C'lfArTKR TlliltTV KOI?II TIIK OVKKWHe2L»MI>C<• trail ?ali<»u <>i how ternhly mm li Susan meant to hint made I Si 11 Potter iiiutv eaijfr th..n uvw to ft'ltlc tlic business ileal v illi A lit ta Carter. so thai In* eould out m|' h< r life, anil put her out ol his. If** was thinking about thi.s tin* Uf\t day in his tilth «• wlit'ii Ken Katitlolpli tame ill. Hill eyed him and frowned. •*I thinlc it's ahiiut time,** lie said. "When it mines to making a det i sit.n. you rim m • k ail*I net k w ith the <\irter womtin." "Maybe so," ..aid Ki*n. "I.nl *h«-'s su uneeitain et hiisell she makes me uneasy." !!•• jn.nsed and grin tied a l»it sh:»m«la« t tilv "11. ide.:. I >i 11, most of 111«* iiitiiity mi my lam ily is t onttollt d l»y my \\if»*. ami sJie " "But you t• d«I me you h;ol -tver al thousand \• *n wanted to invest," Hill vill hi. "1 know hul Mis. Itaudolph*1 pretty tliihiuus about my mv^-ting it ill Alieia fill !«• I \s ptopeity " "Why ditl yiui Ifll h»-r aiiylhit^ about it "\ alwavs tlivvii;.-: mailt js Ida that w»th her " -I gee Wt ||, m hat • lit* vet | | "It's no." "I was afraid of that " >aid I'ill wearily. "I'm n!.*»«» aliaul Aheia v» rdit I v. ill lit* Ihi' saint-. Would you he Ultllltir to help m*- buy lip Millie other property " " "IVrhap*aid Kt-n. "\r.\ in iniml?" "Yes The ' »ld .1 hn ton i irtn " "That dump!" Ken e\tia»im*d "It's beefl tlcserti d foi >• ai • :md run-down as all get-out." "Well. I don't t lilliU it s d<v«lted any longer V ' "What «lo you mean"" Hill told about. seeing the men unloading a -not< r boat Hut don't say anything about it around Su san il you see her." he added. "She lint .<n t know I passed the laim 1:if•« night She though! ! wa* work ing at tie oflic t Ah I see! Snerklr.g to se' Alicia! ' "She ti'U'phntii'u nu1," sai«l • till. | "So 1 ma«ic a <|iit< k trip." "It nui.st have h«vn a quirk trip il it wa* after ore oM-., k win n you piikhhI the Johnson farm." | "Never miinl lliat part of it.' I sai«I Hill. "The tiling to dist nss is , the farm HsHf Wr could I*i:iI* 1 a ' £«>:*! road from lh« In^h- ' way. mid huihi some nh e huusesj *jiit that wav Tile only tiling Ik >:• -t -1 ting i'i touch with \i.'- JulmMinn ' They're sratt«*r<'d all ovor tin- fan- ' ot* th«' earth." "Mavh'» it's som*' ».f tli«*sti you .•aw last ni^ht." *i»• I K* u. •I5y .lov«\ that" ; i.-ht' ' -.ti*! Hill j "Come on. Ii-fs di»v •• • »iit 11]<I haw a »K. i lot time ti» }•:»»«• • ' "Y. K i:•! Kelt ' I jaMl |V| j lilte nothing Ih 'i.i than to see j some i s ;*«»!» '.; up alott*; tin* plans I've *i«»t in mind * Tin* two men Inn in <1 • • t t«• * 111 - • r. and pteser.tly 111 y u« i.- speed-] I?u: oil" in Hill's roaiK*1 • r. Mcanwhil** Adam .\.»tth was also thinking almut lh»* Johnson faun As a matter «»i in*. I. thought ahout it I r«*ijii«*ni lv in ' jnt*- of him !se|f In» kept as -H-atint; the I'.irm. (!»• pantry wonia'T* i . -phew, and th* motor In.at l.« pt tlntiUtnv that m ••uiiu' it.anmi th» v * • i» .til «-• »ri • « l« »! Ma v l» • i! w • ill . ««t in in j hut t lint's t he way it A tiywiiy In* w;i: tar 11• *i11 i .i• f• i run1 happy I It :my<'Jir li.nl a i«d him l«» • \piaui | . \a. llv h«. v In- !••!! In- would haw aid. "I !♦•••! i U • • 111;11 I in M« • \ai T «.j a • \ • Jon* tun in I ot « l«» i i at -I w it: ! \ * *«ih it * • | around. md iiv»'i ;tn<! «• v• i Tha* |v.••uhl explain th- inattt t }<*if«it i ly. II* was leii.tinly in min'tliim: ».