DEWEY CONGRATULATES VICTOR FORMER STATE SENATOR Joseph H. llanloy, of Perry, N. Y . the ncwi;. - elected Republican lieutenant-governor ot i>cw York, is shown bei:is congratulated by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, llanloy hart a 3"»0.00fl major ity over his Democratic rival Lt. Gen. William Haskell, (/itlernationui) Most Pastors Returned By Methodist Conference New Minister Named for Mill Churches; Conference Goes to Raleigh Next Year i; m I>v Mount. Nov. Al') T* Kdciiton Street Methodist church ! 1 l.'alilKtl Was selected i« lie host fl ! < I'.Ml si-s., 11. n hi the North Car ■ ..I Conference nl the Methodist Church as litis year's session came t i rlose here with the reading ot ti • mmi-terial appointment l>y il: Ijt■!» Claire Pureed of Charlotte. The election ot delegates to me KUieral and jurisdictional conlci - tves was completed tin- morning. Tlii li< \. .1. M Ormond oi Duke 1.111 'i i 11v. the Kev. I! W. Hradshaw ol Durham, the Kev. T. M. Grunt and l>r. K. I.. 11111111an ol Rneky Mount V',c named t'i represent the clergy •it tin- two mnfereiKTs. , Additional delegate* to tin- juris dictional eoiiterenee are l)i II I'. S: till ol Fayellcville, the Kev. I-'. S. I.ue of Durham, the Kev. W. I.. Clegg Hi Klizabeth City. Dr. F. W. J'ii i hall ol Wilmington, the Kev . W. A Cade of (ioldshoro and the Kev. A S Marker of Wilmington. I'lii" lay delegate's to the general •'.ml jurisdiet ional eonfei enccs are V. .1. Smith on Bethel, Gurnev I'. II.. .d ..I Kali mil. Mrs. K I.. Ilillman «' KocKy Mount, and Dr. H. (i. fluids ol I Juke university. Additional lay delegates to the iui i-dictional eonlerenee are W. 15. I'lojicr oi Wilmington. M. I*. Sniitii '•I Kurliiifitoii. l!. MonK of Wash ington, N C., Mrs. W C. Cliadw irk I New IJerii. W. A MeGirt ol Wil iningloii .:nd M. J. Cowell ol Gold - Imuo. Appointments for minister.- in the N. C. Methodist Conference were read ii< Iho montiiiK today l>.v Mishop Claire Purtell. They in cluded: Durham District. F. S. Love, .su|>erinlendenl. Durham - Branson, Jolm Cline; Calvary, .1. II. I11111i111;: Carr. M. C. Dunn: Duke Memorial. J. C. Glenn; ISui Inn-ion. Davis street. I!. I). I'rit rher; Front street. I.. C. Laikin: Webb Avenue, l". J. Andrews; Chapel Hill. .1. ,\1. Culbrcth. Fli/.aheth City District. W. L. Cli'KB. district .-lipcrinten dent. Math. I. I". Sawyer: < ). f.; Wa.-innnton. I). A Ci.irk. General Manager Tavloo hospital. M. (). Fletcher. Retired: .1. I,. CiminuKim. L. Stack. I!. 15. Grunt. N. M. McDon ald. and .1. C. Ilaitnon Wilmington District. A. S. Parker, district superinten dent. W. I,. I.ov. Cliadbouuu-. Fair mont. H. F. Hoone: Faison-Kenas \ die. .1. W. l.inebui'Ker: Lumhertnn Che.-tnut St red. K. 15. Fisher: Lliin , lierton circuit K. I. Mill: Pen broke Parish. First church. I). F. Lowry: Pleasant Grove eireuit. .t. W. Smith; St Paul. i). I.. Hathaway. Kctired: .1. W. Ilarreli, C. A. ' .loues. F. K. Lowry. J. F. Usry, and 1 I!. L. Viekny. FayetteviMe Distrie!. II. C. Smith, district superinten dent. | Maxton. (' P. Wotnaek; Med (Continued on Page Two) Senators Ask Compromise On Food Subsidy Issue Wellington, Nov. fi. —(AP> — A fcl'OUp III ilirllKMlt iill Democratic Sena tors has appealed In President Moose vell to compromise <>n (lie food sub sidy • issue to avoid .1 repetition <>l l<ist summer's violent tight on the Jloor of Congress. Thai wits disclosed today iifler the group <if ; bout a do/en Sennits called in War Food Adininistr tior Mnrv in •tones and Chairman Frank ('. Wal ker (if tfij. Democratic National Com mittee. and 111|f| them ill cffcel that •hey didn't oeTTevc Congress would vole to continue and broaden (lie subsidy program to hold down lood prices. Among those at the conference were Senators Match and Chavez <N„ Mex.). Gillette (Iowa), l-oca. (111.). Truman (Mo.), Tydaigs (Md ), .iihI Tuimell (lH'i.1. Coiilviciv said they sent word In tlic* President, through Jniios .iihI Walker, Hi I they thought .1 compromise must be wink ed nut under which (ho government would continue to guarantee fixed or ">U|iport" prices to producers on cer tain commidities, but that subsidies to roll back prices, or so-called "co i i sinner subsidies", should lie aban ' doned. strued bv some ;is meaning that the i The presence of Walker was coii aitrietilttiral states. i subsidy battle, particularly in tin ThV farm bloc once before pushed through anti-subsidy legislation. only to have it vetoed by the President. farm organizations h.ive renewed their light agairsl subsidies in favoi a continuation and broadening of the syed 000,000 subsidy program. 40 Homeless AsTwoLarge Houses Burn Firemen Are Helpless I" or 1 ime to Overcome Worst Fire in Years Kilo which raged through llu* l!i;jf Ilenderson Warehouse, th*' adjoining packing ami prize House of th'* K sport lA'al Tobacco Company and two largo residences in the block bordered by Montgomery, Zone and College streets shortly after midnight this morning did damage unofficially estimated at around $200,000. It was one of the most disas trous and most spectacular fires in the history of Hender son, and left almost an entire city block .smouldering in total ruin today. I'rojivrty !<>-- was pa.tiallv cuv ercd by i .siraiici;, though ••<» ade quate liauro w >. availably a^ t<> pro tection t at : i«'<l l>y owner*. Originated in Warehouse 'rhe fire hi' g'linted ill llu- trout 1'iul ol the 15.jj Henderson Ware house. apparently i:; swntd Hour |uar;ei. directly oie- liie ollice. and ■s thought by smiie !«> have resulted front a spark from tiie Hue. I" was discovered by Cliti Carroll and Al ston Cheatham as iliey were on tlieir way honii: a lew minutes jitter midnight, b.n had gained such head way by the lime tiremen reached the scene fiat lire-fighters were I helpless before l!ie flames, wliirb leaped liigh uitu the air and swept I ill before them. Fears of a major conflagra- | lion were brightened by reason , ol' the city's water shortage but suflieiciit water was available tu combat llie blaze for hours with out starting the pumps from Rowland's pond, a supplemental reserve tapped two weeks ago when a pipe line was hurriedly laid a distance of a mile as the scarcity assumed critical pro portions. Karly tudiiy pumping of water | from that source begun, It iw- | ev er, and fur the first time Rowland j pond water was being pumped into water mains serving the city for consumption. This will be continu ed until the immediate emergency is relaxed. Several persons were hurl, none seriously, during the fire | in the early morning hours. Her bert I-:i I is. a volunteer fireman, had both feel and ankles injured I bv a log or stick of lumber, and X-rays were made today at Ala- | ria Parhain hospital of his in juries. the results not being learned at once. Cuts and burns were sustained l>.\ half a dozen others whose names were not (Continued on Page Two) Caldwell NO I .oilier Is Full Time State Manpower Director ftoleigh, \.>\. (AIM The serv !<•<• "I Hill V C";«Uivv«>ll on .1 mil 11iiu* biisi- ,i> >!.ili I .■ i in m.iii|M<v. er rliirc tur Ikis terminated. (•nvcrnor liruuKh lull illllWllllCCd tndav. li||t |jL. will continue In serve as advisor in the Farm l.abnr (*<>i:iuiissjnn without compel isat inn. ('•ilciw ell. wlin has been ina-tr; nf the State ({range for a number >•( years. had born granted leav e <>l ab since finm that |>n*i at the ici|ue>t nl the CJnverimr, but lie returned t" his lull duties mi November 1. | WLBContinue? Mine Debate WiishiliRlnn. \«v. —(AIM — The War l.abnr Hoard todav continued to wrestle, witliout a decision, over the coal minor waec agreement