ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL l'KKSS Himftrrsmt Batltj lEHspatrlj r WEDNESDAY, SEITEMKEK 15, 1943 Tobacco Offerings Lighter With Drop In Price Averages Tuesday Poundage 309,694 for $23.35 Average; Quarter Million Pounds on Sale Wednesday SuKKe.-iinns that leal be withhelc from the markets bcim-ti the uu luvurnble priee ituution are ..pp. ;. I'll'iy in ..I llin tl i • . . . ; . ^1 III " .,<■! ; j. the third suecessivc day the I lender JS"t> m..rke» \ lil t • • •; I ... vapueity .,1: itu <1 • , ;I. Arthur H. Surpi-U\ sales sui*erviW Motulay • opomiiit u. v sale mtlti have !... :•!!,'(! ... • amount .i leai and yesterday tlu takst were eonipleted early. Today third day •■! tin season. : ■ ..-it th» n at ket Ui «. ut tteii re <■ Surprise says. The Tuesday nmdage v.., p mniLs pay:!.,; ui 7.., , r. t;.- iirie SI'! 1;: M v. -. 71 .•>1 HEALTH QUIZ YES NO Do you have headaches? Da you lack pep or vigor? Da you get irritable easily? Da you feel depressed — nervous ? G H rv» yml f.-. I 1,«I.<J>re*«cd-ilTi. t .!.*«- — (i i< to a slncstish. raartU ! ■ I r in r. ' !>•> V -1 » • tku I mora rff«*tlv«t ail-nrounii r-... i t :un y .: r in r»'l f" >• 1 ::i v : .-v. •• Ij\v » >t>: Tl • n. ut 1: ■ - .!-.i :i .• prove*, j on hoi.-; J • f > 1 > i : 1. «;• •- I.-. - r I • !' . wr: 2. 1 l«»r oui i:.<* intr-tinal tract. T<».! > 1 m. tdo 1 -tina Cart*rt» I ■ .< I.r.vr [' « fTiiK:.<- Ti.- t> t t:.;n» (I.irtrr'.i 1: uaily ilo whilo you're cum f •-Mi.!/ a :•. . i< ! . i" - 1 .» i;.- Ho-.. <,f liver liik .1 Vit I ■!: ••• liv« jitfrw. T i: i • :■- I > 1: t \ f >i j.- • T : ' ,;.,.you: • 1 1 '.a, |,.-1-or . . •. IV. • m,t Tr.-f. C .. - I r .. li-v-a:.-.- heoti ..■•••ti" rttmayrn b" nr. I1 - «»<•«! •••> ft ;.:i y ur haulm d. I."" I i-i-i '.1/. 1 -!<!*. '• :ir-ri .n i* <» 1 , t1 tl f..rm-. 1.Ti . . ■»>..« I 1- "V V. .r:.. ■ c»n< r's IJulo I.-.: r . (■•■I.iv — only "J"> n' j'.v iiT'i.n tT..e aadirocti I. V :"! bo clad you >!:■). W nuvt ? ' ; ' ! ••• " :u* Hit i . • • t . iih Oiid> tit' CI *;irn ii:: * . not uuons, DCJ '!!«: t» v ! I ii;h P? . ! A'^ion Auxiliary I o Sell \\ ar l>o!uls u- .1! liu . I i . I'l iv. and Sat iril.iy, at s they }iav sltwl that Hw> • K-'i • • tin' An ■ (Elements I)cci 11cs 1 rattic (iharjjcs In ( !ount\ C.ourr !■ T, :its. I. (i(IV'.li\ N!! Vi ! I SI) I \ I. HIT i;\ vU \t I H \\K!\(. :i4 >1 S I X< 1,11' - :i ipiial. CALLED FOR ' REDEMPTION U. S. TREASURY DUE OCTOBER 15, 1945-43 THIS entire issue ha been «.*;» 11«*«I lor i.-dcmp tioii <i)i October l*i, 1!»1 * J on which date inter est • mi such bond.- will cease. All holders of these bonds, other than cninnuT cial hanks, will lie jyiven option of exclianirin.u for either '1 per cent or 2' per cent bonds for sale during tht Third War Loan Drive, in authorizing denominations. IJanks may exchange their holdings for 1 per cent bonds. ★ ★ ★ As another of our many services, this bank will be glad to handle the re demption or i xchange of these bonds for the owners of this area. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY IIKNDKUSON*. X. C. KNTRANCK ON \VV( IIK ANI) OAISM.TT SlltllTS MEMBER fEOERAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Foreign Food Stocks Are To Increase Irut'i -tooUs • . d- which «»ri— ;:i;.iti in t-iiviitu land.- i- tin* proin !-»• .National li.'nct'is Bulletin. ha " • ! u' llendei'M'ti Cham .■i : Commerce. Tlie National Grocers Bulletin, organ of the Na tional Gi icers Association, t.