Society News l.irn.i ituowN ■><><; By Marie S|»ra«in>. Ho was a brown mutt, with in sv ! black as smut. And a tail that curled up and around— With heady hlack, thai could not disguise Their love lot* i'.illi playmate In* iouiul. Illii" played with tin eat with never a spat, I'hasiiiK h" up and down through ■ lie hall: When she'd show he. claw.-. he d just lick her paw - Happy-go-lucky that .ill! Hut late yest«rda\ I him away lie was |M>i~oiH'd I'.v -.>m«- tiiind: How such all end t "lild e •mc tu man'- hot I ricnd I .-omethiiiK I ean't undci stand The cat's plaintive meow if all I hear now. And gone i- her o:iee playful .-trill: M i 1111> 11iu the i lun I'm mis-ing I the 'lie Ami only little Mown -haggv mutt. Visit Weldoiis Mr. and Mi.- W W. Hen . W.l '.aniMotl. w ei e »\eei. e .1 g..c.»t.» »t Mr. and Mi-. T. 11. Wei,ion. In (t.iU liidltc T. II Wed"l. .1 r .etui:.ft ' > i lai. Hidltc Military I; -t .:nt*- la.-t • Pei -pending -cvera days w.'.ii Ins ...iient.- Kp-o i. Visit in Itiirh.mi. M .•ml M • iii l!i> !..nd> and el. 'dien went ' • I m hi. Sun-l-.y to . pend thi d..y v. i!1. Mi ii.i ■..iui-' tei. Mis- Mill -! At Washington W witling Ml and \11 - I > I flay to .A 11. i "'.,v ton and M • lie lit) Stone liiivv . .. iu' t : W •!.!..;• . . I' i\ vlicit? tiiev at e n-.i tin vettdillit «»( I i.e. .<1 I . M- l'..y Heard. Visit Minors (Jue-i il A'. . 'li'i >1 \\ M \lino Sunii v . .n-il .1 11.i> . ml and ■!!!• I. . K.. t, < ; I> lia: . M i M 1 •'.« • "I Xighidali. Mi and M Veitioii Mm.u aiul l..t iU . . - «l .1 W t ..i t il' Wi'i'h-I ml in i • >IiiiiiI• i.i. Mr- A 11 flie. k and Mi I.' «'. S | I ,\ i ,|f.t 1. ' Weil.-Illii ill I'i'himiiia. S f w iiei. A II Iheei.. .1: .mil .Ion.. U !• i. t "Si ■ ■ii: I1. I \ Meet ill::. /■•o Vance i' ! A .I hold It: eglilai ' Illy in'iiiii ii il. I|.«ii unit no; I :ni d..\. t I ihei I. •"> | v. « . ' .1 .. Mil . ill i>. : cmng. v. it! .1 il\ el :. ! >i ..I 11.. . \ :.t .:1 • • •et All (i.i. ... „i ii ; hi ; i - Kami It.Misti'i'N \|ei A •• :.-i. • I. ■ . •lull W 111 he ' I ii! \V« «!• • lit;. ' 'et ... ' ;n\ it.ill III e \!| III I- . I • Itlg. .Ill 1 I.i- a got • !:: i i ;■ ii I'.irili it) xiii. M. . mi Mi, r i; -n tii" i' IIIII r l*f l> :h I .!» I : y iVayiii- Hijjuiiu, it vlitriii I'jirh.uti ■<>,|>ital on h uliiy. < kiiJin {/xpectiiKjafiahf? Mother's Friend helps bring ense and comfort to expectant mothers. Moth nn ' fi Fit! FN* I*. Jin r x f| «i I v 11 r! v pr«* - parrel riuoliu n* U useful In all runrtl- . flon* wlim* ;i hl;iti«l tnild :iuoclyn" nias *acr medium tti il:m I ibri«atton 1- «!