irlcujkKraan fiaili) Sispatrlj Established August 12. 1911 Published Every Afternoon Lxcep Sunday by UENDKKSON DISPATCH CO., INC at 109 Yumi; Street HENRY A. DK.wis. Pros, and blilitoi W. 1'. KINC'II. Sec. Treas., Litis. M;jr. The Ilendeisor l)ailv Dispatch is a member of The Associated Press and Al* Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and tho North Carolina Press A-sociation. The Arsocioted Cress is exolutively entitled to use for republ.cation till news <1 spatches credited t > or not otherwise credited in thi; paper, and also the t ea! news p.ailishod then in. All nnhts • ; public ition of dispatches herein .ue reserved. SI HSt ItlP l lON It A l l s (Payable Stt ctly in Advance) Mail Carrier 1 Year >t! no $7 o0 6 Months 3 oil :t 50 3 Month a I.5U 1.75 Weekly by carier only Per Copy 5# Entered at the pi st office in Headerton, N. C., as second cla-s mail matter J: we that lie K.-..I- u kllovv Wt> have 111«- Int.t.-.II Y.« lie- in -v..I I • I I 1,1. , I., TELEPHONE Editorial Office Social Kill tor Business Office 500 t>10 010 "Our Bob" Quits S«-r..iTi.l Kl \ Hold. -. * l f l • ■n't-:- . r: V thai ■ «• ! ri.>! be .. alld >1.. V H^eltvtioii next yrar \\ .*. n««t allogenic r surprising. rathvt inw>\J fl lt'd II .1 '.i-' I'll** h n; that we iiad • ti -■ !<-'i lie.tut the t it it- v..i- i ■!>' Ti ..*■. aitivle by Mr Ni.-bct. tht' Dispatch's Ra!f gh tni!v.i •• » t • • ..«• Wt*:v i'i II! ':u lil t .ilti'Vwards :•> ft* . .iint- t*r.»v:. '.il !<•'• lawing • i> t U°a.-;i.ig! •» c.i..y last week Mr. N .->»•: boca:*i*.* oven' bolder n !iim I itvist •; Tin* #cn» utor'j plan- !. :■ the future. ?>> the' C!:iv: tha' ■'.! ..!"I -Vp a elf 1 the tint •••.- •.i-.-ont i enure i Tin'.,, v.!:;. ■ -o. j • ■ o . |,y I . ; I ■ • •. • Sent l ' • • Hi.- t< ■ii >! ,.l • • * v • I .■ >< i.i'O, sit i judgment, i: ii' .<•! fit- . ■ irm ihi • ho v.i. lie!' at'd '--i-li-iti'iii. ".i f ll«-V!.i.;d- ifll llli iat."ll "p«T tht* way loi '.I'lii- who ntsiy ht* ambit -i. •" v.: :i till' M'al * <•! tin' mighty. ('.">-ip ilrr.uly t,.i< I>!"•• in* i"i!" the picture lri> i>;• 11- <>l Is (>f luu: ■ .t.*>1aliding c.ti/t'iis. ll.ii\ in Ititrli. of ("h;ii -tlr. aiiiiounci I several weeks .ii. ■ hi' v." ild ' 'ti aKairi. : b"th • {«-yi|. ids anil llury, litu we kii'i.. hi in- one who Hunks l» candid.iry w id have -ismt.i'd :n Mich a 1 ne-iip. in' I'M-:' now Hcyiiold.s ha- 'tired The Stale 'id u«i tar .md di infinitely worse than ti> loav 'lit field to Governor Hoey. He is certainly a.s well equipped for the oi fiee as any »lin have been mentioned. and ;n our judgment nuu-1 more so. 1; nf course, every t*ii Zen',; right to aspire to the high of fice. But between aspirations i*v: actual victory - ii vast null'. Xo a single one of tlu* group is a.n campaigner as Hoey. no,- i.- mi one of them «*is well known. certainly not nearly so much s ni'.j,!, the.,. ! ever held 'he off'c of governor, al leas', in recent timoi He lias been in private life thro years but the people have not for gotten him and will not. He woul Going After Business \\ lia'a \ i iitlu*r> m;iy i■ i. nt \\ liat • > hi- I'l'iuiilicd a* '.i> peculiar:', os-. li. Vi'inni- Kills Ainal. • tie : u .. s »i'M Mi* -'ill tn l»eat i»ttiO - ?;iI«■ ~ t.i tll'ilVV II JM-Stwa:' cmo potitii ii t u* business. Kroni At la* l.i ctittlCo 'in' word thill Gvoi'giu ::iIt'i l« '.