^ B^mnn THIRTIETH YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., House Group Pares Allowances Offered Soldier Dependents $50 Base for Wives Will Continue Same; Less for Children Washington, (let. 7—(AI'J — Tlii' House Military Committee voted today to pare down the liberal allowances for depend ent children of enlisted service men which the Senate approved yesterday in refusing to halt the draft of pre-war fathers. Wrilinti •• new fni nulla Cur such payment.*. the committee approved mevNi.-ej, "l sl.'t monthly over the preser.l m',i!c to the first dependent child, a $ln hiio-l fur the second chilli, and .hi increase of $15 lor all additional children. The committee left illicltanced the present monthly payment of $50 to a «ife hut extended the scope of the present law to per mit dependents of all seven grades of enlisted men to olitaiu ikiv men Is. The figure reeoinmended by the committer for House action next week were S50 for a wife. $75 for a wile anil one child. S! 5 for a wife and two children. £110 tor a wife and three chil dren. and all extra $15 fur any additional children under 18. The Senate, taking the initiative in seeking t<> ease the fina-rial bur dens U !i»j- a wife and one child, and Sin extra lor each additional child. The House committee also made eligible lor aid dependent hu.- hands of wniien in the service, piovided they prove actual dependency. Fascists In Rome Venture Into Streets Hern. Oct. 7 —(AP)—A Home 'I >■ patch to the Tribut e de Geneve said today "'.it under cover of German Kim.-, Fascists an.Im had (.-merged >>•; tin- strei ts of the Italian capital, hilt declared they slill dared to ap pear in public imly in groups The dispatch. which pas|.ed through fiernian censorship, frankly added tin- n mnient that opponent of the party believe "the Fascists' return hail doomed Ihein even more than clirl the event o| Jnty 2.V— Ucnil't Mussolini's abdication. The Fascists. toward whom lie.* Nazi occupation forces were said to have a: atlilude of "tolerant well willing. were retaliating tor the p'ipiil. i destruction of party insig nia 'tid emblems on the streets and buildings of Home, the cor respon dent added lb- declared thai the emblem- of the lion of Savoy have been re moved and destroyed wherever pos sible. anil lh.it over the I'ala/.zo Ve nv/i.t flic, an Italian flag with the center e nhlein of the House of Sa voy cnl out. Fascist headquarters have been e tablisberl in the Piazza C'oloniia and Itrasi hi P.llaec where Mussn Iiii for i lime was held prisoner, r.oth ai" protected by machine gi::i lie. I - and tanks e(pi\|>ed with can non. High Court Crier j The hours* of calling into sessrn-. I llu- U. S. Supreme Ola I win n it •P the I ■ v' 1 hi 11 i|'- ymmuisl crier, .li.hn A. Kilitinit!, IT. !t Wti.s adopted at i llu- I'AWCKI eighth < "in cut ion which ■millMniril the ••tnl«>tseinent '■■II "Ihf l>n:.is r ';;i.iin were listed •'Hull back nf prices: end .-peeii!:! tiim ai d war profilcci injj: rcvisatn til the little steel In-" ul.i In pei'inM e.-onomie justice to Anieric.i"s waK" earner.