Urufterann Ball)} Dtapatrljr ■established A UK ust 15, 1HN Published Every Afteriuiun Kxu'l't Sunday by 1IKNDKKSON MSl'ATt II t O.. INC. at IU!I Yuuiik Slrcft llKNHY A. DKNNSK. l':o~. and Kill tor M. L. FINCH, Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. TKI-KI'IIOMIS Editorial Of I ice . .... Social Kdil>>r ... Mil Husinvss Ol'I'ce I! 10 The Henderson IKi.lv Di.-p.itih is a llic::ibe:' 't rile AsrH'i-.tvil I*:'ess anil AP Features, Southern Newspaper l*ubli.-liern Association and tat- North "lina l*iess Asocial mi. The Associated I'.'-s... s e>:c!u jjivelv entitled '.>> u>e fur repub!'cation till news dispatches credited tu or not othc wi.-e indited .. !li — paper. and also the local new* published therein. A!! rights ■•! pubtic.«:.->ti • .-p< ..I d >i>.itchcs lierein .Hi. reserved St Itsc KIl'TION I! m i s (Payable Sti ctly in Advance) Ma.I C*.n i . 1 Ye. . stitMi .>7 -in i! .\! :r.•:< no :i :»ii :i M 'tith.- I..".it i 7."i Weekly by i .,n ie- . nlv Pi- • ».'• >p\ *iO KrV ed Me p. -=• : iv u IK-tid- i \ I . • rivi in.. ' • Where Control Fails : I • K\I.-: -lo S,: . i , St.. Ite. a 11 111 ■cii'> pi -a a er • ••• much. It would m.iiiy in •t :»ni. •«lity .i ; l:n-i- .vilet'e i r.l 111.- !ii-n.-l :t l-. i indi\ .d-.als iii• - i : . •.I..t.i- I: Success Grows v t «; . »• i:; V.»i. «• i .!»!> r.'lii <-s t • i.«ii* ; • • made ■ i * .1 i \< u' •• ■ m Per as t n:d • !: • i imiwiitn itself ^ • r «• t 1 ■ ^ nvs show tin iihivisl tinv iHW'trt •. . ; • i. •the goal. up t«» !. i - ylr y 111 :e tha-i stt.oim •i ; A • in! >rtIttjg angle I.! • r • : : • thil' ••■■■ill nUitl in I)i n ilm.f i- in cscess >>f f|ilot i til- I'll tt-rt \V;.|Fund |>H»|X'i —nationally- .11 idtarti :) •• .im «• i 'initv (*<iiiiiii:iiiity (': ,:i !- Uf.i |y Mi.lMNI budget in i t. sh .. .-el ! .i the first time -IT'' siicil 't es llir. <• litH'H hero. A i •• in -t i-^u will lie lelt t r cuv i j!" ( i> - but Hi in « li <rge the i.ii iI • ill p-.iIi/.' tli..i tlu-y wi'l be besieged I >r In 'pings Imm iii a\.i I iijl«* ;i*|»l .iiid w ill, wo iiro Mil l'. dispense the i rash .inly loi the in.'st worthy itii«I nii.st urgent i«■<111:i enients. People iier.i -<• they Wanted t'i have .i luinil ii th.- vut ni helpliillx . S Hue ni them gave UI'11 «Ti-ti.-ly l»e< i i.m' they li.i'.c lmy<. 11: l.itlni- .r In•• ithers. perhaps even Misters, ill tll(i aimed f.M f Xoinewlicri', si illh' t i■ i* these service people m.i v be niiidi' more i • 111(■ ■ i111• or h i|i|i;im in tIn i. .H mIim s anil privations "ii -i' ol \\h..t sunn* ol ii I) irk in •• .it in. •• <on'ribtitcil. Tli .;. iv I', ill.. espl i ■ s tin- dniPious III it I >' >llt li^ The money w.i given for Ihiit purpose. and ciislndiiins of the excc-s certainly u II leel the re-poiisibillty of see inn tli.it this money g-.es only where it will (1 i the greatest good 'o the greatest numher. Kven so. Vance county people have again deinoiistraied their lug ness nf heart and I heir generosity On re more they have said lo the world that they can and will support causes which lie near their heart when they have been convinced "f genuine worthiness, in this case as in others. K\ cry one who has had b part, large or small, in this etfort hat a right to a degree of pnde in result* a:hi«\ ed. I America Gives Thanks i Thanksgi vine Day is peoutiarly and traditionally an American :n-titution Its origin was lis the hearts ot a icl'e handll.il «>l ;.;ratcttil people w 1»»• had prospered. .1^ they knew prosperity 111 tiio>o d..y.» 111 tli - New World whither they had I'oitti' t. live t:io:r lives ill tin-1 own way and to wor.