> whitTi -? II' i dt - :i u: >'< belong. an ite abundant -applies of i i "... •• and other pro ducts bet «re the year'# end. The same publication anticipates a "* :u* " k< t tor ti.i.'.v products, lats. • II-. lire. ii ell lllll!- and ■ " l Ihi'. •! till' Heeds ot |M>|)iilati its as 'in' armies ad-. . nl i t : • that I hey may '■ r. :i:..-,d I.' :• . . TI• «111IIu lilt" l:i4.i. I i • • «i ii; it Mopped. it said Total t ■>>ci pi ducti'in this yeai . il e\ceed ; ' iu! i «f tvv<> ay Si; «•-. Aivpt 1 l int. . Ik products preserves, will be . 1 it ntatit ' •! in the past year. 1 I-i.i'i'eari warns dealers 'd11■-ti1ht.ui e. it diets. the iul: •• d food prices wilt the 'lid MANY AWARDS ARE GIVEN TO SCOUTS I :e !'.■•> S (' . it t i 11 itior, hold last ti u * .'i the First Prestoy teriati ch; was the scene the it .tat;. >. > awards to the Seoi. '• \ M Udell troop 1 'i'.i a> . lie rt. and c : ' • Seot. .> and laws. ! ' .■ .laiin '. < i I r a--eniblv .1 U • "A < : il", and also 4 i tae inv ' .'I. \V. \V I (ill; :>i esented his In • •• w i Ii.. . •- badge. while .1 t'< iaidiu a- i the civ a- il »li • ■ y- Mr- I! 'go i ' ! . y. who ... i tn «'h to do with the Sends' passing merit bad ge!- presented t'.l e t badges !•. 14 >. ; The el ax in the awards ion 1 1 > Kalkncr pr » idly p < -• •. i the St badge to his son. A -it . ■ ~ the v..-1 >... ■ Father K ^ presented the \.t .. '••• t ■ 11 i 1'. e. scout; .as ter • >: t. . :io. • .• winning troop. It U'V-. ii m ot tin- <d ' ,v ttee. , esided .:il expie ; d< <• a|.p eciati->n to the i (larcttt and friends ;>iv ; ' aeir vel \ art;vo part ill -" -co .t aii.vittes The •i • .in. a- ... ...'red with the AROlND TOWN TWO I ICI N'SI S ;,i. '.il. rt a •<• \\ ere i- -tied tin egiste di-od l'liesdav. a • v B.i B Si ("la ill \' '* i. lldol ( 111 . ,lllll 1 .i ..Sll , i iiii- i . !!• d -i •.m. \\ lute: and <;• -it' l!ol>. (irant. .1 Cm-- Mill, s c nd It 1.,-,. Walker. Hen (u -.. . eol. . • TWO V AIM IIS I II.I I) 1 p;iii • • filed tor ••ford lay ■ i.iv with Ih<' ii m '.••!■ : deed <Mte. dated July 20. !!•:! Wa- I . !. S Kitrell. tin-tee. in .1 i*. Kit! . !•••• >100. being pro ; • ty on \V k*ti street. The other ,i?i au • n" In tween the f. S B • ai i.| M ii d Andrew .liiiaie ■ ii .nd w i ; :nn I'erl.iin nulling on 1. .< ill till TuWIISl lite • etimi. WPR OFFERING NEW MACHINERY SERVICE !!:.Irish. 1") A new service North ( a'* is-nctitial civilian t"! -!iy nt war work was Ik*uii»i *. 1 I\ J»y : liiili'iitll "flice <>l WIN'.. 'I • • nils .1 a»\ district manager. • •urn ed • 'I., v. The !»•'■ department. known < m.i' i i;il )• • inbutn.n depntmem. :.<• hi • <i by !'•' il S. li'Tt'i- . : • -distrihuti 1 -j>oriali.-t. who lia i vii wii1 • • r.\.l<-i«h Wl'ii I" ■ in" lime. <■ said. I:i .-ftI • 4 up the ihav servio. I. the office had n(ruinti ••I a i Icrahic inventory "I K.i-'i rn .\ ' Carolina machinery ml «'iuij' • ;• ti(l llial tin' main ■ > 'i«»n ' ' "li" of lire would he t" h< !|) .cttirers locate tii'i'dcil i!i"i ial — ;i!iy nature—needed 1 'X|M-ditO ' I lll.UlUl.K tlll'C III CSSOII tir w ii needs. IIAl l OF (Jl'OTA I' \SSKD K.iloiljli Sept. l.">.—(AIM—(*;• n ' ■ Ull I >l li n < )-r ir i';l!- „iif| t«>'I i v l ii' W.i nur (>'- war I)<iihI ilr u the Ih 'I ir loan drive hurl r< i<h I- I i"!( tliouyli yesterday. Tne f|not«i i- i .'ion. Now /."aland h i.- nilod th;it lackr must ii -t be made with culls oi pleats. r i.q.? 1 V. .11 |»i iiimi in tlio Clime-" U'lvoriuiioiit i - occupied l»y 'I'. V. I S'ootiu ' 1!. !