«• Mrcd Our condition in vh«h womi-n f<»r more Ihnn 70 vein ii •• • u • <i II > nit fipplfratkm for ma :n:ln«: 'he hod* dir ln»! prnrnaiirv . it help keep the *km M»ft nnd pthlhlc tli*;- livoulilli; un necessary <11 emnfor* due («> dryne-»> and tIrhtI: iefre»h' and tmn - t!*.♦* fkln An idrnl m;i - ,t\:v ai»pll« ;itlon f«>r llic numb tin«»lin«: or t«*itutitit mmis-i tlon* of the ' kin lor tlx Mrcd hack lnu«<-lf»H or cramp '.ike p.»ln- in Mi" l»-•*. Wuirkly al> .»rht i I>.-l?• •> : Mother's Friend IlkMf |.r.,,.,.| I.v .1 t HUM) ifurlwn nid nurorx. Jwl ii-k «t,v dniNM f»r MiKhri'l Kiltml—Iht itkin In I *r it. i ii i. Tiy It iiuiii'lit. FLOWERS FOR KVK.KY OCCASION I'honc 3K0 Oay or Nl«ht BR1DGERS Th" F,"r", OUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE IS YOUR PROTECTION Yow rr*y rlftrd upon yovr doctor'* Ofdert bung whtfl »• t orr pf your ^^ prescription. Our dc>gbl# c(••€.& jMJnlStOff tytfim *C€ur0<y. i rPARKERS r-\ TS * U'--- : Marian Martin —Pattern— i. vkii'iv :i w.i -iui-y i ::nimiss Willi .1 VCll !•■ . !Wi'-| .oil-; ( .1 Imivy riiiittd t ucliviliis in it st. i.i, . f ti i- !■•!• ynti. ! i . .Ii. Uo\ i.' 'liil» l.iitlnii It. nly T11 vnui' Y 11 i .ill ll.ue ( hi.ll(Jf -I..1 H-. I'm' ;i U\i-ril HI' u ill 11... It*i tm .-int. f.ittciH !UtW : :i> I... ..,.1. .-.I .lily ti mm • -- • ■■■ 11 k;. l."> .mil ; s-/. i<-qu 2 3-8 y:mU 54 in-!. : : ;i iin u. \. I y..ui Il.'i-im'il. Semi SJX'IT'.KN t'KN'I'S in i .111 - p.ilti'i*!i Wn'.c j>:;..nlv Sl/K \'AMK. ADDliKSS. STVLi: Nl'.M ;Klt. Si i'.il I.lil. I lit lllll-l -Oil n.llv 1': I 'i.i' I ■ I i I »--J). 11 tl: fill. \v. : i;j:i. s- . Now Y..rk, U. N. V. lousiness (Jirls in Meeting on Moiulax i'i . !in.-- ■ I . ,1> < s I'll1 ..I U>.' Fust 11..|.»»-t . .hi: c li im>t in Hit* liiiiiic >t M .« (irati. VVlit. li i M HMiiiy !llisl.- > . Il Ml V. ' I.- I. I ■••! • v .111(1 \! \1 lil:el II .«!:«• It. ■ • ' . i .ill< .I t.i "i.lei •> At II lii< Krank Mill.-, cluiir ' V. ' M » 1 ' I •• .II1SW «>l ll •• I . I'i i t .I ..-11. • 1 I'lKl i ii- .ii..l wrviii1 chairman guvc re , . •. tm iMlliTiiiitis made .iiuI tin .1!' 'IllIt II ll.illll. .'Ml. H i .III -I's-l 'II lll« smetuiK v ... • • ivI "sc. M A! •In . IV' '. wli>. lid 'In' |.i "Hi.mi mi •Wiui.--. ..t I ho Word". The do • ■ti .ti- wtn-o cottdiirH-d l.y Mix i. I! . N'i'l "II I'l II..-• •,..!!> I'll til. •••I'u- w .Mi' ui\ < n by Mrn DhukIh) I'h rj nt. Mi Ki' liiiiil I • i\ i-. M .t.i , I iv. M I!..Ik : i It.»y*l. ami U -- 11 • I -. I In-; i W. ..(Ili.t 11 itii. i.tidwiol «■-. .Hid mils wi'ii -n\od during 'li»* ...i'i..I |icriiid. Birthday Dinner l or Mrs. Faucctti M II i;> I* ..iicrtlc w.i- ctili'i. I .i'm .i In ilium- .in tin- Hiilciftl 'I S iiui v .iltci in.. hi .it M'lm'li wilh .i surprise Imtlidii} 111111>. " 1 I ii"-.' ' v el' Mr Mr. I- ii. i Mi. M .mil \li - Win in U .11lit'W> mid children. Mr and Airs i I ■ ... :i. ami ...ii, .luiimi. hi Ci..i k - \ ill«'. V;i .Me. mid Mr*. \..i : .ill I' . I! II I Ml ..':(< t .. II 11 \ . til llcmtci ."ii. Mi .11.11 Mi - Cli,n In- Ni wlij ■ mil rlnld in. I >i• -<l.