Society News MY PONY. .Marie /.fltcrburu JoliilV. My pony! My pony! il,".v\ beautilul you arc! Upon your soft brown forehead I mv a snowy star. My »ony! Like silk your shining mane. l'pmi your back I ride away On plain and lull and lane. My I'ony! My ooiiy! ' Vi'u prance and jiiiii|> and run. II what joy to bo a boy Your pal in work and tun. New York Couple Is Married Here Mi. Alma l.aMoyne iSurtmau and Mtlviii llehling, oi Albany, New York. wi'i'c married hero Tuesday tteruoon at .r» o'clock in the First Methodist eliureh, with the Uev. II. K King oftieKiting. The bride wore a becoming suit of pa: pie vilvet with an orchid ;it her ,:i,.,;klcr. which blended nicely with mi dress and accessories. Alter the wedding the wedding party was nicely served at a six o'ci.M'k dinner at lintel Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Itehling will visit IS:c: m»u«l. Washington, and other points ot interest before returning j.i their home in Albany. Dr. Gregg Speaker At Scout Meeting I'; "ii thi' invitation ot Miss Kuth Iv.i ivn ityrd. de n ot gn Is at ileniji i 'ii h:gli school and temporary !ca nl that organization •r.ct 'I the Teacherage Tuesday alten'oon. "i>.i nig tin short business meeting I s;- ' reireshnients were served, altei wlrcii Dr. A. I). (Si egg spoke to tile ! ■ -ii their responsibilities as lut,rc a mien. An open loruin of questions and answers w .« held, during vh . Dr. Ciregg explained arid sini|i!.: i I 'ii iiv problems emilm- ting n< 4.rls His tall; and help was appreciated and enjoyed by those pre>o:it. B. I\ \Y. Members 10 Help in Drive T i -crap paper drive Iteing spoiii. i i in'vr by i!>«• I! P W. dub wit! r! c Sattird v night and member.,it"t urge I to cooperate mi I'M'iy way ,i ■ ili- .ii making tin- ri >p >n-e here S • ilav a siieeos Members arc .<•(1 ;•> salvage the waMe paper 'a i rli - usually (It-tinycd . 1 then p n t- hi business. ami t• • contact n sihtm' a: (I Iriends reminding '!ii t i nave '•!:! paper. magazines iv>\es i. it in front of their homei' .rlv Saturday morning Vernon I'errv ha.-- tillered the use >• i trucks, one lor each side ol " • ii. iid I5oy Kcoat.s through 11. !'. Ter. •!!. (In the collecting. The ; .-I l>e bundled and ready for . i 'i el ion, and tied securely mi thai • ■ ay l>e easily handled. Tin response two weeks ago u iw.. mail, and il is urged that ever.v"iii help this time to make the collccii.'ii . success. Ser\ ice Is I leltl l>\ Prayer Group At Counts Ilonie ' <■ I'r ycr Meet inn Hand mel at Tin roimty home Tuesday ■ igh:. The ■ dent. Mrs E. II Kiuill.ner. led the ervice, and two special selections v< i rendered. Mrs. .1 VV Carroll anil Miss Carrie Carrol! sang "Lite's H.i 1 way to Hi aven". and Miss Cari" li 11rt Clyde Carroll sang "My Faith Up lo Thee". Fallowing Hie service the hand m cd liounliful refreshment- to the !.• jc group pre.-ent. and it was enjoyed by all. T ie band meets at the eolinly home "lie. each month for services, and they are looked forward to with ni i pleasure by the members of the home. Ilonir from Hospital Friends will be glad to learn that lioiuiie Thompson, who underwent 'i" appendix operation at Maria Parliiiin hospital is at home and is said tn be doing very nicely. Tired Husbands! Rundown Wives! Want New Pep, Vim, Energy? * £*•••»»•* n*r>J«lfivflv I «t • ' Sli|>|«!lr*. f btr-i i'*'i I tr i|o*r* »>f • It'JiII* prof'tulttrtie .lodrd of vitamin 111 ' * minimum daily ■•lull r«*>|tiirr>»»ert ■ ilefietirtrv lark of *lm. plnf plin«F """ I'T lltl« ramnui Innif fur 'ilmxiH, "P *•*"" «•■ •«•!