worked out l»c Iwtcii John I/. I.cwls and Fed eral Fuel Boss Ilarold I,. Ickes as spotty iirodliction was resinn ed in the fields in anticipation of approval. The hoard failed durine a ■nomine session (o brine out a i inline on the proposed contract between the covernmcnt and the lulled Mine Worker*, provid ing for earnings increases and ilcsienrd to end the recent een cral walk-out. Hut when a recess for lunch was taken, an official spokesman said a vote was e\ pectcd ilurine tlie afternoon. The rciwirl* were that the WLB was ready lo assent to the I agreement. !★★★★★★★*★★★★ ★★★★ Allies Punch Deeper Into Central Italy History-Making Moscow Conference In Session Tlic camrru rccurds a session of the niiw-liisUirir )l nsrcu I'imlVri'licp, at which rrprrscntativrs ill' Ilic I'. S„ | Ku-^i.i and Kritain ngrrrd uimii tin- terms of the part whieli may do niueli to pi-evert another war li nn crowing out of this one. At tlic extreme risht is I . S. Seeretarj 01 State fordell Hull, anil beside him is 1'. S Ambassador William Averell llarriman. In foresrounil (luu-k to eamerai i> Soviet l-oreiun < nmniis sar Molotov. and at the other end of the table ttliira from left) u Anthony l.den. British ioreit;u minister. (International Radiopliolo.I Reds Occupy Land East Of Dnieper; Casualties Listed More Meetings F olio wMoscow Washington. I iiv. 5—(AI'I— President Koosevclt told report its today that the Moscow post war iii'arc agreement undoubt edly will lead to other t'nited Nations meetings abroad, hut that the question of his own J prospective conference with Sta- i iin and Churchill was -still un- j derided. lie added he was still vcrv anxious to meet Stalin because I it was alway> a good thine to ! ki'ow the other lellow. The other meetings be refer red to. lie said, would he ;>f the two commissions set "tip at the Moscow conference and. earlier, that of the .Mediterranean com mission and a second to be held in l.ondon. 11 <> said l*i' looked for closer I work no details to follow the 1 historic meeting, touching on military operations and services of supply, as well as how to get better coordination of military forces. Germany And F ranceBombed By Americans Lot (Ion. N (.VP)—American Klyinit nd Liberators t\— c<ulcd l>v I limits :nid Litilit 11 itiu-- in we.-'crn Germany ' d :l«- medium ?la ralldcj- linn . ..tlaek targets in northern Frwur, t". S. Air Futw hc;i(l(|ti.ii lot - 11 'iinccd. Tin* daylight aull> came within a lew In. i le. ItAK Msixpnti bomber*.. In: '.'.i .■.imc general area last right n tlit* wake o( till' imi—( devastating -I iMtir punches yet llirown at Hu- ISi':i'h. There was n > official indication <"l lilt' si/e "I i. l.ty's Imcc. Itul ml the ..! Wednesday'* SMNMMuti daylight attack «»n Wllhclmshuven by around l.tMHi American bomber. iiiul escorting lighters. it set' i «■<I likely thiit tl»«* new operation. cmi pled with the IIAF's 2.0(tl)-l"ii altail, on Du-scldnri Wednesday nigh*. Willi Id boost the total tonnage loosed itn the enemy within the p.i.-t li! hours li> ;i new peak. Last nigh;'.- returning Mosipnio flier.- said lire- .-'ill burned in l)u - seldml lti»m the attack in which the explosives were dr<ip|K'd ;it the rate ol VI tit".. a nun lie. WEATHER KOIt NOIl'I'll CAROLINA MohIIv cloud* .iikI conlltiiird ciiiiI (his allrrnoon. Partly cloudy and sliqhlly warmer to night and Saturday, 2.700,000 Casualties Of Germans Claimed In Summer Campaign .Moscow. Nov. .">.— (AIM—The Russians hold virtually rvi'iv fool of land rasl ol' tin* Dnieper today from its mouth below Kherson anil along its 650 mile course IhrouKh the heart of the l kraine north to Gomel as the prize of their summer campaign, which they said bled the Ger tnans of 2.700.00 casualties. Marshal Stalin's rosim <• «>t four violent r.'intll- III coM'.ha'. li.