• i. Mr .mil M T I I'.iiicrlte .Hid (rnldi I'll, n! 11, mil i-i'i-. Mi .iikI Mi- K.i: i K.ui . i Hi . ..I Hi Mi i. Mrs. W K. h'.iik-i-1 It .ml (i.iimlitc . Ila/d. nt I'liH ksvillc Va . Mi ami Mrs. Julius M«iltli(ivi .tl.l l l;ll«il('ll. "t S.ill(l\ ( ii-cl;. Mi I! I I'' K " 'I I«'. Ml I .1111 ill I 11 i>.i i| l . in I . i 'ii. "t I I.inl('i.ii. M i lilirilli Kr.mkliit. of Henderson. J. il S nil' il. Ill tidci >ii|i M I . i i i'i rrenved in,my (jitlts .mil tin il iiiii'i w.i- cnj.ivcd l.\ .ill, (]luh Ni^ht Frid i\ At \\ est Kud (:iut C'lllli Nml't v. ill In- nliwrvwl a' W. i It II ii. ■ \ l 'lull Ki iilay c\ ci inu Ii"' !• i • I'.' "i l". I., .it whirl III!' I I I' I"' I 'ill (lull .111(1 I llCI I • mi. •( • -An unci will i, .'ttil>If I'.i ,,11 . f 11,11. I'lf.l II f .111(1 Clllfl t.i in tin-lit * 1hi.« Iciiliiri1 >1 tin' i-luli lui« iinii'ii III |lf . . |l ,■ I I.I I 111(1' It U iU ijllll i' ti.. i .. Iv ni'iii'fl. ,.ti(l il i h"i»'d t' ' .' i.hkc linn t'fi "i ii"' ii I.e.. will iitcnd I" "I. iv i'\('iiinu. COLDS: FIGHT MISERY ( I vherr you feci It-rub 4 I thro*f, chest and 1#IWI\9 j bidcTrt'.btiine-tettcd w VapoRud Epsom Lodge Has • Barbecue Supper j .luliti II Mills l,odRe ut ICpsom, clitcitau od their wives and the metii-l tiers ut Wellons chapter (I.K.S. ;ii a] barbecue supper on Ki nl.i.v evening.; Nearly a bundled wi'ir present t>> enjoy the occasion. Following Oh- supper the group wont tu the Ma-miir hall where W. J. Iluwi'ii, master of tin- lodge. presi-1 (It'll. Alter the sitiRing <•( "America" by the Ri'oup anil prayer iiy II A ' Kiilliner. Mi. Unwell recoRii./od Ju nius Kogers. master "I the llcndci.-on Indue, ami Mrs. Nellie I). Hruisers.j worthy matron ot Wellons chapter. Hotli responded with appmpiate mes sage- Other vi.-itors lrom l.ouisbarg and Henderson made short talks. Mi. Hooker. of Wai re:.ton, district deputy gi ami master, was presented and made a .-pie-did talk on obligations, telling of the Masonic a d Kas'.ern Star home at Greensboro a>d the Ma-onic orphanage at Oxloril .1 Kdward Allen, also ot Warrer.'o:. past grana master and pa-t giaud patron ol the O.K.S.. spoke ot the relationship ol the Maso: s and Ka-t ern Star lrom the Biblical standpoint. His talk was both interesting and . - structive. An offering was taken lor the Ox ford orphanage a:id also tor a taniHy who lo.