Hen&iiraun Bailg JDiapatrlj Established August 12, 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. at 109 %'oung Street HENRY A. DENNIS. Pres. and Editor M. L. FINCH. See.-Treas., Bus. Mjjr. TELEPHONE Editorial Office 500 Sucial Editor 610 Business Office 010 The Hendersor Daily Dispatch is a member of The Associated Press nnd i AP Features, Southern Newspaper | Publ shers Association and the North Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press is exclu-j ■Ively entitled to use for republication all news dispatches credited to or nut otherwise credited in thii paper, and also the local news published therein. All tights ot publication of special dispatches herein are reserved. S P BSC IllPTlO N KATES (Payable Strictly in Advance) Mail Carrier 1 Year *0 00 $7^0 6 Months 3.(Ml :i.50 3 Months . . 1 ,."i0 1.75 Weekly by carier only 20« Per Copy a# Entered at the post ■ if ire in Iler.der•on. N. C.. as second class mail matter Call <• !',<• t.» „M..W !(..• V. ..> V. I,. I fill 1 -h..Itlil W.I, 1. i' ! :! Dangers Signals Mil It v |HH>ple •«>111 t"» n •> I ovei (•.any ... . \ -< ti....l- . t lll-II 1. .iiul v.».!»-1 lit" 'II there . .iiivv.ln e .1 d«">il<*| • .. plan i.e» t> t!»!*>,. in.-titulu.n> operating in the prewtit inaniwt.i Otlhar.d - fti \ i ty -inns h.ise-j It*--. !> ' poirnl.il norm that imii' accrue (con this situation, f alt'iw*! cd t" get 0111 ot nand. is enormmts. Qo\ ernor HnKiKhtun is 011c high' official who seems U> -hare this \ ewpo'nt In .1 /event tali; :ie said this: "We must be :•> avoid thej tendency tow.ird : ! \o - \>> greater i-:• i: 1 ity could belall our! church related «• 'iiege. :: ..: 1 :r.e *.en ■arning id- to v.: all ■ :- •; ; 1 nui-- •. technical. j II- ideaji constitute sound dnc< trait. and \v tii >.\ii eh we h ve long} mi l .igii-en en Fear. "1 .51.1 t .i: , ng the colleges •»! the nation; • . ,. ,t..t tne.-e < nun » as ■ a::.i the tr.ought .-oe : - • as : ■ )c '.veil s. > auit'd n : present conditions. X !!>• ' II • .'•re* t > ise of the' r lieges as training centers for »>1<: 1. di.1 "ig v e emergency. The r litres and niver.-.'ies are glad to tend their facilities to that end. But] goiter, realistic American citizen*' • <■ r'e: r.ally \ .141 i.i;.t lest the u.t..T\ t'J.n.ie seize upon tin.- s.t.ia-. • t. . in opportunity foist the.r dcij ipon the nation .1 whole.| CI* : iiiy - not tin- "iily country .11, 1:.' ■' !() .• he:e there - .1 i.litary element I' is ve:y present here in tiie t ted States. .1 .d .is a peacetime establishment, following the win emergency, might with profit he watched aga.nst scheme- that !i • t Am erican ablio: | Honoring Service , Many North Cai"i.'n.i new-papers' took mil ic dinng Hit1 week-end 'I i the eightieth birthday n lestone <»T! th.it grand old North Carolina c«»n—, gre.-sman. Chairman Itobert L. J D'.ighton. who can render great service to his State and hU country in public office. and over a long span of year-! he has (lone just that, llis has heon a case where 'he office has -sought the man. and with satisfying result?, as is usually the case in such] circumstances. Affair., of state might be more properly handled and with greater benefit for the whole people il the people of tenor laid their hands upon men for pubii': service instead of men seeking office? which carry good salaries, and >n uijiny instances lacking some or most of the line qualities that are essential for proper discharge of great responsibilities Day after day in the~hul1s of Congress Mr. Doughton labors with i background of rich and ripe experience, and will? an eye single 1° the efficunt conduct of government in the interest of the greatest good io the greatest number. It ls a bit of good fortune for thp country that it has this statesman from the North Carolina hills at the helm of so important an undertaking as that ol : ire; I n- ta .v ami liiev are legion vhi will wish lor him many years vet hi the key ;•!'it which hi- occupied in :iic -i.i ■•I'.il oc-'-omy. 1: i <.:Ui be wished ih.ii then we.v m.mv more like hint. to.