ITALY HAS DECLARED WAR UPON GERMANY Struggle Renewed Over Father Draft In House's Debate 3 Zeros in 5 Minutes LIEUT. HENRY MEIGS, 22, ot New York City, lias si t a new speed record for shooting down Nipponess planes at night, lie downed two Jap botnlicrs in about five minutes, making a total of three planes ho has destroyed in night combat over Guadalcanal. (international). Top Bureau Chiefs Held To Be Unfit Committee Declares Too Much Authority Taken by Young Men Washington. • h-i. l:'.—( AIM A Ciii»t'iv>si"n:il commit Uv rlinrirrtl to<la> " i in-n i •• •!' i«I .vininirslrrs" holilinjr some of tin- lop |M i uiiml ,i"!is in W'aslt "Volisi itlit• * a iv«i I»«»t11«— Heck" to tile tfoVerillllCllt's wat' effort. 'I lie yiuitlit ill lAiTiilivrs I n k "the experience .mil tail" ih'itvsar» in "lop notch management olliii.ll>." decl.ircil (lie llonse <"ivil >°\v\ iee Committee. headed In Ke pt csfiit.itivc l.ampscck ol (•eiirsiii. the Democratic whip. lAlierieneed executives "have , lieen turned ilnwii eoliiplclel.v or icnoreil In tlirse you 11 i;er personnel officers." the report added. • Mho" 11nr11rit;. hi 'lie committee's lllii.-lu d :ii\ e ligation ol Federal ,i"l> holders: do'./ iiiiirnl v.i»rl;<" p !• "Mowing up ' then own ilo.-e; iplions ol their .n il gc' >.11.11 v raise* r.m :mg from Minn in $1,2IH) u year for doing p act eally III" >aire work. •s i'r idmini.-trators build n|» "|mtK»nal in.iehiiH's" of li end on tiie payroll who will move with I hem from ioli mil. "then sol.n o' usually being boosted on the donhtlul ' sense ll-al then duties liavi' been i lie leased." "The bald fact —the uncoordinated departments ol the executive branch of (he Federal government lack ,,n overall, ccntrali/cd authority m ' 11 powers of management control.*' the committee said. "Until thi.N itlialion is corrected the laxpavers can expect a eontinnanee ■! needles> hiring and duplication of elfort." LOST RATION BOOK CAN BE MAILED IN Italeiuh. Or!. 13. If vim < -ncl ;i lost < )|*A rution hook--owner is i11-1 .is ihmt ,i» (ho nearest mail Jmx. Hero's ;il! von do t > return it to the owner: Droit i<iiv found ration lion:, into the mail without wrapt or |iost.iu«> .hkI thr po>:office will deliver the l".-t hook to thr nwne whose n.ime ;ippc:os on tlir rove Till" |>ost offirr i\ II i -Heel a five-rent ' |HistiiKe dur" eharite from tin' owner. I' the owner cinnot lie found, thr post will (letivri 'he book to the nearest war price and liit-oir-m board. Throdo:e S John-on. Ha1ei*«h District OPA director, :>tud to(i iy. •• Parly Fight Likely Over Pay Allowances Allowrcl Family Men Washington. Oct. |:i — (AI *) —A two-front congressional fitflit over the father-draft issue iimler way today with the full House membership l»ejrimiinjr debate on a new allotment-allowance proposal and military sid>-commil tees redrafting legislation to delay the induction of pre-war fathers. A party fijjht threatened erupt over the amount of payments to lie made to dependents of service men of enlisted jrrade. Itcpubla-nn Leader Martin Masannounced he won lit suppo: t .hi amendment uv Kepi'escnta!ive C'lason, also a Massachusetts Republican to boo.