-t their home recently by fire. Girl Scouting Needs Discussed at Meet On October in a -mall group :net infu. nially to dtscu-s the need ol Ciirl Scouting in Va: ce county and "lie mean- by which they could a-si-t in tlrs program. The tai l was brought out that ac cording to - irvevs made in the in tcrest oi Scoutii a a conservative estimate of the numbci ot girl- n Vance county who woukl like to be Ciirl Scmits i: Riven the opportunity !- approximately l.oott. Kven to par tially! Hi:- challe gc rc<|.ioe. i m ii-h adult Icadersiup. The group decided ! • attend the Hov Scout leader.-!1..p .lining cour-e j to be held in the I'resbvlei i.m ci.aicii. acgi: ning Oct >bei It*, and t > which the public i- m\ ited. Mr- .l ie! Chei'-han. niembc • the pc: soimol mm. ttee ol the (I .'I Scou: council, was present. A meeting will be called in the near :. :1 uc .or oigani' ng a g. o ;p ! ■ as.-ist tile Ciirl Scoot , .unci! :i 1 - 1 thermit Scouting ut Vance c unity. Mission Group <>t New Bethel Meets The Now Bethel Woman's Mis.- - nary Snic.'v tic- Stmil.iv 1 .enitrj Willi Mr-. Ralph St...- bao:. ;.'ki Mrs Oarncr Brewer. Mrs. \V •' Howen the president, gave tiie de\ it.oii and prayer was led by Mr.-, lienigc Ay.— cue. Mr- Clyde M..rpii> had charge »t the program on "'lite Witne-s ol Um U'oid". M. T II Weld . . Mrs, Ranter Hrewei. Mi- It il is B.irtholo me.v. Mi s. P. A Duke, and Mrs \\ (' Harris g...r interestiiift talks ..ri tranidation .1 <1 distribution ol tin Bible. and hov. w itne.-se- Use ll.i it .:.!«• ,".l the Wo. d builds .-ton;; C"Ilv ti,i:is. I'tie .it'.endance v. 1- good alii mill: nte.e-t Was -I10WII The h' isle.-st.- served ..n a t- c • a .-; with eaiie-. Dr. Ho\ lc Speaker At lli-\ Meeting D: I II II .vie gave a wry in IterestinR talk before the members ' the Ili-Y el lib ..t their ivRiilar . eek ' ly ucciing Monday evening lie 'I - I «-«'d the Medical c irp- :i 1cl.1t 101 I to the ! gh': ug t: oil! j Morton Miles led the devotio .1 program I'rof. S. M (Towilc: pre sented the Ri'oup a Itible. gitt o| , j former president Billy Daniel The program wa- 111 cliai'Rc o ' Hilly M tchell. . I ri-G>unt\ I nion To Ik- Held Fridsiy K\enin«j in ()\foril Tin* <fii.• rt*tI> intM'ttfii* «»t tli«* i - ('••iinty I5.«i IMnl.ill t .i r?in»n will in* iu id :ii Oxford Friday ni*»ht "t • this widi .it « «»"rlorl\ i\ 1 lit* | mini's Clul> iunMmu. jit iIiiii: it ! iimIico frmn !• I> I'»111111. < Kh'i ♦ I. ' in rhiii nr .h i-.iii^cii nil - If it* > • i«11 r<»iix|sl> .it I ill.tied I it k»|<* c*I»in< Work in*. ill flu* fhroo t*«»un!!t*> <»l V.illro. i Ciii>ii\ lilt* .mil W.n i t'll Kiirh < l.i > i • I«» niiiki* .• roport ;if I ho inivtmg m« I it- ;ioli\ itio>. rho "J Hit* t It I It III jut hold hi tnt.iliMh bftwirn Ilondoi -mi. (>\ iimcl .mil Win ronton Oiirh throe , months Tli« propiim lint n-rnv od *ioi o. l'ioket> » ,iv l»o It..