- there i.« crying need tor such . I'r. in gasoline ..iul other taxes. tinfact that the State organ/::.l:>'ti t.-ell doing the work ao excellently and so efficiently in duly appreciated. : .i St..',. mad builder* • really i.' i\\ !.. w do .. tine j*»i» oi :.l clear Si fir as wo i. • 11 r< rail. the 'i l ti.-i.e ii tin - i in iit> thai • .nl v ha- bei ll r ill id ■ i •: Hi , atinet A!• i-.nt.v ll.'-fe .ne I • ■ any *i\ t i I'll tin* S : i il i.i 111 I lie ■ ore I t' . dmie the m. i «• thei e W ii hi- ti < tie- "o til d. regard Nu:ilay ..tj.i make it like any other day tor soeulai pm poses. lY'tamly t!.• - Stale North I'ai >• Una. in ti-t.-r ,r.t\ such a |.f.M« «-t. iII t « ttiflg . i i X.ill.pie fol t-= people RefletaiIt 1 - bail or. llgil j li.r illdividua- or priv ate ilitei O. t-In ignore '.tie S.iiihath. i» 1 > ir.e reas. ii .: y these ropa :> could -ot wait. tiiat something •»: . j .t:.1 :iat re de|>onded mi s ch speed.: there :• a d.tlorence P.i\ ement eoccasioned :>y a sm-, .!•• day'; observance <»1 Sunday .' a .;i!d e imp. s.-ibie to bi ii.it ;111■ • :t fir-t obtaining p:. i t .- liie ..•'tr. 'unpenetrable <•: 4.1-crnment fil tapi. and then Iv a' abiinrtnally high A; tie-1, therefore, .t can hardly i>c expected that another auction hmi-e will r.s" iron: '.iw ashes of the Hie Hondo • '■! that a new packing and .- h - pp: •: 4 cinter for the Export Leal T.ibac.'>, Company Will be built ImIhm* ":i wartime emerfjency - ended and e .-•triction- removed !. o • i d naty i -eo (iperations • • t pr.vate d.i. ness Warehouse floor -'pace lelt a!t«*r She I re - suttie em ' .andie great01 poundage in on,, -eas'.n than ha ever been sold 111 a single year here, il offerings were .scattered 1. • properly from day to day. But tobacco crops are not sold that way I'nless faeilit i\ are available when gro.ver< de answer [ and they may br willing to wait a I while to lear-i just how far the gov. crnmcnt iniends lo go toward nulli[ fying the auction system itself before fresh investments'are made in j properties of this kind. That may I be an important consideration in j the course of the luturo in this resport. Whatever may develop, there will } be the general hope on Ihe pari of the community at large that the »n v. iiii- »-it> . « r: > .1 eenter will ue \on. ..mi | im >u>no \t.li be left unturned ' continue tho march ol ess " i •! h:is ehai actei••/.I'd lli'iulv'ts. n\ . I activities these many ye.«t> !' :.il i.« i"i N'i'Ss sea si' in-' • > ei ■ t:i;nly is adopt .1! 'it.-is; its 1 : publicity I' - • . in .1 .;> . • iv 1 • again I1.1v ::iu waited. appa: ev"i\. lint:' till' NWrl'i Sono., was eve The.-o ;uv tho days when tin* : "tit page ami Us< sports pane 'an <-.ii y tho str' 10 headline: "A r \tt..c.» Scorc» llr;i\ ly There n ay be .1 aeareity ■ •! ,«imo typos 1' -• *«•>•». ll.wevir. there will be ti » isuul amount • Chris?::ias :.»•> Itemomher \ needed a ba.-l;< hi xrnee: ii •i«*K wiu-n >4 1 i..r. y s."i ..... :j, OTHERS' VIEWS ONI' M WS OPINION T<> the IM 1' Y«*ir edit iri; I. An Man" mi the |>a|H*t .-I N'ii\ ii. was line if? it y..ii expressed my thoughts 1:1 ywUr inimitahlt *tyie. Ill 111:- v.. , j II. ilultuway ..1 • 1, i,- v. •), VV Inch I , aotlv M'lVe Indeed y«Mi !