HfcttJtersnn THIRTIETH YEAR 1 "tiiiV *!\ssJihjiatki •'\• It!lss'.'"" HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA. OPA Is Accused By House Committee Of Abusing Power Musical Ear MUSIC finds Its way into a vital war industry in the person of Godfrey I,ndlow, famed violinist, whose work'Avoids pos.-ible lo^s of life through imperfect airplane parts. He is shown here at liis job in the inspection department of the Brewster Aeronautical Corp'., N. Y., where by tapping metal parts lie is able to detect imperfection? through sound waves I International) Five Killed In Accidents On Week-End. Charlotte. X»v. |5. (AP>—At Va.-l Ii\e /i.miii died i»y violence in North Carolina din .111; tliu Weekend. (.'«in>ner I{<>y M Hanks reported thai Kemp l;. Johnson. Wake eouniv lumber .iiid oil dealer. was killed n*1* Italeigh. when hi- automobile v*. u- .-truek by ;i Norfolk-Southern Sroiglit irsiin. Annie Murray, about :>(». a Negro v • man i>l (ireen.- Iiimii. was killed 111— ; t.nilly in an ;iiit<iiiinbile-l)iis aeeidet-.t eight miles north of Charlotte . ti the Concord highway. red A. Gentry, about 30. of Aslic^ lie. a C* 1 \ 1 i Air Patrol .-Indent, wa..:!led when the trailer plane he was living crashed and burned in a field about 20(1 I eel Ironi hi> home. •I 111 m 1 it- Vaivla.-. I'i. i«|n i'ati>i" of a uife 111 Win.-lon-Saletii, \v;i- lound (!• id 111 Ins bedroom. Cormier \V. N. U.ilton said Hie death wa- sulfide by asphyxiation, lie .-aid «as jets 111 the ll »iimj were open. lie also said ;i young woman i(i>-nl■ I■•-cl as Miss Stella Shew. 21. was lound unc>n;eious in the kitehen. She wa.- taken I .1 hospital hi a eiilieal eoudilioli. •lames Hugh lleaben. 21. of Can dli 1. died in an A«he* ille ho.-|jilal • injuries sullered in a'lull between height ears 111 Hie Southern railway yards, lieaben was a switch man. Germans Open New Offensive On Partisans Undoii. Nov. 15—(AP>—Yuk<»--I«v partisan headquarters announced today in a broadca.-t ■ iiimnii<|nf that (•ermnn troops have? launched a large scale offensive in several directions on the Dahnation coast in an attempt to occupy beaches and islands in the Adriatic sea. At the same time, the Na/i lorces were said to be carrying on a counter-offensive "with some small success" on the 1'el.icsae peninsula situated between Split and Dubrovinik. The announcement of the new Ocrmaii offensive on the Ualmatioii Coast followed a Uerlin report yes-/ terday that Nazi troop.* had occupied lliree Adriatic islands which guard the Fiume naval base. The communique from the headquarters of (Jenoral Josip Bro/. (Ti1") said that units of his National Army of Liberation were continuing offensive operations in tlu: Croat provinces of Slovinia. Syrcm (southeast) and Slovonia /.aitorye (northeast). and in Serbia. Macedonia and Uojmia. The bulletin reported heavy defensive fighting in Slovenia with the enemy suffering sharp losses. An Italian detachment fought beside Yugcslav units in several battles on the B'.'stiia-Scib bwdsv. _ - Change Suggested In Existing Law to Control Inflation Washington. Nov. 15—( A1') —Tlu- Oilier of l'rimv Administration was roundly assailed today l»y a congressional com mittcu which accused it of having promulgated "illegal, absurd, useless and conflicting' regulations and of having "const rued its power to authi>ri/.e it to sentence citizens of the L'nitI ed States io starvation." The committee, headed l».v Representative Smith (D.. Va.l. and created by the House to keen a check on activities of executive agencies. recommended change* in existing