CHAVrrcit FORTY-THRRR KARION Oil) not like In think aliout what l'aul had told her that someone in the linmciiialo vicinity wis sen ling messages to enemy submarines anil causing the heavy toll of si:.(is -but she had meant it when she had sai.l tli it she hoped whoever it was would lit1 caught. Yes, even it Marty somehow was connected with it, although she would not think about that, either. She would, ns . he also hail told Paul in the quarrel they had had over Marty, believe in her friend until it no longer was possible to do so. She allowed Buffy to have the long-promised fishing trip that had caused so much trouble and anxiety ■v.hen the little boy hail run away. She even allowed him to spend the night with Marty in his trailer. f=!so knew l'aul did not approve of this, but Karen not only meant to live up to her promise; she kept it in order to show her faith in Martin llaliday. Huffy came home, after this big adventure, so radiant and so full of the wonderful time he had had that Kai>.ii was glad she had "."lin k to her guns." much as .--lie di- hlted having to go against l'auls expressed wishes. She Inev: now- thai Huffy would never l< I toward l'aul as he did toward Mai:v. to v.hom he gave a sort of hero woi hip Surely a man who could .so h pit.a small boy must lie deservin;: of that admiration. For days alter Visit to the trait r camp Unify would talk of nothing tl-'e and <.f no one except Maity. He said he wished he could go to live with Marty in his little liouse-on-whei Is "Anil leave :nc and your grandfather!" Karen pi* t• tided to be even more hurt than she was. It did hurt a little, to thinl: that Marty came before the boy's own relative!!. "Oh. I should come to vi-it you." Eulty explained, "unless you would come and live in the trailer-house, too, Karen. 1 told Mat'.y I wished we could do that—you and I—and he said he wished we could, too, so you see it woul 1 he all right." "I see." Karen felt herself blushing. foolish as that was. She wondered what else Buffy had said about hor during that visit with Marty. Maybe il was time to put her small nephew straight in regard to certain matters. I„ong ago she had decided to tell Buffy that she was going to many l'aul, but she had put it off. Since her wedding had been put iff, too. with nothing settled even now that it was spring, maybe site need not tell him yet. "Would you really do !t, Karen?" Buffy's revealing face lighted lip with that inner radiance, his big eyes adding their appeal. "Well, not right away . . . not ever, I'm afiaid- at least, not for peeps." Kan n had to hedge a bit, not wanting to put out tliat light too quickly. "Wc might visit Marty] I -omo time together, you and I— I anil I toli»l lie say lie was going away?" Karon felt her heart give a peculiar twist. The little boy nodded; the light ' !iad gone out of his t'aee. "He said | that he would have to go some lime t .mil that it might he very soon now. He said that this was because his work. he hoped, would very soon be finished." Karen It new from the way Huffy said it that the child was repeating what Marty had said, as nearly as he could remember, word for word. ' Work that soon would be finished, j \Vh::t did that moan? It was a iiireet contradiction to what Maity had toll her; lie had said he did not j have any work, that he was lu re only to regain his health, liut shi'! must not put loo much stress on 1 anything a child m!".ht repeat. It ' might very s< on. Huffy had re-1 peated, too, wliii li might mean that ' any time now. any day, Marty and' his trailer might pull up stalo s and | out of tli.