-t the payments In San monthly fi>i a wife ai d one ch.ld. with S'Ju extra tor each additional child. This scale wis approved l».v the Senate last week, hut the Democratic - controlled lipase committee iccomiuended isTa >:i-nit lily for a wile and one child. for a wife and two children, and $lf> tor each additional child. I*re.>ent payments, iiicliidiii^ tiie deduction t orn the sen a-c man", check. which would remain uiie!i:u ned tinder the new proposals, are *><>2 I• a w:!e and one child, and Sin !" each additional child. While the llou^e tackled the allowance question. ..with a vote not expected before late Thursday »r Friday. ,i stib-cominittcc headed by Representative I o.-tcllo (l>. C'al.) Irt'Kan iciMltlllK the Senate's . i >s'.itute foi the Wheeler I deferment hill. Committee cntimcnt indicate the measure would contain the principle.? of the shelw-d Kilday lull which would provide that dcpcixa itc.v lie liivc-n consideration and that pre-war lather.. lie iiuliu ted o lv after unessential nontatheis h.c.e been drafted. Churchill Sees Worst Yet To Come I .'illdoll, < U't. I■ • (AIM I ellitlK tin- lirili>h they would !><• "air "lute Ii.kK" in count "ii "hi :• ll< "Jiol liei tiiicNpi'i'ti'il cnllit|iMa i»i hi* i ni'iny I't.iix- Mini lei t Inn (lull ilnhni'd j loci ,y "the worst HkIiIiiiu "I ll>«- war. '.-,i far a> tin- liritisli people arc concerned. I it's" lie told Commons !hi- jjuvei uii'.fiil i w ill tmt at pie.-ent attempt any "far | 1 c.M-|111il; rhaiiite... ill ,i rniilrover lal 'character." mu'h as a suciiilist proposal fur thf nationalization of iiuil mini Iiccaili-e the controversy mi^ht seriously impede thf war effort. KorecaMmu the "bloodies" tifjlitmi; of the war." Churchill declined to weaken tile field Imcc- to obtain .niniste: lor luel. light* and power, more mine;.-. Major l.lnvd (icni'se, opened the ivnl deliate yesterday by iiniioiittcinu that men woulil Ik- conscripted lor the mine.s as tor the army. Downed in Raid SON or Uic U. S. Ambassador to | Britain, Lieut. John G. Winaiit, Jr., 21, was missing in action after tho Flying fortress he was pilotiiu: was hit by a rm-kct shell following a raitl on Muenster, Oerinany. It was the thirteenth bomb ins mission for the tlicr. (/iitcniationai) SwansonAnd Mess Cases Sent Back Officer Is Liable; Powell Slayer From Warren Loses Plea Italeigli. Oil. 13.—(AIM—TIn* Stale Suiiri'llir ( iilirt today found !>o rrrnr in (In* ciinvictiiin ill Warrril count \ of Willie Smith mi Itisl di'jrcc murder ehargrs and in a far-rratliinu miinion In til llial a imlilic officer is li ilil«' for damages if In- acts <i:rruptl\ it maliciously against an indiviilual. Handing dawn 1 "> opinion.", the court I,ilil S:i;1111 ,-lioiild <ln" in tin- ku cl ii lici 1 • >t thr a\e nig 1; r -1 I )i*l*flt :«!*'■ Ill •'! VrtP.lll I 'ow I'll. \vln> evidence ridicatetl wa~ lulled for mlilKMy. A«tMM'i;iti> Justict* K. I>. Den: i d that «\ idcnce. other tli;iii «•»•!: iii» conic. ion . wa- ciicini-tanfi.iI. I>tit •i-iiiUii i ' Imiw money found "ii tin ilt'lciKl.m* Was taken Irmn I'ov.ill. Hint l.lo..d tam.s were linn I on s iitir i I'ltiuim, that lie w a - ii in have 'i nl •! pi.