KEY CITY BURNED AND LOOTED BY NAZIS . •' Vll'u «ri"at Italian noit of Naples. \vlr<|i has been put to the torch and looted by the > " '«i li. ifti that the German* established slrmiR defends at the south and east approaches t eit). tat Vine•ican torees have driven them away frjin these centers and arc now eusaced in occui th* :ily. Nazis, to the cngaRcd in uceupying Sees 150 Year Life EAT fclGHT a:.(J you'll live to tie 150. T hat s tin1 ad> ice of Professor C'li\^j JVI. McC..v (above) of Cornell Uni versity. He contends that if a per son start.; life enting a low-ca'.orie diet and continues until tlx? age of 35. a high resistance to disease is bliilt up. 'international) Harriman New Envoy To Russia Prominent at Capital During Now Deal Days, Though Born Wealthy Washington. Oct. 1 — (A1 *) — W. Awivll I larrimaii was n<>m inateil hy President lioosevolt today to he ambassador to Kns-, sia. Ilari'in m naucd t«i ictved ; Admiral William II. Standley. wln> returned icccntly I" inaUe a repoi; on liu S ivirl n i\ el iiini'lil'- attitude tow <rd pii'ii rl'fl Anglo-American Kid ■ .'i war t#lk. Before leaving Mom-< the 71-year-old Standley made i'. In- did not want to, retui n t" 11 > diplon at ic po t II.irriii' in. who will be a'J next month. h - Ixtti lend lease adirin i-t:at"i- hi I.nndon since !!H1 I'. i ii to wealth—he vat the ton ot K. It. llarntnnn. rsi Iroad bulkier — the I'k' dint';, choice lor the Moscow posit'on h . iiciii plum i cut in W i It •iih*«ii a I r ii- > ■ t from the begin f itu; of Hie \ew IJeal. WCATHIR imt NOItTII < \UOI.!NA I.illle chance in temperature this afternoon, totiiuht and Sat il.iv lorenonn. U-Roais Are Back In North Atlantic With Deadly Blast Germany Still Pinning Hopes on Submarines; Warshi ps in Bait ic An Kast» i n < atiadian Port, l let I ( A I' I < it ruwin subma rines have returned to tin- bat tle of tlir Atlanta- with a lit w type nt ti.rpi'u.i deadly anil el t'irii-iit declared m ihaii lno -urvivor of timK< 11 Allied merchant wlio w i ri' landed here earlier this \virk.j They were victims of tin- first 1 »iVT Nazi l -lioat attack report ed in North Atlantic waters for nearly four months. The survivors included about 10 Negroes from an America.! >iup. Thev did not know the total losses of the convoy and escorts, hut they knew four ships of their convoy were sunk and at least one of a slow con voy preceding theirs. »;i i;m \\\ stu.i. kii.yinj; ON III.K SI liMAUIM i i.i;i:t Stockholm. ('ct. 1 — (.M'l—'Pic ri 11 rletl ret.n il n! 11 Lrii*/.'*\v. crack Nazi warship, t" t)«c Baltic Si-.i .in .,, .illi'l .«•!>« ntiilll! '•! Ifie summer in a Norwegian hideout, ai'i'i.Mii new •peculation tiKlav re gardittg the (uturu ru!t ul Germany's battle-shy navy. T iie general con-em is here wa. belore the l.i ill -v.. tlie Tirpit/. • •I- the Srhanilvi. t. .ill three ol which reportedly participated hi tile leien; ra il mi Spit/berjje:i. art- ready I<ii" any heavy art.mi they will lie. d to spend Min e t nit- in ii:y-doik I overhaul in:: However. Swedish correspondents wlm have recently returned Iran. Merlin. .-.nil tlu- uineral inipresMoti there v. a Admiral K;> I Doenit/.. sup-en.i- i- ■" 'lianiii'i- <•! the German Iiav.v. i.