-ir liv s f'.nwr. ' Why : li*a■ Id thi.s thorn-lit make 1 i»-r heart i iinlcn t own more pain)nilv ? Sin.- I id • njovd l.l.owitlg Maity lie l.i.l bi.ti Kii In mi any one slit- over had known, but he was. atti-r all, only a friend Only a friend . . . remeinlx-riliv that lir. t kis«. when the moon h i ! bei n to blame . . • only a Irion !. lememln 1:115; that moment in I!' tower win 11 He y pad been so ■ to--. spiiitually :i.i well as physi' ally. Memories that -lie cuiilil not mi' aside, that kept haunting let. 10tuining t-> t anew that > - t , \ "Any ■■ would thinK you •• -re iP. love V.-.tli 1b - fellow!" I'.iltl 1 id il.lined the i.ig'ut they had quarreled over Marly. Hut of course .'-lie could n>>t bo. As 1 '.ml al \> had said, .' lie had not known Marty b>tv.: enough arid she still was i ngave i t.i her long-time friend. But what it 'ime had nothing whatever to :o with love, or being sensible at mil love, as she always had tried t> be; what if she no longer was < i maged to marry l'aul, since sprinir now was here and there Were no plans for the wedding ? There was no use. however, Karen to! 1 herself, during days of wondering such things, in wonder- I rig. That sounded like a parade, men diblo yet tnu. which was what .ill of it— overylhint—seenied to be. Th(l v. hole world: I'atll audi Kva; Marty himself. So there no use .ii woiiili i ing. The only thing to do was to mark time and see what lsite hail in store for all "f them, that wily tempt less who had e a used so many things to happen, but who tpp.irently had loll them to them.- !'.es now. In thi;, of course, Karen •,.«s j - -vtzzzitiaiESiiJ-y mistaken. She did rut linow that it wais Kate thul lid her iiuvvii to the beach one tvi-ning to seek the sulitiule it offered und to li.stv« to the roar <>f the ocean, hoping also to untangle smiw of her thoughts. If it hait not been Kate, she surely would not have chosen this particular evening, this particular night, when those inillion.s of tiny hrilhatit stars were hidcii and the sou was high and the b'-acli dark and deserted. Karen had visited it so often, although not during the pa.-t few months, that she lttu .v h< r way even on such a night as this. She had lu.t c-v. 11 brought the tlu-hlight that she often carri"d, as most people did, now that the town was blacked out after sundown. She went past the beach house to tind a log that was nearer the edge of the wat»T. She would sit theie a little while, alone with her thoughts. It never «ccurr«i| to her to be afraid or the 1« ast bit rvoiis. This was familiar grf.;a*', private sliip nt Ih'.'h h ibat lie t nd Known and loved ,-i.j many >• ai . ill of h*T li! • •' 'liie. She did rot know how long be sat tin-re. half hi hour, lua.U • h bit lmigi r, i.r \ by - In addi III l id. d ■ In- II I ! " l,n II lb. le I : enough. She bad gotten what he l ad •...i;-- tor, tin old • n nit v it •an:- lloui fazing upon that ' t I'.dy I.t wat* r. the . iionuoii • :• opy of '| v «.villi ad. J he !