-hip liod as tiny pleased. It t .i> been continai .1 tiiro'.ittli the yeans ot tin.- InM •<•> ».• the icpainio. ami. .iltlionjjll compaiatively low people actually >cr.M the tiae ;• catling i>. the occ.iM'ii .1the festival recurs year alter year. : does have a national sigttil raiuv ,\. Ii'iiu as then was lioncM \\• -sship and ree«»tsiti::i':i • >! the ti< d •• the I* i\> Aircriea li.nl |>< >•• .i prtispe til. except a", r.; c liters. Is 1 ul.i.v. :!: the 1 S't s t : \ v.. I and . me. the nati. 11. ore .•! 'H'ri'.<>,iy t. 1 u u( choice. is tending baeuw.i il toward th- 1 mi.mental Wi i■ titer the pnrp« si -tl! -lit Ot it. \nu ric .u< their 'I'll . ' ilUptv p. c. c:l -he .How :i ■ ci >,• r.nla thanns t- " •d ami ptrUi matter o! • ah ;l <i • h.iii than >posai <1 i,\ : hilar 1y and fi •• •lit Lincoln ..me .■ - 1...... . hi «i". i sih-i (v., „ ><•!>, ,!! . - 'y f : cdi <• i . n<t pre -i ' • I" 'I " i' .■ > ' ■ > • t « !;■• Mi;.in- I -." Sa d (.; «',• h iVl* iHH'll til© ; ei-inient s il pea. ;r«\vn ii ioi».,t Which preserve.' in pea ,• ll t i plied and • i (i ;,|h! • ' l i •!! • vainly Mess i«. i.ui•siily we. .• r:or v. • ' l! is th.ll^s "'.•■•iutI „s. and ^ ii* ii. i11 the h. .11Ili.it ill ;h. pi ■ i i< -d Iiv mi i« . ■ mi ii tiles "I i• I. that wore ti Ahr I ••'n' tin e. how .!..*« \ r today, whi r •in- ^ l.e .IHIl'i lied t! .. i . . . .. :. : • d i•<•>'!>nd i• inmati I • •i. hear I. o.n \ anity ?.<i our arragiincc ol spi it huvo in« i rcast-d iii propyl • A- tii:.- is read. T : .i ..-4 ■ •t l!»»3 has all i.tit pa-scd. P..I there i> vi t ti 'ic I ; ;jj, -<• to m K* amends who h.v.« ; • •<! • . catch 'tir -pa' ' .iml -ii • • ■ .M i an • •t the iiceasion. K • y day rati and --Ii ild !»•• one i.f ; ..111!. ^ \ i11u Kvi'iy day tin- creatures of heave;! s l» nty should feel i! a privilege, as til** psalmist fiii I. lo " In still atiii 1 .!!••• that I am («ofI," ami to In ■ ■■ it) i th.it "tin l.or<| of hosts is w tli ii-: the G«kI "I Jacob is our refuge." In the lilt imalr ilrnii.i- ol th global w.ir. Cod v. ill have tin- <l< riding word; the i a c in II: hands. It is imp it int. therefore. tli.il ('III i tiali- i>c 1'ilittd Witt) thoil (airs toward the Lord. Cannot ail >>t ii' share tins interpretation and 'his s«la< e in "I' ina I 'ay IIMH. aid in eve-> day as Well'.' Ameiica ran give tiialik< and r< new its allegiance to the I."id "I h..st> and experirnn) the lilctiitigi and favors he i: ready to pour oir, upon those who arc fit to rece:\e then . I! i> an appropriate hour for repentance and fnitli as perhaps ne\er before in this generation. In New York a hag containing 4.non nickels f«-11 to the sidewalk and broke. scattering tlie coins everywhere It gave the passci shy a glimpse of what wo hear inflation would he like. Russia plans to repay lease-lend food with food from that ration Toutfh on the taxpayer who doesn car« (or caviar. High Court Rules Upon Liquor Case (Continued from Page One) .-oiiteneed m s months or $.