x J . _"... J>V» ** V '' »4> Uettitetson ©atly Utspatrij % 1'UUU1BHK1> BVEItY AKTKHNOUN •■»** THIRTIETH YEAH HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTEliNOON. SEPTEMBER 20. l\m . I. X 1V£i L L.M J) UUi'Y Americans Seize N aples Coast 1 _A Uf ah ® THIS IS WHAT RATION BOOK FOUR will look like. The stamps arc nar rower in width than the first books issued by the Office of Price Ad ministration, and bear different designs. (International) Marshall Warns Of Hazards Risked In Deferring Fathers Senators Considering Compromise Providing For Re-Classification Washington, Sept. 20—(AP) —General George C. Marshall warned Congress today against "dimming the power'* of great Allied offensives >\v forbidding the drafting of fathers. "We arc 011 .iic- offensive now." tin- chict of staff said. •"It would bo unfortunate to do any'liing th;it would dim the power of thut of fensive. "We have, undoubtedly, very heavy fighting in front oi lis." Testifying before the Senate and House Military Committees on the Wheeler bill to postpone induction of prc-Pearl Harbor fathers ur.'il January 1, Marshall apologized "for expressing myself rather vigorously." Tlic general said that whether army quotas could he met with out drafting fathers heretofore deferred was a (iiiestion "fur the manpower people." hut he to'd Senator -Austin (It.. VI.) that failure to obtain the quota "prob ably would force us to emascu late some of our units." Even a postponement of such a draft by thrc0 months, the chief ol stafl saitl, would seriously interfere With the Army's program. The chief of staff said that 7r>. 000 additional inductees were needed monthly to keep the armed forces at par and to bring the army to the goal of 7.700.0(10 by the end of the Cilini; losses ill personnel through sickness ami other causes. Marshall saiil llicrc is no way of estimating battle casual ties accurately. ' "We don't yet know tlie cas ualties of Salerno," he said. "We have heen busy fighting—tabu lating can come a little later." ''If it comes t<> emotion.*, wo in the War Department don't have tin* right In emotion," Marshal testified. "We have sonic 700.0(H) fathers in ttio Army now. What happens to them?" The Rcnei'il reiterated previous assertions that "men over 3ft aru n ! burden." Meanwhile, a possible compromise > by which the drafting of fathers I might be delayed 30 days while se- I leetive service reexamines physical and occupational deferments was re ported under consideration today l>v members of the Senate Military Com mittee, I rl Stocks Higher For Fifth Day New York, Sept. 20,- (AP)--The stofk market scored another tally in the recovery side today, the tilth in | a row. Issues gelling into new high ground for lOl.t included Sears Hoe buck, It. S. Itubhcr and (Joodrich. Favorite also were I' S. S'eel. I'.elh leheni. Dul'otil, Wcstinghoiise. Allied Chemical. American Can, Santa l e. Eastman Kodak, I'hilip Morris, I tun ed Aircraft. Douglas Aircraft, West ern Union, J. I. Case and Interna tional Harvester, Knox in Britain i U.S. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY Frank j Knox, 1ms arrived in England \>y plane. One of his first acts was to confer with Adm. H. It. Stark, head of American naval forced in Euro pean waters. (International) U. S.