• ' •it, b"d. i••le in it, '-lie alv. did nflerv-iid. She walked slowly, head bent, bad; across the Sand, m.t In idinff tow id the path ":• 11 bd u;> the high lank, but tow »rtl the tunnel. She would ?i'C if " liH ■ !. as Ma: tv bad advi. • -• •• if ,1 n bad oIh yi i tin- bulky outline of a : ••. i n -i leveling a revolver *t night at Kan •!. Fear closed !;• r throat now so that she could not even cry out; then the m took a stop forward as reci 'nil . into from • ach of them -ii.!i sharp relief that Karen til!" r I • ad whirl giddily. "Marty!" .-:..• gasped. But what was he do; .v.:; it that rev Ivrr* What '.i doing lurking . I the entrance of he tun.: I ? "So it's ymi!" I.e -aid. There was relief i i 1 I :• 1 vi.: e. v hicil he kept almost at a whisper. What are you doing If re? Tell me!" Marly «'• in n llnj? to know what SI IK Was don . j .n it right she ba t on her own pi • • I • . a. ! • n she ( i o Me ( ..lltill'l AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE By LVN'N MSBtT Daily Dispatch Itureaii In The Sir Walter Hotel—Kalcigli IIIOII-IIAT Tin group : di gnished Virginian- ud C. i : iwho went I • WaMiin; • n II • . to eek ii-vi i'>11 :ii 1.»r ii'-co ■ tit; pi ices didn't t in 11* . iM-i| Willi 21-gim :illi1v • ;.i 'r • do- poet il limit' foil troll- II T»1 i• • !: I they iwiviil ll i (• i in .il in head up I!>•- ('oii.ii.udi! •. 1 • ■ i i (' potation simuitl very pla : .y ti. it they didn't app:< ciate .1 I. .111 lit tie Iflli-v. I1I.1 fjiiviiiHH and t 'li' i-d SI.iti : 1! ■ d.i 1. .1 1. ,' t ion I In- <-• m■,) >li 1 ■ I .!• n< Ct'C and < >1 'A 1 dn i ]. picciatmn v.:r hi ip • al. 1. -t nor I'/ioiij.'lilon. (io'. i 1 not I' 1U ii and the « It 11 • 11 it jn« i iil itivt oi llir lii'oplt' diiln't III.1 Mil- I ■. Ii f 1; 1 f tit t it licit • ol Hit- : • | • 1 . 11 < 11 I l.inr i'icrats. PESSIMISTIC Curriwr Pr..u,lilon said upon his reltui ■ • KalciiJi he had little liopt' "i any relit i Hie delegation did aecm ■. 111 i. •■n.t-tliiti! II obtained a public > tr< u>n 1 • 1 Meredith Kohlhcti',. ()|'\ iipii' dilative. (hut Ol'A had 111 it" .. mi ; .1 in nut vnlablinhiiif! dil 1 enlials between unticd-iuigi.ulrd • al ai. 1 Hie gradod-lied nfici i.r :i C oliu.i markets. That w as one oi 1 j 1. • •"moral victories" tluil 1110:111 little, because Kohlherg .ul • tl ilii'l "e how anything could he dm • i!- mt 1 now. The .saered -tanda (I 1 1 Hie original order, admitted!;. must he maintained May- ; thing can he done ai» ii M • tier next year. PROMISE—Only p.--, e Pa- ( ollnti-Virglnin folk ' 1 got that a definite answi w ill i" ■. "as soon as poSMnle" (>">r Hroughton expect- tli* ini1' >l"' Saturday night. I!e I ■ 'lily a 1 nt hope it will offer tiny h gliei price lor Carolina tohaec •. BLUFF—Some fort ire talking about calling 1111 tobacco curpanics bluff il the ( iPA d •c»n'i ;i\e a higher price for graded il. They till eaten to pill t.ibaci" mi ale .