*>o ' ir.e. He . iipoaled t i Superior Court. Meant.me. the jury u'.urii«.->i .1 true hill • -I iitletinent auainst linn, mule w!iieh he was tried. eon\ icted and sentenced to .in-t t'A iiv its miu'h ;is tin* recorder lu;d }*;veii 111itt. In his . ppoal he set up rl..it tin- i-aperi i • . it should have .tele.I <> appe;.i .. ecorder rathe:- ill "i on a new • tmont. 'lite supreme court rilU ' "in on that contonti. n. holii.: ; . " :. e record i(id n t el willy uliow • was the identical >'1!eiim' th i ;:es and dates w« re iiiont k.d In tin (••art the det'eil.l..tit ,.l>o i nonsuit < >ti I he uroir ii !' ' • ii ;.i-e tailed to he had !: lor sale. Tii.it v. - the .:i!. and who:: it > ' 1 i eo rt i n appe. i lett i ii passing delillitely <-i". U . t|uo|os tonus i 'urn •' • .* n Act. tlio .-on. 'i 'I! '• !eui«lati<iti i i AIX" act in i»»::v lle the latto.- I ■ itin*i: » - vpanoies a;*d conflicts. dew J ha* the ge»e • ! ,'t :n'.i in! .iny MWh . - results from r.iv i i : ii P» ' i •: i s hold im ' 'her pr mit ■ !'.\ IIS Altc' : "in outside the • a gallon • Ilqu »i* V; • ,\ • i- not the !uisiness t ; make laws, tn:it hoi: * t \ e ol t.'le legl.— • •. i:'.erprot tin :: . :h • M.ib ' ' the l«»:iT i;e •< v.ii • >io ibtt d!v me .nt • ts art t , . :-i-ile the Tnrlinal »n art oets where apparent . •I! o In that idea, he hold- i • ■ ; • e.-sion o( It'! wltich • legally obtained . s evidence I'! :!Ii : .."senoe ■ • t « titer • - te-t tnony. There \v .... Hi- ' ■ 'in the i»;.-t.i! ■' ( : " held that tile i --'at in super o.i ' Ur• ee : allow eil ..ilii t!ii- • i *.\ i ■ colaivwi¥wl ■ otitis that Jack S iii • : i • alsi <ii': uv -i ■ inioh y ' .-.mil' or eliwly si.n. t al>"> upheld l i>o ird and \or• ay i!> their roil•alldotU'ii trac litv sli- a" I he • ' I . liter than as I :i-r !as p II - •jhe 1'; s. el it ■ i! Wai lick May Enter Race For Senate (C..:n ii .-,i I'.uc one) t . !.i i i <. -;<i i.iti' In ; »i • 11 s t; i: < Si-a.'i-. V. .: w.'- lmr i* ;.^iiia v.'.is I> Mil - !>«»-.- '■•!«- <>|>|i <iu>- : ■ ; <; . .•■.!■ II ,-v :«• the No: ■ Ul'!1 : ll'oltl I 1 .i:I_;«• (llriH'll,V, s . ■ • i i) 1 ■ I • • • S .'.. 11.1 y I — t " it! I It !•■!• its«0t 'I: I' I \V;irl ;i btiiis • •• • Merest iind life •>*.. • e can ..iv takvn by li.i i .in !h:«t t!ua . '' . ;! I I' > 11n- |.»l i — i 1 ' 1 ill • • : tlv senate. M. tv mj. • is 111 .t l.e \\i 1! .-ti«.. I the v. s p with it* emolii;nt •:■ - • •• ■ • n' . imt ther • : i.- itv th:it t'links ho ii Sd well . ti<ii-d t> make tin Si I'lito at' • 'i> fit'U lie would in- in much better position ti t-.• ' . i .»c iii a"\fi'itur. i in' ■ • i serve tiniy <in«' tr ' • • mil oil .i si nsitur ilivte.ii: ; i-'.t w.trlifk is y ''.ma ii. , offer » chiincc i<> ; f i in hi- Stiite iiml .■ tion ■ . seniority basis, whercb th M< :: i and Hoey have ,t ::i .1 .mt-s that preehidc Imia i: ic •, ".if St n .If. A- p:t\i s!y i .|n\tod. ('.ijii'ti! S'j tv • . in ■ -1 sniiti .iliti \\ il -ii,. l't.r litifv 15 it she si] .i i ;r.i v - tiifi'f ss ii lame element <>f •. titer- iihikina fur another e.r.diii te I! n.iaht lie W.niiek. li.i.i: ■.!('< pfi'iite tpeeiul train* cneh i. .v ■ en' t: i. i|>s til if ' Il "J.."ill(l iimiith the SALLY'S SALLIES »•■••• 1 - I IM, - APPETIZERS! Hints Given to Taxpayers By Babson (Cimtin.ied fr.i i rage One) \\ lt!