ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL TRESS Local Schools Observe Education Week Events During the observance ot American Kducat ion Week, which began November 7. schools are nialiini; a special elloii to let the public know of their activities. Parents and | triends ol tlie school are urged |o visit classes and assemblies. The students thein.-esvcs are asked to analyze the subjects they are taking to see it they are pertinent t.> wartime activities. Thi> morning at Henderson high ithuui over the rndin system Susie | Dunn. Sallv Thompson. Klorute I'ar rislt. Mary Williams. \V il Carroll, atul llarbara Drake discussed three Man Is 1 lis Own Bluest Problem. Gardner Asserts M II' 4 • ' problem • - Inn wit". di el..-. (I |{f i; \ t|c,-f Gardnci. |xi»tn ot the Fit -• Baptist chutelt. in sterd.i.v 'joining ■ sei ni.'ii litili. i . ne .1 the gicat«\-t ••i Hie et ination leaders, realized 111 • M !•♦••• tin, p •bli'in n he weu lmnc-l with himK'11 . A" 'f.g Mi. ptoiil.-: that If.I 1 faces are business. home, -..«•,.■»%. happiness, ticcess; but none ot these ••"'Hptlcs ' ■ 'i ' i pi :<<-<• with !ii< p •• bli'ii ot in -ih M ,n . , >mi'.mted with himself at every turn. I lie seriousness ..i the pr<>hlem -how ■ when l allvt-. the planning and working out ol ne - ideals. What I ing". ami i M Cat dnei urged members ot th c :it; eg..1 ■ II t. tlur'.i upon holy | thing- r.iiln than • g things It inevitably influences the lives ol | ot-iei's about one. "tine cannot -in , alone: one catin it I ,rin and hurt ... |y one's self, he stated Mr Gartt- I Hi r i"i phasi/ed the tact that vice I catlli I be a pe -otial matte.' it al lects all til. -e <n .ng n contact with It Tlie pi olileil: .ittects one's .11 1 ict <e : .' i* •. ill. An intluetice t■ . g. o(j come- from Chr.-t; when . m i seeks the 1. w level there i- an .u11 icncc lor bad. A- a soluti >n to the problem he offered three suggestions submitting | to Cod's examination, praying fori God's cleansing, and seeking God's leaderslnp I: one puts himself nr.- j dcr the scrutiny ..• God's wn eyes, I prays that God will change hint, and ' is led bv ii iii. he will in ..u.c ; n.vct the p. : luni.-olf How's Your I.Q.? I. K.\. I' iited St.,les v.,to:- recently returned tmin .i trip t" I lull .1 i t! ;i: > i.onts oiid g.ivt their (Hidings K -ii of them were liu-scll 1 Co • um. Chandler ot Kent icky. Mead '1 New V r,v. I. .<i^i ot Mas\\ Ii.i was tin tilth ' 2 The sacred scriptures of M >han •«•(•!.ills i- railed the K n ' Name the race horse that holds the record as the greatest money w inner in tun iii,-t"i \ •I Has any .me ever Himbed to the top ol Ml Kverest. highest mountain m the .rid'/ a The oppo-itf ..| climax is a li W1 .-h t\\ • I "llit"d St .te- pi. dent died on the son •• day ' 7 In the nursery rhyme, what md King Cole . all lot " !! Was Goethe .i German p-et. novelist, playwright. or scientist? !l Which State n.cknamed "Ki|tialit% Statein The capital <if Maine is Bangor. Align-' iron ' ' "Every Grave Should Have A Marker" EUGENEDEBNAM Phone 269-.? J. W. MAY Phone 710-.I Representing WAKK MONCMENT CO. Finest Workmanship—Large anil Varied Selections i<»Ui>> font: out inn modern educators (tliiltlK American Education Week l°he questions discussed were: 'W I . t<> In- the general emphasis "t education in the future'.'" "How t.n shall schools go in preparing .voiiiir people In deat inU'lh^i'iitlv and skillfullv with the pioolems of ".V.II. reconstruction. .111,1 peace'.'" ll<»\\ are the schools to l)i' supportI'd in the future'.'" Special a.