(! I«»n» tliaf m«Mf foil fri'lwrnk. tif '' "">*r lh«n vmir vein Special lnff«M|»rfi»rjr «'H •»•!••«!* ftet Cat (litres Tvuie I al»l#t« 1l»i»AV. At ill I drug stores everywhere— in Henderson, .<• Woolard's. FLOWERS for kvery occasion Phone 380 Oay or Nl*ht bridgers Tbe F,or,,t ✓ PRESCRIPTION POINTERS f • W#1 •• r#m#fnb»r . • . J _ «*• or\\y fraiK, full ifr#n(i;. •Vote tin- two distinctly dillcrcut versions: one. a plain i.ihrio with a Jiint: tin1 other. all olio with nil lies I md scallops. Smart silts! PliltiTli 9."i(il c lint's in -i/o- mail :J2-.*<4>. nud CW-:i«). largo < to 12). •Mi;. large t 44--4II». Sa all -v.o. all mi' fabric, take.- 1 .ViJ yard- inch: >ther versions. I yards Ma-mcli uid n-H yard r nitra.-i. Send SIXTKKN ("KNTS in ruins or this pattern. Write plainly SIZKj .N'AMK, ADDKKSS, STYLE NL'M5KH. Send v.iur order In Henderson j Daily Dispatch. Pattern Department.! 232 West I Kill St.. New York. N. Y. 1 Mrs. Royster Chairman For T B Seal Sale Mr». Fred S. Unvsicr I>;■ • been appointed county chairman «>| tin* I'll: i-tI.i;< - .-(ii| c'illlof ttit* National Tubyrcuhwis Association. being sponsored locally by tin- Junior Won.iii's club. it was nnourceci today by Miss I'aye (touch, president of the club. The Christmas seal .-ales in Vance county v. II npen this year on Monday. November 112. and continue until Christinas. i:i conjunction with the nationwide drive. The ol'tici I duty of Mrs. lioy-ter will be tin' appointment of coiimiitUes from the club which will be responsible for all local arrangements for the campaign. In accepting the appointment, Mr.|{i»y.-tcr -aid. "During the last yeai the program ol the Nation I Tuberculosis Association ha- been greatly expanded to meet the requirement o! a wartime anti-tuberculosis campaign. While war has alw. vs increased tubercilio'is. u>"• Still have hopes, due to the intensified campaign. iliat no substantial or lasting rise will occur in this country. "The National Tuberculosis .\s-oci tion hiis tiie biggest job in its iii-torv to do during Mil and ea:> do it only if the seal sale is a success, tor tin- sea; sale is the sole support ol the work." THREE AREAS GET IONGER WORK WEEK Kaleigh Nov. 11 — Inauguration ol the three croup I areas in North Carolina Kli/abelh City. New IJern and Spruce fine—will be effective as of November 15. under executive ucler and by designation by tin- regional director, through Dr. .1. S. State director of the War Manpower C mi mission. The effect ot the order will be t> place all industries in the areas on ,i llS-hotir a week basis in order to utilize lolly the manpower in these areas of acute labor shortage and to relea-e workers not needed for other essential or critical jobs. Any industries which may not lie able to Uo to fie lit hour week at once must -eciiro -peciflc coemption from the War Manpower ( omrnission and for a sped lied time. Kxeii.pted trom the order are employer^ with less than eight workers. auric'More. State, county and city governo-onl aetivitie-. or individual. eniMged in other part-time employment. <■]■ those whose house hold dutie- oi physical limitations interfere w-'ii the foil work week. COLDS; FIGHT MISERY " wlicrc you feel It-rub ft ® thloul. t In ft and If back with ttiue-terted W VapoRui 4-H Kings, Queens To \ Be Crowned Saturday | Catherine IIiii ins, Dabnev; Annie L.univ Tinmen: Townsville. Charlie ltoKurs, MicUlk'biu u: and (ii'iu jit! Dickerson. Zub Vance will be rruwi wl IJueens and Kin;;* ol IK- 1th on Va . -o county 4-H Achie\emeiit Day next Saturday at Henderson high »eii>. !. it was announced today by Aliss Frances Wilson, assistant home demonstration a;je..t. Achievement Day will begin at 10:3it .. in., with the devotional led by Rev. II. II. Cash. neighborhood leader of Zcb Vance, and Hev. K. W. Greene. Dabney. K. M. Rollins. s>ip_ erintendent or Vance county public schools, will extend a welcome *.