SOCIETY NEWS i lui'.r i.ii.js. Many the small buds Gone astray That marked their signals And found the way— Many the insects. Bees in (light That blesi-od their lanterns In the iiigiit. Many the moths That loved their .-park. Their candlelight I Against the dark These lighthouse-keepers— 1>1 the glojim (■Hiding ei'ch liny Traveler home Kih< 1 Ii.ii ii< It ! members ol 1 lis- YoiiiigAlcxesKiei - W'lwidliel families were present. Uth- j er (liends tailed rfler sapper. •Sunday attention the Virginia Euerla went !•> \ i-i* tin ir aunt una uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Nick \elm-. be- | low I .< i:i.-~»n.i u. with whom Mr. Woodlit f 11\ i The (.)ultens and Mrs. Beltis went from there back Al» .and: ia. and Mr. Woodiiel a< rompanied them hoini. Mr. and Mi -. Ebcft returned to Bobbitt and took supper with Mr. and Mrs. ('. M. Young and left early thereafter I«m Winston-Salem, where they will spend a few lay., visiting witn Mr. Kberts family. If you suffer MONTHLY [FEMALE PAIN] You who cuffcr such painvrlth tired, nervous lcelltiKs, distress of "Irregu larities" — due til lunrtlonal monthly disturbances — should try Lydln IS. 1'lnkhnm's Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Here's d product that imps katvrk. Also fine stomachic toulc! follow label directions. M'or(/t trui'<0 LYDIfl E. PINKHflM'S COMPO NOJ Miss Lael Is Bride Of Albert C. Hoover niiziiUto l.ul, -IJiiini.ter ..1 Mr. ami A!.s. Allci: I. ,| • im iii,* it; ' • Ci.-I. III.HI. -| ... «-y It:- I!.', .1. 1,-Z II! II,*r, icf , | Hit- « . , ' " in-tj..-. V' ,l"- «t. <•••. , til l o1"" ^'»•• • 'I ,i III II. ,1 llfl .son. Airs. Hoover IjuirIh m Mendersoi. J»»»•«■ ^cliuiii fin* t\-,ii vciirs If t Ji'iiuiiry, when ,-hc re- ' MKiKd i«. trucli at Alexandria. Vji. She U'Hirns t> the* Iii ikUisoii m-Iioim with the <>l the I,ill ivrm. Mr. .1 irtiivv u( Gaston | K>m.ty, tuis hi-t-ti I>111I , | tlx jiiiiim- In .ii ,! i ■! ; a- |(:i t . I All i ,! iii'it v. < .liliii'j I i.i |'ir i- i'.. ' I '' ^ I li i '' «■! I ' IIIO III .III «t*lt|i' 1111*11 j • li 1!«.<. . !.. i ;t ~ | . \ •• '• V .. , i "<■ |1 l.'.t! \..i. I,;. .. | '• • •.. i • . I ■ ,.|i . ; - ! a. ... :ll r ia Uii'siuiv. The !:•■ It .• pi • ! "V i Mi». U.ivis . ilvt-T i!, i oh«««.1 ' !>:■ tcni . i innfli At t'lc colicill.-iliill ol II,c i. ! ?:«:« ?.;* -v !. < k.v An.. . ' ' i . . .. ;i i . i cm i I' .. I . «l\ Ill.iki' P.111. .. . Polly Mrin:yi<•, Kii/.Ju ili Sliav.. Altlicii It!..,. .. I., c;1;i:i I. iV.;.(iilyn l;., mittr, Mi * : c**"1 ■ '• •••' H i . ' . Alls. I ivl- SI - 1 11. . K|. i?:iv. nor. Mrs. Carl Ik-ritdon, .Mis. Slew • ' I, .WIS. |>. inn, !»»».*. •J. II. flicks, •?!*.. :itic! the lmiiurci% Mrs. Liavis and Mrs. rinncU. ill iss Parham Feted A t Ca rc (PartyA ndS h o wer M nUiUo i» .. .. ... ,.u elect t.i..- itii Dili. wa.- ami ii* guist .