law to "retain and strengthen inflation control and at tlic same time eliminate the abuses and injustices now apparent." Conceding ;i need t«>|- "extraordinary government;)! action" 01 time ol war 1i> mobilize the nation's economic as well a- military resources, llic conunittee said "there are riftht ;:id wror.g way., 1<• accomplish these ;>ui poses." the wrong way being I»y usurpation of power l>y executive agencies through "misinterpretation and abuse ol' powers" granted by Congress "and the assumption of powers not granted." The committee said i| found that OI'A "has developed an unauthorized and illegal judicial system and that through the mass of rules and regulations daily enacted by that agency it has also developed such intricate and involved administrative review machinery that litigants are completely bewildered by the tna/.e of procedure through which they must wander to eventually arrive at a court which will grant them only the crumbs of jutiieial relief." "This situation must be changed and changed immediately." the committee declared. Ill a period of less than 19 months, the committee said. :t,19G regulations, amendments and orders were issued by OPA. manv af them having been drafted by "obscure officials having little business experience." Only 552 public laws were enacted by Congress during the same period. it added. Decision Of j Mosco wReport Is Up To Hull I Wii.-hiugton. Nov. 15—( AI *) Itres.-n'li.il hopes lor obtaining a tirst hand report on tile Moscow cotiterence depended entirely on Secretary of State Hull himself today i>n; the question took new inferest in melli ods of obtaining information tram cabinet ofliecrs. Two resolution, have been introduced in the House asking thai II ill report before a joint congressional session, bill it was learned authorial lively they will be pigeonholed miles- the Secretary signifies a willingness to appear. Ucpre.-enlalive Kulbright (IX. Ark ) expressed hope that Hull would "tell lis about the conlerence." and added: "In fact. I think it would be .1 good thing it members ol the t*;iI>inet would come up and address Congress from time to lime to explain wiiai they are doing and what they have i» mind. It would make for a feeling ol mutual confidence." Drinks Seawater THE MARINER who talked of water everywhere ;md never a drop to drink is dated. William Ilall of the Air Transport Command drinks jaltlcss sea water from a new contraption 111: t the Navy has approved for use on the rubber life-rafts of flying liKliteii, lliitcrnalioiialt British On Leros Better Positions Numerically Superior Nnzis Straddle Isle To Divide Defenders Cairo. N«iv. 15—( A1' >—I»i*itish troops improved their positions in central ami northern sectors of the Dodecanese island of l.eros yesterday, inflictinjr substantial casualties on the (iernians and capturing a number of prisoners, a Middle East communique announced today. The fierce liiti.lin^ lor the i-laml, important in the strategy <>i the Aegean because "l its submarine base, \va- accompanied by continued aerial blow.. in which loiiu range lighter .