> the 4-ll-u's and visitois. During the mol'itsiiK ttie Aycoek club will present a pageant. directed by .Mi<> i o gene linker, teacher-leader, on the "4-11 Club Pledge". Following the parent wil! ue dress revui lor the girls. and the boys will ro to one of the local stables for a caitle judging contest I i will be served picnic style in the cafeteria of the school At 2 o'clock Dr. A. D liivsg, conn_ t.v health ofticcr. will make a talk mi some |>ii:isi' nl health. Corn:! lion exercise- will then he held lor the kint>s and queen-; ol health. The lollowin,- attendants, selected j by the kings and i|ticens. will paiticipate in the exercises: Jane Kit lot. Nclrose O'Brien, Dahnoy: Martha I Jane i\cwcomb. llendcr-oi: Anne' M bry. Marvin Breedlivc. Jr.. J. K. Edwards. Jr.. Middlcburg: John Marshall Barnes. M. P. Kdwards, Ztb i Vance. Header will be Bobby S. Par- ! ham: soloist. Bertha Evans Wilson: ' and pianist, Marqucritc Trescot. Awards for the die-.- revue and i cattle judging will lie presented nv i Mr.-. MacArle Crews, teacher katlei ! nl Ilabney. and J. W. Sanders. county \ agent. Mrs. David Avscuc. neighborhood leader of Ayenck, and Mr. C. II. I Sainford. Townsvillc. will pre. cut certilicates tor 4-il work. Ushers lor the program re I .on , Aline Watkins. Barbara Wheeler. | Faye Conn, John Marshall Barnes. ! W. 11. Moss. Jr., Bobby S. Parhatn. I Books Given To Libra ry In Memory Of Mr. Hughes Oil tin* cslubil lablo •>'. 1 tit* II. l.i l.o I'erry Memorial library :i| Hit* present timt- i ;■ 11 uttusuallv in oiesting eviileclinii "1 books. Thc-e \ <>1 — nines have been |»i«• -tn1 < cl in the library d.v Mr . I?.aae Wavne llu;*.he .ilut her family in i■ :i n v ol die l.m ljrverend Isaac Wayne Hughe.. lur many year. Kir beloved nrl ir the Holy Imiuci'iit■■ parish o| tin- city. 'I hi' l)iuik- mi display an* pait <•! a eollee'tiun nl sevtral bundled 1 li;is have Ijccii gi\ >'ii tin* library l»,v lite Hughes lainily. Of special mil ri' i in lln collection are lite book ranging I roili operatic arias to folk satigs being included. All m;ii;;s are :a ranged lor piano accompaniment with settings lor the average voice conipa-s. 'I hive volume enmaiu in— sti umeatal music. *1 i.iy include easy pieces lor young' i j's well as opera lie themes, popular mclodie-; and a I arm* collect ton ol classic music. The otiier tiiree \> loines mi ni an cncyclope'dia o! inll-i.- which include The liislorv ol Musa- great composers, religion.- irusie ol Hieworld. vocal iniisie and inuiciaii.-. opera hi>li»ry and guide. theory of Christmas Letter To A Lonely Heart Tlir IJearrst. Nearest Millions i»r American boys will be liir Iroin home ll>is Christmas. in strange. new -urroiilidings. Some will spend a Ihllisji, unhappy il;iv r army e.'iiiips: other will lie hcided on tl'opps trains or convoys hound for 'destinations unknown"; .