liiMiditraon Sally Sispafrfj Established August 13. 1914 Published Every \ftfrmnm Kwept Sund.iv bv HENDERSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. at llISi Young Street HEN'ttY A DENNIS. Pres. and Editor M. I.. FINCH. Sec-Treas.. Uus. M ;r. TELEPHONE Editorial Office • • • • 300 Social Editor . 610 , Business Office .. 6!" ] The Hendei son Daily Dispatch a member of The v ,a'ed P'ess iti.l AP Kim: .res. > ■ •> New r i Pub'. shers A> via: ri a- i :ne X •: :h I Carolina Press \ - i r. u The As- . .i'eti ' s e\ -'i: giveiy outi:li-« 1 • • i - c.;- . lion It news il s e edited s • | or not othorvv -e ■ i t«»•! n r!i paper, and al-o ttie a news p lished therein. AM . •» ; pu ,e i-' lion in Ad' .nee) M . « ■ er 1 1 Year $7 "'I ti Months :< mi :tr>o 3 M..n!h : i . 7 > Weekly by c no uruy :'.\ Per Copy 6« Entered .1 ■ e n. -t •on. N. C.. .s . -,nd el -ler- \ Pulpwood Labor <■• ft »• p.ipf ii i. by r r.i ♦ • . . :5»V.. J-"< v. :• ' v \ •ordit n > t»r mill !.k th»» ii End the Disturbance f # !< •!>*'-• ' • •. , t • * :he • ::i• i e ■ • \ >'11, nation* .■'••• ••'> •• ■ i im Ami-* .1 • ' ;(!>• Iff <(>!!(l "'• r' i' ,ih' ■ ' .mci' im»• spent nutsiuki our own country? That i* th«• tion p it to •'/. *)•(• -en.r - .i* ,i pre-.1- conierew . n Austi ■ 1 Wei', l at least t a fan que-' 'ii. lar as the Australian* were r cerned Its answer is easy :•> thoughtful! Americans here r !i>«n e. .• in in more or less familiar with the "new j world- in enwper' the- v Ihivm already established inoselt with *i ■ own people, the l'le-idon) «trik- j ing out tn become the world's first citizen in the esteem and affect >n of distant tint on u m o irvel and gaze with awe ut the b->undlc-. re-j sources of the Mtda.» of f'u West They d" no* •• •.•. , ot <■■« - .se, tha'i Alliei icJIi iiti/cie ii- oik ilcimd the t!r- . '• v Ii h they havi- been J aerilsti iikvI ml • c I i inn tuxed in greater sums than ,my oilier country ' on the lace o! lie globe evei has been ill .ill hi. ry. in outer fo make! these things possible, 'fbeir wonder i that anywhere in the universe thue should be so generous ,i Santa j Claus v hose bounties know no end « :>!:.:<• t>»- 11• • i. ..ti jci'.vi- .i' uii.vli «'tu' d;iv »c »Imi; • ikviv-.- '> pill! ti|» .mil • • •i Id . it oitdc •III !<-M Nice Build-Up - «: • I tin !! Mr V V\ •»'! IVf n'i \'lil Gesture to China -i St" •m:.illy cd C •. rl Sta M the >lr • mI il . I • titl . riy (li.-lllibuM e th.i: have • • il> ' ll't.. ( ,'-!V lilt! .iv«- l*etl ■ ' ! >> r - •j* 'ii ' ' ' reign ok i nt>. nv .i • I'idti.iU md groups who u«.(. <1 — i Tic I .ti their wi) lands and ■ mic lore t make *• • •»» • ,-c iriiiig '!• ■ iilo vv.i- • j>Iy part the.i com plex Moreover. .in; 11 1 c bars were everted against wide-- pen in 4' .ition.-. cheap •• «• uti !;»!