-weeps and liombcr assaults were carried out ovei the German positions. Kxpl 'sions and lires were .started at Clurna bay. Ali::d;. bay and Cape Pantali. The battle i»r I.rriis was still inconclusive. however, and official reports yesterday said the Germans had established numerical superiority and had straddled the island at its narrowest point, virtually dividing the British and Italian defending forces in (he north and south. altliouRli the Allies still held l.eros. die chief low 11. The rightmile long island is only about a mile across at its waist. Sharp Rise In Liquor Stock New V< mIc. I a ( AI'» Stocks f'l Ameri'-an Milillmt; Company bounded Slim a -hare today, lip •SJ.VTa a -hare in the first sale since aunoui cciiK lit the company would of whisky al cosi lor each .share 'IW ned. The In l sale ol 111.71111 shares, which came about 11 >o a. m. or nearly two hour- allei the slock exchange opi iml. bloke a log lam of buying ■ •. <l«■ r that loiind holders of the stock reluctant to sell At a cciiitiK price SaJ.atl lor a (Continued on I'age Three) Scott May Run For Senate As Candidate Of Farmers View Is Farm Vote Would Go Republican If Election Were Held a t Present Time l>uily Disp.ilcli Bureau. Ill Ihi! Sir Walter «Iotcl, BV LYNN NISBET lialeigh, Nov. IS.— The situation created by Senator Reynolds wit It— din\v;il from the campaign continues In he the duel topic <if political discission around Italcigh. I'oliiically minded visitors arc besieged by folks who >1 ii>• in Haicigh In know wind the I oiks back home arc thinking, and 'hi.1 visitors arc ilist as eagci' to find the course of official thinki 'Iff. Generally speaking. I lie Slate capital eili/cns are satisfied In let the situation remain as M is with no serious opposition lo former Governor lloe.v. Visitors from lhe west are somewhat less satisfied, but are not nearly so anxious for another candidate as are the easterners The Reynolds' w ithdrawal has changed tin* i>u»itjull el oevetal leader* wljo hud been |iti\ t-ly committed against hi.- r<'i«itniiiiiiii>ii. \V. Kerr Scott. commissioner nl agriculture. who had said In- would mil run against lloey .• tirl llovnolds. is by in> menus ready ••• say In* will oilier tin nice now. Imi In* doe- fool 1 h<it hr is Mill bound hy his previous commitment since •the senator hits Hint. That's ii.s lin as the eoiumis>ionor will nn .■! the present time, hill smiic ill In- (armor Irionds carry the argument further. They point out thai it has boi n a long. long 111110 sinoo a man whoso chiol occupation was t<iriiiing. so rood thr Siato oidioi a- governor or cnator. Mo.-t incumhcnt- have owned a laim or two as do hoth IJnniglilon anc! Hailev now. Hut they cannot he properly classed a- farmers. Yet the State is o.-scntially rural with (ill por (Continued on Page Tljiec) Red Troops Are 35 Miles From Poland Advanced 42 Miles Since Rail Junction Of Zhitomir Taken Moscow. Xox. 1 r,— (Al') — -Masses of lu-d Army infantry, cavalry, tallies ami st'lf-propcil«d suns piuiriiiK int<> tin; hoio west ol Kiev to liai'anovka have readied a point only :»") miles from tile pre-war border "I Russia and Poland. A '12mile advance took the pliuiKiiiK Soviet columns into Daraiiovka since the capture of the rail junction of Zhitomir 011 Saturday. L<I<UI<U1. Nov. 1.1 — (AIM — The German high command nnnoiinccd today lli;<t Russian Cossacks and tanks, in a sweeping drive west <>l Gomel. had driven to RechTisa, about MO mile.- tn the .southwest <<ii the railroad linking Gomel with Poland, hut had been beaten back in attempt to capture the town itself. Rechitsa - seizure would sever one of the two remaining lines over which '.he Nazi defenders of the old fortress of Gomel might tail back to escape the encircling Soviet movement. The advance a Ions the northern i-dRc.s or the vasl Pripet iiiursh<\ also threatened to split off the northern German armies from the forces of the central frnnl. x Another Merlin i>ioadca.-t acknowledged the German evacuation <<l Zhitomir, rail junction oi the Nazis' la.