ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 11)43 County Bond Total Is Above $800,000 In Latest Figures Merchants Sponsor Sales Coming Week For $1,409,000 Goal Total purchaso hi Vance <|ta>ta nt the Third W.i I.imu h.i.i the SUtHi.tiUU figure. J. >' CalirdlK ' . Will" tlll.llUV I'll.II. II.Ill I II tilt' omiily, atiiinuntvil ' id.iy. lie did in.i haw tlif ini-ii-f immi-.. i*i tiii nit' mii y I.-, tiriyini; t.. w.nd .1 K".il Mviiiuiiits arc >i»• ■»i iiiu 'in- .• l<• ttli i i thi.i \v«*t U. Tlicv Ii,u « Im n . i' ptalcil t • by till1 limiti iin. .it |im t" -ei up their A> 'ii! with ,i \ r w h i\lnt, each clerk m cin|>l«'ye be come itv-|«- ii 11■ 1 e li'f ,i 11..111111111: SL'ii.i wnl lt: nt 'outlet.-. One feature . .t tlic week's pr >nram i.s t . In- .! \ , it ii\ the Wat Uoiid caravan front Camp Butiwr, which is to cine here Saturday ami exhibit and ili in1 ii. late vartmi. type-. «'t guns and other wur-tiiaUinj; appara tu-. Tlie caravan in due t » teach ilte cttj .it 1" .i n . .mil t • < i -iti tttllii 2 p. in. I' v ill in: .n> ini»aiiicU by a military uatui C'ti.i ii .hi li .din" 'in', i • ap peal tixtav t-i .ill citizens i . .uppm 1 the bond camp ifttl t I *tlit :• -t .•! thtir eajweity. Tl -..!>•• ha\e it >t bi U|;lit .i:e .. ;i it I ' • etuate ly and ti -<• '.vl Ii ' are .. t\i t 1 try to ntakc additional purchases :: pi .-.-ible. AROUND TOWN TltAFFH I I I A t :.< Mil- !v •! '.Hi .! .1 p. t'. ti< i!y cliM U I' ll V i>V .1 t] blMCl.C. oxi: i.k i:\si: A marriage lironxe \va i-^ui'd li tl:c rvgisitT • ! divds Sat irday i Million IVtiphs and Kula Mai (jraj adored. i> Henderson. INSIOK Kill KVn !)t IHily Shi : 1!: C\ !■ ■■ w.i bark at ' . - .•the * Hit (irst time • l;' • I f underwent a « it-. In U .i\t' "ii "I i i'li' i IMivoiUci I'.it.;. allt-t li;irvc»tntft 'll'l «ll |>« . . . III .'1 .) . In' I i.itl ... I |.rilll''I , ii |.., , nn .il i i <11- HtlV •" I I s!" lint' I I tin* ■ I II M\ i ifL. luif matt, v. .i.-. t (I With iit-t* lirtut... i:t Hit' i> i'i ml in i I urli! 1 • l,i v. THREE DEEDS ARE FILED FOR RECORD i 1 In l-c I i'. t ■ 11 • 11 jil . \vCIV UH : 1.1 .|ii ;a Ili<- lv.;i-li'i el iu i'(l> <>M u v SiiUirdiiy itml todiiv, ;t.< ;•■!!■ K ijl'll IV: . 'I- 111 i \ 111' t I .1. I.'. Klltlcll. ■' ii .ill U:i!;>;:|«l M rtvl ! 'I > 11» :• 11 ; ':ci CI .11 !.(>-: .itH'li . YV. K. CIi. .-nil wife • William I !•. . y Kill ! \vi!c : t -ll> ;ttlti ] • c-iiii mi ; ti-m. pi1 [icrty "ill V iit.ti riivi! S iiit i I !"iicl'. m m. i liiiyniond > > Th« it ud wife > • • I William Kit .. ,i liobin and wile I . Ml> s.nti :k . r >11 nlor.i"f ill.-, .i | I''! • 'll I ii'i t \ ir'. How's Your I.Q.? I - < •: w • ?i ci M., i. Cit-n. Lewi* it. Iivi\l L";.11:ii i. t:U. or ■ 1:• : '.'tit. :i_: 'flit IU> :ir«* ixiuiulod or ubbeii itt .* mortar with I. hi l!:i' l\ S. ,\i i: \ v. i> rite :i. 1.1 .1 A. IV. < • 1. Vine the .Mohammedan I: !> -< i>" i:: i t;. What the name Godfrey : Si.uil- v K. t.heil il.' J! U'lH'tl' It li 1 ill- ■ • .1-1 v. • n;in ' ! ; VI 1 in 'tir :1111 -i-ry i li> i'. Ii.kI - II'>w ! it-It' : ri ,■> i Ik- i i 1-iiJi:i . ' ii.'