-British ji Planes Raid Many Points London, Kept. an—(AP)—Ameri- , ciiii t.iid British battle planey escort- ] cd by lii*iiU*i.< streak' I ihth.., tin1 , ehannrl in I.irye fi>iii "iis vester- . day t" 1 >I;i>t away al ,\a/.i aii'tields and induslrial targets :n Kranee and > llolliind. I Thr divliulit attack followed up | sweeps over industrial target in the i lihinel'ind Saturday night l>v the > ItAK Mi>.-i|iiili>es and .i r<";tiiitia(ioti i] • >i the mine I lying pri•gram by craft '< ~ W 7T * ★ ★★★★★★★★★★* Reds Near Smolensk And Kiev strongholds On Dnieper Menaced Soviet Armies Sweep Rapidly Westward as Germans Retire Fast Moscow, Sept. lit'— (AI') —I Red Army tionjis iiik!.-c General ' Andrei \ ertmcnko, hero of the ' Battle of Stalingrad, cracked ; through t it j'atfway to Smo lensk oil tlie central Russian ! front over the week-end as the I Soviet advance shifted into hijrii (fear all alonjv die active 7UU inili* battle line, a Russian com munique announced last nij>ht. ! Victory .n- boomed mr in Mo.-- ' row aga.n i- 1»i. 11 I roup- drew' nearer Snolen.-k a <1 Kiev. Uv 11 treat Cii-i: in h.i-lions on the Dnie IK.T river. In the : "i t i the l!ecl army I moved !• witlii .'{n mile- oi Kiim lensk. ; ptu: :iin Uukhov-ehiiia. whi'i iiiotliei So\ U't eoluinn, s'.iiki.ig down i lite ra.l Mil Iro.n Ne/.hin, was only 12 ni:ie;> i.o:ii Kiev, capital of the. Ukraine. Tile Kussian war hulletin indi cated that the Ked army was suoi'iiins westward rapidly, meeting only lightly armed Xa/.i rear guards as 11 toy raptured vil lage after village. Ilugc storks of food and munitions were fal- 1 ling into Kussian hands, hut , there was little mention of the heavy armored equipment which the Germans expended so prodi giously in the earlier days ol the campaign. The Sni ilei'sl: ' . en wa- appare liv he local |>oint of tae present drive, th General 'Yeiellienko Ijeai ini; town heavily ti.« n tite northeast vh.le another coition under Gene •.■I Vas-.Ily Sokul' -ky pushed .lit" t'at'tiCvo on the lei I lla.ik. VUI.KK AN IM KIiMXS SAIL, FROM SHANGHAI (Hy The Associated I'ress) 'i .<■ Tokyo radio sa.d Sunday that \iiit i ic.ni .'li t allied national had man led the liner Tc:a Mara i:i the i'ani;t/c l a cr nil Shanghai and v. • >itlei ! uive Monday mornii I > Ijc e.\cliang- I d lor Japanese na!. n.cls. The allied repatriate. will be ex- j •handed .il Morning.n, IVrtugueM-1 India, lor an iipprox.iuaely equal; uim'tH'.' nl .InpancM; l.itinuals 1. >iii 1 lie i :.:ted STuies, Canada and South . Viuvrica. ; the KAF I Somber Command. Ameriean Maiaudii.^, escmleil l»y ipitliic lignlei: which shot down u.i (Ii i n..m plant bombed the Na/.j n lh Id ,il Lille in niie "1 vesterda;. j mays. 'I'llret; Allied lighters were eporled lost. liAK Typhoons. meanwhile, pound- , d airfields at Alervilie in nortiiern j 'ranee and Woensdiceht in Holland, i hile Mitchell.-, struck industrial tar lets near l'.ethur,L. in Kriinee. Tin raiding formations were de '.•rihed i>y observers along the ISri i-h coast as large. hut did not cum •are to the fleet which earlier in he month maintained a steady (tied i ilc of sled lie hammer blow.