-t north-south railroad arlerv east <ii tlie old Polish b-nder. whose tall threatened to cut the central Nazi lorce- oil' from the southern German annies. Moscow said the Russians were ;!(> mile., west of Zhitomir. I he bi ■ '.idea.-t reported renewed Soviet attacks northwest of Kerch in the drive against German and Rumanian forces sealed off in the Crimea, and lre.li Soviet attacks in the Dnieper bend. The Red army, expanding its salient west of Kiev, was surging close today to the vital rail junction of Korosten. capture of which would stive the Russians control of a 50 mile stretch of the Leningrad-Odessa railway system between Korosten and Xhitoinir. Clo.-e-locked fighting vvhiir, ha.s markerl all the combats in the Crimea cetitinned hi the Kerch peninsula. Northeast ot Kerch, the Germans launched 11 counterattacks with infantry, tanks and .self-propelled guns, but all were repulsed. The Soviet e<miinuni(|ue said the Russian,, capturcd two strongly fortitied !><<in'..s tie..r Kerch killing !i()t) Germans. Bricker (.andidacx For President Is Formal In Stated Ci<lunibu.-. Olii<<. Nov. I.">. (API Governor John W. I'.i ickcr aniiniiiiri;d foi molly today he was a candidate lor the liepiihlicaii presidential noiiiinalioii. Mis statement also renounced any bid lor a fourth t<M in as governor. "In v lev oi the great need, confident ol the I art that the Republican parly will be called upon in lead our nation at tin ue\t election. I .shall be a caiidida)e lor President of the I luted Stall - ti the Ohio primaries and helori'M. Republican national convention." he ,<--n led. Court Hearing On Mine Pay Is Scheduled Washington. Nov. 15—<.\l*> — The Supreme (Hurt agreed today to review a derision awarding "portal to portal" pay lo underground iron ore miners. Action on this hotly controverted issue specifically affeded employees or the Tennessee Coal, iron and Kailroad Company, the Sloss-Shrf field Steel and Iron Company and Hepublic Steel Corporation, operator* or 1.1 underground iron ore mines in Jefferson county. Alabama. The companies sought a review of a ruling by the Fifth Federal Circuit Court that the lime spent underground by (lie miners, except for the lunch period, constituted working time under the Federal wage-hour act. (•rantiiiE of a review means Ilia! the case will be set for oral argument in a few weeks, after which a formal opinion nill be delivered. AmericanBombersHit Rail System At Sofia SISTER KENNY DEMONSTRATION A GROUP of intent listeners pays close attention :is Si-tor T'.tizabeth Kenny, noted Australian nurse, explains her revolutionary oi:t of inc infantile paralysis victim.- The demonstration 1 j.at.••!;!•? v. i ii'.ade at Atlelphi llo?pital in Brooklyn, N. Y. \l .*<.'r>:at:ojiuii New Guinea Bases Heavily BombedBy American Planes 223 Tons of Bombs Dropped on Madang And Alexishafen Southwest Pacific Allied Headquarters. Nov. 1"»—(AP) —American bombers. in a perfectly coordinated three-ply at-! tack dropped a record load of! 22". tons of explosives oil Alexishafen and .Madanjr. ending for tli»' time beinjr an increasing threat to Allied positions I on New Guinea. The mission \\,is In smash liasi'> from which llir Japanese have been strafing Australian Ironiis and American aircraft in New (Guinea's Markham ami | Kamn vallrvs. and apparcntb supplying forward liases. Shortly after dawn S.itu day I' lfl i and p-:i!> fighters strafed !• I 1 , j air .-trips .•! Ale.v.shatcn. -i;r: in,' | tower in a lire .