ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS Htfttiterson Bally Biapatrlj MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 11)48 War Fund Total Is $5,000Above Goal, With $24,668 Sum Spurt Saturday Goes Beyond Expectations Of Drive's Leaders With a spurt Saturday iliat was entirely unluoked l'ur. the Vance county t inted War Kumi campatrin went far a hove its quota of $ lil.TO.'J, and amounted at noon today to .5-it was reported from luadquart ers in tiie Atneriean l.e^ion hut tlii- afteruoii 1 >y .Mrs. W. U. Daniel, office manager. The excess approximately alcove tiie quota fixed. It was -ril app 'N lii l -Iy $7.Mini ot ti'.e " '"a! w.i pU-di;e , with more than $17,000 in actual cadi. ot K'.- .- than $3 0»u e: ! c total •i.-Ut.-I. There bad been • ■ • dmj' : the camiKiiun would suiwd, but few anticipa.ed such a iurpliw sm 11:-. (K'.cl 'i'ci, and which wat not c peeled. General .1 W Jenk it*, chairman of the campaign. and Mrs. U.> iel d today that the tine showing wa* the remit «•: intensive work on the par: ..t -I. ~ Hid 1 the H els .• vi- a 1 the entire community. T • 1 .! V Cm ' i y e\|J:v>-cd t'C :• jiiMcere <pp er»..and • .r.i;1: w.i. e\pia tied th •• ' •■■r4. wev S' c fund- !'•■• y« t ffp' 'Vd. with the possibility that ; WHild run above the S25.WHI t 'tal. SI ghtly more than $11,000 of the quota is the Vat e • C »tn1v (•• •» : uni*> 1 • •? •!.<• rent 1 nder w ill p t • the Nat onal United War F ind for vat •• .« aget cics sharing iti t!u* si25.oon.non total ji-ked of the f ntry it large. 11 >w the surplus here u li Ix? provided \\ is !ii*" : - was pointed o t that tl e su pin# w:u more than c. >:i rece ■>'.* - ' ■ ' -1 .•••<! w is speculated ipon tu perhaps til* w set* course t.-r t:i» :i I VK I) OF TII WKS. We wish 1< e\pre*« our -no thanks ami il.opc.'t app vr • ii.n tueitd.- ilu i. Undue-- and words •'! sympathy during the idntiss and death of mot be ,\:lor the beautiful floral designs. McKinley Davis md Family. Mrs. Da u*l -1 t*»• t"i 1*0 tn the Legion hut would remain open for several da\> t» waul up tht. earnp.' Hr and t«" teeeive belated reports ami remittances by workers. State Negro Baptists To Meet Here •\ en allfil Till' 111 • • 11 •:! B ipti*t S\.N c \ fill < hi. .1- :vii. v\ ill linl.l it t> — .xl!. -1 - ..-I v, 111 tinlist ohuroh ihi Culleae street 1til: 4 * row .uu( onnt thruiiKli 'ft1111 day. ,t uanih b.v <>n e ula >( I ho ohiuvh imlst. • mi-• iniiiu ii<-.tki'i> ...i' t. up i't'ii t'.o jif i.;i-.i:n. ni"i' ii vi'4 i> *.i olery nrt |;iv : i'm I)r. Chariot to lluw ii" Bnwn, ul I'ulinei Institute .it Si'ii.i' i'. 1 * »iri'eii>i)<M«i. will or 1k\. ii Wodno>d v night. wl) If ii'. 'I u -d. v n.> in tin* w oe udriiv sod by Dr C*. C Spauld!>.: .1 alloo i \fi it;vf SUM . '< .lit , nig i'looil iivd poupio. W. I'll 1 > c\ 1 :. ... 1 :iit(l:tnn 1.1 1H. \ ; !i>" 1-.-. the olloir til Shavv L'nivewity. Raleigh. will »in«. and Dr. Rubcrl !' Dsmlcl, president ni Shaw. will deliver the sermon. A wolotwno program will lie held by the In reh Tuesday evening. t ■ \l v 1 Henry T. I'nweli wi'i. if ".o . .1 .11 boh.ill nt tiio t t.v 4f nor. 1 >. Hie o.iiivo t'.mi program will beuin oaeh 11 mi 1.. o'clock and cont v. f ' ■ ^ :. >• day. w.all;^:nlln.> .od EDUCATION BOARD TALKS ABSENTEES lit li ■ I l-.'t riu II I:'> .if- 'll the 1 I. l!4 :?! ■foduiv .1 J. White, o board, pri-.dod. SEE US FOR HORSES AND MULES COWS AND PIGS 11V hint, sell out! trifdc WESTER'S Sale Stable \>M To lliwS (.in III m>« i:xi\. c. WARTIME NAVIGATION fou can steer a straight course through clouds of bills if you pay by check, and you will always know exactly where you are financially. Many inexperienced clerks hcivo replaced men gone to war. Mistakes may be more frequent. Protect yourself. Pay by check. You will have a reliable record of your expenditures and