-till others will in- lithium through I he grim horror of aelnal hatlle. Though they and we realize the necessity lor tiny suffering and separation, our knowledge will not ease the sorrow and heartiiehe ol heins ap.rt. for I he meaning of Christmas and the memories it evokes w ill he too v is id. too real lor lis to deny. Kor fighting men. e-pt— eially. I he violence and tragedy of their present world will colli ist paignantly with their remembianee of the happy, peaeeltll Christmas ol other ye. i -. To (Imiinsh their lonelinc.-s i- tin duty of all ot us here at home. The gifts «i' send will he tokens of oin Ihoughlliilnis.- and will probably mifill the few material need- a soldier has. ISul no ki". >>" Christmas dinner can allay the loneliness ol Ins heart, the needs of the .-pint. To bridge tlngulf of scpaiation. to re eh the soldier's heart, to bring him cheer and comfort and love—write a letter! Write a keep.-ake letter, one that he can cherish and treasure and reread llniftiah the lonely holidays letter that will bring him an awareness ol home, a ln>st ol plcasuul mem one-, and a strong sen.-i- ol faith in the future. Through vour letter- may usually avoid the -c timcnl I. don't hold back the words ot love, devotion. and ra.-suraitcc this Christmastime. Think ot the soldier to whom you're writing. of what you'll tell him if vou were Willi him. and then write everything your over 11 >wtt'g heart dictates Make your letter intimate. make it sound like you and il will spc. k to him i>< il you. yomsell. were present. Kill d lull of the joy. the sights. Hie smells. Ilie memofic sol other Christinases and your inan-m-Service will be Ira spin led for a few blissful moment- to where his loved ones wait lor liiin As in all letters lo a lighting man. your first thought will be ol bun will this hi Ip hi.- morale'.' is this the news the way he wants il ' IIcciiikc he's awav. docs lie \\ nt you lo spend your day alone and unhappy —or j rather does he want your day to be spent as lurch as | es.-ible like t'it; das he remembers, kv.owing, of route that you mis him and Hunk of him constantly'.' Would he prefer .• whining complaint ol .1 rationed Christmas dinner lo an amusing account of an excellent "ersatz" turkey? Would he li!:e lo hear that the tainilv 's >iol e.M'ltii. iiiti 31IU Otcaucc ul I lie tti - music .very ul America to tin1 j bc;;mm:iK of the present century. It | is pinl'i-clv illustrated with maps. I nortr.nt-. hislnrie scenes and ! t-\ till -- .mil ;i series of |>l;it«'s in col ois which arc eopic- ol l:uiinu.> In |>..lilting.. A general index malic it iiselul for rcfcrciici . "Great Men and Famous Women" is a mm it's ol pen and pc.ieil skctelic<•1 the lives ol more than two linn- j tired ol the imis! prominent priv hiajies in history. There arc two vol*, nines on Artist*. and Authors. tun on S ildier- and Sailor-, two on Statesmen ami Sajjes and tw-> on Wnikiirn and Heroes. The biographical section of the l.t bniry ol L'niversiil Literature in Mjventeen volumes i- in the cilice- | lion. M cont;'.ins "Plnt.iic'n's Lives"; j "Tin I.lie ol I'hrit.tnpiier ('olirai- I Mis" and "The Lile oi vi .ishinuloii." ! hy \\\.. I;itif;i >n !r\inu: " The Life ol j Oliver C roinwi II". hy Thomas Car-! lv!o: 'The Lile ■ i l)i. Samuel .io'.ui- , son.", hy I," well: "The talc •«! Nupi lion". I>v ISoiiri n nne and "The i.lit- Aiirii .iiui !.ii'coIn." by Cn. by. Hid ion is ii pie ;'ntcd in the c >1 lociiiin Willi the co.r.plitc worUs .il (imrui Kliiit o. id la hlacU leathei and the compu te works nl 'I hacker.iv in red iniiioeco with Role, marking. IJoth -els are illuslraled and are lijjlit at weight which makes lor easy reading. All the honks ill llii' collection may now l»o borrowed by the citizens ol tin- coimiiinity where Mr. Ilu.uhes spent so many years ol his u.