Probationers Refund Much Court Costs In the Sir Walter Hotel. Daily Dispatch Bureau. BY LYNN NISBKT Raleigh, Oct. 27.—Since lilt- State probationer .system became rtfeetive in North Carolina on November I, 11137. a total ot S.iitiJ have been placed on probation. .!• >t ;i little th.m halt of t>have come liom - .peril • ciirt. !• > - l.oin county \ unicipi 1 rmu'dci ivurli. Kiguu- C'lui'iteil nv ll.i \ Sam pie. direct •. >>i pmhati ,.t ivquv^ o! this i. .'iii.. -how t .' ii ■ ".i; !:e six wn> tin svsleu has been in o,» eralion |:rolv.tionc: s lur.e paid K.c's into c-oint lor tuns co.-t.- a:;rt leH :Ult i •!!- all) • ' .1 i -u!!: it . ,1 e It tltt'iv had t.» < •: no eth v! letting (It !■ :ut i ll " ' Ki 1 it Sill !!< III. '.I'm i: mm under alt of all i) Undo e;i: 'Id. comparing with .i low ..t t*> percent :n 1 938 .uid .i I 58.}} in l!»4o Anions tle gi. the t. e- are more startling There has been a c stunt increa.-c in pe.ven'iige ol female*. inde. 21 vea: .< of ..go every veai Beginning in 1938 with 22 2 per cent the yearlv percentage vva- 31.3. 34.u. 35.0. 4U.8 ;ir.d tor Hie p:esent year 43 " While 'he mimbe: of boys began to decline with the ;irst induction for military -ervice in 1040. th;it wos the time the : girl- began a geometric The repot' provide.- an excellent argument better schools It .> >ound th;it 95 !*■; cent ■ : probationfi's ot all U8c* have les- than a higr. school education l! develops that t> • j ercent are fir.-t o: fer.dei -. A brighter Hide the picturc iloiind •• "e:i ' .1 probation Two simple steps to amazing New STRENGTH ...better LOOKS! rsgS?! fneriiie^ourbodKwith 2l««%o6iooo! rPHESE two important steps may •*■ help you to overcome the discomforts or embarrassment of sour stomach, Jerky nerves, loss of appetite, underweight, digestive complaints, weakness, poor complexion! A person who Is operating on only ft 10 to 75',hcnlthy blood volume or a ittomach digestive capacity of only 50 to 60'', normal is severely handicapped. So with ample stomach digestive Juices PLUS RICH. R8D-BLOOD you should enjoy that aense of well being which denotes physical fltness . . . mental alertnesal If you are subject to poor digestion or suspect deficient red-blood as the causa of your trouble, yet have no organic complication or focal Infection. 888 Tonic may be lust what you need as It Is especially designed to promote the now of VITAL DtOESTTVE JUICES In the stomach and to build-up BLOOD STRENGTH when deficient. ■ulld Sturdy Health »r\4 Help America Win Thousands and thousands of users have testified to the benefits SM Tonic has brought to tbem and scientific research shows that It c«ts results—that's why so msoT aajr "8M Tonic bulldsaturdy health —makes you fesl lllce yourself ess in." At drugstore* la lOsad Moz. sl«es. ©8 S.BCo. S.S.S.T0NIC hmlps build STURDY HIALTH I M-uteuce* ciic coibidt-i'iil. Oul> u I norcent of all ca^es have been revok! od, and a verv small fraction of tins I luitnber came from the fiist ol lender sroup. I ho lact that more oases woro put On probation during the past year I than in similar period before doesn't I worry Direotor Sample. He interprets that not so muoh as an indi! oat ion of more ot l enses as to a more intelligent use of probation by the ••ourts. First Autumn Finals Held I) irham. Oo*.. 27.—Duke Univer> ty's first autumn oommenoement ooiic iiidoci Monday with l>!J graduates to be the fir-t to rcoeive •he r dog re. - ti tier the wartime acelot.tecl ao dtmic program. Cimenii'i' .1. Melville Broughtun : North Can.: na delivered the oomencitiient addivsn, congratulating •tie stiditit- in. cumiMcting college \ .t . ahead ■!' schedule anil wishing '•k:ii siitvi'Kii .11 their careers. Nearly >1 the dent-, most of thom havtaken teohn oal courses, will ont :e ar -.ed 'fees or war iiuhlsAt. ••ii "i ;«• of th» gradual tig i ; -o . " <■ conlYium ot the on iiarj dogroe <•! IKn-t »r Laws 11 -: I' .ill1 I'll ii '. .di-iil • i t 'o »' .irloito ,ne.i of the •It-: ••••! i I'' •!. who mi Sunday t:.i i i once-1 out >«•! men. < . . .. i.ill-.- i i- ilatou . ■ ••• ihrough IV.ii) Willi .'. .i naket . de.iii <1 the ii • 'v v.: .. | m ilvo hi Ilie .d>.-oin,I»iv di n: i:..... i:l. I-lower who .1. ed • • not nl the i'd> o.i ji'.i'..inl it I i ,i! Ini.sine-f". ' ' •. i mi <. !««:.-> degrees « i" i' oon. .d I,.- d jive -.t tiaoheloi ..I ...i . l.athelor ui M'Uiui'. and Iwche. i >. legree- .: i electrical, . I • tiai.ioal i-ngiiioei tig ['crtili/cr Demand \e\r Year Probably !