id:\ >d :ul ••oine taxes :i.i;;!it i: •>' . y 'i:i < ; try's 4*littl»» nan." . ii.i the point .• ; acli taken. Thvt% •> vastly mni .truth than fiction in tlut conviction! i I < . the M'liat' . " i 0 \ irii-tv ami >: I A .'i. .it. 'II depvtuis u;> .las-. Si- .it< lie i j». i • T • . ! :< no utile:- V.. V to »>i; ; • «e:h;-: 'he \ y [, .itul ttsc > ! 'i he in iiii , - | Ti- T- •• ' " ' Ui <• ,'oi . - • - :iie jfifteen i-.;:.••!! dullui^ >>i • ...•> u1 upon tin- pc i ■ u'..t Sen..*.. «; .-...d liiaj • 1 .. :.iN i» 11 t ■ ' I- CKUUtt'ii til., ••i v.s bill. a-. •>! hardly WiKX the Ttt y v.-..:.ts. He set V .-.i I-V - M s I a\ t. c.« i ■•!!:■ i '..i- ' -t dec ii and that p. use hv ul the tta t' i\v.uni< - . o it bil • :i. and . V .1 hard . i ii..1 m y i;t n. A I'Cl'-i lis W i ildle ii , iui >v\ i , II , . :iat .ii..;.. .. i • middle .ir class, ii. . fifty pem-u ■in.lei with . 'I! - t .IX. . y an busir ■ .. •Ma" , ipi. mid ii . . • • liuii; t , , «\ m i.iii* . ml t!- , "I lirv < < I '1. II III.'IV 1 « 'I i • ■! , ; s , v.. T!: . In' i «': • I < (It >..!». i* I . . «t• I v . Ii I 1*■*.'-• I <•' • A . .. ., It . ;il . .Illy i l l' ! 1' ■. :•■ ! . ii ' t" iti 1 ' .!;• V l'\> vt« si* July I. It u»i>ea :. i t- t!u* i" if-' ■! . i th:r • <• niri in v.m.' i> >ml.i i\'' ;h'. i c. • !i*\ v. Wii.t. Ihoi'. . i ;• 'i: L. •! :! , I '. ■:! t •» . . , i : l\l\-'.' 'I!. niy i.nsw. r m- . m! •• i ( mi" .hi •> . >• :n•: if! i:'.; \v:il • . . 'in t: .in* signs thnl till .niiitiy .v. iikillU I 1..." • li. • •i .* . i■ ■i ii'ly . i " . t (| ,. vi . i:i din.mils fur itImiic : 'I'lii n- ... flttiUiih in'm" :it. th • • iiKiit'iitV whiit Iht* |» li'lic .. 11 ' id • in i\ in* when \\iii Iki- im'iI. in I w lirn thL. tiir.t* ct»:m*- :«» ; 'n.ick n In iMt tli. Si CJwirao's WJirlii* 4 i> t n.c \ ;.n<l ; 1 j 1 j 1: "J>1 .;i'.<• W" il'i tin If rii".ah i*f;i!islif think, na lik itiit nil C'; 11»:t« i Mil' In hi ilia thru !>;•>> m tin* 111 *.«• • • -1 "f tas|i;iyi': ■. i.'i 1 fliiina<'. instcii'l '•! |«cr|>"t;iiil!y in tin- duo* tii 11 ll'.i.' 1 1 1 .•tid .-|»<*it<lcrs. Very fir. X'flftiK K.i. tn j;i-'iiti.-i :<•»" \ ;n .ftu s <>f in tU will he "yum solitiiu.>if|. Thii d"ts ll*»t \vr |tifMiiiii*. mcl'.iHf •'nc lut ky o f • h<> h;iv«* (i•r 1 r;»• t- ]>«•»•? pi i<>11 1 __ Ti:tic» 1111. t iti* «!•: ina tt»1 tili 1:1 I dc'.'tl for giihhy llf r (1 'Tli'.ifis v. 11 h;i> 1 <*"m 1 Nji/.i liirtin tit*t\\'>r. ; nl ii is Hispimtil and no suttn'''' . script material. I Thr Venis rlo Mito. *jiy5 ,-in ;>r -n't ;i- hCiititllnl ;i the mr>*f(*rii fir! Alnyhf r>"'. hut vim must »»ti 1 " ii ' • 'i 4jI ic • fiiiv hi kep*. OTHERS' VIEWS i:t >v| \ ^ KtH.i :v»c.. 4 *:.» * l ie 1« .ins :«»;••» ritortll lo'j.'i.: .vi- \V «• othc : 1V0 ;u: the . ' . t I >. Bi .vv .iid .i :. ' .; v. >\v. ANSW EUS TO DAILY QUIZ : \l:tl Ki IK T i) F.SCORT HEAD ■ajssaBBsaaw^ I.I. ( «!. Il»u.i:d \\ I * ii ■ a 11- r li;i, IHM'11 II.llo. il i li!lllllall<l'.I!|; hM'c v or |hi- Aiiii-i.i.mi rM-)irt I>i i ic'i tiinil urui irnl b\ i':(i aii'i-:iir < rail <11111111 ;:ii|. n hii li will a< . OIIID.lIM II • | 11 s I ( mnp kj| . .\ull.iii« r.iit I-Mlli'i v <>; (!.»