-elul life. ril'ic t \ivs—u1 that t.-vcryonc will have presents of some kind under the tree on Christmas eve'.' Write letters begin "IJcmemIkv when"—send him smudged. but loving note- from the children in the family circle—-end him m apsln»t . ,.i friends, family, familiar scenes—any mometo thai will make him feci you're sharing your Christmas with him. What your lighting man away from lmme needs is a renewed knowledge1 of how mue.'i you at home are thinking <>f him. ot how yi.u are .-uppoi ting him n the liumc front, of how care111IIv yu are preserving the traditions lie's fight in;; for. All this you can do — in a letter. I{ememl»er, too. that Army and Navy nurses. WAt'S. WAVKS. defense workers ill who are away from home waging "ur battle in one way or another—need the same encouragement and solace : s the lighting men. Today, whea the spirit of Christmas-peace. goodw II toward men the very foundation of our belief and hope in a octtcr world to come, i* yi obscured in a world at w r. make a special effort to keep your personal, intimate world ot triends and tamily a haven ot love and kindnessthrough letters.— Katun's. Squads from village* in India are collecting thorns of the bulbul tree and selling them te the Briti-h army to be ti-ed in place of pin>. which are difficult to obtain. FALSE TEETH OWNERS CAN v LOOK YOUNGER BY WEARING YOUR PLATES IVERV DAY—HELD SNUG « COMFORTABLE THIS WAY Kncr line* «nj; ivrinklon form wlirn ain unworn. Avoi«| tin* -hn|.| liii firmly all day. rrrri/ tiny with fIt Vomfnrt-nnhinn," a dentist'* formnl... I. I»r. Wc-mri'* pt»x»Ir«>t«• -1<••!. the fruits of Victory so well tli.H the present holo- ' eaust would never have had a cllanee to break out In its own lesser way that principle applies also at the bridge table, when one member of voiir side has indicated by a fof ins bid that your pair has the .• ir.troihim power and is able in pick and choose its final contract Thoroughness and can; . then cut; pay big dividends. 4* I 1<> 9S2 V i o <»:: 2 0 '■> •"> '• > ♦ A '* T * 7 0 »!<>>". N * Nunc 4 A K l«> \V K ♦ W s '* i U J * o + a k in :i I ^ i 'i •) j a k r. i :t V A 'J 10 T (Dealer South East-West vulnerable i South W. t North Ka.-l i IV :: $ :«V -ri jt Wl .it- tin- awful hurry thenMr Kast ' Your partner bad "pal I a fore. on the side, so to speak, and there was ii'» earthly chance that he would pass you out at less than a pan., it you did something >i bit more • ireful and thoughtful. Why mdn t you merely bid 4riubs and give him a chance to i show you what hi:- nest 1ml \vot.!d be especially V. bell you three cards t" in honor of the rtut in ; which he had jumped" Yoill I<.*lub.. uotild have been a "freeIml. indieatii.g a rtain amount Pi tiibntvU by Kinu !■'. of high card strength, as North .1 ln«l had made it unnecessary for you to "keep it open " So West would know you had bid because you wanted to. not just because he made you do it If yj>u liad bid 4-Cliilis. he would have bid 4-Diamonds. Then see what you could have done Willi a satisfai toiy tit now for slam purposes. rn his diamond suit, you could have rue-bid the opponents' suit at 4-Hearts. He would have hopped Mien to 6-Diamonds. or lis could have accepted your invitation by eue-biddilij; 1-Spade.' You would know lie would not do tint unl'vs he also the ace <>f h:s own Miit. and .1 powerful hoMinj: in it If you felt : trone after ei. ther ft-Diamond.- or 4-Spades, you mifcht bid 7-1 >i.iiiiond.