•i curd party and er>>(al miiwcv given by Mm. J. II. Hick*. Ir. rhui> day evening a". her hiine : eai llon diu»n. Mixed -ir.M er ll •.ci we: »• used i dec>ralmg :ho lm I'liree table.. i>i undue and line •.able hi rummy ivi .o played uur.nn the evening. Mi - I; i ii rd S.iineb.i; - or won I'.H- high st- ir.- pi-./ ■. Mrs. .I. (' IMnneli was a carded l>v. .-euro I»r:..< . and t!ie ll •.i:::in pr./.e wont to Mi IS.chard D.iv..- In »u:nmv. Mrs. We-ley Young w.i.- winner and was givin a prize. Later : Hie evening lit!if M >• Re becca liicks. daught. r in the t. ste.-s. broug'.it "i tiic Kit"* ar;\in;;e:l mi .. tea iVi.'t. Tile tVMM wis |>r<- i* it 1*1 y.sial and ,-iUer. and Miss iicsso M;ie Jiil:n mi. a Is i a lirido-oVrt <>! thi- m i> •:>. wa.- ri'inniilK'iiil I»y t::<• ii.i'.es . \\ til a piece •>: cllin.i ... ::cr pattern. She gave us the banner which has carried this countiy through many wars. 11 r inspired service t<> her country is typical of the ingenuity which has built America . . . its people and its great industries. Our laundry has served the people of this community for many years . . . and w< look forward to serving many succeed ing year*. I'lease be patient with our service now during thes • war times. Henderson Steam Laundry l'llONE 5OS 11 ri«l I cake . ituiwicne . picklcs. and minis •• served with puncu. (•nest- wli i car.ic inr rctroshments woi' lli>. W I" I'arhum. Mrs. '1'. \V. Purhani. Mis. .lane K. Poylhre.-s. Mrs. Kmilv l!ea\ .s. Mi.-s \;uinic Par hum, and Miss Khzabeth Kox. Those piese. l l«.r the even nx n I'ludt'd M..-- Kddic Blake Parhain Mrs. J. C. I'inncll. Mrs If . c li . rd S'.uiicbiirnot*. II. M'.ss Bi?ssie Mac Johnson. M:ss Francos in, Mr.-. Venmn Perry. Mrs. Wesley Yumn. Mrs. Taylor Khulwcll. M:«s Kl /.abeln Shaw, .vli's. I<:c.iard Uav.s. 111. ,\'j's. H.- < r.e. Mrs. Earl S:it crivlvte. Ms- !le!c K . stcr. Mi s Ainu 1J;\ mi, and Mrs. ilmvard iJci'.in. Trans, crrrd. W-ildo \l.-s;.ndrr. 0. M. 3-r. I*. S. a. I!.. hen I Iran-lorred I ruin the trival lalon si' !> m'.r idijr, i<» llu I Itnvhins Siatim .I l.'i li, L.ins l-l;.lul. N. Marian Martin — Pattern — Its — w V .ti i i;l In'i iii:> i i tut' T choice 111,.11 f'i v i"fl•1111 11■ • i»i»• r flock 'ii |yi in lit • Ixirk-tu- < ;•••. i otilfit. l\it ii )i !t Mil ii' il. >i i I .ok t.-ill iiurl lit11 brl'oii. on M e He. ;i help | 11»i" I'Cn v-iip drrssit U A Iranster ;il il'iih(l 11 • i • n liicli \ ii nmy ini'iil j ii' lil rtiso K IiicIikIi (I. I'.ill ii !tl!l| n iv ic ordried • tii'v II i H |"1 'ii|«s ■ i/.e» II IH. I.I, 115. IT I !"• Si/i- 1H. mijuT. "J I -f? V. .(I .'il-llt . Mouse | i J Viiicin 35 s I . ;. If I.e i':. ham. bridc-ctcc*. Mi A! • I'M entertained at a i.: .<(•. •• i«u .. lonucrie shtuvcr. : ' :•< i. »»ne Wed nesday mslit. The luuse w. ' (it i- . : t.-il with mixed sun. Hltll : (\>re |>i . .; •;[• i . > Mi-> I' ir.itnv 11: :.! i. i in in Mi.- i am < ■ I <>i:. The ilojte <•; 1>■«»..::. a t'itt hi eln:..i .! (.i.t'ern. After .-eve: . iii bridge, delicion ..•• e vd. «•"!'..-i.- i: . iar.'i- 1 pit: m .i e. •••';. i, . . :• I . . - IKiraglir.t iIv.: •!:• ■. c i( ivs. olives. Ru> • ?! leu and t. tij;c c i.e. The I.