Hdiw Akea*K» Off it* An Hark Start Will Re Speeded In Next • <*w Weeks For F:n.:l Ruving AROUND i ; \i5n\>L SQUARE r- IV- - \: T ;) .r. i» ft iIri:* h 111 Th» %,ir -\.»t'4*1 litnvi—il.ih'ir.h \ .-lit * i . \l' A I i ciiiid iiu nnafim.imo vi.u'.i.oti .1 :in. licit..'.i IjiKiim-. apiuuvu:. SI' .)«•". !'' ;iv ii. wmuIJ like . • 1*1.1..! *•1 •< •.,.«• I'll I .till! V i ■ ■ •. Ili» Board >'i CoitiiTvutiun anit ■ >t vel i limit would oc to see iiun ViSE-t'iJAl'K K v ty t, it> (!o\ i !i.>: I! o .-.'iltirt takes ;t Iimi ..in N-..\ h i*iii!io> bark v. :.li . . V iMVi. ii. i.iiwi tun- in- iuis )>: ■:Ulv. it f : I - v 11 or line In- !».« i» .1 •.l| .ll.- tit I.«U ' I.»;»i ;i t:'i;» t" \!:t ■ : ' llil > ! . In- r. IHirtt'd ii he had a lot of fun kkiJi >l. i;i. . i ii },.i\ i. tii*i - .• i'i \\ !|«.|!| i: !l colli n-1 ai' ll' I- • VVillkt ■ •• I'.i 'v !«.(k'n (hi not want iViiiiMI Willkie u> .1 pre orient..'! »•« ''in Ihi v ica 1' i.l ii' l.Tif I- ... iii' . r .1 •i> 1 ! I I•: > ..'1 oi iii t\"« 1.1 • Ht'uii jutrtv." ciiickitl the gove ii* r. C'ASIilMI i "i nviny poim North C ma come complaints in n:ci'«M-i». • 1 !•<-. iilwiii !•< mis fifta 1 ->• vend i»a\«* u !••'! ihat turn- >.■• . mount iv.« ■ three tiuuv tituch . ■ nnt jjurehswes. i' «»I • ">S t<> Isir.v 'l ! • t !. >\ i'i'-, 1.1 loll h, I'nssi re >i used im M'llnif b. I ii. mi I- < I'fllt ti i". 1 - \|1I lo lilt 1 • .11 O "• akc .1 ll «\\" I V Mil' ill 1* t - »•»:- in -in- . ■ 1 !! . , II.V 1 1 'l .«• I !'i .iMll > I :■ ' ' ; . I lot 1 ..I • •! llt-l !»• tol» .it; t Two • • I • ■ t ill. ' < It ! I ;■ 11 ;ii. • ' • It»MI .f \ < 11 .i- 11H .*1 ! • ••• 1 ■ •■* I >..«• '... 1 . . : . .. right 1. ■ . 1:11>. III.. - ..!i | .hilt . : I . • 1 1. a IVlTt . '. v : 1 t> • • llitig lit ..it il i!wi . A'' 111H nr •!'•• 'y ■ .1 !. ..• • 1. 1 ':ibli*hmi i'i N1 . "ii .1 111 a ••. 1 am I' ! '■ til . ' • .t . . 1 lit . 1 . ' . ' . t:it«»n». ■ Su;: . : i< >d • • • ullM? h i ail i'Iio •- tin.1 ' v 1V1' ■: " ' t l il- . NWITiJAl. I; 1 . ity : . 1 il .\ 1 > . i 11 In I'M 1 ! :!.«> . * I Ill Hit /.. . ..i'.i . .• 11 it i..i \\ In. . • • , - 1... : . ri.f pas-iilv: -liili I! t I>1 f.t r.il ■ . 1 Hit ti. . V III . ::ul id:..!!.. (i i'i 1: . .'Ill • I • III' I'I : : |. . ' 1 ;*• things t ... ti'.- nbout but :i 1 • main i- ..-.' • : uittg liiv vv;u* iitut tiii'in v:t . filter. WISE - ! r 11'val.' r. 1 \vi: 0 and -1ii man wh > nrnl ■ it was a.-iti-d . per;nif? 1011 i" i Mini jnul parade. Wi'.ii cheers ol ' We're be iiiiui vou. we're behind you tin < !i<. r leaders led tl". hotb.i'.l teat .i.hI < liiehos to the plat I n in uiul iS« • monstrntcd their faith in the abilr-. in an< John McCrimmon. and Hie tootbal I»<•>■ -. Several voiced an upini on a !v»v ln< big Kami' with Oxfori; wouk (!<> today and both coaches made ; short pep talk. Following tlic rally in the hip , school, the student body inarcni i ti'.nitigii ilii bllsilii seei'"ii ol .• i\vf: where the -treet was lined witi spcettii'.rs to sic t}jo dcnin:i-t ratio; ol team loyalty. 'I'hcy M ipped in tin liter >>l t «\vn for mine cheer* am « :13s. The hit;). school band and tin drum and htiyic corps led I lie stoo, 1 Hi; in ehool songs. The piili ile end' 'd il .luni'ir 111 eti school with .t -i Ixitilii'i*. Ilave Prayer Meeting New Sandy Creek prayer meet in, band will meet .il the home ol Henr,. I>.• uifl on route 2 lie del 011 Saltn day evening. Greene Faulkner an: Paul Faulkner will he 111 charge o the program. The public i- invite; to attend. From 15 to 45 days are needed t cure ham before smoking, and fron 17 to 30 days tor bacon. WEEKLY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Unities for Tlianksfcivinf, Nov. Home «. 1012 Team Score Tulsa-Arkansas 40-7 Hro\vn-Col;;ate 0-12 Frank -Mai shall-Dlickncll 0-127 Peim-CorneU :;4-7 Okla A. & M.