• ; w.i '"I iiy ttie country uiri eompet ng With A e .i: ( ;• /ens t 1 the i dot. ■ en: ;r <1 di~ idv.mtagc md upset ting American customs and ideals generally The present •• ;tr > ill operate n Ivv" way-, .villi re-pert to immigra tion into the United States. It will nlonsify determination ot the people 1o keep rnoft foreigners away. but a' the -ame time will the Chinese on a basis equality wi'h .a|,(.i- (M iples We thirk both are ght and proper We have i< arned itiiiel. froiv a:al , the Chinese in the ,isl flozeri or . • years They have been itiaol; ed 'wice by the Chinese during 'hat period, and their resistance each time hns won the admiration and respect of all Americans. Present overwhelming sentiment, in favor of repeal of the exclusion act of 18H2 r,.v *■ ■ ■ riu- fiu't .i.ip.m i - .iiiti mviiiiiv <> • t'lu'iny 'It ti.ii.i !ui> iii-. \ • • .v in- t«.\\.inl t'lt. wvplt 'IS! "! ".II :!«»•<• III.Ill ullc !'«' * ' I'lltjl K'IKis .. ■ tl« \\ ..\ •••U.l. li > «""<( \ , ".I Si - * . I' lV,i ... \.il •>: M-ii'.i ; i«' i' i suk'ii! . .1- tlw AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE Hy I.YNN N1SBET Daily Hi :.<•<> • ■ 1.- % . A IV\ * .,14. !1 • , 1-h Ki 11*1 . - A- . . ul . - • • <•) M cr s ' .hi'. >' "' «• I - 1' mm, i i'ii iind «. - •• «'•. I I >< • 1 •» ' •• Dti*! n n. 1.1 ul"' ■ , • : IIv ii ■>'..<'! iih:twh ch! ;|I »,• <>3,| ,1,111 SALLY'S SALLIES 'Jit, 1$ A. BAO "N ( 1 «"N GUN SHY I'll v• ■ i n:.r (t •' ■ • id . i > i (I \V ncrt n • ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ : Marshal IJadoRlio. 2 Siv. \iij: I i. J nil" i I'.innrifc "> Spani i -Amei icnn War. fi Z.iili.r v l°.r. . .1 >f.:i Tvlor : A lit hi .icin I! <■ cim !> I-" - I- ' .i :i!'.tnii n| th' .!<('!• ( ■!ji ni-fl l>v ;,r .■ ■ i i. .tli ~i(ic ,,y i. i -! tin- |i in roT\Toi:s n \i;n TO l\I'l l': ( \|S| M l III II 'I U.ll (it ' .11 Statement Of The ()vnrr»liip, Alan a^rmenl. emulation. 1.1» .. Keipiii cil I5\ The ArK ()l ( nnurcfis Ol Ausu»t '--I. 1912, Ami March j 1 >ila 11<:• ■: i Iy is.-p.tti': |).ili . .-:Ad (I. \ :t llcliltl 'll N. I', f >i-! 1.: ;:»4 . •« . • No; t*. County Vance: < . N *.ny I' bhc in and : . ":.i S:.. • . i.d >. uniy aimer-aid, i • ; : , ; ,d M 1. I .ncji. ■ . 1 fri'ii ih.iv .-worn ac > :(I lid ' law, e- .iiid ;i> - that in- • •• i'.ii m*sfi Manager <>i the Ilondt on Daily Dispatch. and that' tho . wins s-. '.<• llu licwt u( his :< iiv.«" -nl : • 1 it I. ■ ll ut* -Salt— : • n: * *'• ii". in -hip.'iiii ut. i ti * • ,.i .rim ri it -i*« :i»m i' -r.ii i. . .iiid i:«'kiii.iti"ii>. I t nted on tin ii -i i t!u- f. rni. t.. wit: ! rhat ti.e name- and addro-scs 'it* |»11 i •, -1 *. • .. » d. * ■ -t. naiiaKinu editor. and IhisIucss matiaiters ..u*: Pithli her lli'tirtorMHi Di-patch Co. I'll- 1 loud, i ■ -ri N' l' Editor Henri A. Ilenni . Honder "I!. V C Mauayinft I'd * ■•'* Mrr.t v A lVnni-. ?li rd( : .in. N (' fin .no.-".c«'i M I. Finch. I!. i,(l *i son. N V 2 !' tho mi nor? arc: Hrnry \ IJcnnis. Henderson. N C Mi Honi \ \ Di-nni . Hciider-on. N. C M I. Finch. Ilendei ■■son. N. C Mr.