•■ tail' IlH sotvild S«»i:11:f:i: ■ 11 o>>n-i. in i :<>n »v;i" froo t 'in anti quaii-d ! i\ i\\> and ivady to o.mpc .to w itli Itunc*' enterprise (If- mii to locate ii that »tate Arnall sriys that allot the \\a- " a i' V. II : '0 til i • \ i > I'll: 11.1 ;.;.. >11 \ • v. . ,1\|| in ii;.: now smipl. t'i-il ny.'U'iu, till nt our natural i'.- ■ cos. ,.vi':.. »le climate. anil ' • tairo industry -i the state titan wo «-er dreamed of iK'Toro." Thii"1 'i Ik* tin nood I'M' Cienritia concerns t'l riC'H'p.i: ,ite n'll04 »tatO.» '.II a\ . <1 C »«•■ ii'ttt.i ta\e-. h,. saul II.• i-•-«■ - "a t..\ ictuie simple ; v. i .1-' nit the Mat iti I'm,. • - plan w • 'iilil iil'.nil .l\i ' - .• n ..'id I u • Hi >i it. • >11 i'l " i ' It• "ii . ". a'ii* -i . !»•. lafil and w'.iliv t . •.(I!• ifi, m "Ii'•tit li'.-'.a'.. " . il |>111 >I . ' I'.il'ii . Mil «-il ioa:ii»!i I: a li ■•.••I ainliil mi (it., yl ' 1 ' • .. il ati i'lijn > -ililf .! ... h.«'\otii«".l ' pn.p.ily apI' ... '.. .1 . ml . i . it \: < .iiK \ • i I .. I tia I.. »rii.' I'liitatti'il |; .i !i..t • lai plutilain. ami .'.! : it- land - P. ti ili'illil.-.I ..Iti . 'Mi- .. .1 v.lii-n .' - p.i,-' il.!,iii to return tin* pursu • ■ pl'.il'.' .1 si i. v. ..f mtlly tin- i.'tnp.'t t ■ n lot til;.-'.In - vi.II Ik I'ullif .• .. yi• * in.itu-i i : i ..t»jectiu«* It \ !l in- .i I i no liiitiiS hi U" alter !.l is try I :11nj .i!ti«>!' -.'i ti'i'is. Out tin- tsioi shuulil iti vi' -io i'»st s «ht •: tliat '.•a' !•»•<: indu>'y that created l>y uiic's t. ofl North Cuhilitia lias ilnrio i. ./"UK tii:- lmo bat can ami il.» even itt.ifo. It h.i- helped aut'u allure l> T can and • rip .' -t li m ifo iti tho y«'.i:s tn .' 'iii' wo arc tn have here a well balanced ocnnoniy. •\» CIo 'u.i. more p.'.ver •••' :;t..: rft' st..Te. imt \..rth Cai.-I na | u i 'jo i : oro piti'liina at t!»o . • ' ?.»!. U. 1 * t. t :lO*. . i t .! .1 .ni.) .. ..-id* : e K. Tii. !!•:. . uld i. •:1 <•' •!" - *•' > u.-l.v u that, j iwi ■ the i"• m *iiieiti'iiinfi ! alu.iv tt "I'd ••t !!■<• invincible pn'.vr; In* Ii.kI I i (1 X • lit' l«-11 r- • itWII proj>l» • •!»<-uIy .111(1 . ,r :: I the.! 1:>! < . llH''MC(l| • 11 ill Iflit" Ml'. K' i.u and pti\a'.:oi,> T't-ci" n ■ ! :fi"V 'i t • 'he:n In- ,ihc;ul Never ' I »t-l < •!h.t - he 1 «• I * riece.-- 'iy !•> I !>l«- (I with h:s subject.* to .«••> •' ' lanalically to the bittei ci-.i!, ri<•!' : . ' 'ii»* > tual 'ii iifl'Uc bet ;i |.<•: i. [ l>ti! that in- talked about how he v...,- : iii. pin |>> M.j-iy will jecall mily .i lew the Ai'fiii'itii'C in ID!!: the '>I<1 k.i 'i i' patlinft out " i siiint1 1 e -il buncombe, and a.<.-»irin;4 ti countrymen that 'tic German ;i:-inii*s were winning tiad would continue to win and tha* victory would be achieved. .1 i-'t a . hort time arte: ward, lie turned tail and a.