-Denver RNP Furl Bennmj;-Mriii|.his Nav. D.Vl* Xavier-Miami 1O.1 PNI* Mo. Valley-Warrensbtirg 21-14 N C. Stale-N. C. Navy 7-l!» l'lali-St. Mary -! DNI* Vanilerbiit-Tenu Poly f>2-0 Texas A. & M.-Texas i!-1J V. I\ 1 -V. M. 1. 20-<> Curulina-Wake Forest 14-22 * 14-0 Duke-Buinbridge Navy PNI' Calil'.-Del Monte P-K DNP Camp Davis-North Carolina DNP Colo. Coll.-Colorado DNP Georgia Tech-Georgia 0-01 Great Lakes-Notre Dame 1U-1.1 Minnesota-Iowa Navy 0-7 I-at'ayclle-Leliigh 7-7 Nebraska-Oklahoma 7-0 North Carolina-Virginia 28-1.1 Kicc-Southwcstcrn . DNP So. California-U. C. I... A. *-14 Texas Christ-So. Methodist 14-C, N. M. A. & M.-Texas Mmu 0-G1 ?*OTfc.—DM' means did not play c.ich other in 1942. Far Heels in Ail-Southern Bid Saturday ^ Chapel Hill, N„\ 25, The North t r I'll'VCIl. oh st:il)d.-> An i.'i fload dm national griil • iu IikIsiV. ■ . MVOial -tar- ti.. ■ making ; :<■ imat hid* i<». I S...||||. I II ' \ t., \ . !'■•'!» S.itirriav. * '■ ,-;iro ,'i' he .ra-. the " est "1 1". A) :ny ... i N;u\ !i! < !.'ll(\i. alUI !'i> nwtl in. '•111'.-- ,<>tt III* ■■'i.ilil "lluikl* ;r V t'!i \ rti HI Ihf mm: :\v." I' • I.':' 11« o! • will I ke tiwir linal lis ' 'ni l', .m i Ii'iivc »<> lv,s al ..• > .:i r /.IV. K --!i.ti Will l><- .1! l-'iirt'inan t.ela .'I Satliriiav. and a near-oapaeily rnnvd i* i?x|H.i'tod to >iv li'i <• rival- resume then ! .ed M'l'il'S. l«i- i- 'i'.hI nj: Ihf wln>ii* i li.h in ' .la! -I'nfiil:', ami rn !imi». bat »;•!>! . (I . tar i X-\ ir.uilll. .-la: v. i..i • ccn w.f.'ud ■ C..i .i | i:; <• •!):; 11 iu.i v !i> old 111.1I1-, t has Uh» «N«» ! Ildvulltutiv with I" I mI II i «• i. i. > Ii> : y i •i ih» . \ i' .>:i * . !nri 1 M \f. .. h..-^ \ lit ■!)«• Tar ! ■ ii«. '• I't'iHNiUnlj lh - iiU that lltc> J I will nwd iii Ik* .ii Uh'Ii wsl att'-iusl I the Cavalier*. I "Tliev l).i» e one >>l !K ri . • iii Virginia." he ixiintiii out t •"III furl, their OIK Cotleji« id the State wn* tu Rich! u» d. ! ..n haw they jtet Keyed ;j> for i as ilism. and | 1 know they'll be i . li.iin Sat ri »r« t ! i ii Tech iwltt saved the IV'in t;. le: I lialpti Slrayitorn .• nci Kii(i i i i; ie, i i. \ AIIK •|>!i-H(«.ithe .• :• i in.: ; i k. , Itr'ly M;-er . wl'.i. >i-| Grorgc I lodges, mid from Norfolk, who did some iiie I Work adaiiwt Duke i.' ' week. • the ; isnly Virfllui boy on the • iiuul i»: le C■ ritite#. but ii*.".' utility I • •man, .• Irant ncavoj LCrieitlosi. This will bo Caroli • ii: t ap' | e. i:i Xorl'oV.; - are I :•;>!!. Vie ii»-.«' ii rd ii.it v vi .Jh.it I..-. "i5 v« . I . Only She childre-i :t:id sisintViiil ilien > the kiti! ..11.i '.ii-.' i'i 'i1.-.! I ftrann !•. the 1'iiiwv ■ Wales may iie u.lhd prince I" pr ii'c.s) in 1 (' «,:t I'.i i'.ain. C'liieajso l« the world") jjwvter rail|i>;ni eciitei'. Adopts 0. 5. ArS^ ICE CHOW, Chinese boy liberated Ironi the Japs when U. S. f,,m.a ton!: a Pacific island, lias giatefu'lv "adopted" the U. S. Army—t . ,,'e. ciall.v its GI shoes, in which he llopj about si» proudly that he wears ti:i::i i vin into his bath. Signal Con* photo (lntvrr.nl '.null WHEN YOURi BNJQVtm voor D/msn YOU HAVE PLENTY TO BE THANKFUL FOR! Thanksgiving, 1943, is different from th •» Thanksgiving of every year past . . . from the first celebration when the New England settlors gpve thanks for their plentiful harvest and the blessings of the new country . . . from the celebration during the depression years when the theme of the holiday was hope for food and jobs for all. Today we thank God for being alive and string in mind and body . . . for the privilege to think as we please ... to live in a democracy. We are thankful that we can work and sacrifice with the knowledge that we are on the side of mercy and justice. We have plenty to be thanful for! FURNITURE COMPANY, INC. HENDERSON, N. C.