| a llU'llt.ll ltl.1'1 \v 11 • l with tnaUui*; low to Su an l'.»ti. i «»iv til'* stav . • milletitig il lie • . a« tual ly talluu; in low with Hiviid.i IJ.i'i^h in uahty. and twins: eon dantly na.m.'fl ami w«ii:e<! .-.hunt j th«- trmihh'Romo things tliat were] hai»| « nn .• at tin f.:<t«»iv almost t laity. Ih> sat at his and tried to coin i-fitr:it*• on tin- hu aiu ss ai hand. hut it .v.n ilitlii-uit. for In* kept n-ini'inheriri: 1 h.laze in Ihi* ^nj»in^ houso wlvi-h !in«! ui« r« nso«! ii:i veV.cmenc^ when a -eMin \ ance Boy Anions Highest In F. F. A. I lit nf Norlh ( aritlina's mosl imtsta"dii»: I.I \. hoys a if In h? awarded the \meriraii farmer Drerrf while altemlin;: tin* National ( nnvenlinii ill rulliri' farmers «f America in Kansas ( it\ this week. I)< toller 11-15. I hin ilitrrr is awarded for outstanding ability ami a< hievemcitt in tannins. eiiotieration anil leadership. I'jii s to rereive this hiuli honor arc: ton row. left In riylit—Byniim Blake. stedman t li.i|ilrr. Cumberland (nunlv; Joseph A lima n Seaisrove ( Il.ti»ti-r. Kan <I<■ I|ili ( oiinH : l.nln Mint lluhsnn. Central ( hapter. Iredell < nunlv: anil Km \rnolil. Denton (hapter, D.iviiImiii ( hapter: Bottom rnu—Billie \\Iliiiikton. MedinaII Chapter. ( iiiliherland < ou'itv: Braxton Hiinn. S|»riiu: llnpe ( liapti-r. Nash ( nunlv: John Sledse. sprint*. Hope Chap Irr Nasli ( utility: and frank Spain. Middlehuri; ( hauler, Value ( utility, (•titers ;itteikIiiik the National ((invention Irom this Male, are: ISov II. Thomas. Mate F. F. A. \dviser. Kiissrll (•a.vliirti. Stale I I \. I'residenl ami T. 15. 11 lint I. District Supervisor of \ oratniiial t diiealinn. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS I. AllHTI< a» Indian 4 Knock 7. Wealthy 8. Egress _ 10. Coronet ' II. Singer j;; c.rcekpod 11. Custom 10 A noun suftlx \Z 10 S.dl«r * is public notice i» 1*». ("olds ai». Holding 0, machines *■ •or *haping jr.. Grate 28. P.*cions •^>j. Heiin< t .shaped pa tt t Bot ) 30 University official 31 MavkeJwith holes 32 Household* ;j4. Buddha (Chin.) 30 Preset iplion term 37.3.1410 39. Aside 42 Pertaining lo the navy 45. Half diameters 40 Quaver 47. Oi"'-» h|tl)t t>i uv; • 1 head 4<T Tav*in* 411. Male adult s 50. Coquet It-1) down 1 KtnK'l' »> S K A ' 2 Men Mi i 1 "f hind C'jtht'ilral . it v. N E France Toiv.me ba< k llrivin^ tools Pineapple Tumult l'.i ni.cn V riiifitt Definite article Color Sloths Water vnpot Attendant i K.i i ly Kng i Frame «>f 11ossf.l barn 22 Seasons 23. Boy 24. Part of • to be" 20 Observe 27 Cushion 29. Tremendous ..1 Culinary utensil 33. One of a group of In dian tribes 34 Distant 35 Brightly colored li-n 37 Chums 3M Siek 4<i Kitst ii..in VfMfnlij'i Aniurr •i I Vex (var.) •1 : Mali in river II Abounding hi vines *7Z> m y? rs UO 41 33 I 1 m Us •z. Ld 11 <&</. < ItVrnwjl OTK— \ cryptogram f|iiolation w I: It I y. D II |I A .1 D I! U T .» V S V B 11 C H N W O I, v C N W 7. Z V S I. II II J W II X D O S W C J V S - x A (! D s. Ve*it r,i.n „ Cryploi|itofe: MEN LOVE TO WONDER AND THAT I I III: .1 CD OK OCR SCIKVCE I Mi l: 1 ».V J-».ttl tj y.mt > «mtui«« 1". guislier was tunt^d upon It. for tlio simple reason Unit the extinguish* i*r !i:i«l hei n ti11«*«I with ^asolint1. He iilso remembered the pieee of ma rliinery that luid suddenly gone had for no up|iurciil n'UNoti, ami r\ hutch of tools turning out ludlv lie cause of .someone's careless ncsa. Things that pointed to sabotage, ;in«l yet things which eouldn't see:u to lie traced. No matter how caie Iul lho investigation, he always raine up against a blank wall. No ode could lie accused. hecailS** ••vervoiie appeared !