<|o| and that Sinilli wa- tin* last person mil , \\ 1111 I Well. I'in i . iri upheld the iiiiitit: >ii l iiniui- it. liiuii i'.i.;.i i | ,i . pei ,al .i:;i '.I n| H i- Siaii- BuI :«mii •'! I' ■ :_.iniii could riiid a I written report. w i 11 I'll In' hall < — cd. to 11 : it -ti h' memory. ' Tin- IiskIi n*\■ i -I'd thr Supet i" • ' ' "i on arlinii i>; i iuIit oy A ■ >. ifiilfi«'|M'tli iijjiiitiiit Sheriff I.. I. ,'i. in hi -I Vance county and i I it* National Surely C* nn|Kiiiy. tncunitiR in rtlii'l tin' «l«r<iuk-ii1s mil I I ■' I • . 11 mi i li.n m's Swan 'ii ii' 11j-i 11' 1> I t' a I n Iniinnm .a i ;11 ■ i I itid .nit liniim liedue |niir i iipi'it* The Sup.-in. fniii't nan ti|>• i< •<I H i' ilclendeiit - dvnilli: ei >*. • Sivanson allefydly Itiid made tin 1 I i'Xl tiii'ii !| • I|«* lite and aic-nit licd.;i'p« in i;...i.;ed lilii' ill ;; Wail.nit v illi >cttinu tile t■> lilts Ii and endatttteritm |»ri»|K*rtv without kcepinu 'In nnc properly Kiiatdeil | The -In i ill tin ii obtained .i search I'iv;ii rant tm I leduepetli's piemlMV. alU'KiuK that lledKcpetlt had whisky for the puip-c III sale, anfi then | >\\nri' not a warrant charuinu I led tic J pelli with operating a whisky .still. (Continued on Page Six) Decision Is Announced By Badoglio i Italian Leader Asks His People to Fight Against Common Foe Washington. Oil. |:> — tAI'j — IVi'siiteiit Uonsev fit. I'rime Minister ('lit!i 11 anil I'reniit Stalin announci'd today that Italy had declared war against Germany. Thi' White House sai»I Marshall Kadu^lio had c<>ininnnicated Italy's declaration against her i'<»niii*»" axis partiicr to General Dwijrht 1». liiseiiliowei*, Allied i'»i,inlander in the Mediterranean llieat.o. In !>i> ini f.-.i^i' 1") the ueiiera! I».•dotflit said that "by thin act .<11 tics Willi tlii; dreadful pa.a are broken atai my government w■l-e proud in be aide to march with you on in iiievliable victory." Iii a joint statement ri'lr.iMil l»y tin- While IIiium'. Mr. Kousrveil. Churchill ami Stalin ai'ci'lilril "the active inopcratioii ill" the Italian nation and armed forces as a eo-hclliucirut in the war asainst (iermany." Italy thus turned against her former partner a little more than a ino'ilh alti'r her armisliec Willi the Allied powers. In .• proclamation to the Italian people. Iiado|i|io said licit "shoulder to shoulder, we niii.-l march lurward with mir Iricnd ol tin- I'lia.'d Stales. "i Britain, ol It-i, .aid ol . II tile other I'mtctl Nations. ' tSailnKlio s.iid an Italian uo\ eminent headed by himself would incompleted shortly and that representatives ol every political parly Mould be invited to participate. so thai it may fim.-titute a true expression of (Ii modalc government. "The |-reseat arrangement will in no nay imp;.ir the litili-ammclcd light ol the |H'i.ple ol Italy to ehoo.-e the i own It I ill ol democratic government when peace is i e.-tijj cd." the marshal -.i d. "Italian ' I atform yo i liiat Ills Majesty the Is na has given me the task ol aiiimunc.iig today, the l.'ltii day ol October. tin* dfclliriil «n of W.ii aaaill-t Hi-many." Tip IVriti ■ Soviet and A governments acknowledge the Italian pledge 1 . . -iiiinil |o the w.ll tin' Italian people alter the Nazi* had been driven Iroin the:r homeI land. Mr IJoiM'vi'lt. Clnireliil! and StaIni lid it w:i.