.l • i i- tit.ntr: Wlii.t ■ . ; ■ v: INSURE TOBACCO IN PACK BARNS Insure > i:r iob.tcc'i ;ind p;icli !>;•:: • with as. 0:.;.v oKl line slock companies represented. CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY T. < IIKATII \M. President FOR 54 YEARS | Tlii,. Hank lias l»ecn a partner with i the people <»f this section in their hopes, desires and needs, and Always Dependable YYc have had a part in their prog ress and under the stress of new conditions will stand I>y with every facility at our command, to give them counsel, as well as material aid. You too will be most welcome. CITIZENS BANK tic TRUST COMPANY HENDERSON, N. C. Capita)—Surplus and Profits $400,000.00 KNTIIANCK ON WYCIIK AMI OAKNKTT STUI.KTS wrvntn rtocnAi Qfposir insurance cohporation CHRISTMAS IN SEPTEMBER FOR YANKS IN ASIA THE GRINS ON THE FACES r.t those American soldiers "sonc.vhcre in Asia" receiving well-wrapped Christmas packet's be ft.payment enough to those who sent thcin. The deadline for mailing Christmas pat!., is to Arr. y men overseas is October 15. For Navy, Coast Guard and Marine scrvice men. tiie date is N\ vr 1. Packages must not weigh more than five pounds or be more than 15 inches in 1cik-.Ii or M inchc.- i:i length and girth combined. Signal Corps photo. (International £'ou;;cip/ioto) RICHARD G. WINN, SR., |, INTERRED ON SUNDAY! I'roiniiH'itl> .W.ui of C'uiiuuui'it* I'iismiI A»a,v I I iday Nit; hi F mora lliehard Grit fii Winn. S . ... il HfT 1 •: K> ' v.■•.«. .'''a : i T I i.i, ..! Kp ; mi. S.UKi , :• • . .'i\ .oi:, in I'hurgciif ■ i past -.i thai church, ttcv. J. E. M i ley. .. :ii interment was :i» Ti'i -il i-.Miftci-v. M\V . . i I . .dav at 10:15 o'di - • &lar a 1» iri uu li pital here .. . r an illness >1 about two lit...ith*. Ill" was .. • • , In.-, « :v • vo.i, .<;.s a .t,enii;er T. i.:v Mt-iu ..lisi chtireii in Fra .... c > nt . .i d was a in. nbor . • tr Kji .. i. M. > »ni( I.xUe a.» > ; .• .. JU- \. .s a son ■! Ui«f I..;. It;. \v...n and Lut'.v Ed .vara.- a ■ . Sti. . li., . . . !• -. 15:.-;* ird II.. .J. . \V > i i! ! I ik\". ii. 1,1! .1 :■■!. !•:. i -id daughters, Mr* li y T. Weidm. Mr.?. ,1. .i. it. il.. ... and M - r. 1). lii'bij.I'. a!. : tin- K. •-.• • .-<•<■: . .ii. a;'d .Mis- W ";<• Sm- Winn. .•! I!ieh im.nd. Va. ' • • i.i'.Vu W. i'. a:..I J. E Winn i> >t!i if Epsom and one si.-'. r, V W . Sir uu .; the IV vim." d Ill- o d.e.l t. y.iij;o. Tile 1. y ;v»iuc i thai nu 1L> vvi .i bi Knemy Pow ers Nor (.onii'jctcd W ith Siihota^c New V - ,.l ' • i A! i! ■ i' feeier • ' »«\« ii:. '1 ;> to A .U u.ilivl ii..,;;) I ' ■:•••• -I del! ■! ••...! rases. 1 *. "as yr' Utw tins iiwu i» evidem • •: '11 (I .,■> !»•>:•■• haviiu: • i y , • . . i ({worst !.<••• Ii IVlt i:r.;t HI, - . isiat.i ' i*;;I t"i «•; .). f'itlpr Hoover, saitl t.. AHdn Hit' annual c> vent ion the I > • Med A • era- • Vi-lcra I'e ' ■ i «11>t*!• • <• I I"..") |,i ImI ciil saiiota. ? t. with other rases |n'it tliiiB. I ia ad !■■ 1 thai m,-; <■ i.v til i d a: .tr -!\ 'I ;»■ >i, "who ■ • |h?i ■•::«■! jixcs to grind.* The if ■ i ■ ■ n ' > ."v • • •!!