r ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS Hrttfrrrsott Umly Utspatrij MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1943 Parker Urges Enforcing Manpower Rules Rigidly Emphatic and Specific In Grand Jury Charge; C. P. Tanner Foreman Judge R. Hunt Parker, iit his rh.iixi ' • the grand ilii v ii iiu- open ing I'(I,iv c?"Uer tern I Vance Sipci.r l" • I. tcgeu >1:vt enforcement -il tin* war manpower act with respect »•> cam-ants. and asked th.it body to t ai;e action against able-bodied pc -ins without jot- u !n> i olu-c t.. u .irk. The grand ju-v \v:i> elected i < diately after cmirt hik'iiihI it t<• a. in. and C. !' Tanner wu n lined foreman It will m ' '>!•: one curt, which it the niil.v ivrm in tlw county in the second hall "i tin* VI ,,t I'.t -utthe Ill < ol tlic iurv a: e '.V 11 crews. \V l. M s. \v Abbott. Joseph II. R«ws. K. C'. Mor ris. G. 11 Williams. I. \V Huff. J II Tippctt. F E Stcgull. M s Mttchcll. t» T Blaekley. N R Ilart • J. \V CVgluil. .1 >e Keiin. I' •' i>h\:. W C. \> i*'u*. C 1" I hi In addition to his admonitions about the vagrancv <|uestion. Judge Parker outlined briefly the form «>f procedure I - m l c> in di cha co <>t M i . ■! »ics Tlii- itirist . i,d th..:. .nil- >unli pr-i gic - is lieu:*: ado ' i u inning the war. • r i •• • v ..pa'• v and slacken!::.: '' ■ 11' dm i!meed :l;e> w •. iu.-tiv and »aid these v liking the strc •:.* refusing tn work should be dealt wuli by ia" .lodge P .• • i r. ■ n. P.ro igl'.t"!!'- ■ .* •> ■■«••• war nianpinvor units in each "i the America defense the fl ■ >crutlc v. Hi time ,i rope can !>e fori it de u i . .IuiUt I! I.ill.ill i<>u n bottle of Creomulsion tin indT standing you must like the way it qua•>: ly allays the cough, permitting rest and sleep, or ycu are to Ivave jour money back. (AcLv.) in . • .!•».» won- r.illcil to Rive evitlonct -1 i • nijili.inco v. itli tonus ot thtwu orders. This wool; is t"i »ii;il >>1 criminal o.i-e». .iiiii t!»v* ' i> iH-ir.i; |n>»• cuted by Solicitor Eiih'sI It. Tyler, uk usual. Tho.o arc thin* hoiriciile >.i-i . nu'UliMit ' it I .1. C. CM.mi llion, lortncr ABC irccineut • >i11 coi . -l.i\i \V.'' »::: lioiii fr'ew (I ill ' thil'Tv I'.i.-Os 0 'II tllO (locket |.l cIcartllR lip them wore considered Rood. N'i <> week the ix*Kultir October ci\:! terin "t «u»ernir court will be 'nlll. Willi •• IJ' . (lo/CII 111 \ ol'OO 'I.. : I >r • •poiimu ii N • 11"i•. !i iu-: lit mtovt I 1' I-.. |..,t t.. tri.il. I I .»l.-lu-" I • ivi'itil -t V i - it • • Won - Nii|ii V. . ■ • hi -ovo- il years. He was greeted by .> host ..t tii.mK .itui .ui v.nvi- on ins .irnv.il i-Hi.iv Mo i- •' -lil t!* i icino nt tlie tin it .i . • «• V I.vi' , 7.ob \ ii . hi«b school Kittrcll tovvtt -li |> t'«r the |isi.st several year#, has been named cnjrt .... n command • 'II. .out •I ll.'ll .1 t >il i>\ Mi i ■' W Jenkins. \vh. : *t fit i apt.nn ! l« ' ■ « «i W I > I \iv?i« . \\ h • V ^ ^ \ U : ii \V • kiici - : f. • F it , ji ! h c S1 i i t«' C a I I LIONS CLUB TO HAVE BRIDGE TOURNAMENT : >«'ii «:;j« tilt* t'vemiiR ! ■ : ■ 8i s'u p prias A »h«M» and >r put by niewbn« ..i the ■ PERFUNCTORY MEET BY SCHOOL BOARD Could Fire Burn Your W^eo Pap& ' Every citizen a Fire Warden" could be the slogan for Fire Prevention Week. Do your part. Clean up rubbish. Keep equip ment in repair. KeepWar Bonds, papers and valuables in a sale deposit box. Citizens Hank & Trust Company Henderson, N. C. MtMRFP rroriAl Or POSIT INSUfJANCr CORPORATION Relief Load For County Drops Again Number of Persons And Cost Both Less; 16 in County Home \ iiiico county . cd !