>i^cst in History College Station, Raleigh, ■ lo and r«»r fei;ilizcr in MM ' p i. ,i.i.> he the heaviest in hisi:i: v . • d N .■".!! growers w I! need . 'ti [|t : ab!o more t wittage Im>causo ui ttie i".croaso in t ibaoco •• P !•' !5 Collin . n oii.ifg" ■ i KMtt: at Agronomy .it N. C. State i■ >.fo. declared hero today. He pi. atod out that transports.tioii. -,.t)i .. . t irago .it "s maki* • noco-s.uv ■ • keep !v.iv. !: hi. : u.n .:ai luring establishment- r ta mei •' needs t .■ fortilzer in 1!)44 are to be met. lie s ;gge-ted • grower.- make application now all the fertilizer they a ;'. neo't t;:f: i! and • ttsi .ng and accept del.vir> • : this dating the tall ana wiult'' months. V.v« years ago the iotal i'e:M i'i/ci c »n*umptiot in the United Statcsi was :>.bout 7 I 2 million tons an:l las: vt-a .: was 1■ -aft drink battle accumulate • ba-cincni and don't throw t i . away. Do re1 : n them to v> dealt;' as quickly pos-ible .inci .lor*. v. a refunded t." This a'.1 > the plea made *.'> ..%• by (.' (). Sf :V:'t n! the Coea(*«-::i Rattling C . '.d S .J Lane. J. . ■>* the Lane Neh I; :* Co. It the pair *.i* d ity of every val r :./o to ■ n-.iivc and pat ba. ; into c rca'. * n :nyth:ng that «— a-o '.'nine ('.: -- container tart . <•- as*e v. a* top -peed. '! .1 ii .' have * .< additi nal burden •: apply,ny ain'aim'.A t.r food prod iris which ..ore previously rained. Thus, hcimei lakers are urged t > : < >»• 1M •»• J he K.laat • iiy taking s-mptv i>oltlo.< I > the.r dcalei i-.i n them n Y<» ; iv.i! ti .! v •: y he doing ihe bottler a good tain, but .V.ia'll p:olil. your-elf The r» uuls von obtain fro'i the bottle- nay be enough t > : n. n tilling your War Saving* book. T:ien. to... y . .'II l>t r.d f the Itter lev i i . ii your o.i imii' it. litsiilts that, there w II be more of ;■ rnanee |i» yo.i t.. obiiii'. ><»;ir regular supply nt 'ill drink- '! vna don't hoard lllllll' T'ie war effort will be aided and tlu soil drink bolster greatly as-i-ted ii maim.lining j toady supply ■ carbonated beverage-; ii ill Ixiltles are returnetl promptly hero-alter. PLAYMAKERS OFFER NEW PLAY AT HILL Chapel Hill. Oct. 27—Giving their first performance of a five-night run ot the firsi major production of the year, tho Carolina I'lnymakers will present "The Boss of Bar V." or "The Queen of tne Valley" in their taeatr? at the University tonight at 0:"0 o'clock. An old-time Western melodrama, complete with vaudeville skits, hero, heroine, villian and cattle rustlers, the production will be presented iigain Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday nights at the same time except Wednesday night. Then P will be given at " 30 for the benefit o' officers and members of the senior br.ttulion of the Navy PreFlight school. NEW BEEF CATTLE BOOK College Station, Raleigh, Oct. 27.— A new bulletin on raising beef cattle in Nor£7i Carolina, by L. I. Case, in charge of Extension Animal Husbandry jt N. C. State Co'llege, has just been published by the Extension Service, according to Agricultural Editor F. H. Jeter. It contains information on establishing the beef herd, suggestior.f for beef cuttle feeding under present conditions, and particular points involved in herd management. It also covers the common diseases and parasites of cattle. Stalin Meets Tough Guy In Our Mr. Cordell Hull By HELEN ESSAKY Central Press Columnist Washington. Oct. 27 — Today's question.; in Washington— IXies Air. Stalin have an idea •>; the sort of man C'ordell Hull really is? United States secretary ol state !s Does Mr. Stalin know that the fundamentally a TenneesMV sharpshooter? Does he know that he is "I «•:*nes-see mountaiiu'ci who sets h « man with the -n hi.mind? Does Mr. Stalin know that beau'.it'llI. esthet e profile ot tile t'mted States secreta y ot tate hides tougher toaghne.-s than lurk- behind the walra.- ii'tis'ache nl a S i>; prcm ei .Mi Stal; in \ ei tell, anyli'idv . anything ..t .:1! a.-. to wiiat In- .s gomg t• • it" Hi merely dues it N'"i does \l1 tei! ariyii>>d\ he h;is done or why he did it. He bides his time and then lie strike* again. Ilij; belie! that "it's deetts sjnd not words that are important" is also an old Tennessee conviction. At the current tri-partite meeting Mr. Stalin is going to meet his personal and diplomatic match m Uncanny. cautions, carnivorous M:\ Hull In porlant is this i|ae.