•» have :\ e.:sl iron alil»i. of those things. and !»«* < anst' of his feeling «»I uiwasiness - the leehng that espionage as well as -a hot age ha«l mine to I11 villi* lie 11 :«I increased the guard aroun«l the factory and grounds, had ap pointed men to report every slight est matter that looked in t!.- least suspicious. All the lire-extinguish ers lia«i ln-'-ii examined .and a care ful watch Kept ovi-p thi-in. Work men's papers had been le-exam ined. many of them quest ioneil minutely. ai.i! every prccaut i<»n pos sible taken in (>a« li ami every de part merit «•! the plant. I!ut Adam kept right on worry ing. -Miss Leigh t«i see you." Ruth M«iotehoiise announced jtotn the doorway, hn.ii.mg lit on Adam's thought.*. "She says H'.s impor t ifd " "'I'lleli ::i»hd I»« f in," said Adam. "Yes. ir." I tut h disappeared. arid H rendu • i • ■ ti« 1. i 1 »• l;• i than ever. Adam thought, her rotor high, her eyes bright and her mouth l-><ikiiie decidedly kissahle. Then Ai'.am thought. "I must he going «ta \. thinking melt things wlien I Lave so mm h that's important on my hind." • Hello. Adam!" I'rctida greeted. Adam go! tip and held out hi"* hand. Jlad to see you." he said. • In town pretty early, aren't you?" "Yes." said ihenda. She tool; the i hair Adam indicated. dievv it up eloper to hi*? desk. "Adam, someone visited the Johnson pliec last night! * she announced. • (Tu It'.' i onlinueil) Feed Prices Rather Firm It-tIt-..-•ii. i K*1 11! T:ic teed supply situation v.. Mtnrwh.it ca--|ei (lut - Hi*, the k'.n i. elided l letmier a nir j n« vs.» •• ill 1)1 at n .xnnmii levels, ep ni - tht \. i». d idniiiu tialum and the N (* d«pai t item •: . a it ul • .« ill t!:e V. ec!;|y Jliiii kt' lie.. » ,-rr V let e\ iCW. An unitized output o! wheat null Iced and l.-ccd i ai.e and i. seal i*e •dttti Hi . * light !v ,.i ge. .illo«*atp>| ; fittl t > regular cus»i onset's and an •. 'it 4:l »ltc:s ti.j deferred ship a n* Jpj'lu s. !i»»'\vvci . emaitiet • .t>|\ below trade .e<|iurc nent> The index iiiin'Jx'i' of wholc ; ah lefcdstull p. a e- showed praeti • cailv !•» change at compared (wi'li ! »i th* proviou- week and , I »♦» J :• tlie eorre> pi'iidtng w eek la.-t IN . nut h;.i\e-t.!U» condition* eon • iiiue la\o .d»!e in the southeast and the Vugmta-N*mh Carolina atcas. ul ha:\i -tiritt w.i- delayed in the • . • ' si cti .ii dut ins 'past ■'« * ek A111 i • igi: harvesting is activt in \i»i!h Carolina no picking <u • t Tit <1 the crop v « \j ected be* loIMH-Xl «Wk | \h .a !• . the den and t« r helled | . ood la-ell .ilia i light in the riitheast »u raiily jjoikI in the I otilheasl exrept toi nun her "J's. 1.a ' tea I ly 11 al'sol laimci stork J |H"Sll)Ut III Im»IIi tin out hi a I and voiithwr.d havt liei n at (* rhu ! i ■» |.i ,r. Tiilinrro I'rirrs I'iini. T<.i>>))<•• |>! i< i— ifjiuinu'd linn en I in Nii'iti ('..n>liii;i ilui'-ctiiod in;ir 1 i.i i l;i'i ti the i>('ii<i<l Thf ■ ..ii. i: iciiiitid up turn- >»i si it l i>t-1 l.niiciii-il tm I >\\ .mil common uhilt* yroi-n It'iil .iiul lion (ii-iiij' tiiliaicn- :i(l\;inird from SI to S'J mi Ihc tuiddlc belt. Olfct'mgs nil th«* "!<l Im-II wt-rt' Ilii* lir-» ot the l .i .ill .111(1 }>: ICi lit III I n in. A t i-iling |>i ict il >H i.i v.M - t"l;ili Ii-IiciI ..I (* I ■ i« .ii;n mi I Iclolwi |i|i ;■!.(] pi ICC Ii ill .ti'lKllt lif I'nfcj^ nVl I I !!