>< ] oh: iged to , \ .1 l.l\ ot .III I ■ CI 1,1 1 ■ 7."> |M .ii : i>. Ins iii-t i'.i <r . Tliis educes llii \ ..hie .i| Hi 1 i to tin •ii'1{>!• •>«'!:.1.(I I'..>1- < .- I.I m-11 it lilllch cheapi .' JI r.. 11 it I Ii- ■ > i y taxes did Hot \l-t I'. n> . f Kiii ! t.r.o- went Hit cl:ec* . ni;in •••III III' ;i 111 I l«*:i\ t his business iiiitrig ■ ' to 'lis lamily jw :.i i:• -.tlit ta\e.. w • ' iv mi .ili. ToII.iv. ; IUVWC . Ml a eat mali.V case* • jly i- c<ini|it lu .1 t • .-i II .i part 'i ! 1 in tin1 l.ti - ii— .ii order I<> -i .. iv funds ti> pay the death taxes. Tins give- an except i • I:;11 opputluilrv t.i yoi.ng < xeruiivcs employed :u tlit* iHisiiit*s t" ecu re ..ii inti :«■ -t at .i in) l««vv price. I.iiw Miilli-v Kates llrlp Viiuni; IViiplc. The ; i • .-••!.i Federal ceiling • •»i m« 1. • ' al • -11.1: • I.•- \ -lllltt people today to i ay .. home ••! business and p.iy iit with an interest rate til pel nap.- . iil> lia!l what Hwy would In* ••In i ll t • pay. belnre tlic.-e taxes w< it a:!" elli-rl I. inv-ilt. am a died • :>.»!i. wnleli has today voted t ■ -:ie> I •;.!! . young man at t i ;.<■•• p- • tin nrdei tn imy all interest in department store. This ■line in oultl li:ive c-i.»t linn six pi reent 111*»•' i \eai > ago. 1 tl I:.;! If* s -la I I' • l~ not ,| matter ot' iegislaiii n: ;• 111 rati er ot heredity, industry, integrity and vision. Whatever i'ii.' v tr,- ul government, a certain g. ' a| . ii> -a\e. wuii, and intelligently pl.m. v. ill always :>e on top. All :■• ;g pi-npU- have .. greater opportii'.: • • succeed in the o ne sense today an ever before. Kvetl (luldrcti •'! ". •• well-to-do may be | better o.l ;; .a : lii.ili Federal taxes I There i.- -'.u-i t:;ng a- lea\ ing children t ••• i in !i money. TitUitm I'n.lits vs. I.ossr.. | Now, lust a word »• i those employers and investors who have large .ax | bills: Previous December* I have eaiU'ii attent'• >ti the imparlance • >1 taking ln.-si's ;n urder to olfsct eei lain gain.-. In i .uiv ease- tins sh mill be done tmlav (in the other hand, a new lai to.' ent< . - the situation tiiive.ai which i i a - never happened before. This yea :.n amendment to the Federal tax law t.nev. out 75 pereeiit of one lull tax year so as to yet oil a "pav-as-voii-go" basis. Alter much •trnggic. t v.,- agreed to throw •nit T.'i |)i'nrni .1 c i-.. ;'>iJ • r :»• :.i. | "ttliiflu'M'i' i.- Hi*.* .4ii«•" ' Tlmi all- tllt*t dill" II St iKtillliito. i., | 11143 income and i'«ini|Xiiv the with In.- l ;• I^ i:u-m > .Hid pay ihi ■< percent ux«v.\ tux "ii wliiclievei i> llie lai'Ki r. Nn\v. I : nn r ;. ' -ni arc instinctively dm-ii* 5:.i \\ .* tluii£ 1>> sryiiiK !>■ ti.» I!• •.i IIU'iUllC .1 .- -II'.ill as »■ .--iS.it* \\ f;.• i ill many cases much inniu-y con Id bo saved in taxes by It iwillK t ...- i..i-..o as |>i>--11.*. Li1' r . IU i s!. .|T«' \\ lit*n . t.ixpayci -I Iii..- . . -••Ii! -.i-iii ii- at :i pr-ilit. i - v. . tigcd t> |)uv 2.» p. iiiii'. :11 taxi • >u aul | >t i > I ii litis Hi.-. inlii . Ii . il his HUH it mm it* i- lii'-i-i : 11.. • i ;ilsi-k! income. in* is obliged In pay .