-s« llllllu'S ,IH(| pioj;i ;i • .00 being planned ,,i the high school 111 scrotiution tliis nationwide obser\ Defendants To Work House l.» the tibsi'iHr 'i Hccorder It I!. Clt'inriit.i. Kiiiirdct Protein C. I'. I.o\vi> p: «• adett "Vfi' locntdiv". court today. Mary 1>bey. colored, v. i.< tried for neglect :tm her ' children and v . ntetuvd to -is mouths in the v. irk house .11 It.di'iuh J1 r»• t'hea ham, ecilowl, was tried • >1 benm <1 iin . and >li • tloriv. altd pr.iyei '. •! luilgmctit wa « 1 >11T limed 11 payment ..1 tin cn>ts and icutaili: nt; itt ay ••••:■ I Villi Inn. i>- i's.i K1 >> 1 i. i lored, was churg>i with i'i .114 it n . ami di»ordc ly and pi ayri judge.tut was continued '-n payment ot tin- costs and staving a v. \ ii 11 l'cnii Imi. Jim M< Jutyre. white, was tried for i t 1 u drunU utd given thirty days on ads. sus|>ended on payment I ".In- cost.- and !i comiitl >11 that he not he e>'ir. . ti'd "I violating the p •tut1.1in 1 a- ti Vance county in the next -i\ • •lis Kcldif I". Hawkins, eolored. Was t'hiii'Bcd with l>a»tardy, and it ap» pealing t 'lie court that lie luid -line 1: a 'lie prosecuting Wltne Nai • . I Jell llu..-. the Slate to. .k a If iii III • is. (Ill SaT'.;;-.t.iV a single cast Was ti :etl ai the < nut. Jell T llartiiens, white, u.i- .i.a.gvd with speeding, h .! .1 in He ; wa» tai;en 'Alien it was reported the court thai the lielcndaut v ,'.d Hit be 1 aid. CROWDER FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED Service at K|iisrti|ial I li 111-4)1 Sunday; Interment Is in I'.lmuixkI Cemetery Fune al -< vice* tor the late K I! (."1 ■•welt': t!4. Hi'itder- 11 and Kaleigh bu.-illc.- ..1.. ttrrr held .it Holj ill — •. .el-tit Hp. 1 j;..! church S..i:<i.iv » o'clock .«nrt inii';■ cut i.> invvt'ii ■ Kimw ••••<! cemetery. ii«*\ Allied I*. ('::>li—, rector of Emanuel Episcopal church in War. enton. u .1-. in i t .|{elatt\e> and : - :t<i- who attendbd more than filled the church cpiarler-. . 1 nd there w- • n .1 1 tolls Moral tribute.- more < 1 >ugh to c>\ti he plot. A numlKM fron out ..1 the v Acre h< i- I " : It s. Pall hearers w c A. live. A S. <»•*•»! I' ot ll.ilt'iyti. : > :• McOtiffee. i ti TcaRue. .!. A. • .. Henry A I E. M. Hoi-1 In ii! II- nd< ri. ;md Le .11 Jones, 1.1 Raleigh: It rary, mem-1 >ers '-I tin vciilrt : lloly Innocent* trhurch. and W. 11 Bovd. W. II A' ndle.v. s .1 Lane. .1 . Al B. Wes-. ■ !: .1 Cnriiitt, S: . W R. Vaughan. Joel T. C'heatlum , Alex Cheek. W I K. Hicks. R. II. !•••• ell, Herbert I'etel . \V C Mali? v. II T Morn.-. Mi . Crowder < 11 • <I in 1 IJtchmond hospital just iH'forc midnight Friday • t pneumonia toll hviii^ an >|i(*ration 1 at'ck taller for .1 In am tumor, ill.- eotidit-'n had been t ritu al tor -evcial day- prior to hi de.iln. STATE COLLEGE MEN TO CINCINNATI MEET ('■ illt'iji' Station. lialt-igh. N"\ !• Twelve metnlwrs th« North Carolina AgiieiiltU' tl l'.\pcrinicnt S'a tioti .it S' 1I1 College lett yc-terda.V lor whole tliey will .ittetid tlie annual ••'•tmi; of the American Society til Agronomy and, lite Soil Science Society o| America. The meeting v. II begin Wcdne.