(I limit Mrs. M.ii \ hi 11.1\ j at l».i\i>* vfnro 111y to { iiniiti WodtH -cl«i> h i oxpoetod lhait | .i lairgt* ilrlr^iiti- fi will iittond rnni Hdiiicii iiml I'hiliithoii i l l- «•> • »i tin Fn>t I3;ipti-t ohimh .ind oth»i cViui j oho* <>l flu* oitv .ind eoinity. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ > WITH THE COLORS * i* * * * * * Promoted to Corporal. Pit* TIiiuii.ij. W'i mlit, ..| IIrndi'i .on Willi u,is lli'Clilh >t;itlii|||'d 1 *,. m 11 Young. ( '.iliioi iii.i. .ind 11,'in-ici i <i to ('.iinn I III I net. ti.i - Iiitm |ii I'limtfll In the liink i'l r<M'|«ifnl. Traiisfrrrril lo Portland. Pvt Tlx I !ni;m (I HlarUmnn l»a< lii'i'ii tiaiMi'irrd fi 'im Vatit'ntivt-i to I'm II.iikI. OirK'ill idler piMidiMK -icvi-n 'I iy.* licit- will his |>dient>. Mi ami Mr.-. W H Blackmon. r>1 Htiider.- >11 rnufe -I. H< ijas completed his ba.-;c training Shaw Philatheas Ha cc 53rd Birthday Party Willi lortv or iin.rc nicinhei |«n - . int. 11 .«• Shaw I "In!..Hum i*I.i II. Kii'si ii.11>11-1 i iiui'tli in-lit r month Iv meeting Monday c\«-niiij; m 'In 11ii lit ;i birthday p .rty in \anc« <it tlu' I it Iv-tlii i (I t • 11111 \ *;u \ ol Hit- oruatu/.atimi. Tin- routine ot | businc- wa* <Ii.-|»m iI ..t, Pillow it: wlllcll Ill«' program «.i- given ovct !• tin- birthday part;. liatnic. Mm. .1. c. Stuinb: • p evident, pi c.* tiled. with Mr* K U. Shaw - I uiH tin- recording -tertiary , it-port. Mrs. \V (.". Catc.* that nt the corn- j .■ponding -ecrcta.y. ami Mi- (.' II (iilliland i'cportmu a• • ' .-tan! mt;i ■ tiny. A note "i thanks which tin* I class praistd highly was iwivwl Kandolph i. i.iti .iK'd Willi a naval command at New |{i\ci'. in appreciation "I a tint inbraucc Mrs W. C. StainlKifk and Mrx .1. l-'ranklin Mill" :i |»'iti'ii p>i the pet - sonal i-crvii'e coin ittcc. Mi I; M. Hawkins and M •' C" st.nn back. mcU committee and Mi- |{oj Tippctt a- trea.*urc!. Anii'iuncement wa.* mailt' nl the meeting >>t the Tri-t". my I', i Plulathea tiuartftly :• ect;t.g t.. he held at OMoul K.iday night •>! tlu> v\ eois. The cla** rnom was decorated with tall flower.*. Two table . each deco rated with candle* and while lace elith.*. held birthday cal;c tine wa* an ton iitrtliday c iUt . and when ••cut" was lound t In I licit with gitt< '"I earl) mcmiit p c-cn*. The program wa- pri-cntcd by Mi.* i-> I' I'attci *oti. opening with the Plnlathea hymil, followed i>y u welcome by Mr.*. I' attklill Mill-4, and i >letemoilt by M. Path : -on • i! the pnrpuM- at I'! ilathea. She > i pre.*mted a trained pot ::i by Mr - Henrietta Heron. entitled "Mv I'.. - po>e." and which wa- pl.itid .n ti.. wall in the clas- ro. • l»c\ K. \oifleet (J.adtu . pa.