-: a democratic rationing ;■■ • I kimiii; provision of <-< 111 a I <>|>;m»! tiiii I 11y fin employment without discre - ! inatio.,; a democratic inobih/.nt; -r. | o' i»iir total manpower n snnr. I without iiM'itiiu: tn national service i •• Yanks Lead Series; Beat Cards 6 To 2 R H E St. Louis 000 200 000—2 6 4 New York 000 000 15x—6 X 0 7 — In whiil tip tn tin* last tiiill ol the eighth inning was one of the most thrilling baseball games one could wish t<> see. the New York Yankees defeated the St. Louis Cardinals i> to 2 here this afternoon to win the third game of the ID43 World Scries class'e a: d to go in to the lead by a margin of one game. The Yankees won the opener Tuesday by a score of t to 'J. onlv to have the Cardinals turn tin- tables Wednesday with a 4 to .1 victory. St l,ouis lost the game in the eighth, largely on errors, with the American League champions going well ahead with a five-run tally for tin- period, after their first score in the seventh. At the end of the eighth inning. Johnny Murphy relieved Hank Bo i'uv.y ' ii mi' iiioiiiifi ior mo YaiiKecs. though I»«>' *»wy is credited with the win. The Cards used Alphii Brazle mi the MKiund until the eighth. Wal ker C'»op« r was behind the plate fur tin- National League champs, while Kill Dickie was at his famil iar post for tin- Yank.*. , Official tabulation- put the attend ance at iust under S7n,nnn tor the gieatest VVnrhl Series crowd on rec ord Receipts for the diy were an nounced a*> S2fifl.3(58. Following today's third game of the series, the clubs move on to St. Louis, where play will be resumed on Sundav al'tc ti<>■ m at 2:30 o'clock, eastern war time, ro t.:iO p. m. cen tral war time. There will, of course, be rto games Friday and Saturday, the two day* being allowed for ti a ve! tunc. 511U.S.Men Killed In Italy Drive American Casualties Greater Than Those Of British Fighters Washington, Oct. 7—(A1*) — Secretary Stimson reported io duy that army casualties dur inir the four weeks since l>it lerly conti's'ed landings In'jran at Salerno. Italy, totaled R.:»07, cf whom only ">1 I now arc listed I ms killed in action. T'i'c war secrcfai \- told his press collide::ce tliiil A, I2ti American sol diers have been wounded in till? cam paign on the Italian mainland. and are mi-sing. "I understand." Stimson said, "that this is somewhat greuler than the total casualties suffered by the Iiri lish components <>r the Fifth Army." Ai the time ul tiie initial lanci ing- i'l the May •>: Salerno, the sec Kilaiv .ai»l. the Fifth Army under I.I. Co-n. Marl. VV. Clark v.a coin P' ist" I ; • 1111 • t cpially '<1 Amerie.ia and Mi it: li troops. hut sulisnincni r< ; lorcvmeuU, havc been largely American. Clark Warns About Money issued Abroad Washington. Octo. 7—-(AM) — Is suance < ! Allied military money in North Africa. Sicily .mfl Italy was i hallcnged today by Senator Clark 11).. Mo.), as "additional appropria lioiis for the army without any ac tion by Congress." Clark, questioning the legality of using currency that heat-.'. 11 • promise of repayment, asserted: "The best construction that can be put on it is that it is an additional appropriation for tiie army without any action by Congress." lie said it appeared the army wa< using the cash to buy supplies .md that natives are accepting it read ily. Senator Lodge (IJ.. Mass.), one of five members who made an inspec tion tour of war zones, sounded a warning note about the currency .n a Senate speech earlier in the week. He ..aid he hoped it bore no promises of future payment that could not be fulfilled l»y the I'nited States. This provoked sharp questioning of Treasury Secretary Morgcnthiiu when he outlined a pn ipu-.il |ur the es tablishnicnt of an international bank f"c p>-t-war stabilization <>f the world's currencies. Morgentnau reportedly told Sena tor.. that discussion* were progress ing on the establishment of an in trniational hank with sii..lHiii.llfr>. null capital, of which III' United Slates would bullish .C.aOn.nOO.OOD and Great Kritain $1.000.0011,000. Other countries would subscribe pro portional'* amounts'. Machinists Return To Fold Of AFL I If ».