- befitted the peiMinal coward that hi- was lied his country I'm s: !cty in a central nation. lucking the com'age to lace the uncertainties lie left the German people to confront. Hitler's desperation r>n Moitdny may bolster soine of his disciple-', but actually it means little more than that he i.s whistling to keep up his courage and theirs. By means nf bayonets and executions he will bp able I" keep down open rebellior lor a lime. Certainly 'he Oeririar citizenry will have no worse to fact than (hat except from Allied bombings from the skies. But when : dictator or any other leader has tc •I threaten his own people with deatl -, to compel them to follow him, h< i j has become weak indeed. It mean that thes lia\e l">t confidence it • l.ini i.nd that he knows t. else ! • | would not res'Tt to such t ictio ant t i would not hn\-e to. -j The war i. not gointf to end to r! tiwrov nor next wk, and we an -]'n fidi aec rd with Mr C hnrchil f that i! will not end in l!»4.t, hit .'Hitler's 'breatu and haranguing to e (ward the Allied nations are in n< - sense a guarantee of renewe< I strength on the part of his arniie - . 1 .. • • \.- lu lil l.v •lali >'i tm;»* will enable tiuvn • • hotvi I . ill :ui :l ■ l'i Miolt I..' w . M, . | >■: i ;'»• i a it .i v . - In 4 i.- |it- : lnv • •• to.. as any of ':i i ••;»«: sit •• as*m i>! ;!:»• ...le :-..I* 1 await.- v in !- I i- r '.''i-y ..1 I.•iii' lost , I.ill ititi• r •• .i!!«■«• that i.;-:! ••• ^ is il ' 1 t .• .::mi'..- i i j ! '.-ted . ill' id .iiiit it!i*oiu't'i\ in'i'' I illiatfrkt lip ill 1 le : »WII lllls»l)«|Jeet-I iuk .i 'ii ii i"" i ••jil'. s .-.till w ! "i 'Mf \\" !ti 'i nMrl l«i" I «•!»<•» tlu.; > \\ it..-tii: illy .itnkntMii.* ' iiiui -I'll — • Hitler's tain that sonic thing* til: sill I he j>« -- .i1 1 that 1 is ili| possible that h s tie w shall fai!; l i- fi'Vf - itt •: i :tre 1 maybe . ' mmio nt ' u- Itii ' i ' 1 he 'I 1 I I \vh oh It ' . Miiist the s 'ii"i' i ! w.i ';1111u !•: ; - .i': .ils. : >u t«> .il ' tacit Russia I: lit* had kwn [ nerve iiii i i« I'lniiiiiim sense, he | . Mil hi- 'A". ' ..llli till" Wiil'lct ; ttiin'il l'i* :>i**'i. tmi.i.v tiian lhev AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE Hy I.YN'N MSI1KT Daily Dispatch Bureau In The Sir Walter Hotel—ICaleiKh Ht'SY . in. ! dneor* hi \ ii• n., ,< .. ..a^,. i'iii •> 1111.nt.- ; ,i pull,.| |iu ! State test at Willartl Ft.r the I tv\elve month? i'liiliiiji (K'IhIm'I IIS that t'.llllf; hell ... I et»e..-. | ii.,- . Ill I'KK lot , . , V LVI i •. it ,t >'••«! iMi-I'l .1 .-1 alt.,'" >. . ,t.,v ' "'«• •••'• • 1 ' ■' >• n ' h.'.v • ti . thr lei-.itil ■ I Sl'HS 1'ITl n ll i.:ti-n h.ij.pen I the it- iii- i;; the substitute representative but .; hs»s lu;ipvned. The Slate Hoard «>r Anneal t i wanted I -ici Ki : r Sc. U t" attend the e« Mii; "he \a: rial Cratue a* (i • !{..;» u,. Al.rh - i Hall. tills motlt! S '• > . kill't ,iti : account of pre\ .. commit ncnts t» 1 attend sume > _ : ve n.u.Wa.-h listen * ill ■ i'.i Kir " Si-e... ,:v Ail:; • ' Mi hi! t 1 de\ eloped " • l! . : . I'.r • i^'htmi Wo.ild be in i'ii.i- • . • i' wecU .if pa Oninjie meet ins • n the* oxe 11: cseiit el! 1 en" -t t 1 - I. do y he l...s IH>: been happy .