-tion—lias • occurred to Sir. Churchill that meddling into l':t:lcd Sia'.c.politics bv way tit an iti.t -t lack "ii the reports oi tie 'iv< travel n*.; senatirj's is a kmd • " slund hopping" that will make 11.1 .vmerican realty love Uniam inure. Moreover. Mr. Churchill. I can't br'iuve it unpatriotic or traitorous tor Americans. H'ltish. I lunce o. Uus.-ians to disa;: out loud in and thin We are .1 I'nitcd N.itio'i.s family. U''en'l we' \tu| \\a* the' e i \ er a laliuly worth it> ration coupons that didn't latl • •• ii regularly and wit! -t tnul.ijing's have the ...ll>ng.- out i i'i l':i "a .1 Nations . • ly !.«>w v.'iiifi war is still in progress. We wa tiil until the ; »a, was over lii lure we Itegaii ' • get Aloeri ea'i tei lings hurt \>>w i> the tone lor all goml A' "• tii tail their 1 Cnele St,., (..i i: .1 . •J.400 Dairy I'alvrs thought in College Station, Raleigh. Oct. 27. In answer to the nation's cull for more milk as the No. 1 food item for the coming year, the State College (extension Service has brought in 2,•100 dairy calves and bred heifers during the last five months from Mississippi. Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Kxtension Dairy Specialist A. C. j Kinney announced today. Most of those animals will be used as family dairy vows, according to Kimrey, and the number above does not include several ears bought at private sales and brought into North Carolina through dealers. The dairy animals were about evenly divided between white and Negro fartiers. This year a bumper nce eron— over 70 million bushels—Ls ex pect ph from ;i record number of acres planed in rice. This means about n, « percent increase over last year Eire farmers using kerosene""?!?; tractor operations have been warned to Increase the use of horses f(,„ farm work. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL By Presenting This Ad—The Homer Will Receive PORTRAIT $1.75 Oil. COLORED FOR ONLY Y ' V tt SELECTION OF POSES • OPF.N EVENINGS UNTIL !> • Xi > AI 'I'OINTM EN'T NECESSARY • ALL WORK GUARANTEED ONLY ONE OFFER TO PERSON OR FAMILY NEW FLUORESCENT LIGHTING No Heat — - No Gl.~re Vanderbiit Studio 210 CARNETT STREET HENDERSON, N. C ,V/:.YT TO STh'V AW.SO V THE AT UK on your doorstep »../* a problem... Your problem. In this instance she is a Chinese baby but it could just as well be a Polish child or a tiny survivor oj ravished Greece or even the child oj an A merican Jighter Jar Jrom home. These children and their mothers and Jathers too are sitting on your doorstep. They are your A Hies ...your responsibility. , Only you can help them. Hell, what are you going to do about itP. I I EWE is perhaps the most effective thing you can do... You can give your dollars to our community's war fund and, through it, to the National War Fund. Through this great over-all agency serving on all three fronts...the Military...United Nations and Homa fronts, your dollars go to seventeen participating war relief services who are joined with our own local welfare agencies in this united drive. Some of your dollars will go to the U S O to comfort and entertain our own soldiers. Some will aid our allies...British, Chinese, Dutch, Greek, Poles, Russians, .Norwegians, Belgians, French, and Yugoslavs. They will buy them food, shelter and medical care. Your money will support hospitals, nurseries and children's homes...both abroad and at home. Some will go to local welfare agencies and help care for those in need in your own community. Some will lend a helping hand to our Merchant Marine. Some will bring a bit of "home" to the barbed wire legion, the war prisoners of all nations. * Because the National War Fund and our community war fund have joined forces, you give only all these war agencies listed below. They all share your gift—each in proportion to its need. So make it large...large enough to go around ..LET your llEAUT DECIDE HOW MUCIL Give Once for All of These Vance Count >i Commnnit n Chest Salvation Army Hoji Scouts Girl Scouts P.-T. A. Milk Funds Crippled Children's Clinic USO (United Service Organizations) United Seamen's Service War Prisoners Aid Ilelf/ian War Relief Sneietji flrilish War Relief Society French. Relief Fund Friends of Lux(nihourti Creek War Relief Association Norwegian Relief Palish War Relief Queen Wilhclminu Fund Russian War Relief United China Relief United Czechoslorak Relief United YUf/oslav Relief Fund Refugee Relief Trustees U. S. Committee Care of European Children National War Fund This Ad Is Contributed in the Interest of the War Fund by EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE 230-232 S. Garnett St. Henderson, N. C.