~1 hi. Oct 7 (AC) The An <•'■ lean Federation nl l.almr today wel comed hack tin* luti riuitioiiiil Asso ciation nl Machinists .is tin- largest nt its affiliated tin ions. A packed ciiiivcniion h.ill cheered I lit- news nl the reconciliation mid Secretary (inirgr Mcany's announce ment that I lie* AKL'< IiiIjiI paid ineni lift ship now was (i "i(i|.l II The machinists' membership us of Aiikh-i :*l was nlficiiilly announced as 025,(100. The machinists quit the federation Inst Miiy HI nl lor mi extended row over jurisdictional liuhts, involving principally the em-pent erft" union. The terms nl reconciliation, however, were nut immediately announced. Stocks Trail The Low Road New York. Oct. 7.- (AC) -Stocks enteral ly again took the low i--iid in today's market without working up ' a Kren» deal "I speed. Conspicuous mi the down ^ide were C'hry.-ler. Crucial Motor*. ' Smite Kc. Western Union. Goodrich. I'. S Rubber. Monfgnmery Ward. .t. ! Cise. United Aircrali. Kastnum , Kodak. Dnw Chemical. lntcrnation.il | Tele|)hone. Standard Oil of New I .fervpv. International Harvester and Dul'ulil. «. lbue ftrn' Brnly Btspatrij ^ URSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 7, 1943 ,,r,:lJ-s,\VVr,'^MIrNiVvv.,:ux,H,-N FIVE CENTS COPY Battle For Rome Has Begun; Germans Resisting Bitterly VICTORIOUS AMERICANS ENTER NAPLES RESIDENTS OF NAP'.SS wave on a tmckload ol American soldiers as they roll into the city shortly after the Nazis had been u. ivcn out. Note the arrow on t!ie wall, painted by the Italians rerunning in tba city, indicaUnu the direction that should be taken !>y the Yank troops. Signal Cuius Radmphoto. (Inurnaiiunai) U. S. Stroke At Wake is Not Ended I Naval Vessels And Planes Hit Japs at Pacific Stronghold I Vail llarhor, Oct. 7—11 the Jap anese at t i 11 v Wake island, more than 2,000 miles west of lla waii. 'I he ! ' tii.it the >iii|>s had m >ved in rli i I'-u::! to |»««n:- their .il'.i.iy? dca(li\ .kcii. iIi' I lie on the e ei \ ' M'iik (I I - in- clear 11 id i c. 11 i< >i i that the .lapam -e (Irlvibi'i there were o\ ei whelmerl lluv. long the attack lasted. or il it lull yet cea-ed, was not staled in a l\vo sentence ctiin muniiiiK' issued yestcrdas l>\ Admir.il Chester \V. Nimitz. ciinmaiid-.'r-iii-cliicf of the I'a c'lic I!>'<-!. The rommiini«|iie con fined itself to the report that the atluU I s naval (mils under command i:l' Keir .Admiral Al lied I'.. .MoiilMimcfv enmnieneed at dawn October ami tli.it fiir I tlier detail-, .ire not available." | (New blows a*ain-t the JnfMincnc also wen' i. : 'ii tile southwest I'acihc aiea I (ictiernl Dmml.if MncArlh'ii \ commiue'iuc today from l> . lit- ■ I'niiirters .said Alisti i Iniii tikht<-r id ;id\ iiuced seven . niill':, up the K.nnil valley nn New Guinea to ue' lliin all niili - ol Hie . enemy'- coa.sl.il base of Mad tni:. 1 That liiise' ilt tui.se niit|>o>* iit Ho j gtidjim vva- :: .ell a :ii pou <1 ' inn willi liom • from lour engined j tinils of the I til Air Force.) (Ill the Soloiions. where the Jap anese are !