« plaint; l II reliance mi sub marines- aiul will keep tin* bin Ger man battle-nips only netr.e elloUKll to make them a potential threat to hold a I arise pin tlmi of tiie 1 t isli Fleet now i S'.ip.i Flow inactive. Another Berlin suggestion, tlic cor respondents -aid. was that Dnenit/. hurst into the South All.nit c. now may -end tlie Tirpit/ and Sciiarn tiiat the opt-nim: oi the Meditcrran mute |o has eliminati'd tile necessity o; the Allies using the Ioniser and m»ri' dangerous route around Norway to Murmansk. Allied Generals To Meet Soon, Probably In London T,'irifl"n. t ir>t | (AIM II i-. >'s brillidtillv stir .-..I ii Ive the " '1" ' ' • t'i ;11! I Implicit:••!) . f»ir the wh »lr coitr*© iilnl (iMiiitiol) • >! the will led t'> il definite (lee;-mil I<.| c.ifly ,'incl Imlimutc America! flrlllnh Soviet ml* lil-ir.v t,i'j diseti■., <.11. r, if|_ viilire tic |niihciiiiciu I :u ee |>'Wet (liploiii..' <• meet Hi;. Pin- ■ .- li' ii ticd 11kliiy r i i i ji n 111 tisll II ! »•«•. 'I'll' ' 'fl "> CVftl' >1 tin front .it ,i p ii i tliii! ti.ifl ii >i been foreseen hm row made it plain th;it ■< meeting here will have ;t mili tary Ilu\ or mire thnu had appeared likely oii?y ;i low wool;-: ,i«". I! imw i;; very |>,hIm!i|c ili;>l Uii> • iiin >1 iff • »M - .■ ill | * ripii'o in it; in fiirt. thiil inilit:nv men <>l iill throe oonntrio.- will put n>>l only in ;i coliloronoo nlor ij w h Ihoir diplomatic ohiet>. but h.r o thoir «>wn -oss rips ;i!ii"H8 thoino lovs. The (."liclori I'le-s I'KliiV printed I reports thi! fioni' (»e n'ljo (' M.ii i shiill. himself. the prn«po<-t \ <■ \llio<l ciinmwfti't'r in-oh'Of-for ino :>i •' t,■ I l>|ow> l>oi"(j prep.ire I iiu.iirist the enemy. prol>;it>|v v mid < ■• n<- hero with Sccrotnry of Stale do.I fI• i!i in the likelv o\ o ; that this is '.ne scene of tfle oig three meeting. Gets New Post THE FRENCH Committee of Libera tion in Algiers has just appointed Ci i'ii. Paul Legcntilhomme new Commissioner for National Defense. The decree also divided French forces into two categories, ono under Gen. CV aud; one under e:it:!hc:ni;ie. (international) Landon Fears An Alliance With Britain Topck •. Kansas. Oet. I.—(AIM— All M Land 'ii >a:d tod i.v he trarud tin- ? ui tin1 American people if being eonditioncd Im- "the old laslii • •• cd lial.lire ui power ill. ,iur that will hang iilif a millstone around the nei-Us <>i generations vet. mi born." < >1 >1 »■ - !|-: a "hii-h-ha-h pol:cy" in di-c rm post-war alliances. Hit 1 licp.ihhcan presidential nomi nee as. ci ted in .i radii) speech pre pared for the Columbia Broadcast in( System that plain tall; would hel| clear the ai:' • ■ t suspicion. He s,i:<l tlii- country .should list it- po\\e: and itilluencc to icstraii impel i a I m. "Hut how can we talk *» Itu-siii about the : gilts "I small nation; while we arc talkirg about a partner ship with impel iahstic Britain?" "If the Brit sh-American alllanci were to iMii'ltiae lor a good many years, as Cli.irchill sagge-ls. how an you going ' i unscramble the egg? when. .i ever, it e ds?" l.andoll in (|uired. Public Again Is Urged I i > Mail T o Soldiers Quick I \ New York. Oct. I.