-, at Ca/i targets in France and the Low 'oirilrics. Simpler Federal Tax Is Demanded From Congress Simplifies! >11 ol the federal i icnine tax and tax fnrms i< , al- 1 though it'l! take lime. lU'ttirniii^' Congressmen \vhi> h;id | In figure "lit their l!U:i tax declar ation- recent I}' — and wim heard plen- i ty Ironi tiieir constituents ab-ut the problems ivolved—arc calling fur acti ii. Kven Heprc.-entative Moiigh ton, chid tax man on Capitol ffill. sought expert .iid "ii his own decla ration. As things stand now. the returns which taxpayers will lie required t• • fill out nex' March will l>e tin'' most complicated they've ever tackled. They.I! have in iciim! • »i■ their 1042. 10lit and e.«" •. a!ed It'll in-! come e'l lases and pay the iniean-! celled "i tiou of the lower li'il! or. Hill t.ixe n«>t evered '> withhold-j on I y *.5 pavinen:.-. I art pay hi; on I0H lav- n<»t cavered l>y withhold ing deductions from pay. j It may not be possible to do much 1 about simplifying thi> business fori next March, parti ulariy *ince one ot he recessiry i'< > w I! be lite |in.->I i^uri:-# of the complicated l!M;i Victory tax. lint when it i itnes In the tuxes oi- liM-l ■lid utljer Inline years. the inipliI ications -lies h ii v c been iiiide clear: 1. I><»itijs avva; wilh the Victory Tax. L'. Combining t e normal t<:i(I (he MII'tilN. I!. Klimina'iiiu ' \ reports for its in,my I ixpayci - iis possible. I. A more ex.'iel plan of willihold 'n« (lien would be required. Undei llir present bracket system, p.my tii.sp iver- lili l tint loo much iioiiev i-. being taken out of their liiv. The niat'e- of dei.nl o s also is nvolved. Under pr< eit law. even f returns weren't mandatory lor wo thirds of the taxpayers, a lot «f tliein p:n lie ilarlv those buying lonies would find I profitable to lie returns in order to act credit for heir payments oi interest and real eta'.e taxes. ... i-A-Dl CK AMONG HIS NAZI DKMVKRKRS This photo jiw rnrivrd from ShoiIcii slums Bruitn Mus.-elini. d'.-posed tl.ili.irt leader. surrounded liy (•erman iiara'toiijifrs who "rescued" him from his Italian cuards. Aeeordin*. to the (Icrinan e.nitioii. the liieture was l.tUen in front nl' a hold in (il'an Sass o, niiiuKtaius north of Home, where the ousted dictator had heen held b> tl;e Iladoglio Kuvrriunrnt. (International tiadiophoto.) 1" T ft fR TP /»«n u Last Jap Base in Solomons \ Battered By U. S. Fighters Allied Headquarters in the SuulliMi^t I'.uitif. Sept. !0.— (Al'l—U;u! appeared a su> tuned ami determined effort to mtucf Ijir defenses of iiouKain \ ille I -.■and h.v American aerial attacks advanced into its second Milk today, with the enemy's air bases there further shattered and his air reserves further dim inished. Three . .i: |>i . • nigh* ..U;iri. I>J Mitchell iiki , ii Ixiii in UKnilis K.iliili and I in! tic audi m-s ..t tin m tut In,'ti lt|> hi the In.'.; S-'Ihiiimii i - I.iikI, t• • 111• \\ I i'.v a rliiyi. i.t a. .mil iil lorcc uti ISailalc l>> iiyiilits e.s (ni'ti'd Daimlle (live* ImmhIjci ;iii< Av( nfci i tin |ie(|it plane , : .nlie'l llu lait-'l .i ;i■ ill t)n> e.iin;t. , n "I lie Badogiio's Piea Defies Former Duce \Hird llc.!ili|iiar(crs in Xiirtii Alma. Si pi. 20.