-ied !MIU. 0()(i Germans killed, KH.onii captured iuxi 1.702,(100 wounded, thus hoisting Germ.ill casualties claimed ny 1111s>i;i to »ii astronomical 1 I.OOO.OOII. ol which the Russians s. d a.oou.omt lay dead iiwil't sweeps over the lilark Sea sands of the southern I k raine brought the eossaeks to the river hanks o|)|>osite Kherson. Oa miles northwest of the sealed off Crimea. * Official maps published tnd.n showed (he Russians in possession of all the east side of the Dlliper from Gomel lo /.aiiuezhc in the bend. South ol' Zaporo/.he (lie onh German holdings ea»t »i the Dnieper are limited to lite C rimea, a thin strip 51 mile*, lona opposite Nikopol, and a minute bit of land in the Onipcr delta due south nf Kherson. (Mi>-co\v aairi nothing >11 1 - men. h ' tlu* llerlin radio .i man troop* were engaged in lighting on beachheads • it! and ea.-t of Kerch and >n the • ' < n |)|)ioache< 11• t In* t ; I t ;••• - mans said a t >m fought near IV < ; sector K mi.hi • n. I c|V.:!.-ed the Soviets in ■ t< t - •Muck. Berlin s.iid that two landing boats were -onk oft Kerch ami also three (orpedo boats. a mm boat and three l.iodiui' boats had been sunk in "the Hlack Sea and in the i villi »l Kill land", siic eesliue anipbiliious operations in the Crimea, west ol the Dniuci' (('i.iitiiuii'ci 'ii I'age Two i Finland May Send Emissary To Moscow Stockholm. Nov. —(AIM — Tin* newspaper Social llemokra len said today the l RliV rrnmrnt hail instructed Jiihu I'aasikivi. former minister to liussiii. to hp ready to en to Mosrdiv—presumably to discuss negotiations for a separate peace. I'aasikivi played an important pari in the negotiations which hroucht an end to (lie Kiimish Itussian war of i!»:;!» to i!)40. "Finland's fair will he srttled within a lew days." the Social Oemokratrn declared. 'I'herc was no orricial confir mation of the report with regard (o I'aasikivi either in llrlslnki i or Stockholm. Far East Campaign Agreement Conference Decides Military Operations In Chinese Theatre Washington. N<>\. •">—(AIM cd today that the 1'iiitcd States, (ireat I >ritai 11 and China, hail rt-acht'd a eomplete agreement : lor new military operation.- in tin- Chinese theatre and that is would mean had new- for the Japanese. The IY< lt'iii disclosed i> • — riid.o «••• '• Iflnv thill U>< >fi " Illt'li: i h;.d i iM-rii leached .1' .m e\ ' lien »-lv . wce.-slul coii'ei■••utt* .• 5 Chii 4I..1.14 nuing - Stilweil, Chci'.i It . iuI Somerve ! l"i the ft. "t-ti St..tes: Lord I.' - Mounl b.-itten. n« w British coromnndcr-in m t:SoiithtM I A .1 iireii. i c .ill - inn t'l u Ki»i 1 .iiid hi.- Chine.-e lit.u \ iui \ -ni\ Hf -iid in,. agreement .i> mostly i >i>eration!i| question* .1 d that it i-ij the method 1 hiindlmu • mc called tin- c<>111 I.f 111;<t i.mi tin* Kill I" inures ( ii\ on < >n Allied liomhin^s ()t (k-nn;in (-itics Sll'l khollll \'IIV. (Al'l — Swiss 111 Ill's ;uvi' SllIM' I'is urex In.1.1* on Allied hiinil)ill|i> «l Germany: There an now S.OIMMMMI linmh virlims liimii'li'ss in Germany: I.VJ,0011 peiMins li.ixe I> •«•!» killed ill llainliurs Immhiilgs ami li. 000 in a I larks <m Kessel: II Olio were killed and I'.'.ftOII made homeless |»y the 15. Ms attack Wednesday nifflil on Oiissehlitrf. Mow (lie limires were obtain ed wa> linl explai'ied In Hie dispalelies lo Swedish newspa pers. *»" Gains Made Over Trigno Defense Line Fall of Venafro, Big Highway Center, Believed lmmimenl Allied lU'ailiiuartvrs, Aljf/er*. Nov. •"> (AIM Alnviiij! with hard. swift (nun-lie- d«-epcr into rci'tral Itiilv over tin- collapsed .Massien-Tiifnio fiver defense lines. A11i«*• 1 Fifth ami Kiinith Armies advanced in all rector-. Allied headquarter- -aid today. (The (Sertvan luun maud aid n :i ■ :i>i■ .:i.<111* in '■ .