- In at y • vent, you would have been a lot belter off playing in diamonds and making -even than in eluba and making six Why did lie pass y>m 5-Clubs* Why. bccause anybody would v. hen you made your hand look weak with that terrific jump when a force was on the side. Tomorrow's Problem ♦ Q 0 4 2 V Q 4 t r, r, X A K X 7 ♦ ' V A 10 <; ♦ .1 » :: <*> iu ;• «; 4 41 A K !< V K .1 7 ♦ K Q lo 4 2 4>Q J itValer: South North-South vulnerable.» Aflrr the heart In lead agum.>t South s .".-No Triiiup' how .sl.-e.iM he play for maximum :osuli>V ■it up Syndicate. Inc. N W K S Ift I 10 s » s I " 2 ♦ A 9 J. ' •' PAGE FIVE DISPATCH GETS LATE WATERMELON Tlit* 1 J.i ly 1 i.s*>.it«-■ .. l.tHneietlues ivitli tlmiii: tlie iv<-.|>t i luce ■it (tinin v. ..Iim nv-l 'ii •••il.iy. the jilt oi (' h II..V-U- • I IS.I loll— liMs.iii. Mi. Iluyle M: > t«*r 1 lie Hilled llif 11to!'ill "An <1 iv .i^.i Injin i l;itu |> teh ■ 'ii ii.' l:uin TWO REAL ESTATE PAPERS ARE FILED Two iv < \.li |ii|«-r- were put hi :itinl ve n i(l;iv ;it 'lit* le^.Mer «»( Ue<|- ..ii,,'. Joint S. M lii. .» I'liilliii K Abbott SHI (ind other •<■iis;(li i.iti.iii'- : i .ii iv i.ii the U;i\vk ii M 11 r ■ «il. ,J. A Wihi'. Mil- mi wile I In l.'.i- 11 I !• i i )iu •. ;u >n 1 ■.i -.l'l ;ni(i other >n~ii i« n; IX p.n;meiu - it is < >i. r I'ct Pri.l< Hut • >ri!. Irish, t ui I - t«. :i ut li ingredients .ire list.! In «'.ir lit.(.itscJ i:i it>iv>p>>.»ntiini; vi> r «ii i' -r s pnstriptiotis I urtheinmu. tin RexaJI «li> ,Mi i in-. Is s .stcm in'.ufcs .".I'itil.-r u rtirjiv. Economy Sizes AT SUCH SAVINGS THAT THEY ARE "ALMOST A GIF1 \e //i MEDiUN&S K11 >.\'I\Y ill.I. s<.,>rnnvs o> uvi:i; on. 49c ;»('« I'Hit.I.ICS MII.K ok (ill- I'l.TNol. LAXA I'lVK $1.2(1 Sl'( >1 I S KMl'I.SK i>. 7.V I'I liKIKSI MINKI.'AI, nil. tjiwur serines Ml.\I'.IIAI. (Ml. 69c 98c 39c 49c $1.08 59c 89c 1. Chrrk« (ifrm In Drinking M nlrr. VI-f of 3.**.'. ch\* \,n prut l»r S.ilnhur\ m loiborntdrkx for fr«-o •Ii.iKII• i.«In Ii.kI l» »w«l troll hi •* T'u hv trouble* often * S «I InhlMtn nero Rrimth. 2. Mr.llrn|r« Chick'* lilRfnilif Synlriti Phrn-0-8nr* r^noxidizing incd tcitfn • lay aciUe. re;.< h the enflrr dUnthf • y atr m with aatrlngent action *<» oft'-n tiredff) III howl tro'lhln.* L'»e I'hcn-OHal In any kind of water. -! , ('!:!.< i.Ml'LSK »N !•*» *1 i coughs in I'lNKHAM'S VKC ! I AIU.K ( OMI'l »l*ND MiiTi.iA i;ii;i;iNC AI.O 'lit H VIKN III'' M l'l.MON | |)|; COUGHS Si.lilt WINK < »F CAiSDl'l . . . . ■ Ml ::t \N I'I SKI 'TIC "• s.\|. III.I'A I K'A LAX ITItKTKST COD UVFIt (HI. (mmivk's rim.i, toxic 2.V KM-1 .A X l.AXATIVK L'.-x* i;c UKADAt in-: i'(>\vi)i;i: lilt' AI.K A-SKI. I Ki; TABLKTS si LV> HKT( »XC!A VITAMIN TONIC* OKI iVKS vitamins li" VIMM'S VITAMIN.' AND MINKitALS $1.08 $1.25 39c 89c 89c 59c 49c $1.25 44c 19c 19c 49c $1.09 2.5c v $1.00 49c TOILETRIES si.itn hinds iionky AI.MOND CltKAM 7.V KI'ICll DANDIIIT' IU-.M< tVKIt SUAMI'l M > " « .1K HIS 11A11; T( >NIC •Mi'- DltKNK SHAM I'l )< I ">(!» .IKHGKNS l.( > I'D )N 7.V ADM I HACK IN SHAMPOO Is HAH! TON If si ;.. rrs>v UICH c KKAM j>:: "u 11 ssv HK ii i \< ».\/i MA AKI.'ID IJKOI» i:\Ni ClfKAM i»!:! * »\i >i. •|« m » ! M I'Avri 39c $1.00 SL75 19c 39c .• 59c 39c 49 c 39c 49c 4 ACTION RELIEF SURE, SPEEDY, LASTING' IHCIO INDIGESTION No n< ( <) to suffer the tortures ;»f ,un) indii-estion and other acid .stomach ilist'^nilorts any longer Not while von t.111 Kct Hisma-Rcx! Mcrr is a (our action product that is helping thousands obtain relief. Bisma-Kcx is sold onlv at Kcxall UruK Stores. Try it today. BISMA REX 50*