-.tlay. i\o\ ftilier In. mil cutitinur throncli K. id;iy. Novc-nbci 12. Prior I" the o|iening -essioti. I) I! \V. Cumtilings. Ite.itl ot the St.iti College Autonomy Department. and 1». A. Kran/. nemlier of Hie department, will present their joint paper bclore a committee meeting. Among the North Carolina icscarchcr who will -|x,ik before the crops division of tin* meeting are Dr. I,. I). Haver, director of the North I Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station iinfl vice-president of the Soil Science Society of America: and I Jr. R. L. Ijovvorn and Dr. I'. It. Harvey, agronomists. SEE US FOR HORSES AND MULES COWS AND PIGS \Vc hint, srll and trade all kinds of Iirestock. WESTER'S Sale Stable Next To Kwf'.i Gin HENDERSON, N. C. Hgnftgrgfltt Slathj SBtspatrij MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1<>43 -71 Captain \V:P .i:i: H Kuniia". Jr. .'•'•n di Mr \v it Kurntun and the Kit** Mi--, !• .:r an. (>t til!.- citv, has been 11." ted recently to tin- i an I; oi t ; in t|u. \rmy Ar I'. 'v. - > S'liyrn . Tonn". win-iv hi - imw slationcd. A U: ill late •* \\ 1'".iri'.st col lege in l!>:tit. j>: •• l-' a nian ertercd tin* army as a ivate, transferred to tlif ,\ i I- tivs and received I; ■■ wings and r inimission following ti n.".: 'I Augusta. Albaiiv. . ,n.l Ci ce iville. Miss. A brut Iter. U by Purmau, is a commercial j).Lit in the southwest. First Break in Egg Price Th« tirst real; in egg prices is efleiti\e ' . according to '.tin' III;:,i•. i nilivi' ul Commerce with tin i .':. j.i ice i»n Grade A large eggs educed one cent tu 59.3 cents wholesale. cents in (rouij one stores. 6B cents in group tu. Mores .iii.i ('*> cents in group to a; stores, with t\\ cents extra i'. the ,il l' }-..i ivt *.'iOtlS. lirade A u: > <•.- will drop one i-i tit a v. it ^ t -;'i the ri'iii .itidev ot this li.ade H eggs .ireo.drop t.'iii- ii-!.: November 2!( country im : - nle l" prices remain .it present ' luiards all month, dt> !'• ..i -< i .. .> .i.i 1.2 cents wholc.-ale. till cents in group oju s;,il l's, .">!! i i-: . group two s'.'"« > ami .">T cents 4ip four stiaos, plus two iv t, it i-..i t..ned. Cngraded. . antiy-i . i-44 ,.nd tirade ( large eggs. , « »PA : III' reli nt same max mum prices. aula '. cent, u ii ii'.-.Je. alt cents Iroin the larnier 111 group one stores, .VJ cent-. in gr ip two stores and 51 n n;. ;:i 4: i.ip to.: stores, plus tv u ce t~ i! 111 toned. Win- egg- i sold graded the grade and weight must '>e clearly si. -a !. • tin-: uv p.isting or by mar!;01 the carton. Large eggs ..t an* grade lim.-t weight at least 1*4's t" the do/en. Medium egg; m i.-t weign .it least -I 01 :nee> to the (i'/i'n and have a maxim in price 1 . ent> le-s than ' age 'gg- t "• -.Illle (|iiallty. rh< ri eons derable misunders'.iini • .. eg;,ul .. t gg which have i'eel: :: (li'i i't i 1. "i i designating 'hi g; di- ieli". • e ipiality ot the contents the shell, so a very small i - .. . may b,. glade A. I he n- gnat gt-. i tedium oi .*11.ail en- - only to weight lM-r d"/en .iiirl i giil.i packing, with huge and : . g. mixed tngetner. is not j>i * vm i ngtaded or country-run • are j .-t received troin tin in •'. ii. >t M'lecti'd .ii any manner and .* graded would gen-* dally -e •» a i o ilcraiiiv iiigher pi lee. aeei : ding to the Chamber of t'oinmei ce. AROI M) TOWN TK.\rm iik (i. N. < i: 11 pilld .1 I.Ill' doil.i Ir.ltflC In- (•» (hi- c ity clerk". "II ri ln(|;iy I"' V |i llilt i* ill 1.1 .1 ll.iflu- I lUUl.llH'll. wiiiTi. n.i.