>1 tin? « x j •»•«!. • ■ •• lone plane. downcl i>\ >\vtv .hi" - t I aircraft opposition. Then came v.ave atle w.oe •; • Liberal'y bombe:. tdi im altitlldc. lollowed li_\ Ai N noils ,ii tree lop height. Tin : • ill.; Iliev dn>p| ped viif Ihe \ load ever | thrown aua.li/.t Xe (In lira and was (second • • 111>■ t>> !l■< loll.- auain.-t • Habinil (*.ii 1 > i. tic e . paiun. I As I" llir land fichtiin; mi ItoimaiiM ill<*. where I. S. .Marines -ecu roil a lieacliliead al Ian press Aumista Bay. Xnvemher I. Admiral William I'. liaise* Jr.. emiiiiiander of Ihe Snulh I'aeirie fnrees. visited the farthest point of penetration on Friday and commented that "proKress now i> liearleniiiR." Chairman 10 Be Appointed Before .January 1 ; Hulclgh. N"v. 18- -(AP>- A ' '11i limt* chairman i>' the State Highway and Public W■ rks Commission • will be appointed l>v January I, ;i i irli.il>!)- sourer said here today 1) It MeCrnry "I Ashcbnrn. textile manufacture .■ nci highway t"inmissioncr. lias boon scvini; a., act- j j ins chairman on a part time basis si: re Major lien Prince entered tin* ! service sonic months an<>. It was understood llial (Srnvrmor 1 Hi'oiicliton hiid rc<iuc»tcd MeCrary to take over the full-lime chairmanship l>lit McCn ry said lie was tillable I" 'I" so because ot husine>< Asked about lite scheduled chanue. Governor Brou^hton said he had . no romtrtcnt to make at this lime. The name< of Chief Counsel Charles lb>s- a"d Chief Engineei i Vance Baisc have been mentioned I lot the clnuirnan.-liip Liquor Probe Is 'Authorized U'.iMmtiiloii. X.iv, i."> i Al*. The Sciiale .Ultlli l.ii y C'..i ' liv lodax ii|)|>r<i\t'i: inuinimoii-lv .. i .'solution iitifhori/iiiK ;in inquiry into Minor in— iiu-ii V |» acticcs mid Chairii an Vur. N'u.v- ■ !>.. Ind. i |-."i .-.inn' "-Kii lliiij; ()<•. ol«ipiiit i'l ' I'm- nade si>tne t'fi'li inary in» C|Uii ir>." Van Niiv.1 t»l<l n'Mirtcns, 'and I think I can i- • some ran it'\elation* t«t lax «I 'tiu;:iu and !iijli". 111..I rimy. AlitiotniciitH .. ui> c n: niii lli-i' ,;.i :>■ .>|>j»>i■ i• • . I iioarinj;.• . .v i,«-\t v. ek. i< . . <d lu* v...- | rominecd "there i.- unniijjh li<|Uoi m his country to last live •.> -i\ years, >-..t ii i- being wifhhekl : • (lie C j( >\ LTiior Names New Members On \ a nee ('ommission IJaleiuh. \..\. t:» i AIM Mis -I. II. • ! Wii.-h Mis v II. I .If. s : S! ,v-\ .11.- wore 11>l»• 'Hi'. I i'v (• i... U:. .ti*hton today as : . mbe ■ 1 „• Vnncc Monot .«! ('•••• > .»• • The .<}>(>■ • ii' "i ' i d \ ratine. 'UttM.ll by II to HSimi.lt ions Mis. i fcdwartl \\ ..odwa i' H !>.•' .iti'l Mr.-. O. Mux Ciarduer id Shelby, ivll" ».iid lliev Hi ;f una: ie In atVlld ! .<• moot I • 4.-. WEATHER I OI5 NOIt I'll < \i;oi.i\ \ l':irtl> ehitidv .mil Marnier (his ■il(rrii.Miii and tonight. I',iiil> »lnnd> and mild I'nrMl.n . Nazi Supply Routes Are Affected Bombing Said to Be Extremely Accurate On Bulgarian Capital Allied I lead<|tiaiier.-. Algiers, Nov. |.">— (AIM —Ameriran l!-2."> .Mitchell medium Imnthers raujred in force over Sofia yesterday. makiii)- th»* first air attack <>m thi Unitarian capital (ivol- this theatre in a Mow «I;-sijrned 1" dislocate traffic ovur tIn* whole llalkan rail system, while aground in Italy the hattie line- remained virtually undlalljjed. Other bomber* swept into l'r:inee lor their third crack ut tin- important Antheor railway viaduct near Cannes tin* night night before. ami liulit bombers shut up the harbor of Civitaveei Ilia on tin- wi'sl coast of Italy. I. cul led t>v P-:M! l. ^hllMin.-. "lie M:1el.cl!> <i ppeil nVn1 Sulla'.* railway yard.- in t\\ ■ ilia I"' te.it • ■n.-. fl ll|l|)ill|t lull,. "I CXpln-l\l.