>• ii. .11 . 11, J, | , ,j . ml All 11 \ i. • I \ MI'S 11 \\ J; it; 11 IV State's Surplus Is (.<>inparet! W ith Few Other States In the *ir Waiter Hotel. Dailx Dispatch Bureau. BV I.YXX XISBF.T Raleigh. X —.Mthoiigli \ -h Carolina had combined mrpliij ;i!l tutii-* ' e ^t.itc IYea>.iry thai W'.i-. the tl. i ..u:'' " !i tile nation . • the close i>i tin* last fiscal ye;.-, the St..te dr. ,'Ju.l ce in ! ..i. : 'im when tin* s:..te d< >t - tak< nto '.a picture S ie:i 'in- r lirlli- m study made by the x >rth t Citizen* Associ it n and p iblished in the November < • We :h I\ pic." Merely listiim the - • > am * • money in a public trpas iry at *»v ime time w it consldci ".S •'.<< obligation* <>:: *• • . ■ :i - nut hides ol tile ' 11. .il < >ndit . the state. The idy p ml tit even when we •< l-.i • ' < - i 1 a per capit >e .1 n : -> the right jierspect e. been * shows that the per capita ■ irt all • tnds in the tie..- iy at the en i of the '.a.»t • • al ye -i-'. Only four other st ites bad i pi ■ cap l. -iUi'li!;is t . * .'.i* ■ ' •>'• North CrrolinaV Wash Rton had $35.9(1. Montana S20.S0. t'tah S24 W. an i I 4 '' ■ ■ ii.i:;- n > r p - drops down to 22nd n t te an ;ing ■V tnR states Many • - state • ... th a much smaller gro « mrplns ; and a •"> n de • In fact twelve state ha e e, ugh mnni'y .:i the r : . all bonded debt . nd still have n «>ney i left over. The s- >*• • w. <1 ngt .'>it Carolina".- c .'. i p y all - -let! .<:-.d then di-tribate 3" cent- • each nhabitant. It th - Mate could apply all its surplus '.n dent payment, t • would still leave a net den* •' SI 1.24 per inhabitant. Only an '.it $10 m.l1: 'ill of the total ■= va:l :t*!f tor. general fund debts, because the other is ear-marked for road- It - po-.-ble that by next .I..ly there • vill be fficie,',t surplus t i set up a : .nil for retiring the general land debt, uid cut down on the intprest the state s paying on these old bonds wh i a vill not tie flue lor .-.on e v< ir> Thai t! be up to the legi.-l. ture The people could -end a group to Kaieigii whie.'i will dissipate the surplus on "leafraking' projects. 10% Helps—Biry 111% More! ■ IRUSSJAN UNDERTAKING" Stalin As Marshal T ;> t St. lin is M -.iii ..] Tii: ir ti: •*) >red hi' (K*.IC*St i u Ants -A •• can-Sm • nfcrencc* in M sby disivi li.ng hi* !;»..• Uir ; ■'.! ■ tunc itici peak'e'i ( i|> and \\car '14 i. c ■. uniform \vhen o attciirti'd the dinner that m • . ! "hr r.'-u ! nn1 Ritdiopiii t ()r\ ille Wright Is Not IO Be Present For Celebrations In tile Sir Walter Hotel, Daily l>i-patch Bureau. BV I.YW NISBET , Raleifth. >\*nv. 8.—General H. II. ! Arnold, c.'mmandei of the United . St u s air force, has promised to make the main -ptech at the )t>th an| liiver-arv celehr.ition of the firs', iie.i\ er-than-air M ailt t > be staged j .it K.t'.y Hawk .>ii December 17. That mean tne off ir assumes far move j than l'»cal statu*. Despite that honor. I the celcbrati > .ay be comparable I • i present-it ''i nf t'ie Shake.-pearean I play "II mlet" without the prince. I That's because it appears Otville j \Vi _;!11 c.ititii>t attend He i- hilled for appearance In Washington that day. When it was suggested that he SALLY'S SALLIES r». , ■ • ; •. ■ • • • - / Poe$ /our HUSBAMP wect HIM ? OH' ^ DHA.R. HOKe'S BEErt MARRIEP Before w.:id : v down t.» Kilty I! >vk and I.i W;i>h:ngt<»tt it (Im-l-iji. thill (i icsn': !ike ; de .irpUines md ran'i make those :;-ij(He** the 11 I'vrler. wis.I With III■ Willi..1*. Kiltie that ! >t > 11 I' ''I l.ivtv > i :u ag.i. I ;he g-w nil c • .ittee p! • .1 i clcbmlloti that will «»" . .. fiir i. show and big »|Kcrh'...