■. vuia to net out of the central N'ett (ienr(in croup, other j Allied planes pounced on cneirv shippinc a.i'Uini lJoiijjiiiiiville and I I'hoiseul.) Stassen Will Run In Nebraska Vote For Ci.O.P. Choice l.iiiroln. Neli.. Oct. 7—( \I*) — Harold II. Stassen. former cov ernor of Minnesota and now a lieutenant commander in the Navy, will hp entered ill the Nebraska presidential preference printarv on the llepuhlican ticket nest year, John Qui"", w ho said he will handle (lie cam paign for Slassen in this state, announced today. Qllifin disclosed this in an noiinriue Ids resignation as dep tit} secretary of state, Russians Planning Great Offensives For Coming Winter Corsica FalJs THE CONQUEST of O r ! .i been con ■ plctcd* bringing tno Allies to within striking di.t.m.f of north ern Italy and southern I lance.The Berlin radio li is announced that j evacuation of tiio i. land had been I coi- pleted from the poi t of Bnstia nfter tho de.-Uiittion of n.Hilary in stallations. (1'U'Tiiatioiia!) Mountbatten Arrives At India Post New Delhi. Oft. 7— ( AIM— .Ad miral l.ord l.ouis Moirilbatlcn. Allied commander - in - chief in Southeast Asia, arrived today by plane at the New Delhi airport to lake over his new post. Mouiitbatten was met by a large Catherine of Xtnerican. British and Chinese officers. Original leader <»i Britain's famed Commandos and .1 cousin i>l Kiiir George VI. Mountbatlen is the first British officer to be placed i:i su !>reme eomnuind ol Allied forces in an entire theatre ol war. Mis appointment was announced ■ August ,2"» immediately following 1 the Quebec eonlcrence of President | Moo-evelt and 1'i .mc Minislei ; Churchill. Tiie new military comu and I Southeast Asia was created I > 1 ten - I sify the war against the Japanese in Burma, Goal Is to Clear All Russia of Huns; Present Drive Wanes l.ollllnl). ()e.- for a nijran tie winter offensive to clear alt Russia tin (icrinan. invaders. A' (he .-1:1.c I:;)! that the Gcrmaiu .slio; telling t'lcii" Dnieper. sail t:ev V. < IV j; l.i ninn .1 i m i-' i- I'.cllli. Ililltili:; I d succeeded i 1 I: "lit tiloug till ii .--. i! •- said (Millionth in .i licrliii bltmdt-asl: "II m.i> • lit! l«r ton r.irl\ to speak hi ilii* iltliiiilc In • ■ >:fi.■ Iihi tlx- r.rrat Soviet nlti'iisi'.T. II ran nev erthclrss Jir stateit tli.it the enemy's itHVi'sivc ritersie-. are sliouine eitnvidcraMi* sign., nt ii.haiislion." Tl.e lin-■ i.ill midi: ,i'' ni!iuini(|iii >../i German counterattack* against Soviet spearheads in While Hm • were Ii licit back with I.MNI Nazi dead :t • the battlefield. "I'n- el.is toei* j -lace ..round the CJorniaa stiotnihold "t Vitebsk, M"U ilc\' and tit unci. u-lierp the Nimin attc i'i<-I to i cl'ev e i ■ i is nu Ited a. •• v pie-sure on thest enemy base Ti e Germans tai tichcd lmi| sep ..tc i"'tinier drive., n limit nl \' - Malt. supported in force by tanks and low Hying plane*. the Moscow loniniiiniii e s:.id. li.it dec I a red they vie i- rep ilscd and that several \ i! liifie.s Icll into litis an hands. Nazis Shift Division To British Area Montgomery's Forces Are Also Rcinforccd; Volturno Not Crossed Allied Headquarters. Algiers, Oct. 7—( A1'>—The battle for Rome lias begun. with tin- Her man:* launching powerful infan try and armored attacks in tin: Termoli area along the Adri atic. where the Kighth Army of General Sir JSernard L. Montgomery stands i:'o mile* east and slightly north