- iinderstiiod that itojhihi; ean (It'll act them l;oin the >so. Into and untraiiin clctl rigli! of the people III* b\ (-oil tlltlllo' al meal. decide on Ihe ilein h I atle fi rm o| govern: eni tlley will eventnally have" I! t , a joint : i i-lit (hey addi'il 1J. ' the reialt >iisiiip ol Co-belli gereni v. ol itsell. emild not idled tin- armistice lcritt<, which retain tlie.r lull loici' and call In- adia.»tcd only by a.; i'en rn' among the Allied governments "i!, the light ol the as. si~; •in which ' i' Italian governmen" ii v be .iiu I•> afford to the I'liited Nat i n-' i i ise." I'. doi>|io ad\ isi'd Kisenbower that •lire" in I' lnrm he ui.U lie general • 1 the Italian king had declared on Nn/.i Germany and thai the dei'laivition would be handed by Ihi !' , a- amba-sador in Madrid I i the (ierman ambas.-ador at p Kirci nwich time') todav WE A1IB11 101: \oi: in \ ( imliniii'il mild this afternoon. Not mi i'imiI tonight and Thursday forenoon. Germans Are Now Definitely i On Defensive On East Front Oct i:< (AIM—Willi I lie | Ciein hi ini- !"nc reported definitely! >'M the delensive uvei the Vii.-t Wis-I front. Soviet ai>i es were stead-| ilv developing then eve1'widening bridgeheads <>n the west h.mks of , the l>niepe . \ «•[ t• • <I• ■ y. .nid have, mt'ordinu to ISerlm. lamirhed .1 new powe drive north of the Uev <• 11y "I Kiev, l.ii 11I the Ukraine. The If'iS' 11-1 iy uev.-|i;i|iei Hi'd S'.■ reported the abandonment of i.eii.l offensive tatties bv the N'.i/k "ft-<• new-pape M ilitary e\|>ert said 'he in 'i.ilive had p is»«|(l to Soviet airmen a1 d described the situation was .1 radical < ' anye from the earlier day- • >f the campaign when the fierman> weie him ..idins! Hiissan fi"tit "iii' m l 'vii 'I 1 H, bomb illt! air has ■ ^ and yw coping tin- sliie, , over I In* llu.-siait I runt with lingo Inimiltl^'l- "I tighter plallOS. Tcrrilie homhor l"s-e- Mitlerod '•> till' (i I' all- I'l .1.1 i I.I t lit ItV C| Orel. ]lelgoiii<l .iiul K>1.11 I;<>\ ii <l tin* .steady detci ii'iation hi enemy lighter strength e"ii lulled to wipe out iiii/i air superiority. according t > this ii il t.iry ex|iert. and today tli" (Serm.m.s Ii.iv <• turned from m;<>. operations |u patrolling i,units. Witii re.-trleted tionih ng inis-n ns o.niic.l out 1*1 <l>iwii 0|* flust*. Merlin did not expand on it> ie port • the H"w Hikmii drive norUi i• f Kiev, hut sa'd t'lat strong Soi <•! attacks 11.• \ e neen taking place sirro Monday and thai "heavy fighting v.i« 1" proai-ps«" yestprd^v. Tlii1 Hi.--i hi v.,u bulletin I >< ■ i Ifil friri' tiiMititm- in I he battles "I "In- I)iii*':km'. IiiiI nil In I to mi 'iti'Mi . | >«'i i 11 * - i c . I' recounted drrpr (ii'in l .il.oii- .my mile.-" west of tile ' \ii nil indicated thiit tlie ^ in en\elo|Mim "prratioiK around Kie\ we.c pi'ni I'i'dilm >atislartoi■.I\ M' M'hw Mime figures on the intensity of tl < .ictinn west of the I>nn-|»«-i Ultilji on,. So\ id forma tion 111I .on (i'Miniin, in a .