receipts to prove payment. You will save money and sctva time and worry if you pay by ch»ck. YOU CAN BANK BY MAIL Citizens Bank & Trust Company Henderson, N. C. MIMBffl FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION County Taxes $10,894, Board Is Informed Tax collect 'its «>t Sltl.8U4.30 during October wore iv|im titl to the Vance Hoard "l County Commissioners .it their monthly meeting today by K. M 1). «r>i»y. collector. The report rtiviwd the tu>t full mouth >:nce the new HI43 hooks were turned over to that official for collection. l:-cludcd m the credit wa- S117.74 .n rebate., charged otf and $37.50 in privilege license?. received. The board als • received today tlie reports "i :: c welfare department, county demonstration agent and of the jailor. lhirma the • • nitig there were several cullers with reference to tax valuation*: .ititl t!io like, but tb,. ,«•>■ > • •11. w i- i I • only about half a «lay. wa I m l\ routing in character. ami \ l.ttle of unusual inle: est trail:-..c'.cd. Epps Church Moderator I lev S' 1* Kpp... pa tor ot the I'm :cti !' <• >■ in church. colon d. on \ it ( i 'siit street. was elected ■ il< ' i ' the Tenre:—it" 1' iiytcrv .. I'n.ted I'lT-bytiT a:l Church ' 'mention last we.'k at Athens. Tenn.. it wa, learned today, l:. add t on to his Henderson i : . ;i. " , -Icr also serve, the I're-byic. i ll at T<wr.>\ tile. II* \ I • . - il to be the young o.,t i -'i :presbytery, and i i i .i--t minister in the cht.v i : f!o\ atcd to the highest i •. >'.>•!« ;. <• . : tnoderatorship. In a<ld .■ • to Ito ng moderator, he , - . >■ "• >>• .» ! young people's . n the presbytery, which cov< . N i . Yirg.m.i. Alai'.. c it '.:n -.-co. He i, the only Negi en bei the tee of i i . U people's ( v. o-. i; • . I'mted Presbvteriait Ch ireh. He ha- "iilv year's cxperI'lin .u ' • : .itt . having c 'mi' here from >• liege n 11)42 as pastor ■ Rcnlt\ \ ransters ()\cr the Week-Hnd | Number ()nl\ lhree Three real estate transfer"' were inv tlved in pa|ieis i led Saturday with tiic register of deed.-. Id< May Harris sold '•• Parker F t- and Ciia. la S Kitt, .■ oil the lie: iti ■ n-T vi:-' lie >ad SHI and other consideration-. j Al. H. We-ter and wile s-.ld to i .1 • >i.iiny Clements and wife a I >t on I Powell street for $10 and other con- I sidvrations. Al 1*. Wester sind wife convoyed I ti Kddie Ellis and wife a l"t on J !.w« n >trcct for iiiid other con- j it ' THREE MINOR CASES BEFORE THE MAYOR Thtee tnin->r lielilA !'• nrlilV. An t •• - •; ■- . 1>, " rl. \\ i li.uU Hint II.- . f • li IimuI jiiul '"<*• i'l V.a- Ul\eil I'll III I>• • I I f 11 led I ,y police r III I < d \\ It!! I III i_; 1" il-tl'l i ill- | itim • hilly day it tin ii.-|i"niic(| 'II paVrnelll I fun • ■! S.) ..till II' lnit : -i.i Knight. i-n|(i:r<i, was i' I 'i and disortleily, .mil ;:i\.'ii till! »V- (I,-. the roa<t<-\ -ii p. v'l <1 mi |>,viiH'iit <>i ,i inn. nt -1.*> .Hid <■ . . AI!«-ii (i y Mm i(|y, white in;*-., paid the t in a speeding churgc. I Xante <ln- (In in;.ii comnintider i nicknamed "Tlie I lexer t K.ix. • ~ filler i- the name "I a plant, mineral. or kind (>l butler'.' What is a quail'? I. Which Stall- leil the t'nion in p< rceittaue nl it- «|ti<ita in the Third War l.naii campaign? ii. Automobile tire- lose air la-ter in summer than in winter: true or alse? (>. Whieh months have only thirty days? 7. Is the Tropic of Capricorn north or south of th«- Equator'.' 8. Where i< Tulane University" J). Who said: "I came. I saw. I conquered"? 10. A drum major's dress hat is called a beaver, shako, or fez" Citizens Realty & Loan Company Com plete 1XSUHA X CE Service Real Estate Property Manasement JOEL T. CHEATHAM, Pres. Phone 628-H29 BUYING SELLING RENTING INSURANCE AUCTIONEERING | Fred B. flight How's Your REALTOR Phone 289 Vance Loses 2,275 Total Population Calculations Made On Basis of Issue Of War Ration Books Vanve ;ind nil <>l it.