-s (III I ho tiii uet. X •■tit i.l ..,>11: .i\im;i1eiy !t Cil- :t .III .lit •! Ii'iitilii; pi.I e W«'iV shut down ii .1 : n'i'i' battle. t >lli< -.al :e|• ..Ii -n oins • »«•Oomh .y "cNtreniely 1: ate." with ON|>l>txiViv mi ii.-ii.na down ..hi ly i in 1 •. i ■ iti ut \ i* !'i'| i<t tshops, at .i--einiil> shop.-, ,i mailt line d«:iiici npp.nn up the track. in till* yard. "This .-iicco-tul iipen lii* ui tin: talUai ot'lcnsivc ha- a la:-leaching ■iiiiM-mieiU'O," an iiliii'ial aniamncu•m-nt said. Through this immeiisrh imliorlaiil rail center Herman supplies arc transported into (ireece and down into the islands of the Aegean and also I lit- western Balkans. The Sofia railway yards link up with rail routes through Hungary. Ituiuaiiia anil Bulgaria and congestion al Sofia would have the effect of dislocating traffic over the whole Halkau rail system." C tai't tin the u ••mid tiiihlinj; a- I'alv. tl'e <ia "v ■ r i.: i u 111: < 111««a.d • the K.ghtii Amy h.d •ai i i'<i in : .- .■ ci>-: il |)iitrul actions vii.li '*ii the !•' til f un' the enemy naitilaincd a firm defense. Itoth sides appeared to In* cmisolidatiug positions and bringing up reserves for an impending major liattli- during a period of lull and sporaulc rainfall. '1'ie uiily aim' ligntum mi ilie* yesterday w... I he epalM* by An eriejin troop,, . i iii.ee slrarp German counterattacks in the mountain *ci ••• > lie. r M mil. Ill I. \\-! ,i repimeii* ul the (ieni.ati L'l'tli A moreri t; adier di\ inimi was hurriedly ctilld i"i!<• 'lie I ne in n .ii*c st.il>> pro"ecti.n; the dange .-put ti the Xazi iiitei (i«. tense line. I'.iicii t ine these v otoii/cd troops, .viiicli had been rest iiu behind the inc.-. in . hard a: t ie Aieencan pu- ' ■: >. .iini each t < they were driven buck by a withering fire. They leit i aiy dead and prisoner.*. De.Mi iri^n> Asked 1 (i I,ea\c Bahamas Xjitw-iiu. N-. 15 (AP) Alfred d. \1. ■ ii;m \ . v vf clc|i'-. i .tii>n wjis •' i'\- !'•«• jury w Inch ■'' i tied him of the murder of Sir Jhii v (•,. .>•> ';;ts iiv i»«•<! In !o;i\0 ' !(.• 1".ill. Ml,iv. ,l1,i!|JJ Will, his cl'i.-r friend, the Ms :ipnv.- CS«'->ikvs doY' mIcIoii. Aii order u,iv ik^iicH uftvr the eel n.s ni (5 |. - in . ("kiiiisI'I Siil <liiy Xii--.i,i in si>r-| i|i pi.-><•'ted tralia' -- mi tin' nil". ;' .itiun until thid morning. Indication That Emanuele Seen To Abdicate Throne l!;il .ill llr.nli) id le Italy. \i>\ . 1 —(Al'i l'ivmi<" Miishiii I'lctrn Diidovlio'.- pIl'dKt' to I I -nil ,1. he.1(1 "I II"' Mil I iiii i jjn\ i rnmont when Home fall* w.is (illicitly followed today l.v >'.ii>ny indk ation* tlrtit Kmu ■\*ii;<ii ;«• KmumielcV nlHlication is only .1 math I- III tunc I). I,iii|Milrlu I*.ii-,nil . wliii i|tnl as ministei n| laho,- and ('"iiitrcn r in 1 lit* heels "l H.iduRliii',, .-.tatemcnt yestcrda.v, retlectcd the general attitude that the end is near lor the monarch when hi- tolci rnends he! could not afford to he associated ! with the }•■ ciniei"i» picpi't>cd "tccli- i it 1**111 rubiiH'i" ttttd. by infpit'iiKi with ilu' king !>;■ his stiilci-1 fl 11 1li.il in" u i mi Id tllllt WllOll till* Attics ItMell ItlMllC, Mad"gli<> reversed hi* previous doc hunt hi. ho would stiiy m office until tlio (•ornitiu.'H wore driven from the country. Jt;id<>i;iii> > ilcci- 'm ;i dircct result ill his roiu.-iil t«. t.iko pjirt in iinv »l<»\oniment which iinse.it>: tho aged king. W lion I Wiiji 17." tlio niaislwl said ;i press conference. "I swore loyalty to tho King and will keep faith, »- 1< ng ufc I li\e."

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