•> drop 111 Sep itnsjht a>si?t.it . i ticipation m - >i ;.co>idm:: th< M - - t'lai a . illtclldcnt, >>:.<<{< coniiiu-.sUinci > meetilllj !•>! < li t Old ilt'l* a-M I'l l hull,- l!l fho tiio county |>.i\ Si.'• cut children \\. J:on m the .m.: :th Hie • :?«''. -h.iic Aid ' ■ ' ; i ts .11-. :i ti . ''i"' county i .. • i Jone: .!.•! I:J. ■ : u.il>. P\v . .«il. Home care .i*. .i L. lllldl t tl V. < «' .Clio >1 c.iI * .It . S Ntoctl I' ll t. a:lllliu I 'll Hoiil - tliof loud continu tomber. both to ■ itid also in p.u ceunty advances. 'itMtly report ! Well are mi'.h'i ■ LlV to the county their monthly wont t i 'Jltn | $2,471.75. with liC-loUlHl, till' ilid the I'cilci.t. • Aid to depend . .nod by til ch:l 'e Mini t .>>!>. > an; > l.'i.t 7.) I.nil went t .ll ■ '1 ! •> I. .mil ij! ;;!. .i! paid hv the • SlL'il i 1 !*• *i i t it ion wan dow ti to < U'vcti individ < i « n od bum ditiit ] . • .i! $:M>. and emlit m : ">:>:tal \\.1 fu: \ ico- were r •.-t 1 • II juvenile* v.'e . ■ >e\ en on | :. i «ils, eight ..n u)•> . en lie • the welfare <;■ - DUNLAP WITH STAFF OF TEXTILE SCHOOL! I ,e. t . T .! I r-\- V l:t>: ■M.tte C'olicijo Te\t It- >. , .. . a ,,n : .- ,ed ■ : IAmi M . '.in I". iie I !• ' e y FARMERS DISCARDING :OWS NOT PRODUCING V ■ \ . c liity. r .1 - | ! • • ;; • •!! e-t il>!:sh(°(i • r i! ./.<• I tin* advan ce • .nu 'iiit low producing • ; II .gh I) Harden. assis • t '.i tur the State Collegs? •li i S. ia With the present • ■•••! .^i-. the dairy farmer.- lire • • . i'4 to rid their herds <•( all i;n laiile cows and replace them voting. purebred cows coming v. u .ix nuiin |»r<> In the only realty paper reported orlay at the register of deed.- office. I". (> Horner and wife »• «l«l to ("hat es It. Klazier and others properly >ii Spring street tor $500. FOFR TRAFFIC FEES Traffic fees <>l ;i dollar each were l>aid to the city clerk's of lire today l>y Mr>. Lucy Abbott, Mrs. E T. Al ston, II Lirodie and Alex Muiili. I >i violations ot traffic regulations. ROTARV MKKTS Till KSDAY 'Die wceklv meeting of the Kotary club will li"t be held Tuesday ev« n inK. bu' the members ol the club w ill meet with members ot other civic clubs and the State Guard Thursday evening at 0 30 o'clock at the Ar nory. TWO LICENSES Two marriage licenses. both to white couple . were issued dm in# the week-end period, by the register of deeds, as follow.-: Wyatt Ciiaham i'/. alts and Mildred I'ace. both <>i • a... «,n- ji"d Patrick II.orison liobbitt and Oracle Hunt llariij, both of Henderson. FIRE NEAR Oil. '•re ca'led in mid-after noon Saturday In the home of Mrs. m. i\. i artel on Carolina avenue as a result of fire around outdoor nil drums A child at the home had un thinkingly set fire to the scaffolding on which the drums rested, and it was making good headway by tha time the firemen reached the scene. Governor To Open Drive For War Fund Donations _ • Short Sales To Continue For Tobacco \ • official notice <>! action of tin -.iT«■ nmiittee "f the Tobwrn A > i'I.■ tli>11 "I tlu> I'liltcd State- in c\ t«"-tiitiu I"' tin -ea.-"ti Itii* lint -.•!• d.iv .mi a'iclton ii.ukcI* I:.ui bvi'ti itwivti) by Henderson T«*kk I•«m|it •' ! lilt' anth-■■ itn - I- it iv. • 11!i■ ■ uli t!n\ -ant tin \ 'i.ul been .in- I ' i patini; "Urh arti m .i> has tni n i .iint .