•!. ii ed' • 't • 'v.i iiv an imi my Bovern t. !-e ,al. ••. • l ie r i •!• •• the cIrIii would-be saboteurs la tle.l I." ■ I i rial, mx ■>! whom we u Iater tiled. I'etr • i aid 1;:.•' a[i 1 , S'-ji leinhei . I l.7:;l! i iieny alien-. . i lieeti t i- it,!u • i-t idy !>y tin- Nil. Mime v ln> r v.-rff i elea -ed ittcr hearit: Ineh'ded were ."».!> I!t ('.«■ - man- i'iJ 1 .1 i;>.11ii ;;.."ii»:{ It li.iii.. 11 Itun minus. 11 Hunguriu s and i one i1 J.n in. "S' I 1> rU the e:i.|>"y rra'e. a. d bnskt ;s fur .another trip t> anirket." • the War Fond'.rat >n re quest Painful NEURALGIA Eases Pain Soothes Nerves/ I.nse nctiralsric pain. and soothe nerves that sucli pains unset, with fltilrk-p.rtiw; "RC" Also relieve.-, jKtiflarhf-s. muscular aches nn<' functional periodic 1>;n!i Use ontv as directed. Consult ji physician when pnlns persist. 10c A 25c sizes. Council Of Churches In Durham Meet ll' I! Chlll'l'll , >|lk Wl'IO III :i i:> Hit* iinm.. i-niivrutum nl *C»•; :f» t'iiruli". c'luuu iL <>; «• . v i.icli w. iii ld tudnv 1:1 . Kv:iI!koIk\- mi Ki'lornu'ii . in lliirhsiin. !'i . !•:. NitriUfi i-r. |of n Mfifs -nil Kir.o eh urc! . was cxp^cicd to ..t :cnc!. I'u.-idins i.'. . the all-day . Wish ; .ij limv-i1 '! .so. i!. 1 ■ ! ■ 11 I id.' ' I'll II • 11 lilt Ml., . il npiiiwi ( 'ii ("luuct .. lilt IIH'lli |v.i I'Mriillvc . • i >ry the t'liiUti •■IIUCII I'l ' Hi I'll \V • . .1 I 1 •!. i > . i/i ' ii n |.n ll' il.;; 1- a i I' ll >n J'i 'ii I .inn ii \v«ii» • n. uii':. IVurrcll wil i v.'ilii ;i . < t ;;r - h;|j l leaders tin whihuV .:.iin/..i ■ -ii from . Stic riciio;nit iili and i' ll it Kncsls v in ii c(i .riissioli • tiki • IM'I'.tl.lV • ,|ll|| . I'llllC.lll l|l |i • . which ii I' f llir le.ii li nn " • '<•<" I C 1 It'1 i in ii in till? |nu>iil' I'llimi:-. ii-1 K-i|iiitlliK :i l'ii. |' . i the | ii i will In l)r. I'. II (•wyiin. Ii I).i\ kIshii {'.illege. < !>a Kl.lll III "n ( '■ >( I lll-i I * » . till'V.Ui' I' 'In mttee ii. 1'.. Iiild :111iv-i\ ; a bond concert Friday eveninu .1' o'clock m the Hender son hii-h - houl auditorium. 1 \va: announced today by \\\ 'I', iieane. director «»s the band. I'roceea.-. irom the concert will be used to pa/chii-.* bonds (or the band, it was sa d. and >t is hope i that there will be .1 large attendant. Pi.ANNINCr I'ltOOKA.M The St. J;imc> liiiptit church (colo red). two miles west <>f Henderson, is pliinning ;i pt'ogmm for Sunday night. September 2fi. ii? ft »»'(•' "I: f• »r the benefit <.f their Soldiers Si-mce Cl'^h. The p blic is coidially nviled. FOlUSTFItS TO MKKT Durhiim. Sept. 20—A meeting nl the North Carolina Forestry Ast.o elation t" !«• held September 21 iit Grove Park Inn in Asheville lias been iinnouncd by its president. I)r (. F. K'msIi.ui, deiiti. Duke Sdv>| of Forestry. Senior Service Scouts. Senior S> • 'c Scouts lire called i< meet !>' li.e First Presbyterian church iit i o'clock Tuesday nfl: r noon. That church, it is sold, is to become sponsor of the Senior Serv ice Scouts. PARKER IS HOLDING COURT FOR WARREN | Judge 1!. IIi.iiS l'arkei l!naiv>:;e Itapiil.-. |iu ii.nji ovv .«.