— (AIM—I're miir Marshal I'ntro ltadoi-l'<> (old Kalians in a broadcast that il was their "absolute iliilr "t liKli! on tilt- siile o|' 11)4* HritNIi and Amcrieaus against (lie Ger man-- and as liiM the few sense less Italians—no longer of sueii naair—to ohc> their command." Tli«' ti \l nl Kadoglio's jilra. whir'i was made from the now "radio Italiani" on Scptcinacr l(i. was released for publication alter il had litvn flown iierc from the Italian mainland. (Hie speech llitis ranged Kadtiulio's l< adcrship sinurely ac.n'tst lh.it ot the former tiie lalor. ilcuilo .Mussolini—who on Satltrd.i> was limited li> the German radio as bavins made a briiadcasl ttvuinu Kalians (» lake tip at n»s again at (he side of (ieiinaii> anil Japan.) K.iilio llaliana was described as the new official radio »l "the Italian i-ovcromcnt" in the test released throimli uffii iai Allied military channels. TISA1N ( OMI.S INTO TAVrilN Niagara K11IU, N. Y. Sept. Thm i.-I'"iiit Here i| ci'i.v .-.pin Hieii (i :|"s |!| "if Silver (i"l!.ii ti vorn ' "day when atnim came in. "It 'A(|.ii'e a shoe!;. ' one "f tI'C'i told ; •!-«•«• wlin rushed t" ' e S he Doll.i v. :h sitvtl* si :ea r. «. frank Martin, cnx net r ol III train. 1 'Id I he police • : u'^eil had indued he len^'ii liie . r n: ,,1 t s lie back • : '• H ■ a hai i-ie u I adjoining tin- ■ < ern. Wt4THtK roi; NORTH ('AItOI.IN \ Cain with little change ill tem perature this afternoon. tonight, and Tuesday forenoon. I M Hl-'iull. Tlif t'l.t my, wlm.hns an < .('(I the t li.illt'ii^i l>;. hriliKiiin in nilatnmi alter ::p. 'ill hi "i 11■ ti-i-fi-jit j>;iy hij'll price in iviiiin IVjUKsaiiivillv . uit 11- 1 .-I.ill'.!.. ultsitlliltl'll ill II.I IIH'tll t i n end • i the chain. t i* the t n' y. j l;i.-l siTiiifly hcUl |tiisiljnii i Hit 1 Snli.iiinii . lliyi.nd lli.ii. it i: !! ,-tep ' l>iiiK .'-linn' from I'll- -'ilillu.i i. Iji.ih l>y !:■ iiiI ;• tiii air. In lialiaul. K. i I:ii 11. .iiici ;l • I.ill \vnlil si ill I h PiM'ili) iU - it'll-. . v. icin in (liii'ct and |tii,.i|)s i.il.il atlacu. |Col. Jul Starling, l Who Mas Guarded Presidents, Quits Washington, Sept 20< —(Al') Col. Edmund \V. (ISiii Dill) Slii . .. >■■■ I yt'tir-old secret scrvico vch n vim | helned n .iitl live preside; will J t:1111 iii lii shooting arms around N'u\ enihci 1 and i t 1:: i■ In a ■ - t - | ci< nit I: l «• fl Ii 11 i i and In:: - inu i.. Fl-ii ida. Starling, . ;s 1 ml, 2(H)-|i under. I who i- known a "Colonel . "Kcl" and "Hill" • i national and v.'oi Id ! figure.*. and whose i >'. i;il "hi p »dm r" i ha- nitfifd llimiicindii ol VVhitc IP u»e •. ■ -:i• ■ i i. winding up 80 Iyears i-i .—,'iiei Rrrviw work, and I yea ol evtti more da-memi. t in elm .iik tr • n riililit'is in f.irlier lilt*. I' I in pi .it'e and tpu.'t I a | while .' uii'c Ii hi.t' ell Uiseaj t Hay. Miami llc.icl.. I K.VMv WII.SON \.\Ali:i) IIAl.ll AX KIXilSTI.Ii Weld •)). 0 Mr ult' li M i j ehell. i»l Wi'liion, I;: • oiiincd < Ki.-'t ni deed i>! II ' ■ s eoiintv ' • enter the lumber business \vi h i. I brother. Mlichriri rtvixnoliim bc I (•• ■;u»- effective DcccinlNT I and |7iaii\ I'. \V ;.