—(AIM—In spitr of war. the public is up to the old American trick— mall inc it* Christmas package* late —even thoueli llle> •lie destined for soldiers overseas. Col It. I', i l.ecteston. cumni.indinc oiiicer i of the New Ynrl fort of K.m harkatlon post office. said to il. i \. The public lias not come across." he declared. "The dead line for m.iilitiK packaxcs is Oct ober 15. We have ships. We're ready to handle .'1(1.000 sacks, each cool.liniui; la-five poiiuil p.irk.iees. a day. "We're onh veiling about 15. 000. The public is waiting until i the last minute," U. S. ARMY IS IN NAPLES KIEV STRUGGLE! * * ★ * ★ Fight Seen As Likely Decisive Both Sides Hurling Tremendous Might i Dnieper River Clash London. Oct. I — (AIM—Tin* battle of Kiev, expected here to be one of the decisive st rubles of the war. noted with unabat ed fury today with both Rus sians and (iei man- throwing tremendous liices of artillery, infanti v and ar power into the I i^fht to achieve mastery of ihe Dnieper line. The Henna!!-! were • ■lit readi ed in the ancient city-fortress hijrh on the western cliff of the Dnieper river, while the pick <>f the Russian I'krainian armies faced them across the l.ono yard water barrier that sepa rates Kiev from it- eastern hank suburbs, already in Soviet hands. In the battle may lest tin* fate i>l C'.erinall ! in•**> m lti<- Du.e I it-; Ik mi lUHith K ev and in tlic ! Crimea. a> well as control ot lilc Ulaei. S' Oil tlic Wllile Kus-ian front In the north. ;t Itusssaii conumiil I ii|tie said. I!cd army troops stormed into Krirhev. strategic . rail junction f>7 miles east of the Dnieper on the mail to .Mogilev and Minsk. Other columns, the bulletin declared, raptured l$a\ - evo and l.chcdcvo. east am' southeast of Orsha, another rail center, while in a coutiuiiatioi ol' their drive on /lilohin. third important transportation huh in this area. Soviet spearheads ov erwhelmed three towns. Premier .1 .-ci S'al.ii h-.I'••«! tin. fall of Krichcv in another writer ! the day. The I! 111 com miiiii o te ■ said L'.'Jt'ii Cieru .Ms were I..lied, nu I mernlist prisoners taken, and I7i» towns captured in the <i: . on Wl to | Riuwla. fi«in.< ,,t front nix to seven I mile." w el l- recorded. Japs l\illin<r ()ut At kolomban<^ara. In Solomons Group <Itx The Assiiriiitril Press) Japanese evacuation of Kolom Itangara island in the central Solomons, wlicre a 10.000-mau garrison lias hern under violent air anil artillery assonlt. was lie lieveil in progress today Willi the enemy withdrawing to the nor thern end of tile (iOO-mile-lonir archipelago. I) -patches >?n Ac) miral Will, im P Ilalso•'.« South Pacific lieiidqniir Iits .-aid hoa\ y .bipanc.-c Inii'KI' rial lie tinder envoi* "I moniile-s nights , indicated -homily liiat the enemy was trying ! . o.-c.ipe from a ous il rot h»|n'lr<s -i*u.ilon. Knlonilian^.ii a. v. i*ii t p> ; air bnsc at Vila, had already boon imt* II.i- l;ed bv Amrr in ,sc /urc nl No.v Georgia and Vellu Ltivclla island- on both sides. The .la pa esc Uai i«m wa- np I parentlv being removed i> Choiscul islar.d. 50 miles "1 Knloniba mai a. and thence 1 < H • iit.iiuvillc at the tip «•! I the island chain. . Single I . S. Plane Kn^a^es Fi\ c Japs, Knocks ()ne Down Washington. Oct. 1. —(AIM A sinule American plane, cima-jilii: li\c .1ii|NineM> Zeroes over cncniy-hcltl N'aiira isla* d. d< •stroyod one enemy ship and probably -h >t ail itlier. , the Navy repoi led today. The oommuni(|ue gave ti• ♦ infor mation on the reconnaissance plane itself, hilt il was assumed Hi i* I returned safclv !