■!-••• ' . • • : i - - in:-, by In t iiH'ti'.er. Mo. >!••• tv. \ ll-it. . i i(i Johnson Backs Local Risk In the Sir '.Valli-i lloli'l. I».lIIv IIImmIi I, (>illr.ill. IV\ I. V \ N \1rc ' 'lily by I c arils under n :;e?ieral la Ms t' .m by I ho (icn > < 1: i: *! v ,n ut .. i •" t - iii'l alv. • i !y. S(> . Um:; .< long o!>s : hi '>1 U'U I;it:\ • p i e lll)e :m;l : I Xjjenciuv men hmr 'I in sii|>ervisMii I t.i! govorilir. 'it t'-o State :rc:is;trc i: ;•! )C ICC 'I OH until >:i tllC S'.-1 >i"ct. lie pr> • ' sporlf ic:illt > t le ! tcr of c •• "B corporate I ; i > tiun:cii>. ik th; : ' * • bo linnd'vu l"> a comm.tve •>: the A--r compose! men who U i »,\ i iu ol tuc i"i> 1 local i' n i ; Other tor* sua.-cjithlo tor hi.n ii . •■>' home f.>;.- ■•«. Ic the niir ■ assistants . . i c workci 11'.mty offuv i s >n guaranteed prescription service tJf.'n*t you not OUMflwi Ml. «n, t '"til w« cor^fourj p/#k. ic» p»iO«». Uoubf* tytfcm »h,». And o♦ »>* %mB <'0« «r» utrtS. FLOWERS FOIt KVKRY OC t \S|ON I'timir 38(1 Day or Mcht RFIDGERS lh' Kl"rtol points out that tin- same people who I elect repleNCSl'lltal s|.,_ I tint? fleet tiic local oit.eers lie [thinks transier ..i [.„■ i M-.sp .n-il>i|.tv I tn them would enhance lite i , M'_ tame or their ofliee-. make In net . 'er Ineal government, ami a! the j >aine time leave the licmal As.em l»ly live to considi r milters ot s'ate-' i -.vide interest and broad |> >i.i v. More Goods For Civilians Wi'shiiia'nn. Auk. ::o (.mm i;-.d -•>11 e-. r.itehi'ti ware, tiniiac -. ate-' ty pins and other Hoods fur civilian^ I will be produced 111 expanded vdIuiiic i iii tiie I ..-I .:e in th"pet i:e' bcc i.-e oi t;n- e.Mn'ine siioita ;c I laundry : i . «••• in many wa.'-erowd j cd cities. It mauufac red their dis'ri ■ ' ■ • . v n.. e oiroi.ed ' i n.-ure t'i ' i' < i a! ' •hi; .• i ear i ipar - n cut In: Ideig or war hous.ti : pr> jci i. • » ten machine. I '.!. .<• h i sc i i!ti re' r ger itor.-. 'no* I > :!: • • ■ r* la l ye ir. are' getting ii;erea e i attcn ion m view >1 le ' si: ir'age i n. Summer, the curt.-.-'tu • i uf •■• delivery r •n*" and the need to prevent food : . etc.. The rj.l.iC'.O-t in c.vilian s'.cr al loc:! i hi si'! : ii next fjuarter i.- .■:< n crei-e <■! 'J > p. :' c.'iit over t ie II 1 mei.t tor ti.e ctrre t three m »i»:: GROWER 5 TO STORE COTTON ON FARMS UNSER LOAN PLAN ' -ii • :• -I'lf,. |:.,ieiui«. .V. • 'j., —North t'.iiolma farmer, v n i . 11 ii. . .1 -ii' cm I ill. j i Ii r. < iii 11M3. i n their own t:um.-. wei. as m api i I warehouse-. < .n !•'. Holler. - .!"li lull cotton n:a . '.in:' -|H i ialisl .i' College, aim ■ aici*-i In ■ e todaj lie said ti . t under the recent iu;.i. ! program <■ I'oiiuii nuiy C; Corporation, tin- I asis loan ie loi lii;.lullllg i.'.-iii c i'l hi 1- L'.l.iia cell . pi r pi'J i i.l . ii the wist-in aiea ol North C...uliiia, <-re ..nil nichmond. Kor the countie- •)! tKan..-, the ha-i- I ia:i late i.- U 65 cents pei pound. Ace .-Tiling 'i.