- cunt .in press notice- i\vi' the '.vi'i'k cud •flu- >h«'it -ales clay. atiioimttiti; to thii<- and a halt Itnu: <. hi- been lit' eftcct .11 tiic !l»iidoi >. r -vaiUet since I tl.o i-in l<\ i iv 1.iI' h -Ii t .ne 'I'hat con- ! ui n ■ . • ' l»i I'M i ■ \ I'd. and h.i- | not indeed in (Moved dti ing ttic lime the ruling has been in effect Nor i.* t! t i any prospect <•; itrn dilute re- ' laxati 'ii -t tin- pro—- ii It u.i- lor , that reas mi tli.it lite sate* fdiiimjitcc, by a vote «■( »ix to '. decided to 1 pet'iH'tuate the present sales sehe a Sales begin at :• 30 a. m. and t ml at 1 p. i n i a- UctKici -"ii The committee tilso decided to I • Id " - Tin ;;::iita": t.- ■' mill piles an hour and •> maximum |»ile limit i • t ."Mo p-'t.r.ii- n w • mi • l! - riittviihed that any iiH'nMSP J in ;• i -all-- d.iv jhi- -pi-i-M • : sin ol pili- would overtax pi • ci-ssmj; plant .aid li.: - v. a . i* ! !.u" .*i * i i" ifi-i-'- dcct-i ii ' ' . «<»nt nuo tilt present selling pi igiuti. | .Alex I.o\vr\ Hurt W hen Pow er Line J Pole Breaks ()tt Ve\ 1. > line; It • . I'.i: J I' ■ < I .mil' i p.niy, w ,.s I u.»iy injured ..i (iroyslnnr Sun- j d..\ iinm .1 p It- on which i f . v. ''U l>: >i 1 lit'..: «l« ! « "iiti lie v...- reported t.i In- r.i-I ti'.iliil .it iirw \ als If w . L >w:v w.i> not • the empli v .1 the power cicr.pany i .:vl n •' i-n rlutv with tli.i! riincern I •' *?-.»• t.' i' ..| tin- .iredent. but v. i* ! •. lie •• ' !"i the Raleigh Granite ' v ji.inv ;it (; i \ ' .in It i- unde: - • <1 e It - • ' till t v li t ! ,i> the ! ! ;• i;ave Kai s . .'.;ii-- < < - e l>eit iituler \ .* T• . . i lie Utile:- detail.-, were !• ' li .ii lied MINOR CASES ARE BEFORE THE MAYOR '! i; .i ... w «•••(• tnrd by M.ivor >1 i > I'l.w. ll in |> .lue omit today. '! I ll A; <■ (•■ill- cases. Clyde ll.uhiim. white, p;n,-ids. .-u.-peiuled i>ii <'i>iiditjoii that lie not l»c found 111 llctidci-on in the next IK months unless accompanied by Ins employer. Costs were reniittPd. IJ. V. Strum, white, was charged with cur.-inR and using loud and boisterous language toward Caieleigh Thompson calculated to bring on an affray, .md the charges were tiollu nosed. C. N. Kdwards. white, charged with peedmg, paid .1 line of Sfi and costs and prayer for judgment was eon inued. SF.CI'KITV ACiKNT IIKHK A representaiive from 'lie Italeigh office ot the Soeial Seeurity Hoard is announced to be 111 Henderson. Any one who needs an original or dupli cate Social Security number, who desires to file a claim for benefits, or who wants other information per taining to Social Security should con tact the representative 111 the base men! of the post office. Room 10, at 2 p. m High School Rally To Launch Effort; $20,000 to Be Goal Ci«'Vertior IJroughton i- to upon • campaign for raising Vance coun ty' hare oi t!u* I'nitod War Fund, .1 natii i.widi' drive, ill an address at a .all.v lo l>e hold in the auditorium of Hotidoinon high school the even ing " l Monday. October IB. it was . !!t|.'iineed today by .1. W .lenUins. char man ■! llie Vanee county cam >aign. VI worker- in .<11 wards an kol lot SUo.iinn i: the cai p.iign. 'lie 11• i» it'chiding onio Mi.ono fm the Vance County Cummumty Chi ' Ca:d- l..c i in eti prepared for pionpiv'ive "I 'II ■ . nil tin-e will lie ih-t ibut' il ' w iiicr- |.i|, 'H int the muting .it t(.i high -choii! Solicitors anil i-ita .als will be .i ked to remain for the purpose after program lias hi en < nchided l i e dn\"o will be conducted in the i "t\ the week o| October "Ja-Mti, hut the advance gilt- committee will begin its duties immediately follow ing the rally i' which the mivernoi will .