•> its base from a mi--ion ov er Nama during the nm - nini! of Septemher 1!7. The reconnaissance flight In N.i i i n. •»!•" miles north <>| Guadalcanal, might indicate i'lcrca- mc intere-t •> 'lie .lap i'i' i-'"Id filbert island I an attack were carried out in force \ and Mauni should lie occupied. i would proi .de ' c find base \\"lii:n easy striking •li-'.ince ol the mmi Japarese position in the Gilberts. | only 365 miles nautical miles a way. Reds Drove On R ,vt u*it ium MOiCOA ( VI11B»K VtA/MA «t(tNYA _ ^ ^ •!UIA| ORSHA ^•ftOSlAVt BRYANSK <> \ % •tftN • 1 VMOUNSK SHA c GOMtl / 1 1... CHtRNIGOV f SlUKHOV '^RSK t , '• "konoioh'^.^umy I -^^44 tur.OBOD ^ j KHARKOV^ '' POtTAVA# /' { I7YUM SOVIET ARMY olTensives arc seri ously nicnaiin;: Vitebsk. < iisha ami Gome!, key junctions on the last ma.ioi north-roulh railroad in Kus rlill in N.i/.i hands. German foree.s an- said to be evneuat 1115 Kiev, while other Nazi forces have boon ll.inked on two sides in Krem cn.-hiiR. At Dnepropetrovsk. thou sands of Hot-inn N':t/is wore killed l«y Hu; tioi'.ia. (InU rnational) Aussies Now Half Mile Of Finschhafen Japanese Are Ejected Bloodily From Harbor In New Guinea Island Allied I It-uil<|tiurtriv in the Sotilliwi',-! I'aril'ic. Oct. 1 — (Al') -New (iuiiu.i fnuit 1 imi reports today placed one .spear head of All.-! l alian- a hall' mile from llu \\«I1 protected liariior of l-'iiisclihalell. nil1 Japanese. ejnlcd l»l'w-ilil> it "in .dl li .:li liioiriil before tin- one tin e German - «■» t It <-nt. n«w ep |xc>(hI the encircling assault troups j Iroiii oui. ;..rt •«•::!> -t |lar.ttcd by only a few yard* from lliw <•; the , Australians. In tin-; d ive whir opened Sep tcmbcr 22 .-is mile- north • >! Finscli hafen, the Aus-ies eroded the Bnmi 11\ i'i. M il two ro!iuiiti> >« i King 'we.-t ami south, thru tinned back n towards the in.i n p.i •' oi the \ i lla;:e The tne.r profit:-* re-coble.. a hook v\ 11!i She point d - i ecled e.i1\\ ard. Artillery near the i 'a-t pounded the *ltrinkinji corp* o( enemy re -tame. Inland. several '■ les above Kinscliliale::. unothe A, is.- e loree ha lu'ii engaging •• '|)ane.-e about tv\ > miles l>> i :mil*- 1 ri»t 1;- t•.• -1 ol Sallelhcig. Tiie.-e A s!i iba"- it' pelted tliree b.iit counter attacks Monday night and early Tuesday. Kakag 'g Spur, the la-t Inch ground :■ >:I in I lie y hands, tell late T e d.iv alter a pocket of re si tirce belore it was crushed. with 5(i .lapati-ee killed and I he .urvivors scattered. Germans Lose More Planes, Allies Less, In September <Vt. 1,—(Al*>— \ wither (Mivvcrful blow 1 i the Oerinan nlrl force ,i - 'I -cl'i.-ed t*xI;iy :ii .i ni'> tll ly -'imm.ity <>l United S\ite. Kiyhth A Kmi ■ i* ii|ici ,ilinns listiui; nunc 2(10 Nn/.l iiliints kinwkMl from the vkir- liy Klyinn l''vi trcs>es iilotie ill ten September i i.<I -. The figure wn> exclunlvc < >i kills 1>\ nviil . .mil liijjli powered Thunderbolts iidd't mi ii| which niiiy ,ilmn>t (limbic She niiilibci of OcriiMti Mjlttc - ill 'toyed ml i •me clnse c(|tiiilli' u 'lie pn ■> hmis Month's toll. When ,i|>j>i <i\ini,il( |y 4(M> were shot down. The K"vh1 Air K vce jIm \\ h ,<i>e(t up tin- .-tcvifly |»iuv (|>- • i .n t on ■ >• Miller's (HMi* deadly air unit. bid .«• 111 >I IIKlirr. ol tile Mil i '<•!