< ti i:s < \i.i.i i» Nuiii i . fur tin- n porting ni ,i group • •I white fi'lot'lirs lu Fort I'•• mi; Novrinlii'i urii' mailed today. il wa.iiinniinced hv the Selective Sitvhi' Ii«• rrl ill Vance county. Till' call this liinc I'll ,i very small ginup. KXAMINT.R NO! IIFKK i.icensc Kx.imincr 15. II. Patterson v. ill nut be at ihe lire him-p In interview .11>|>I■ < ml Iim <11 iver's licence. Wednesday. November ID. lint w ill lie in I lender nn the following Wednesday. November 17. it was aitnuiiiiced today by lire station ofliCials. S( Ol r (Ol RT OF IIONOU The liny Seoul Court ol Hon >r will lie held iinnoi row night ;i' II o'clock ;.t I he Kit t l'i e-byterian church, with l>. C. Well- presiding. it was announced today. II is expected th«i' pictures taken at Camp Ifalanc.' Hock last summer will lie -hown and a full attendiince of parents and friends is urged. STREET PAVING IS CARRIED ON SUNDAY Work ol surfacing Williiiin street, which is being done by a State highway crew, was continued through Sunday. The job is being financed by Henderson's share of State gasoline taxes allotted to cities and counties. Cracks and holes were lust patched and then the surfacing was hegun. One half of the street was laid with" and gravel, and I lien the same treatment given the other side. Kskinios at Cambridge Hay. Northern Canada, have been collecting fox furs to "buy" a missionary, a traveling cleric reports. Theft Cases Bound Over By The Mayor Two defendants tried by Mayor Henry Powell in police court today were bound over to superior court, < (\vhiU' there were a number of other charges at the regular Monday morning session of the tribunal, mostly of a minor character. There were eleven eases in all. and six ilcfendants were white and live colored. Thomas Uurwell. colored, was charged with breaking and entering the office al the .H O Kalkner & Son coal yard and was bound over to superior court under $3(10 bond. Wallace Davis, colored, wa-' tried lor theli ot a Chevrolet sedan valued at ih*» property of 11 IV Newman, and with possessing stolen property knowing it to lie stolen. He was bound over to .superior court under -SUuu bond. Kthel Spencer. colored. was ehargtd w ith eui sing null using loud and lioisloi'i>u.s language in a public place, and was taxed with the costs. Wallace Davis, colored. was ch.ugcd with driving without an operator's license, and wa- given thirty day- on the roads, suspended on payment ot the cost Klla Buiwcll. colored, was tried tor assaulting (Jennie V. Allen and with using loud and boisterous language toward Connie V. Allen to bring on an all ray. and she was given thirty days in jail, suspended on payment ot the (■".-!>. Macon Pulley, while man. paid the costs lor being drunk. Henry Abbott, white, was chargi(l with being drunk and disorderly i and a.-sanlling Joseph Pendeigrass. He was assessed the costs. Aaron Malum-, colored, was taxed with ihe costs tor being drunk. l.ewis Hcavis, white, was charged with being drunk and paid costs. j Mrnest Hall, white, paid the r.'sls 1 for being drunk. Norwood People.-, white, lor assaulting Puntnah Ann People.-, was given twenve months "ii the roads, siispi 'tided i>n payment ot the eost;i!id remaining awav I nun the home ol and not annoying the proescuting witness tor two years. I II ,eaf Grow ers Ponder Plans For Next Year Danville. V;».. No\ . }!—With three| fourths ot the present tobacco crop | already .-old . nd tin- expectation that lucre will !>c little tobacco for sale l>>* mid-December. farmers arc turning to planting intentions next .spring. Many of them believe that in view of the world .shortage of tobacco, restrictions against overproduction will j be lifted or, a large stepup in . cre| age allowed. Many of the growers have dubij ous views towards unlimited production pointing out that they had a hard time la.