\itl out sorting, and 'ell the • avei '•> take il or leave it. REFUSED Some ungraded leaf was offered a few wed; 1 e-• 'n South Carolina and Mi" buyi w.'l;ieI!> «■ l In Who 11:11 ill SOIi.-SAVINCi Wluu «i-p i -cut;, liVrs >>! ..II Iho - III «*Iill-I ii!| i|l •iim- line ' ■ v i'i'ld'.i^iii/.i i; ilInii'itjc.< .-tio>• I'll II III. Illicit. \'.VII t :■ - iv in l,io ■ii with the wushtng i : tit 1 '(•(* I Jet; ' Iu.mI v. : I; 'n ' ;.i* i >nat inicl l,,,l si .-oil < nini. His t tfoi ls tiniilly II .I'll! (Ill (■»■! : : 1 • •«••••! x .i!ion |i;ry ! • i ".11• ..mi 1 i •V l||*« SAIi.i •I |*i*i - KNOW YOUR FOODS . hy Mary Bell U'.DEJEV/E? SOCIAL TABOOS against FOODS HAVE BEEN COMMON. FOK EXAMPLE, EUROPEANS AT ONE TIME CONSIDERED COFftE AN INTOXICANT. ITS '..ALE WAi RfcilKlClfcD. 1 Today, thousands upow THOUSANDS Or WOMEN WHO ONCE WERE r«.EjJOICEO AOAlNSi VUKGAftlNE NOvV U5£ NU-MAIO-TH6 •,rA8lE6RADE 'A>ARGA*iNc, NOTED FOR ITS wild >VV£Er, CHU^NLO-fRESrt FuAVOR. Fa WED AS A DEUClCJS SPREAD, MU-MAID 1$ AlSO USED 9V GOOD COOKS WHEN 1MEY WANT EXTHAflNS CAkES and Pies AND ro* fRYiNO AND SEASON NG. ''TA&LE-GRADE" NU'MAIO IS Vio DlGE5T!BLE, RICH IN THg 'PEP-UP' VITAMIN X AND A HIGH ENERGY FOOD (3300 CALORIES PER LB.) TRY NU-MAID TODAV.-YOU'LL LKE IT. fc iss®' Kl 1W)dMAD E> ^sl^. THI MIAMI MARGARINl CO., CINCINNATI officials- from th«* r. plant .it Hut linKt< • .1 few clav- iii'1 * to • ll\ l" »fl vire ol In- , lll.K'Clllfll* sol .« d I. It. Mcliuy < or. was tin-1 « taviil in tin- S: ««>l lirwl ' liKhtiiiK mail wi;!i \ I'Xpi'iiviiiv a> a i INSPKCTKiN ( cllll'l k| tin* divi-im Ui'pui'tini'iit ol thai antuial iii>|'» <' odd iiur-ssies in liu conipli'tion. .At li t cliviMui) roput I campaign is bcinj; whiti -Icingi-d I ( • • worst post- tlui* I milieu It lira I plan' i trol campaign is . t Hire i.l -tali- and !• !• LOANS Inilii- it. ■!. . Jin crop ni Irish ■ i.,:. ti 'ter in in:.t'l;t*> ii • .• , i.. Inavici spring • "l " : TI «• vv.h IikiiI administrat ' an: i d iiM'lhiid tiii Ii ml.: nil it whrn piniH-ilv ; ili 11 .| 11 ii i *i I in I lit* CMflll ill 'III . ; ! 111 I I KUaraiitccd l»y 11 • . i-iii. :<■> - UCll loailr Wi ll 1)11 tit I>r III); i i <>|• Willi 11 • • i I ii ii * |in«"i'-." uili . : • ■ i hi i" ■' lIn iii.ii I i i. NKCIH » \V< >t:I. ' l ull. . Kxlvii:ion offiit- ., ■ • ... . u.d ■ | ii it i s'. i • i.ii part 1 ' .• i • i i .i|i|H-al lul giv.'ti I 'iiillii-t It lia. |iiv\ ,nii t' ' mi n1 t ■ i" lic.t II,is Iati l- . t ■ in. ..i ti iiii iilii-i ill Nt't'.ri . ,i i .■II I'd inn- iihiii • . ; i . |> i It'll" t nil |jai t 111 ' .t . • | . ,i II • I', and .saving la I ■.mi . , I Ntgrucji in Kdj'i" n.ivi . mill. havi • labli.-hrd a run • • ! i atid an- woikiiij'. t! 'm m i i iiitit > iii'ighbiii .. • ji'rl in Hocfcy M III KI.INOTON SI I.l ( TI i> AS IIO.MI HI KM I OF NKW INS1 l; \\( | I IKM Kurlingloti. ."7 I'. .t i and Alamance <•..■.• :n earned rc;iift!!it -n :• • • II • rry Center ill the .S .• nccii mleeted by tin- t'.i l ..,!•> I .-iirance Company . t i.n-ai .ti it- princip I ami •: • • ■ re. T!i linn lias luday s<• t :id ... | let by the State ■ I X rlh Curohii i. hi»v 'in ittv 111-* ii'lHU'V ( "••II? i t*h ■ TfI *;<#.