- M I. I neh. I lender in. N (' I M That tin* known b> >ndlmld« r-\ I "I'tCaUro-. and nthei oeiu itv liold 1 oi nwninu •: 1 . Idint; 1 per i'-ii! or ! more of total ai ouiit a Ixmds. niort caue-. w . Ma i securities sirr: None. That 11 o iver.iL'c number of roiiie of in! mo of tin publica tion -..lil i•, (I trihutcd. tin..uuli tho > III of lithe I-O, to pairl uh -i i'ilii" dm nit: ilte twelve months iin'cedmi: *'e (I v how n above is !<)70 M I. FINCH. r»n-ine-s Manager. Sworn !'■ and subscribed hefoie me thi- 7th dav .1 i ><' .her, 15H3. \V .1 I'OWF.1.1., Notary Public (Mv coir.mis ion expire- November 2?. 104? > NOTICE. I have tlii- day ciualificd liefore the Clerk "| the Superior Court of Viince County. North Carolinn. as F.xccutor ■! tin I-'.-ta'e of I.aiue Ma - tie. ai' l thi- i- to notify all person* h"ldnut (lain - against -.ud cstnte to o -i ut tho io tin iiidcr-iglied • i M belore one vcii: fiom this date j hi lb'- 111 it Ice V ill bo pleaded ill be I .f ;ii \ • en-, o v I' indebted to .aid •• »a'< .ire r«*(rie»|ed to make • iroiopt ettlement I 'u th" 'III dav of October. l!M:t \\ I I.LI K WII.K INS. Fxectilor .f the K-'nie of I .urn" Martin C W \ Ally 111» Ml CALL 3 6 6 LOI'OHLIN CITT TAXI 24 H*or SerrlM WANT ADS Get Results \!!Y l HICKS F< >i: J Che. L'SL VI A VAH FOR YOU It NEXT paini job. Th«*re is no paint bettor Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner P.yofitig Co. 22-tt !■< >R SALE I V . > !:• RSf V. ACM >X yi'iius. u!t- \i \ • s <; Have-. Hrf.iU i Ep—ir.. PAINTS FOR EVERY PHRPf >si AT AU's > w.,j,. .- :j. GROCERIES. FRESii .viEATS AND | vegetables. Kveiy thing for your table. Wl1 deliver and save you t gas and time. I'Imio ■H9 Always J ready to sti ve y ,a. Herbert's Yel Jow Front. 25-tf | F< >!! RENT. Ft'lIX UEI> :•••• ' . «< lit let .in red; ill icntIv ! .c .iv KNOW YOUR .IOH EARN MORE, fparv tin:■? st i;-. Untitles*. Tex. tile t' M..- Hi c. tin :I'lei "i j< ..! and Mechanical Ensineer (■••ai-e Free I'j'aln;; International C > r r e s p ■ nde:.n« School*. Scautnn, Pennai 1 G-t( DFI.IYFRY MiTKK WE WIl.T. have two hoiw #nd wagon tldivcr !<• c.n li d.i.v All grocety rdeis n - ceived belore ivmii each day v. ill he di ;!Vi- cd tli.i' afternoon. All onlc"- will It delive i d the billowing m»rnmr.. We.-ier'.*. phones 41(5-- 41.">. 11 -lit i FOR SAl.F. LAVING III HiO a fjox 1135. !!f"iidpr» iii I l>-3f TIRE HKAl)QUAHTKHS--WF. IIAVF the latest olficial information re garding tire inspection and appli cation for new (ires and tubes. us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tf FOR SAI.F — FT.ECTRIC CHICK brooder, battery si vie P <» IV»x 035. llendeix.n 1L'-::i. WANTED TIIREK < »R F< >t'R R( » >\| hMW IV F Critelter. Nicholas slrepl. 7-III i WANT ADS Get Results pfK TO OKI .1 VERY CUItTAIl". we cannot accept i'i,,r w i. <( orders t«>r less tli.hi won ! ;illU >'•'»« 1>'I .Villi' (Ml>|H'l .i; II >' !■' Ik nor & Son. plum,' 2i!n. li-tt l'(i!; AMKljr.ATK l»Rt >TKrTlo.s t v . utomohile liability insurance uiili ■ i>;iyi»it-11» e.ivi t 'I on • »tl!