-ing the present crop in i>t farm labor shortages. Small landowners will be glad for larger allotments. When crop control was initiated a substantial number ol growers bought livestock to provide secondary income but this year they have sold their beeves because of the lailnrc of pastures and the high cost of fodder. Tobacco price are viewed now a.i'.aving been stabilized as result of the tobacco holiday and the leaf trade gcncr. ilv In *T" ves it was worth while elosi: g the markets for three day>. Common tobacco ha- staged a someback with the exception ot the extremely interior grades while the top gi des are maintaining stady values. CAMP BUTNER HAS REALISTIC BIVOUAC Crimp Outlier. i\ov . it.—When the I I 1th Anti-.Vi cralt Artillery Group, sl itloned at Camp Outlier. Col. A. M. Lawrence, commanding, goes on bivouac. it is iii> longer on Inendly. laniili i Norh Carolina terrain To all intents and purposes, its men find themselves in hostile territory, with c'cry curve nt the road suspect, every tree a potential menace. N'<> object encountered anywhere in the area can be ssumcd to be innocent. Stories from overseas show that the Nazis haven't undei stimated the American soldier's fondness for sou\ cniers. A helmet in the road, a fountain pen on a desk, a discarded rifle on the step- i>t a house—all legitimate booty for the souvenir hunter— my touch off an explosive fat d to many. ItKSOl.t TIONS OF ItKSPKCT TO IlKOTIIKK .1. W. K A M.S. WIIKKKAS: Almighty C!nd in his infinite wisdom has culled to bis Heavenly Home, our friend anrl brother. J. W. Italics. OK IT KKSOl.VKI): Oy Mohawk Tribe N>«. 58 of Improved Order ot Wed Men: KIKST: That we bow in humble submission to the will of Him that doeth all things well. SECOND: That we will keep green the sainted memory of our loved and lost. His faults forgotten, his virtues enshrined in our hearts forever. Always remembering that he believed in a life of love, walked in the way of honor and served in the light of the truth. THIOD: That we extend to his loved ones, our profound sympathy in this, their great loss. . FOURTH: That a copy of these resolutions be rrcorded in our records and that a copy be sent his family and one published in the Henderson Daily Dispatch. Ocspeetfullv submitted. T K. HOOKER. .1. E. HAMl.ETT. H. M. ROBINSON. Committee. Farmers' Favorite ^Ve-ZJ Ellis One of the most popular larm programs heard mi the air i.- the Tar lleel Farm .lour;:..I conducted by Ted Kllis each Monday through Saturday over Matiou WI'TF from I to I.:{(» p. m. oil this program Kllis jjive.- listeners till' leate.-t information from The Agricultural Kxperiment Station and the Kxten-ion Service .it Stute College. ;,s well as the latest market reports. Five Couples Get License 10 Marry During Wcek-Fiul Five couple obtained marriage licenses during the week-cud ai the • 11«-«• ill Hie register ol deed-. ;b !"!■ow-: < )> Itortch and Minnie Hill Marrow, colored. both ol Malison. Johnnie llarxiu and Kdna Cirecn. colored. both ol HcikIci mi. Kddie iiiidil Hawkins, ol i{■ -tit<Henderson. and Nannie llell llul.-. i ol Kittrell. Houte 2. colored. (■arland While .lotto and Mary I l.oti Davis, colored, both ol llcitdrr- I >'\ William Phintiner Thomas, "I ! Mainmort-. Md.. and I la/el M. Peck. i Henderson, white. CITY LOTS CHANGE IN REALTY PAPERS City !' .peiiv changed hands in three real estate papers tiled with I the register ol deeds at the \iirk j end. .1 C. Killiell. I!. c;. Kitlrell and wile and AI 11. Wester anil wi!