«' • peii.i'i-'. I in.i i prnccruii'0 im l.o h i.uin • i . . age and warehouse loans will o. ..V :i !: ol j ..t in- I- i::nt v .AAA oi.i Hi- epi i' fi li. ii !! ■ i la i !. . t • - ing cotton mi t'ifir n\.'n larm- v.ii he ..llnv.'id a storage 1 i'l <-c:ii pi! n. le |jer month > n all ii . i>u < e liven .1 i i the C iiiuioditv Ci". fli Cor| 'ration in itistacti i:i >. • |.i;... H. S. ('. s;. .Mepiiuj;. " Till- \V ..n'- S icii't v u! I hi i. i.i•. \ i*e ol L'nion Cliii|)el Mcthodisi chill i .• i v. ill t t ! v. It.i A;: |.. j-. Uarne Friday night at «i'el«n*i;. I!.VI l<>\ ROOK r<»l K Washington. Aug. 20. i aim - ; »Vj»r ration i.four |S in ilie olfmjj init r «• ( i .• I Vive .Vhi'i : . t rat m (<*l*Ai i ' ifla.v no date i> IK'ai , ' e ha i een set and the .*••••• ! hasn t d< c rli d how i>r when c \i!..i:i •viil d*-: ter i . Kit it. i I I'. Slegi n, a reg • i X(-eutive. said in «': i. ■ - ■ ; , ii." 'haI reg.sti at ion lor h ; , ,. Won ■ he r•;• I.I hetweeil Oct J'i .ml . Nov. I. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay "Tlie Authority on AuthoritioV MtKTTY SIIAItltV IJI.W \ICI> SOMRTIMKK Ili>' n t i ill /ul kiml «>l |ila\ iik. ts t!,. hi«-«t rvvviinl. in that ii i- Iv t< the sake '•! limit mi._- .1 t>.r• • >i ilaini'tl luss .liisl .1- fir.i- \> niakc ISut it i..- r.ut Mam I nut so ul.iilv. an.l lifted «""S IIIIIKltll IIV ill • V • |.t I'rlV l< • i-ll student* f tin- maths n| a 1v.1l hti.igv player 4 !• 0 t V A K , ♦ K I A A V 10 ♦ r) I 1" ¥ " ♦ " + * (l>a|f| ni'iahl. 1 Kasl 1 'a ss 1 'ass Pass Pass V A A K s 0 V V I ♦ A • . ,t, «"lt ll.-I Mill II) tlei'laiCIS I l' \ Iian.l c'iul.1 liave in Ktaii.l slam easy As it \v; • \. t (inlv 11 tricks wen- 1 Then- was a play |..| 1LV In! t.' v li.itcvci f..i 1:; mil.'.tin t i.s WMul.l revoke. Di::tl it>Ut>- I I'. J* j ltn . _ I * U • ■ ' - • i 1.1. tii|> ".!it il . .• >uti« i,|,| ihvn tlic >i» !•!•■ r, • is i.-i w. t • iin** in v illi ti." to. i.ti.l tit v. |„, M..- Klcc littli- i i iv in tin* il !!,.• s|mtle 1' \\ i.- p! • Il • mi .inn.i . v vv* ' 1 ! ' 1 |•! iv r ■■ . tio'r. Ins J-7 into it* A-*, that South pot t ■ <• •• ; ii 'i • 11 I..V Ii ,.i ii. ". i. in a ll.t«l OV till.I ni I tint I • |o = I I! . a ir ♦ \ * I "lilol I n\\'« I't ,! | A > •. v ; : v i ■< ♦ • I •! 'I \ i. V ' i i w i: s A " • ? w " i 2 a U l<» A j y t> 4 A A 1 t> A " ❖ K J ' • s 4 i : r. . N* itli Rrrtiti, .• for S I \v. -t. < vn. i',1 ^IcuJxViett GlotU&L h&i tyall Vic Huggins of Thm HAAS TAILORING CO. will be heie f Friday ar.d Saturday . . . With a qrind display of New Fall and Winter Fabrics especially de signed for Ladies' "MANNISH TAILORED" St-uix and , . . Tailored to your individual measure. Gee. A. Rose & Sen twpw^uE>o-c —iii |-C3sl3>< "«n»( mm.u»n. Dress-Up Sheer li; GET YOUR SHARE NOW OF THESE LOVELY NEW Town Wear \\r have pairs and pai.'s <>l' skin snvoih rayons with that -ilkcn look. CHOOSE NOW FROM A WIDE !sl CHOICE OF NEW FALL SHADES and $][.10 Buy Only What You Need v\ Er> T\ • DC? p . Cj. Davis gc bons Co.