-' •: • •! tin church spoki I.rietlv on tin loiilKlm;* • »i.. I IM Hum movement l.\ Marshall A. Hudson iitore ttiiin u ii.ill ;i century anu a- ti nu an • ,>:• ..limn ('it .inly, with II.• Win tin- < >n< N«\t To You I • • io\ ell fill V • .ill by Mj II 'i •, in in- lion < tiiv • S>ia..i N Y Office*. ••! the claw were called i . tin- front. awl .Mi-. I". Sluiw km - -eiltril • ... i . ft by Mai-liall \ Hull-..11. ' . . ,!■ : I" lilU i -l.. ll .. Hi tied Willi .i ribbon ill th«- lonii <»t .. ll|ll I!).. A no\«'ltv iiuiwii as "Tin l;. iii ancc ..! S. 'ii; . w.i- |iri-«iii»(l n\ Mis Putter* v illi Mi-- 1 > is Ilet i i'i- ami M I (I Kall;n< |»!. v the iitf ■ .ii ;ii> |• i .ii' . ;.nil ■ < « ioiniim in iliv singling. Mi : t' Shaw i " ! •. I >i!'Inlay i ■ ' ' contained :,il" ..nil di.-iiib to III.' clii . Two the okle>» ei - ill : - . ! III. 11..--. Mi s. It. I., Wl-stel ..lid \1' - \V I! K.mball nil i! . In II.(lay, wlni-h • i..11• 'ii • !>ei - mdicatiuu the aim.- > y. sifter which .i hymn. "The Light of the World I- Jesus" wax .- iii« lh tie-In . ill . cmi-sslillU "t -a'.fl vvlchcf. Hussian the birthd • enke and suited nut-, were served s >■ 111. Ii .-t. • I • liie c\ fli::u. Wi'ic Mod.. ■ ••- .1. C\ Stailil»:.« . i" l'. Shmv, C. K. Daniel*. Ucorgc Finch and It. M. Hawkins and Mi s Vein F.vitns. C"ll •: |M- . f .; tItC €•<•lilllt}! ' a- api»'intfil i-y M !•• 15. W. ' -nr.. were named a- follow*: It Mi-*. Marvin Davis: sick. Mi - W u Kimball and .Mrs. K. G. Shaw, per ttoiuil scrvice, Mrs. t". K. IXmitl am Ml-- Win I * \ all-. Ho.-ti SM- 1 • • ■!< next iv- e'iiiu were named as i .. . Mi 11 A Dennis. M - W C C.i'i'.-. M' M. L. Wood and M. -I CI. Kalkni ' 'nif meeting was opened will Kinging -I the iivmn. "In tin- Servie: 1... t|„. King". : •!lowed l>y a prayei 1 bv Mi M.n 'i ! )a\ i . Meredith Plans Campaign For $565,000 Expansion .;!i. < 'i • 12— A: i ing •! llu* <■: ' .-i-.Men - flitii i'.ilk-ue. In Ill • itii ww'k-owl, it \va< tiiiiin mo vHiil t»• I.Illllch .1 llllici na i .11 |> U!M m.rnedi.itily tliiil .• • ii) |i ,i ' .t.ii <>i i nun. t . u.-i- i tui tin Cl>ll»tl lift .III >1 .• « • .. I • 1 .llllt I IIM.' luiildilll!. .< uyinllii-i ..nil -v. i j - vviiik pi '1 ..nil :t 1 Imild.tii:. Ill iiddi1n>n 1 if -v ,i| pi i Alll. 11 • -1N .s.'ill.tltlll Wuukl lie -|r!i' • li tin- p. ortll stlUCtlli - ill n:;i;iliu i.ltel ;iti> i.- .iliil t>cnei..I in i U.I i:. - liruvcitiriils The meet iih was Mtk'd itvor by VV 11 VVeiitheopiHiti. ' I H.lleinh. (lent 'I 1: .i ii Mill The .irti-ii llu l. I.-V-- w.i . i'. <•1!. rt. ,.i: ..pp. .i •: t . • n till;- .i . v ; i . i i . which w.i* iii#triirJfd at ihv rvfjul'ii .initial lru>!