• "I <"( n:rrr;itt ri'iwttvd by l'.rit:>ti pl.r i>s was ti«»" givrn. Tin- fuel thiii tin- Kitiltlh Air Furor l\Vl« -tlnliu <i| -\ c Willi;;. -till' K ' IrPffW .md mcdit'in Manincrs c;»n (•<•: tr.itfil on ciHM v :i ilicUls i'i <• <-iipif:J territory <I :i im tin* moiiUi undoubtedly liiiMiiiii'icil ii I iii'i Itewvjr dent 11 (Senii<nt .• • .! * to wn «•-. Ii'i ■■ .iiiv X.< !<).• .<• wfie tic- !t nyotl ir t!ii< ,;i • mil. '>m thr rk'lnt di• "In' \ i cni-.m* ! -t . 11»<i it 711 lit'.i'. > l> ■ ■ iUTs 'l Sep tember ,111 August loll tif 111. Nazis Are Hurled Back Upon Rome Defense Line Americans Find All Ger Biggest Allied Victory ii Allied Headquarters in North Africa. < >ct. I — ( AI') — l.t. (•tit Mark \V. Clark*.- Ameri can Fifth Army today rapttired Naples. Italy's third greatest lily, and thiwv tin- (icrmati de lenders I lack upon ;iu- ilcfonsc i>:' i'« in--, which i- 12') airliiu ; mill's to ihe north. The American and ISriti.-Iij forces which clattered into \*a ples found '.In city of nunj empty ot Germans, wiio for a week had i>i!"a>re«l in an <»i*ni« , of destruction atal lorrori-tn de-j signed to >xirn and tear down every in-tallntii-n that wmilii l>ei of l-ein'fit I«> Allied forces ami! to hamper Italian cooperation Allied Objecrixe To Liberate Koine | With 1 -cast I -oss Washington. Oil. 1.— (Al'i— ] I'l t'sitli nl Unost-vi-ll-ai l today Hit* j tiliji-rli vt- ill Allied lour- in Italv h.i«« In Iri'i' liiimr. Hit- V.iliiMii. anil the pope, nuirli in I In- man- I ni'r til' a crusade. while at the j same limi' avoiding all possible : il< sir..(lion. The President uwcrlwl there was one thing In- iimltl -ay—that naturally the Italian advance i itoing I" i-iiiilililli' and thai eyery chorl i> heing inadr by the Al lies to prevent damage In Knme ami the Vatiran. Tliey are doing everything possible l.i prevent ae tivr lighting leading to ilestrni - tiun in Kutiir. FOURTH PAYMENT ON HOSPITAL ADDFI'lONS l: . . II -al. Vli . Oi*t. ; A el ei draw • >. "ii id • United si.. : •. . .. I *- * tilt'. |..t\ .i!>W- I i * tit'. \. Iit'ii( . I , I,, i M - '.nl- 1 • I i \ the FWA re^imi.iI uiftee • ; City Clerk -I. Ii. Km >n to in- applied ! ■ ii cNpense.s incurred i-\ Hit' city in I . • e-.list i in I:.ui i.I ;n(dr its I- • . . j Wilmington Co- inanity li !■ : j . • ii inn ! - ui Ki-.m-iii M. ! • II. KU'A i'until,.I tiit«-i. ;.n n- .tiiieed. Tin elier . w;i- t.'' . ■>: ft|ll.i t "II l>;.y Itielit 'II .1 i . <ii I.• I i; ..lit : S2t>7."00 (iltatiee in.- cost -.| inii 1i"iii-'111!4 ..111i «•«j .11>j . ii.. in - .hi- I (i11ii•(i> ;u:d nt .-lielin:: i "ih-.n id | t!.e i \; I lis I. . |>ii. I i. iiling. FARMERS' LOSS HIGH FROM DAMP COTTON College Station. Kale «h. t K i. I.— K;u lilt" - 11 1- I 11 > :s;g e if .-II ! I ' .1 u its which i- it mi ;.cf!i and too tin tup from clow for gintti u and tiny ; 111 ■ lo- i tig I; .in ; I . \ iin||,ii- ,i t i.i it- >-l tilt:' i' »t T -1!:. t' 1. Mil'., '.ii St.ill- College KXtl'llsil : g.'i *J>eCi ii St. ;i: no.meed lien* lull iy. "I: tiie tiii iii'is liinl .ill i'.vi.l :tii-it cotton tn dry rnvml days longer n the tield Hill then !i III :>:t'iifiI I .li lt" tin- dew had dried the r it tun would have graded al li-..~t mie g itle higher. with :m innt-.i.