•» SSHlll.fMMi •. .- •• SIOO.OUO .:i by !;.«• > ft IS VfMllnl ii-'t lot •III • .1 rI oi'iiii / ,1 ..II ,• ! ! .Vi.ti- III \m-ili C'inuliiiii »•«« by I' t I ».i\ ; \\ hi I ill . * «|| |( . '* *i ii.' :;.\l*!l mid -.Tiiii -. tin - 1 • ••.. tin K,y;..,, I,Milium, s.-i I \ -< I: it . till? M'VI'H >. I ..nil Wllllll I, .1- . |«JV *. ., in U III (■). St HOOI. HI IM.I1T \rritovi:i> at :mi:i:t! Itiik'igh. Alls. 27 < -"v 1' • A (jtii- J t'l ' S*;itf m>| iiiliii: ■ ii ii- I m* . ji.tii i".i li'i- »-\|n'iKt.tur» ..1 . i •• \ s:{7.."»U0.ih'u (iin .:.tin* ;«»1 .-44 ! -ml vim; v..- ..|• !<.••'.<•(! today by t'n- riiuum.' <.*»> ttev -I s:..:i- Hi... tl ..i Kdu<. • • ■. Tilt' <".iiiiiuitU'. hi wliit'li Dr. Juliun Mitit*i .> Ou.ii.ito I* cliuii nun. will ■ • .t- Imdui-t buiiitl .it i i-l' n« ii.*' Sijit \ ti ni;i v. .:. ji-i t ' • • it! i iltng Hi fn' fiitifo u'i.ikI, *..i I- tr.. -.. . i .im id f\|«-n<|it in'-: All i:I« iii -.;i!.n it'. iH'ilIK pllid i •' ii.i ml .-m m i ii 'ti :nli i' 'i! itii 1 rativt' . ,*i I unit . oiling tin- Il.ll .. |H «'-l l<*|ll l'>> !• ■!' Icvi'lv; III I 1. 1.1- • I it 111- ! . 'II ::il :i«• 111 • I"i • <1 .• I i|> .11 in hi;; |i 'Hi : .i tlir •I •' HI .ll.l. .1' i • •I .' '.lllll . ..Si i,.' i -1;hi in .i iniutcly 4, ii \ioi: si Mm: it \\« i; to hi month rr at i . \. <. • II II. \ ■■ Tin- li;idii"i... il.iin •«» iit (' Ii ..' .1 .Ii Iin* S|ll . . 11 ,l (• , ... .< 11. . ,i :uhiiuihiih| t .d;iy li> the t .*..i <• '• li'.i. l!in ■ , •' I' 11 \ V . lid |{;il)tli St .. i: i • I >.i Till' iit'.- . in.itlf dm- '■ tinI;n*t liisii many seniors nro 11 :n | • ••• N.i*.;. V-ll! ii*n!. wliloli ■:• -in I | here .1 il> ' sm i which will I >•■ •vlii»v-| :?IK i \filiboi*. | Tlu* ii.. ..i* '.ill fniiH' 11.* nifjiit ! lifter tin* t C.i •ti:i.i-I)ii •• in. i D.I.I, I' .hi- ;nv :iIriM'i;. uidi'i *.\ ,iv tn • in- |i.i)i ii n' i ■ i-tr.i | .■iTiii t . .. . ,i v.-il.' tel.- .(.I J). • ; Mi.iiii. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK [•, p ; """QTT -fnt f ' DfcEAM . i-Aif-. tacuf . \ 5 itcoNJs i^WAPP TH(; OLD HOMG TOWN Bv STAN! FY I? _ •• ~ I 1 , tHOUJ 1~-n('U)ELL" llWIPORTTlMK'J> VOL) hoc ?J ^ (Vil6)HT tr7 «=^AV «5>?ADUST / l"S THE MOST VjVPORTA.MT -TH.M6 - < CM ?,* EARTH IKJ FACT. THE MAM \| UJHO RAS SOME S&ADU6T OtJJMS ~i' 7HE "EARTH! 'Wimpy's Ship Comes In." NOW-"THE DOCTOR \ WAV FAIUTAL.L HE / (DISHED, POPEV& •/' THIiMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye TELL ME, DOC, I VA THEM'S "TO THlKiK THE "DUST l«=i IMPORTIMK BLONDIE < I . S. r.itcnt Oilleo) A Flying Tackle! By Chic Young ETTA KETT I IF YOU'RE CAPTAIN I .=~Vi3£MlLD\OUCAN iDSNriFY MiS "iOUNG LADY -sirvoi i M5S lcuong -ni i ATUSL|1lE hs i>-€Sn; £\=i - MAMS MOI2E" Q5AL -ONE MAN TASK FORCE THE GUMPS ' ~—v LET a\E GUESS- -v. SiMct MM-THE NOSE: / vou LOOKS _ - Anow F-A MILIAR- I HAL" Of THf \.l rue awsterv GIRLS one I WEAKNESS WA5 POf^TUNf. TELLERS., SO JON STAR&UST I v.OvE t- S reAf»AND> SHE FELL INTO IT HE REAf> MER PALM ) WHAT •' YOU'RE AND TOlP HER A /CiOlNG TO WALK 5'KANGE M4N \ IMTO THOSE kvOJLP ENTER HEP? ) oANoSTCiKS' L'PE- AS EVENTS / LAW Ai.ONt '' k » [JRNV P Our I A AN V THAT A\ AN ' " /