• |i;-i • Un;\ i*ii ;| Cii;isl-tn. roaM ili-iiiiii'>tr.ilioii lour in llu* I . S. I In* !SaIll-i t li.i*. in.iilr il*i iir**l v|o|i ,|t (amp Davis. THAT "SINKING" FEELING •• •*: j-ktii* War Finance Committee Appointed A.:-, l!. rv !< Ii. \\ C...,. ii'..iii > rtimniUtct' ■ . .... n ..t, •'•I ! I'liil fi!i t : i •,.»■ i *. • II-S.. ; i. I. .,1.1 u it i v. Jr.. C>i. t n v , - illl-K* i: .. . p i.J i.'i :i . Ii r vi •:. r; .i ill i i . J. I- S:«". 1i..< «'l i' . i I I : I .s • - • > i - .1 1. : ' • . in. ;; .ii, I:. : il .Mi • : r :In.- t p. i -I Mil . i : . i C i riii >; .1 > •i !.. S.'ll • I ill fill l,!'t ■ t .ii'iic , ,-i. ii< l • III! ii.-"! I : !• u- fur N. \ ic « hii i tl J. k U'in Ti <;.<<mvi!1, . ). , , i K;ii in I: ir. . Si f c r. , i I'ii.ijriiiiiti i 'i ;.t the t. ' • i . i t- $1 \: . in. -.11.1 i that am imt. OIKI jit , |,; it 111; l! I' 'iliti-.l .. < imii i ltd that p. •i l.'Will.iMM •=-: •«»•».!». < it t ;."V ill ' , . . | .ifi.i.iI i j, I'll;. : t ! \ !l ' I .1- !cM - . nil. (i.,.!| ',i s" t'l- : . | ill 1., Hi. sj| : »•'«*i; ilk « 1 : ' - in f <1 i ll r. St Ccsi Prices To Advance . mi, A .4. 2ft.- (AD C\»a» \v. 1. up wlie . Jn ■s jj > mi ;> 18 hour week. - v. ..- c :> -.if l t iduy l>. See y 1 In 01 . !< ;i • he p. (_•!).; I! > r.lf! ;■ .11 1 11- I «nj}er 1-.: \v)1 v\ or 1..C..I I- nd. • i :v. >.lanv : 1 lie- :u»w . 1- !. •::: • and ;i halt |I»V • .i : 1. <• lU-'C so. • r. .< ,1 «s;n.: >■ >ul will ..1 ■ c >: i u-• : Price Adm - (OIM). On •.. 1.- there are t idy '<■ <|.i s: • minors tl.- lon .vof.; v.".mii ;t S«l bf >sl ;ii :!y |;;y. 'I'.-.;. a'. the r.ile <•: . . i "in - 1 : : the e:.:ra .» \ Stock Market Trends Lcwer Nf.v V t ,.\!») s ■ fll.i .•!:> • iliv I I i: •• tiui i.ri.. hall-hea :.-d ■ ■ »vei ' > : h;k n , <>:. i» ide at o .• tia ;• I an I were lli>sue*iak»'. Alaska .! tnea 1. :> »me M . ne*. M Int.vre. S< 1'.!.' I'. , 1 ] L' !.i Ceil" \ i-- .x 1 -• !• >'1 M s in..!'!.- i-i«il — •■'•In • I'. Si'*, Oh. . .. |):i l' ml - sta I -. Loui jville nd Nash ■ I' : ■ Ai .t ea . 1! p.v• Amt ■ < :m lTn ;ed A .1:. P.m i t<':ii.i1;>iiial I'vlf 1. : i ( Ijale. SI111iK* ('lull I Ins I roi'iMHi ;;t Lake • ■ 1 :. I 1 11 Sill i If l id ni'niit 51' .11 1 h nid I'm* the annual 'lit • :>l i.ff.iir <>f the el 1 >. - !l< I I ..I S .,11, |,;,ko ImiIko • mi ■. sr <•! ,1! miles south v v.. |> ogram wag hiid. "• »• 1 cr,i ;,in \va> di'\i>tfd . nd c: linij a I : mswiek il in en pi • (led for " Tl:i' !>'< ^ was v. hich I'hlif.-d ul ■ lc ! STATE REGENT Mr*. I'ri'ston B IVilho, ,li is Niii-lli (arnllna Krgent «.f the National Society, Daughters of the Ainiiiian K»vnlutioii. asked by A. I. Mcl.enioit\ Mayor Henry Powell is head ot the Shrine club. ^ WANT ADS Get Results C!ltAND DISPLAY Ol" KALI. \.\D winter fabrics lor fine tailoicd to measure .-nils and t• •{jt-.•;»!■. \'n Huggms representing the Haas Tailoring Co. will be l.eie AtijiUM 1!) t-> '.!! Many new tail labi u m « pcciully ieMgncd tor ladie« mani !i tailored suits and topcoats mod erately priced. Geo. A. Hose \ Sop lt(-r:t! USE VITA VAfli F'Olt YOUR NEX'J paint job. Tlvre is no paint bettei Yet it is the lowest priced Ljualr.