* >n. of " .<• I>' •' I . j h:is Ix'iMl named l'.v the bosu'ii <>{ ! ruim'y commis-tuiier t > fiil U ; ehell > IIIU'\|i:l('il ter.li >'. olli'.e. Fit H'vcinl year* Wlitoii hits Inx* t (i h inl* ware mei cliatit in lioanukc Hli|ii(ls< : | WAVSK (C)I NTV MAN I.MIS Ills OWN Mil c;••€». s<"> m i>*\ in r,:Kc around farmer. ended hi.- Im S : il iv iiftrrtiiuiii l>y shooting I> ; >(•!! ' llir l»reliead Willi ;i I}'.! lal '>• ■ ill hlx !i«im< near Pike's i . ... I , ' U IV lit1 r < 1111 > . Members '>1 Jin l.ililily ' .,111(1 i :-lill I •• njj :i ll« died slu'itly allrr the d«>l iva- clamper! i-i |j>. li.md Deputy It. \V. I'ercise. <>f (;<.Ict- • in investigated. Ill health was though' 1 to be the motive for the deed. Growing Sea Strength Eating Into Japan's Outer Conquest Area iVarl Harhor. Sept. 20 — ( A1')—America's ^r(i\viii}t nav al -tt'ciii'tli lias Ilaslicd a^ain and ii: force against ihr other frinjre of Japan's zone of von (pu-st in tin* Pacific, striking the fiu'iny-luld Tarawa and Nauru islands in prolonged at tack. 1 ii>- -i. .ii iii> .. i.nit.-. madi , -• l«ntiii* ln:< ul Iho !'.t|Uatn; L* »m — n»i> : in; ,u- i>;i!i> i'uthw i I i>: i 5;• v..11i. In :i s Saiii.ii.v niulit ;uitl i I Ml . ; <1 V.i.l mill l!t , >lli arh« ade ciindiiili-d a heavy raid mi the Japanese l»ase> n.i Tarawa i>laud in the northern (•ilhcrt ::rotti> and nil \ariiru i> l.iml In Kir west hi tin* (iilbert Krnilii." said a ciimnii.iiii|iie is sued i>\ \dntir.ii < luster \V. Nina!/. rnmni.. mlim-rlnrl lit I he r.ti ilii fleet. • I • ■ii>i . ,(tJul* t i l- i .i:! it il alt ' aceiirdinis in pltui oa.nm the night I l>itvce ; :«n*t lur a >: nd )i ilimi ul the d. . ! Sfjjtett i.. . J, I... t l.' iiui Ullll 1 ,n.<\" Hit :i I ' h i I . . I lilfd from ilio si em* ot tl eii deva^tat j II ..ml m 1 " : ' 11 o i' l.i e tn h i:uhca|i |)n> iii!« |his int. ••!>v i-.ii- ! tin i« . ..ti.iti- ,m ii"'. iimiuihtiU ly available," the coin-] liailM|:ic >i(l(lt (l. ii. i '.hero m rli.i'ii little hketihn k.1 they would in- until I!:,- fleet it:. I. ret..in t ■ thru !>.im>. Cotton weak Toward Close N« ' V . S. •> ( \}>) C..I <• ii in'; «•> (»lcl i M.iv.u!..) oiicuvd liin hiiimed j.i in rciit) kmvi. ?' • SI hi • 411 11(I | , (1 III■ .. ... it If i ; I '..•I*2(1.3(1, i:i»t i jii.ii* M . iii i i 'i i in.- I'] i.-t' ( i|H'ii I '«■'' li I't 1.'" .'in 2" i I 1 Hi cciiiOit 20.1'.! 2" 12 | AI; ■: cli . . ]!».!»(! | Mj.> l'.l.77 1H.77 • Jlllv If).Inl I{) I l»OM> CAKIIH I'RI'.SfCNtl ll ( lll'p litlilH'l'. Srlit I'D M He iililll ! "in .li.. i jitit • n«»: c Ireli ' li'iiiii i . >\i ! .it C.iinji I', 'ni r weir pre sented with "llond <>: The Month" •i.i il>c:>hi|> (\ird> I • v (' il 'Mi'1 II \V. II intlv. p t ci ii'ide Tin- •• in iic l> cud- ww mu I'd by M i ir ( h'tii ' I \V 11 isii:i 15 ydi-n. c i n ii.iiid Mi. cr.il ii) thc> Fn,n |;l Set \ kt <■ ntd. nnd were p/eseitled to t.11is(* ("iipl'iyrrs who ;nr i»uyr ;ii lenst unc bond "i the $23 p•/ value every month through the pay roil deduction plan. Sardinia Is Evacuated By Germans Island of Corsica With Many Airfields Also Made Untenable AHeadquarters in North Alrica. Sept. —t AI *)—The American Filth Army luis .seiz ed control of i lie south side of the liny of Naples by capturing all the connuaiulinjr heights of Sorrento peninsula. Allied head quarters announced today. Al.iady |>and largest j: t thereby camu imK i tne "l Allied .soldiers •uii'ss twelve mile.