«•«• for revised rate*. I ,n«v Depav■tmeni, Cii.fii. Is.itil. -aid Trust Company. 2.i-tf BRIDES SEE US FOR YOUK WED* ding Announcements or Invjta ti. ns. finest quality at moderate prices. Also Visiting Cards for tlie Graduate. Henderson book Co, plume lit). 17-tf ITU |\t; i III.INT!' WOOD CK't. . . ;• . • I «• pU ntv o| It ill , ... 1'i.n . • \ I'.ny ii while • ..\,ul.ibU Alex S Wiitkiib. i_' u cool I USKU CAhS AT HKASON .il le prices. A louk here will run vini'e you that these ears ate pi iced to move. Fords—Plymmitiis Chevrolet?,, I'l.'M's to 1940s, t niilei-I'.ilmer Motor Co. 15-tf !•> I; s.M.I 193" MODEL LINCOLN* , > . -| • equipped Willi it«' HH't«>r t •■loud tii'in • ..l«le. Car l;;i> I,,,.. I "IIS 2 VIMI'S. t • in ch.i' •• ^ \\ \ N I1-:I» MKN KOK | ,\|. tnt'iiiat< vyc.rk. Apply Anier • : 111 A v riiult tire ('.i., ll'ta K.'.pI. i;• | I urtirti nn I >IY 11 >I'.N'I) SAVINGS Willi '1 Ill-Ill- Willi lis, yon j* nney because out* policies a: ,• | .11 11 • 111.11! 11»". See IIS before insut < ii i en* wini;—and r ave. < \ l I S INSCItANCK AGKNCY I'li'ilie Kllil. 1.1-tf SKL1. i s VOI R SCRAP IRON. metals anl ttibbiv and help wm tlie war. Ilighlcst puces paid Iot hide* lltiideison Junk Co., phone 300. 25 tf HUNDREDS 1 >F GIFTS FOR YOUR .-•!(:• . e: Use our en It \ and mull by Oct. 15th. !• • lies Di m Store. 1!- P. riTii.niiKX s siioks—xkw shipment I'lav 1*« .isi». In-own'nnl- s1 _• in r'.'s .ill width ami -iz< s. limited quantity. Simp today en -lamp No. IS. U'l-lil) S III llilet'-i'It S ll O • ■ Sloii . 8-~>ti FOR RENT- BUILDING ON <: •\o?• s'ni ■ • a ii eil by i '• •• w «id ■ : - Clothing Store. I' -• •l. t 1. lull Ajiplv Mi- I -I V nn. phone 2.v> 9-l2-H-:i> K< •:: >AI.K it- : ACHE FAlJto Ii A . (.us \nni\<; Haul; 9-12 Ml<>| |. \i;i.y | i »|; Voril Sol ci • C -■ ^ !•- |\p •" •' ■■ "l< *i mailing hi's :■ • '- ii i.i :'s Uex .il 1 »1 11 S!. I- .to .111,1 12 X<> "; III SI T.S< Itll'TIOXS t'l -r ov i i -. ;i- alter t letoiier l"i special rates up all ma^raxiiie !• r M'rt ice men. All siili >cript ions appi i eiated. Ca!l ' ;urie llnrliiii. phone 117. OFFICIAL TIRE INSI'KCTION STA tion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged. Gulf gas and oils, L. T. Harris Gult Service Station, Garnett and Hor ner Sts., phone 1198-W. 26-tf IT U'll.i. pay vnr tc> SF.K on: i"- 'I tni< nt of Iui'nitlire anil in :.»!#• y«»u 1 >■ i v Set* n<— tu»y !f K Hsitloi white ;if <1 Sons. I1C\1 ti, I,, st.'ilion. I'.U FOli SAI.K cool) HATTKCV i;ilve sci rjulii.; iwn iimI nice vit t• 1.1•: imp "i cleclric ww* rllllie. <•••■':.i 1'i.iid double Hi>11 F- i (• ii• plete Hclnili ><■«• Miili' in lit:! Praelitree St 12-Sl VOW HFNT STi iHF. »CILI>INO now occupied by Kcoimmy Ant'' Supply Co.. Hi .lit Ii (inrnetl street. Possession NovpipImv I If nitc»r«*«t ed oc L. I!. (Sooch. 5-H NOTICK TO Ol'H PATRONS. ALL garments will hp returned without hangers unions you send one for each UiiMiicnt. Valet Cleaning Cn. 21-1511 SHOP Ol'H STOkT FOR CHFTM for your soldiers over