• wartime. more hoy haliirs are i. in !• 111 i. 11 Ii.iIiio,-: true or lalso.' 1! Wit it i trie name I'M- a eowhoy ■ f .1 •• South A'i."i ir.iii pampa .' I Name the American ntdicr from the imii'ii:'mi; of T''lilie--«l'. who piriaii-. 'Ii i Iiuiiishcd Iiiiii ell dui inij tin Ki. ' World War.' fhvo '■ «■ In t line oi the hymn that relers in "India's coral strand." (>. Who .lute "The Cotter's Sat urday \ml 7. Nana th«- -eeif-tary-tirasorer of tin- An i i i •! Federation o| l.ahot. f>. N*am< il ' capital "I Vermont. !) Is a • |i;i--iK>n" a wood-wind or a brass insti anient' 1 Hi. The ca-iost candy to make at i home is "I— e"? Ministers Plan For Study Week Will Be Week Oct. 3-8; 65 in Bible Courses At School; Talk Scouts At the:.' m uithly inn limhl. Ill lldel.Si'll 1)11111 plan- !■•! tin emning eit. uiu sell-...; li>r church \v> will lir ,i cooperative at Ktr.-t :.-t eh.irell the tuber A report on j made by l!i'\. II. K. K i in- First MeUuidUt • Co ;i e will In- Ii»r Suiui Clllllell '' lief.-. Ulld It dl\ 1(1 l.ll -tiulv CUUl*SCS churches. Mis- Mriani llt-ituli stlUCtnl in tin* new 1 offered ::i Henderson Ii:j year tin the lust time llie mcetmu 'luit there children in the three • in • »ll> <1. hut that .i t' • e c ill Id ca-ily be emirv is unde: written I tin eliun lies • i| the en•• !»c\. H. II. Cash, |>a (i: ..n\ ille Methodist i: .i rural Seouli i.ister. Scout un:k in the l*n excellent w.irk is bi ;u that niilv ahollt 1511 buy • nit MUIIC 1,200 boy- ii ile 11 (Mil It'll I'll two Si nieills .<t 11 I lance Utx I summer. with 5(10 boy Ile urged the rhurchc w it11 tin iiKivemeiit. IMans were discm-i worldwide e •niimiiiniii > I eltl i ii Sunday. (>ctiiln It was al.Mi re|»irt< ■.dun.I- i.i the eity are | t:lar chape-l programs i IiimiI year, and the eh lor the ministers lor (III wa- presented. (lood reports were oiitdtH >r uiii<>;i vesjiei I >auubH ■>" I 'ai k dm eveiiii)K> duruiK July and liiank- ol the sr pressed ' • (I. V. .leu. .nnplilK'! >v.v11 it; and ! his p.i...i- • im.ih, hi • iKlt*K. Ti e meeting "I the held in iin study ol : • ti-t eliureli. with nine ■ ittendiiiiei*. Tuesday «'lit lined ■ lie* traill ivrs, whieh at the ek nl Oe ■ dure was pa.-tor nt eh. Tli.v chool and es the in - •e several who is in ie courses >chool tins i ported to iii li.) • r • >l I (10 or IU*d. I ne ucially by of the .<*. who is ■ u'teii mi y. lie said done but re enroll. (| afje- . ■ ' clicaii'ji ■ t: »l i! i*_; the it'ellillllU. < "'pi" tor • In •hat all iiiiiu ieu irittg the •eluMliit* .ii m.mlli. ii mi the ii Kiiiu ■ Sunday Auuust. in - i Ke-ler I'm • -e i ,.i the ' Istei'r wa I'll ' I'.a 11 I'ATKOI, WANTS MAUKIl I> \i:.\ Willi < llll.Hi:!.N K ileiRli. nen with iced appl.1 the ■lie. •Ill U. I!"d(i:e Ward The c munis .should be {Missiblv. Alter having c Va . IS.) Mel* S. vice in this ' I have learned a v. lie tiial the . tn Tii,. war el In * aid I li .. e hi.** inns: ,-e. a his em. me: t would, in u:\en to i nr in ire ehiklii- i <1 ..i ty and .-er. e way Pali nl.'' Increased den ed States are 1 • 16.—( !•) Mn more children i number ol ..i e Highway i', M 'li • V el. • d t d:n. id that the ed as . (ice. a-rreel ;ead ol Selective • Ward siiid. 1 '.e v. a> ..illy • I e.