|I — p.:: ;>. • -o . eS'llalions. ulitnll iled pi i s .mil other inibarra-Siii^ air.dent - :i Pie Federal-State su,n" . . • . ' ... letiilK When opportunity oa r So j;.. v. lit private onto: pr -«■ .1 romp..ruble !ary he accepted tile oiler last any other good State eiipli>y< have 11 one. HOLIDAY. — Ai ice Day (Thursday) will be holiday tor St.ite ,vo; kei s i:lld to: tin t ii.urmarket.-. Banks and liquor store.* 1I.-0 will take oil tiiiit day ! •. most other h.iMiie.-..-. indicat.ons are it will ju-t be another Thursday. Whatever -•^nifiiuice iittaehed to Ai n stirc day during thi iirst ye r» liter tiie other W - Id War '.as been lost i- the tu - *ii".I *.:io present global eanl'Iict. KCi i\O.MV — The committee :i.inod 'hi.- .«vk by Coventor Bro.iii> ! study .iiul report mi met•d in* money by cutti: jj out ■ • <•! St.,te printing! h;i.- .in uphill j«»b. Governmental agencies like to toil othei ..- ' t > economize but ilo n ' a pi" .dice they pmich Instance the manpower comoil. ' o soli- poi p'ise o|" exisIwU'c - , ervt mltnimvcr. use:> . oi oi re statisti.• . :: i«» s ' nd ovej the iwiofry mi i .vrol's. hours. carnU.-. i I ■ i! ,.i' ..linn inlorm tion al• . . :.. n« : by . yents ot the B . •. 1 -OT- Still lies. Scout Council In Meeting Recentlyi 111.' i ~«■!i ( ,i!t- Cm'"', j S. i." Mr- ,\1>\ t";> ipei'f' . '•< el it' \ \1 - ' i Ci.•Mtham. chairman of i pel ■ ■ i . id li'aiii'ti.; ci.n.r ,tt« e. | . . i ev. pi .:. in the c\pan• n t! S<.iuli!iK ill 'in- iMin- [ .nit;. M -- Mil ; ol tin- council present i i Mis- l!c.-sie Lee Alston, Mrs. Willi;, i! Bailev. Mis.- Carrie Burton, Mis. Joel Cheat ham, Mrs. Alex c....p. r. Mrs I! < . Gary, Mi» Muriel Gaiy. Mi- Wesley Jones. Mi.-. Gcorjjc A Ito-e. Mi-. O K. IS.i.-e. ami Mi K ilpii Thompson. ANSWF.RS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. True. 2. Casus belli. 3. The Tinted States (Slate Dep.ii tmcnt). •I. Geo; go Wa-hm^lon. 5. False. (i Ccilinu zero, visibility zero. V Kid-e )! The building as well as its content* was destroyed by the bombing " | !» Yes. Id Krederie. SALLY'S SALLIES " Do you N / MEVEfc. * J MIND/ / HoKEyftWXEf AU 7 ABoirf rT WATCH ON I Hb kHINt! ~ - r? WANT ADS WANTED I'XFL'I:\1S1IKI' TWO OB three loom apart n.ciit. (' It. Coard at ■'< .1 10-2.V St.. . «■. GOOD USED CAKS A'l BEASONable prices. A "100k here will convincc you tlit: these curs are priced to move. Fords—Plymouth? —Chcrolets, ly Virginia's LarO rowers. Write for New Low *' talogiii' listing extensive liin ■: Fiui|s and Ornamental*. W; \ ;b<•! 1 Ntirscrie*, Inc., V.'av.. Virginia. M-W l'-tf| WE ML'V. SELL, AND TRADE CATtlo ami hogs. W. B. llight Livestock Market. I'hone 157. Si-cud-tf DRY PINl W(K)D FOR SALE. CUT stuvr 1< nglh . lid delivered any where ;n Henderson. M. (Hove., phone 1021. 1-cod-itti CIjOSK-OUT lot OK beautiful pattern nail |>.ipc\ Uei;iilar price l.jf I • 3110. Cli»e ••ill 10<- per mil. Your choice. Walking Kdw. Co. 3-BSi | NOTICE OF SALE OF VAI.IABI.I REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue o( an order •if the Superior Court ol Vance (Vmnty. made 111 the special proceed ing entitled "I). T. Itecl.hain, administrator of t!i«" estate ii| ('. B. Beckham, deceased \'y ('. 