■ ri Se'ileniin ;■ ;: ■ s ot Wai.- S.ijuviur Cmirt at Wane. t in. whir .; t uiiiier W .iJ' t• • I luminal ;.i: : » ;l -e> sions. Solicitor K. K. Tyli • pi >.-i i-. litis tile nil; :i:iI dockil. t)nl> lu..r -ii l:;i rase.- :&ed are now umii, ;lie rest were .t >\it lroni ilic- May tfi'i 11 nl Alex Wl'.-l W ; l: i 1,1.- — key for sale; Fraiin LiiTtC in . urged witli larceny: Mii • Alexander r.;.ir f-eil \\ .tli .i-.-auil. ;nul V. '1'. i.e..v.s di'iinUcn driving. Old vuscs .ue Oodncy Chi ias, tidinj; ami belling in iain ot Ioik.ivh mi f.vo c..iui'.>:Willia. M.u* lai C.i.Hie. laivrn i>l \.il>;iir uid Mar'.in llmiile. (n"i;o Uuode .iiil .loh.. Carroll, lareeny; K. (.«. Hum! drunken driving: lian:. . .. reek:»■>■ anil careli ur.viH. ea in;: a w.ii .loh: tile W.ikin.-. Iiarbi. r.:t; a i:,r. li'tei'. .14 'ilen j> m,is : ..1 1 miey: iJ pli ai. iv\ -m another person lu drive • i- cur while . !■ . • In-Uej; and Suem-or Went. I. i ,\ ;rta Allant i* t'i>a.-l u.-ed 111 lUKldiriy.-, ..lediciiies. com elk's and lotion.-. Eight Liquor, One Assault Cases Tried Eight liquor cases ;uul one of as tault were tried by Mayor Henry I'owell in police court today. Tyrcc Cilissom, white, was eliarj; L'd with being (Irutik, uiul a suspend ed sentence imposed on a smiilai i-hargi in July was involved to send die oeleiKiaiit to the roads. George Hargrove, colored, charyea Willi a.-saultmg Stella Alston, was .liven thirty days on the roads, sus pend* d i'ii payment ul' the costs and repairing a bed damaged $1.50 .vortli. Mill..I'd Garrett, white, paid the losts lor !»• mi; drunk. I *1 ■ 11 Ilawkin., colored, diargeti with bring drunk, was iiivi'ti tlurty il.i.v. mi the roads, suspended on pay ii.cut ol .1 I iti'.' of and costs. Arthur I'ovtlnv.-.;-, white, chargcuj with being oruuk, \va allowed u. i pay a fine ol $3 and costs or serve j i tin ty days. William Weaver, white, paid tisi en.-1.1 11•»• bi .ng drunk. | >t i li. \\. it. .on, while, was ehaiged woh drunken dlivii„ ami pi'iiyer lor judgment v. a rmt'.inucU nil (ftiymi lit i'l tin- co-Is and a line »:l $50 and in* (liis. .li;; hceii.-c mis i-i nil* 'd 1 - nit •nth?. ! > nl. ■ Colli v. while, paid the c"sts lor being di mil;. f»ylvc.-.tcr Mills, colored, wa- taxed with tin. cost.- lor be my drunk. SOCIAL SECURITY AGENT IS COMING A rcpre entative from the Kaleigh o! thy Social Security Hoard i* announced to bo in Hondoi'sui'i Tuesday,. Any one who needs an ordinal or duplicate Social Security umiiber. who desire.- to lilt- a claim tor heiiefits, ■ • wlu> wants other in formation pertaining to Social Se curity is asked to contact the repre sentative in the basement of the post office. Room No. 10, at 2 n m Tuesday. m The STEVENSON lie - 30r - 35r Today -Tomorrow CARTOON - NOVELTY - NEWS EMBASSY Phono m Adult* :;o<- - lit,- ( liiMrrn 1|< Tnday-Tomurmv EOM BS ^ i AWAY! with PAT O'BRIEN^ RANDOLPH SCOTT Anne SHIRLEY Walter REED v» • »"i Richard ^ MARTIN Eddie ALBERT v \«V ■£ LATEST WAK NEWS SEE US FOR HORSES AND MULES COWS AND PIGS 1IY hnii. sell anil trade till I,imis of Iirextock. WESTER'S Saie Stable N'rxl To Knso's