(It ;itrom Iter I • tli.ii .ii. Alt.I'll lan;l>UK tl*!i,|>* had i>«•«•«» l"- II !!;e 1'e-ca area. 4" miles northwest oi the Bri ' sll Kin'tllli \: • t > s |»rese t position • ■ii The Adi i.i . .ii hi a|»|>;.i«'ii! • ••■ newal • •! (ii'iieral S Ii. :>;• I'd i.. MnntK"'- 'U taetie Cliif n mutt Mud si second attempt ..I-.- 1. .<i been '...tie . ti»«• "area nt I,-:.. .. ." I)iit litvl.i ••<} "Ii..! iiolh attempt.', xvei. (IcteaU i iiy artillery. (I that ■»:it- 11.<>t.. toriM'do :ma! *xa- - ill!;. I The fall nl Venafro. len- nl Un ix* i» inland tii^hxxa.x i-cntcrs \x Iii«-|i In-Ill tin- linr together, xx as liclicvcd iiumim-nl. (The Mill' fin cspoiuiel); :n Al I Kiel's said Amcricbn tiim|n> "aw lighting in tin- :tsl;irts .>1 Vena lr«."» Tin' I- il(li Arm* folluxvcd n|i The Highlit Army's i-anliirr of Iscrnia. tin- other login* ax linli in the demolished lint-. liv smash ing through Rrfnun positions to reach the xiciiiilx of tin- (lariii liano river. Kll miles sniilli ol Koine. IK loxv hanks along the Tyrrhenian had hcen flnodcd l«v tin- Germans t<> delay the pursuit. i>n the Allied right flank. <«• •• ■ eral Sir Bernard I. M.«ntamin-i-v • Kifihth Army ;!eH iv.emy resi.-.' ance ii the San Salvo area it: several days oi fierce buttling jmd captured that town mid railway 1.i tion with the assistance <•( tin- Bril :.-li (ie>tri>vi-. > () Kfii'lm .i ,iikI h' «'i-. which -helled tin- Qcrnuins uut of the.r lioie. . In 'he MoiiH'h i . , . He nile.- ■ land 11 in tli Aiii intir. MnlltKoi:-I'l * . Ill tiMi a:iil Canad ians ..iflr ti : tm- i . ■ .-mi: nl the 1 nitHi' r\t i ..'(i i-ij t-» i-\|ilnit (Continued on Pa^e Tuoj CIO Reelects Philip Murray As President Philadelphia. Xo\ 5 (API —THo .-ixih constitutional w>mcut ion the "i hid!.»•!■:,.! Ornani/atioiK t«dity in anin « i>!> vliH-tcd !Y< dent I'h ! M . The t!i»> (i.;Ieg to* stuuoil pi. I : -n-p: I tt.r.miil, convention it; fullnwitig the clod on M in i.v. who iccntk'd •'"in I I.<•«•!- .1- |iri' m-iit r •)>«• Iorganization in IH4II. p-.-. inn<. '> 1 " liir i*|i i t ■ , Miitiniic !> campaign ,v ;.1(. gani/cd " Japan Loses J 1 Ships 'i liis \\ ook In .Pacific Sii|illi«r>l I'autic \ 11 it'll lleadtiuariers. No\ — < \f • — Japan's navy. lured more mil more w ithin range ot Xmrriran ships' guns and bombers by Ilirratrued loss nl (lie Solomons, already lias paid (lie price of I I warships sunk or damaged this week without getting closer than Hi miles to the I . v Marine beachhead on Itougaiiiville. An enemy cruiser .iiul loin dr •.troyci s were iml;. t\,.. i i» 11-t and two destroyer* (liiii'iigcd tint el .1 task lorce i'l t\\el\» which tried to >iH'<ik dinvn I rum U.tli.iiil tli.••null darkness .mil blindum 1.mi early fill Iv Tuesday mid ^tic the Al.11 ines nl Kinpress August.1 Hay Kurty miles mit. I nited Slates 11 Cht mu «hl|»s shattered the .ittempl and. .ilier <1 two li<mi running bailie, sent the remnants lleeing toward H aba u I. Ilr.i(li| ..n 1' . :n iclr i-mi: t'tfliiy 1 >rt<li>1111ui. > .M i <i| llir i*<i 11 It* tin 111 -1 ui niiinv w hid lnui ( ir.illy in.iv in- i niuht a- .1 .i|>.i• i •!n\i-. In prevent In inn niiMed limn the iniVtlicrn Siilniiiinis wild the Amer I'l iciili Witr-hip* I'llei 'jjed si ;ii j «-rl lull entirely Thirty utile* -mitii o| r..-im,iin\ ille, I Amor let i n tnid New Zralnnd soldier ; b.ive Wiiit eompleli cunt rill nt 'I'ri'.is ■ my Ifliuid. All ointnitlxcrt rcsisitiinct' iiv it* L'tin .Iiip;tne>c defender* Wits cttished Wednesdiiv. ihh' wwk iifti'r 1 !»«• in\ iidci - landed At Hiibiiul. where mure limn 700 .litpnttese pliincs have been destroyed hi damaged in repented rtiids since October 12. headquarter* reported today Tuesday'* dayliKht blow .iKiiiust tM.lHKi tun- ui enemy ship pit Wiis fill lowed up that niuhl by a lire setting attack of patrolling Mitchells i'ii the Teobera airfield. i i

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