• : »:• 'hi* mure sordid minded •i > i> !><• 11.4 arranged alter Grnerj i Arnold's iiivc'pta; « • »t tile im t.:i.t« »|teak .51 probably enIn' II' «..»•». r.:f.iv t • gel II .t I'M.ii fi • hnnktij)— :ind tii.it v. !I mean ' i ta\ >rable '•> . '!:nlv in: \ ir'i. I'... • • a. A I) VIC i: ON KKOIMCKS l"o!.ego Siiitiu'. Raleigh Niv. — V. T Bi'nwn, Poultry -pec ah.-t with • State CiHege Kn'i'Hm • Sit. .ee. isi • ;i i 't. y raise . v. a.! a ho: I j b: • Ut eh chi> until feed dea1' \ :! ' >h"pp::is -pare i to . 1' In iitlord traii-p ctiiti.'a the gram a: eas in the J 'i to all seria-ns where] * fled. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ I. Brewster "!' Maine. Koran. Whirlawav. i. \o. .">. Anticlimax. I! .T- liii Adtiin • aid Tliomas Jeffer.. lie railed lor 11i- pipe, and lie railed I howl, and he called lor his tiddlers ti;ice." II. I If \ . .ill tmir. !>. Wy.iir.'iig. 1(1. Aujjii ta. WANT ADS BABY < HICKS FOR SALE 1IAVK two hundred nice silver laced Wyndoli in express office today at l_'i i■ .4111. St e me «ii once. A .1. Cheek. !l-lli GIIDW Vdll! OWN FRUIT — Planting Karly Bearing Fruit Trees, Nut Tiees, and Berry Plants, offered by Virginia's Largest Grower-'. Write for New Low Price Catalogue listing extensive line oi Fruits and Ornamentals. Waynesboro Nurseries, Inc., Waynesboro. Virginia. Rl-W-F-tf L< >KT SATURDAY TAN WALLET near Falkner's coal yard at rummage sale. Name of R. F. Parham printed on wallet. Contained no money but important papers. $5.00 reward for return. Call 622. C-2li w e" bu yTsell,"an d "tkade'cattle and hogs. W. B. Might Livestock Market. Phone 157. 9-eod-tf WANTED I'NFUnNISHED TWcToR three room apartmonl. C. H. Gojird nt Hose's 5-l0-23c Store. 8-3'i Dh'Y PINE WOOD FOR SALE. CUT stove length and delivered any where in Henderson. D. M. Glover, phone 4021. l-eod-8ti j WANTED: ROOM FOR STORING frir.iturc. If interested in renting call 127-J between 7 and 10 p. m. 3-lti MONUMENTS — MARKERS, GOOD wo: kiranshlp—good prices. Sec or write Winfred W Langslun, 2111 Young street, Phone 773 m"lost satimhTay ~ nTghtT in George's Cafe or between there and S. William street, brown billfold containing $130.on and other \ ahinhle papers'. Finder please rei"i-n pocket book it nol money. II. A. I lean is. U-2U WANT ADS Get Results USE VITA VAR FOR YOUK NEXT paint job. There is no paint better Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner Hoofing Co. 22-tf CLOSE-Ol'T LOT OF BEAUTIFUL pattern wall paper. Regular price l.»c ;>■ 30c. Close out Ilk" per roll. Your choice. Watkins ildw. Co. 5-6ti WANTED Td BUY: DOGWOOD .iiul P>-• i•: soon t::>•!■>*•!■ . This wood i« o.Ktlv iH'itit'd • ■ help tin* war effort. For lurthc. information write <>r -co F. P. Hart. Louisburg, \. C. 8-2n BLOOD TESTED BABY CHICKS tor immediate delivery. Henderson Hatchery. 3-6ti. MIXED HARDWOOD FOR SALE ( in heater length.-: delivered. I'.Hilar' F. L .Marrow. T»wn*villc, X. C. »>-2ti GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver and save you gas and lime. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Yellow Front. 25-tf WANTED TO BUY GAS RANGES, GAS RE frigerators. and gas water heaters. Also electrical appliance.- of any kind. Please contact us "r bring your merchandise into our .store. Will pick up i i ia!: oiovided wj can get i truck !• ,.ii. Highest cas.i prices paid. floulri-Mnms Electric Co. 17 E. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. (TRUER YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS while limited stock is still available, 50 for $1.00 with your name. Also our Lovelylyne Stationery at very special prices. Henderson Book Co, 15-tf TIRE HEADQUARTERS-WE HAVE the latest official information regarding tire inspection and application for new tires and tubes. Let us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tf "KEM-TONE" COVERS WITH ONE coat—Easy to apply—No objectionable paint odor—Dries lo a perfect flat—Dries in one hour— No sizing or priming—Mix with water—Readily washable—Brusftcs clean easily—$2,911 per gallon. Watkins Hdw. Co. 5-6ti G. E. ELECTRIC LAMP BULB-^15, 25, 40. 50, 60, 75, 100. 150. 200. 300 wait. Watkins Hdw. Co. 5-flti REALTOR BUYING SELLING RENTING INSURANCE AUCTIONEERING Fred B. Hight Phone 289 WANT ADS Get Results due TO DELIVERY CURTAILmcnts we cannot accept coal (>r wood orders for less than $2.00. Thank you for your cooperation. 11. O. Falkner & Son, phone 0-tt FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO I)UrI ham Herald-Sun papers, fall .1 !!. Aldrieh. Phone 1182-.I. r.-:tti ALA!miN LAMP SUPPLIES—(>1.1) and new type chimneys—mamli-s and wicks. Watkins lldw. Co. n-Gt: graded' AND COUNTRY HUN' ckhs lor sale daily ai llendrrsan llatchcry. 23-2(iti FULLER BRUSHES AhS HKRE-l am now aneut for the lainons line <1 Fuller Brushes. Come in and see complete display. 11. I!. Tanner ;.t Sew inU Machine Shop. I'lump Illi-W. 13-2711 MCK KINDLING AND DRY WtKili any length desired. Phone 71•• .1 Irom 7 t«i in p. »n. 5-Jti OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STAtion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged, Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Gull Service Station, Garnett and Horner Sts., phone 119H-W. 28-tf JUST RECEIVED WHO REED ' bine. pule: -He each. Walkin; 1 lilw i lllXHIWUCC DIVIDEND SAVINGS When you insure with us, you save money because our policies art' participating. See us before instiling or renewing—and save. CATF.S INSURANl'E AGENCY Phone liilil. 13-tf WANTED - CLEAN, SOFl' HAGS 2 1-2 cenbi pound at Dispatch Office. FOR ADEQUATE PROTECTION buy automobile liability insurance with medical payment coveraj;o. Call our office for revised rates. Insurance Department, Citizens Hank and Trust Company. 23-tf YARD RAKES — BAMBOO AND ,-teel. Watkiiig Ildw. Co. a-0ti ron SALE 50,000 White Second Sheet- rut size trom lop grade newsprint 1.000 Sheets - - - - 75c 5,000 Sheets - - - - $3.00 10,000 Sheets 85.00 TKLEPIIONE CIO HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH FOR PROMPT AMBULANCE SERvi<•<• call Cinrnos & William* Futioral llciiio. U'.iltc C'l.lines. manager. day phono 43">. night phone HJH-.I. aitfj A: id rows Ave.. llender.iDli. 5-14«i \VK HAVE A FEW HAP.Y STROLlors «'ii hand. (let yours now. ii E. Sailerwhite \ Sons, next to rut Station. «!-t l GOOD USED CARS AT REASONable hj ices. A look here will convince you thKt these cars are priced to move. Fords—Plymouthj —Che-rolets, 1934's to 1940s. Candler-Palmer Motor Co. 15-t! CLOT1IKS BASKETS — SPLIT wood factory made and willow wood—Clothes hamper*. Watkins lldw. C'o. ri-(!ti WANTED IMMEDIATELY RELIAble white woman for light house work and care of baby during day. good home. Call phono 219-1. H-12 a. ni. Norlina, N. C'. 15-rt:i WE nUY AND SELL COUNTRY eggs according to grade, wholesale and retail. It your eggs are Iresh and clean they will bring you more money. Henderson Hatchery, phone 871. 23-2(iti IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US Foil your needs in Furniture. CIoou .1 • wiflr.ienl at present. See t..; avo nionev. It. E. Sallei White «V S"tis. :!