-peak. " County Gets 4 New Cars, 14 Bicycles Willi i i nil'". ! ... broil ;«11<>ttt'cl i.<-w ik - ami tulirtoon In W udlllt iiliArlo I .| (hv IIKWUl «•> < »< ! . t!:« I!..ir.i;l 1 ..| tho < M tl.-o 'I i'litv -\«t i r ;:il«1ralioll ill) tn ,i»i ii ;. «i.i> All. r . i'in> li>i the Stair a- .i v. !. ilr :.il! In 1 I'll .■ rill nl 11 • >i: H i- J'.i l.ital m Srptoin in At tho -.iv r i.iijo. n -r:\r r.ir • |u :.i- v. in- : film i-it limn 7u down • ■ I". 11.0 t; 'IIIli. Gram ille < unty wa* .ill ttcd 11 iii'V. i m . ibilf» .iiui 11! now adult i u vi'lo.-. 1 aiiUlin was niv on four n automobile* .nid tori now bicy i li >. whilo W.ii roii v.i* ..I'owed three now automobile.* and 13 b oycle* Wake rcoimJ tin.- MUir.bcr hi iii". .iiiti'itn>bil Willi 'Ji. Durham K' t in. M.il::;i\ ,-n on and Person ii ii W\\ llailo\ or ;md Hobo* hi 1-1' llltio . rillll Willi .">.*1. Kut tin* Isii"— ^i-t nuaibrr «»t bioyelo*. Some cum in- w i i o nut li.-tod loi oitlior auto mobile* ur bieyele*. Tho automobile quota for tlic na tion a- a whole M'iui reduoed by iibnut 2a portfont. tho announcement Mated. i:\.\MIM K NOT 11 tit i: I!. H Patterson. examiner I • »i* drivers liccn-c-., rlI not he in Urn dels'mi Wodnt -day. <>rt tin r (!. ho • ;ii(l today. Imt will be here .1 usual the tolli'\vmj4 week. How'# T O Your 1. I Tin* forces ol which countries !>.ii ticipah d Hi the initial invasion of tlic Italian mainland'' "2. Are dcpencdi ids of WAC°> eli gible to dependency it I Iowa nil's'.' 8. I .Old Haw Haw 1.- remembered as .1 III dish .-tai!!1 eliaraeter, (ierinlni radio p: opnuaiidist. or eharaetei hi one of Diel.i 11s' novels'.' I What 1- the popular name fur solidified eat hoii dioxide u.' " 5. Correct the follow in(! sentence. "The judue decreed that the accu-cd shall he put to death." ti. What does the war term "open city" mean" 7. A stethose >pe i~ used by a mlis iftan. a machinist or a ph.vrician? 8 Who is President of the Execu tive Yuan of China'' !». What a cadaver'.' III. What name is given to the evening before All Saints Day? From where I sit Joe Marsh. fSrnndma Hoskins knows a tot about hlstorywbut when wo asked her where the first brew ery was built in America, she wouldn't take sloes. "You sec," a.iya Grandma, "wherever the colonists settled, one of the flrst things they thoDKhl nhoat «M food and beer ... In fact, one rcrnion why the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Itock was because the Mayflnw er was rnnnln' abort of beer." Well, (hat was a new one on us, but Grandma showed It to us -Just as It-was written In the Mayflower's log. And It seems that all through our early American history beer »;ort of tempered the hardships and helped to make us a toler ant. moderate people. From where I alt, beer la the American drink of moderation nnd friendliness—kind of n sym bol ol our personal liberty. £)oC €>'*«. IUWINO INDUSTRY totlNOATION. North Carol!*. Commits Uf H. *}•?» Wi". H. % State Guard Notables Here On Thursday Civic clubs >>1 Henderson will be guests ii| the local State Guard com pany Thursday mghi <>l 'his week at tlie National Guard Armory, and at the same time high State military officials will be present, it was learned today. State Adjutant General J. Van 1». Melts and Colonel Gordon Smith, of Raleigh, and Major Voting of Dunn and Colonel William W. Sharp, of Greensboro, are to be in attendance. All are expected to make short talks. Captain 11. C. Young, of the locai company, is 111 charge of arrange ments. Brigadier General ,1. \V. ,len lan> i- to be master of ceremonies. The hour is ti.ito o'clock in the evening, it which time a diunei i. to oe st iM'it Following thai, a program ol i-xerci.