• lax nl imly !!:> |it-rt. nt . -1 -aid Ii i ;« cent a.s tin- na\film * itl i. ki\>' *• •> |>i ri't-'iil nl either ISMlI «r 1!)43. whichever i- Hit* smaller. ThinteaiH iliai this is a vein* when .axes i-an Miniftiu.i' in- avid by :..r,i:;k profits as well a- by taking losses u taxpayers will go ..1 it intclliKcntly. I Icnce. <-■ 'ii till ymii lawyer. ban.ar til- accountant. M till i 111 > inn Hollar-. Kvcn industry gets one break in the present tax ia.v. namely, tiie privilege nl replacing old maehiiiei v wilh new machinery. old merchandise with new merchandise and ail kind- nl scrap with pintitahlc items .md bavins: the u<iveiiiment pay m i.-i nl tin* cn.-t. l-:> -elling these >utiniidcd IhiiiK- ..i {In- present time. .> business (Mini :ii i save from -lo!)li percent over what may be possible after tlie war i.- over. |)o s.i tliiDecembei ..- after World War I! you may not either have Hie in.nicy t.i buy the new c(;liipr.:(*nt or tin* aiio, c uieiittinii-il t am ,.ii1:ikc. Now. in-'. ;. word 11>i- heirs and charitic.-. Th. present law ail.iw . . y I .\pavcr 1 > give SU.OIM) lliis \. I any gicrson without paying •;,ll t,i\ which hi many cases t: 11 i ..l.iarily run iron' 'Jo tn .">0 it It further allow- tlif giving . ! > pi-rct r.l <>i oiu'~ iin'i-ill*." hi w I.it'll gilt i- la\-c\ciiipt. !•'. :n lance. :i pel son ill .1 ."ill pcrI "1 • 111 l'i u Uf' can i\ • ■ away $1,000 v. 1: ■ 1 n <• -Ihik him niiiy S."»ilo. Furthermore. it .1 taxpayer gives away s Mislead of ca.-li lie fall (11 .i I'm* tav which lit- would pay iir jir.il t: (2) l><» allowed cuiitli !> 11 ■ • 11 deduct inn inr tile market .iue i'l Hit- securities: ami (3) ilien II > \« s> tin- iiunu'v lu* v.auld ordinar.!v t- >iit 1 ibute 111 tliis Ninio .-ccurity. tin;. t .-tahh^lnng ,1 higher coM-prjcc for fuiur« ^alc. When kiio considers !"<• t i\ deduction lor fontrihutiniis, pin.- tiir saving through not celling, and top.- these .savings oil by rcplacinu. alttr 30 days, tiie same sec urit. he may find that it is indeed po.-- ible to >ave through generous giving h your relatives, your church <>r some usclul charity. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ I. Italy. I!, foil I. • I. Sara Delano Roosevelt. 4. I"vvelve milhon pounds. 5. 1940. li. •-'hewing-gun;. •. "Hall Moon." • !. Uusie. !». Tokyo. In. Tobacco. I he word anchor originated from the Ctieek wort! meaning "crtiok 01 "lil Grecian anchors were 111 this foi 111. RAIN HOLDS UP YANK ADVANCE V • 'iM siuuuino THROUGH THE RAIN and the mud in Italy toward the front is this trio of U. S. cavalrymcn. The steady downpour lias brought the horse into his own again, both for carrying men and equipment. Almost all \chicles have bogged down in the soggy quagmire. This is an official WANT ADS Get Results WE I1UV AND SELL CUUHTllv eggs according to Ki;,de». w,„ sale and retail. If your cues fresh and clean they will bn'c yon more money. Henderson £ chery, phone #71. — UL HAVE A I-fcAV PADDED ntON nig boards. Also, „limv °*; scarcc items in furniture i» * Sam, White & Sons, next lo >> lli-tf WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. lj. O. Falkner & Son, eoal and wood Phone 2t»n. 22 tl ARE YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS and personal effects insured? if not give lis ati opportunity <i( lotting you know how little it costs to cany this protection. Catcs Insurance Agency. Phone Hi Ml, lloriu-r Building. For Better Insurance at a Salving. IH-tf LOST MONDAY CANVAS COAL basket. Kinder call phone 2(H). 