-e »»1 Iriiin s|j to SI! mi -: i- pei liiile price." Mr- I C' . (I. mans Departed; i Europe Yet \\i!li liir lihrrniiiij* armies, the siiwiiil Allied headquarters . • I.: - U11..: e. .mill, mill}; the I.ill of Naples, Cticl not give the time ut ■ ' cli AL;cil l: .,<(1, sct/eu uie hieal ' 1 ' '•> i' 'I t liiey N.Ac \v ,|> on III ope. I i!;ii Ar. y Ikivi .i I .i.'iil ,:!<• city It, 10 IHirletl cleat <ii Germans" said ihu tttiil,:.i- .-taleiient. I he entry into Nu|>ii's— the Sleatest \ it-ti>i-\ yet won in Hie Allies in their I'll;; ofiensiv,. to smash Hitler's 1.ui fortress —Has accompli*!,,.,, j,, smashing along Hi,- liio oi Vesuvius against glim resistance oi «• crutan rear guards ami,, pai,| a high priee to gain a leu extra hoars lor tlicir i ontnia*'tlci s make arrauge mills lor a line oi tirlt'Usc lar tlii'r norlh. If.. null ucl'o >v aid <l the •!:iij-ii'i h ...:i i■ 1111 11 Ut-1 \ The possession ol' Naples was a ureal pri/e for the \llies. how ever. who ltiav now pour llirouiili t lie port a ureal army with its .supplies for the task opening ahead. in pic war days N.ipic.s ranged II ily'.s K.ea'.est |: t next In tie • . .... v eil mrituilactui - iH eily. its extensive docks and water* ui |>»e iiinalily will l>e <>l seat il t - (iciieral Dwi^iit I). I. .en. ..w i\ i| .at lei, i -. as son: a.s" . i! > :ia\ e c'.e ■ ed i eloped harbor channel* and hip e ths. jiii'iiijIiU'twd mil the tangled •nuntiiiicatloti" lines nnd moved tlio ei>. . - I i'"m tile streets. Naples was the primary ob jective ol (•cncial lasciihower when llic rillii Arm> was lamle.l on the heaches of Salermi Srp teniher !' hecause it was neces sai > to ohlai-i a lame port from which lo direct inline opera tions. It look just days to \\ i:i the pri/e. A ti.i it-- a ninlith alter Sciieral Sir Ikvnurd I.- AlontBom* >' - I A v landed "i the talian toe <ie|>temi»er the Allies hi* were in |x>ssessiun of nearly a ii ■ iin I' !i 'II; 'in which't. i t'y limits, • p: e . t! i i .'W .i 4 o!tensive Cap! re Torre Aiuumziata, nino ••til.cell .it .Mile I llea(lt|liar I i..v, in' lielci ,1 patches iid e ' ii v ii i..;. Wedni -tiav. Canadian Destroyer Sent Down (Mi.iu i. tut ! (At1)—'The Citna* dtii destroyer Sunt Croix luw Ikvii ! •i'ihhI led .iiul Kimk «n convoy <1 ity I lli men. \.i\ y Mini-, i : A 4.1- M . I >.111 ;iUi .hi minced t'i-> '<•'> ' sent «!;• v ,114 home tin? t •" -..•»• il>m;ii i:ie.s ;ii;;iiu lire |»re.v on the north Atlunlio KUjn>l.v rwiite. M;i I' i''- ,-t iltntenl j; ive ii(i (!<• •.■ '> concerning the l«»i»g ol the Smut ('i \ "in "I ."<0 I'lwTe'l StiltC.s (lcs» tri yem i lived over i» CI rent Brltaiit 'if!,'iv IV i I Ifiir • in cm hiinuc tor iniviil !>..■■(•.- i»ui it reculled l*rimo \li-: 'ci Churc!i II di-r|o«ure in hu lln-.isc ■ I'i'inu11»ti \v;ir rev iew Sc|> tcmlic: !( t!.;it in Atl.m'e i'"iiv".v \\ • ; tit lliiit niotne t tinder iittiii'k. t'|» I i t ••lie. Chill ell.II added. 11 >t I "::lc Allc I -1111> i id I'een i-tink ;it theivi 'li \"rrTii*■ Tn li'in month- i ajiseitl >ii the (let n;ns Ihcntvclvcs ad< mlted \\ "■ ti ue. (»nl> "ii iiicmi"". "I the S.iiiit, Ci . \ (icw wii- rc-eiied. Mnct>nn« aid «id she wtut i n- toiirth Cnra (| ,iii de 'i o e lo.'l nee the l>C|Zili-« ■im;' Hi the war ntut the fif*t *ev«m ■ i fluted \e -i . "1 "tied ••. ( niiid.i •" U" dov I let ore I'nited S'.ite.- SCI A <( lie ■ I.II .\II «i> I ho McC'-l..

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