-es and drills will be exe cuted by the guard company. MRS. DORA WILSON PASSES AT DABNEY runer.il llrld lor Well-Know 11 I .ally anil Interment Is at Harris Chapel Cemetery After .-111 illness >1 about mv* week. Mi < Doi.i I >:• 111• 'I W1I-..1, widow o| 'In- I. It* It A U iImiii. (Tied at l»et imate in the Dabnev ion,'nullity ;il 4:20 .1 in Sunday. Shi' was a 111*• time resident ol the community, where she w.is born March HI, HtTti, ami w.i- H7 years ohl. Surviving are two on-. Horace G Wilson, ol Dabncy. ami .Jeter H. Wil son. ol Durham: three brothers-, Charles Daniel anil Willie Daniel, both ot Oxtoni. and .lames Daniel, ol Itoxboro; and tiv.i .-i-tcrs, Mis. Ola Williams and Mr-. l,oiia Hull, both • ! Oxford, and a half-sister. Mi Nitta- lank, ot Italidolph. \'a. Iler husband has been dead thirty years. K >r forty years Mis Wil-on had been a n.ember of Harris Chapel Methodist church at Dabney. Funeral ser\ ire- were lielit .it that church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, in charge ol the pa-tor. l!e\ . O. W. Mathi-on. and interment was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers for the fur.eial were announced as follows Active l.ueill- Hal l:er. Charlie Xuckli I. C>. I *'Hi len. II W. Clov - er, Hulil G lov i" . (i .1 • • wen. lion, a ai v Sun Hester. Norman Hall. Dr. 1! I. Noblin. Dor-ey C,ff.\ - er, Hubert Hobuison. N'oin.an Clark. Ui.ssell Harper. Hayn.ohd Wvelie, Julian Glover. G. \V. Norwood, Chester Hobuison. Dewey Hunt. ,lnu iiiit* HoKowav. (Ifise U.uii-. rack et- Key, Perry Overbv. MAIN AND WIFE IN WHISKY CHARGES Charlie Hargrove and hi- wile SilMi'. werr charged in the " illy case i» luii' ItwiH'dt'i I! K. Clements t<> da\ w itti pos.-i ssinK noh-'ax-pritt vliSky Kach was ui\ »•«■» si x t\ days, suspended im payment nt one-hali l)u' i'ii.-1s and mi condition liicy at the .-tan ol the period. Twenty were received iiom I'm court* during September and eleven were sent 111 from other camps. I)is. charges numbered 17 and six were transferred out t<> other camps. All are Negroes except one white man who is kept at the camp to d<> clerical work. Rest time you need calomel take CalotHhn. the improved cnlomel compound tablets that make talo mel-taklOK plcosunt. SuKar-coated, agreeable. prompt, and efTectlva. Not necesaary to tallow with aalta or castor oU. tTa* only u directed oo labaL The STEVENSON Mat. ::«<• - N'iclit 35e - Children 11< Today-Tomorrow* 'Di^eient kind of air DRAMA! 4/aiuty Francliot Marsha Gene TONE-HUNT.KELLY •w--. —Also— CARTOON — SPORTS — NEWS -Wcdncsday FRANK FAY BILLY GILBERT in "SPOTLIGHT SCANDAL" EMBASSY i'hone 4U1! ::o< - »o« - iir Today -Tomorrow INSURE TOBACCO IN PACK BARNS Insure your tobacco and pack bams with us. Only old line stock companies represented. CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN COMPANY JOEL T. C HEATHAM, rrcMdcnt SEE US FOR HORSES AND MULES COWS AND PIGS 11V hini, ttell mill trade all lei mis of li rest nek. WESTER'S Sale Stable Next To Rose's Rln HKXI>KltSON, X. C. Are Ycu Presenting YOUR HOME TO THE FREE INSPECTION In Office Of B. II. MIXON TERMITES? Well, that is exnetly what you're doing if yon lei those borers cat awoy on the superstructure r.nd flooring of your house. RKTTKR CAM. I S TO KKEP TUP. TKRMITKS FROM l-ORF.CLOBlNd on voi;. FREE ESTIMATE Phone 7