11. O. Falkner & Son for reward. - l-3t ORADEI) AND COL'NTRY KCX eggs lor sale daily at Henderson Hatchery 23-26U WANTED TO BUY A 1940 OH 11)11 car. Will pay lop price. Call Phone 140, W. J. l'arluim, Henderson. N. C. 24-21 USE VITA VAR FOR YOUR NEXT paint job. There is no paint better. Yet it is the lowest priced quality paint in town. Tanner Hoofing Co. 22-tf G1HLS BICYCLE FOB SALE. IMUCE $2il.tHi. Roy Williams, Route 2. Henderson. 2ii-2ti. t HHISI MAS C ARDS: MAKE YOUR selection early from our laige assortment now on display. Niimc impi inte.l at small extra elia ge See our line of gift, for Service Alt n before you buv. A1 ford's Piinling & Office Supply Co. «-tf WANTED CLEAN. SOFT RAGS 2 1-2 cents pound at Di-putch Office. TIKE 11EAI KfU A RTERS—WE HAVE • he late>t official informatinn regarding tire inspection and application for new tires and tubes Let us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tl GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything fur your taoie. We deliver unci sa\o you time. Phone 4:i!». Always ready l<> serve you. Herbert's Yellow Front. 25-tf | WE HATCH AND SELL THE VERY best h;iby cl;n-ks. Yon should tell I u* now when you will want yours. There will be plenty ot mash and grain lor layers ibis year and next. Henderson Hatehery. 27-2liti CABBAGE PLANTS THOUSANDS ot home grown plants |i>r ,s;ile nt Henderson Hatchery. 22 6li LOST SOMEWHERE IN HENDERson Saturday: 10K yellow gold small eameo pin. Kinder please :cturn to Mr. 15. E. Moss. Li beta I reward. Phone 3102. 23-311 WANTED FORD. CHEVROLET, or Pontiac Car 193U-38 Model. See u> it interested in cash. AdatntRichards Flint. Co. Plume 23-tf •LOST SATURDAY AFTERNOON : limn my (arm a brown mule with lialter. Finder notily Junious Eaton. Oxford road. 21-2ti FOH SALE THREE USED PIANOS m giind condition. Just been overhauled. Guaranteed to gne satisfaction. Also piano tuning and icpairing. J. K. Collins, phone 3712 (near Epsom). 23 3ti Foil SALE TO 1SE MOVED OFF l"t one and one half story house in good condition, located on back ot lot next to Henderson Grocery Co. If interested see 11. T. Morris. 23-Hi FOH ADEQUATE PROTECTION buy sitlloinobile liability insurance with medical payment coverage. Call our office for revised rates. Insurance Department, Citizens Bank and Trust Company. 23-tl GOOD USED CAIIS AT HEASONable prices. A look here will convince you that these cars arc priced to move. Fords Plyinoiiths Chevrolet*, 1934's to IS» IO*s. Candler •Palmer Motor Co. Ii»-tf OFFICIAL, T 1 II K INSPECTION Station. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged. f»ul( gas and oils. L. T. Harris Gulf Service Station, Garnet! and ll"f" tier Sts. phone II98-W. 26-tf WANTED—BOYS OVER 14 years old as Carrier Salesmen. Those employed must he able to pout $10.00 HontlGood routes with good Pi,v for the right boys. -A Circulation Manager Daily Dispatch A SUP.SCHIPTION TO •THE PONY Edition of Time" or "Newsweek s Battle llaby" may be sent t<> soldiers oversea* without a re(|ticsl letter. Call Henderson Book Co. 22 tf INSI RANt E — RENTALS Ileal Estate lb>me F'inancmi! Personal and courteous attention to all details. A I,. H. WESTER Phone 139 McC'oln Bldg

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