-iimlr 'in "ii '• . the ''oninnini(|iie s.i d, while in "or er area Kcd arm> ti "ojie u "ii (loiliinatinu liemhl after ,iti all-day sliiinjile. the enemy falling liaeU v !h l.»00 de;id on tin hit! i-i l. *rd enemy ^co inter attacks wcip rcjuilicd .is well, Moscow s.i id. .. U. S. CREW DESTROYS FORTRESS AFTER FORCED LANDING A FLYING FORTRESS OF THE EIGHTH AIR FORCE \v.,> furred down in neutral Sweden white en n L.le to ill base in England after partie;patins in tin* l.fii'U-i _• ..itjik over I t 1'n . .a, Poland *md lien any. The nine members of the crew set the tone iiu:e iiv.n rar:.*c y upon ianil n::. then were interned. The American bombers did severe damage to the l'.»I:th port )> tidy;..a. ui:,;., u;X.: . tuivul base. {I-iter - . :i! /' rj.opfiolo) Allies Gain Nine Miles More Germans Strengthen forces Greatly on North Bank of River " ''""••'I Italy. Alii,..I I, TV rim- »»''/ ! ; ( whil,. tilt. Kijfiith ; .-"Ivani-injr al,„„r .l"1 . ««P«I"V.I Kioi;, , »«u.,ii,. • ' '.V. " <"UKltlllc».(| 1 !l« l>lt.ii!>». |,, S ■»11 ' I ftanki'ng"the^'t rot ""V" ' 1 ,'"'1 1 river I'no te(.m,k* Genera? M..nt«om!irv:.v " " « f<H«r mile* ahead Urv.r -,'r , tremendous .artillory •' u;"' British atiri American imh? «*<* «Sr'w'r,;: ":i . are , ' .'•»« "-.tiling , , tW,rH A» I'atrol* xvoro J'"""'!"'"- !" «».H-th V. • '.vV -II, ".<• i>if.tktiln.tlm, •. which brought no* th • naming «>r ^sjsn ipii't, other town, ,,| <•» «•>,. Ki-hi!, ;;,;1V . the Adi. 11it- ft ..tii fa iioas ' . ' Allied eain, were gem •' ,,!"-v was iiiitn..,. t« I MUlIe (lottlts. Bl if J,. ., . ,x I ahead again*! oniv '"'•««« I •'•if ti„. ,uv; |Jerate|y elmvhere " IWii.iMtv nivi.i.iu i,„;n .,(" :y:- ■ ■■ ; Adriatic batt'tefi-ont «•■.* ' ' ~ ,he I ?,ir ",n" ,r.n "J. j "«htei> .n l I. .nr..- / , ' manv lnjv ,,n t, i i .s<" ' I ««h j J&3H Subsidy On Potatoes Is Opposed "c,,.(| |llf|,lv lt| j(|| . | ii SI*!:#, f-i «,< ! . - •••■. d.,^. ; r,,r I W l>at « , iIiiik ITU-.-s >ho|i|,| prcva1,"" S-IZl'Z.Xr? : \« w vo,i{. \,.v -Wlh and South („Vn'^ K|.,"" < called l«» tin- meeiing nl oX'lm 8'^'" 'ssfts; crop. Int D^in|) Japs Suffer Heavy Loss In Planes In New Guinea AI1 ■ e<: !Ie.idii»...■ nit K-; l'. < IK-. < ' ' I:; <A1»> l;i| '•'<"> ; •' •>«i Ni r (. ih-.i .. • t, iff w#v* lutr In ivrliun with a now sky Menace tin- I' -17 Thunderbolt. General Douglas MacArthurV teadquiirters dUclnsnl today thai "iir ■ these new lini.ter piled into .l.i|).ltle>e lighter* OVf.\"ev. Guinea. Moiut;i\ ;,i«l sent least eight down t.. join the approximately r»«ni v aircraft which imv been v. pi-ii ..ut thtflfe since mid\ugust. Two otliens may have gone lli\\ I!. Oic : Thunderbolts reti rued ■".ilelv. South- \i downed til-. till > Iri' till . ba< Otie 'I :!i!-ii-1 ■ i; I.I :i'M' plane.. ii .i t: ngle engagement ifdii for the probabl pil. It ! !:i<- Japa a i :e got in ome lick.- eliiowhere The (? minun>t»« :-.«.d ! i eiien-y . ..uled ii •»!.» I :i :i.-|iei. .1 ied d.itu .nd au.-cd damage 11■ Auk-, i in shipWewaU. pinu thn-e S •! n -.- iters. Oth•r enemy plane- r . three times i; Clew ;il M.u AMnu; - newly acpiiici .hi ii.i.-e .it l. ie. New (iliinca. In ground i ghting. headquarter# d li e \ si alians. tropin s up ulliwi- " .. .;it red l-'nischhafen, iad \i ii I'M' .11;11it■ i < >lhei ••• i.J MW the l.'