- neighbor Collllllf* lo>t population m 1us Compared Willi oftlcial CCHSUS llgUfCS i>i l'.nii, on tho h.i-i> uf No .2 wsir ration bonks issued during Huil registration. according to an siniiouiiccincnt l»y Director J. C. Capt, of the I". S Hurt-ail of tin- Census His stati.-tic. were announced Iroiu Cltnrli.tte during llu> week-end. \'ance county's HMO rcnsu> showed 29,9lil population, while the ration book registration dropped to L'l.liWI, or a decline ol T.t! percent. (Stanvillc drop|KHl troin 29.344 in HMO to 20.770 this yeai'. or K.8 per11 ill Franklin declined from 30.381! 27,745. or l>.7 percent, and Wairen county ..lumped from .'3.115 to 21,700. or ti.'J percent. < >n the .sune bus.* of calculations, the Stall' sis si whole dropped perivnl. or ii!37,3.i pei'soiis. in HMO the Federal census gave the State 3.502..">92. whereas under the ration hook ligure the shrink.ige was tn 3.424.951 as of March I. 1943. The decline in Vance county amounted to 2.27a. which i> approximately the number >i men and woi: tn who have gone siway into the a.:red >cr\'iees since the 1942 census wa.» inside. John Terry Found Dead .'■•",11 Terry, coln.ed. aged .>t Ax'.' 1'iiii ! ,-t reel. Henderson. was Ui'clared by A. I'. l'a.-tluill. coroner. in* d i d Hum qums when t.i was Iniiiul ;it his home l>v .to-ie IV v :.iul .laini'.- Timttscnd. neighi)' •■>. »51j~ nmniing. T. . . y had bought -■•me materialv. which t > repau his house. .Hid wlun the carpentei was unable to find any iint.' this mo n:ng he mi|Uired i'I neighbors When they entered t!.<- they inland Terry dead, apparently having died Sunday. Terr> v as la>t seen alive by Xailnit Kimtt early Sunday morning, according to reports. About 3,000 Are Signed Here For New Liquor Book Approximately 3,000 la(|iaor ration b'M.Uv have been signed lor and distr.lmttd under the new registration now under vsiy. L. C. Brink Icy. manager ••! the ABC store and in cbsiigf ol the registration. .-.aid today. Tlii.- compares with approximalcly Sl.ddli that were issued at the •tart ol sue prc.-ent calendar year, he raid. I he present registration will contin if until the end <>f this month, after which time one day a week will be t aside lor registration-. The sign-up is being conducted in the police court chamber in the Municipal Building. A tic ol 2a cynls is charged for each book placed; as was the case a year ago. TWO PRISONERS IN COUNTY JAIL OCT. 29 As >'( October ''!l, the date covered b.v the report, there were only t\\ o prisoners in the county jail. A. It. Falkner. jailor. reported to the Vance Board of County Commissioners today. It was one of the smallest number "f prisoners to be shown in a report in any rerent month. In and out during October «err 37 prisoners, and they served a total of 217 jail days. Water Supply Holding Own For Week-End Henderson's water supply appeared to be holding its own reasonably well over the week-end, and it has not yet been necessary to start pumping water to the filters Irom the new connection to Rowland's pond, established last neek by laying «'f a pipeline nearly a mile from the waterworks plant east of the city. The regular waterworks lakes still contained a considerable amount tit water, and which appeared to be of about the same quantity as midweek. There has been no ram in the meantime. but damp nights helped slightly. and evaporation has been held to a minimum. Pumps were ready to start work on a moments no'ice in tin- event oi a iy soil i>l an emergency. Ma.V'n Ii<-my I'owell reiterated his appeal to the public l.i consume water a> Imhllv a> |m»smIiIc, consistent with urgent ncctl, hoping thai rants may yet come in time to re* plcnish the lakes so as to obviate necessity nt drawing on the supplemental Mipply. R. B. CROWDER VERY ILL-1N RICHMOND I! It t'rov.der. of I lender-..11 and Italeigli, i> icportcd !