-sential thin tiie St . e. u inee that toe .itimi ; detei* ll instance, be i'I'.si .li ne '.ll: L'nil Food Shortage Certain Next Year, Scott States * State Agriculture Chief Speaks to Rotary And Urges Greatest Conservation Efforts A more serious food shortage than has yet been experienced is certain in 11H4. and every person who has access to .1 garden should join witn t|n»e on the farm 111 making ana -a\ :ng all the food possible, Kerr;. Stole commissioner of agricul ture. told the Henderson Kotary cluo Tuesday evening at its weekly din ner ireeting at the Vance hotel. Scott said it would be more or less >•1 a di-gracc for any person to buy 1 lood tli .t he could liave raised. I lie eoimui sinner urged all pos>i ; !>!«• I'liconrageinent ol farm pro 1 grams, and praised ci\ ic clubs lor | their altitude, lie said mdustiv and I agriculture combined could build a .-.till greater North Carolina if tlicy combined their resources and efforts. Scott praised I he work ol the local county agent's office, the home de monstration work, and vocational j agriculture programs, together with tin- farm security and soil conserva tion work, and called these educa tional The chief lunction ol the State Department of Agriculture, lie said. was of a police nature. It is tm imvd by fees received Irom feed, Granville Given Further Grant on Recreation Fund 1 l.'u i i 'lid. Ya.. Sept. 15 An 111 cmm-c ol s'.l 12 in tiit- Federal grant to the (ir.itivillc County l'oa id of t '••iiitiiis-iouer^ to iiuancc tin- co.-t • ! constructing and equipping reation lacilities tor servicemen at 1 1 \i■ ■!"(1. N. I'., has been authorized . U M i.|..r .eraI I'hilip 15. Fl. • ing. Fedei a! Works administi .•?> ^ Kenneth Markwell, FWA regi diiector. announced. The increase brings the total amount ol the grant to $.'t.9(5J. M. Maik'Ai ll said. The original grant o! $3,020 pro \ dec! lor remodeling a large room on the ground floor o( the Grtm 1 ville Comity Agricultural Building I itid m-tall.'itioti of a snack War. toi lets and other facilities lor service ir.011 on leave from Camp Buttie'-. The c s! ovrrrau the estimate, nd additional funds were reci lired. The r« i cation center has been in opera 1 n iince early in July. PUBLISHERS PLAN SOUTHERN SESSION Chattanooga, Tenn.. Sept. l-r> (AP) First hand accounts «»: halilc scenes will -pui' discussions 't 1 ewsprint ! ort igi-s labor problems a:d the general 1 • ol getting out a news pape at - • convention o| the South 1111 New per Publislici s associa t on. Chai *■- I'. Manship, president, .id toda\ The iiii'i ' ng will be September 27. 21! and 2!l .1 Hot Springs. Ark. Pres ident Maii>hi|>. in a statement an nouncing 'hp program, said one of i's ieatuii would he ;m address by A 1 Cor, modore I». L. Blackford, lair attn< ic of the British embassy, ! v.will describe the Ito.val Air Ft ice pattern of iittack on Hitler'.- Kurope. 10^ llrlp<—Iliry in<7o nlore! seed and fertilizer taxes, whereas the educational services were financ ed jointly by county. State and Fed eral funds. The Agriculture Department un dertakes to assure proper fertilizer grades, and said feeds sold in the State hud been ureally improved in the last seven years. Industries hand ling these products are doing a good job, he .-aid. Scott also said the State Fair is operated by the Slate Depart ment ot Agriculture and i being run at a prolit. It was not held last year and is not being this year on account of war conditions, but the buildings fire returning good rentals as storage .•paces. He also mentioned the :ix test tarins operated by the ciepariiiieni. •iiid said the one al l).