«in' incrting m July. I!• 11!. In de\ I -1' .i (if III.ilr pi.i !■ ■: . piiu cim-nt "i I' - Ihmisim^ taci'.itie .1 lilt' 1*1 lll'fci . Mi.l.llllll i p.* .11! Ililil needed l- ii.m lit liiiinl. At tin- till t« « IMI'I't IIIK I I I I ill I •• thi.« w i fli-iml. .i t.. n■ !.• I; \ M.I. till. chilli lt:.ll. • I Mir (Ml (•«'III 11111»«-(-. >1 ' . t| lliuiuiu- •! .Hid I. .riily. Iv.'-rp. ti-.i, 1.1 NVw Yiirli I'ltV •.):.! rcecli*i> I'll .1 - II. v e\ till I ■ I 1-..'!(;',('. TIm; pr.ip'i rd new hiiiUlin^ 11 climlll.ltc IK..IIV ..I III! t : pi... V llllll(li:iK> Hi.'' Il il \ i' III I II 111 li-i lire tl.c ii.llcyc .i- im I I.. ' >iti-. iiimI will nil .i limit li-lt mid !•: tllr C illi ^i ,\( i inlmu • t :■ | • P'iM'd . ..II i l.i i ■ .i .!• t.iKeil riirc nl tu pi .i...m ill I. h . llUlllllllU'. Mil Cll'llff ■ ; • iilllle \ • >11 111 l>C llul,-((I .11 tl p.. .ll> l>tlll(llllR>. At tin- tin>tee-' nvotniK IYcsulcnt C.ll Ivle 1 .1 pin-: p. r I Ilil il • p • ' nil the* cm ilh'.i III .it tlttf I'l'lll'lll' ti. yoar. -howing that the student Imkiv - ^1 Ciller t Ulill tililll It ll.l- I ICC! I I I lie IHIfl 'rti'i.i! yc.n>. With !Kll lll'H students .mil i tin- largest in sh man classis i:i tin- history ..I 'lie in ^ti■ 11• Mil. I' < pncll - • i p. i • ... .i -lm\\ •'(! Hi..' my i • p. m i-ncnt liiis e in 'ell e nil il the pi IN -I.Ill pi..Ill lIlll'IIIU tin- in ei Those |H'cscnt lor tin- trustees' meeting were I .1 llrilt I.timlier t(.n, Mi> M.iiidi- I»ii\ i> IJiiim "t I! leiljli. I»: / M CilVrtHW "t II liemn. i' T. I'imitcil («l IXirltani. Ili*\ Omiii Cnn li i \: . Hi v I i (i ..I Sin-it->. Ml . M.-iik-ii-i-I K\ .-!«•-» c; (fi»\ ilk?. I» I; i! .ntvi IKI,. \i At. • I- • > • S • || 1,111(1 \c. . .1 ,t , -I..VJI1-I I I... Ci.iimi. \S. M : t *!. i - M M ilit t \ . ,\li > hi ii 'V Mart ill ..I Itall* till. \l: I"•« : I'.. .11 I ...v! is ..I Cliat ! .t|, . to il to. -h. i i:4- . ii. Ill 'l U'i ' I ! mil "I I • .1VI ■ Wi Uuri >u w,lit.,ii.- Cliai. . STATE FAR SHORT ON KITCHEN FAT! V. Tk -l iid II. i - li.ivn • .1 .ii nnr. ••! K ■ t Kf • Is'• V ' .1 i1.11i**it . Mi ..nil Airs. V. \l Mr I Northern Ireland. :«»t«il If you need to eu ito up RED 61000! Trv t'tis rrnf t>|no<l-lrrn tonic I vli v I rstiM'iitn > iiul 1AIU I T.i (Wtlh added Iran) thr vrry best v.avs t»» i:<m in*" ! »• »>i«»«»c! I'tnl: liaiii's Tablt-t.s .m- .ii » '.imotis to r»' ln*\«• symptinus **? Iunrtmon'b!*/ disturb .inn, t»« rati: <■ their si»<tthin>: « it» « t of man's most impor tant oryuK*. 1 uliu.v label Uuccltoiis i^nnm There Are No Gremlins On Our DOBBIN l'hone us your order .