} paint in town. Tanner Hoofing Co li i< MliS IA'KltKITT OK 'II1K IIEN derson Busme-s liege will be in I oifice in .aw building Satur : ty nit*rning I rum in until 1 to in j 'e. n prospcctii pupil.- 18-31 lOl'.ACCO FAHMKHS—USE OLD paper- lor packing down cured to |(M .1 Olllltlil', lIl.lC* i ' for 2.'>c .it Daily Di.ipab-n office. ' JO-tf FOR SALE: DUO-THERM Fill. , oil healer and Estate he:iir-'i i P.otli practically new. See or call Luther Hughe.'-. 85ft N. Garnett street. Phone 2H-.I. I8&2H DRY PINE WOOD SAWED STOVE length and delivered nnywhen in Henderson. D. M. Glover, phone •It'-1 • lt>-T&K-Nli OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STA tion. Cars washed, lubricated polished, batteries recharged. Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Gull Service Station, Garnett and Hor ner Sts., phone 11!)8-W. 26-tt / HSindHCC DIVIDEND SAVINGS When you insure \v*tli us, you s:.*. e money because our policies an participating. See us before insur ing or renewing and save. CATES INSCKANC K AGENCY Phone }!()(•. 13—1 f si.i l, US YOUR SCRAP IRON metals and rubl>c>° and hc'.p win [ the war Hightest prices lot hides. Henderson Junk Co., phon«" 300. 25 tt GHOC'EkTeS. FN KSt'i MEATS A NO vegetables. Everything for youi table. We deliver and save you gas and lime. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Ye! low Front. 25-i. NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court. State oi North Carolina: County of Vance: Aron Peace vs. Victoria It. Peace. The defendant. Victoria I!. Peace, ".ill lake notice that an actum en titled as above has been commenced in tin Superior Court • >1 Vanct ' • ml v. North Carolina, lor the pur pose oI ob ainmg an Absolute Di Voice on the m muds oi two years -e|i;o atioii. as prov ided by the Con solidated Statute-. Aid the said defendant will bli ther lake notice that she i ie<|uiiir| I" appear at the oflice of the Clc: k ol the Supei im Court ot Vanco Couti '.v. .it the Courthouse in llcnd< -on, the 3inli day of Align t liM.'l. and ansvvei or demur b> tin complaint in said action, or tin |>L:tut111 VV ill apply to tin Court ! ; the relii'l demanded m said con . plaint. This the 301 h day of .lulv, 11)13 i E n KALKNKR. | Clerk Stipes lor Com I Vance County, N. C. Ghols'ui & Oholton, Attorneys tor Plain til'. h-u-20 WANT ADS Get Results ilF.NI»KUS(>.\ in COLLEGE ' Ai'i'iviliiwl New term. Septem ber t>. 'I Iiv training .v«u receive here will create a demand for yout services wherever you choose to work. (4) (\TTKNTION FAKMEltS — DON'T run the risk ul losing your invest mnt and labor. Insure tobacco in pack and curing barns. Insurance Department, Citizens Dank & 'I'm t Co. 19-tt SEE I S NOW KOU YOUH COAL needs. Full stock high quality smokeless and splint coals. Hob Fa'kner at II. O. Falkncr & Son. I'lmne 2(in. 7-ti WANTED: A C<>< >1) C(K)K KOU Muldletnii g i Vacliei age. (!ood p;iy w 1111 inn m-ia .mis quarters on pieiniM-* lurni-lied. Write, see, or U'lt'pln'lie K. •». Yhiiiik. Jr., Mul dlchitrg. N. C. Telephone 2nor>. lli-Gti WANTED S.MaT.L SIZE ELECTKIC iii.i^ii..t t! iii (••■nditi'iii. Wn!»- All . I'. I-'. Kin; ey. Warrm t- ii. i*. i!)