• | >1 III IMI - .Hill .ill ^lilill .111(1 climcc sn». .iiiliH'diiitfly ucck k 1111-1 id I.i .itio iii iii ii. 11litt figim* ihriHiKliiiiit tin >• ci ;< In i nti .i i, me \ iilnc .it • H J:'i In M l.4n li>|. • .ti the Ninth ■ .si 111 i.i i.i-It Imu liiivinn ^talinn1 •In ill till week l.'i tn 3(1 cclltv pet i • !. . mil . the .sH.fi.'i (ViIIiik. I'licmc -.ill (Icm.iml tin l.nin prn llllCl I C\|H'( tl (I In .ivci.iyc ^nlllC 11..» Im.'lici iii III41 tlian m 1943. tin! tl i liitc nl jiiciiMM' from r.iiw on w mi ' it . • " (•:■ tliiui during the I.i t 3 yeai>. ( ulton t ncliaiiKi'il. Sp.it ci it ti .ii pi.ee- were about un clianued I'M '.lie v.ccl;. buyitlK of spot i it Inn (Iccre.i-cd Kiimcvvliat accorri Iii: i. ,ili < cpnl ted hy ti e 1(1 mill la i .mil ifin.lined >iib.~lantially bc iii\ the cni respiiiidilli! period a year .iC" I lie Bi adi nt the crop U mim nt; liiylic than I.i -1 srasnn. al " ouul, t1 • a\ crage staple length is ah • it the -ainiv The miil-wecK \Mallier tcpiirl uidu'uled thai pick iiu. made ijnuft pingrcss ill the (Nisi while afhci .-e wi athci il'tarded iiai • v olite; ;'i the wit I'in^pcct- mi (>c tobi • I \vi ic Inr .i -Imhtly InHri pin | din t 't than 'li.it indicated a nmntli li;i> In Tircll, I ' . nil.a. ( K'l la! T> i II ('.II, |y CI> have p. d iced a bumpci '"'P •( 'lay • i , lai.ic ,vicld.< pci ..•■if nd |»i>. I .in i!11v ace nil n ; In Ci inly Agent li II llai ri> o| K.e Slate C'.'ilivie Kxteiifaon Service II f. I)a\eport ni l(«»nt«> | ha-- pro do eti i? ; nis >1 le. pedlva ha> mi .'I re-, ii'i'iirdr i. to the iii;ent. l."i.ill> liie Iced .'tii.itn.fi i> in irh I it I to lli ni it tli. time I ul year. REQUIREMENTS OF DAILY BASIC DIET i:> 1.01;\s < m.n. Till' WAIJ lias taught us a good deal about funds. Note, I do ! nut say it ha> tau*-.lit u» a gteal ileal uliuiii i!:»•>« iff. »• ui iii'>!riu s I>i. \ h ndenitig will aitswei questions of general int• i • -t j only, and ilifii only through his column hut about foods. Imh- the average North American I -oppose the most poignant lesson is the mm» her of foods lie funis la* ran <io , without. And indeed tin- possibili ties of substitution const itiHe one i of the must important things we ! have learned. Others are the possihilitie* of d» hydration and eminent rated ra tions. Jn connection with the lat ter several curious problems have been worked out. A « hocolale bar has been designed 1o -cive as an emergency measure. The ^izc of the bar was determined by the size of the regulation hi i t pocket. In the experimental stage it was found necessary to doign a bar thai would n<>t melt in the tropics—'Would remain solid ai 1"J0W F. During tin* trials of vari ous bar*; submitted, members of the testing committee objected to certain liars became they did not taste very palatable. They were surprised to learn that a de lectable bar was m»t desired sin. j this was designed as an emer gency ration if the bar was too good, tie soldi.-r would eat «t be fore lie was actually in extremis. Rules Not Rigid I believe the mo*t important re* suit uf war rationing has been to teach that the rules of dietetic* are not necessarily as rigid as the new style nutritionists have laid down. "Rules wen* made fur slaves/' is a good rule for you to ob-»*i ve at the dinner table, and "What's one man's meat i- an other man's poison" is one of the soundest of dietetic advisements. For instance, Piofessor tlcoige R. C'owgill, of Yale, very prop erly lays down the well-known figure* that a l»atfie diet rnu-t fur nish (a) energy, (b> protein, (c) minerals ami (d) vitamins, and that the energy U del ived from protein, carbohydrate and fat. each yielding respectively t. J. and 9 calorics per gram, and that the average man of To kilograms (l"» 1 pounds) weight requires on the average ft,000 caloi ies a day. Then he goes on to say very •ensibly that ju t how he distrib utes tins energy intake aiv«»ng the three «if 1 i- vi'» - mi c« Ham I i in t * -. :• iii.il t<*r «»| i • i •• The most concentrated mm •• « «m*i j»y i«» ami t Invi( i|ti:n t. » of a pound • i !a« i •• n«»il|«li • .» ni h ail In ila » raloi ie . ISnt • the I i in if si I ion* ciimc in Ihtiiii •* an exclusive fat «11«*v would can •• a* i dosi<, ami tin* i'at must In* dilu' i with cai hohydt ate< tstnrche- aim vujfurs) ami protein. Italic Protein Kniuircmi'iil Tlu'ie i< a basi» protein re»piir#» inent, but it vari-s somewhat. 11•• daily aiu«»'int> >1 minora!-* an.I vitamins an* laid down very i iv»«l ly l»y the < la >i« nutrition! tv. !»<*»«* a!-*o «»!»;•• leeway may he a! lowi'il. I'iofes<or Siaro, of Ila»va»'d. wriu ••Tin* lulult i • hi* for protein i< «• iv«*n si* "'I j*.•:»»*i- a •lay, l»ut ii iiiu t not bv implied that il* one evts ."ii urams In* \vir In* malnotuiv|tf.|. |i" the a«lult i» •luirrmrnt foi vitamin A i< as 5.01)0 units a Hay, this does ••• t imply that if one n-riivul ::.oou unilt a day In* will In* malmm ished, alt liMiivh b«* may In* *1 at r on thin ire." ()ri-:STM)NS \N0 ANSWTRS S.C. N\: I< thoie a cure for milk hjjt, or • veil a help? Will an opi i' at ton prove sucee-'yftil ? An-wrr: Milk h*j? is due to a riot in tin* win. It follows el ild birth anil op»iatinn--. With t« t ami eb vatiou • f I he limb ii atua\ bonis. 1 iio not In lieve siup iy t* indicated in this coiidition. I). |). S : I- tal.inir iron a hene I fw ial as liver for a low red l»l«*• •• t cell rounl ? An* both necessary'.' I ('an liver extract be taken with the .saine l••suit a> shuts? * an :i person tal;e too many liver sh».t ? Wliat i> meant by bv|Hi. bt> rn anemia ? Answer: Iron i - valuable in .• form of anemia, liver in anotlu r. Hypochromic anemia i~ the ho m in which the hemoglobin, 'be •' containing roloi intr mallei oi i he bleoil. is proportionately (to t!.•• number of c.lb i lower than it should he. In pernicious anemia the heinoirlobin i- proportionately hither than normal. Iron is indi cated in hypochromic anemia, liver in pernicious anemia. In some cases both are indicat* i. i Liver is absorbed just about a j well by mouth as h.vpoui rmi«-a!lv. I I have never b«-ar<l of liver in i »*•*% any hit in. SCOTT S SCRAP BOOK E> Ft.! SC.OTT SC&APP WoMAK Vl^llbft <o-(Ve . '•• .ifcCM O" "(Xt. ROCkV-C PlhWA, (.1.A&- V,: i :t JiMUkO, WALMP ■, f J Jt-CM ttttt -:NtlS cAR*Y»«'i * ' MA& ««.••• V(j. ;V - I '-I .s.slK I h •■!>• 0<.'> *1'!' VvAlPu-) tUvi Smh KV..M4 *o ■ fcrM THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring Popeye .HOul) AM I D0;M(2i, POaEW3? VEROOiM'£iOor>. f | * \ PROF. EELSUiEAT V. TEACHEP MA'-/ 1 ASK A QiJc/oT iGK». '«> VE? uHAT l<=. •[ IT. VS UTTlE -•—" "A Way With The Ladies!" CH_GOODVJ *-OU CALLED AAE- A !. TTUE T AVAST-kOUWER ) T i:' \l POMTOOGOOD.'J W c / / y Of ^ kN ■''s/. y/sZi BLONDIE (KPBistcrcd I . S. 1'atent Office) Thejr Fayorite Chjjd! By Chic Young i|lr &.s£?M3 ' V, ll „ 1 IT <1 I - :il 4 fW I v 1 ! 1 '■ ! ■ t \ K\ ■-//! ^) (■: J. V II •* — titt, I _>^j __ By PAUL ROBINSON jsr<wsc : »van-ase "= .'"N e'*OA The Gumps • He Knows All The Answers

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