«> you will have time t«» p» to the I!mI Cross room and make banda.uos 1'or our men over tlu ri*. S£RWC£M£N > \ /If££0 SOAP! fe, v ^ ^ ^ A A. A A A. ^ * INCLUDE IVORY AND CAMAY IN YOUR NEXT GIFT BOX ] E. G. Davis & Sons Co. WOMEN PRAISED IN PROCLAMATION 'Itlisilifss \\iiiiii it's Wrrk Is iti-nii: OI»i-rvi'il This Wi'i'k in \orlh ( ai'iiliii;!. < i«i\ I I lloi liuillKlltotl I.. I I t 1«i. ii« Ittiuilvd <!■■- ttvi'li • Mu i;t. - Wi.ini-ti's Week" ii North C'urolinsi. I T> I " I. will in- «•« \ «-«i till!-! UKIiiiUI tin- liaV'tHI. lliil li;,> li-lt ,|> 111-Vl'l ill I.m 'li t ilitu >• •• iviitmii »«» nil tin' .11 in.-. i" . ' i t j . 11 \ . ,, . |, •, .. -ut «• .■ |,... '!• I" l« 'I .11. ..II I.,.- Ii II which mil- ivdcrul gi.viT ; ' i' if .< > ini|xtrtciiicv. it u'Mt i xvcut 11 .1 ii,.iiiv : ■t. l.tll .. . |,t: til.-" w.ii "Thty c di it ^ tins imd ;• tin itiiiii .!• b. ttl. I. : ' .!...<! • Ti:. til,.-.. : Mil m, W; I.:mi,;; ,, ||. • . | 11:« Gov»•! iiui u-gi ii Kmih t ' t, j... V ' I,lit- (i . I • •«* I \ lllll'l ' . .i !1 Willi il.t t ill .1 t.. tiii'i i • hi null! if ,| • itici I'. iiiiiiiiiutv tin ri'-pi>i il> iii:<iiit;iiniiig illicit'iicy in |j .it. .i! .nici uumiics hie uii tin DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON < iiiiiori; \i lot; Aiuiimiut* cliutigi- .!■ vflitv n'liuti .!»• .. |..|l..u Mci!kI .\ !l' ;'i 'l ps<i;ty ••• :{" 12 3«i :: WciliM'. il v 1.! ,'iil- V.n ..Iiii 7 !l I an i..\ Ckwod Utl K. tl.i.v 1 j :;.i s. :n ii..\ • :i il* :t I ;jn NO HOI «-l ( \! |.s I'ltMM- Make .\|>|HMiiliiH*nts \< < onliuvh. DANCE American Legion Hut Thursday Nite 9 'Tii 1 Ladies Admitted Free SCRIPT $1.00 Delivery Notice I his is to notify our customers that wc have arranged to have Two Horse and Wa^cn Deliveries Each Day AH oidris thai »»unr in by itnuii » ;n i' d:t\ will Ik- delivered thai altiM iiouil. Ali ol d. i iiiiiic iii in tin- at'U'i'iincii will be deliver,d the ih■ \i iimriuii.u. Coming To liendersoi 2 DAYS Tuesday - Wednesday OCTOBER 12-13 BEEHS-EAKNES G1RCU S LOCATED ON YOUNG'S LOT RALEIGH RD. 2 Performances Daily at 2:15 ami 8:01) P. M. ADMISSION ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25. Under Waterproof Teat A hum- ti'ih kK's?- train of ei|ui;unnit : : i an nic v\ omU'i's iVmurinjr Aeriallsts—Wire Walkers —Acrobats— Wild Animals and Clowns A FEW OF THE BIG ACTS YOU WILL SEE: I he Lois Troup ' Chubby the Bear "<fiiiTMs o| !l»r I ir. IM Wnr Willi I lie I't.iin Mervyn the Great Rathburn Sisters \rll«l Xt-ri.ilM* su|iirntf Madam I illie Clowns, Clowns and \ml 11rt Tratncil I'imtrs. Iliifi* f.i iiihI Monkrys More Clowns Don't Miss Alice Walt Davis Thr l.ircH iirrformlni! \ml Ills \\ Miming It.imMrrs— I' mi (In- in,id j \ |(im| ( iihIiih Mi iim H ind Many Other Big Features

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