.mi . \ ; 11 — live ley an til it I'lii-n^ I ses. high i;r i md. coastal b; :tintied • . on.«t the impost positions on Germans Send f orces To Halt Slav Patriots Idon. Oil. i:;—iai'i—(icrIIWII> llKcu\ err I III.11 >||i* insiifl'irir'tl Mililipr* in \ u^o"Ijii i In Sinlil lln- p-.tli inl ,n iuii-. ■ it Iwv ami ll.i- hrrn loncil III -rinl ill larjs«" Irillliilrl nu ilt-. a ) ili;iisla\ i i Ix-t'.i I ion arim ciiiniiimiii|tn s.iii| tmiav. ' «•*»•» >■- -w • ■ r M. i' • 'V !lf (if! • , .'lit ' 1 .VS.. ... Mountaineers Feel Reynolds Will Stick In I In- >ir \\ .ilta-i Unti l. D.iilx Di-ii.itcli I5iirr.ui. in I.YNN NhlllT i; . _ «'it. I.; wiiiir n.itii.iu • •d mid no I'Uorl lit ;i!i niitde to fim 11 tin ihtlivultiub- i-.\|)i*«-tfd tn mail liu'n own lUkol*. Uiu iiirrwiniKlcii •n .1 i ri-nl in iimI.iiii ' ,> mmieil tin 'II I'll- •• i>tll!".i'n<-i-i > r\|H'r Hiib ItryfuiUi* "" stiiv ,ti the r.'ict' Illl- I'll tl-d Sti.ti — Si V Tills 1 I rinii- from llw in: ■ nut ion u.iM. i-n-il the sume tv»y IIii'(>ii||Ii tin llnl lhi-.i.-li't n pall I <•! till- st.ilo Tin <iu« ,-tn'ii i.i.i cil i»; II Ita- I- • ilt.l' I .. <1 • W.ol; iimtu llll- kl'll.lSt'l Waiu'tl I -till' 1li(- cml nl tin- | i ~i nt "> i •''* i mli-st CI,vili- ll -< > u-. tinKi-yilnlils n .nil- lii> p il»lu: staili iix-tit ol intent: he u.d nol visit lit -t.ilc <l.iiiiiu the . iiiMi.i'r iiTi -. ' '•iitmn-».s ai1111 li is ili»:ie \ «■ v littl leli<-i uvit 'i;. 'nit hit m;nli- si-m- ,i ,-P< i i f ..i' iix hi- alinn (i llltcin.ltl Ill.ll . a t: a a 11 > The mmiiitiiitwet* Voters tjuoltm <•(1 Hl-ll- ll'it p"lltu' .lll I II I- \\ ,i weekly delut ili.-i i.mi.i- colli i.t"i. "n n filling mi iiitculiiiit. iiii(. ,i .■•ii :i- I5iii\\i-r: ;iiK>tht-l :i mil «•' -il'V'-l'all will- I'talli Salll-, people. I I'M-I V lls1;iil(-«- Ilia- Jill- U l-I H;i> til - I' I liii\ «•»»*! Ill ..111 .Iliythll! iibi'iit rim nut luniuiiR." ' >nr <>i t\\ \oiurtet f<1 'hit n I >i u-'ti.n 1|u • ■ i j; i-il in t !>. - i .«evwal diiyK. ! ' - i'V («C: ill.ill e Tuzl.i. agiiculm Itv w iiittuvfl mi < ' 'I'll • i!the <1 I' .idricri JllJit • ii|>iwl the ' . ww . leing fl< «.11 ti - l iii;i .T hi <iir{ si ol them didn't siiy linyA SlH'iiv: -I .r Hi" ■ hi.; -ir j; •!>: ■ ' i". 1 know." III.- III.IV !1 M'l.llo:' It ij| ' ■ ' ; .«i» (•> ■ I'.iini.d. i > • wit in the npiirr •he nitith dMiirt that Bra ■ -Mji M's t \)j«:ct him :n ' > nu-f-i. After-War Declaration Is Approved ■ V Hi.1 l. (i (AIM — A St 1 • 1' UK til '.tt.Mii S ilt-fnin■ Vft |•;ii • i\ c-»l . i \cm mic Ittii.iy • I .i | -1 \\. < i It t nil |11' .y (!< i '.ilViilltfl ! I whicii I' t-iUe the I'lilted ' Nt.ltCs 11. |n 11 With 1 <'•' tlllll M»V11 cm k " it 'hi- c»t;ilih-hiiienl ■ J ;in<l Iti.i:: tontine i| intci niniil .illtliiniU \\ ii |ft\\ci prevent ;m UK nil 111(1 )t t t VC till- |H'1K1' of i ' the \\ mid " L« 'I lie ic,nliil inn. \ntrd • >\ er Ihc I nppn '1 III II Si ll ilm l,.lKllllcttc (\Vi.» . I', hum s%i\c i «!■«•> lt> tlir full i null itttv next week ('hail niiin i ( 'ii.ilh ( I't I> ■ pii dieted the u I fMi nnitcc w'MiId iippnixt' it .'•(><in v «nd t\|i./vm-fi iiic n|)liilnn thiil the v V 't V< >M iiltl . m ill .

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