\lml has by long and patient ellort -uccecded in discoM ring a type of tobacco that is blight-resistant. Farm incoim i- up, Scott declare!, but oiMs are also higher, and lie es innati tl, production ol crop- this year ha c> i al li a>t twenty-live percent more. Allowing lor tin 111 and machinery co-i.-. farming i.- about ai rt cli bottom, he said, lie predicted a twenty percent feed shortage the , <• lining year. ;md feared the labor problem m;.y even more acute than now. Tin nice; ni: w.i presided over by I William l»a l<> . club president, and liie pi-'graii v.:.- in charge ol IJ. (J. I Kittrell. Mr. KiMrell presented .1. W. I Samlets. tiiuiil.v agent, who introduc . ed the agricultine comiuis.-ioncr. M. Itailey a 1 < died attention to 1 the program II •' is to be put on at {the lug!', school S.iurday night by a | t'.iiii|i r.iiluei- group and urged club jsiippo. t toi' tin en'1 |tiise. since all I net rctvipi- will go to.-iippml the I Ser\ ice Men's (.'enter here. Mr. ISailey also urged club members in I buy ;<ll the Third War Loan bonds I hey ci hi Id allol d. j .1. Page was a gut-', of ,1. M. | I'roetor. and li. O. Kittrell had as ills guesi- F. L. Fleming, .1. W. San j«i«! .iii<i Henry A. Dennis. | The STEVENSON Mat. :!()< - Nii;Id 35r Ttiday Only PAT O'BRIEN GEORGE MURPHY in "NAVY COMES THROUGH'" < AltTOON AM) SOVKLTV Tomorrow TWO Otl lCEKS OX IACILTV Ourhain. Sept. 15. — Uuriiw u„. month ol Jul.v two ulTicers, U. Jolm Cavicchia. U.S.N-It., and u. (jK) j1 \ . A111111. U.S.N.|{.. assumed duties at university as instructors in i|... Naval Keserve Officers Trainum corps. Iain tenant Cavicchia is a fir;,, dilate ol Kutfiers university, where lie majored in matheniaties, and of the New Jersey law school. Lieute nant Rlu th graduated from the Uni versity ol Wisconsin law school in 1937. m 10% Hcids—13.ry 10% Morel EMBASSY l'lioiic 492 o0< - 10o - lie Wecl.-Tliurs.-Fri - Ride Out To TAYLOR'S SERVICE STATION At thi' Kiul i»t' the Henderson Bus Line North ol' Fertilizer I'lant Cold Beer When Available Soft Brinks Standard Oi! Products and Light Groceries .■\hwt(x (Hat/ In Sci'i'c You COME TO SEE ME J.H.Taylor I'rnpriclttr Phone ;>7S INSURE TOBACCO IN PACK BARNS Insure your tobacco and pack barns with us. only old line stock companies represented. CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY JOKI, T. CHEATHAM, President "You'llalways be glad you did" None of us will he completely happy until the day of Victory. The day our boys arc hack; our sons, brothers and husbands; We want our way of life to go on, and we're fighting to make sure it does. We want Jim or Bill (you know his name) to be sitting right there in his easy chaif with his pipeor studying in his own room. Wc want to have friends in for dinner again... and a big roast beef for them. We want to be able to take a long drive in the country, buy a new car, have fun, he happy. Wc want to live again on that sunny side of things of which Coca-Cola, itself, is such a symbol. There arc so many things we want buck. Yes, so many, ^one of them will come unless wc win. All, and more, will come when wc win. The War 13onds you buy will hasten the day ... the day of Victory. BOTUED UNDER AUTHORITY Or IHE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY Coca-Cola Bottling Company Of Henderson, Inc. .O 1943 Th» C C Co.,

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