WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU ... OUR DAY OF THANKSGIVING IN THIS WAR-TORN 1943 WORLD ||\ emember the singing happiness of waking up of a frosly meriting when you were v?ry young and sniffing the good smells of turkey and all the fixings drifting up from the kitchen? Even then you fensed a difference between that day and other "turkey for dinner" days. You learned that all over our land the day of Thanksgiving was bringing Americans near to each other and to the ideals and traditions of 'he generations since our Pilgrim fathers. A wonderful thought .to hold close and warm in your heart—inspiring then and through each succeeding year. Wherever they are this year, our boys in service will remember nil the thing? that make i'o an American Thanksgiving. These are the ich'alf. that they are fight'ng to preserve . . . these are the traditions you and all of us here at home are privileged to keep alive and untarnished through unsettled wartime years. You'll observe the day with a '.ruly thankful heart despite the empty places at your table ... if you'll remember that it would1 be far fur worse to live a life « mpty of the American ways that we believe worth fighting for!