1.. ISeckh;un, Mrs. Flora B. Wilson. I). T. Beckham and wife and ,\. tiarland Beckham, heirs at law of ('. B. Beckham and J. C. Kiltrell. trustee." the same being proceeding No. 4ft(i(i upon the Special proceeding docket "l said court, the undersigned commissioner will on the 29th day of N'o vembcr 1943 a' 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Henderson. North Carolina, oiler for ale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain lot of land near the Vance Milling Company, known as the home place of the late C. B Beckham and described as follows: Begin at an iron stake 147 1-2 fret South 10 1 2 west, from an iron stake cotiier of the N. C. Cotton Oil Company lot on the cast side <>f the Kiltrell road just south "i Henderson, runs thence S in 1-2 deg. W 104 2-3 feet to an iron stake on the east side of said road, thence S 79 1-2 east 2tt!l 2-3 feet to an iron stake, thence N 10 1-2 E 104 2-3 feet 1« an irotl stoke, thence N 79 1-2 W 2015 2-3 feet to the place of beginning see deed book 62 page 80 register of deeds office of Vance County. This the 27th day of Octoho 1943. A. A. BUNN. Coinmi -sinner. 27-3-10-17 REALTOR BUYING SELLING RENTING INSURANCE AUCTIONEERING Fred R. Hight Phone 289 WANT ADS Get Results FUr.SH MILK COWS FOR SALE. .\l-i large size shoal*. '1'. .1 t iiimtn-:. route !. phone 2i!02. IO-2:i USE VITA VAlt FOR. YOUlt NEXT pain i job. There is no paint better Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner Hoofing Co. 22-tf GRADED AND COUNTRY RUN eggs l«r sale daily at Henderson Hatchery. 23-26ti WANTED GOOD USED ELEC TRIC I stove. Also l>oy\, bicycle. Most he reasonable. I'none 2305. 10-lti EI.EC "!'!!' >LL'X USERS IN 11EN«lers«iti. N. C.' Register your mai mi.' tor free inspection while we have parts and supplies. We will 1« 11 Henderson November 12 to November 20. Authorized by Elect :'"Iux Corporation. I70J1 Chape' II:!'. Road. Durham. N. C. 5»-4t i C. K ELECTRIC LAMP DULB 25. lit. 50. CO. 75. 100. 150. 200. .'too watt. Watkin.s Hdw. Co. 5-fiti j GROCERIES, r RESTH MEATS AND | vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver and save you gas and time. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Yellow Front. 25-tf FARM WANTED — SEVEN TO twelve acre tobacco allotment, 3 mule ijrni, on fourth or standard rent. XV. R. Beckham. Louisburg. route 1. IO-2ti WANTED FULL OR PART TIME agents to handle hospitalization insurance for a reliable company ottering surgical benefits as well a< hospitaliation to its members. Unusual opportunity. Liberal commission. Write The Stale Hospital A ocialion. Inc., Tarboro. N. C. 0-3ti FOR SALE 50,000 White Second Sheet rut letter size from top grade newsprint 1,000 Shoots ... - 75c 5,000 Shoots --- - $3.oo | 10,000 Shoots ---- $5.00| TELEPHONE 010 HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS while limited stock is still available, 50 for $1.00 with your name. Also our Lovelylyne Stationery at very spccinl prices. Henderson Book Co. 15-tf TIRE HEADQUARTERS—WE HAVE the latest official Information regarding tire