of ihe capital city. Official announcements -il Allied headquarters today aid the (iermsins had shifted an en tin- armored division s'n m .he west side of the peninsula and thrown it into an onslaught against Montgotnery's forces. General M>>n !ritroop* also have Ke.! rcinloiwd the *how» down 1.4 .:. . .111 hav« m nfi. nit Ihe at'.uci.b, Umei'uL Owight I». Ki 8t*nhi>\VCl**:i conuitlitlfquc illllllHIIlCCd. Two ttriti-.li destroyers brought naval artillery to tlx- aid of Montgomery, driving boldly into the narnu Adriatic and pound the narrow Adriatic and poun:i tarsets to tlir northwest of Ter moli. countering and .lislocatins tlie German attack jusl as naval forces were used to assist in the oflensivc against Naples. *111 o northwtM African tiir forccs also were i tensely active over C »• -i 1 eral M r.:j*omei yI:on' ! r the !irsi time ill weeks Until I!AK and American lighter planes swept northward fmm Ter nuiii a., far ii< Petciiiii on the Ad ratic. and nland .is la: as Altcdena, hallway in liumc nn the Termoli Hume highway. While frenh German tank intiiss ha-tc. i'd tn 'ppn«e 11.e KiRhth Amy's Ilan. iik threat. the (Ice man.- rushed the Ins: 01 tnrtityinK the V ilt.i nn \ t- 'Jo miles north 11I Naples aftniiv-t Lt. lim Mark W. ( aru'.N K.:lh At v. w ii.eh reported fli -jyi'd pi.iii • • 11 •. liiw.t 'd despite extensive demolitions and hetivv rain- \\luc;i 1 npeded the muwmcnt ■ •I hi' iv y ei|tii|>ment ••'nrllirr information from Ihe front >aid the crossing of the Vollurno in Fifth Army clr niei ts. which was reported yes terday. was o':l> along the main tributary of the Volturno system, ciuimiinlx known as the Calore. The t ;<• : : 1:t de!i tt-i - nn 'he nm th hank .'I t: - Y..1- . ■ . t-elf across the plain from the mountain* tn the Tyrrhenian cii are stil! Intact, it was Mated here Although the crossing of the ( alcre. .01 eastward extension of the Vollurno. constituted a flank threat to the enemy river line, a military spokesman said the Germans were believed to lie holding Ihe northern hank of the Vollurno "in some strength." The headquarter* comnuiniquo -aid me'ely tin' ":hc Ki11! 1 Army ha? 'Had, In taer pi"nrr-s .ml is work nn 1 • ii *11 Hie 1 in' ••! lite in el Wit u. nn " Thi* stream !-..i- been .1 fnrarito deli 'iv |i" it' 'i tiir hafii's •• Italy fr-■ ! the 1 1' a llaimiiial. and the Cici 11 ill- w« : e ipparcntly ready to taki advair .:<■ •! possibilities I", a timiii de'ayini! action. MCATHCR l Oi: NOIITII (AltOLIXA ( o -iiniied cool this afternoon, tonight and Friday forenoon. British Admit Germans Gain in Aegean Region Cairo, (>(•'. 7 - (AP) A Hriti.Ot I ' i)n ,lilil)K|il|. ,i"nmmcc(i tnd.iy tllllt Ocnnnti (iirccs. *liikmu liiii'k licrcc ly m.in.si tile 1lnc.it their "irnn lira" drfense "I (tie Acuc.in. had captured a number <>( landnm | ground* "ii ("no ijilmul tint declared i that resistance w.is continuing i n the Dudcciinosr island I Tt.i Germans control the town oi Cm), Cic Middle Kast comnutnkiuo «aid. KAlr' bginbei^ continued to pound (»t*ffll«tft i ■ fields «»n the* fM*,• i i>y is-* 1'ikK i>| Uiiodcs .-.nil Crete Tuesday 1 'ii'wl I iwere scored mi han« ! i[«irs i'iihI ;iie. and cx|>t'i ' '-id ;'l M:in'/.;i. on Rhodes. A:i rn( my enrumpmciii ,il K iMhvim on I!Ii.(I< vv;is mat-nine gntim-d. and llic airfield .11 Kiisli'lli mii C'rctc w-i< l>nml»ed. , The hiirlx-i- at Syms ninth of Crete also wps attnrked, the cnmtmiMun3 1 kind.