-:i i FolJ SALE U»il MODEL BUICE ■il .ne ,i..l mi .bile in good Olicli t i n. Cov.aril':- Service Station. 2'l-2ti 1;I(> STOCK OK UUOD LATE model used cars al Mnt or Sales Co., Henderson, N. C. lit "MF PEACE FOL SALE IN THK I'moiii Mellon ti i"< >111 house; nice 11 hi* i• « «• ; ;;; ipr arbor; nice well, lnm.-o wired 2 acres land. Anyone in . i 'fit v iite Le.ili ii. M'irtcn, i.l "I .l.i'k Leiiiieit estate. P.O. I j- > I It niiei ■ mi or apply any tvcning alter 7 p. in. on Wall : i l i e'. l!)-2ti khidi> see cs urn youu wed thng Aiinoiincenen's or Invita tions Finest quality al moriciale pi ii e.-. Also Visit iiih Card* for the Graduate. Henderson Book Co., phone 110. 17-11 (INK I WO Will ILL TUAILEIt WITH •ie.\ ii. ..i< . t . n lie seen at t'e lit iii : ■ :i I ins Line Shop, North ti.i iit.-Ll .r.eet, phone 301-.1. 18-411 WANTED C< •!.< >|TeT) WOMAN FOB t.i In i u.i l.i r. Co > I pay and h u . !> i i ;ip:il\ mile , yon are a «•> •<! i, ...Is \\ i.Ui i. Capitol C .le. Ill III ave Car or Truck We Kt'|»alr Any Make or Model EYKKKADY CHEVROLET CO., INC. lU'iulcrson. N. C. ski: rs n >i; < >i>n pieces in kuk iiiUiic. V. r>* lt"iiis, Ixilll u< w .mil i <•! mi. hril. If. Satter \ l.lU* iV S«i|! , l.l ,l| 1'11'C StiltlOII. ! l-tl \V \NTKJ1 i " IJUY USED WASlf n;, mac!. nr 111 ijond <-nmlit|iiii. I heap i" ca.sli .Mi K. R. Adams, i;in .M: li. I.. S.i\ an*', lii'iii" Itock At 11!. I9-2H - r\v< > ;;uiai apautments for iui fully ci|ui|)|>fl Willi wate.r, hul l-, l.i ;il. .mil I.lepli Hit1. Mrs. I,. \V. II 'I u <"'• /.cue street phone 5MI-W*. . 20-21 i All. AI. I- C) HI) S K(>I< riMNTINtJ of all descriptions, also anything you rr.'Klit need in office .supplies unci equipment. Wc appreciate ynin business. Alford's l'tinline Hi Office Supply Co. 3-lf WANTED J i.ii.iii CI.KAN WIRE i;h i ! Iiaii'ic:-. We will pay onc t-«-:»t c.'ch in ar.y quantity. Valet Cleaning <*<». 12-12t .•if .s 11 .i. s.m.:-: six weeks <>i.ii. IJlack E so\. .Mi . 1!. I.. Savage, i.i.ii Rock .Mill. l!>-.'tti KOU SALK: lll.Hi RECONDITIONED Fiird Pick-up. I' <> Hox 1 :$<». 20-SSt .VAN i 1 11 :i. i. «>|{ .. IK h >M HOUSE on mi* !;nts id city. Address IV O. P> -\ 28!!. Ucndersiiti. 17 Iti SOOL) USED CARS AT KEASON au'e prices. A look here will con vince you that these cars at* priced to move. Fords—Plymouth* —Chevrolets, 1934's to 1940s. Candler-Palmer Motor Co. 15-tl V' >I'tCE T(> PA"! I: >NS llANOEES • • n > I 'll ", i available Pules* you (n l a iiaucci Willi each |;arniciit wc c..ii :■ i iciuin ihcin oil hanger.'. Vali i CleaniiiK Co. 1!>-I2t LEAVING IIERE SUNDAY, AUCE 22 i ii I Im.i 1 leach In icinain until Aiifji. ; 27 .'til have one seat (o| |M»«CI1gci ill my car. Anyone II it i-1 <•■ ted call 7 Hi - J between 7 p. m. and in p ni 20-Iti i'lltK IIKAlHjUAKTKKS—WE HAVE the latest olficial information rc KardinK tire inspection and appli cation for new tires and tubes. I.ct Its help you with yours. Henderson Vulcani/.itiiC Co. 22-tJ insi k \\< i: _ rental* Ileal Estate Home Financing Personal and n.niii' attention to nil details, AI,. B. WESTER Phone 139 McCain Bldf

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