inspection and application for new tires and tubes. Let us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tf THESE"~MUST GO NOW: DRl'Ggett. rugs. coal, wood and laundry heaters, tables, chairs, mattress, nice hall rack, scores of minor things. All very cheap. N IV Thomas lo-lti 'KEM-TONE' COVERS WITH ONE—Easy to apply—No obiectionablc paint odor—Dries to a perfect flat—Dries in one hour— No sizing or priming—Mix with water—Readily washable—Brushes clean easily—S2.9B per gallon. Wntlcfns Hdw. Co. 5-fltl WANT ADS Get Results DUE TO DELIVERY CUIITAILments we cannot accept coal or wood orders for less than $2.00. Thank ynu for your cooperation. 11. O. Falkner & Son, phono 'JBn. fi-tf ALADDIN LAM I* SUPPLIES—OLD and new type chimneys—mantles and wicks. Walkins lldw. Co. r-tij MUST LEAVE FARM— AND IIAVK nice younn mure mule i«>,- sale. Weight I ItOt) lbs. It interested ippl.v A. Ilcdjiepeth. route 1. Kittl »'ll. N C. MKtti FULLER ISltUSIIt\S AUK IIKliK I am now uncut for the famous line «if Fuller IJrnshes. Come in and sec complete display. II. IS. Tanncr at SewitiK Machine Shop. Phone now. is-27u OFFICIAL TIHE INSPECTION STAtion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged. Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Cult Service Station, Garnett and Horner Sts., phone 1198-W. 28-tI JUST RECEIVED — limn KKKI) tishinu poHv—2Uc cach. Watkins lldw. Co. ii|'( >1! SAI.E — HAHY STHOI.LEli and play pen, both praeticall} new. I! -I Col'bitt. .Ir. in-"*i ilKI.I' WANTED—MAY STAY ON !•.!. slil.nn week. Mr> IS II Mixon. Conn! > Club I • '.id. !l-tt° I ii.til rati re DIVIDEND SAVINGS When you insure with us, you rave money because our policies ale participating. See us before insuring or renewing—and save. CATF.S INSURANCE AGENCY Phone R(H». 13-tf JUST RECEIVED 2tltl GALL< >N'S OF j>ooi! woman. white or 'colored. Good salary. Hotel Warren. Warrentov, X. c. iti-inti WANTED — U N F U R X 1 S II E D apartirent close n. Phone 9114. 9-3; i FOR PROMPT AMBULANCE SERviee call ti.nnes it Williams Funeral llmnc. Walter Gaines, manager. clay phone I.'}.1), night phone <>28-,I. Hi Ml Andrews Ave., Henderson. ."i- Hti WE HAVE A FEW BABY STROLlers tf KEEP UP THE HOMES WE ARE Fighting For. Come to the place of value for your furniture needs. Large assortment of new and used furniture, including very good selection or used pianos. AdamsRichards Furniture? Co., 513 South Garnett street. Phone 901). 10-Sti WE HATCH AND SELL THE VERY best baby chicks. You should tell us now when you will want yours. There will be plenty of mash and grain for layers this year anu next. Henderson Hatchery. 27-201 DO YOU NEED PR ()T EC'T I ON We may have what you want. Life, Accident and Health. Hospitalization, Auto, Fire. Frank MBarnhart. General Insurance Phone 5B2-.1. 220 Winder street 9-2tl PULL CHAIN RECEPTACLES —• key sockets, pull chain sockets, switch boxes, wall switches, duplex receptacles, approved fuse plugs, insulators, electrician tape. Watkiiis Hdw. Co.. 5-0ti INSURANCE — RENTALS Real Estate—Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. Atj. B. WESTER Plione 139 McColn Bid*