■> be very ill in a liiclutmnd hospital, where last week he underwent a serious operation Latest reports that that his condition was about as satisiactory as could be expected. Mr. C'rowder for a number of ycai - was owner and opciator of the Cruwder Transport Company, under I contract t• >r delivery service throughout Eastern North Carolina to the A. St P. grocery chain. Sever.o years ago Mr. Crovvder purchased the old Burn.-idc properly near here, and remodeled it and has been spending a good deal of his time there. EMBASSY Phone 492 Today-Tomorrow -v *Wef M Also—LATEST WAR NEWS The STEVENSON —Today -T onvir row HAROLD PERRY in "GILDERSLEEVES BAD DAY" Also—XI'WS AMI COM KIM' ] 311th Infantry (Camp Butner) Revue Sponsored by Henderson Shrine Club For The Benefit of \ Shriner's Cripple Children's Hospital ADMISSION - 45c TAX 5c TOTAL - --- 50c Henderson High School 8 P. M. WEDNESDAY ! November 3rd Prices Slightly Firmer As Leaf Selling Resumes Market Blocked With Around 400,000 Lbs. Sold During the Day Prices were slightly firmer on the Henderson tobacco market when auctions were resumed totluy after t r: holiday which bccanv elective at the close or selling Tiie.*d.iy of last week, on orders of Governor Brougiiton and Governor Uarden of Virginia, all citing all flne-cnred markets lit the tw> states. Arthur II. Surpsisc. .-ales .uipervi- ' tor, said approximately MMMKM I imunds ot tobacco were »l<I (lin ing I the day. and that a slight block of I warehouse flours was left over at the j end oi the soiling period. sa.d tlrit prices ini|:r >vc;l j slightly as the day woiv on. at I tile iipe: mg w ••re ilioiit the sail".* ;:s | at the close befivc t"; the h»»li«Jjiy. I lie est tin ted that Icnd-lea.c buyer.- | were mere active t>>!ay. t.ul th::t 1 they were taking mon ot the com- . moil 'tl'-'dcs, which howoit some strength. Best, gi v!e 1<■?• so,d t ( about the sanu a.. belo.v tin holiday, tjovv grades were i'Cj>ur'ed i>r.n t < higher by a few dull. rs. No grades were anv «ower thai' i tiiey were at the close last week, tiie ; suprvisor said. The blood of birds is the warnie-l | of ;.11 animals. TWO COUPLES GET MARRIAGE PAPERS Marriage licenses were ublainea [hiring the week-end by two couuleg us follows: • • Malvern Kdwnrd Whitinore and Delores Mac Hinton, white, both of Henderson. James Alfred Williams and Cora Lee Johnson, colored, both of Honderson. Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bronchitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medicine Jess potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and Ileal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beech wood creosote by special process with other tune tested medicines for coughs. It contains 110 narcotics. 8 No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, permitting rest nnd sleep, or you arc to have your money hack. (Adv.) See Ann Rutherford, starring in "HAPPY LAND," a 20th Century-Fox picture Ann Rutherford helps put over Third War Loan NO SHORTAGE of customers when lovely Ann Rutherford sells War Bonds! They sold like hot cakes the day she took over a Bond Booth during the recent Tliird War Loan Drive. It was hard work, so in time-outs she enjoyed her favorite soft drink—Royal Crown Cola. -immmmmmmmmmmmimsmffii mmii liZM PICTURE MAKING and selling Bonds keep Miss Rutherford stepping. So for a fresh start, she goes for Royal Crown 1 Cola—her favorite since she sampled leading colas in paper cups. She says, " Month in, month out, I 'quickup' with ltoyal Crown Cola." LANE NF.III BOTTLING CO. Ilcndrr.Hnn, N. C. BUY MORE U. S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS TODAY

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