<- .al to W. T. L.assiler anrl wile lor sin and other coitsidcsaiions a on Walters street. .1 C. Kitlrell s.iiri to Stevensou lor .Sin and other con-iiio. ,.tion> i a lul m the t'havasse property in the ! southern part of the city. .lack C. Ciupton sold to (it-over C. Parrish a lot >>u Berry street lor Sin ' and other considerations. I i ■ ■ ■ — - Thousands At Scene Of Fire Thousands ul persons nn Sunday visited Ihf scene ol the disastrous fiiv which last Friday morning destroyed the major portion of a city block in" the tobacco scction cast of the Seaboard railroad. Sonic from out of the city were observed at tlw site of the lire, estimated to have done damage of as much as $200,000 or more. The lire raztrl to the ground the IliK llendeisoii Warehouse, the pacuinji ami shipping house ol the Kxport l.eal Tobacco Company, and two large apartment residences, and destroyed quantities of tobacco stored in hogsheads estimated to have amounted to several hundred thousand '(otinds. The ruins lav today just as the li:e left the -put. and here and there the rums still jinked and blazed. despite drizzling rains that have been experienced since the tire occurred. No aniiouiicemeiit has come troin any ol the losers in the lire as lo rebuilding plans, and these still were lip in the air today. CHEST MEETING IS TUESDAY EVENING "I lie animal meeting of the Vance i futility (*« 111111111 it i t y fill's! will be hold tomorrow evening at l> o'clock 10 tlie court loom ol the Municipal iiliilding lor Ihe purpose ot eleeling several new directors and trausactmg uch other business as may come up. Nominations will be ottered by a committee consisting of K. \V. Itruin, C. (>. Seilcrt. Mrs. K. C. V. Kalston, .1. f. Maun ami \V. I). lleaMey. I.ep'il- will also lie given on the recent I'niti d War Fluid drive, in which the I'liest budget was included. and which was greatly ovcrsubsci ibed. Citizens Realty & Loan Company Complete LXSl'liAXCE Service Ileal I'.stutr I'rnpcrtv Management ■IOKL T. CIIKATIIAM, l'rcs, l'hnne G28-G29 GOOD BARBECUE a ml | BRUNSWICK STEW Can lie Had at FAIR VIEW CAFE I The Shell Station i AT FAIR GROUNDS MItS. \V. II. JOHNSON, l'rop. In the first 22 months or World War II, Britain lost 7,500,01)0 deadweight tons of .shippinu. Beware Coughs Following Flu After tlio flu is over and Rone, the eouzh that follows may develop into ehronic bronchitis if neglected. Crcomulsion relieves promptly because it goes riulit to the seat of tin- trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes No matter how many medicines von have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Crcomulsion with tho understanding you must like the way tt quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis The STEVENSON 11c - :>0c - 35c Toda.v •Tomorrow - LESLIE HOWARD DAVID NIVEN With Pilots of RAF "SPITFIRE" CAKTOON AMI NEWS EMBASSY I'll one 192 Adults .10c - 10r C'hil.lrcii 11< Today-Tomorrow X CMA«l«s !LAUGHT°N WWW _ < Q'HA»A; iWI 1 ;h»M* ! ipil''" THIS WHO 15 MINE Also—I.ATKST WAK NEWS ANI» SHORT :xxxxxx: Don't Learn About FIRE INSURANCE The Hard Way Peace ol mind is one of the j^reat benefits of Fire Insurance and that peace of mind is made doubly sure if your Fire Insurance is reviewed from time to time to .make certain that it is suited and is ample for changing conditions and values— Such A Review Is Important Now We would surest that you consult with the INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Citizens Bank & Trust Co. HENDERSON, N. C. J. C. GARDNER, Manager B. G. WELLS, Assistant Manager MISS AMY VICK, Auditor Phone 199 :XXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ

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