- ol water and within lange t.; •'Liiug Tmn" artil lery. Easily within artillery rani;c also were tin- Italian naval Itasc of CastcllaiiiiiiaM'. recently bombarded l>> tin- 1 tiiti-It navy, and tile key railw a> town of Torre .Anmiiuiata. both in the lower elbow of Ibv Irav. Snmk inn Vesuvius rose but I-u miles Ironi llic Allied niitiiniain tions. m Slli.l stietc.'lllll; till.I'.-. Cs". Ill S.l leriix. I'liu'i {> irts 1.1 the i-'iitli Army slashed i m tv. .nd .itid northward 11• :n their Salem ■ beacnm-ad in the Moiitci' ha .11.1 ,.!k1 ltattipaKlia sectors where tin- tli-i i'..«iis apparently were mereiltVj! air lushing reminiscent »( nui-ii«-.-. ir kitliing reminiaccQt ot the tiay.s when the ilriti.-h were try ing to Ret out o: (int'tT under the blows •>I the Nazi air tune. The Mritisli Fifth Corps, clos ing in from (lie Italian heel, rap lured (iioia. IS miles Irom Ta r.uilii on tin- road to Allied-held llari. ami a headquarters spokes ni.ui j.^id the Germans had com pleted llic evacuation of Sar dinia. the huse island and air base which Mussolini hatl re garded as llic No. 'I defense out 1 nl' Italy. (Tlie (Serinan hiRli command admitted that Sardinia had been Riven up.) With tiif c.i|il .n- <>l Sardinia !iy P.iliat. troop- ailing under orders «>f I' ei icr M..: -ha! I' Him Hadoglio. the position <•! tin- Gentians in Corsica. ■ nly .-even n lies to the north. a|» parmlly l« ■ < untenahl,. and I he .V H :4. tied tin1 t al iw1 of ten a; t elds from which to press attacks on northern Italy and souther)* Krai.ee. i' v not ■ .fly that much use waii being made of Sardinia by Al lied one- as yet. however, because ot the flood tide of operations on t.ie linlaiid r. v. beating against Naples. (A Morocco radio broadcast said th,» firtii .n • 'in:i:.;n• •:! ' e N. ;>lis area.) There were indications the Ger mans were m.ikiim a full retreat from the Salerno bridsrhead. Al lied spokesmen said, adding that "considerable columns of heavy vehicles were observed with draw ins." 'l iie :• • »••• . 11'. rled that Amcr. „n A :;t; 111'. .d« y .ittaeked a column nt ' :;mi C.i n \ehiele» traveling tior'.hw rd fron Contnrsi, ten miles i a-' ■ Ki. l: ,i nj th0 bridgehead, and destroyed or damaged -16 ot till-:t: Congress To Keep Powers To Set Peace W asliincton. Sept. 10.—« A1*»— Tiic House foreign Affairs Com initlre wriilr into tin- i ulbriuhl post-war i iillalmr.ifion resolu tion today .in amendment sa.viiiK in effect that Congress lias the piirvcr to approve or re.ievt any in t cr nat i«i 11:11 arrangement to preserve the peaee. The quiitit cnliin drinaiidcd by ; tin- U< putiln ii 111:11 it.v was ;i< [ i i pled i:M,iUiiM'iii>iy l>v flic eommlt li <• ,1 •!••:» ti" <• lielorc till" llouso was r died in'" -t-.-i.in I > aet upon 'hi- • 1. .ts if-elf. with leader.'* ' lioth p.iilie predicting lis 11 p 1 I'lnV ,ll. j The committee rejected nnnthvr < amendment offered ''V Hepiesenta jlive Mundt